HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-07-12, Page 8r • pt THE WINGUAN '11MES, JULY 12, 1.90), ' YENTRi1•bQIIiSM E •-Iinchanans ESG l.1RiPso11 boyo talfen, WANTED ) 1R H111 the oontract for the now goal resideuoe EXTRAORDINARY. at $2,800 witli the provision that they The AureSothern'Performance co sc ute4ltvew - - • Merl and Ba •. ' T may .Jt Elliott,steno iutheoklWalt, Boys to plan Flax Why 0 Adverfis l U •One of the peculiarities of Sothern s by lqncre.n acres to all, (:an have J, J. El V. S., has had the old elaborated ]jokes was the way ,in whish final or any iturnher of aerie !rain nue ncre+ ul>, foundry building moved to the rear of he worked up to thciu. Reapretended to Apply to Wide Awake the lot. anrf will commeuce wort: at once have accidentally discovered that lie pas- AMOS TIPLINCI, Furniture Store, sessed the girt or the born ventriloquist Wingham, Out, on the erection of his new dwelling• and arranged nit experiment on the occa• u p: JULY F. V auStone ehipped a car lond cion of a supper patty given In ills houoF FARM FOR y5ALE, DO we do it for fan or for business? ., at a pleasant house in a London suburb. It's rather expensive when we do it for run. Of hogs. to l.oronto. 011 Monday and -- -, p There was a foolish kind of hanger on of The undersigned offers for sale his farm, lot Ix's a, good investment when we do it for business. Messrs, Bnrehill &f Roberts shipped a Sothern's Soho, loved to boast of his in- 11, con. 5, Turnlw rs, containing u5 nares, upon car load of cattle to Toronto onWedues• timacy with the famous comedian, II0 the premises tate good buildings and is well WHY DO YOU PUT A BED day. had often said, "I wish you would lot me wiltered• wiltdlniu for pumping. Nor terms 11 p T t v and Pnrt!culars uppiy to 7p L1 i 1 lT O help you In one of your practical jokes, YOUR BED -A number of Winghnnt Orangemen Dir. Sothern:' Sothern humored Itis de- JAS ELLIOT, attended rtivine serviee with the Orange. sire, Air. Edgar 1'embertou tells the )ilnevnle P, O, . ISA H I 'CRIAL then at Beigrave ori Slviday afternoon, story in his "Memoir of Sothern," Do you put it there merely to hold Rnv. W. Lowe of tOtvu leashed the Tilt' comedy must for my purpose be t' P FOR SALa BY ADULMAGE up the mattress or to make the bed reduced to a parngtnph, You. know how , sermon, foud the professional ventriloquist is of REAL ESTATE AGENT. comfortable? These goods will win your —Statements, Bill Fiends, Envelopes, talking up the elilinney to an imnginary We have spring's ai $1,25. Thev will admiration on first si-ht and Tags, Faner+tlCatds,in filet all hinds of than on the root. Sothern had arranged - bold up a mlittress, `That's all we can Zi for his slavish confederate to mount the $1 3G0 IoLargo 10 room frame house; two their beauty won't fade in the fob priuriurgab lowest rates at theTl%ms roof by a ladder and piny the part o! the , stable, fruit; beautiful corner say for them, property, Can be bricked. Job Priutiug Ofliee. All Oralerspromptly voice on the roof, which he did to per Park lot of about 5 acres, S room Have a woven, st'il'e spring' with supports at $2,50. Recommend wash. Muslins in best color- a.tendt-d to. fection, and Sothern's success as a von* $1500 )louse: stable; neariron works;a in s and styles. Prints Ging- triloquIst was voted nothing short of very desirable healthy house, these. They're comfortable, durable, satisfactory. 'Which is the best g Y x -It vas decided to hold a gathering marvelous. Supper being over, the party $750 each hill buy two haivisoinecot• investment ? hams and fine cotton material of the Clans in Lueknow ort Labor Day adjourned to another room, at which tugcs on Edward street. Cost that _ _ to blind. in spots and floral effects. 2nd September ander the joint auspices Point Sothern said "Good night" to his (ZQQ Two largelots; stable; £silo largo of the Lncknow Caledonian Society and friend above, at which cue it had been L house, wih all conveuienoes. Iaol- s.s arranged that the seance should be con• ited ou the banks of the jtfaitland. the Sons of Scotland Camp, eluded. $1000 A siiiip eta Mmltie street, thepleit- UNDERTAKING—Our extensive experiece warrants -Tlle'Tlatl:s job department is being Sothern had,. however, plotted against santest resldental street in town. n" ortant Sale of us in calling special attention to this Branch of our busine8s. Itii t rushed with orders at present. Besidta his man, who when he wished to descend g P our usnal run of work, we are now bus found that the ladder was gone. By You will find us prompt, reliable, attentive and efficient. y book or crook the deceived confederate ALK R BROS. x BUTTON prflltin the voters' lists for the Towu of found his way to the chimney or the LUTHER BALL Funeral Director. P"rases vyi flu and the Township of Turn. smoking room, where the supper party UNDERTAKERS, WINGHAM. r /eceive were settling down for a long evening. Night calls at Button Block, or Fifth Residence—Patrick St., Mr. Gracey's late residence. Presently a voice was heard calling down door south of School House. Shop op. N1_ and Mrs. Robb. Johnston have the chimney: "Sothern, Sothern! Fo[ posite Macdonald block. Bu one .of these fine ora- }' p word from LOudort to the effect heaven's sake, come and help me! I IOOOOOOOOONOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONO000000000 ' sols and save.your complexion that their daughter, Miss Hazel, is ittl- can't get down, and It's raining like + 'on WANTED and your money t00. We proving. The litany friends of Miss Sothern was tnken aback for a mo- Rubber rountnin Pon. Bond 10 + AGENTS cents silver or stamps for sample. bought a very large stock of H,izel will be PA to learn that. she is ment, but only to be in ecstasies the next HUNTER 8. CO.013W.InifthSt.Cincinnati3O samples cheap. The are improving. at the exclamations or his friends, who ♦ lower p y considered the voice only another exam- ♦ -Dr, J. J. Elliot, V. S., Wiughatlt, and le o! Sothern's skill, "You said you I very beautiful In light shades. p I family were over for the first of Jttly*. could do no more, your voice was tired,We ut them in two lots top The doctor went through the formula t•f and here It is stronger than ever. Soth• clear. ern, acceliting ,the compliments of his — presgnting the bicycle prizes at the con- t The undersigned is now prepared ' • fl•Iends, managed in n short conversation c Lot No. I—Parasols worth ce in his usual inimitable style.— with the voice on the roof to !et hie un- do all kinds of work in the way of gen- . 00 for $1-50- aril Expram happy confederate understand that as eral teaming. 0. • soon as possible lie would go out and help Garden Plowing and other wont will ri_,to'wel . J. Montgomery, foreman of the receive prompt attention. ♦ ARRIVED ' D i S WEEK • Lot NO. 2—Parasols worth'him down. Banner, was united Ili marriage After a time, just when Sothern was All orders left at Lott & Sturdy's + o • $4.00, $5.00, $6.00, for $1.00. to Miss A&rie Reihni. of Berlin, in theabout to snip out and release his lrIead, livery stable, or at my house will receive + Metro an church, Toronto, on June his host went to the chimney and, all the 'Prompt attention. 26th. Mr. Montgomery was on the more to emphasize Sotheisn's success, as W. G. CTRAY. • SPECIALS FOR JULY g fi he thought, galled out, Are you still + a large shipment of Flower Pott which we place Advance staff ill this town at one time, there?" This was the last straw upon ♦ 0 The Timis extends congratulations, the rain drenched back of the- sufferer, URE BRED IMPORTED CLYDESDALE ♦ on sale at the following prices Boots and Shoes, odd sizes, worth "Oh, o to blazes!" came the angry re ly .P Stallion + ' X2.00, 83 00, for $1.25, J. D. King's -D. E. Campbell resided in Buffalo and with it n piece of mortar that rattles ' make, good quality ; black and tan ; N. Y. until about two weeks ago, when in the irate. "You're a t2east!" PRINCE OF KELTON 2 1 inch Flower Pots at ioc per doz, • last year's toe, good chance. A. he read an item in the Ripley Express _,_-_ 0. p • describing the boom in Wingham. The The Sponge and Ttr. Vnetr. will make the season of 1001, as follows: + ^Inch cc " • 200 yds Print and Pique, regular next week he moved his family to Wing- Two little girls with snub noses. and MO1,TDAY.—Will leave his own stable, Swarts' + O 15C 10C, July iC. ham, where he had no trouble in find- windowshool of avoicpq Third tavenued in fd ugostore Oon.2, Morril, unit e, forenoon; thence John oBelgrave ♦ 4 if 20C " 200 yds wine Shaker Flannel tor night. ♦ ing employment, -Ripley Express. ecterdil afternoon. F) y • y TUESDAY.—Will proceeed to Geo. Robert- ♦ 1riCh " OC " reg. SG, 'Tilly t ' r" i son's, Con. 10 East Wawanosh for noon; ♦ 5 3 —The most novel claim yet received "\ty. said one. T.00.t at the sponges! 20 Sbirt S -'gists, very fine and '\lost a thousand or 'em. What d'yet thence to Win. Beecroft's, Con. 12, for ♦ at the Census Department has been filed night + 6 inch C " • cheap. s'pose the use em all for? I didn't 45 by an Ontario census enumerator, part y WEDNESDAY.—Will proceed to ]lis own stable Specials in Embroideries Laces think they was so many slates in the where lie will remain until Thursilaymorn. ♦ inch " " ' of whose bill reads as follows:-" To world." The other little girl looked at Inc• d % 65C Gloves and Hosiery, THURSDAY. -Win proceed to Bluevale .for one pair of trousers, the right leg of her companion a ith n itheriag scorn. noon• thonce to Walker House, Wroxeter, Shop early at which was entire!, destroyed by mongrel "Don't yer know," she sniffed con- for night.. 4 temptuous'v "that windows has to be FRIDAY.—will proceed to Albert Gallagher's, ♦ • Collie, which greeted me as I was about washed" Genimill's Corners, for noon; thence via ♦ x Cl ® to enter on m duties Otllg(Ion. Turnberry, to his own stable for ♦ • Y X10. ni ht. ■ si e d o SAT DAx.—All day at his oven stable. ♦ , / • Deputy Sherrill W. H. Grundy, o r The Ine:orab]le Camel. T. H. HASSAAD, D. MoPHERSON, ,p • Goderich, his received frt m the British Prop., Milbrook. Manager, Wingham, • The vicious disposition of the camel in Government au appointment to a lieut- geuoral is evinced by an instance given 44040♦4.4....404.44.444444 ♦.0...♦44.04♦440♦♦.04444C♦ enancy in the Frontier Police on the by the Arabs. Some time ago in Little n i.!:I N R LOCALS. 1 wCSr. coast of Africa. The position is Adeu a Somall boy endeavored to escape TE IA PR EI TY FOR 1IIIi worth $1,700 a, year, and out of every from ,in infurinted brute which was pur• Real [state p [ii.teadache Wafers guaran- shit:„ hint "by plunging into•the sea. but ll lI _ — teed t0 cure headache. p rio+l of eighteen months he will have thv c:uuol swam after him and killed him. ,. A Yeacher went S. S. No, 3, East Wa- The undersign offer s property, con- -The T=s and Weekly Globe for six months holidays. Mr. Grundy ivaq,osh. A ions v be received by th taining 4 of an ncre, owick street, Wrox- t. -ed the necessary medical exnmina_ WINGHAM° ``th le1gig P to July ' , est. Teac ser s star, for solo. U premises there are a one year for :,1.60. P y , ,, diLt? commence•January, six roomed h with t neve steno cellar • The lnorese man takes both narrow and y, anew st and a good we operty will tion at London. Mr. Grundy s friend:: J. SCOTT, Sect r -Goderich races on Wednesday and selfish views of life and the world: he is Marnoch P, O be s sap. Por particulars, a ess, in Wingham will be ple.sed to hear of either envinus of he bappiness of others Thursday of next week. :. • THOS. Illi SMITH bis appointmear, or'Willes iia existence. -C. Simmons. -Regular mee+in of Court Maitland, T Wroxeter, ant. C. 0. F. will be held this (Friday) even- A. D U L M A G E ing. North Biur•e Liberals nominated Mr. O LST 11 jR BORN. Office -Corner Patrick and Leopold Sts. w°. p -=Re ular meeting of Cam Caledonia C. M. Bennion, IN. P. P., for the P ' Real state and Loan Office. g b' P , l T.T,ouGwx Tn Howick, on :Tune 80th, to having added a•° }fa1'atot l se's a 1' plant now Legislative AESeml,ly. ricllacl d Mrs. H. McCulio h, a daughter. osier "r.' S. 0. S. will be held on Monday even- g ' y t, , Conveyancing, Assignee and Accountant. T.—In Culross, .awe 10th t. e wife of . ,v , Mone to loan oh town and farm ing next. teet, a daughter. i lt' We have a word to say to those wl)o 'L.&I'll IED IMI1tu111 y Property. —Our readers should keep in mind the Children Ory for on—In Alorris, of"Wal o Mr. and contemplate becoming citizens in this to the people of Win liam. Our cows aro ke t ishoOfficn''s S doors north of Drs. thT. ri J. S. Y p g g P Uhishohn'sSurgety. Residence -Catherine Sic Nichol, n son strictly clenn,'so that.vve aro enabled to offer Sunday School excursion to Goderich o:t MONTCaev,I:RT—At Gorris, rune 20th, the very busy, live town, that we have On absolutely ckoh milk;;'iq'ed in summer, during August 1st. wife of Alex Montgomery, of a daughter. hand several desirable dwellings cen- June, July apgllkugust: GTunovs-In St. Augustine, June 20th, a son 3"conk,, pgriX f^" -Wingham , football club defeated t Mr. and Mrs. Witt. J. Gibbons. traily'situatEd for sale. Also 39 build- ii l#'v6"-a once a day. I,ucl.noty club at Lncknoty on Tuesday _ - -- FrAttRIF>tr ing lots in No. 2 Ward, 18 of which are '" _.- evening. Score 4 to 0. A wasted Effort. tverr.raTr:a—lig rnt-In 1'ormocn, on Jtwe Ori Carling St. EAST, AT4 LI]MIJ "Yes sir, 1 did my best to train my 2Stlt, 1Ui11, by Rev. Father Gehl, Andrew T. 6 on Catherine St. East. -The Grand Lodge L. 0. L. ofBritish daughter up as an necomp!ishrcl paella- Waechter, o c> enoek, to Miss Lizzie Montag,toAmerica will Mold their meeting in 5entarian. I took her to meetings to of Cttirs.::. 8 on Carl yg St. West-HgAd Toronto On Jul 23rd. give her a chance to listen to the rulings MAr.PrTrv's noD, dril a -At the residence 4 On Corn n St. South. a of tin: bride's fat•hor, ,sh concession of I inlos, -It is expected that the L. O. L. es- or able chairmen, and -,I had her teatu Yn:Tunldest leuidite.-of Air sand •i M cDo airs 4 on Cornyn St. North. the textbooks on the subject by heart. linleeH, to Juhn biucYhee. of Chicago, 111. And 1 lot, NO. 88, on the East side of cursioato Sarnia and Detroit will be I thought I had her perfectbin the bus!- Ar. ts•enoNO-tiPntrxs'-At the residenen of Frances St., No. 4 Ward, at prices to FROM MONTREAL- AND held on August 24th. ness, but I was mistaken. She •attend- Isaac Wright, rtth eon. of Turnberry, on July / ed a Convention not long ago, and pretty 8rd, by Rnv. w. Lowe, Mr. John George Arm- stat the conditions Of all. YORK. —The Howick Agricultural Society etrnng, of Rainy R} r, o Bliss Aclolaine soon she bad a chance to appeal from a Wri •ht, of Turuberry. -will 1-'d- its fall show in Gerrie on h h• d S A M L Y O U H I L L Machine Oil SEPARATOR OIL, BINDER TWINE all of the very best quali ty. ' For sale by O decidedly unjust ruang of t a c air, au .Saturday, October 12th, how do you suppose shek did .i ' ' DIrnD. For tickets and fall information apply % y Gannett. y '}- • • j ADx—In Winglinm on July 5th, Grace' - --- „, to 9I 'I/ ii•,6. CJI GUline IJ V • -Dr. Tweddle, of Brussels, has sold Wade, youngest dau •]iter of the late Walter . ; ;' '---:..-.- - -- H. DAVIS, Wingham. She was excited, you knOty, and this Wnde, form of Minton, and neico of Mr. — out his dental practice to Dr. Field, of Is what she said- 'You are a `mean old 4 Mrs. Swarts, aged 21 years and K ; — -- - - - -•- ----__....._ ___-__ .__ -. _ _._....:. - ._ - . _____._ Listowel, who has taken possession. fright, and I just hate you! 'So there! nths. And then she burst into tears and sat McINDoo—In Wing) .Yalu 5th, Garter, —Daring the past few weeks S. Strome down. No, sir, woman's nature will intent son of Mr. and,M ,tt.Il. iKcInctoo,nged 6 oaths and la ria s. ' , haa drilled sixteen wells on different have to change before she will e'er be y = gk . "— y PAntc—]3a W% ig lam, on July 5th, Alice Lud- „ ! t, x a v ! 1 AL JL farms in East Wawanosh and Morris. come a parliamentarian."ow, vvite soy Park, aged 98 years and 8r ,j months I ;ll v.,R i '1 <; •r • --At a meeting of the directors of s r T Just When to Turn. SrtiTix-In Uncross, Juno 80th, B1nlTney, son Blyth fair, A. E. Bradwin was elected Xr.'6. S. Smith aged 18 years. t, - A Memphis gentleman who had'Just re n -3 _ fa secretary to succeed the late J. S. turned from an overland trip through BATr.Aest zCi"Uullrossc?JI yzed Clara Mild• C // _ i cd, dau6liter of J q W. Bajlagh, aged 6 , '+; a,e Habkirk. Mississippi says that one day Ile stopped yearsanrl0months, tl!' 2, rl %_ I _____. j at a negro cabin to ask the way to the NiciTOT—In Mort l4, on Jn1y 8, Margaret r l: X 1 jti —Prince Vale, one of the horses in pillage for tivhich he was bound. Alice .lane McGregor, beloved wife of Michael , 3 IIL - Nichol, aged 80years. F traing on the Wingham track, won hat In reply to his hail an old white headed iv Ut Ce S money in. the 2.20 oleos at Seaforth on man came to the door, and the following ,ST\1PSON-In Calross, on July 4tli, Margaret ° Johnston, relict of the late Arthur Simpson,: Tuesday. conversation took place: aged 51 years, l0 months nail to days. Can you tell me how to Bet to B.Y 1' of all Summer Goods going on at this -Win, Armour is having the old town asked the traveler. — --- -- --- - - - hall veneered with brick. This improve. f "Saitinly I kin, ear," replied the darky. R , store now. will give Air. Armour air excellent f "You follow die here road till fist beford AuJt,o,l Sale of Chatte Property ® Jildgy,e o f Style . s. . +I- ts7 u 1 you gits in sight ob de next house, anis. 42 BtorellOtl6C• den you turns to de right, and dar ain't Thenndersigned admin rntrixof the e0ate l A' -Mrs. D. Ross has leased her house no odder road to put you off from dar on of Archibald Gordon, r .ct avid, will offer for will at once detect the super- READY-TO-WEAR " ' till 'Sou gitg to Whar you IS a -gain." ' sale by public nuetlon at It .t residence in the ING to Mr. Howson, and she has this week Town Pao, of Win aril, in the County of lority of our made-to-order Huron, on Satnt is ,the 0th tlnvof July, A•D. moved to Teeswttter, where she intends lout, tit 1 o'cloet , in., the following ellattel garments, A .. ,tic atoty. I)rolterty, vl,: 5 and all lanes of Boots and. Shoes included residing in thefutare. when Lord Tbanet was Imprisoned , llnin6m, wagon, "Isingle..bug,gy,Imingle ma. NIGH ART TAILORINQ 7, r r,1 l,nir ixlh -slei hy, I'mower nearly new• 1 in this teat cut rice safe -The TLULPS was pleased to see Post- I In the rower of London for the O Col,• her se rake, I )of of iron burrows, 1 set whiffle• is our specialty. We fit the g p master Fisher able to be on the streets I nor riot. three of bis friends, the Duke arosequanan neeof ogle lollies ffcetsspring In;U b.,4 r p Y tllig wveek, after being oonlined t0 the , of 1.edrord, the Duke of Laval rind rind other nt ticies. nldn Of abnormal as well as he f Gtpt:t!tt grnitb, were admitted to play lust orpartcular imay be hn(tonAI)plien• Of normal shape, and our PURE,1 RESH GROCERIES house £or several weeks. I whist with hien and remain till the ti(m to the undersigned, or to Bohn 'arise, prices SUIt all. --'l'o-dey (July 12th) a sspeoial train r lo('k up hour of 11. Enriy in the sit• auetiolwol., Will leave Winglisin station about 81 -tin'; Cn titin Smith tel! back In a tit Dated at Wingham, 11th July, U,01. Come along and het one of p 1 o p JUTiN UL'1tItTE, (:AlHI%RINI.1 (,ORI)ON, at oldest prices. a,. In. for Lueknow, and teturuing wil? of apoplexy. riled onp tlf the party rose Anetioneer. Adm)nisttatrix. • r tllf, newest novelties In Salts, livery person come and secure BARGAINS at OL Teadetg 8 P. M. to hall for help. "Stop!" erled anothrl'. - -- -- - -- -- - r ac ie in local have to overloolt "ti•e gha11. be turtle(] out It' Von utnke WAXTED--TntT1AVVORT,T1V X1,1 ANI) Overcoats and Pants. i a noise. Lot our rriend alone until I t. Women to travel end Ti financial a for ak. r:vtalr- Yours, tCUIGORDOINTI'S Gave 4tglrghortag ocal kt W9 this week. Nber eat ti of xpe fiT)aneinl stn)tdtr);t . eaRl Y <t tin de eat Matt been tt e t nn Alar dnulluy, and he it Ile Ilene sri10 nyenf snit expenses, all pny..l,le in easl. t i u 1 g paxtm I the W011e, Por i can read death In hist ;°j ex" fintdriwHivIsAtn)ntii•trllinvilr rc, Ai D ' " , Direct .,v4 ,griV'au flrat pulse this we*. !,lite." dress Xftnager,1165 t5ltton Bull;., Chlceito lea It g ° Maxwell The Direct Importer. V