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The Wingham Times, 1901-07-19, Page 5
_ TAX „ T y :....._ TIMES, JIT11 19, 1 ,1X, DysPePs ,y Maurice Edgar.^�3tc'rUartar� NEWS FRONT OU NEIL EORS'..., � � iIO�LTiR, g From foreign cworda,'meaning boa eo4 , Gii.s lienors Minnie Abialiam, BARGAINS 1N Ra-UNI 410 has come rather to signify bad slomach, for A;ues 731ack, I.ult1 Iiemphill, Kato $.QQ�S & SIIOR$ THE NEW STORE GI i1xSI �}, the most coln{11o11 cause of the disease is a Hulewcod, Lizzlie Wiley. EVENTS OR INTEREST TO ALL OUR READER& thato organ, .want of vivax and tone iii Boys--Hone s—Ka, __. that organ, Sot's--.Honors-Maiviu Rae. Clearinz Nc disease makes life more miserable, Pass•-m•Veruou Armstron Paul DoiIts sufferers certainly do not five to cab j g' 1” Sale What Wideawake Txmos Correa ondents CommuAlCate -- Other Oat to kfra, Irwin txouKll, ,oho. MaKelvie, Welds they some me wonder if they sbculd + p. troubled with it for years; and rotor i;, Miller, Truest Wiley, changes, on. le withNugent.i Ilfor y e, nt., d rotor it. Cuxhroz..SUMMER GOODS Gaare, Eau Claire Wis., who was so Girls-Ronors-•••Lizzie Burnett, Ida : Mems lipped From Our Ex afflicted with it that he was nervous, steel), ,Pearl Canteloli Annie Coo Jessie I less and actually sick roost of the thue ' k, sslo Cal. 114 a bid good bye to protiG on all Summer (',code iin(l llrtye A AWII4�Y1e1�' obtained, no relief from medicines proles: well, Jessie Couplaud, Teressa Crooks, ; Victoria hall, L Jamestown, will be a marriages of Miss Anna Sippel sionally prescribed. Jennie Carter, Ida Cornish, Annie For- Marked P13.1OES uWay flown in all departments. This is your formally opened on Monday evening, c anghter of Mr, audMrs, George Sippel, have been, by y cured, as others. rester, May Holland, Minnie Hill, chalice to get eholce new goods at WITOLD,3ALE PRICES, July 29th, with an entertainment given Howicic, and Mr. J, Neeb, of Midland, They were com�+plot°l, Nellie Holmes France$ Jenkins, Eleanor by local talout. Michigan, formerly of Clifford, Ont„ Hoods �`anva arillQ ' S itis 1 � PRI ZITS p Mains,. Marjory Mclvor, Donna Parise, DRESS ES J M u � �. � � S � ! Bluevale .Orangemen celebrated in was quietly solemnized in Dotroit, on according to their own statement ,vol-•Mabel Pickard Carolina Ross, Katie of June 20th. The bride untarily made, This great medcine Scales 100 Colored Muslin for.......... 80 7a Prints (fast colors) for ........5e LualinOw. Not as many wear@r of the the evening strengthens the stomach and the whole ,: Laura Sawers, Millie Stevenson, n wore a simple, but noise the :less pretty, 12!( o ...........100 So light and curl¢ Prints for. ,,,, .Go i orange and blue entrain at our station as P i? a digestive system, lie sure to get Hoods Maggie Steep, Hattie Trick, Maggie 150 " " . , . , .. , . , ,12io i 10o Prints (wide) for .. , ... do in days ;gone. wliit0 dress, and was mtteladed by her Wiseman, Ida Wilken. 200 " it ...........150 , IV,,o Prints choieo patterns for. 100 Mr, George McDonald had his barn most, Elizabeth, friw4d were nl atten- ENTRANCE EXAMINATION' T Pass-Lulie Green Viva Mair Zella c `r • • • • • •.200 1156-flue duality Print for......12 na sister, Elizabeth, ail ,several of their , 25 ' „ : Whitely. tlyHonors--frank Akam Cecil �'� • raising on Thursday of last week. ®���� GOODS dance, The service of the German - y � �� SHOES Mr, Robert Mathe rs of the first line of Lutheran church WO used, ex the East muton. Brewer, Henry Bradour, Oliver Boyce, Morris, is having very poor health this ceremony the youug 0auple t tq' -visit The following are the names of the E idle Ball, Lorne H. Cautelon, Norman 25o Colored Dress Goods for ....150 ;?A yrs LadPi s' Strap Sllpinrs, regX1. for 75e summer. relatives in Canada. Qi1 their return suacessfttl candidates, who wrote oil the Disney, Jas. Doherty, Malcolm Frazer, 35c black " " , . , 250 ! 15 pairs Ladies'Oxford's, rw*. i?- ' fi -a for UQo Rev. W. J, West, M. A., and Mrs. they 01will snake MirllwW, Miebigau, Entrance Examination at tile various G. W.'Gibbings, Everard Lee, Goo. A, 50o colored Mohair Goods for. 35o � 6prsLadies'Faaney8lii,pexs,rvg.:Qforsl, 0 West entertained the Presbyterian choir t fttttlro hoitle, Goo FanoyFigured Goods for .... 46o isprs Doug, Oxfords, reg.$1.50for sl ;4 examination centras in the Inspectorate Leitch, Geo. MoVittie, Jas. Manning, 70o Black Cashmere for......... Goo ' 6 pairs Men's 0afor&A, reg. x1,15 for .. suo i at lie manse on Friday evening, Mondays July 8; Xenueth, young. of East Huron, Zewis Manning, Roy Pickard, Willie 50c Fancy Plaid for ..........:380 10 pairs Girls' Slippers, reg, s1.25for s1.06 r. Thomas Short has moved int eet son .of,Mr. and Mrs. John L. Wilson The names are arranged alphabetically Rattenbury, Thos, Rance, John Kum. illiam Sanderson's house, of the Ninth Conce€sioli passed away, in, two classes:-Those who obtained ball, Ernest J. Reynolds, Walter �+ �^ Samuel Paul, second line of Morris, He was one year and f� r eeu days of sixty per cent. of the total marks or over Stewart, 0. J. Stewart, Willie Taylor, �.�����, ��� �4&g� ��0� CLOTHING tl �1�� was injaxed on Wednesday of last week age and had always been a fleshy. aild are placed in the Ilonor hist, those who John Wcon. by falling backward off the mower and healthy child. Kenneth waa.tal.eu with obtained more than fifty John Cooper, G5e Print or Gingham Blouse for 500 Doc Mens Summer Coats for , , . , "r 5o y per cent. but Pass-Bruce Borrie, p , 75c 46 Goo 15c Boys Summer Coats for ....65c Trnllin& on the lines tR, recover himself, a fit at about four o'clock on Monday less than sixty per cont. are placed in the Earnest Izzard, Jas. Love, Victor Millar, t,_ x;1,00 Gingham Blouses for.... , .75x, ! $1,25 Men's Drill Coats for . , ..$1.00 the horses backing uIr' and tramping on morning, followed by col, sions until Pass List. Garnet MoBrion, Robt. Vodden. 75o Muslin Blouse for .. , ..Goo , Goo Boys Washable Suits for, ...50c his chest. H'e"fnjuxies are not serious, 3,30 when life fled, r. au<l Mrs. The papers of this examination were � X11.25 Fancy Print Blouse for. .$1.00 $3.50 Light Tweed Coats for, ..$` .50 however, ougli • 'be is ptliilfully Wilson and %amity the sympathy all Pair and reasonable, except that on Girls BLYT�I. i6�.50 Chambray Blouse for, , ,,$1.25 Glc Drill Overalls for ..... ,.....coo braised, ° of the whole coli tInty .in their sad spelling which was Auch•tp difficult for Jenkins, Arletta Potter,Cowan Taylor, $".00 Tucked Mush 6_Drill �... _ + n Blouse for $1.1 u Goo Drill Smocks for • • • • .... , ...000 Robert MoAlhstex, of Milwauke0, son bereavement. clifldren. Lilly ti of Mr. McAllister, near Win Ilam visit Pearl Toll, Allie Toll. �. > g , Fifty marks are allowed for this paper i �q'i &° h + ed relatives in this vicinity last weak. p p Pass-Etta Lyon., Katie Marshall, hose STRAW HATS CIE is 9 e b F U R N I S H I N OS • Valuable Advice to 3iI,eufi�ritioK with two marks oft for each misspelled , _ Mrs. McEwen of Monkton, visited' o O'Connor, Bessie Taylor, Ettio C. , ' Ent meat sparingly, and take very word. There were at least fifty difficult Tanney,Etta Wanless. 12ia Lions straw hats for, ,,,, ..10c 35c Shirts and Drawers for...:, .250 her daughter, Mrs. Robert McPherson. words on the a ; little anger. Avoid clamp feet, drink paper, The town and ' 20c Boys Straw Hats for ........ 15o 1500 Top Shirts for ........ . .....3Jc Fred, McTaggart, of Hensall, and:• water abundant) ' and alwa s rel on villa *° school u its olid d, Boss-Honors-Herbert Armstrong. 25e Men's straw hats for..... , ..200 250 Heavy Braces fpr.. , .. • . , , .loo former] teacher at Beimoro visited at Poison's N d'antl oras d absolute s rel y, on � pupils quite wall on Pass-Joseph Bell, Harvey Gidley, 3o"c Men's straw hats for ........ 250 ; 45e Shirts and Drawers for ...... 35c Y , this paper, but owing to the number of 45c Men's straw hats for..... , ..35c ; Brie Four-iii-hand Ties for ......2150 .Frank B. Scott's last week, of rheumatic pains. Being five times Leo Kelly, Don, McLean, Russell Sel- stronger than other remedies, its power classes,in the rural schools the teachers 500 Boys' straw hats for. ... , • .39a ; 350 Cashmere Sox for . , - . , , ....25c Richard Hockrid a is home again. lers, Albert Wilford, Hnry Wettlaufer, ,for,:..i 7 g g over pain is simply beyond belief. Boy have not the time to give the necessary lac Men's straw hats .... GOc 1U0 Gotten Sox for,,, , ,, , , , , , , , . , c. to straw hats for ........75c 15c Bathing Trunks for ...... , .. ,10a day. see if th s is not socio Po son's eNerViline difficultpaper. their pupils for such a Girls--Houorss-Hen ietta Agar, Laura $1 `Men' W W �Y� R. N. Duff was in Wroxeter on. star- o s Tommie Scott of Monkton, is vxsitm always coxes rheumatism. Except in so tax as an unfair paper is Ansley, Marion E. Beemei Alice , p P P A. Au,le , STAPLES Tho 1VIissea War�vicic of Seafortb erashortMORRIS. - succeedingpapers of the examination Chapinau,PeaxlTreno Davis, Olive K.®���� at Robt. McPherson s. likely to demoralize candidates for ' but at times severe ill p p Ferguson, Ruby Forbes, Marjorie 1S lbs best granulated sugar...$1.00 7o Flaunelettes fdr...............5c visited at John Kings last weal..those writing in this inspectorate suiPer- Gordon, Tossfe Halliday, Winifred 20 lbs bright coffee sugar ...... 1.00 7a Ginghams (fast colors) ........5c Mrs. James Leo and 9fss Ross, of ess athew Kellington, a well known ed no injustice on account of the un- Hohues, Ethel M. $logs Olive C. Mason, 35c uncolored Japan tea far.... , 25c ; 10c Apron Gingham for, .. , , , , ...So resident of the 4tli lin or over 25 years, Tomatoes, Corn and Peas, 3 tins, 25c i 15c Window Muslin for.... , ... , loo •oafortli, visited their brothers and xis- � reasonableness of this Dictation -vapor. i A. Laura Kerr, Hattie McDonald, Laura i, �, paid nature's debt, p g away in a Canada Laundry Starch, per lb, 5c ; 12,Qo Cotton Shirting for .. _....loo er here and at Win ham last week. ' B. May, Alice Paul Alema M. Pearen , 65 year on Tuesday of last week. 7 e- STAFORTi3, y, • , Corn Starch, per pkge ........... 50 100 Flannelette for.... , ....:.... Be Richard ,Prootai�as kicked off his. Maud R. Shark, May E. Scott, Maud P. Choice Raising. 8 lbs for ........2oc � 1'2lzo Victoria Lawn for .... ...100 wheel wAlle 'bieyo g around the block ceased was bora in Yorkshire, EugIaiuctl Gula-FIonoxs-May P. Gat Maud Troy, Jessie Wilson. Clothes Pins, per doz .. lc 16c Cretonne for..........:. .. SC on friday` evening last coming to Canada with his parents' Dell, Gillespie, Mary Gillespie, Mary pass-Nellie Bickle A. Countess Carr Mixed Pickles, 2 bottles for .... , 25c 35c Table Linen for .......... .250 + N.- boufla were when 13 years of age. He livecl is Peel' Jolms, Ella Robb, Priscilla Smith. ' • ' iixekeuy but he got so''iiie • rind bruises Claribel Clow, Gertrude Cruickshank, Co. and then moved to Hallett. town- Pass-Jessie Bell Anderson Teunie P. Annie Henry, Florence E. Graham, Ec :rind a ,bxolten SVheol, Tho horse th , ,�ship anti from Cher© came to Morris Chesney, lVinuifred Dalo Marthat .i'?D"��i(rlir� themiscliief:eseaped unharned. y' Nellie McEwen, Bertha Mc$agne, Janet b" where•he purchased 50 acres from. Mrs. Fowler, Rebecca Friel, Rae Govenlock o 0 o The firsC of'the bicyol@ xttoes fol sail- + P. Murray, Cassie A. Powell, Mabel ver cup offered by the, Canadian Cycle..Z?Pelsllt now of Brussels, and afterward Effie Hamilton, Mary L. Holland, Edna proctor, Cora Sherrill Caxxraie Stewart, added another 50 owned by F. DeWolfo, Holmes, Mary Murphy, Ella Park, Hazel y y The Cheap Store. Opp. Bank of Hamilton. - and Autombbile Coijl any •will be run Lill Snrll Louisa A. Stewart Mar G. _ liar© ni Saturday, evening. The cup of Brussels. 112x. liellington was au in- Roid, Bertha Robb, Kathleen Roberts, Troy, Janette Yoe. is a handsouie rine and call,. be competed dustrious, careful man; Methodistic in Bessie D. Somerville, Jean L. Van Boys-Honors-John E. Currie, Chas.- ;,, %i• by riders of..Ilio compauy's:xvheels religious tendencies and a Liberal in Egmend, Ella Westcott, Bella Wilson, M. I,;llis, Fred Howson, Wm. R. Jobb, DLYTH. � Dobson, pastor,, presided and gave a only. Mr. A. MoEweii is the local agent politics, He was a well react roan but Doleua Wilson. Win. F. Linklater, Geo. Muir, Jas. Mr. John Ross, principal of the Ed- history of the congregation since fts of the firm, took no paxt,in, public affairs. The Boys-Honors-W. M. Barker, Arch. Murray, Robt. Runoiman, Robt. Me• m onion public school, son of Mr. Thos. caption. The ceremony was imr,ressive. Mrs. Sinclair, of Brussels; visited at cause of death was a brain ailment with : T. Dale, Nelson H. Gordon, Arthur E. Gregor Sheill, , A concert was n Ross, of East Wawanosh, is visiting given in the Agricultural 4George McDonald's, this -week. which he suffered for xis weeks, a good ' MoG asviu, Randall Rose, Arthur Rout- pass -Hairy F. Constable, RoyCrow- hall in the evening and a dinner and su 1 portion of the time being unconscious or ledge' Ed. Smith, Elliott Somerville, with friends in Blyth and vicinity. g p- ' piirtially so. He is survived by his wire, Goo. 1-1. Scott. sten, Arthur Craig, Benj. A. Davidson, y_ par was served during the da The The vote on the b law to loan. W. H. p b y who Was Miss Alice Hodges, of Carlin Pass-J hn W. Aitcheson A. Broad- John G. Dawson, Roy Deacon, Wm. Finnemore $6,000 to aid him in rebuild- total, proceeds was $800. , ` How to Cure g Corn ,; , _ '� � ' Elliott,Bnrville Dm ID. Griffin Jas. L.xug •�'' world o cureIt is one of ts corhe aisxeDo of use acids years ago, a d thirtford, to whom he e nst thing in themol lcbeu$ried j�K e Holuies�Be�er3yhn � Kemp Charlie Lane, Louis Horan, Chas Henning, Albeit Holmes, Jphn C. I3ut- law and 5n. ggainsttoodThe work of re- uLROSs. ton, Wm, Tsbister, Wln. MoLeau, Wm. builcliva the mill will eonunence a ,norothercaustic preparations anddon't latter are:-Jno. and Fred. in h Jas. Lynch, J. S. Little, Peter McIver g Uu Thursday, 4th inst., . �ut a hole in y, st , the splrit� f apply Putnalu a Painless Coni ndpWart Columbia; Joq in Algoma; Alf. and R. Y. McLean, Edgar A. Neelin, Louis RAleusloyt9liaiupstiri E. Roth, Wm. Scott, Duce. ' Mrs. Arthur Simpson of the 2nd con.lof. . Bert in Essex Co, ; Oliver and Rob, at G. Prendergast, Mr. W. W. Taman has resigned his Extractor and in three days the corn can bast, Ray Sproat, J. H. Culross, passed over t11fl river. The be removed without pain. Sure, safe, ho(me; Mrs. White and Mrs. Bevan, of Smith, F. T. Townsend. position in Mr. S. H. Gidley's popular funeral took place on Friday afternooni painless. Take only Putnam's. Corn Toronto;Mrs. Hughes, of Detroit; Mrs. IL rTHEL, clothing house and has purchased a extractor. s , BRussrLS. g to tlifl Wingham c0inotery, a large „ Ed.. Brewer, of Morris; and Misses LilyVhe othl r afternoon a strange accident clothing business in Exeter, which 110 number of friends and neighbors ' and Ettie at home: Mrs. Jno: Dale, of Girls-Houora-Beatrio0 Armstrong, happened at the home of Mr. John will take possession of on July 22nd. mowing their respect for the deceased 65 Llross: Mitchell; and Airs. Wm. _Jewitt, of Julia Baxtlifie, Bessie Bone, Birdie Mitchell, north of Ethel, where a Messrs. Drummond Bros. have all the by their attendance. P+ollowing is a Mr. Jiro. E. Scott of the 8th coil. is Brussils, are sisters of the late Mr. Ke1- Geddes, Nellie Irwin, Mary McArtor, children's party was being held. The repairs to the Blyth fins mill completed short sketch of her life. Mrs. Simpson, one of our- most progressive farmers. lington, being the only members of the Lizzie Mc Artor, Carrie .McCracken, Ellahay fork had been let down to within and the necessary machinery put in. whose maiden name was 134argaret He purchased the other day a 31axwell ' family left. The many old friends of McKinnon, Artie 11koMillau, Gerrie Rass, about eight feet of the barn floor and a Everything is now in readiness for busi- Johnston, was born in Aberdeen Aug. hay Ioaclar,.. probably the first in the the family tender them .their sympathy Elsie Wilson, swing arranged from it. The 10-year- ness• 21, 1829, her father being a meehaut of township. The machine is attached to in the hoar of their bereavement. Pass-Bessie Beattie, Carrie Berry, old son and 8-year-old daughter of Mr. Hugh McQuarrie received a cable- ; Berva Bryan, Annie Cunningham, Annie am on Tuesday of last week from his that Johnston,She had our brothel, Dr, the rear of the wagon and the hay y + g , Joshua Flood, lot 2G, con. 5, were in the g'i' y stonand five sisters all of whom, which has been raked into wind rows Dickson, Elizabeth Dickson, Vera Dun- swing and while directly under a wire son, Archie, stating that he had arrived save one sister, still reside in Aberdeen. is carried up on to the wagon .as fast as ford, Bella Henderson, Sadie Lamont, broke and down came the fork, pinning safe and well at Shorucliff camp, Eng- She came to Canada. in 1861 and in the two men (,,an build the load. Ada Lott, Winnie McGuire, Maggie Me- the children to the floor. The boy was land. Mr. MoQuarrie expects Archie to saute year was married in Toronto to Lanchliu, Mina McRae, Olive Mainprize, caught arrive in Blyth sometime during the The directors of the Culross Mut. Fire This signature is on every box of the genuine g xt in the fleshy part of the leg and Mr. Simpson also a native df 42 Ins. Go' met as per ruction of adjourn- Rachel Moses, Bessie Moses, Ruby Plum, p .sent month. y p Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets Edea Pugh, Wiunifred Scott, Myrtle a nasty wound inflicted but the sister Aberdeenshire. Previous to this Mr. went in Teeswatei, on Dime 29th,. 1901, the remedy that cares ra cold iia one army fared worse as the prong penetrated h Simpson lead taught school for. five Thompson, Members all present with the exception breast bone, damaging the lung- FORD WICH. years at Maple Hill, east. of Walkerton. of Wm. McDonald, Minutes of previous Boys-Honors-Hcury Ainley, Bert r:volixOty. doctor dressed the childrens we ds Mrs. Elliott, of Mansfield, Ohio, �vho After his marriage he taught the Hingston, John Kerr, Robb. MacKenzie, and the are now doing Johnston'smeeting were read and adopted, - The Orange demonstration at Luck- y g well. has been visiting friends around here, Johnston Corners school, west of•• Stewart Scott, Arthur Smith, Willie Donaldson-Scott-Thgt ah applica- now, representing the Counties of Huron Zilliax. left for her on Monday. They lived here Walkerton, for five years. In 1866 they . tions for insurance be laid before the and Bruce, was the largest ever held inPass--Roy Ansley, Willie A meat, TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DSAS' 21 years ago. moved to Culross and after teaching for . Board for examination,-Carried. - with dicolors over thirty Orauge-lodges, Earl Backer, Willie Caincron, Dick ark°g t, hive romo Q inif it faa111s t . cAllure Mr. D. G. Mahood, D.D.S., of Webster Ettyeuar ` t Lahng sidslil heyh settled onf the Reid-Donaldson-That having es t , besides Orange Young Davis, Goo. Eckmier, Findlay Fraser, E. ti�. Grove's signature is on each box, 25c, City, Iowa, who bas been visiting his a home or � the anitined the applications for insurance Britons and Lady. True Blues being Chas. Hingston, Gordon Imlay, Donald mother and sister for a few weeks, left family. Mr. Simpson died in 1893. They taken by the different agents and find represented, and fully 8,00 people were Tulle's Weiland McDonald Russell on Tuesday to resume his practice. were among the ea11y settlers of this Chain satisfactory (with the exception of present, The villagers, long-famed for porter, Percy Richards, Lyle Richard- Llsxutvr;L' Dr, and Mrs. Spence ]eft on 'Tuosday towl,ship and vver,l members of the, two which are to be referred back) the hospitality, fairly broke the record. 8011, L1ton Rezell. A canvas-covered wagon arrived morning for a short vacation, whicll WhitechurcllPresbyterain congregation.. J'rosidoit and Secretary prepare and. The streets were decked with green in own yesterday morning, the they will spend in Muskoka. A family of : en survive their mother issue policies for the same. Carried. cedars, the "stores displayed flags and PORDwxC11, occupant; of which were Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Draig and her two little girls of and five b ' est was a present at the Sott--Ballagh-That the application banners, while arches, streamers, bunting m.Girla-Pass--Eva . ay Laird, Blythie Wm. Sperling acid their seven children, Arrow River, Man., are spending a few funeral a only daughter, Mrs. of Robt Grain, Thos. Hill and Win. Me- and mottoes spanned the roadways. It A. McLaughlin, Bertha C. Sotheran. residents of DeWitt, Nebraska. They weeks with friends in this vicinity, 11cDou , lives in Aberdeen, Arthur is Burney to make certain changes and was a welcome worthy of the King Boys-Honors-Wm. Padfield. had left their home on the 1st of May The 211th anniversary of the Battle of studying uiedioine at Toronto, Robert improvements in their buildings be himself, and the visitors expressed their Pass-Percy Stuton Ashton, Henry last,, and driven all the way. Mx. thb Boyne was celebrated, in grand is on the old homestead, James has granted provided they use clue Caro in gratification at the warmth of the - • - •- -- w Sperling and wife are Canadians, and style, by the Orangemen of Howick, on graduated from Toronto Lniversity and aloin so.--Carried. reception. The regular and three some fifteen. or inore years og6 resided Priday, July 12tH, in t' tis village, which returned from the Normal College at f3 �ao,rwa„m�Lr�ass it (l Win. ,. dile Reid-•-Ballagh-That the -claim of special trains, loaded to their fullest ? �. near Ayton, which is their present was beautifully decorated for the oeeas- Htuiiltoll about it month agJ, John and Donald McLean for damage to house capacity, brought in the visitors. The In e'v'ery t0 destination. ' They have travelled sion. Thore were three Orange Youu; Albert arts also :till cn tho old hontr•- amounting to $10.57 be now paid.- procession mustered at the Queen's park, and V age between fourteen and fifteen hundred I Briton and seven Loyal Orange Lodges ;steam and Bw°u is in Inuisfatt, A:berta. Carried. and, headed by the' Village Council, miles, making from twenty-live to present There were about 3000 peopl0 i'i.hc family have; ilvi yyul ..shy the Ballagh--That-•That this Board do paraded to the Caledonian Park,, where ma tr had, thirty miles a clay Mr. Sperling chose ill town on that flay, wile tiVer9 well at ;hwrhooa in lay a b , ' -now adjourn to meet again on the last a programme of speaking and ruus3e the this way of travelling on account of his satisfiedtivitll the clay's pxoceodings .. _. 11 Saturday of July at the usual time and was carried out, at which Lieut.-Col + health, and has found it beneficial both Listowel band was in urtei.domeo wit. place or at the call of the President.— Scott, Deptttq District Grarld Master, o = , to himself and fancily, although they discoursed swept music th ooginut ;lar Carried. Ontario bleat, presided. The speaker are pleased that thdy are hearing their day and hea led the ptocessiou to the of the day was Worshipful Brothel' i �e journey's end. The wagon, w1iieh is of grove whist cho Rev;. Dobson,, Rcgers >llD90 cllvxosx, Secty. and people agree that Scott's 1:nitil+ • ,. Alex. Muir of Toronto. His oration` the carryall pattern, +vas sl:eoialliy mast � gild Varney gave eycellecit addresses ARM was one of great fervor, a patriotic Axle for the trip, and is n veri table house I which were listened to 11y t1w large Bich of cod-liver bit is the best thing TH L FAIRS. appeal of a Scott, it Canadian, and an upon wheels, being fitted up for living gathering with pleasuro, There was to take for "don't r enthusiastic Oaangeman, Assisting' feel well acrid � in, with oil stove,lamp and furniture, nothing llappeuol t0 roar the ] ro0so t• es 'WrraiaK�s ...... .. . ........ . .Sept. 26.27 hire, also, were Bro. A. H. Musgrove, also hammocks for sleeping in, and, six iilga of the d,don't know Why, y'r '' p eciall y"'bixbies I3elgrave ....................... Oct. 1.2 Wiftgbam, and the local and visiting Grease apartment at the bottoin for clothing on t'nly 12th, at 4.30 p. m., thl eo -they like it••••--niers and women Dungannon .................... ,'Oct. 8.0 clergy. Mr. W. Allin, Iteove, gave an ate. The f amry purposJ spending a : cornor stones were laid in the new Pres- lotet nlitid it, licit babies actually, ixoderie]x...... ... • ............tlat, 1.2 address of welcome. A concert was Made that makes your couple of monthsuuloilg their friends� byteriati oligrah by hire. l4ieiklojohu, ofby , xiipley ......................Sept, 94.25 hold in the ovening, the foroign talent Iuit ial hOl`SOS std. in the vicinity of Ay tou, and will return Harristoii, and Mrs. Hamilton a,nc'1 Mtia. Me*Y it. ' `.Coroxito ...............Aug, go-Sept. .7 being' Mrs. Blaek•Vinonds ahcl Mr. � to Nebraska in the fall, the same way Edgar, of TIONVidkf in the presehoo of a �tcorl a reswNr Issas: 600-Lt ,etr.o V%V ft•Mllftlrb: "Y DondOn. ............. . ......:3ept. +Sde James 1+'ax of Toronto. - i', as they huvo journed hero.-Standard. ( large utlm* of p0ople, Roy. A. B• sec, and;rase; an drukg tit