HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-07-19, Page 4•; JJt JJY 1(l THE. IY YG l S, 1 1 .�` YC)1' Surf.', tired ZilCl SV1e11Ly TWO Q ��D.I.t�b�! �.i1:11.7i'A'.��.11►3 14'�N(11[AA1i A[AlilfiFT RFl(OliTB. se ��o���se�s��1��r����N������+ta!Nay*a�s��►�1w��1lM�oe4��eoar��st�N�r�a�+���►�t�e. feet uie 1wingharn, July 10, tool. `a rr Flour per 100 lbs .......... 1 05 to 2 60e Nt MU THEY BOTH RELATE TO THE ORIGIN .Fa11'Wheat ............... 0 60 to 0 60U uuOF THE "BLAGif HAND.+� Spring Wheat......... . 0 0.0 to 0 oo ho. & Jas 11, Kerr. The PPopular p�/A �Q. Ot Jas. H. ile+rre. ,. Barley 0 40 tc. Q 42 � . • ' A, 111Xtitrro hello of Fo rmer IDUTs lu Peas 0 62 to 0 624 Avoutiful Slot T4 Ohio''cua# fvas Turkeys, drawn...... 0 00 to 0 10 0 �. ere's just OI e testimonial )3144te4 Away In tine uati►less Geese, `c ...... 0 05 to 0 06 March of r3ro1 reMp, Ducks' per pair ..., ...... 0 40 to 0 60 �t ,� Butter. ......,..,,. 0 15 to .0 16 0 .1°'" r Brussels, June o, 01 As the average tourist, traveling east- Eggs per doz , , , . , 0 11 to 0 it Send me one package of Darnpo for ward from Newark, 0.. dashes tbrough a Wood per cord .. ,.. , .000 to 8 25 _. a which I enclose '25 cents in stamps, rocky cut near the eastern limits of Lick. Hay per ton., . , , . 8 00 to 8 00 iii►►► � Would not be without it fo ` 'lottblc the ing county, he trivet$ does not realize at �d oes, n 11) ... ........ o 13 to o 25 S amount. l Tallow per 1U 0 05 to 0 18 •' this spot was once one of the most ieI g - ours trnlkturesque, romantic and historic localities p 13 • Axt� nti*1, Honss. Dried Apples er lb 0 08ito 0 04 s• S u e r Sale 11.1 �. in Ohio. Such a traveler should read rive Wool . , . , , , 1, . , 0 13 i;o 0' 1G � • Dampa mailed to any act- history and legends of "Black Hand"-- Live Hogs, per, low, It" ,.,,, 7 00 to 7 00 • • • history that reacts like a dream of Ala& Chickens.. ............ 0 30 to 0 40 • �� �y� • � dress fur 2sc. g ; a 8 Full Swing® s � din legend that finds its beginning in the oured its sur lus water overnn. immenseV MUTUAL LIFE1Ve well not Gari xt summer.p p p, y summer , oods over until ne •gilt early in the season • Win i int rimeval days, wen an immense � ��� � � � � 9 � lake filled the cativo Licking-vane and � Su r1 natural sandstone dam four miles across. OF CANADA,. • we are going' to move out all Summer Goods at sacrificed prices. A few weeks and new t ` DRUG STORE. During the ages which rolled away, the Formerly The Ontario lSfutual Life, fall goods will be rolling in and we must have clean stocks to commence the fall campaign. waters by erosion cut through the de- BY WAY OF CONTRAST: • WINGHAM. vontnn grit, leaving two parallel nails Death and expense rate 000 for last ten 0 wbich rise about u0 feet. When civiliza- p per 1, New Plaid Dress Goods at 5c a yard �,...... _ .... - ..._.�. years. tit • tion reached what is now Obio, it found 5leading U.S.Companies, average....22.27 0 (About 500 yards new Plaid Dress Goods, reg, Sc and 100, reduced to 5c a yard, a skirling flood in this rock bound ravine,. 5leading Canadian Companies avge .. 18.27 Y ) TO ADVERTISERS. The faces of the clip's were crowned wit)i Mutual Life of Oanutla .. .. ..13.00 ® • rare flowers and beautiful laurel, gave its Interest earned oil assets lnAten years. tt• 15c' Colored Dress-musl1HS for 10c ayard. 'Notice of chanties must be left at this fragrtnee to tine zephyr and its delicate Per Cont. ® office not later than Satur3a noon. , 5 leading U.S. Companies, averse ., „ 4.03 •A!! y tints ,o the landscape, 5leading Canadian Companies, avge.. 5.01 a The copy for Changes mast be left This is the beautiful spot that a#ter- mutual Life or c,u,aa„ v 5,51 q ��'''``�� a I�t not later than Tuesday evening. ward. came to be called"Black Hand." In m 10c Colored ed Dress usli s for 8c a yard. ro A, Casual, advertisements accepted up the early part of the last century the pro- � � � � to noon Thursdav of each week. moters and surveyors of the Ohio canal M B E R C 083E N es a took advantage of the rock walled chap- 69 1 1•-2c and 15c Dress �ra�Ygl° a s fbr '100 �,y-� • nel to form a storage dam for that early Loan and Insurance Agent, ® g ESTABLISHED 187,j. civilizer. About midway down the canyon Corner Minnie and Patrick Sts, Athome FridayafhernoonandSaturday,��� Dress `a�,����,®�,� a sharp headland protruded into the Civ .R�' 'II IN%IIAIIS. er. here the first surveyors Poona, cutyard. in the face of the rock, a gigantic human hand. The carvings had been filled with xlie'Druggists,ue Easy 0 LADE ' 3 ask Cu"TTO - ROSE at o pair. H. R. ELLTOTT, PunrasnEn e:�v Pnoritixxon a black pigment, which still remains a Druggists report great demand for the mute monument of the forgotten, race tb new 25 cent size of Cararrhozone, and a+ (10 doz. Ladies' Black Cotton Bose, fast colors, reg. Sc, now 5c a air.)� - whom the carver belonged. Though nn,- to-day's sales almost cleared out their 'g�#�'p �V FRIDAY. JULY 1tJ 1001, tune had raised a stone for him, he carved stock. They explain this rapid trun oil gives ® .8E".il.�e 'P� ����� ®TT� - � �?; , j pair. not a line to tell who he was or why he Catarrhozone b the fact that it ® �,'a carved. better satisfaction then any other ® 10 doz hen's Cclored Cotton Ilose re rice Sc and loci Our rice 5c.) VLAIN Sr-t-11�SN(1. accounts of the size of the black hand remedy on the market. Druggists say ® ( g p p The new Conservative monthly, The differ. Old men say their parents saw it that Catarrhozone is the only remedy a and that it was eight feet from the tip of that really does cure Catarrh,Bronchities a �'8` Tory, published at Toronto, continues to L.��DI� S' LI `�F1 cy the thumb to the tip of the little Sager. and Asthma. It relieves quickly, is 0 � 79�T only 5c, !�✓a��',h. induiga in plain speaking. It charges Others say it was larger and some not so �leasaut and convenient to" uses and 0 � that many of the Opposition leaders are large. guaranteed to cure, or your money back. 5 incompetent, discredited, and -rot well But the rock which bore the hand was Readers suffering from Irritable Throat, 4? LADIES'P ASDL cat O ost. in the way of the canal bullder, and in Bronchitis Catarrh &o. are strop 1 0 � • calculated to lead to victory. Let The 1528 they drilled into the face of the cliff g y 0 advised to try Catarrhozone • it never p 9 9 3 •' 'Tory speak for itself: and blasted away the historic relic. Not �" « fails to cure even the°worst cases. `�, ies , �rl�'��.. � 1Lr.8.t�� � �,�� ���Y� S"b�°aw Hath w I But before the present leaders can content with that, they cut it into blocks, 0 W g expect any large degree of support ruthlessly chiseling away the carvings aria a Cost. financially or otherwise, from the rank tracery, and with the blocks built asus- Live Stools Alarkets. m 9 ep s taiuing wall, over which tow horses might 0 p� and file of the party in Ontario, they wap: while drawing wealth into the west- Toronto, July 16.—At the western cat. Men's s 2.Jummer Shirts, Print, cut p,[�'�,ce 31c. must give some greater evidence than ern world. The black hand on the rock's tie yards to-day the total receipts were �a.,01� eH�Y° Shoes `�,� �<��„�j they have shown up to the present time face lived only in the memory of its de- 88 cars, including 1,613 cattle, 555 sheep Cost. • stroyers. that they possess the energy, the Intel- and lambs, 600 hogs, 25 calves, and a 0 z Shoes, , When the Central Ohio Railway com- ® Girls' Summer Shoes, at em0st. 3i gene and the vitality to carr the few, much ccws. b , Y Y parry in the enrlr fifties desired to pierce • Province in the face of the powerful the garden spot of Ohio, they took advan- Following is the range of quotations:- ® Mmes umi- er Shoes at Cost. Influences opposed to Them. tnge o4 the grades established by nature from Zanesville and followed the Licking CATTLE. ag Children's The deadliest enemies of the pt Cost. river. 'Then Black Hand was reached. Shippers, ®' < Conservative party today are not outside the builders encountered a headland on Do , lig : to pp ,per Cwt 4 75 • E5 12� ®a��®.,,..,.,...... . its ranks. They area miserable crew the opposite side.oE the river correspond- Butcher, choice do..... 4 00 4 50 � Summer Shoes '� - - - • •• -- •• •-• - --- - • •-- - • '®` p discredited politicians who y it a ing to it. S togaHauroc!; and cut sheer Butcher, ordinary to a Jno tx Jas. R. Kerr. MACDONALD RLRCK, WINCHAM. Jiro. & Jas, H. Kerr. �. lace within the rtr � councils b virtue through it. So today the east bound tour- good................ 3 25 3 i5 • �. P � ist sees little of Black Hand. Butcher, inferior ...... 2 75 3 00 sof no superior intelligence, but solely on 3I'any legends linger about the locality, - account of historic associations, At the I An Indian sat at the door of a settler's SHEEP AND LdliBS, 3est these men were never great, but cabin and told this story: "Many years Choice ewes, per cwt..: 3 40 3 60 simply rose to prominence by clinging aro the red men fa the eastern part of Yearlings, grain-fed, cwt 4 00 4 50 "` ° .". ` . ." -... •. the•stnte were nt war with these in the Culled sheep, each...... 2 50 3 00 y , Y;` •.•. „ .+„ •,•,.. ••.....,, .,.., �t tothe skirts of the immortal dead. middle and northwestern parts. Chief Lambs (spring)$ each... 2 50 4 00 CREAK' CLEARING SALE OF "When they tried to stand alone they among the former were the Mingoes and Bucks............ .... 2 50 2 75 among the latter the Wyandottes. In fell like withered branches from the tree y' c one of the stealthy and bloodthirsty in- IwUZ iD•RS AND CALVES. � � � of time, discredited, defeated, dishonored cursions into the Mingo hunting grounds Cows, each ............ 20 00 4500 forever in the eyes of every loser of the a young chief of great .promise was cap- Calves each, , , ........ 2 00 10 00 srA 13arty. Their day is past. They sha11 tared and carried back by the `i'yan- HOGS. �� - -� " -%odS -rot lead us longer. The Tory' has no dottes. Instead of killing the young 11Iin- s ��p desire to waste any time or space in go chieftain, as was the usual custom, he Choice hogs, per cwt... 6 75 7 2n,5 i Vg alChes, Gold and Silver. �disire to theta. We have a eater was made a serf and compelled to earn Light hogs, per cwt.. , . 6 50 6 75 g gr the good esteem and fellowship of his Heavy hogs, per cwt... 6 50 6 75 = A. and creative work to do. But let them captors• a fate worse than death to the Stags.. . ............ . . 0 00 2 00 A. 2iot stand in the pathway of progress, s'oimg Indian. We are now offering special value in all. classes of Summer Goods. 1'he woes of his captivity, however, ' Muslins, Organdies, Wool Delaines Fane Gin hams Percales Dignities Hair Blass y g , 'They must not play with fire." p , were lightened by the kindly attention of „r3 � Mercerized Sateens and Prints, all up-to-date patterns and colors,. --- a young Wyandotte maiden, the daughter S a ,,3 .> Wrappers and Shirt Waists, special of the chief of the tribe into which the i;:.t,, $ ; g a - Also a Complete stock Of Ladies' NOT>;S ANy COMMENTS. 1lfingo had been adopted. Genuine affec- i' r,3',-gyp e r value at 650 and u The Voters' Lists for the town and tion knows no condition, for it rises above �•a,L:�1� 0%a .�rOOL'�leS p� townships are now being all environment. The maiden fell in love ; , •„'?;•3, I - �� See oars ectal values in Ladies' White Goods and Undervests. p g published and v, this illus a p with the unfortunate young chief, and. ,, • :• Parasols in Fanev and Black Colorings from 75c and up. posted up. Those entitled to vote should though R atcbed by the crafty tribesmen, °7' rr.` �`• i trate your , ;'�`; Belt Buckles see if their name is properly inserted on they made their affection known to each ' i. In Turnip Seed I have the best known kinds such as Steel Brio s Co. the list and if it is ommitted it will be other and decided to fly to the Mingo n,3 h' s 'fit C x p e r i - r =Select, Elephant, Simmer's Prize Ronnie's Own as well as all he Old- Country. _ ; =' '�-� L n C e ? _! Sterling Silver p , necessary to appeal to the Judge to have„:4< r Standard Varieties. , One vigbt they made their escape. At I / ' �� your name added. All appeals must be i r,, ► 1 And are Novelties. . i3aed .ht they were missed and were our- 1 f a See our line of Ladies Summer Corsets at 35e. Also the new Corset made with the town or township clerk sued by n posse of'Z%yandottes. The girl 3 ': �,�i•#:� 1 $011 i'd•0 r- - Erect Form, straight front special at 1.00 pair. within 30 days from the date on which had lett behind a tribesman lover, who, ' ': � r i e d f O r Cut Glass. , g , p w� p the clerk post up the list in his office. burning with the passion of a disappoint- ” + F '. We show special value in Hosiery and Gloves. V t fear you ed lover and an the for vengeance, tray- S See ours special line of Cotton Hose for Boys, The Canadian Year Book gives the cirri faster than the couple and overtook � o l p y , extra heavy, fast black. ..r., soo>? to be bald . Gloves in Black and Colors from Ise air up. following as the expenditure per head in thorn at Black Hand rook. ( 3 .-, y - p ! heII cease YaOa S Eyes tested without charge. Repairing + each province: ''hey heard the pursuers behind them, i'' ice+ neatigdone. Don't be afraid to comein. - A special line of White Counter Panes to be cleared at Ontario $1,74 knowing that worse than death awaited t _ ? fpr help is at We are always pleased to show goods. �1:00 each, them if captured. With the stoicism of i Quebec 2.74 I , { The old Stand in Mason Bloch. Nova Scolia 2 the savage they walked to the edge of Ilc.s'id•'`J31 II e e Ll Wov Brunswick 2 47 the precipice and surveyed the flood. h t' su{3m ahing t li a t w i 1 Folding the idol of his heart in his arms. -' u a '' ivi I L'LiZ61011 -Manitoba 4.58 q li `: tit IIf;V,r 14fB 2i1#U 1?lleTAsBritish Columbia h.88 , be c rangy into tha boilin waters. Then� p- 33ritis Edward Island 2.88 pnrcners were close enough to see the last , glair bulbs, 4 -- - - --- - �- - --- - -_ - chaptor of the drama. u V Jeweller and Optician. The narrator says the disappointed pur- You ' H - d Stops rile Cough 6ders marked the spot as the Caucasian f II e e d . pundit. Now is the Time to Buy and,works off the Cold. The other legend-and one worth of.i :>aii' TA=tive Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a cold in perpetuity—is born of the geology and �; C' food, NAU ° i L� IAC afnedap. 14o Cnre, no Pap. Price 25 cents. country and the trade conditions of the S II O ' V' VVV1"abal igines. i1bout five miles sonthcvest! u of black Hand is a great outcropping of jP .-a s r /� (( p ACk chalcedony. The place is known noct as TAILOR i 4 Flint ridge, and the flint, rare on tbis Cagily'Tirecy '. continents was much valued by Indians' r Eyes: and mound builders for mat, — imple i f t0 l Indicat4 Eyestra1w. mints of agriculture and tear. Lit a the i a Ncsonl vIt this con*+ " »' s ! In looking over our stock We find Idition Invites disease' Pipe stone quarries Of the Dakotas, Wicere � +r t�LQ ;fY, �d I�ie fall- _ � ` We have placed In Stock a � t ` Protect your health the inimical Sioux and Mandan work side r .. by removJ'.►d the b side in a hither that'", nice assortment .of ready-to- ®�� strain y apparent peace, rw 6 Wash jWe exo+nine•eycs-Veie tribes carne tip, the place bein„consrderael Q�r� restpre5 Wear clothing, duel while We Dressers, Stands, a ,+a r e e o m m e n d sacred t0 the giver of all good aria Des ;, �; 5`,. « do not reread t0 sell at less , $gases ;only, who -.may �� gra �+ h a i r, , y p a number of Fancy chairs C �nbs0lutery3benelieial: i feet gifts, For a radius of five Iniles, i , entre Tables, ` around Flint ridge rested the blessing of Y6a y�. rr>$ look. at than cost and live on the loss, the great spirit, or that of the orb of day. d - Couches, Lounges, 7 Parlor suites, Extension • th �. ;�a #if;>ce ,you W111 find full value for your Tables, Writing7►esks,a11 Racks, Sideboards, the divinity worshiped by the mound a . L builders. None of the tumult of war ts'i } � y'y, : y0ll r gray money every time. l91 found within that space: Fattiest in quest;! a number of good Oak Bed-ROOM Suits. \ o of the flint coming to the confines of the' �v1 it � , Ve '*l;alil charmed circle laid clown their arms for y all thy: da i'!ch Color Give us a call. See what ° [t I . In fact we have too much furniture in all lines to carry , •. � � the purpose of mining the necessary `� � Of �%Otifh. We have in Men's, in Youths' stone, Por the time forgetting the tradl- f over summer. We have decided to sell at such prices as will tfonary hatred of foes. They came from $1.00 a bottle. All drugglo s. and in Children's, all new and clean out our stock quickly. the !debarked bailey, i roba111y by water, � 1up to-date nods• W � also have a large stool; of picture moulding to e�'earand debarked from their !rail craft at the 1 am a earlier b' Indo and h Lvrf " i; •� X/ , foot of the took. ; , hail a g�rreat deal to do with your 11$Ir , 90r, I havo found that it ll The romancer' gays the spread hand j' will do everything titat you elsom W e have also a line of odd out at �t great reduction. Colne with your pictures and have 1 carved on the rock tads in mute ttppeai for it, it 1120 r In hie the most them framed while ou 'wait. We mean What We say. Come comi,iete 001A notion in my bud- Garments Trousers Vests, and Cleat With t15. and Parc%b1y reminded the wayfarer in boss." IXyXXy .l, 0xo10r,_ ► y a waq at once Porc3blP, as it tirast poetical', nlatalt 82,1sOlb IsanAi,r City. unci Bicycle Suits, Overalls, etc° z ..- The g Furniture i�r�►lsey ���� that thus Par and nn, farther should the leadn dealers and Undertakers, • waves of unlighted vengeance troll. The Writer lho Debtor. " ciil1t14itilieY Optfie:iasa hand intarked the portal of a sanctuary' Tf3ost do ret ebt,�tn stn oho bem+,eee �`�! ® `� �,` tstnrcit etwe►teee' ,G� o i" expeate.t firm 01 U" of thn V !'l1 1 Lw tvhlclr tvaN :lttered to the savage, whbsb � 0111 x re the >eetor two tie, r rWa Wi�$ihtislr, Ont. idst Per blood rolls) flbbvA every other eon• waar0.r, ilt, �, (;,Ayra, r-kerBro,&& tiidertttibn l:a lif5 riarrb�r but inten0$, lrc. �ran,ltttt. �• olsted est evetatol lift.—Ohio N ext door to Griffins Royal ��•� -� Ohlr Stats Jotitr,• y s Cllr'. .,.— �.- ,.,,;d .._ . _.:.... '.... Croce y. W1N'GHAM.