HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-07-19, Page 3f *I' the question, answered in the Iiegative. reporter of the Sun Airs, bIarshall told p 113 sure to upset the boat, A harder days world a man ootild scarce-' the following story of her daughter's All to flight. Dr. Ch ase,$ Ointment i GAINED � � � � � A )loss that's reined too higlx'll stum- ly do than Nvas done by the British farm suffering and subsequent re.stortation to Vater on all �. � •�Cy� '� Sid �6�hl f ble over a mighty little rut. laborer; who only once a week smelt health:—"At the age of eight," says Scream and quake Idol's thet're built up in a hurry gou'- bacon. The great solloolman, Thomas. Mrs. Marshall '4Mamie was attacked Jnst a little I , %gi a An Antitsep�tie Henle_' yWhIvIk Prompt' rally fall jest as quick. A ulnas, may stand for the maximum with rheumatism from which she suf• Garter snake - L � S , q Y ly Allays Itch"at•; Beall' born is the greatest misfortune of brain Nvork, however obslete that fared vex much and althoii gh she was Gallant ohappies .incl Burning . 'y , � t µm41 ;7t4roub"h.ly C•t:r4N ,.;.very .. .... ....... • that ever happened to some folks. work may now be, and he was forbidden treated b a clever doctor her health diel Push the swing y y corm ol!xt Iirdinir seal Dir�ettae. BY USING MILBURN'S PILLS. It don't make no difference slow corn- meat by therule of his easier. Shelly teat improve. To mnke her condition To trlricll buxtou . , Maidens cling If the extraordinary value of Dr. fortable they look afore he puts 'am on, was a vegetarian, and he may stand for worse she was attacked with St, Vitus n 1 Chase's Ointment worn thoroughly Un- -when a feller gets into somebody's else's the maximum of imagination. Vege- dance, and I really gave up hope of ever Work ahead till t of breath derstood there would not be a famny I Vic , ' " boots, he sliest always finds thet they've tarianism, if it ever prevails, will make seeing her enjoy goods health again, Her Canada that -; ould be without it the Toren B C. March 8, 19ox. of a few shag nails in 'am, a great change fu the fauna of the world. arms and limbs Nvouldi twitch and jerk And they're nearly house for a single day. The T. Milburn Co., Limited, i; P b fi 7 Toronto Ont. Ef trouble makes a faller smart a Ceasing to be carniverous, man will spasmodical) and she could, sca Tired to death. In the first place it is a food and DearSirs Sometimes om dau hter Y y' y r • beautificx for the skin, and is so pure '— g y g ' can't blame Solomon far heli' so wisp, cease to keepoxen else and fowls, hold a Gish in her baud and h to be Time for dinner s aged 1g years, , p , and pleasant to use that no lady will , ,, was troubled. Meantime th e wild animals will be ex- looked after almostlike au i ' Ilt. While Finds is spread, delay in applying it, It removes pim- with bad head - pies, he bed as many wives as they tell us I i i tri aced and the automobile will sup- Mamie was in this condi ' Il a nei hbor With a bright sky pies, ableblaca d di and all sorts of Cis- , i aches and loss die had. P P' g agreeable and disfiguring skin diseases. `j '- lalx't the horsy so in the cud the lobo �Vho birds used Dr Wil ' tms' Pinl- Pills �• O� erhead; t of appetite. There ain't man folks that hov got p g ' In the severest cunei of eczema, salt } pp y b Soon a rain comes rheum, fetter, scald heads and other } 1 �! ` E �' She was tired faith enough to take an umbrella to will be left to man and the mosquito. with beneficial Auxin in her own family . itching skin eruptions, Dr, Chase's t and listless mast advised me to ern in Mande's case. t'out'ing down— a , meetin When they're a -gain to Ointment affords instant relief by al- °� <r of the time, and -prayer 3' $100Xleward, 9100• I had myself often heard these pills high- Ali are suakecd front laying the burning, stinging sensations, ,j� t ^- `{� was loosing pray far rain. Feet to clown, and will permanently cure if applied �� t flesh. The readers of this paper will be pleas- ly spoken of, but it had not occurred t'o . regularly. Hers stem of Always look to the front, especially ed to learn that there is at least one me before that they might cure my little Clothes are ruined, ; y g when ye're gittin' off uv a luovin' rail- dreaded disease that science has been Grub the saute • Dr. Chase's Ointment -s thn standard badly run down, able to cure in ,all its stages and that girl, but now I decided to give them to ointment the world over, and is so mar- I so hearing your road train. is Catarrh. Hail's Catarrh Cure is the her.. Before she had completed the All declare that vellousitr successful as to far surpass l Heart and Nerve ffff The feller that Said it's bettor to be Only positive cure now known t0 the second box I could see a mIts a shame marked change all rivals. Ask your neighbors about it. Pills highly spoken of I procured a box, +Thais is not it single community in l and by the time she brass used them she Tight than President would rather hev medical fraternity. Catarrh being a for the better, and by the time she had Ask them later, Canadsa, but has some egress whcro this i had gained 91 lbs. i:l w, ivlit and is now in been both. constitutional disease, requires a con- taken five boxes all trace 'of both the And they'll say • remedy has worked r, mflrkable cure's. I erfect health. stitutional treatment. Halls Catarrh I 60 cents a box, at all ,lea.lers, or Ed- ; 8 Yours truly, When thing's begin to loos: Ilk ye was Cure is taken internally, acting directly rheumatism finds St. Vitus' dance • had ' That they had it xnanson, Bates Fa Co., Toronto. licked, then it's jest the time ye had u,pon the blood and mucous surfaces of vanished, and site is now as brightSplendid day , - __-.• CURr1s. ,. .._.. oughter begin towork harder. elle system, thereby destroying the active and healthy as any child of her —Pittsburg Chronelo-'telegraph. foundation of the disease, and giving the �— .--•.- _-•-- �, ---- Don't try the fish until ye've kgtched patient strength by building- up the .con- age. Some time has elapses, since she Backache, sideaclle, swelling of feet stitution and assisting Mature in doing discontinued the use of the pills, but not em. g and ankles, puffing under eyes, frequent I�j a how its work. The proprietors have so much the slightest trace of the trouble has thirst scanty, cloudy, thick, highly color - Don't trust a feller that tolls y faith in its curative powers, that they since made itself mauifes,'. I titins: ed urine. Frequently urination, barn- he managed to cheat some other feller. offer on Hundred Dollars for any case lug S0I39atiDllS ;t'llen tixinating Zetherefore, that I am safe in saying that gWhen it comes to a uestioix as to that it fails to cuxe. Send for list of An sof the above s Lmtonts load toq testimonials. I believe Dr. Williams Fink Pillsnot,y }' � -whether a road dawg or yersel'li own Bright's disease, dropsy, utabetas, etc. d; s Address, F. J. CHENEY w CO., only restored her health, but have work- Doan's Kidney Pills are a sure cure fd.r c'v, c°ixi° a° the road, don't stop to argue with the Toledo, O, >> en r o - ed a permanent cure. all kidney dliseuses. rdawg. Sold by druggists, 75c.° Hall's Family Pills are the best. Rheumatism, St. Vitus dance puss ,ail, The feller that goes it alone won't hev kindred diseases of'the blood and nerves,- :nobody to blame but hisself of lie lases. speedily yield to Dr. Williams' Pink Tl,e siil Cctespe t. Philadelphia Record. A word to the toys,. Pills and the cures thus effecter. are A roof on a silo is perhaps more a he Types t!;iilE',t 111`",, 1"Y Ott A Sous Waimic, For. When we see the boys on the street question of convenience than of neces- 3�i'w, permanent, because this medicine makes 's c g rot over FiftyYears. and public places pyo often wonder if sits, says Hoard's Dairyman. ,,Mabe .. rich; red, blood, strengthens the nerves, An old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs the know that business men tiro watch- wf11 keep Without di roof being over it, y and thus reaches the root of the trouble. '�'llj;; j.; P T2,Q�7 I? D 1)�' ljlf i,.tC; t:t;It tilt' BUSINESS ill- Winslow's SoothingSyruls has been used ing them, says an exchange. In every These pills are sold. by all dealers in but for convenience fu feeding the silage? for over fifty years bymillxonsofmothers bank, store and office there will soon bea medicine 'or will be sent post paid at 50 keeping snow, etc., out, and shelter habitants ul the world usl'_v i:. , for their children while teethin:;, with lace for some l o to fill. Those yvlxo while handling a roof is usually put on Now r t Y P y cents poorer sic boxes for �i2.60 b �Uw n1;1n1)fi.Ctu.r'cl in ,:i'd:f; Of t,.e, yrt:at counties, viz: -perfect success. It soothes the child., Y have the management of the affairs of the silo, If one has not been built the r softens the gums, allays all pain, turas addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Cs.riFtCl�i, tJnitt:Cl .7t;•ttr'S incl i.i.t 1-t?l�ttl�T. wind colic, and is the best remedy for the business houses will select a boy fu b silo can go without till after the next rockville Out. Tlie Canadian Pacific itirtilth•iio� h.;;'e f�'U'Ol^ `�i�0 ].l:t Ua8 i diarlhma. It is pleasant to the taste. whom they have confidence. When Co.,' filling. It there is plenty of silage and Sold by druggists in every part of the they select one of these boys they will the pasture is not of the best, keep cows They know GOOD thing. world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its not select him for his ability to swear, Merits in Farm sepaiators. ! on silage till the growth improves, or if value is Incalculable. Be sure you ask y �� for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing, Syrup, and use slang, smoke eigarettes;or tap a beer The increased value of skimmilk direct they are turned ont give them a feed at ;140,11M1E �.' ..'i,.^•, AIA?' L1?:'.rY'AG1ES take no other kind. leg. These men may have a few of from the separator when fed to pigs or l, night. `there is not enough nutriment 1 these habits themselves but the are calves will in a ver short time make a in fresh pasture to keep u the milk flow yisil'lv;v''tttng start to Bntsh, 1'or,abilrty, weighs only la pounds. i �' y P P p Aianifolding, beats thein all, mignment, positive and permanent. sunshades For Horses. looking for boys who are as near gentle- large payment on the machine. Thele, without assistance of a little dry feed. Durability, bardened steel ports. Simplicity, C00 parts as against 14001 E The Massachusetts Society forthe:'men in every sense of the word ,as they too, the very best butter is Made from If the• silo is not completely emptied, WAr11ANTDD by a well-known Canadian Company here to bale it up.. Prevention of Cruelty .to Animals has can find, and they are able to give the cream direct from the separator. This when ready to fill remove all spoiled en - been giving away little straw bonnets, to: character of every boy in the city. They was shown at the recent creamery but- silage from the surface and fill with the ?lie placed on the heads of working horses ; axe not looking for rowdies, and when a ter makers show at St: Paul, where the new cut corn at once. 4 . j i �•" will strike some people as rather a novel- boy applies for one of these places rind is first prize butter, scoring 97* points,- , v� 0 . ty,but not as much of a novelty as ancon- refused they may not tell him the rea- was made at a creamery whore 15 per If you take a Laxa-Livor Pill tn- nigat son wby the do not want him,, but the cent. of the cream came from the farm before retiring, it will work while you shades fdr men and women, of which a ! y sleep without a gripe or pant, curing YOU WASTE that much ' if you BUY any OTHER, and you DO contemporary says:—"Science has prov- boy can depend upon it that he has been separator. The separator saves wore in biliousness, constipation, dyspepsia and NOT UET SO GOOD a machine! ed that moonlight is more fatal to the rated according to his behavior. Boys the house and is much easier to clean sick headache. and make you feel better complexion than the sun in his splendor, cannot afford to adopt the habits and than a lot of sour cans or pans. It re- in the morning. THE Co.,HE WILLIAMS MFG.imited ti conversation of the loafers and rowdies, quires but little room al does away Write to -clay. MONTREAL, P. Q. 1 and in Paris they are now selling little canutag. �� moon -shades made of a double thickness if they over want to be called to re- with handling a lot of icy to cool the of mousseline de noise, with a light sponsible positions. milk. In -July and ,august, when it is Where sugar is used at the time of fringe, the handles of which fold back almost impossible to get good cream or canning, and the materials are cooked in g , A nest Hot season make good butter by gravity methods, a Porcelain-litxed kettle, the following -'— -- ---' " like those of the marquises of our grand- During the hot summer season the the seP anarator works as usual d by rules should. be closely observed:— The =, others' time. These moon -shades are blood stets over heated, the drain hoo on the g ars must be washed -lunge into n,ow ind'ispensible for all late river part- system is severe and the appetite is often proper handling of the cream as d inT'•water and rolled around quicklcl fes." With the horses protected from lost. Burdock Blood Bitters pux%tf>ses butter can be made as during cooler The lids put into cold Nvater, brought sunstroke and the people from moon- and invigorates the blood, tones up blle weather. system, and restores lost appetite. to boiling point and kept there. The stroke, there spa nbe marked im- To make money it is necessary to have rubbers adjusted. ,The jars filled one at provemont in thg, animal kingdom. learned from X xperience. a clear, bright brain, a cool head free a time and fastened. Each jar should "Dr. Courtice, editors of the Christian from pain, and strong, vigorous nerves. be placed, to prevent breakage, on a fold- _ Nt Milburn s Heart and Nervo Pills in -Guardian, iswilling to admit," says the viprate andbrighten the brain, strength• ed damptowel, in plate or pie dish. A If • •, • • � � ABSOLUE Hamilton Spectator, ""that lie doesn't en the nerves, and remove all heart, -vide-mouthed funnel will facilitate �, know, it All now, although he was quite nerve and brAin troubles. matters very much. The jars.should be sure sit years ago when he became edit- filled to overflowing, the tops fastened i -low Canada is Growing. or that he sinew it .all then. He coni- down. Thera is no advantage whatever , In 1867, the year of Oontederation the g N& 11 10 RRA plains about the hardships a the editor- y of the ja a press of any sort r the top I ® �� SEWN 111 hal position. And he has had to please Population of,Canada was 13,S71,G94. In of the jar. It is not necessary that the , dt ®� only one denomination i If he had to 1391 the population was 4,833,230. In fruit should be under the liquor. Fruit i �v ro find please everybody he might have reason 1901 the figure is estimated to be 6,000,• that will mould outside of the liquor in pr• for complaint." 000, If we have but 6,500,000, as some intbe jar Are not sterile, are unwholesome G° e n u 1 n e A good Ileal of truth in that, for the suppose, our increase will have been 2,- and have been carelessly canned, doctor was very' new when he assumed 100,000 since the -inion, In 1867 the a�° � the editorship of the Guardian, and one area of Canada was 409,700 square miles; C h l'd ren Cry for A Go . ca o d rf ti "$` r .,of his first acts was to start oil a tour in. 1001 trio area is 13,170,892 square miles; o telling the rest of us how to run a news- or about 40 par cent. of the area of the Q� ® ° British Em ire. The Addition of Mani- %IM MIS a Little Liver ills paper. But he alas changed wonderful-' P 1 • ly. His every utterance on the subject toba and the North West in 1870 and of ntlw, is a practical admission, that lie British Columbia oil July 20, 1871, and Iteflections or ,s spinster. 7 tAust Bear Signature o4 n of the Province -of Prince Edward Island l vreseriptian know inibnty little about six years ago, Only a cowardly Tuan is afraid to for- - The Guardian though, has improved oil July 11 1818, brought in the addition- give a woman. wonderfully of late, no doubt due to the al three mMion square miles. In 1897 The man who "fraises tho devil" should we lead 2,380 miles of railroad which a new light that has coma to the editor, y use a long' fork. _ who finds that journalism demands ex= ,tad cost160,027,000; in 1901 there ax'o ti faultless gown of Parislnalco not in- ' vdrs mrfisee aa d as oauttty poor sera , parlance as well as ability.—Brock 17,264 miles, iVhich have cosi; $098,208,- frogttoiitly elicits the masculine raiilarlr, ` �# Recorder. 000. In 1867 we exported $771667,000 "What a pretty woman !" to WWI gra sttgat. worth of products, In 1900 we 040rted>< A comprehensive study of the life of FOR NEADl19IIE., Canadian agents are found in nearly, $268'S06,000 worth. any living man will strengthen tho E' CART K i FOR DIXIINESSe ovary largo American city, They gra adage, '"'Pilo good clteyonng." Tel for five eeotrt,Mt Dttiig.,a Bracers, ltestaurantiy ' Passed 16 WOrMs. I gave Dr. If a man spent half as Iyluch money in saloons, Nap.-Starlda, central Stores and Barbera _ FOR BILIOUSNESS. advertising in all the leading American Bowss Worm Syrup' to lily little girl +hops, 'altor banish paln, indute pleep, and prolong life. " FAR `TORPID LIVER. newspapers, and 20 states have contribut• two and a Half years old; t11a reatiit -vas 1'coPiaq ilio afleotioii tlf a wolnau as ha d'inu gives reliefl No matter what's "the matter, one pin ' I V E oR GON3TIPATION. ad to bilis moveiiletit to the northward. that she gaaetsod 1G rtl IMI worius in five. (1008 winning it, marriage, might not be d., you a good. s Tet to Ayleaaddr"d one t1ibuj ad p�;'cne P I LLS. FOR SALLOW,SHIN. Athletes, Bicyclists. and Others should days` Mits. B, ROY, liilluaziagh,Ot, called a failure. t•vthnitlpariaChemktal Co.,i4SpraeeSt.,New York City, FOR THE COMPLEXION altvay keels ilagyard's Yellow 'Oil oil Cardiff has grown snore qulokly thail '11011 are risers sensitive abort age that, •,eimm:�tpl:V7a l,unn,,vr MN*°� . handl, Nathing like it for atiffness and any other Bi�itisll, toWii of late years.Women, nild tiro Inali who 'telly his age �„�l¢taretly�effett�lo;,roaj soreness of the muscles sprains, braises, before asltetl always looka older+ . "' outs. etc. A oleate preparation, will not Front 1881 to• 1801 its population rose t; GURU g1e �DppA H r stain clothing. 'nc�o 2550. from 88,OCO to 727,000. 1 than Ila says lea is, �q`oictlto Navies. iz�iw.«a,.itaw yw -F : _ . _ r: ..� ......1 "�-�:� t+1�41oa.o �IiY ak tiittiutt �a•en1F. l Meir ai ,^attle Always thins{ the Test the next 110ld, 'c'taseturltlrilalu= VUgetal'ialaislll is t0lideb'illF; its Speoltlo thtli A CHITS `S• •: FF E 1 I'lu�,iA 7)Aaw+• Picnic Beasol) Now is here; Geylon • Indicl l gttlre'a i with the rest for the regeneratiog of Ef o can't do it all, do as hush as ye �' world.. Nothing is loss likely than a . most eventful kill. Wwds I.m out worse 1i a knife, ;an there influences on the side o! veget H911 NOTHAR FAARIrD $HIa WOULA Of tlxa year. Farining sights, f '�' ( '�`� a ' L'.'�', NATURAL • smart worse'u salt rubbed into wound. tarlatiism which Appear to plolnlse It a NOT MAIN. HER HRALTH. lYcyv Appeal pD l tv ' Uityitcs. "„�: '�"^� -t A follor alwa i, thinks ev' boilalso's Y' � y future. As the world fills up space will become ry-� There is htistllnb •; job's easier'u his owls, morn valuable, and lnot•0 vege, table fOUd, as a rule, Ca11 be produced All , r . �llxli 1XAS t'Ilib'� ,hTIAOK4P iXl<TBf fi#naT7a Day before, *� a •, Is 1, ree fCAcll �llY F'articl�: of �Ql4�rii1 �Tatt�r is l�.�int>" Fii7ld it snakes %plaut strouger to break Aft the dead leaves,Cakes a given txttot of laud. Tanto: as it be• �IAT1t;I1 Ann 'r1Yr 1 yvxru s'r. YrTvs Maki>!ip.pies: ally, Invigorating ; is the wl l tea that Suivi fastidious alatk,:a and Folk's that keep A-puttin' Oji' every- comes more refined, will. be apt to 1n- incline to the Vegetable side, Wile as- D 140IC.-- 4111 WAS UNAWX 'ro a8ii't, 11I lisl'srs AND uAu TO liar aAul l� >rglt galore Packing baskets. is 1i bolesoli1C .for tilt: 411"it iltlitratt: clia(,�stioris. thing had ougliter remember the' the l ora wotl't put oil' the time wholl they sociatiolls of the harvest and vintage please, while those of vile .sllanlbles din• A•X.ytosT MKII As. INFANT, `1'o the brine Getting all •titings It is also a British rodw t! „. have got to got out .o' the- world, gust. Even the )neat -eaters have As RrQUI the sun, ottinsevillo,.Ont, PO in trim, What mostfolks• oalls gollius ain't civilization advanced, use+d more bread Among the muchrespecter, residents in Zile morning glothin else bn6 known' slow much to do hurl vegetables with their meats. Heroes of Orangeville is Mrs,. Marshall, who Sun collies out, fatting fears of { 6 /1� ( [� t iQn Teas are sulci its sealed lead hard work, an' doing it. he's. tired 0' the in, IJomer devour enormous quantities of beef and pork, yvitli little cereal .food, lives ill a pretty little cottage on First sorest, For some years her twelve- Rain to rout. 1'rit►J�..�. 4 a.4 packets only, Black, I'dixed, Un - The feller that says 'world gon rally gets to a doctor mighty and apo other vegetables, Is animal food year-old slaughter, Mamie, lips been A, There is rushing t Ql t)1't e% Ge .'1011 Green. li i .i;e samples leo sent. t. �iCiClress ' 4 i A X.- j uidk -when he feels a pain in his In, absolutely essential to any fuuctfous of autfererfrom rheuxuAtismcombined with To and fro, • Girls go strolling, A I)A." Toronto. a arils. marc, bodily or matesial. A scientific that other terrible afihiotion—St. Vitus' Geta fri gl . Ef ye try to put up too big a sail ye, ll meeting to which the writer coos put dance, In conversation recently with bit— Brindle cow its ..�.,....,.. . f *I' the question, answered in the Iiegative. reporter of the Sun Airs, bIarshall told p 113 sure to upset the boat, A harder days world a man ootild scarce-' the following story of her daughter's All to flight. Dr. Ch ase,$ Ointment i GAINED � � � � � A )loss that's reined too higlx'll stum- ly do than Nvas done by the British farm suffering and subsequent re.stortation to Vater on all �. � •�Cy� '� Sid �6�hl f ble over a mighty little rut. laborer; who only once a week smelt health:—"At the age of eight," says Scream and quake Idol's thet're built up in a hurry gou'- bacon. The great solloolman, Thomas. Mrs. Marshall '4Mamie was attacked Jnst a little I , %gi a An Antitsep�tie Henle_' yWhIvIk Prompt' rally fall jest as quick. A ulnas, may stand for the maximum with rheumatism from which she suf• Garter snake - L � S , q Y ly Allays Itch"at•; Beall' born is the greatest misfortune of brain Nvork, however obslete that fared vex much and althoii gh she was Gallant ohappies .incl Burning . 'y , � t µm41 ;7t4roub"h.ly C•t:r4N ,.;.very .. .... ....... • that ever happened to some folks. work may now be, and he was forbidden treated b a clever doctor her health diel Push the swing y y corm ol!xt Iirdinir seal Dir�ettae. BY USING MILBURN'S PILLS. It don't make no difference slow corn- meat by therule of his easier. Shelly teat improve. To mnke her condition To trlricll buxtou . , Maidens cling If the extraordinary value of Dr. fortable they look afore he puts 'am on, was a vegetarian, and he may stand for worse she was attacked with St, Vitus n 1 Chase's Ointment worn thoroughly Un- -when a feller gets into somebody's else's the maximum of imagination. Vege- dance, and I really gave up hope of ever Work ahead till t of breath derstood there would not be a famny I Vic , ' " boots, he sliest always finds thet they've tarianism, if it ever prevails, will make seeing her enjoy goods health again, Her Canada that -; ould be without it the Toren B C. March 8, 19ox. of a few shag nails in 'am, a great change fu the fauna of the world. arms and limbs Nvouldi twitch and jerk And they're nearly house for a single day. The T. Milburn Co., Limited, i; P b fi 7 Toronto Ont. Ef trouble makes a faller smart a Ceasing to be carniverous, man will spasmodical) and she could, sca Tired to death. In the first place it is a food and DearSirs Sometimes om dau hter Y y' y r • beautificx for the skin, and is so pure '— g y g ' can't blame Solomon far heli' so wisp, cease to keepoxen else and fowls, hold a Gish in her baud and h to be Time for dinner s aged 1g years, , p , and pleasant to use that no lady will , ,, was troubled. Meantime th e wild animals will be ex- looked after almostlike au i ' Ilt. While Finds is spread, delay in applying it, It removes pim- with bad head - pies, he bed as many wives as they tell us I i i tri aced and the automobile will sup- Mamie was in this condi ' Il a nei hbor With a bright sky pies, ableblaca d di and all sorts of Cis- , i aches and loss die had. P P' g agreeable and disfiguring skin diseases. `j '- lalx't the horsy so in the cud the lobo �Vho birds used Dr Wil ' tms' Pinl- Pills �• O� erhead; t of appetite. There ain't man folks that hov got p g ' In the severest cunei of eczema, salt } pp y b Soon a rain comes rheum, fetter, scald heads and other } 1 �! ` E �' She was tired faith enough to take an umbrella to will be left to man and the mosquito. with beneficial Auxin in her own family . itching skin eruptions, Dr, Chase's t and listless mast advised me to ern in Mande's case. t'out'ing down— a , meetin When they're a -gain to Ointment affords instant relief by al- °� <r of the time, and -prayer 3' $100Xleward, 9100• I had myself often heard these pills high- Ali are suakecd front laying the burning, stinging sensations, ,j� t ^- `{� was loosing pray far rain. Feet to clown, and will permanently cure if applied �� t flesh. The readers of this paper will be pleas- ly spoken of, but it had not occurred t'o . regularly. Hers stem of Always look to the front, especially ed to learn that there is at least one me before that they might cure my little Clothes are ruined, ; y g when ye're gittin' off uv a luovin' rail- dreaded disease that science has been Grub the saute • Dr. Chase's Ointment -s thn standard badly run down, able to cure in ,all its stages and that girl, but now I decided to give them to ointment the world over, and is so mar- I so hearing your road train. is Catarrh. Hail's Catarrh Cure is the her.. Before she had completed the All declare that vellousitr successful as to far surpass l Heart and Nerve ffff The feller that Said it's bettor to be Only positive cure now known t0 the second box I could see a mIts a shame marked change all rivals. Ask your neighbors about it. Pills highly spoken of I procured a box, +Thais is not it single community in l and by the time she brass used them she Tight than President would rather hev medical fraternity. Catarrh being a for the better, and by the time she had Ask them later, Canadsa, but has some egress whcro this i had gained 91 lbs. i:l w, ivlit and is now in been both. constitutional disease, requires a con- taken five boxes all trace 'of both the And they'll say • remedy has worked r, mflrkable cure's. I erfect health. stitutional treatment. Halls Catarrh I 60 cents a box, at all ,lea.lers, or Ed- ; 8 Yours truly, When thing's begin to loos: Ilk ye was Cure is taken internally, acting directly rheumatism finds St. Vitus' dance • had ' That they had it xnanson, Bates Fa Co., Toronto. licked, then it's jest the time ye had u,pon the blood and mucous surfaces of vanished, and site is now as brightSplendid day , - __-.• CURr1s. ,. .._.. oughter begin towork harder. elle system, thereby destroying the active and healthy as any child of her —Pittsburg Chronelo-'telegraph. foundation of the disease, and giving the �— .--•.- _-•-- �, ---- Don't try the fish until ye've kgtched patient strength by building- up the .con- age. Some time has elapses, since she Backache, sideaclle, swelling of feet stitution and assisting Mature in doing discontinued the use of the pills, but not em. g and ankles, puffing under eyes, frequent I�j a how its work. The proprietors have so much the slightest trace of the trouble has thirst scanty, cloudy, thick, highly color - Don't trust a feller that tolls y faith in its curative powers, that they since made itself mauifes,'. I titins: ed urine. Frequently urination, barn- he managed to cheat some other feller. offer on Hundred Dollars for any case lug S0I39atiDllS ;t'llen tixinating Zetherefore, that I am safe in saying that gWhen it comes to a uestioix as to that it fails to cuxe. Send for list of An sof the above s Lmtonts load toq testimonials. I believe Dr. Williams Fink Pillsnot,y }' � -whether a road dawg or yersel'li own Bright's disease, dropsy, utabetas, etc. d; s Address, F. J. CHENEY w CO., only restored her health, but have work- Doan's Kidney Pills are a sure cure fd.r c'v, c°ixi° a° the road, don't stop to argue with the Toledo, O, >> en r o - ed a permanent cure. all kidney dliseuses. rdawg. Sold by druggists, 75c.° Hall's Family Pills are the best. Rheumatism, St. Vitus dance puss ,ail, The feller that goes it alone won't hev kindred diseases of'the blood and nerves,- :nobody to blame but hisself of lie lases. speedily yield to Dr. Williams' Pink Tl,e siil Cctespe t. Philadelphia Record. A word to the toys,. Pills and the cures thus effecter. are A roof on a silo is perhaps more a he Types t!;iilE',t 111`",, 1"Y Ott A Sous Waimic, For. When we see the boys on the street question of convenience than of neces- 3�i'w, permanent, because this medicine makes 's c g rot over FiftyYears. and public places pyo often wonder if sits, says Hoard's Dairyman. ,,Mabe .. rich; red, blood, strengthens the nerves, An old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs the know that business men tiro watch- wf11 keep Without di roof being over it, y and thus reaches the root of the trouble. '�'llj;; j.; P T2,Q�7 I? D 1)�' ljlf i,.tC; t:t;It tilt' BUSINESS ill- Winslow's SoothingSyruls has been used ing them, says an exchange. In every These pills are sold. by all dealers in but for convenience fu feeding the silage? for over fifty years bymillxonsofmothers bank, store and office there will soon bea medicine 'or will be sent post paid at 50 keeping snow, etc., out, and shelter habitants ul the world usl'_v i:. , for their children while teethin:;, with lace for some l o to fill. Those yvlxo while handling a roof is usually put on Now r t Y P y cents poorer sic boxes for �i2.60 b �Uw n1;1n1)fi.Ctu.r'cl in ,:i'd:f; Of t,.e, yrt:at counties, viz: -perfect success. It soothes the child., Y have the management of the affairs of the silo, If one has not been built the r softens the gums, allays all pain, turas addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Cs.riFtCl�i, tJnitt:Cl .7t;•ttr'S incl i.i.t 1-t?l�ttl�T. wind colic, and is the best remedy for the business houses will select a boy fu b silo can go without till after the next rockville Out. Tlie Canadian Pacific itirtilth•iio� h.;;'e f�'U'Ol^ `�i�0 ].l:t Ua8 i diarlhma. It is pleasant to the taste. whom they have confidence. When Co.,' filling. It there is plenty of silage and Sold by druggists in every part of the they select one of these boys they will the pasture is not of the best, keep cows They know GOOD thing. world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its not select him for his ability to swear, Merits in Farm sepaiators. ! on silage till the growth improves, or if value is Incalculable. Be sure you ask y �� for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing, Syrup, and use slang, smoke eigarettes;or tap a beer The increased value of skimmilk direct they are turned ont give them a feed at ;140,11M1E �.' ..'i,.^•, AIA?' L1?:'.rY'AG1ES take no other kind. leg. These men may have a few of from the separator when fed to pigs or l, night. `there is not enough nutriment 1 these habits themselves but the are calves will in a ver short time make a in fresh pasture to keep u the milk flow yisil'lv;v''tttng start to Bntsh, 1'or,abilrty, weighs only la pounds. i �' y P P p Aianifolding, beats thein all, mignment, positive and permanent. sunshades For Horses. looking for boys who are as near gentle- large payment on the machine. Thele, without assistance of a little dry feed. Durability, bardened steel ports. Simplicity, C00 parts as against 14001 E The Massachusetts Society forthe:'men in every sense of the word ,as they too, the very best butter is Made from If the• silo is not completely emptied, WAr11ANTDD by a well-known Canadian Company here to bale it up.. Prevention of Cruelty .to Animals has can find, and they are able to give the cream direct from the separator. This when ready to fill remove all spoiled en - been giving away little straw bonnets, to: character of every boy in the city. They was shown at the recent creamery but- silage from the surface and fill with the ?lie placed on the heads of working horses ; axe not looking for rowdies, and when a ter makers show at St: Paul, where the new cut corn at once. 4 . j i �•" will strike some people as rather a novel- boy applies for one of these places rind is first prize butter, scoring 97* points,- , v� 0 . ty,but not as much of a novelty as ancon- refused they may not tell him the rea- was made at a creamery whore 15 per If you take a Laxa-Livor Pill tn- nigat son wby the do not want him,, but the cent. of the cream came from the farm before retiring, it will work while you shades fdr men and women, of which a ! y sleep without a gripe or pant, curing YOU WASTE that much ' if you BUY any OTHER, and you DO contemporary says:—"Science has prov- boy can depend upon it that he has been separator. The separator saves wore in biliousness, constipation, dyspepsia and NOT UET SO GOOD a machine! ed that moonlight is more fatal to the rated according to his behavior. Boys the house and is much easier to clean sick headache. and make you feel better complexion than the sun in his splendor, cannot afford to adopt the habits and than a lot of sour cans or pans. It re- in the morning. THE Co.,HE WILLIAMS MFG.imited ti conversation of the loafers and rowdies, quires but little room al does away Write to -clay. MONTREAL, P. Q. 1 and in Paris they are now selling little canutag. �� moon -shades made of a double thickness if they over want to be called to re- with handling a lot of icy to cool the of mousseline de noise, with a light sponsible positions. milk. In -July and ,august, when it is Where sugar is used at the time of fringe, the handles of which fold back almost impossible to get good cream or canning, and the materials are cooked in g , A nest Hot season make good butter by gravity methods, a Porcelain-litxed kettle, the following -'— -- ---' " like those of the marquises of our grand- During the hot summer season the the seP anarator works as usual d by rules should. be closely observed:— The =, others' time. These moon -shades are blood stets over heated, the drain hoo on the g ars must be washed -lunge into n,ow ind'ispensible for all late river part- system is severe and the appetite is often proper handling of the cream as d inT'•water and rolled around quicklcl fes." With the horses protected from lost. Burdock Blood Bitters pux%tf>ses butter can be made as during cooler The lids put into cold Nvater, brought sunstroke and the people from moon- and invigorates the blood, tones up blle weather. system, and restores lost appetite. to boiling point and kept there. The stroke, there spa nbe marked im- To make money it is necessary to have rubbers adjusted. ,The jars filled one at provemont in thg, animal kingdom. learned from X xperience. a clear, bright brain, a cool head free a time and fastened. Each jar should "Dr. Courtice, editors of the Christian from pain, and strong, vigorous nerves. be placed, to prevent breakage, on a fold- _ Nt Milburn s Heart and Nervo Pills in -Guardian, iswilling to admit," says the viprate andbrighten the brain, strength• ed damptowel, in plate or pie dish. A If • •, • • � � ABSOLUE Hamilton Spectator, ""that lie doesn't en the nerves, and remove all heart, -vide-mouthed funnel will facilitate �, know, it All now, although he was quite nerve and brAin troubles. matters very much. The jars.should be sure sit years ago when he became edit- filled to overflowing, the tops fastened i -low Canada is Growing. or that he sinew it .all then. He coni- down. Thera is no advantage whatever , In 1867, the year of Oontederation the g N& 11 10 RRA plains about the hardships a the editor- y of the ja a press of any sort r the top I ® �� SEWN 111 hal position. And he has had to please Population of,Canada was 13,S71,G94. In of the jar. It is not necessary that the , dt ®� only one denomination i If he had to 1391 the population was 4,833,230. In fruit should be under the liquor. Fruit i �v ro find please everybody he might have reason 1901 the figure is estimated to be 6,000,• that will mould outside of the liquor in pr• for complaint." 000, If we have but 6,500,000, as some intbe jar Are not sterile, are unwholesome G° e n u 1 n e A good Ileal of truth in that, for the suppose, our increase will have been 2,- and have been carelessly canned, doctor was very' new when he assumed 100,000 since the -inion, In 1867 the a�° � the editorship of the Guardian, and one area of Canada was 409,700 square miles; C h l'd ren Cry for A Go . ca o d rf ti "$` r .,of his first acts was to start oil a tour in. 1001 trio area is 13,170,892 square miles; o telling the rest of us how to run a news- or about 40 par cent. of the area of the Q� ® ° British Em ire. The Addition of Mani- %IM MIS a Little Liver ills paper. But he alas changed wonderful-' P 1 • ly. His every utterance on the subject toba and the North West in 1870 and of ntlw, is a practical admission, that lie British Columbia oil July 20, 1871, and Iteflections or ,s spinster. 7 tAust Bear Signature o4 n of the Province -of Prince Edward Island l vreseriptian know inibnty little about six years ago, Only a cowardly Tuan is afraid to for- - The Guardian though, has improved oil July 11 1818, brought in the addition- give a woman. wonderfully of late, no doubt due to the al three mMion square miles. In 1897 The man who "fraises tho devil" should we lead 2,380 miles of railroad which a new light that has coma to the editor, y use a long' fork. _ who finds that journalism demands ex= ,tad cost160,027,000; in 1901 there ax'o ti faultless gown of Parislnalco not in- ' vdrs mrfisee aa d as oauttty poor sera , parlance as well as ability.—Brock 17,264 miles, iVhich have cosi; $098,208,- frogttoiitly elicits the masculine raiilarlr, ` �# Recorder. 000. In 1867 we exported $771667,000 "What a pretty woman !" to WWI gra sttgat. worth of products, In 1900 we 040rted>< A comprehensive study of the life of FOR NEADl19IIE., Canadian agents are found in nearly, $268'S06,000 worth. any living man will strengthen tho E' CART K i FOR DIXIINESSe ovary largo American city, They gra adage, '"'Pilo good clteyonng." Tel for five eeotrt,Mt Dttiig.,a Bracers, ltestaurantiy ' Passed 16 WOrMs. I gave Dr. If a man spent half as Iyluch money in saloons, Nap.-Starlda, central Stores and Barbera _ FOR BILIOUSNESS. advertising in all the leading American Bowss Worm Syrup' to lily little girl +hops, 'altor banish paln, indute pleep, and prolong life. " FAR `TORPID LIVER. newspapers, and 20 states have contribut• two and a Half years old; t11a reatiit -vas 1'coPiaq ilio afleotioii tlf a wolnau as ha d'inu gives reliefl No matter what's "the matter, one pin ' I V E oR GON3TIPATION. ad to bilis moveiiletit to the northward. that she gaaetsod 1G rtl IMI worius in five. (1008 winning it, marriage, might not be d., you a good. s Tet to Ayleaaddr"d one t1ibuj ad p�;'cne P I LLS. FOR SALLOW,SHIN. Athletes, Bicyclists. and Others should days` Mits. B, ROY, liilluaziagh,Ot, called a failure. t•vthnitlpariaChemktal Co.,i4SpraeeSt.,New York City, FOR THE COMPLEXION altvay keels ilagyard's Yellow 'Oil oil Cardiff has grown snore qulokly thail '11011 are risers sensitive abort age that, •,eimm:�tpl:V7a l,unn,,vr MN*°� . handl, Nathing like it for atiffness and any other Bi�itisll, toWii of late years.Women, nild tiro Inali who 'telly his age �„�l¢taretly�effett�lo;,roaj soreness of the muscles sprains, braises, before asltetl always looka older+ . "' outs. etc. A oleate preparation, will not Front 1881 to• 1801 its population rose t; GURU g1e �DppA H r stain clothing. 'nc�o 2550. from 88,OCO to 727,000. 1 than Ila says lea is, �q`oictlto Navies. iz�iw.«a,.itaw yw -F :