HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-07-26, Page 11, , f, a r > . T IDE WI 1 I A1 1'IMES VOL, XXTX,---NO, ] N7. WINGHAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JU14Y 26, 1901 $ A YEAR IN ADVANCE AAAAAAM. AAAAMM/VtAAA/tP,AnA NO PAPER EXT WEEK, C1lowDED STR Ta.-- Oil Saturday a>Elul al 11t4?fEts, o - _ night last Josephil s street was crowded Rev, R. Robbs will be home next : dVainner ° ➢ , with i eoplp, Tb - favorable weather week and will uduct the quarterly t?DThe , .I rs will to a its aunualboli- forfarm work lir l lea t the eo le at il P people services ixr the Tethodist Church au day nest week, The will be. no issue honle during the eel; and all the shop- .Sunday, August h. - ~ under the date of gust 2nd. After pial; was left till Saturday night, The the well known three weeps of bar, work on voters' street looked as tlxcugh Wingham. had Rev. rather 'Vest, S, been celobratiitg and popular priestof Goderich, has. been 4 ts lists, eto,, we feel tl at. we need a few in poor health for :ome time, and spent Be sure you let the days' "rest Our 'ob — artment will be SaturdaySaturd ! ! S t day ! t ! o t t k S J ' .ate. p . ay It.tu xe pas VV- w s at t, oseph s open its usual, and ,rderS for printing $5.00, $4,50, $3, 0 S e or $2,50. Reg- hospital, London,: His many friends best and come to fj 4 ular $2,60 and $2,25 s for 1.00. See will receive prompt tteutiau.. We will our'Bargain Winciotd" fo itturday, will be pleased t know that he has CEDg A fine collection to select muni, &Co. materially impro, d, and was able to T from and the valves are also be leased to eceive payments on , - U N g' R PRI Tight. Come and sae for p 1 y return horde last v ok. ,j' ..! YYIIB yourself, subscription and q .tor aCCOtlnte, Z.'lle SI:CU121;D A PATNN J. MaeMath next issue of the T IBs will be on Aug, has received or t s week that he has Rev. Mr. Patte 'son, of Schomberg, j /® 97 piece set ......... . . .....$ 6.50 D 9tb, been granted a pat it on an improve- the now pastor of t ,e Z iugham Baptist J L"s°1 SS I Good goods, 3 colors. ?r went to a neck-yol centre which he church, preached les inaugural sermons • has had pending at t e in that Church o Sunda . last. Mr. t DRUGGIST ry p g patent office for y '° C 97 piece sets . , 7.60 Patterson is a you r man, and is said to a " t)a *1 n < $3.50, $10A0, $12,00, New Ties! New s I t New Ties ! some time. The im rovement on the C What a sutpris . es, we have the neck -yoke is a comp to arrangement have been very po ular with the people i 100 piece sets. , ..... , , . , latest in Stria ,Bows, etc. . See our at Schomberg. T o TInIEs has much • • 12'60 j new Tubular String. Hanua & Co. ATr, MacMath will nett be able to put it g pleasure in weico ning Mr. and Mrs. ® ® C pa the patent, to t when l e has secured a for it. i f 4u t1SC C 120 piece sets , , ........ , , , ,$16,50 Elliott, atant, and $18.50 HORSES FOIL T1IE LrST.—J. J. Elliott p Patterson as rased ntseof our town. ID V. S. leaves to -da, with a car load of Stratford Presb text' minutes hays;— his your cattle will. horses for Manit a.. Mr. Elliott goes as AFTER A BRANOII LAiLRoAD.— Kin- cardine is agitating or railroad con• An effort is being ade to erect a church 110t lose in flesh or e as far r Bran nand expects to be g immediately with n the bounds of Mait- A rafqUharso.naway for three eke. nectiott twith Owon So :ud, rho plan is tG lllllh. run a branch of the Cl .rgue system from land Presbytery. As this would in- Last week vE'. received a PilorBuTy C GE.—Councillor New- 'a point at•or near PaL: Head thus lac- .terfere greatly wi h the Monkton con - .Shipment of ton has this weel dfs osed of the Mill- p gregation, Rev. % Panton moved thatWilliams CHINA HOUSE p ing the enterprising B rice tgtvu in direst The Old lStand. < man property o Leopold street to John touch with the h-rgest commercial the Presbytery of aitiaud be requested. Opp. Bank of Hamilton. I Roe, of Morris t wnship,' Mr. Roe in- centre of Georgian Bay, The road would to have proceedin s stayed pending in- Agent G. N. W. Office. Summe VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVyVVyVVVVV tends re`iring a d will move to Wing- traverse townships ,ot set torched by vestigation. Rev Mr. Gralxam moved ham next ?, chin rt'. etre understand raih*ay lines, and could be mutually in amendment tl at the Presbytery of CHAHAMI that the price p d was $1,626. beneficial. Maitland be aska to telco cognizance of d' Georgpe McKenzie Wing Yhaln the matter. .Amu dment carried. KILIGN, p D►DOUR FALL F .cR.—A meeting Of 1110 ReiTIiER ROUNDAI OUT.—Clinton is 24 sunts Has for sale, clxeap, 7 lots on north Directors of the Turnberr A ricultural ' pIIOTOG>tiAl?HLiI y g miles from Brusse 3, yet occasionally side of Bristle Terrace; also 1 lot on Society will be held at the Broadway one has to travel a, onsiderable distance MINO LOCALS. PHOTO STUDIO east side Edward Street and other House this (Fiday) evening, to make to get there. On Monday Inspector Campbell's Hea ache Wafers arae - They are the correct styles pro erties. the final revisio t of the prize list for the . Robb of Brussels -vho was in eed to cure head he. opp, Brungwicl: House, Beaver Block, , f p. p , , Clinton,, Wingham. and are made in very pretty fail fair, to be __eld here on September `panted to go horn To go by the L. H. Photographs at reduced prices still continuing. —No issue of th TLeEs next week. ! , patterns. See them. Who Wants a Farm ? 26th and 27th: Tho prize list and large B. would not br' g him home until —Now potatoes e a scarce article in P posters will be asued shortly, Tuesday, so he we t to Stratford, then ! '. C. GRAHAM Wingham at prese t. 25c and ; 5c Ties for 15c, fa have n 50, ,000 acres f cchoiceaoi farm ds DOUBLB MniALLio LI rs.—The tele- onto Listowel a home (a distance g• pr;• iariu^ to enter 5 begs to announce that he is Kinloss, Greenock, Bruce, Kineardine, Huron phone linemen .re at Clinton repairing ; of over 75 miles) r chi his destination —Lucknow Cale onfan games will be more extensively into the Flora. Business, and. and Ashfield Townships. Good lands with at about S ttr,— li u New Era. held on the first Monday in September. that lie is now prepared to supply on short good btnldin s to be sold cheap on easy. terms. and improving he system. Last spring p• notice at lowest price Floral Designs, Wreaths Also n good bglaeksmith shop (dwelling in con- the tom an .onverted the Line from , —W. F. Vanston , shipped a double- and Boquets. Leave your orders at residence rectiondoing a good business, for sale cheap. company DIED IN INFANCY Earnest Johnston, on Francis street, or at Star.••Fhofg $L1idio,, A hotel doing good business for sale cheap. London to Clin .on into a double metallic lufant son of Air. ud Mrs. Jos. Golley, deck car of hogs to t'oronto on Tuesday. Beaver Block. Also a wagons op. A eneral store with large .Straw 'Hats trade, live. villa e. Aliso a large amount of system and th iy are now extending xt bi,.Treherne, Man, died at the home of —Regular wetter. of Court Maitland, money to loan at per cent. For further par to Wingham fl)m Clinton, taus haven + r C. O. F. will be belt this (Friday) even- { tieulars apply to g Mrs. Golley s riot r, Victoria street, on ( y) ( IaII straws 1'eCIUCed. J. A. McIMNZIE a through line from London to Wing- Sunday last, aged : months and l0 days. ing' londyke Insurance Agent, lriolyrood. ham.—Messrs. Jas. G. wart and W. H. The child had only been ill a fete days. $I.00 straw hats for 6oc. 'TxE S. S. R,OUItsioN.—Winghamites Mrs. Golley was h'me ou sit to her Rintoul have mov into their now aurae 75C straw hats for 5oc- GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. should remem r the Sunday school ex- relatives and friend hero a bereaved houses. cursion to God ich, on Thursday next, will lave tine sy mpath of the com- —The, staffs of th Brussels Herald I Nest door to Advance Orrice. Fedoras, latest Styles and in it in their affi Geon. ' and Fordwich Record are holidaying y of all Binds. shades, reduced from $2.50 to See Halsey Park's advertisement. August 1st, ngham's civic holiday y y• g CoriYeetioner Boy WANTBD.=A good smart boy, The train leave inglxam at 9.10 eau 72x17 or JULY IN Et r,=Under' flee 'this week- f Biscilits. Fruit in season. t 1 $I.75• with fair education, wanted to learn the and the fare is 8 c for adults and 45c for heading of 12th o July notes, the —Tho recent exenrsi u to Guelph will ,U ,' 1 .I.HOURS. SeeOIaY x.00 felt hats fol g Apply Clinton Sews-Recor of last week says $ printing business. A 1 at TI)IES children.- The rain will arrive in God- Y next over 200 to e West Huron :.' Rt pricc3 to suit. g of our genial Condu or, John Quirk:'— ' ' 1, Creain in season. 50C. $I .z5 hats for 75C. office. ericln at 10.80 a in., and returning will Perineus Instituto. leave Goderie at 7 p, m. This excur- , Q Breul for sale. d $ t d L. O. L: EsCUR ;ION.—Orr readers Tho northbound L, . & B. train tide —E vans & Perkin , of Teeswater,, A call solicited. . a . Big re UCt1ons til 00 S ari should remember tie big Z. O. L. ex- .siou promises o be largely patronized held over for all hen in the evening to shipped a car load of tittle from here to i aT • g g PP J. W. tS.. s.' EiLL. Shoes. cursion to Sarnia a1 d Detroit about the this year. wait for the speei 1 and Conductor Toronto on Thursday. I ru end of August. F dl particulars as to King's Great Annual Clearing Sale Quirk, finding time hanging neon his Remember, the uuday school ex- —Six carloads of cattle tCgro'l>ilrod date and rates will a given in our next o o issue. commences Saturday, July 13th. Every haucls, sought tot little diversion in department full of barmaids, You can't trading hat,,, ndeavored, but in cursion to Goderieb ori Wingham's a from 49inglittrn ou Wec nestlas*. Jo`Itri ` as .lie avoid making money. Small,folders give p Paisley that `slashing vain, to persuade I citric holiday, August 1st. + ;+ Scott, of Listowel, hipped Avb c t fos c; WoarrN's INSTI OTB.—A meetingof detailed list o red letious. sector his —The carpenters hive things almost and Burchill and bertsoliTono{c4 i`t tL WINGHAM. rho Women's Ins tote twill be held at Terms cash G. E. KING. (Quirk's) two .tyfive qnt straw iti readiness for prtt ig the roof qn the the home of M s. Wm. Linklater' on woula be a fatir ext Ian a for rho other's NUPTIAL- On Wednesday of tii:s g new Methodist chart t. —Andrew Hood of t mll'S. his vt ek`iesl nlarria a Licenses Friday, August . nd, when bread and g fed¢ra but file Ins ctor could not see week a very plea -ant and interesting it that iva y . g This ", enial conclncL•or is —Mrs. John Glenn of town, fell clown showed the editor f the TInIES an egg, I laid by a Brow Leghorn hen, than p ' r eheesemakiug arc to be discussed. All Issued by FRANK PAT17190N. No. 28 Victoria t 1 O t No witnesses required who are itnteroste _ in the institute aro . time was spent a the residence of Mr--. tlno greatest olli on the Z. H. & B. W Mitchell 80r 0 Sf'T.Ot the oC ( chelladi• otndtiPocinesday cutting tier right j measured 6xh x 8 inches and weighed wree .Wirt lam, n , - an ba .y across thi, palm. 8 2 oz. requested to attad; ,meeting to om- and a Horn swa)_ier. He leas traded casion being the itidg in the, bonds of a suit of clothes ' vith Jack Swarts of. —Anyone leaving a good house to rent, —By agreemel amongst a largo pro. mance at 2.30 sharp. g b matrimony of hi atoned daughter, Miss in good local' ; •g..l•...;• o ,,, ` a 1. , `-+'t 3••§•`1`.. „ Wingham And, in 'act, will trade any- g locality, can secure a good ten- portion of Go rich merchants their Did you hear about Sale of Lottie, and 'Mr.. Archibald S. -Ramsay, 7. Remnants in Musl' s rents, Giti r thing except his C_ T, R. uniform and' ant by applying at the .CLtxEe office. stores will close very Wednesday after - :II• a hams ' 6- of Plattsville, co tnty of Oxford. The "does „ -. Fall Term Beans Sept, a7 -F` , Shirtings, T ds and all other if he •does you is will be so good —In the window L " M. E. Zurbrigg's noon at 1 o'cl ck during July and •II• ends. A time fors s. Half rice. ceremony was prformed by Rev. D. August. p naturedly that yaa cannot but 'cin in photograph gallery ay be seen pictures gu A business course such as you can get + R A & CO. Perrie, who, by Cv way, camp specially the laugh against %ourself." of students of the )'Sullivan Business m our school will train you for business to perform the interesting ceremony g " v e4 A GOOD SHOW G. Twenty-nine College. GENEIt 11L SPORTING. g. from Plaque Isle, - tVpbsence of aboutpupils of the Wi ham public schoolTO MIZE A COLD Ili ONE DAY —James L. Gra census commis- The Winglial and Palmerston base wrote on the extra, ce examination axil forty invited gi s.e,. young couple ,'1' a were unsupported. bride `looked Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All licher for West Hur n, has received the bbl clubs will lay a league game on :1. •1• all were succAss ul. Fifteen Of the drn gists refund the money if it fails to cure clue hes for the a umerators in his the Wingliam pa k, on Thursday, Aug. This. beautiful, being ocomingly attired iu a E. vrd, drove's signature is on each box. tie. q , number passed with honors. handsome dress ot while silk organdie, division. 8th• and good business prospects will melte speaks well for th ,pupils of our school, truumed with rnlson anti chiffoli Taco to —G. W. Slaughte , of Flesherton, has Wingham ah Wroxeter football '.II1•' anyone's future bright. Tho .g. and is also a sp did recorit for Miss + c i :g. •II• match. She hada her hand during the Win ham S Leading Shoe Store. been appointed Pria ipalof the Listowel I clubs played a ti gauze On the park hers ,.y .t. Robertson, the her who had charge : g J g. Central Business College '•`' of tho ciass, ceremony, a largo and beautiful bogtxet public school. Ther vero about ninety on Thursday eve inb of last week.. The of white roses, avid her hair was bedeck- , applicants, score was 1-1. • Stratford, Ont. ,1, T= BSOADwA-- HOUSE,— The new! ed with carnatio'- flowers. After they —N. Clarke Walla uo, M. P. was again : Thd Wingham. lease ball club will go takes pride in thorough pre aration. ,'§g, landlord, Jas. $x eadway, lata of To- ' were made one, he guests partook of a ''r elected Grand Sorer ign at the meeting j to Kindardiue on civic holiday, August NoVor before in the history o our col- + ronto has ebau et the name of the well- ' sum tuous re as ,. The bride was given l est to play a ine. The Kincardine loge have our graduates been so success- ' g p p g .: of the Grand Orang Lodge of British . y g f itin securer oxeellent situabions lin• ' known Exchange oral to the Broadway away by her fat ter. Prominent among America, held iu To ttto this tweak, j club will play the returit match here on medtatelq onleavingcollege as during s House, The. lice a commissioners for ; the guests from a distance were: Mrs. t i Tuesday, August th. 'i' the present year. : ` It pays to attend a strictly first-class West Huron have ansferred the license Ramsay, sr., m her of the groom, Mie, % < r• —The C. P. R. tvi 1 run a harvest ex - school; it seldom pays to attend the ,,. f O -- ° cursion to Manitoba on the 6th of Aug. Winghamitesa people in this district other kind, t. from J. E, Swart. to Mr. Broadway.anti M:rs.D.Ra a Master Will Ramsay! - 'g' Write for beautifnlentalogue. y' ! It is said that harve. tiers are in keen do- twill have an opp .rtunity of attOnding Mr. Broadway is yell pleased with our and Miss Pat u, all of Plattsville; I mtrind and that 20 001 will be Headed, true good baseball ;amus. The Walker- W. J. ELLIOTT, Prineipal.'gi town and intend, to retain the good Misses Itiamsa}, of Toronto, sisters of , ` o^ 3^; r Wing nam. —Work has been .ommenced on the i ton team will pla with Wingham on .,, a. name that this we 1•known hotel has en- o^a ^ ! the groofn; My s Aline Irwin, of l or- foundation for the itety residence being ! Saturday afternoo t. On Monday after- ++ 3` •`€`+++.•.`.....`... ."'r o`t`..•. joyed for many :Fears under the man- with; S. G. Ward, of Dungannon, , noon, Wingham a sdDrayton teams will. agement of J. E. warts. Commissiouer lied J. P.; Messrs. Ben'. erected V toJ. J. an ott, V. S,, et the ) .- ,p corner of Victoria an Minnie streets. play a league gam Both games called To THE DEAr.—A rich lady, cured of Farm for sale in Turnberry, 3 miles and Frank Mit hell, of Harriston; Mr. -c at 4 P. in. ( from „Win ham corner lot 70 aeres and Mrs. Sanes Mitchell and Miss l , v —'.Che nice shower f rain on Thurs- lnex Deafness and Noises in the Head by cleared, good buildings, _ school on lot, Laura L, Liu ori of Elm i; 14Tr. crud day would do a Brea Ileal of good to Wfhgham base all team played a Dr,, Nicholsons Artificial Bar Drums, league game in Dr ton on Thursday of $4000. Apply to A. Dulmage, real Mrs. W. Som illo, of Bluevale; Miss the crops and pastur . Spring grain's leagu week. Tho Coro was 1;3 to 7 in gaye 25000 dollars to his Institute, so that estate agent, Win ;ham. Sadio and I`ran'_- Johnston, of Lucknow: f and the root crop were sufforing for the deaf people unable to procure the Ear dl `r • 6 ° " tvaut of rain. . favor of Dtayton. The following is a drums may have them free. Address, HAROLD H.. iia ETROiT.--Harold H. Miss Sarah Mholiell, of Toronto, sister extract from a 1 ter received from The Nicholson Instituto, 780 Eftlith won first money ii three straight Beats of the happy b-Ide. The great esteem AWAY ThEV GO. •-hea't'ing in this viol ity is a thing of Draytonafewdays go.-' Altbougliyour in the 2,11 pacin race at Detroit on en which the br .le is held was shown by the past for this season and the excep Avenue, New Fork. Friday last. T (.dobe says of the the numerous presents, among which tionally lunge drop Iia been secured in l'ot's lost the genre, everybody have says they, + race:—' fast at time Of the da Our policy is to clear tlieut out at any ,, aro the fastest to ei two nava run up. WINGirA,u VoTnn LISTS. --The voters y was the groom presumed her with a beanti- price before the ;;et stale good s1 €ipe. Farmers are now busy g year. They anted like made b y a annnst this , -lists for the tow of Wingham have y the Caintdian pacer Harold H., fui and costly dress pin, ornamented Better to scall. the odds and ends when with the fall wheat. „ Moen priiiNd at th Tars offico and were such an impress ve winner at Windsor. with emeralds pearls and diamonds. people WANT them and get part of; t gentlemen, beth on dna off rile field. delivered to Clerl I+'ergusoii this week. fIe had little to reedit, althougl, Balmy L. The happy you g couple wore escorted price than keep them till peoplE dont •---La3t' week the Bra -sols Post eutbred . J. Grrlbaur, of fir Wingleani bas r ball The date of the ret poster was Jul dlxased drier in tie ascend haat in 2.08• from the res* `once to the C) • T. R. want t11em - au<1 all the time after dud upon its 29th year. W. l i. Ilei r leas team tuupir.:d a ngu© game, lieGtveelr fi Y ¢ let thorn go to waste all our shelves. been its editor for the I:Ast twenty y e'1xs. Itarristotl and Pallneistoln at 23rd. Thirty d s from this date are Nothing else in he race could live with station by a 11 tuber of the guests, on That's not our way. Allowed in whit -parties can inake a - him, .and it well be interesting to wit- their houoymo ire trip to London and We keop our stock clean by carving Tele est #s a clad Nape:• and its popular i Iyalnl,`i°st+in on ecluesdny, It 9s p Hess the thiol Inen he first Books up other points b the 3.110 train, been the prices when we wrest to see goods editor is deseVving f Continued pros- said lhar, the I'ahii rstoli'tuaht vc;iS coin` peals. The nulliber of voters in part 1 g move quick. pority, of rho lisp is 4 :2; part 1, 268; part 3, with Dan Patch down the line. Harold given a good at ted -off with a shower of SITE ,OVI'i i3r1I' G 1L' i "TABLE, posed vi players f cin Woodstock and, 152t making a t&al of 662 voters, agaillst H, was a hilt avorite, selling at $100 rico. We, ale: g with the numerous I2i Si MBi;it -rvo sots flee, all rips in shoes he County (essessieZlYt of tlne towns Palmerston and th t Ha>tristonbreed con. 845 on the list e f 1900. The number of against $40,'t friends of the rrwly woddo(l couple es• bought of us, and villages in Bruce is, as follows: siderable asdstane from Clif:ord. The Persons qualifla to servo as jurors is MO*4L'V To Lo. N. 1lienne to loan on tend to themany congratulations, Tkrutiks and. Valises elreal). Walkertott, 605,5001, '14rrtonn $487,085 score was 0 to 1 in or of the Palmer - 202. notes, and dotes discounted them many at reason• wishing then, a long, happy and pros- r _ Xineardinne, $410,950; G`.esloy, 930"0,445; " Hton aggregatiOn. The Winglibm; tomes ablo rates. Money advanced. on, most- perous voyage , over the sea of iliatri• , W. T3o'athanipton, $012,72; ; Port `lgin, has not played an outside ilittii on their loon smz--1 offer for sale my house gages, with privilege, of paying at the m.oln . Aftor, %- em wedding tour they $285,57!); Paisley, V232,10; Luc uo:w, team this Boasoh, ' -hila we believe ever?' and five acres of lat)t1, situate on oncl of ,+any year. Dotes and accounts n their residence in gia'tts• 9OLIt LOCAL 1ML1l1`Y S 'ref x+2V,000; T'eeswater, $ :12,810; Tit%, ether club iat the tigue bas had oatsicla `%'osephino street. eelleeted. Office ---"Beaver Block, Wing., i will take p tree„ „ e t $ E CaAs. Gimuspilt. herr. Rom. X0114boo. v111A. tltbYa tIIW $154,81.10; Tiverton, Oltl 7. assistance. ,M x. . w lotW G i ,, t