HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-07-19, Page 7-)
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I �., I g1414-g-gu. !"Cor -111-44W. T(OlDerliver ZA to a. toll -worn heart. I
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M I .......... +* :� Air, W -'s miswer was another "I belle mo, child, I hope so, Ste I
- - - - - - - � * -N ." -1 '
1?0 I I � � .. - , .......... . � __ - _1 � - .. _11 .- -4 sigh. 110 sevilled lost In thought. told Ili(! SI,o owed her education to 0. TZI)a world Is A sterile dill, IIN A PNO � TI9d, * , SAJ�00114. �.4
1 1 All(,, its lie butt proullsed the open -j, gifted inother. I Faw her lips lren:l, Put )Uro, IF like the clew T40 llrolvth IV^" 94 U'ati,41 ,
, :� Wf MI -It WIN UP011 It, 4114 the ADO" *6T*4k4VrXoot" 440 VA 00611"
I. r 4 By JULIA Lichots, li'lotim left, him to 1110 ble And her eyea moisten When she X,lke life *III-iligs fo()w tile (wo" I I ,,� ,or'
?1i 0 I" ,
•Ii OR thoughts, and - ment to toll Alinilk Apoke, and, thInIkIng Of our own West, It Prectioth o'cr lbot barren stone A. stripling of effsn.IWAO roidwo:
6�1 EDWARDS# -4 about bur biotber',s. now discovery, lit,%, children. f forvi-iore to question Till oil the place be wrdiuitgwisa, ' neat Attire stat In the oloapaorof A frol ,
., �
Beautitul * At do As Irell , As W announce that. they her flien. litit I Shall, by and by, , Tile world to as a blastcd, oak, splooll, laodest, silent awl as Par ov't
* Author of I ." Nverc, to hear I'Lucla," on the corrin for I feel Strangely interesoted Ili her. 13 t love I* like t1to vine the,wity us lie -could get, He had atep
. -0 . u
*1 11�rhtr LittleVidow- -4 Alonday night. So very, vory hvitutiful; so talented, Uilt trails it o'cr; its suillit wyos . 00141 the train, And 110 ivas vralting. !
61 "Do ,You think brother Edward Is and yol: III such hunible eircuinfitain- Like We the two ant Gina.
the stago. It ,was, star(+kol Iluen tliatv-��-,-!
rl - "Stella Stitt It -0 really In love with this ahcp,�girl?,o ces�, Tn looks, in manners, in I'voret The city showed quite plainly tipt
trigil I con. 'nio trwil; is green that erst was bare,
* , Ills hat, and It is still ill •dimputo whothw ,,.,
''Prettiest of Alla r_ Asked Anna, in a serious tone, when versation a lady who Would grace AndIllmsolm W4 it,overywilgre,
* J..Aut Poor T Flotto had told . I her story, any society, yet, after all, ooly a . The world Is res 4' Oily down WAS Visible UPOU his Ili), RU,
.. * Etc,, Etc, mit
$1 010111439d sea, be was .old enough to be swokliag a r.:Igar t,
I I think lie Is a, little smitten, buL poor book -bindery girl." 137A love is J140 the sun I With all the A J - of habit. 1,Mo -
N se .111ch had been going on alL ppearance I
. . Lunch, NN Tbat Willi cion; the murky 2, seriously In love -no. Not P, bit of � . ways , ar Also was not a natilro of the town.
t 04,,0,6*,0 'dward Ili too much engrossed 0, w4s,4)ver, and Mr. Ile *are, And Dr'1glaeiis.evo,y ime, I I'll;
*++**I � 3. 1-4 this thIl l4ftict, ilia young man tna4o no purchase.
+,I,,k*+,k,k,i,,k;,k*,k****el,tl,,k,klil, ++ + + 9 in business to fall in lord In good mentionlirig that lie bad Santa letters Wer ;loon) is golden dory Ating, I - _
I 1-1-+ * * v - 'And sunbopme sport We waves among, upon entering the sulaou. NaTortlielese
Parnest. Ho hasn't leisure for that. to write, went to his library; -while -.('li4rlcs H,ugvne !tanks lu Rockford (nia.) neg. the proprietor could. searctily complain at -,
bow of acquiescelice, bat Nlas rcuall Idins, We Know -wily. When you has , Besides, 110 ,,Lis too much Sense to Ili(, brother and sister went off, arm istor-Gazette, , him. The stranger had asked If be jillglp't �,
-ad to receive. direct.1rins ga. to the the measles so ))ad $lie lost three ever think of marrying for beauty, in arVi, to 4, favoralto alcoxe In the Wait there for thoistage tinil bad tliankeol ! :
stela of hinding rtiquired by Mr, days Work sitting up with yolf and and out of Ills own sphere, too. adjollilhig drawing -room. SHE WAS A• FINANCIAL GENIL)S, the proprietor tot his permission. I ,
Legare iota the now Nvorks, waiting on you. There are rich girls ,who would Snap "Frank, wbAt do you thlwx of this Then he had sting -lit him quiet cor;rtei,p, .
"This young ludy-Miss Butler, I "Thank Heaven she did," cried at him for the asking." . now disvoycry4y,hicb. our dear father !low ,31r, XCIVIT'W"'N 110ther-1.11-IRTV and lighted his CIggi-. .1
believe, Is her name -will tell you 8411y, earnestly, "I might have "Flotle, love -real' love--.- laughs has been tolliliK us of? :1 nover now nan OAQ 110use" . A. citizen iTAIL-ed out of the back room
What, titles to put on ill(, backs, and died before Ono of you would have 4,t riches." hint to speak with such enthusiastic "I have beard many queer Stories About and up to the hap Ile bad li:tt A, taro I
be sure to have the original dates of done as much. for me. f4he IF; !A III— "Army be so, Antia, but I mothers -In -14w," remarked 'Air, Newly. 0 I-lotor ,,%N,as friendly .
. love --.real Admiration of any one before.' , game, And tile prop I I 1-1.
issuo of works also there. I am Ing angel if ever thera was One. So love, as You call it -never -scorns "Neither diol 1, Llzxle", said tied, addressing several of his bachelor with liliu, but respectful -that, sort of rem ,
loately witlit
very particular about that." . there now. I'll never speak to a girl 9, diamond engagement -ring, nor re. Jn*allk, gravely, "Seriously, sister, friends, "but my mother-in-law Is. a wolar Speet Which. is, flavored dell �
. "I know It, Sir, and we will, be that breathes A, 'word against her so lilacs to 'wear Satin And Valenciennes I rn.utlt go and see this peerless girl der. she is (l, finnuclal wizard I and should just enough familiarity to bring it out. 1
. long as I live." lace for a, worlding suit. Where '-see her, tot), * before father goes down . It 1, probable, that-thit Citizen had bad .
'very careful," said the foreman. 'be do IV in Wall street these days. When More d1luk.s than tho one hee now took, LL
And when the mail of wealth and "Good for Sally 11orkins," cried would the bindery girl on four, or " there again, it I can, I do *not want Birdie and I returned from our wedding It is also likely that fare had ,not gone I
Influence turned to leave, Mr. IN'- a, dozen. In a breath, for more than even 'toll dollars a week, find them?" ,a step-inother younger than you are, trip, her mouser Suggested that we .should as well with Ill= this morning as be eon." ..
-went down the stairs -with him, And/ ons in that croird of girls had re- "ISTed would find them for her. fast , dear," 1. . _
saw him Into Ills carriage, And stood enough, if he loveil her. But say, . "Oh. Frankl 11arm would never the expenses. She snit] she wanted to' upon the rosy youth arid his cigar, and he
colved kindness from Hattie Butler lire' together and that we should share sidered his due. His dissatisded eye, felt
baro -beaded oil the side -walk ,until lie when kindness was so mutch, needed, Flotic, w,b I
had driven away. Arid the 'battle df tongues grow -- ' * ��_"Xii�av�LiN2�.-r on Mond&v Ilink of thatt"' feel independent, I consented. Motber� took the glass from his lips and held. it. I
.11 don't know, Lizzlo, Ile Is
'!a less and has, anti soon tea, was over, ,,()III,. Yon know Lila creme do �a You'19 for his years. Fro bas lool a should pay the rent of the arimtrilout Arid At len.-th, without removing Ills e�.rm
And this is Republican, Democrat night? That is the question for the Birdie's, not mine-suggestea that she considering the Stranger.
' . arid , 02-ftil, temperate life, and is no that We should pay her $25 A week, for be inquired, "What ChristmAs tree 0t,
A.merIcal the girls scattered as usual, Croille of Society willbe there, And t , .
No kings, nor dukes, nor lar0s 8ollic to their roonis, weary enough ,we must upheld the fainfly credit.". beyond his primo .either mentally or gur board. The rent was $100 a month. that drop off?" .
So the plan seemed a fair one, arid four The proprietor hastened to take. this
here -but to the soverel�nty of to go right to rest -others to linger "Yes, oven if papa heaves it heavy physically. Stranger things have tweaks ago we went to live under the view. "Its express- tag has fluttered .
wealth the reddest or blackest re- u, little while, Ili ilia old parlor and sigh . . hapl:oned. I repeat, I allist go and li
publican, or the noisest democrat, 1,10 L , over our demands. Let me same roof. Today I received a bill from away, I guess," be whispered jocosely. �
oill"a to fix '111) the". Scanty thllllafo We'll go up stairs and look see this girl lor myself, W- is. a ' -whisk
bends his servile knee and cowering wardrobe so as to be ready for their , ,%van I g $90, one from butcher The citizen remembered Ilia 7W t
over our -%vardrobe, see what we11 friend of mine, and --'ill help 1 1
'head more Abjectly than'any serf in ()Illy day Of rest or pleasure -the I lea if 'there's any danger," tt Uill for $8.50 and an lee Swallowed it, set the glass gently down. .
. laive, arid then we'll know what I bill for $0.20, besides several other small gently drew Ills six shooter and shot thq:
Russia bows before the ,imperial blessed Sunday so near -,it hand- we must have. Conic, pet.,, "I don't kno-w but ,toll are right, bills.
but one da, .1, The total, represented the first Cigar to smash out at the your]., man'st-
form. v of toil to intervene. Arid away went they two loving sis- Frank. Go, if you think bes(t," mouth's expenses, As I had the day be, mouth. c" .11
Independence! Bahl 'Tis but a Our hero tnc�whore was she? In tors- -girls yet, though both -were - fore paid to dear. mother-in-law $.100 for Now, I do not at 411 ,know what X
mamel . her little chamber thalildng her p teems. . (MAPTUR I'll. four weeks board, I was somewhat our. should bare done !a the Toting man"a *1
Father that at last the . I
. I . Stern strife for daily broad 1N,as made . . . prised." . I place. Something Sensible, I hope. What I
. I I CHA11TIM IV. ensler to her, and that a glininter of CHAPTER VI. ' . Mr. AV�was rather surprised to Newlywool's three bachelor friends, the youth (lid I know I should not h4va 1A
. receive quite all early -call at Ills who had been listening to his tale of woe, done. You will see that his behavior -
There. was EL regular flutter in the light could ])a seen through ilia bindery from the son of Ills -wealthy nodded onjoura.-Ingly, and he resumed: was alit of the couittion. He stooped
Clark clouds of poverty. "I went to mamma -in-law and in my down, picked tip WA cigar, found It rrdm� .-
boarding-house, of Miss Scrimp -when - patron --the younger Legarc. He had l_
Mr. Legare, after leaving the, bind I I
the bindery girls got in that Friday Parc'-hearted and innocent, she did cry, drove, or was taken in his car- met Frank at his club, and On "the sweetest manner said: 'Mother, dear, ed, put it Ili the spit*eorl, got -a fresh OUL-
't so riage,, to a pronilheift, bank, in which road,"
f these bills were intended for you. They out at his pocket. ro-tind A match in his
evening for they brought the news no dream. that any one could ro d I or drove last horses; I
that 1-lattle Butler had -been promot- envy her good fortune, as to Hate te her he was heavily interested, both as il, but the young man had never before were sent to me by mistake.' She glanced waistcoat, slid it .tlou,7 t4v seat at his . : 11
ed in the bindery, A. now position fur It. If she had she 'would have stockholder and depositor, transacted visited the bindery, though his fa- over them -and exclaimed: 'Oh. no. They, nice breeclies, lighted the now cigar artit I
given her, and her wages raised to prayed Clod to forgive them, some business there, then took A, turn ther often did. I represent your share of the expenses for settled hirus(-If once more Ili Ills c5air. . I
I down Wall streA to'look into gains ' the month. I paid the rent.' withput .1 word of protest 01, .Ili attempt !
. ten dollars -EL wcel�. Some of the -Mr W—, however, received his . , .
girls ,were really glad, for Hattio had I stacks there, and returned home just visitor with great cordiality, arid "'But I paid you $100 for our board at resentffien-L. The proprietor ,,aw turn . ., �'
-ever'been, so gentle, so quiet, so kind. CTIAPTEM V: in time for lunch. asked 'what he could do for him. for four weeks.' do It all ,qifd told about it afterward. _.�_
when any of them were sick, that. Ile was luot at the table by his "I would like to see you, in your "'Yes,' responded mother-in-law. 'but I ahe eltizen took the second cigar .like I
But others Mr. IV two childrenI.-Frank. a, son of five- paid $100 for the rent, and you must pay the first. Perhaps he went a trille nvar4c I . �
silo had few enemies. I , one of the proprietors of I private office a moment," said young
; were envious of her good fortune, as the bindery where our hero the bills' the youth's lips. !_
cars, arid, Lizzie, V6 Lef,jixe, who had. when he entered *
- they ever had been of her beauty,' so ad --a junior partaor, but the chief daughter just, five years younger. His, the ' It 933ut I gave you the $100 which you What were the card p),avers Ili the !
large rooln, v;St, a, keen rind i
there -rete n. few to sneer and hint ninnager-ofthe concern, was a single wife, their mother, had PULSSCol away searching glance at all ,the hands, paid to the landlord,' I exclaimed. back room doing tit all thin noise': Tiler, I i -
' that 'Ir. Jones, the foreman, or Mr. man, not yet forty, Ili the very prime two Years before, leaving sweet mom- . "'Of course yon. did, but I paid the till lay flat on. the floor, like the welt . J
'IV of life. He ,%Vag. as 11, mail, not as a. ories only to cheer their sadolai-ol ")on, boys, and girls -whom his eye rent. I have lived up to my agreement trained. indigenous people that they ,were.,
) - -, one of the proprietors, had only ' could reach. ;
promoted her because she was hand- fop, very good-looking. I -lis stalwart hearts, for as wife and mother she "Certainly. - 1,4t,.q) this ,way," said to pay the rent. You must pay the bills? minding their own business. For there I . �
some, and they wanted her off by frame, 'well-developed, showed his had been a treasure on earth, Mr. NV-, leading the way to a room "I was dazed for a moment," said was no rear exit. I
herself where they could talk to ner American birth; but his full, round, "Well,101ildren, ]low have you spent partitioned oil at the upper - end of Newlyived, "and then I urged upon her The youth felt in his waistcoat pocket. :
and say things the other . girls could- rosy face spoke also of his English Your utorAing?" asked the fond and the ninin bindery. "Tako a Seat, lir. that it was my Money that had gone to but brought no match from it. So be rose., I �_
paternity. Ile had thus far in life ever indulgent ffLthpr, the landlord. She only replied !ill still another fresh cigar in his haud�, .,
nit bear. I.cgarc," lie .Said, pointing to a lux- a IT I :
. The object of the flutter, the laude- been too busy to think of matriniony, "I licove been over in Forty-Fiftll carious arm -chair, cushioned' and back- Emile she had lived up to her con- arid walked to the bar. I
tion, and the envy. seeuiLd all this and, living with his parents, 'who stre, t, father, calling on your . old ed with morocco; tract and bad paid $100 rent and hoped "I'll bare to ask you for a match," he,
time to care the least for her pro- were 'Ili easy circumstances, he had friend, Air. -," said Frank. "I love "Thank you. I ,will tl,Aalli you I would I)c honorable and pay all the said to the proprietor, who at once Ao- ...
motion of Any that knew it. She did never known the -want of a home, or to visit the dear old follow, and to but it ilioniont." said Frank. I'My bills. I becanic, somewhat excited and cornmodated him. !
not speak of it, even to 'Miss Scrimp, tile need of EL wife to make home hear him talk of Ills travels in I Eu- 0 yesterday?"said my $100 went to the landlord, and if Once again he slid the match beneatIx
father Nras her '
I at whose right hand her chair at brigght. Ilia sisters, of whom Ile had ropy. He is droll, yet there is A, vein "Yes: lie left ,,onto -work,-which,will I hall to pay ,til tale bills what share of his coattails and, bringing up his owe ,/-,� I
table was always placed; but the two, considerably younger than him- Of true philosophy in All 110 Says- be finished by to-ni the expenses came nut of her pocket. . six shooter, shot the citizen as instantly �
latter had heard of it before Hattie Self, had ever soon to his . a linen -itis And. his sketelics of scenes lie visited orrow% lie Is one. The rent L'1011CY.' she responded. dead as that can be done. -Owen Wistei . E I
. of lily bent patrons." replied. Nl,'-. .. .
got haute, and was ready with her tailor look -ad to Ills -wardrobe - he are so full of life and interest. An .'T -Te discovered a prodigy here yes "'But it wits my money,' I retorted, In Liverybody's Magazine. .
congratulations the instant Hattie had little to trouble himself about. invalid, yet ro cheerful - it, would " yes- and that iras wits
tharildear mamma -in-
tcrday," said young, I.eqare, '�
sat down. . . T.Ile belonged to a coicria or club of caro A. misanthrope to visit him once "A prodigy?" . I law could st.'.nd for. She gave me a . .
"I'm airful glarl to hear you've bachelors, and -was never at a loss ir LL -while." ' "Yes Sir; at least he secins to scornfnI g!auec, muttered something like An Easy matter. I I
been set lip in the bindery, and got abouf a place to spend his evenings "T-fe is a good man, Frank, and I think 'yo, for lie talked like a, cra7Y 'fool' and left the room." Newlywed re- "The reason some men don't get . .
in. I marked in. coticlasion: She is a financial
-so much better -wages, dear," she . Am glad you like to visit him. He has man about her -a girl I,crLutIrIlI as a . along happily," said. .Vr- Meekton, IU 14q
-worli;X, and you can ;wizard' drat mamma -in-law, as you sec. that they dont know bow to manage u� � I
said. But that day, when the wealthy scan uiucli of the liourl, anti as learned tiq silo "n beaut- w zar .
' and Influential Tr: Lc axe. had told lei rn a great deal Ili donversing -with iful th 1,,isi,r... , , The rent And all the moricy for expenses I .
And she screwed her sallow cheeks 'I 0 _ ass ho said, of no less wife." I
and thin lips into ii, picture of a, Hattie Butler that she deserved to be him. . And now, daughter, dear, how tba� five languages." come out Of mY pocket, yet she insists I
smile which Nust would glory to in a higher sphere, had opened Mr. have you spent your afternoon?" ternoon?" "All, Yes! You allude to -Hattie she has paid the rent." "You know tbls?�p was the skeptical ;
, . query. I .
1; r. Mic -, And .�
copy, it he could only have soon It. 1%"--'s eyes -opened them to the won- ' "I started out to go a -shopping, li tle s IF; rether pretty, .
"Thank you, Mi." Scrimp; but I do derful beanty as well as the surpris- papa. You know you handed ilia a certainly quite gifted as a. lInI,,uIst." The Power Behind the Tfirqne. "Certainly. It Is the simplest thing
not know as it will be inuch better
in talent of the girl -who had work- roll of money last night for that pur- t;ilat will you tal;o to send her The Scene of this incident was on a In the world. All you have to do is to. .
for me. Alv former work ,was ver old, tit low wages . without o, murmur Pose. I went. on foot, for I like ex- away -where he will never see Ifer stagecoach in Stagecoach days I say 'yes' whenever she w an --
y . n Nei,i, .
easy. It only ti.�erclsed iny fingers, for over two ,,,cars in his shop. ercise on a sunny morning like this. thing and always lot her bare bar own !
-This -will tax both fingers and brain. I -To had noticed her quiet modesty Only u, little -way from here, in front, again?" York. William H. Seward, then governor way.". . I ,
"' of the state, was riding there and en-
My head aches over it already.'* in contrast with the boldness of of the drug store on 'the. next a "",lir Legarel J hardly understand . I . '.
avenue. YOU.' , countered a fellow traveler who did not - �
�, other girls orten before, but that very I saw a young girl, a mcre child of . "I -.-- I . I
"Dear, dear! Well, I'll have Meld: ' think I spoke quite plainly. I know him. They got into a discussion
Lanigan make you a real strong cup shrinking modesty had Also kept hey tell or eleven years, crying bitterly. asked 1,011 what ,you. would take to on Politics, in the cotirse of which Gov- = = 0-
, 611% ;
' .,end her Away where he would never
And very afternorm he bad and learned, through her many sobs, was The mftu treated it as a joke t-ep %110 .. IT r:'
"No. thank you, Miss F,crimp, I do � see her again. Do ,van and lk :t
-of tea -anti sonic toast." beauty In the background. he matter, cruor Seward told the traveler -,,,,he he %,
. understand dp"`Rcz��, F - ' R - 1 A,," 1, .: `:,.�,
taken occasion in person to look At that she had call steadily refused to credit it as -anything I �.;..
not wish it. The% food wliiLh is good io with only seven that?,, ,1� ..,I �
enough for the rest al -ways ser.I.SfIcs her -work, at her slim, tapering fin- cents, tits last money she or her -f think I do," said .Air. IV-, else. This finally nettled Mr. Seward, PC,: Zrfmnts anv! (3 h fl LE, -- a Z. . I 1p
me.,, � . I gens gathered lip missing pages and mother had in the world, to got flushing up. "But, you must under- and,he said to him: "I will prove to you . . . I . ,
"Ir know it, dear. You zievor find placed them 'where they belonged? medicine for, that mother, who was stand I never disebtirge, a good arid that I am Governor Seward. There is �-;hl?&*- � . I
. fault, and. that makes ilia the more and he asked her many questions Ili A, sick. The medicine named In the ,willing hand wiLliout a, fault. -,N,hca the stage driver outside, who knows me Ld al.;".1.1", " - �/' lyf�Y 11 - a en , ., .., .
A:%Pl� ,,, , y,W-r---- 07CIP , :
k�Aflvr -tone than he was f _�-,_,,, ,-"-,/,/ .---. , — ,
ready to better -your fare when I can. Accustomed prescription cost twenty cents, and .there is ,work to do for that band. ,Well. We will refer the case to him." .01 _4�=e:;.' , --Iv, ,,, -,;--*-�, - - -
1 And that roluinds ine-Afl:ps Doll -tear to use to his employes; for there was the druggist would not let her have This young Nvortian has woi-kc(I for us. NVIien the stage, stopped, therefore, the 4 1 . /� &4,�.,# �ft . . ..,
has got -sick unci gone home to the to him a -very sweeC music ill the it without the money. I took the over tNvo years without coaltultUrig two approached the driver, and Mr. Saw- —.--.- I ..
country; all(- that came bere,' poor voice that answered his queries. poor thing by the )land and went In An error." ard came with the query, "Am I not gov- � ;;
&thing, to learn dressmaking; and her. And -%vlicn be went home that even- and got the medicine for her, and. Ili ''Is it no error to snare till old man cruor of Neu, York?" For the tiouse-rife to Try.
. .
,room, on the second floor, front, is Ing he 'was strangely absent-minded. the meant,line found out where she like lily father, because lie happens to *'Xo!" was the driver's prompt And curt Tri hoo I .
. empty now. and ,,% on shall have it for When ]its Sister Flotic asked him if lived, ill .in Alley only four I)IOCI,zS, be rich, with a display of her beau response. - ia- food f rosli for latp
: he would not get opera, tickets and t� Mr. Seward. amazed and bewildered, comers 1) ' s'
! only one dollar morn than you pay take her and Anne, to bear "Lucla" deal, father, from this rich home, I,, and learning?' . y tendiug the dish in a an -
. now, though I charged her two. 'Her the basement of olic of the old tuns- "Snare! Mr. Le axe, havo you 1)(1011 next asked, "Who is, then?" f of hot watch and lte�'Dijlg tae f I
folks . were . well off . ; they used to on the Monday nig-l"t following, he "Thurlovi, Weed," came sivittly back in - lood. .. �-
I Said: .1 ble-down houses, which Art, A dis- drinking, or -what is tlioina:tier '%Tlth reply. closely coves I witb .I lid,
, write And s?nd her money, And " Yes, Miss Hattie -yes, with grace to the city. I don't know but ,vou?" It is needless to say that the driver Was Try keeping a. I.* large clam, sli ..
I guess she got sick a-eatin' too iriuch "I have not been drinking, Mr. . * ' ell for
I cako anti candy. Her room is all Pleasure." I * (lid ,wrong, papa, but I couldn't W-, and I am in very sober earnest a sturdy Democrat. . . scraping sancepa,us or pot,; in wajob�
I "'TTAttfc? Who is ITattle, brother, help it. I went home with that
i stuck up with it. But I'll have Lit- . In what, I say. My father, though 1 oatmeal or milk h3s bi_�eti boiled.
I It 11
I. thl Joss clean. it out for you, if you'll that You ' should use that name in- little girl arid saw her poor. mother, old, is,vory impressible, and perhaps Lights and Stage Seenery. sTry heoping tea, co:Tee *sud spices fit , I
take it", Stand of Flotic, -viten you answer sick, with four children, actually 'v it. Ile. confe battle to It may seem paradoxical to say so, but
I "Thank you, Miss 'Forimp, I do not Ina?" starving, in An unfurnished corlar- yo i", sterda,v, and could tulk of It seems that the greatest so called fill- a tikhtly closod Jar if the flavor is to -4k,
i wish to chnilgin. I fool very much at "Did I? I didn't mean to; but .1 am no food, no fire -nothing but want III,, - .11 but the beauty and talent of prevenient of modern days -namely, the properly retained. I L
full of I-Tattic soniot way. I went to arid wrotchedness to ilicot lily 'view. 40 .ip . - of the stage done Try pubtiu.- a little stLlt in the '-water ,
1 home in lily. little chairiber, and the th?"ip'n'91,01 brilliant lighting .
I higher one gets in the city the purer Write A, letter to our paper marinfac- .Va,thcr, there is a. fire there now, "Why, he was not in here over ter. much to destroy all scenic Illusions. Many in which ulatting is virashed, � I
. ru it
I is the air they breathe." turar, and had. got it dozen lines and plenty to cat. The sic.1o: woman or fifteen minutes altogether, and his' would recall the beautiful scene paintin" ' Try bb ig, the burnt tips of the.
i "Deal-, clear! I thought you'd like written, when I siliv I had headed it, is oil a good ])ad, our doctor has conversation 'with. her may have oc- of Telbin, Stanfield, Grelve and I)nnby lamp wicks with. a, piece of tissue paper
Ito change. ]But you know 'what you Dear Hattie.' T�iore is a girl in the, falcon her case in hand, and the chil- copied three or four minutes of ,that and of Mr. Craven Ili his earlier days. .
III -Le best. Do IA file call Biddy &lid bindery of that haine - a nitisf re- then, Ili decent clothi:-s, Will go to time,," I Formerly scene painters became R. A,1s, every 1110ruill& to h -Cop then[ is good
have some toast mado for you. . niarkablo girl. I will tell you all I School next Nkeek. nut I have uot "Well, it -was long enough ,71 polish off tl* thinners
I . . Ii to do us a thin- uolvaditys inconceivable. At condition, all .
'No, thank you, Miss Scrimp. know about her, She looks And acts iwon shopping. I found belter usa -illy sister find ill.vAelf-perhaps, an (IxadshilT Dickens once Showed 90MO With Soft cruinpled nowspapor.
There is plenty before me, X am like a princess in disgialse." .
sure," And then Mr. Ill- gave rc -very of illy money." irreparable Injury. In short, front fine pictures by Stan field=lvltll scones for, Try keopiug the ""onr barrel ralsect
"Doarl dear! That's just you highly colored description of our 110od 131(:ss lily girl-iny liable the old gentlenuin's enthuslasint, we The Lighthouse and the novelist cut - a few inches frorn, the fl,),)r to prevent
r ), said Mr. TZ ars feared lie Would court and marry this them to pieces, which he framed. They
own nice way al'ways. I never heard heroine and her acquirements. girl, gare, and to .
1. callic in his elves as he Spoke. girl before we could take a step to were, beautiful pictures, and tit the sale dampness.
a complaint' ' froin your lips, and And ,,,at you have let this prodigy . A
. there's some that are never satis. of bCa1Llt_V and lcarning� of itiodesty "Frank, in,vr bov, U77io has out- prevent it, and we illado up our they fetched 1600 and f70O each. The Try making a good pol`sllt�'r and �.
, good works, nflilds to prevent such a folly if -we scene painters of those days were able '
fied." , and �ooilness, work for you for two strippod. us bolh Ili got . could", 6 to produce such finished work because cleanser of furniture by mixing together
,Anel Scrimp Serlt years at little better than starvation thOug'll Iva both have done some 11 -I doubt very muelt ',�,Jr, the light oil the stage was low arid did twee parts of crude oil to one part O:C L
a scornful, cross-eyed glance wal,eS? Coward! ,.I'm ashallip(l of good,* end I --yell, 1, too, have had Lrgaria, whethor Such A, not kill their Colors. At the present time talTentino, ,%not apply with a soft cloth,
. down tile table. But 310 Ono .VOlt. It You are illy brother," cried till Adventure, and Perhaps have been folly, As -,%-on rightly Unrin it, has all half tone yellows and other. delicate -...-
could toll exactly at whom she was I'lotle, warmly. the Indirect cause of battering tho, originated in !lily brain but vour tints disappear, and the painters have to I
, "Als, don't break out that ,way. coitolition of a, poor, hard-workitig
I , , '
.,looking, so the look didn't hurt any- own. I Was present tit the mil,.N, in- plant to stilt the conflagration. -London Itis roported, that only 40 13jitish
, body, We pay the usual rates. Were we to gIrl--Ahe loveliest creature, by the News- .
- pay higher, vva could not coulfleto way, that I ever saw, at home or WrViOW yolir father has ever had . I., . . novelists are jAblo to live on the ptot-fis ofy �
: As Hattie mado no further remark, . . with this .-votng 'woman, and only , , their books. 4. I
:tho usual clatter of knives And forks With other bintleries till(] keep up." abroad. And talented, -too, the. wiam the books, and lion- to bind thein, 7116 711:01L Who "Makes It Go. .1
"But four dollnrs a week to pay tress of five langua.gos,. and, Lizzie, Was the subject of conversation. It Ityintoll have to wait and see the baso. A train on the Canlida Atlantio Ahil', ..J :
on slqnderly-filled plates was alone board and wilsliffig, and dress, with! iio*f so old, I should judge, as you: I We -like your book till right n way ran ten laffles Ili 7 infimtes and 31
,heard fora time. Why, It wouldn't keep Ille In gloves." by a ,year or. two," Was brief Arid business -like, licith ng
]tut when Hattie, As usual, arose it would prove a great success, But we
"Yet thousands of poor girls -work "Whore (lid ,%-on meet thig proolfg.-y utore. I I . cant touch 1 seconds. The fastest mile was inane in '
bhrliest of all, and went to her for and live Ott less, illy peerless sts- of beaut-y and learning, father?" Can I ,-('a the youlle wolliall?" t until we gbt permission .
. front the boss. Ile may Say he's got as 89 8=5 seconds, Or W16 nilles an hour. I
,,room, quite an unusual rush of con- I., '% . "We are hot In the litibit, of exhib-
- r. You, Who know no want that asked the son. it . many As he call, handle now. 1,
,varsa:tton, and all about her, Coln- IS not supplied almost As Soon as our eiliploy(i,. Mr. Y,cg Of the our hundred ino,qt pnPular
racliced" "At W -'s book -bindery, where I ltlng . are, "May I ask what the boss is?"
I expressed, know little ]low poor girls took s9me valuable old reviews for said NV-, with considerable hauteur. ,,Xle,s the advel.tisil)g man. Hos the books of the ovil.tury lip to the preselit;
.1 'Such luelif Front four dollars 1b and women. have to struggle 'to keep binding. She has worked there over "But if ','oil choose 10 walk about map 'who has ilia(le all out big successes. titne the cheek -book is one and the,
Week to ten, And all because she can their )leads above the tide nut illy two ,,wars, earning apol supporting tho bindery with me, you Can see if he takes hold of a boolt, it sells. It's pocketbook is the other Wnuts.-wne.-J., , t
talk' Dutch!" said one very plain heroine is better off now,. I have herself On four dollars a week, And every person In it, while oval-tiluffil, got to sell, No, he doesn't Sparc. the Ex.antt
I ignoranti given )ter other work, And raised her un'til some Ono -was needed to illy work, machinery, find so forth; ruoticy. But, .01101611s, we get it all back
a col- but, I %vill not pormit any roularks: Again. Toll Intist wait And too Mini," What is consiAteney? It certainly is" t
"Ten dollars? ITow ,she'll shin® galary 'to ten dollars a week." late And arraugFe illy old Glernian and
1 out in silk on Sundays, I'll bet, and "Goodl g000ll You have' some made 'that can livrt the frielings (it, not the man,who calls Woman vain, 11114
a beau AS fast its the best, beftrt after all, N, nil etuploye", thonclooks himmif in a secret society- I
.look for � ad.,, Fronch reviews, her knowlodge 'of
languages had remained ulidiscaver- 11 I
. of us," said another. "Sho. couldn't .,,r begin to think i have,,, Said 111 Would be. flip last 16 do It, sir; ; WhOW is 'gold Ili the land, but you hav6,
f do, It In tilt-eont efilleo- 011, no the W. W-, with a sigh. ad. She licars tin excellent charaetev tinifoina.-t X,
-is mode.4t, pure, unit 1111,18SWIling. atid you need not point alit this to twig for it. That's Why so feta D0011le � .. , , _ - . --- . . .- - !
ptolid thing I I I "Iterol •herel No nonsense, Iwo- prodigi-if she is go very beautiful, have gold, 0 WAXyh9D-Tn%.1t1,TWT)1ZT7AT X AZA, "
I'She is 'hot tt girl of that kitid", (,her Infile. Don't make u, foul of I was glad to hear Mr. NV-- order ,%tl(l sci, mttlit,flor Ili her grace And . .. I ... I'll I— I".. 'WO111011 to tTRVP.l hM Ad"Otte foi 0 0*116--
I r "M
fticd It"611ler, W(11`1111Y "She 19 the yourself by falling in love with your Ills fOrOtIfIll 10 A.414ign her to new find manners, I �uin sil", I 1,41tall be able Not dyle Man ill ISO toftelteg the ttgeI of li4hed houm, of solid filinlit-iAll Fitont li%g. VW ,W.T1 I
I A inort pleagmit lolitties, at tell dollars . 00 ft rftr $ufl. ovietiqM, all po"hl tt
t 1: 1
. PtOttft-St girl In this li(wm to -night, pretty employe, -4110 may be, WIT I to idiscover, her ,without, aid.11 00 without tecoml�g it "ptobletall to, Wt ot�ftnvwitdrt r(1(JtdrV,(1. '(',JV1J ,v�rero;,, � I I
I A, bind(,- I 'ek"' "Very well, Vir. Legere. WO �VIII fcl4tIV,%8-=At0)I1WIl.43l0b6, -lowoself-11 dv*i.%A At , ope ' . , ,
and you rill know it. pretty, Very modest, alld good but a we Mit 2 I
I "Yes. stick up far her, Sally Per- 1�.don,t want f "So. oloar tiana. You, tot). brottubt. _..... ... . .", ral. T a %v l.
A binder girl or a . drew Manspr, 856 Oaxtm " \' 11. -
- . 1�1 I I
440 1 .. ... ".. .,-.. .. .1A.1'*."W,J& . I j! . 1. ..rr,Iw11 I
&A.01L.J " '.. .39�4�
I - .. 1. . . . . . . ..... � ,
� . 11 _�_ I - , � �,�J
.. . . I I
, , N, '. .. � , ALL.�ia - I
1a, 10A*�4- I 111�61. I '.4111".p,(. il A�1111011 0