HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-07-19, Page 8THE WINGHAY TIMES, JULY 19, 1,90 1.
' PF-R6QNAI.$4 TWab A crud Side* �">ur:" WALKER BROW, & RUTTQR
We s}hill be glaa to leave contributions to rothers, gross n men flan•, .are fOntl ;
thiscoluina from any of our r+etiders, If you
Of sitting down and comparing hast exp''• UNp�I;TAISERS:, WINS31lAM.
havo visitors or purpose going'Melly ,ourself, , deuces, One particularly happy rce0lee.
ctrap.fn aria tell us, ur sella us a not to that tion is this: Buse., or Fifth
unite Macdonald bloaklouse.3ho oWhy p,
.Ntixhk galla. fit Button do we Advortise
M10% INDOO effect. There - door 'oath of Sahaal kF
.Liter' was an old 'cies' Tutu Ili the at-
.tic, p
which, as boys, they greatly destred R Wide AwAke
Mayor Watson, of Ltistowel, was in to possess. One of them, Toni by name, �T'�' �� �l1�IlltllA tike '
town oil Wednesday. sought his mother and begged her to stye �4,� ... _ ...
It to thein.
Master Fay. Patterson is visiting with 7'I dont believe I can, Toin," said she ^^ ^^-^ Da we do it tar fan or for business
` V '' his 111101' in Riuca,rdine, regretfully. "`I should like to, but I'm Iden and Boys to pull. P'laat It's rather ekpensive when we do it, for fun,
LY afraid I enn't}° It's a fond investment When we do it for business,
AIr, and Airs. Chas, K1lechtel *vele +'I;ut 1el)y,+ulother?° urged Tone:,. "lou �tucbQp#i�un�Uii'tUflcri�Htioul`oTiLe11iicrt+�ajki, �
visiting friends in Goderioh this week. dont Ilse it. Apply t° � E
Airs. J. J. Clegg,, of Brandon, Mani- "'�ei \vc don't use it." AMOS TIPLING,
""rllt?n lvhy won't you give It to us?" wTngham, Ont, p� ` U
t0ba is visiting her mother; Airs. Tucker. `"l\'ell, dear,:' said the mother gently SPR1�1 Gr �� � Q
Will Moore, of Toronto, is visiting "`I'm afraid yea and Ben will get toguar- . . YOUR BF4D .
� +1 Q � S�itl1 relatives and old friends in Wing- re"Oi ono, we � �e
.� g Do you put it thexo merely to hold
Oh, no, we shaft t, erred Tom Gager. RBAL ESI`�1.'Ct AGENT. hath, ly, "You needn't be a fait afraid of that, up the mattress or to make the bed
Miss McDonald, of Godeelelt, is visit- tuotlter, I won't tet Bon touch itl"-- comfortable 10
Thesr� goods will vein your Ing \pith relatives and old friends in Youth's Companion. � $800 Handstme .cottage oil Iwater. . r o °5 , .:
Stable.liara alta ,`elft water. A. `� e have saCin„S i>,t �1,.. • They Will
{ beatitifttllo5, That's VViTlghkLm, hold up a mattress, Phot s all we can
°admlratlori oil first sight and I>:o�P ,pplcr" 5uga1(1 Be aEntcn.. Lar>;t+30 ,nom fronto house; t\va
their beauty won't tilde in the Mrs, Jas, McRelvie spent this week ,apples, t0 be really 'ieneficialrtuhould $1300 lots, stable, fruit; beautiful corner say for theta,
• with her triune, Mrs.Wm. Jobb, of be cateu as children eat them, 1 d and property. Ona bebricked. �� r
i'vash, Muslin-, In best color- all, and in sufteient quantities to be satin, 1500 Park lot of about 5 acres, 8room HAve a woven wire spring with supports at $2,50, Recommend
rurubtilwy, housot stable; near• iron,vorks;a these, They're comfortable, durable, satisfactory, Which is the best
Ings and styles, Prints,. Gin - fying, .Lite Mian who, first flaring off the verydeArable healthy houso, y
9 Miss Sutton returned. toheriu Toronto Skin and with it the best part of the flesh, 9Cfi ouch will buy two handsome cot. luvestpgent ?
hams and fine cotton material this ween after a visit with her friend, dallies with the residue of an apple after 1 iIUU tiles onEclwnrd streot, Cost that
$1200 ' to build.
.�9—� .!
in spots and tlorta,l effects. Mrs. T. H. Russ. dinner is no true apple lover. I believe Two lar Blots; stable; fkrtelalgo �� �
that the ferment germs which reside onhouse Mvitgli till conveniences. Doi-
Mr. and Mrs, M, E, Zurbi igg and the slain of the fruit and play the most ated on the banks of the Maitland,
child spentSttuday1titk Azr.Ztlrbrigg's prominent part in the conversion of the 1.0oO AsnaponMinniestreet, tlreploa- UNDERTAKING—Our extensive e'xperiece warrants
E r< Sale
¢ parents at LisLow 1. expressed juice of the vintage varieties NN u snmest residental streot in 1.
An 101,1Q1taill Sale RI into cider tire themselves aids to diges- will buy 900 acro far 5;5 miles us in calling special attention to this , Branch of our. business. ,
s Joe Yoahill, of Winnipeg, is spending tion. Certain it is that to those w110 are $4500 fronrtheflottrlsJring ' n.ef wing You will find us, prompt, reliable attentive and efficient,
a few hulidtt •s with his parents, Mr. and accustomed to them, and who Oat thein }rant• School , tot, goodb Ilhouse, e; 80 P P +
3 P - burn, sheep house, ho on tel h"oir House; sb
.. Airs, Sattti. Yuul1ill. skin and all, no fruits are so easy of di acres cleared and tME
al balance timbered LUTHER E R BAY, ,, Funeral Direbtor.
L" Lj r ass ll.s gestion as apples,—C, IVT Radcliffe Cooke. and uncleaned; sia li covering; valggple
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Morin and children, land a decided ba s for an enterprising Residence --Patrick St., 11Ir, Gracey's late residence.
eoung farmer; bui n s cost more than one-
of Uuntrual, were guests at the home of , Family Jar. half price asked.
Buy cine of these fine para- Thus. Bell. this week. She-You'ro just like all the rest of the [C(jo Ono of the best 100 acre farms in _
we'veX750 the fine Township of Howick, large ---• ____ _ _ _
sols andsave
your complexion 'tilos
L. Varney, Of Toronto Was visit- year, , an Here
3ou never k ss me unless Il ask barn; well improved, ands nia hdigis'tate ut X000®OOAOOO�OOOOOlP00000�00<D00A000000040000�0900000��♦
H Ing with relatives and friends in town you to, cultivation. +
.and, your mon-y too. We • ;
for a few days this weep. 1:1c Huh! You're just like all the rest {{fi�n Corner...farm, 100 acres, 3 miles •
bought a very lar;-e stock of of the women. You never think to ask $41100 from Wingliam; school on lot• 70 ♦ � ��� ��
A. Butchart, editor of the Teeswater acres in good cultivation. h-- +
Inc to kiss you unless you want money, 4
samples cheap. Thev are Nees, Was ill town 011 M011dBy and gave eellenfr value, Easy terms. +
cry beautiful In )�(,ht shades. the TiZics afriendly Call. Many doctors assert that nobody should +
ever run. Perhaps the messenger boy ♦ s
We• put tlletll in two lots t0 Mrs, Jos. Kincaid and children, of �l +
has got the right principle of long life 0
,Glen,}-,. Chicago, are visiting in Wing-ham, the atter all. -
Lot No. z—Parasols worth guests of Mrs, G. E. King. The undersigned is now prepared 0 � Recd-,hptlon
A man never snows until about si,c db all kinds of work in the way of gen- +
00 fur $f-50- John Wilson, V. S., left town on a
' 5 Tuesday morning for a few weeks visit runntlrs after the wedeln just how Tnaur' oral teaming: 4 `
NO. y g of bis n tie's relatives he did marry,- Gordan Plowing attcl cillo, work will
Lot NO. 2—Parasols worth to different parts of Manitoba. receive prompt attention, •
Atchison Grebe. such as is being prepared for the •
4.00, $5-0b, $6.00, for $-. oo.. Mr. and Mrs. John Porter and children All orders left at Los fiv l receive ♦
• livery stable, or at my house will receive O
He 1Vaa a Single Aima, prompt Duke of York well cost a
of Flashing, Mich. are visiting with Mr. rom t attention. •
SPECIALS g� JULY Porter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Alex. "No," said the landlady. "We cannot I t�� G. GRAY. � great + �
�!lifi�SS 6' eJL 1 accommodate you. �'Ve only take in sin. q.
Porter. gle gentlemen." ♦ amount of money..
'Boots and Shoes• odd sizes wort Misses Jennie and Maggie Cargill, of Goodness:" replied ilii. Ainlryat, I -OURS BRED IMPORTED CLYDESDALE
�, 9King'sDuluth are visiting "Wil
l� htit makes ,von think I'm twIns't" X Stallion, 4 + �
82.00, .,3 00, for $1.25, J. D. + g with old friends in riiilade:";.iia record. + +
make, good quality; black and tan; Wingham, being theguestsof Miss N. ..� ���+� ®�L'�'Q We have a Right Royal Lot of +
last year's toe, goon ebapee. Dinsley, T -..-- ) + +
Miss Ada Lon has returned from will make the season of 1001, as follows: + the latest 'up-to-date Glassware
Long FARM/eent'
L. • + p-
200 vde Print and Pique,, regular gem tville for the holidays, accom- MONDAY.-Will leave his own stable, Swarw + • P y 'I havedecidearm beauti-' hotel, and roceed to John Casemore's ust arrived, consisting of Vases10c, July 7c. paned by her friend, Miss Edna Phelps, full situated ing Town of Con. 2 Morris, for noon; thence toBelgr•ave+l'X00 yds wile Shaker Flannel, of Delta. Wiu ham contres suitable 1orniylrt' + Hyacinthe Glasses Rose Bowls.. r 1' , TUESDA —Will �pproceeed to Geo. Robert- , ,
8c Jul o for i'artnP• for building son's Con. 10 Eflst Wawanoslr•for noon•+
�'Ed. CtltlerA of Goderich, visited With g pthence to nr. Beecroft's, + Uou. 12 Por20 Stlirt Waists, very fine and lots. soiland is well ni ]rt + Trays, Iisuit Sets, Table Sets ♦
his cousin, 011ie Jenkins; this week. Mr. watered with three wells and two � + y '
Cheap. WED�EaDAY.—Will proceed to his own stnbio ♦
Specis is i a };,n broideries, Laces, Cutler was on a wheeling tro n Go• erich overflowing Springs. There are on the where lie will remain untilThursda morn-
to Mt. Forest, a p premises a food brlal� !louse, beak barn Y Flower Baskets and Epergnes.
Gloves and [Iosiery• and all necessar outbuildings. This, THUI BDAY.—Will roceed to Bluevale for +
y g noon; thence to �9T'alker House Wrometer,
`Shop early at Master Kenneth McKenzie has return. most desirable property I offer for: sale for night. • 4
ed to his home in Mouktou afar a visit at a bargain: FRIDAY. -Will proceed to Albert Gallagher's, O
Gemmills Corners, for noon; thence via with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. STEWART, Wingham. OthggCon.Turnberry,tohisown stable for �� ; g Geo:112°Kenzie.rO.,SATUIirDAY.RD 1 day at hills own stable. PIIERSON + UIRIFF +
111,. and Mrs. D. H. Marshal, aCCOm' ? Prop., Milbrook. D Manager, Wingham. +. `
_ panted by Mrs. Chas. Barber and little --
-. daughter, spent Fynnday in the neighbor- Municipality Turnbe of the TaW hip of . OOOOa+00++4.00000+040.+0460 *O�J044-0+400?4+.0..440OOOd4 G+
• t�� t: \vhxt;:,li. hood of Wingham.-Listowel Staudard, Turnberry, in the aunty Real
(� �gcnq
of Fluro �U
.....tarr;cu, u£ Philadelphia, Mrs. H. Clark, of St. Louis, &1a., and WANTED ��R� •�®� ����. '
PA.,. is si,uiruini; a few b-Aidafs at the Mrs. Walter Scott, of Toronto, are visit- T Rubber Fountain Pon. Send 10 AR
NOTICE is hereby g en that I have trans- O �jT3 cants silver n stamps p
Itome of his father, Finlay Anderson. ing with old friends in Wingham, being mitted or delivered to the persons mentioned r p or sample.
insertions 8 and of ' Phe Ontario Voters List li U NT ER & CO. Gl2W.F}fthSt.CIneinnati, O The undersigned offers for sof° his farm, lot
Rev. Dr. Robertsnn, Superintendent guests at the home of their brother, W. Act,"tln000pies ec uedbynaidsections tobe WINGHAAI. 11,con. o",7'nrnberry,containing 95 acres. Upon
of Missions m tho 2r'orthwest, accom- W. In les. go delivered Or r rsmitted of the list mage the premises are cod buildings and is welt
g pursuant to saic et, of all persons a earin + g g
anted by 11is ti\'ifa are visiting at Fin- . I b the last rev}, d Assessment Roll of ttie sat 1! wa.tared. Wiirdinill for pumping. For terms
g Mr. allC1 MTs. Will �iCInt0811 Of pp _ J and particulars apply to
Mtticil ashy vi be contused to vote in the said
Tay Anderson's. Baltimore are visiting with friends in I Municipality at Elections for Members of the JAS ELLIOT,
" 1 Legislative Assembly and at Municipal E}ec- &A Bluova}e P. O.
4 Wingham. Mrs. McIntosh Was for- tions; and that the said list was first postedrip �` L.
merl a Miss Kin and resided in Wince I at mv' otHee, at Bhtiev€le on the 15th da, of I tl � � � � ��mm9 �w �p . � p , p � sfa n � � � r
1.ELe31i<ki L. 3' R b' J'aty 1901, and remains therefor inspection. /''i t,.J () �4�
ham some fifteen years ago. Electors tire called upon to examine said list, having added a separator to their plant, now
4t + Mr. William Witt son, wife and family, and it any omissions oe any other errors are Office—Corner Patrick and Leopold Sts. oiler } * °^
fit spent Sunday With friends in White- J. T. Kelly, assiSLatlt Sur erintendent found therein, to take imm,diate proceedings Real Estate and Loan ���lCe-
to have the said errors corrected according to OL1I RIF.EED �1iALIK
church. of the Metropolitan Life Assurance Co. l:rw. Conveyancing, Assignee and Accountant.
g,,.. Dated, Cleric's Office, Bluevale, July 15, 1001
Chits. McClelland shipped two car of New York, who has been visiting at We have to word t0 Say t0 those alio t0 the people of Win ham. Our cows are ka t Money T loan on sewn and farm property.
JOHN BURGESS, strictly clean, , g p Office—Two doors north of Drs. T. & J. i3.
loads. of cattle to Toronto last weak. A. H. Carr's for the past week returned Cleric, Township of Ttunberry. contemplate becoming citizens in this y y clean
so that ice are fumbled to ring Chishohn's Surgery, ffer
absolutely clean milk, iced in summer, during t> y. Residence—Catherine St.
Clegg and Armstrong shipped a oar to his hume in New York on Saturday. - -"` '- s- {, p very busy, live town, that we have on .Tune, Atty and August,
of cattle to Toronto on Monday. Hiss Ella Cornyn, of Hamilton, is efion Sale of Chattel Pro tp hand several desirable dwellings cell- Scents pernuart•, dc}ivoredonce a day. OR JainesLiddiaw, of Morris, spent Sun- visiring aD her home; in town. Miss _1tfally situated for sale. Also 8"J build- d e
day With f rieuds in tho viii age. Uornyu recently successfully passed her , The t dersigned administrate f the estate Ing lots in No. 2 Ward, 18 Of which areMadill
of Arehi sld Gordon, decease will offer for on, Carling St. East, ���� �
Mr, Duncan Allis ori,
Who has been at- exumnlatkaTr tit Httrailtou hu,pital and is sale bypt is auction at he residence in the
tending 11is;h school intGoderich for the linty a fully gnalifiecl suet competent TLINE
own Plot f Win m. n the County of b oil Catherine St. East,
Huron on Sa ,day, th 0th dayy of July, A.D. 8 On Carling St. West. �+ f� pp �yp p1�JCpastsesstutt>retnrueciI1ameoftSaturday nurse, 1901 eat rI o'cloc p.n ih° onn\vingchattel n SEPAOAiO0 1311 BINDEC63W��IL)ronert vii 4 On COT'n n St. South. Hqal �•1 Mr. E, Shorts and Wife are visiting I a 1 1 lumbyer• wage single buggy, l single cut, y Mail Stuamships'' Si)1Lti,ter, 1 pair bob, •rflli, 1 mower nearly new: 1 4 on COruyn St. North.lat Mr. $r.ngonah s this week. horse rake•,1 t oY int harrows, 1 set wlnffie- all of the ver best
IIAnxNBss.—In Cuh•os:+, July 8tir, •he,%Vife cf trees and 1(-yoke, "r s})ring lambs, a And I lot, No. 88, on the East side of y
William Phillips Spent Sunday in John Hurkne:"H, a dant;titer. quantity E household a tots, about 80 hens P aTlaes St„ No. 4 Ward, at prices t0 FROM MONTREAL A N ® quality.
t n c y ttnd of •r tptrticles. y p NEW
54� Y� fl! CA.
Ash;iald. ta<tltalrrn TE soesAr.E.—Cash. suit the conditions of all. d99: ti U dD 9�
' �oi3ll8—$BATTY: Ori JA} 3rd, at St. John's, F •tk;er particulars may be act on app lira- For sale by
t. Berry picking is all the rase this weak. ' Chiu e11, Varna, by the I:ev. kat
Jennings, ti to the undersigned, or to °tin t:urrie, S A iV7 L . Y D U H ILL.
1 Mr. Bear 'is lathingand plastering Miss Annie Beatty of Varna, to Win. Woods of ctioneer.
P a List el Dated at Win ham 11th Jul 1901.
tY g yt For tickets and full information apply
Wan. •Riatson'shouse. DIED. JOHN CURRIE, CATHERINE GO N. t0 Wim.. anne tt
John L. Geddes is making ready for Mary (ie1 Y the lateaWin,' Du nin), aged
10th, 7Auctioneer. Atltninistr rix. •
), • g `;,l ..i.1-W :�;'�_ rt H. DAVIS, Wingham.
an addition to be built t0 his house. Years f' 1 �� l� _ -- .� ••---•r _ -
K ; NGTox.-Iu Mor ria, on Jttly 9, Matthew
Chas. Johnston shipped a car load 0 ngton, in his Goth year.
oattle off his farm on Tuesday last. 1lICiIihtl In Wm!~ham, on July 18 G .ergo Cycle Rac
t t ' ,1% ;, a •ed GO ears and iU months v +a + ! c•y ar s _--�_ ;1' S. t , • ' '
Miss Annie 11eildejohn left on Tae ocnE.-In Detroit, on July 18er, Simon �A r— iti +p ��� �) ,; h DQf'4�
dap morning for Clearwater, Manitoba, i yesrsuo, clon,
e, fc bf Eaht Wawanosa, aged 90 Kk.i n r r .. µ.. til 1 14
to visit her sister, Mrs. 7+ uller,
Any orders for sales left at the TibrEs —ON—
'Valuators Report. office Wi11 receive prompt attention. J. ;,�f••�,1 ,,._
The report of Messrs. Bland and Potts, '• i.: '� -
J. Currie, auctioneer. Saturda Euenin ly 20th ` �„ ,,.
,who valued the rural municipalities, and The following is a list o£ games yet to it, r`''� �`�
uut Pic
Messrs. Campbell and Kilmer, who dila t x'30
" be played in the baseball league :The Canada Oyc an I, otor Co., of Toronto,
similar work fti urban municipalities, have sent a ha a silver trophy to their
25 Harrtston at Palmerston. agent at BI "a c tits rem t to for as per
were handed in at the session of Bruce p d y p ®�' t1I Summer Goods on t this
Conlity Council. Thio present valuation fG Drayton at Wingham. ri'rce tgtUvOL'iui v , oiTsatuidi y ori tt u'g Tiny°
' of real estato compared with that of 188:1 Aug't 8 Palmerston at Wingham. Uth, at 7.B o'clor c. store now.
Tho rules gov.rnias the competition are ns �ZAdg(� of Style
14 wilt •11trrn tLt Tartiston, follows: � -
f lo,v ilio n 1u. _ . _ .. _ .
frill be found )ey , 1 lber of i, 1 Eads ride shall be amateur, according
•� aotcs of each ani. value per acre are also � to the definit' ni of ills t •rms as given by the �ry ��r //_►► pp B
i liven. 7�very ratepayer shonlil clip out 2. All ant c+s shalt is( mn a and•lianded in to will at once detect the sniper- � !� I�
thita.lraragralitl for fnraro rA£eraned. Oh i id ren Cry for the Comm' too tit ]cant thr dayxtnri°r to the IOY1t� of Our made-to-order
Value 'Value (into of tit race on form roOTHIN16"
c tired by filo Com•
Tos. No. acres 1889 1901 mittoft. B �v�L
per act° , 0. SCh, trophy shall be eon 'ted fol weekly gaY111eritS, an all lines 4} �BoOta and Shoes. included
" 01drick F)0,714 2,2vv,700 2,:1137,100 WAS � for •l a isecutive \veeks.
BPant 60,881 2,5013,600 2,582,000 i30.i14 , 4. E• ch contest tolta a hand* p; handicap HIGH ,ARS' TAILORING • this in this react cut rice sale.*
pfnit 0 be done. by Connmitte Or party ap• g p
Bttfe'o 69,811 2,0r`s%wo 1,070,800 20.03 r pokn (,dbysaid0ommittee. is our specialty. We fit the
r n for'u:er Ihlrty xetirs. 5. ach rider mast own and Io either n
�,.ltxron fi£f,8ufi 2,172,800 2,177,650 „7,41
tsaxd. 511,18U 2101.800 15120 45t1 32.80
An Olt'!and -C pll-'.triadBernarl -- [rs .M sr•,q•Harris, C}(veland, Bratttfo d, Welland ITfnCI of abnormal as well as he
3` Y o or C?enclr•on Bicycle.
Culross 56,030 1,822,600 1,868,800 82.90 t V1nAow'Q 4nrathiug'yTuli IIa81)0on ustd. In etch contort rut, thi lfrAt ma to finish Of normal shape, and out, -
91daralie 54,670 1,857,800 1,787,900 82.30 ; foi• ove:tr lift Jeal-H byriril7Tonsof Inothe;rs l i to cnunt 5 points. the sentaui rnnil points, r f �+ �✓ '+' �+ g �"-e+ � '' 0 ��'^'t�
Afton 54,289 1,814,800 1,680,200 31,11 fe)r fist it Wileb n �41ti}A. tentltiTiv 'with is trtlyd rnan 9petnts,thofourtir matt pints prices salt all.
" . nal the ftftlr mau 1 point. No other ri ars to at lowest prices.
. eenork6t1.749 1,71ti,700 1,861,750 25.6ri � per,•fert t:ltrr•phs. • It arulthas the chile, •atlas. (;olY1e along and get one of
� 008 4(',3;13 1,414,000 1,444,200 81.11' %ifrotita tills gn1T1n, allapa all f:a.in, rltres .7 The trophy sTrnll be the property o the
e0t18ti201 1,0.31,000 1087,700.28.6t; waidcolic,€alitt h the b^6t reeled, for rider secnrintr the gtmtest total )rural) of the newest novelties In Slits, laver person Comte and secure BARGAINS at
6fx,901 760510 870,900
11Yiti�i fold 1, rla�'rtlt• its )Tlasaut to tlto tfas�t3, pants darirt the erred wliieli will b0 stat t (7veYCUatS and `ants. '
0r 4}3,66 265,510 , S out i ov part o t riIEN AN `
` 1 ' WANT'ED 1:'ltil"yTWOR�"H'2'
13elutrl.52,760 240,'200 178.880 ,fond: TweTtty-five twag.s bottle. Its lislrtulitotravel and np solid adv' ti atatir 61 salary Yours truly,D.
s, ,S!t•B. 77,574 80,186 100,475 vallm iA lac alculable. Be sore you ritilt; 80a Year �sn l expomo4vAlli pa prlslali cash. (� �" . %,[ 1.y 11 '
,no Win89nd, SilbthingByrttp,nnd �;i()�)mArailtiAt�drrnuif lflitaTii,�iv,ye,7 envtl pe. Ad Robb. Maxwell
RR ell p�
T61;al 860,597 42,070,00 21,945,705 takti ria other nd, dress hlanagrr, i31<t thrxtoiI YSMo Chicago. The Direct Importer.
.� °`:( • a - `` ,t r t, w
�L.... � n..,__.,e. r=r_ ... .:..._..,...,_.._. ec _ s ,w11.,.!+1♦..u. ata:.. .e "1. ,.4 w.-, A*AWe,&Z... ii:._. .:_ .'.. .. �Ak '-,::•.t• n.t;�'...•..�, s.v.�.as,t;Y' - �