HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-07-19, Page 2'1`1184 WINGITAM TIMES, ATLY 1.9, 1901, aro n•ts. G GQQQANUTtl, I 4• Solioolboy's horre"•s, 1'ebla•een whiles. ' RAISING The sorrows of rI Western schoolboy tt?y tiv. rulitser.l �s6rtR '✓i•'lie7 '7l'11,f' �'reQa l<tM IioaRllRtc �+ rQ�'P1f111t its Clime and go mysteriously. although crap, nihil Its Viewers. and ,his parents are pathetically set stGirli§ should eware of the man who breaking lily their goliig is frequently marked by 11, plantlug cocoanut 4rovea aitch nips. forth in the following letter,eceutl he -f eXasperatiti 8rlay. rlud thpre are as are wanted for planting etre gathered Reivet3 by a school. teltober; word, Almost its many infallible cures As Into heaps .or placed tinder sheds. where "Sirs -,.Will yolk ple€tso for ilio future occasionally you can patch up a broil,= there are warts, the only trouble with, they are allowed to remain until the give ray sun easier soClles to do at vu friends{ ip• quite neatly, but sooner or those aures 1,eilva that they are useless sprout Wows itself through the hask. uights. Tliis is what he's brauglit hoaiu lator the stitelies are bound to come When pliplIed to the particular wart you When planted In regular order, holes to or three nites back ;-«If fore bottles out. happen 'til have. They are only good about three feet deep and front 1a to 30 of bare will fill thirty to pint bottles, wily is it that you invariably look up - feet other foci le's• Ccet apart are dug. Ia the hole the nut is how Iuany pint ant half bottles will on the inan who sits behind you at the "In1 p «« plaeed with care nail covered with about nine Gallins of here fil?' Wel Nye tried theater as your inferior? buy opinion, said a club -pian, 0110 foot of soil. The hole is filled grail- .ci could ,lake ot'liug t of it all who, was discussing the subjeob with tally. as the sprout grows until it reaches unualiat aTo disagree without beim, disagree- a friend one day, "a wart is merely the the surface,. when It Is left to itself, ro- 'And my boy cried and sed lie dident able is au art in itself. guir,ag no furtive` atteuttun. dare! go back (ni the moratil' without Lito might be likened to alaegra im outward cnrrrspranctenott of some � p . taenial excrescence. Get rill of that 4it°uld the place „bele the cocoanut is dodo ,t. So I had to go and buy a nine of which very few of us see the point. plaited be any great dista,teo from the gallon Iter of here which I could ill '� find it goos away -1, .seashore, a quantity of salt is sometimes � Tell the world that you art, tired of "Ler, lite give yon alit of my own placed !it the hole, at(l sometinvcs ceraps afford to do, i ad theil lie wont and bar life, ;III(! immediately the world is tired experieneo,r` be continuer(, "Last year of old trop, its, being strictly a stilt lt water rowed a lot of Ane and brandy bottles, of yon. loving tree, it will thrive but a short dist said then counted them and there were Cupid is verapt to add three letters I went toEorcpe. I'c)r About three tartco from the seashore, nearness to Salt y years I hada wart on my little finger, water being absolutely essential to its 191 And my boy put the number clown to his name after marriage, thus - oil which I had tried everything I welfare, In fact, It is said no, magnet is for an answer• I don't know weather Cupidity l could hear of, but without effect. It truer to the pole than ate the roots of the it is rite or not, .as we .spilt some whilst A inan often imagines he has done eoeonnut tree to the ocean. for when the doing,, it. only grow larger, root breaks through the husk it points „ with weinan when, if he only knew it "Well, in the excitement of preparing directly toward the sen, no matter in P.S,-Please let the next some be in he is not yet passed through stage I, for the trip, and of the journey itself, what position the nut is placed in the water, as I ala not able to buy more It's only when the devil calls you bad " d. here, I forgot all about my wart, and when grounnamesthat, yon, see you. escaped hila. ' Boring its way downward, the root E I looped for it, about sit: weeks later, it fastens itself so deeply and firmly iq the A littie virtue goes a long way, had vanished, . without leaving the ground that no tornado, no matter how A Century of $vIentifio Progress, Generally speaking :l womall is -ger. � slightest, mark. I simply forgotrit, and severe, has ever been known to wrench it errtliy sacakhurr. Prom its moorings. But the hurricanes so It has been reserved for Professor E. . it had no mental condition to feed on, s rather hard oil the actor pian to frequent in the tropics will often twist E. Dolbeax to give the most striking It I see yon have one on the back- of your the trunks and carry the broken portions summary of the world's progress in (tall him third class hale. hand. Furgetallabontitforafetvweeks, a iong distance, thus ending that cocoa- The man who pays the compliment �d it w,-11 o awn for itself." out palm, as it will not sprout a second science doling the century just closed. g y It is an admirable instance of the mul- is not always the iman who pays the oyes,- sai.t the other club -man, t'nt"• bill. rr , Could you examine a cocoanut when in tum in parvo, and brings house the shrugging his shoulders, but I cant the prove. s of sprouting you would finch salient p lints Lf the century in a way The prize fighter is a striking appear- afforcl to to«lie a trip to Europe for the di, ertly beneath the sprouting eye a once, especially when lie is sticking all that volun es of learned disquisition sake of curing ouo wart." sutull, white mushroom shaped kernel, q y attitude. and in this little germ lies the life of the would not do: Faint purso ne'er won fair lady. future tree. Shut up in its prisonlike The nineteenth century received from. shell, and the shell surrounded by many its predecessors the horse. We be- It is good taste to dip your breast in the -a ins 11es of thick, tough and tangled fiber, ravey, even if it is also bad manners. ueath the bicycle, the locomotive and g how is it to work its way out and perform q y ' There is a place whe}e the Standing I the duty assigned to it, for it is a the automobile, pparent- room only" sign is never displayed. In t' �� �; _ ty soft and tender as a baby's hand? We received the loose -quill, we be- t w�� w� `�a'.'a Soon its tiny fingers -begin borin their hell there is always room for one more. i y ,,g queath the fount, pen and type- �� y ust ' way out of the weakest eye; then, rend- writer. J Y v , Ing the toufih, woody fiber right and left, �e received the scythe we bequeath Uncle scam, y it forces itself to the surface such com ' q °'Uncle Sam" was, invented about the v �* utenees the campaign of life, sending its the mowing inachine. t��ti shoat upward to form the nee and down- i time of ilia American War of 1812. Two rn o - We received the sir,�le, we bo7ueath ward to form the roots, still clinging to inspectors of war supplies of Troy, N. f �harvester. the hter. � its parent for support, until the entire Y., were named Ebenezer and Samuel inside of its shell is filled with a round, We received the hand printi?ig press, Wilson. rt + hall -like substance that i formed by the we bequeath the Hoe cylinder 'press. t'tix tti , A workman in their employ was mak- .,� l,; congealed mills of the cocoanut 'w•e received the painters' brush, wo + _ <7/r5' �1 From it the routs. fast forming, re. bequeath lithography, the camera and m a lot of casks received from one El c•Pice their staff of life until the mother bert Anderson, a New York contractor, THE GRIwI?td2TCH OF coke becomes exhausted and, having fill- color photography. „ + „ filled het mission, is deserted by her off- We received the hand -loom, we be- which was stamped E. A., -U. S. DORMaa � �} Spring and left a useless mass of fiber. ueath the cotton and woolen factor Sometody as1wd the workman What II� t 8.Y PILLS9 On r:.v, the tree, sending deep into the q Y• these marks mea.ut, and he replied that ground t*,a roots and high into the air its We received the gunpowder, we be- they probably meant "ElbertAnderson The original kidney specific for trunk until after a lapsd of from five to qneath nitro-glycerine. ,+ $ y lr and Uncle Sam, aluding to Inspector eight years it has attained a height of We receive't twenty-three chemical Samuel Wilson, who was locally spoken the cure of Backache, Diabetes, from 40 to 60 feet and then pays tributo to hlother Earth by bearing its first fruit elements, we bequeath eighty. of as "Uncle Sam'." { Bright s Disease and a1 Urinary and under farorabia circumstanres con- We received ilea tallow dip, we be- Thus the initials of the United States timing to yield Pot• more than half a vett- queath the arc• light. Troubles. were transformed by a local joke into a tury, giving its owner from 100 to 200 We received the alvanic battery, we , +� g y national sobriquet which will doubtless Don't" i?Ceelrt something just as ,narl:PtabtP outs n year. , bequeath the dynamo. , q Through the r<,nier of the trnnit of the last as lon- as the Republic. t' 1 good. See yatl g^t the genuine cocoanut tree is n soft. Lbronq heart We received the Ssut-lock, we' 150 "'.Phe nickname "Brother Jonathan" " d S which furnishes the life of the tree and queath automatic 12axiuts. dates back to the time when General s acts as a great pump iii forcing to the We received the sailing strip, we be 8� E, a nuts the ia,menso quantity, of 1rator re Washington went to : Massachusetts to ! gnired to fill them. T41q . tbrons hPart queath the steamship. f take command of t11e Revolutionary c, EFL-INiTURY has a wonderful filtering power, for no We received the beacon signal -lire, eve Arm Findi.11 a rent lack of atn- mntter in what location the tree may be bequeath the telephone and wireless �� mug tion and other supplies, lie turned 111 iii bbb666��� run in:, either upon the beach or in the telegraphy. Con - malarial stramps near the pools of staff 4 So Governor Jonathau'Trnulbull of Con - We received leather fire -buckets, wo rant water, when natuCe has done her ' uectient for aid and received it, and in t work she deposits is the cocoanut a spar bequeath the steam fire-Onghie. many 'Ria 'he'd y of it period he used kiinu iirn;4 as clear as crystal and as cool We received wood 'and stone for the phrase, "We must consult Brother tit: _ z _ ii RIM= ;...> ra s e �• f drawn from n: 3e well i our a. , •1 t c lest t , �cs�c�a Ott 0s€�lffi3Cr. « ;i'r structures, we bequeath trsent stor ed r. „ r - 'northern yards. Iiaviq'F no particular 1 y y Jonathan oil the snbjec.. The expros- ,vr i steel buildings. in �i,'�'ily.3'da. Season for fruiting, but. bearing: all the g cion quickly became nationally current. Fed year round, blossoms, ripe and green fruit Wo reeafved the staiitway, we be - may be found on the same tree. queath the elevator, i The blossom of the cocoanut is a most The celebrated clock. erected at'Dover We received ordinary light, we be- F beautiful -and peculiar work of nature's Castle in 13,60 is still, in action at South l art_ Appearing at tbe. base of the long, quetFth the Rontgen rat s. It t Kensington IVlusoula. � c ragged leaves is a gonrrll;l;e sheath, green 1 •-' eived the heather ullaunonuc- g ✓--: �1,� in color and stanching erect until Its own ed, we bequeath, ilia weather bureau. Japan is the country where the ere weight causes it to bend downward. We receireel th!- u,adlbviable pain, mation of corpes is pi ticed on the where it hangs until the seams it in- closes, which are to bear and sustain the we bequeath aseptics, chloroform, ether largest scale. The dustoul dates back r Cb : I? 1 t nuts, are sufficiently ion their journey without protection. We received the a.veru+„e duration of ciently matured to proceed and cocaine. about 1,200 years. s a Some people are soy anxious to keep When this outer r•ocPrang splits open, it their left hand in ignorance of the creeds life of thirty years, we begiieath forf_v g reveals a cluster of riiaged stems, upon of their right that they keep it in per - THAT THE Y•8�3t�,e,SiA'VFFl7lLxa�5��'Ll i FAC—SIM ILS _...._ _ .�_... _. &egetable?reparattonforAs- SIGNATURE simitating ftroodandReguia- liingi the stpmaehs and.13owe. of --W—O F— � ry� " ' OII10te e silo C heerful uess 4 1ndRestt.0ontains neither a, Uplu6,Morphind norM'ineral. IS ON THE JJOT WAUC OTIC. able weekly;$3per day ubsolntelysure andall W RA E 1Eeer�va e�'Olillb'SAMP�ZPI7L7�'Q the councilb:,vin[{strnek Gtle rate jf3rmpkrrr Sear THAT THE Y•8�3t�,e,SiA'VFFl7lLxa�5��'Ll i FAC—SIM ILS _...._ _ .�_... _. &egetable?reparattonforAs- SIGNATURE simitating ftroodandReguia- liingi the stpmaehs and.13owe. of --W—O F— � ry� " ' OII10te e silo C heerful uess 4 1ndRestt.0ontains neither Jo Uplu6,Morphind norM'ineral. IS ON THE JJOT WAUC OTIC. able weekly;$3per day ubsolntelysure andall W RA E 1Eeer�va e�'Olillb'SAMP�ZPI7L7�'Q the councilb:,vin[{strnek Gtle rate jf3rmpkrrr Sear .e,heJ xr✓wff 4. OF EVERY a?itiat Sacd r �y�ermint - y pai d no commission • vnl«try aid." each f33t1irdav and S ,81 rarLona/eJcdr. . F1' d`Srrgnr BOT T = O-1G"-�•�p �4r^agtyrgo2,F7airor. Aperfect Remedy for Constipa- tion,Sour Stomach,)Diarrhoea, ;I Worms,Gonvulsions,Feverish- i I 1A >neSs aud.Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of �W VORM I`7E�'e1• "�'®$'il;. � p p only. It Castoria is put u. in one-cizo bottles I is not sold in bulk,. Don't allow anyone to 001.1 yon anything else on the plea or promise that it. "fust as good." and "will ansiver every per - pose, " Sea that you got C -A -0 -T -0 -R -I -A. EXACT COPY QF V✓RAPPER The fn - simile !o on olgaatnre '� Gn r t/'f' -3pp of wrappeer, '� s�r�T�'�TRi� 90WtV42•�'11��—.iflE.:4�..-"'.�k'�>��,;r�! ,ir+�y` .;D-R,.t-'oT�KE,N,NE,'DY&'KERG,�-M : -No other Medical Virm in the world has the established reputation for curing Fdica arxai �"rotta®&1 that Drs- S. & S. enjoy. Their IVsow Zoetihoal'rroat- :tzncnt, discovered and perfected by these Eminent Speciaiists, has brought joy, happiness and comfort to thousands of homes. With 30 years experience in the treatment of tLese diseases they can guarantee to Cure or No Hay—Emis- ©aiostu, 18er.•vo nig Debility, g3yphills, Varleoeele, C,tricttare, Gleet, C'c©met IDettino, iz:tpot.ncy, 6w3w xal atrial Mental Wcaknew®, RUd- t3oy and 2:lca ir�cr, ]DIse ance. Theis guarantees are backed by flank Bonds. LIFE BLOOD Yo:: =7 have a secret drain through the urine—thLWs the reason you feel tired out in the rsorarn+r. You are not rested. your kidnevs ache, you feel desvondo,,t nd have no atu btt: ca. Don't let your Life Blood be drained away. Drs. Ii:. A S. guarantee to Cn_s or no Pay. ro� � � ;1V . I 0P 0 "E S 0 NO sypli,ir; it the sect;rge of zCaulctsd. It may not be a crime to stave It, for it may be inherited, but It is a crime to allow It to remain in the nvstena. Like father— like •;oil. Bewara of Mercury and Potasit treatment. Drs. I<..sv Ii. positively curb the worst cases Dr no Pay. VALRX COCT"ILY, & 3TRX%7---,UR.X The No -r, ,W att"s.-a,11- Y'rean,2meim,t curen these diseases safely and surely. No pain—uostifferiurr—nodeteationfrovibuniness. Don't risk operatic, nandruin your sosuai orf ar,s. The stricture tissue is aboorbed and can never return. Drs. S. & M. guarantee -MOD deo s C, Doa�t per fact your kldnei a. 'i onr aching baste tells the talo. Don't let Doctors experiment on you. Drs. X. & X. can gore you if you are not beyond human. aid. MI hey to Cure or;IQo Pay. rvITP7.'lE o @'+r•STARALIVITE-EI.D. NO CVJ12ir, NO F'Air- C©n©aaltortlo_n jrwee. IDookzi rent Pi c ee, (sealed.) Write for Qtgamt:ion Blarala for [lows WTeatr ant. overyilxitmg Confidential. DP1 i?i;Nf EPY. 4 KERGAN '14D SHELBY STREET, DETROIT, M100 ..,.r.._x:..a�,..a�, .. .. .' i�a'a'aa;lr•dtbl=61`_6}klo:dt�t:OAtaYd'.'(St:Q1�l��G'.� each of which you will find miniature co- yells• pettish idle>rsess.-Es. ' s �✓ l eonuuts, requiring about 14 months to � a� ripen. �ry4 0 ++ p:.'�F Prid ror Wi:itinx. , It or another year Walker,tille will re- main with the lowest taxryte in Canada WANTED.—t.apable,r(ldal)leper;lonin every ""I'y lo re resent large company of'soli financialrepatntion•$03Sattliiry pet year I.lay- Jo •' ing ' last able weekly;$3per day ubsolntelysure andall i A law,rer who tires on ZCnghington the councilb:,vin[{strnek Gtle rate expenses: straight, tde, nito salnr r he,••las lmd oct-aMon oup night recently * ' I t $ 8 10 'lie Th• tl t h y pai d no commission • vnl«try aid." each f33t1irdav and S nig it a - nu is is tree en p ^' •` to ao to t'un,rret;ant by iiia first train he ex engenroilevad.vane(4(,,a"rhNvcpk. St'A.ND- s4 Of a mill smear than a yea>lago. A1IDHOUSE, 88.1DrAll0ux.�if., CnicAcso. rrruirl enteh. When tee rear led the Grand r'enrr•nt elation, he rr,nnd that ire has In this progressing =l0•e a business firm cannot afford to use 1 just missed tlremidniziatr:tin and thatthe---- - i:,• . " L„ J tv•xt u„P did not 1+•;:rr until r+ ri cloche in pool' printing. The quality of its Stationery is the index to its tics+ mdruin•- it wis ani worth while fin „� W.�. .. .... ,... r r..r.....r...�. worth. Customers and the public generally want no better Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera, lam to home • to wait. so he went ton � � - nF,arhy l;ntel. :,else sitting in the hon = - ,� sigh than neat and attractive printing. THE TIMES Choler.=a Ifforbus, Cholera Infant tr„ ;t Pe,, n,innca� one of tae hotel ,tri• ��'' Presses are prepared to furnish -just what is wanted in C: ployees asked him :: be ttas registered. r.,— `$ " tum, Cramps, Colic, Sea .-i0linvzw '•IVby, no." said the lawyer. "1 don't — -- , � � , �,. `a :and all Summer Complaints. want a room. i am waiting for a train that leaves at 5 a. m," Its prompt use will prevent a `•1'm sorry+ sic." said the employee. •it' - ��� "blit Son can't wait bete. It is a-iust m. � •`-- let Heads ii��t�i�ptll� ` great deal of unnecessary suf%r" the suit Q " i The lawyer told the clerk at the desk 1�'�� p � 6,Ef l Heads tY{etllilrandums Ilg and Often Save life. tlho ht was and esplained his reason for Si' 90 being being there. Ere said tbat he did not PRICE, 350. leant to retire to a room. The clerk told The successful treatment for consumption is, that which ? Halsu Heads . Envelopes him that it was contrary to the rules of enables your lungs to get all the fresh air or ozone pos- t The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Out. tbP house for him to sit in the halls at sible.• Some people think it advisable to o North for � And ��� t%$�I�� �npp@���' that time unless he was a guest. There- g upon the lawyer registered, paid for a this, which is good, but a surer and less costly way to get room and was permitted to sit in the hail. pure condensed oxygen or ozone is to take Powley`s Liquified Ozone. It makes the system healthy, and its Tho sundown Cin, antiseptic power stops the germ attack uickl This ''Vh 0.AA'A .r gives nature a chance. Write for our booklet oa Is The �� rK1,11%the sundown gun which is fired at All army garrisons and forts is figurative at Great White Plague. Every statement corroborated by It S times, though now and then it actually solemn declarations, is not always the best kind to get -,but if you get good printing, and at a. indicates the time when the sun, is sup- ,�gg®�°'� i�'re �, �s posed to �o down," said an a,'my officer moderate price, you will then have the best. '4i)'e have every facility for • .« 50c and $1.00 a bottle, 'at all druggists. Write the Ozone Co., of Toronto turning out good work in the shortest time. The offiee is equipped with iii P;tplatning the matter; but it Is not (Limited), 48 Colborne Street, Toronto, pipet tatters stapling machine and all modern. :.. Its �'urity. gore, to set your watches or clocks by It - fast jobbers, card and , p ` C . Its Thnusaaocls of curOs' ed as an incident in the ceremony of the ing of the sundown gun Is intend- l ts • 3. Its Eoononiy. le. a dose. o sailuterto the flog, which to a military per- .. , ..: ,.... .° Cdnpenietltes. for mange strictly and is not to Inform the Powleyli z trqu* flyduzone 313.3M.13. immediate or even distant localities tbat IF YOU �� P't2trlates the stoolachf Liver and ndweh, the sun has gone clown, though it does 'so ' t tralocksthe 5ecretiotls,Purifsesthe Blecdand In u way. tress attention Is given to the t Progratrimer, `Wedding Stationery tttn6vts all the impuntie9 from a deranloii y Druggist, ngham Ont r I i ° , the garrisons and forts about cities{ that{ - -� i Pimple tothe worst Setofulouss6fet2Ad on the frontiers,whereft;Is n eaofrtlie Sold b A, t. llam.lton ru ist 1` _- Catalogues Business Notices evonts of the clay,, but it 16' safe to say, K ° Caienc ars' or i�LlCtiotl Iiili5 D,V9P$PsIA. MUOUSNESS, dOwn." tired near Bun -9 Times,1rHitlllCliFl F1iT, Apptasinla'tely, the gun is .." US A CJ.��r.1.,. �' SAt,"r ItliRtilt3, sf.'itl�isxt%�r i ' GIVE 'rho Ptr$tim$tees 'fid+Inn, �' � V t �"'r >r3lti 11TAU", soup ; tO1KACH. , r 0 ANY A�►D����r� '`I'�C�,L lblzzmns, DROPSY, "That voung trolloy„ileo ' r0lnotA>` is3 ti�i � t it,11ZU145ATItU, $sON DMASSS going to frarry'Mabel. Trf�tlr�A -Y Ist, 1902, fOr r"I didtot suppose iia'tl fiat# Imo to pro J r r ed If lstl the second time he canted ho ask, t. RE' M ode.' a uldn"t lasses a terpatttttl optlo:rl r ' " 4v �.d en s � t r � oil t11oa right fryf wajr sty iter-'�:'�'���.14�, � � "' ' r , � �fl.�rtr'P+�,"+1tiV�� I A, A irla"d Plain Dsttlat....... ' 1 n+ r