HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-07-19, Page 1'M Liz SVT.>d �1�, 'NQ, C L, XN 1526, WI�1Ci�-IA1Vi WINGIIAN, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1901.. 7'IM1S. F A. YE'Alt IN .ADVANCE S1 a z>R.-thheat or tMAA^AA0%AAMfV4AAAAAAsS#k^A WING 1,1', 1� b4,1Te anal �1IHOT W1d MINOR OCA -S. xlery � . aro Agricultural past week b4s, bin the most intense for w r Society will be field in WinghiLna, au this summer. Still<lay anti Tuesday teeOamd to c ire kadit ehe Wafers guaLratt-Thursday and ridgy, September 26th were the hot•teAdays. Rogiszxatians at <Dinh and 2 7th. A ri eating of 'tile directors tlitforc'tit points lI to wta during the two -The TlxI.;s ;Ad Weekly Globe for will be. held _ Friday evening, July af'tNruomis nan-d showed a tempera- one year for $1,00. 26th at the E�ollango hotel, when the tut•e of over 00 tltaroes in the shade.-�-Ilowfclt torr�lship council ]net on t final changes .o the pti2d lint will be x'011 nrr.-I offer ze1 sale my house Weclnosdtty of t. is weeL. Be 8�re Oq E;� the Sets -The Wiugba n baseball club played made, and flet acres of land, situate on ail , •-..� Jo3l: best and come to pltitle street. CIInS. GILLESkIS. f. y •: � .. ... TO I�:slt Tule 1+LII:s Orr.-Dr.Reed, ti lea •ua •aloe at Drayton yesterday, •^ � �... ,���'--� ` veterinarian, o' the Anriculturrl College, CTrIo R.Lm4Y. Mayor Clegg has, -John Brethaaer, of Wroxeter, had A fine collection to select Guelph, give the following exoellent upon receillt of ft la1 ,oly signed petition, rine towatues gr m itlg in his garden on Whalfrom, Anel elle values are preparation f peeping files off cattle: proclaimed Tha sd y August 1st, as July fat. �� xit;ht. Come and see for Fish oil and rude eltrbolic field. about Winghaut's civic h liday. This is the •-••�Rewember t e L O, L. excursion to DO �� youriself, S i tables oonf 1 of acrid to a quart Of Oil. p q sanaO ditto as the S nday school excur- Sarnia audl Det ib t to 1w held about the 97 piece set . .... . . . . . ...... 6.60 ' This is appiie with an ordinary cattle sion to Goderich, at d the holiday com- ' 24th of August. Good goods, 3 colors, or horse bras and rubbed all over rho big on that day will give Our citizens a THE DRUGGIST 'OUCCanimal, ---Upwards of ixty applications are 07 piece Sets . , ...... 7.60 F iieudid opportune y of spending the in for the positio of Principal of the r,UETty8.50, X10.00, X12.00. ; Ladies wishing up-to-date goods in y at the lake, LfOge bills and dodgers Listowel Public S tool, D Belts, Buckles, Musltus, Gloves, Black will be issued this v eek giving full par- 100 tecesets... 12,50 Dress goods, Ducar Suftfngs, eto., call at --Mr: and Mrs, uryAllen, of Wrox- {OP 1t. �f you use pi ticnla.ts as to fare and time of train y HANNA fit Co, eter, have taken u their residence ou Says: 16.60 leaving Wiugham.and other stations ' ills your cattle will �a 120 piece sets ......... • , TFz>J 7'wz Lrrti or, Ly. -Last Friday, , . John street in this t wn. C and $18.50 y, along the line. not lose in flesh or ' the twelfth of July vas a very quiet day --Burchill db Rob rtsotl shipped ti Aar If yon, want a' suit of Clothes, in Wingham. A l rgo number of the ollEvicll OrLs. load of sheep and a car load of cattle milk. Cuffs or collars, shirts or bows, ° Wingham L, 0. , and neighboring from. Wingham on ' hursday. Or a rag to blow your nose, ' lodges, aeeom ani b a lar a number Roy. J. J. Patters ,the now pastor Go toHorauth's. �� raf9uharson g p y g of the :Baptist chit h will preach•in town is on g del y the buildings in The Old Williams Stand. ' of town and count y people left here via that church on aund y nest, morning toren is being del yea Owing to the special train abou 8 a. m, to attend the - sho-til a in the su of brick, 1a Agent G. N. W. Office, You will find the prices light, , and evening. g Pp g CHINA HOUSE Orange eolebratio• at Luck -now. 7.ho , You will find the clerks polite, There is a movem t on to have the '-The Orangemen and citizens of < Opp. Bank of Hamilton. }+�', celebration was it yery successful affair Goderich are already in the field to Dave �t And materials out of sight, <� 3, as will be seen frlm,there report another church services in W oxeter commence y I MILTON HARM Down at aomuth's. VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV p at 7 o'clock instead f 6,.30 o'clock on the 1902 celebration eld in that town. ! CO1t12Itn. Sunday r n• Tis a cosmopolitan store, y evenings. -Thursday,. Aul,n t 1st id SViu„hfLuz's AT THr Ir,ox WORKS. his week . Rev. J. Grey, of T onto, is supplying All are welcome at the door, �y� n civic' holfdag. The 'uuday School ex- PgoxoGrarxElt `011 and young, the rich and oor, George. McKenzie, Vin hanl will see a Wuxi -iter of the machines cutsion to Goderich will be the uttauc- STAR y g p , t g the 'pulpit of Wro eter Presbyterian . PHOTO Meet at Homuth's. r I at the National on Works set in proper tion. J �� i 9 1 fY L+ 1 U STUDIO I3as For sale, cheap, 7 ]fits On north : church, owing to t e absence of the position {O COtn ellt:0 rh'OTk. The delay � � Opp. Brunswick House, Beaver Block, If your money sack has hnd side Of Bristle Terrace; also 1 ldt on in the arrival of omo of tho.machiuery pastor, Rev. R. S. G. Anderson, in -ti Wingham Ju liar basoaa.l club' wingltttlu. '°Drains" that make your heart sad east side Edward Street and other and shafting as delayed operations. Scotland, played a game .at Go •fe on Tuesday af- Photographs at reduced prices stillcontinuing- properties, , y Rev. A. I, Brow of Whitechurch ternoon. We have no been tibia to learn And you need a snit quite bad, This week savor 1 carloads of machines ' ' ` the result. GRAHAM -�./p- Go to Homuth's. arrived, include g the tools for the will conduct the se vices in the Metlio- ( T. C. l.7 it �r L71 Ltrli We will lead you to a pile Who Wang a Farm l dist church on Sun a n -Applicants far 1• ad moulders anti m uidfng sand, etc. The y ext. Rev. N. S. greats have been begs to announce that he is pregacing to enter Where you pick the latest style, Burwaslt will toe chap a of Mr. received by the ntario Government more esti xnsivety into tiro Fforal Business, aper office building is about eompleteci; and g that he is now prepared to supply on short: Both a bargain and a smile, I have over 4,000 acres of cho' a farm lands the managing c1li tier, Wm. C, Bullock rorvn s work at hitechureh. from 3,000 veteran and 291 South Afrl- notice at lowest price Floral Designs, Wreath,% g for sale, in 50, 75,100. 160 and acres, lots in o g ' and Boquets. Leave your orders at residence. Wait at Homutll's. Kinloss, Greenock, Bruce, ncaraine Huron has moved his o ca furniture from th Rev P, W. Tuer t, pastor of the New r can soldiers. on Francis street, or at star Photo Studio, and Ashfield Townships, Good lands with Beaver Block. If von want a summer vest, good buildinggs to ba of reap on easy terms, Meyer block to a office building Jerusalem Sw enborgian church, • -Miss Bella 711son entertained the ALyo n goocl blacksm' slop (dwelling in con• will not be very 1 ng before the works Berlin, for forty-four years died there members of her Si uday School class and neetion) doing a go u6iness, for sale cheap. And you can?t afford the bust A hotel doing goo business for sale cheap. are in operation. I July 3rd. A yea: ago !le relinquished a few of her £muds tit her home ill ® � Don't go travelling east and west Also a wagons lop. Al eueral store with lama With Ottr dollars. trade, levo village. Aso a large amount of Farm for sale in Turnberry, 3 miles charge of rho clitcll owing to failing `1'urnbe:ry last rvt<]c. y money to loan at gr per cent. For Further par- , from Winnliam., corner-' lot 70 acres health, He diet] .0 his Sist year. there l Where are you going r c 'Take it down to Will and say titulars apply to, e } -Hello, rhe •� J. A. McgENZIE, cleared, good, buildings, school on lot, Though gaining strength physically on the evening of Jul ;25th i' Wh I ldla ' ti � ih' What you want and what you'll pay; Insurance Agent, lfolyrood. $4000, Apply to A. Dulmage, • real g g g p y y g y y' estate agent, Winaltaxn. we, are sorry tc leash that Rev. J. am going to the 1-onay social to be held Next door to Advance Of ice. Every day a bargain day, l Maxwell, of Kiul ass, is not recovering on Mr. L+' Bosmat 's lawn. Even to collars. Ax AUTOaI0IIIL1; owrm.-An auto. Confectionery of all kinds. ' GENERAL LOCAL NEWS the use of his voice. He expects to --The red pressed brick fur John ,, mobile mo,vex ruts `'about the streets Biscuits. Frust in season. Hats and eaps for men and boys, leave shortly fL^ Clifton SPHugs in Ritchie's now egideilco have been ,• on Saturday atria 4 considerable at- hopes that the tt_iatment there may b, laced on tlLepve ises. The brick work 1 LUNCHES AT ALL HOURS. Shoes, suspenders, sox and ties, See Halsey Park's advertisement., -n P y P ten"tion, It is one �f eight constructed beneficial to hits And a thousand novelties, FLnx A Goon C r.-Qn 7'uesclay of by the' Deetinry Hrvester g9'e-of 011 ;" will be comiueuce tit once.. at Prize;; a to suit. .:. Iii (,c ,pan Kcason. Down at Homnth's, -. lei°. D. Fergie a>1c1 fitmil le t this' Breadfor •ale this rdeel: tt iitos T' ling show4ii u's see- cage, Ill„ for es •erimeutal purposes. yT -1121. Crane, of Dunnville, has been °. A c :li solle:cea. week for Pes ue Is1.,Gie count at era] samples of fl'a which he had pulled The mower is run 1p a four -horse power q � y y, appointed Priucip 1 Of the Kincardine. from different fi cls, The flax crop in gasoline engine. Zee engine is so con- which place they will spend six weeks' Model and Public chools at a salary of ! °+.• flomilth 60" � this section will holidays. Darin Mr. Perrie's absence t• --- ____• _� good this year. The structecl that it can be .used for ganertLl �G60. 7.ilerc rvcr �� applicants for the '----- ----------"'"= samples rvorO of good length and there farm ur uses whe. Mr. Tait, it co ego student, of St. position. 'DOES THIS- CONCERN YOU 7 p g p p power is required. p Thomas will con act the services in the , G�INGL3AiUI. will be an Shun Spee of seed, and the, The engine and mo er complete rvei�lz '-Remasuber t honey social to ho It will afford us a hoot] ileal o£ atis- Presbyterian ch ch. h All. fibre is hotter th nit has been for years. about 1,200 lbs., a a eau be run fora held on 12r. B. 1=tsmau's lawn, nuclei faction if subscribers will kindly see to day at a cost of 35c r 40c. * On Saturday On Monday er .uiug of last rveeli td: a ilio auspices of 1llathnclist Epworth ft that their nubscri 1 ` Ararriage Licenses COUNTERFEIT BILLS. -. Counterfeit members of the . F. M. Sot w of the N_ ptious are paid in ad- money is abroa once more. The most afternoon a test s to the working { y League, on the a 'cuing of July ` 3ch. vante. The price of paper and of print - Issued by'FRANK PATERSO,r, No. 23 victoria ower of the mower as made in a field I Presbyterian hutch presented Mrs. street, taint ham, Out. No witnesses required. of the bogus bi is so far found have been P All welcome. lug material of all kiucls has acivauced. ,r , of ha at D. Ste}vert s farm. We uuder- John Dickson vith a handsome boo]; , t �1 bills of the issues- of rS, S9 Axid 9S. y -It has been su estecl thtat'the Har• very materially dinging the past year. stand that the mow does good work. ! prior to her de rture for the Northwest. riston civic holidaybe held this year on Our white �r costs u§ � c per lb. The different between the bonus and y Papp a .......�,t t„g 6 F,f.1..g s,..;.s .g,.l..g..Y..t �.,h .. (A social even' g was also spent withI' real notes is tl=at whereas the two num- CANT GUT TRnns. The toren solicitor ; August 14th, the 'lay on which the more than it did kst year. This renders '. Mrs. Dickson, vhon refreshments were .p. •3• bets at the ipper right hand corner of Peterboro has ren utiy given it as his served. Thos resect also had the Wingham baseball lab plays the league it all rile more necessary that subscribers Fall Tern] ] o�aenou ePt� u�' .`§p. should be pricAed in red, its. the bogus opmfou that telepl . e, telegraph Anel p game in that toren. pay promptly. Will those who Have not - •§• electric light com a les have no rinht to p:lvilege of earing an address from '1'. A business course such as yon can •gst ,i, they are printk d in black. The counter- p a Miss Ervine o' Morris a returned mis- -A special lneeti g of the Wingham r paid remit us at Once the amount of in our school will train you for business ,�, fait is poor in tthor respects, the quality out trees upon the ghways of the town , School Board will a held on Tuesday their subscription. One dollar or two to. sioutir from .)hina. Y ' �,. of the paper i -defective, anti the print- without the consen ,Of the owners of rile I y evening next. Bu ness in connection a subscriber may seem a small amount, :+II•• �` - ing is poor.e design is blurred, es- property, and � tha the matter ryas, Previous to his departure from St• with the seating f one of the school but when hundreds such are scattered '1'• r ' l further, uuder the ,om leto control of David's, the r•any friends of Rev. J. H. 1. '€• ' peeially Accu d the two faces on the • P rooms will be trans tied, around it becomes a serious matter, f opt of the b lis. ' the municipal tour ail. On one occasion, Dyke gathere, at the parsonage with <« •€• t' a understrtud th, council of Oshawa full baskets of refresbuieuts, and - rl splendid art la on rho 112odel and good business prospects will mal.o .fig.: Trunks 5C, Farmers'. filo OStraBatHats hing ordered the t crest �f telephone ofiicitLls "snrprisecl” hi 1 with Swell -filled purse, Farm," rvritteu lty a TLrI> s correspon- H. S. E N T R NCE EXA M l N A- �. anyone's future bright. T .g. Sufi au adclre ex ressive of their dent and the Cul: ss council minutes TI. NS. . •t• ; 5c, 10c, 12ge and 15c. Reduced prices for pruning r4reet shade trees without p • ' in Straw Hats 60c for 40c, a: a crowded out f this issue. The 25c for 20c permission of council. Such trees are heartyapp:ecia, ion of IiisgenifLl, faithful y The following list of caricbfiatCentral Business College + 20c for 15c. HANNA ar Co, the property oP I Ie municipality, Sufi Sufi fearless ]Seers as preacher anti refill appear fu nuc xt issue• l of interest to ouers, passed by t1 Stratford, Ont. 'g' + + Altherr It in front of a man's remises Pastor. during tLEa years of ,]lis pastorate -Dan. Malloy, f London claims to •g• TURNBBRUYvOTE s Llsx.-Tile voters g P I board of examiners 'or West Huron, to- takes Arid, ;th thorough prepa fition..1. ! list for the Towns ip of Turnberry has and planted by hl�I, he has no right to among 411om. Sr. Dyke was formerly have put in the fir€ pump that ryas ever gether with the in, is obtained by eac?i- :� Never bef in the history of our col- �, ;been printed at he Tlvxs office, and injure or remove baht without getting s�ationed at Balgrave. ` used in Clinton, sews the News -Record. i The total required pass is 550 marks, legge have A ' aduates been so success He says he put th tolls in for 'fpm, ' fu l in seta, excellent situations ft . ' ha8 been deliver d to Clerk Burgess at premi3sion from %ae authorities. � , y p pump The number of r. at idates writing was lriediatell g �l�living college as during + j Bluevale. The to of the first ostia , ! Ratteilbitry in the `fill of IS4ti. 284 and 204 of these have passed, P g Iain s Great i4nxinal Cloftriun Sale the present.. iaik. ,g, g „ , school; pays to firdndom pays strictly r c lyttendctl% V up was July 1 th. The list contains commences Saturday, July 13th. Every . ( -Jas. A. Cline has completed his IIItiIiTST .IIA£ S Os1TAI�> D , A. + other ldiid, .g, a total of 718 oters. Of this number department full of bargains, You can't contract Of makii g the extensions t0 Reading -Olive Ora ford, , , , • - 45 + write for beatitifulcatalogtie. �' 568 are entitle to vote at both muni- avoid snaking money. Small folders give --� ' : the waterworks pains. Power rues Drawing -Robert T,1 . Oraigio , . So ' �y �. •g• detailed list of slashing• reductions. p i Writing -Maggie S therland ..... ; . ,0 '§ W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. + cipal and legi ative elections; 02 who Terms cash. • G. E. •'NO. �� t i turned on Wedne ;day and everything Dictation -John W ]icer ..... 54 ' 'p ' y, /,,%y a 4 was fonxirl to be in good working order. Literature -Sohn allcer........... 1ti0 r~ j s. can veto at 1 un1Ci al (.leotions one •� {{ ,,,r.................. DEATH OF Gno Humins. Auothar , :II•!i••¢•3•+1 hi•• Sufi GS who of vete oi11y at elections to _ ( Chas. (arf1531Ck of rho older xesid urs cf t lis district - I -Tho C7orria tette says the Wing- , - the Legislati� Assembly, T1ie number a f " ` ]tam Trm, ti ltas ust passed its 15th Arithmetic - Leel d H!hboutne) NU0 Boy WANTI D. -A good smart boy, of persons' qt alified to serve s jurors passed away oil ti, tuxday evenin, last ! g P Lditl stogilill , , , ith fair education wanted to learn the is 408. Tilie'lsirnborry councfi'll meet at his home on L opold street, in the , -r onaaa�^ birthday. Bre. 1` Lsli is away out lu ; t 11viI BrintveIl.... , l R' ' person of George Hughes, who ]Safi :' / a �! I ©aR�^, �. this particular. he Tlanss will cele- l Grammar -John 1r alk ..... .....I29: printing' business. Apply at xz Ia s rt Bluovale t ,-morrow (YThere ay ) rettchecl the a e E 66 oars anti 10 1 _ brats fts 311th big uday nil tlla 1st of Gecgraphy-1V3ay la s�c�tt ............ t)7 g y Composition -Ezra Dasst ....,, 7office. OLD PiON1�li s DpuAT died months. Deceased had been sick for \"„ January tlext. History -May Bins, tt . , , 79 To TFIr D>;eF.-A rich lady, cured of in Detroit, in Saturday last, Simon the most art of st relater, but hada �y/� • her Deafness and Noises in the Head by Roche, sr,, a sect 96 ears, Mr. Roche , P N, i -Mr, r fi Coit n manager for the Physiology and 7 t up, -Alia. Bissett 2a y recovered and w able to be about ,�� `, ', . ... 0' 4 Royal Artificial S 011e Co., and brother Total -bray Bisset► ,? a c .. �.� rr EST w✓rr* t,Noslr. Dr, Nicholson's Artificial Ear bruin., formerly live 1 in East Wawanosh and again. Several rue ks ago file was agaiutx�- of J. C. Conary of Ins toren, has agent- S. S. No. 1 c r ' gave 25000 dollars to his Institute, so that was one of til a earliest settlers in that taken ill axle] had been. confined to las •,, Elliott,' y • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 603 ff ed a ill coutrac for laying cement Ryau, !a ..:...........603 1. deaf people unable' to proeuro the Ear township. H s wife died a number of bed for weeks. M . Hughes hai, been a w,aLs is Exeter, a cl will uta gang of Young, osie....... , , , , , 504 Shoes mho p Drums inay have thein free. Address, years ago and For tato past twenty years resident of this Io lity for a long time. inen at work filet-tmnedtately�. l'! Isher, eslie .... , .... , , t111 iJ The Nicholson Institute, 780 Eighth he had been r -riding with his son, Wil- When he came to Hese parts lie settled ��I1� '�'��� ��� _Tiler© is like to be an excursion S. S. N0. 2 Milli l . tet xo ... , 560 ,,,714. � Avenue, New York. llam, in Detre .. Mt, Roche will be on a farm in Turn airy, near Bluovale. Buylta u 1\ !,Cut it Out" and buy our natty remembored bw the older residents of Residing•'thero for number of years lie from Winghana'i 1 rho near future to , "ie .. , ...551r and hats natty thas locality. ' `Ile hotly arrived in town Our policy is to clear them out at an Buffalo. The id is to have it special S. S No. 7 Antlers n, Ed , , .6�wil shirts, collars, ties, belts , p removed to a farm ifl East Wawauosh, price before they get stale y S, S. No, 12 Webs t, Willie ........8, 1 to -date" our motto, HANNA & Co.On the 11 o'cloc St train on.l►xonday shorn- p y train leave 'Wing Stn on Saturday mora S, 8, No, 15 avid on, �Ida . , . , y ; , , b. 8 a �o and from Wawan is lie came to Wing- Better to sell, r,1ie odds and ends when r As a te• ing and the fmieral t ,t place to th3 ham. He was a an who hfLcl it large people- WANT thein and got part of a tug Sufi return uta 11tOltday evening. wl.sm rv_1wA�O5 bL� ARATN ,d t ooL, Gt:rri✓fLAL Boamll 1I5 Uri, t will give ingllaalites ail oppor• Leddy Augustine .... . ... . .........583 Suit of shirt -Seo arsy work, said Gen. Brick Ch c ;metery in East 'Wawa- circle of friends it 1 of wh 7in will regret prle than keep. them till people dols � This r •s hexposition.BroPity, 1vTary A , , .. , , . . y �' waI ten and all tiro time after and tunny of r i ttitl t e fi07 1100th recoutly, tI1 Salvation Army ryas cosh ung osb ryho attended the to hear of his d .ath. Deceased was It lot them go to waste on our shelves. t ale �Av:�oN Pi'isr.Ir �cliciot. i e found in fpr •seven OouArmy Slid ftznOl were b s son, Will am, and usetnbor of the 0 radian Order of For- C'hat's oat our watt, •-•�-Mr. Jalue.8 Hai, of 1llclita, Man., rl<trbatru, .lyntnl to b randson, Will, of Detroit; Chits, n f Sproitl, W irticr .... ..... . .....029 lead 14 thirty its thirty different g esters ]laving den ed Court Douglass at titi a ]ecce our stock R,le:Ln by carr alis who has been st frerin„ roan cancer, ro Steri ttrt. 1Atrt 5G3' Roche, sr., a bre they OE Orvoll Sound; the elites when rue want to see goods turned to Strat ord fromTadiatld olis on • " languages. The Army had over 7,200 Bluovitle at the t•_me•th ,Ordor was or- p Tfta.,f010tl, Cetll ... .. ..... ........:ice } move chick. 1 his sister, Mrs: Biggatt, nE Clintons anis eci, Anel trill sferr to Cotirt Malt. Wednesday c `ning alai is staying at Yonug, John, .. G76 separat3 •sOciotin , with 1.4,000 officers 8 SLE OUR BARGAIN TABI.F. Ehslia Lommex, )f ilarriston; Mr, and eland afterwards le .funeral tools ,i rho residence of his father, Mr, b, D. sr, Ii1;LBN 1'Cl1t,Io 5(t1loOz,. i ?, and 40,000 1 Ofllco s; 609 so0ial 1t>;M1 MhE1t--Vero gory free, tit,, rip. in,;. ees 11Iacc1011aIcl ...... i 12 a institutions4600 Wi 1,700 tlfiicers; a labor Mrs. A. B. Jacks n, of Morris. place to the'Wbl,* to cometery oil Mon. )]ought of us. = Hay. 1:1.0 ha been tniderg'oin � treat- .... day afternoon an i ryas conducted under Trituirs and realises Cheap. inent by art mineut specialist anti hits huller, Charles PUBLIC . . .. . . .......781 buxeau, given employment to 6,800 Mo1v1;Y To Lt1Axi--1<Itliley to loan an � r;IsmaxL >:�t;rtLlei tdllOt)L. , eo le; 100 re cud places, 72 rvtlritsltops notes, Anel IlgtOs discounted tit reason- tllO auslticOs of Court Maitland. Do- `jram almost cola Otelyreeovered. Tho inauy l Cxriflitt, Laura people; , able pates. Money advanced oil mart• ceased is Sorel •eel b a widOry uud � � l� friends of th fautil will be plOase+l to J'obriston, Jou a .. . and factories Sufi 13 farm colonies, y' • . y '. "`Irm gages, with privilege of paying at the i" r tl "Gregor. Se er .. t`,()4' The Army a n sheltered 15,00 outcasts eucl of any gal.. Nates Aird accounts grarvti tip f, pill + rvlta will have alto hear of ns tratftlrfl Herald,llldlJatuev i4icltitur011y, Se ie .. 0 Y even' in' and had even Imlay collected. y )rear, -Heaver, Block Win - sympathy of tla cUnttltututy ill their SOI.I� i.O'AL AGEfVT.'"a 1"l3R play refeire ` to above is it eon-Itt•law Of'. f eVery .,, g y r S t+ pp,�, �,,,, ,�,,.+� cities, Agnes .....�ttig millions of reakfasts. Ilam. ROW. MOI'xnao, a lictlOU. � � nels�lG J. J. Antlers a, foruterly of Win,,;ltanL, I G'atlicart, .7olli r a u!f +t �r a