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The Wingham Times, 1901-07-12, Page 7
In 0 .N�"r1"7--,1- ,, `�r ti'g 1. 1. .- . _ .- m t. - - I /I . r .. ,.0'... I f ,:. . ,; .�. {A _ I. . ' I 17 j ^i•• "ir�ir t ++ I, -- t^'k C•'�^ �ir�f*Pt' '•�+' sena, iltAlo nud t(lnalts. vvArleci, rrtls , ilio titn>< , 00c:oild flu ,J�"" ,"Mv— L. } ���N�wf � 0�����AON����N/����INtN�� soils, 13 ic:: cdsvi t•tsr wide lrlt u s hhoul t aleve r 1;Q us stn dg us the �� ��i� �� � � � D ��►�!. CURIOU . Y + & 4,hiR,l3"i'�Al�° tyAM'4 f aY ' D .�D�,�t �t `ndlLllrrHb,tUoide �hudlttheirl atiut:e for 111to1i llsiit. - ---,., . illed•-.,,.,,. '� 'Ittero -vas a irirtrs'iittr of iittny� A liAiQ THAT W�t3 ALI. (iAREFULIY lEnrtlR►tM >Efq>t+otfrcl iJ�ctfs Gilulltt:teaia ily� DW % etlith and taste 'who lead rare old ltnive4 and forks, ,but toupaltt nd 33µh- One of The must ee et 1'a ilzues . •sat i, acted for there. ilentionun ofv"IcQsAt' Pi.ANNFP IN AQYAN¢g, D AADS.,rurl,atts tiamstE eY4r lit!- e'asusstiful ' ""'""" stowed upon a icirl int Al's and Gracm I B a orks in worn. out calvats, and wish- cars soon drownoll all tills, •unci ttttt:ll lila Klish,s welch literally oitnptic�J, ][low 1HIcn Liko file °otca�;or �w�t the her name beim registered at Sarnor,sek X11/ Author of �i dr thein preserved iu More sitter• 1 U10, other nolso could .be heard. J:,mefs Drofte.rs ..Conia #tide Into a House, Lpndou, lit 1898, schen site watt 7('- file t. frequently f outer tient tion, ,bong• before the rest were done f�oWn In ,limed[ Paylfight, >l gh n p � , ' lr + � baptized. Her sister's name is aquAi `„ "The �,ittleWldow" �" for lila purpose of (aster tile unusual -Nun NIcors When Airs and �• rr ,> eo it hailpeuoKi 'tint on th4 N firy sr+ant f atlttQ ilt}(lcl' 119<1 finished leer Defile an.;. y,gt AWRY. Graces. and N44 Moor Arrive At the Ase Bu't " of niatrlmony, at 1en.s>1 one of thein falroultA Steiia$tirlitig, nl()Xning 'Which succeeded the ell;lnL siltl,la slice int broad and btttl•Qi," one . Poor .l Prettiest of Alia when Ilattlo receirect the (cliental cracker and a Cal, 'of tea, told go,lsi c]ozellaw to It a smlelifor it. halt mnrl•,v lq ny,youa least Cit theist bonne letter, a file equll)uge, fre,ri, far 111, to he room. • Grim and [slilent, N(,. - * Etc„ Etc. town, snail(% in til. narrow street keen) overlookfil k the a., );alto of Northfield, 'Minn., rob, a bang: lied rifle compares favorably�--for examples Acts oC away',"' askeil .A reporter of a man in the Apostles. I „A t ,which fronted the h111clory, unci all ,cell boarder, fiA% AT1sa Serftup, vill- few York who knew the Younger broth• This is a name found on an BAgi)i.k +♦00�©®®®♦060@'0®�+®���0®0009®m�O"►0600+000®9�, elderly, old-fasltloncci gc"ttttcanan p'cit til all -Were through, and liad gond ors and the Jamep boys, parish register: Aetsapostle, son of `'llom, •it`fr sigis$ 11•taxx lc 1e I, a! ki�ic'•tc"1'K'i�ie+,k�Qc'�jc�Yc�kk�c �r�ir�'�ir�ir�jdrti•�1rk•,*�^ out and tolled up the stairs to the to their rondos, or into the old diui;y "Such a thing," was the reply, "could As and 1;11zolleth flogl,a, was bapttze(l C1IAPTIDU 1. nor was that tncrc was a mystory binclery fluor with It Ilunclle of sonic room, slanderously calico tin par= not be done sql easily now as in 1870, Aug. 2, 1iJ.i. Again this name fisurlls ins about her. size under One Arm, lor, to chat Awhile before retiring. Bank robbery requires nerve df a peeul- records in 1533, when Acts of the ,A,psfs- That sbo was a boric .lady, iter man- Ile 'Was "tet, quite obsequiously, `!'hen Biddy Lanigan came In '+With jar order. I- never engaged In the llusi• ties, son of RlcUard and Pllehe Kopp, oft. 1= Fancy a dingy old bio a nous° oil ners, her quiet, dignified way, her by Mr. tiS nue nt the pi o_ two ox,tra. strong cups of tea,, clue Mess myself, but at one time in my life I was baptized. `lits name, .eur']ons .as It B_--.fltreet, :testa ,1 orlr city --dust q for lino mistress, lite Other for her- knew men who did, I was Personally ae- is, is preferable to �i'but unci laum Spiro i outside and uu)lcd in All iia ragged, brief conversation, over roucltt,d in prietars, who l;nerr, by past .xperi papered walls inside—a'dreary house unexceptionable language, plainly once, that Sault• nice, well -paying self—a plate of Imixed pota.toe,4 and quainted, for itfstance, with the Youngem Sporn,, names with which children haver It s told. But she Trevor told any one rvorlt was In view, and ttalzecl into a couple of nice chops and the Jameses, Left to themselves,. been handicapped, •e . ;with rlutlt, poorly ventilated rooms about herself. She never spoke of foot* Jessie Albermarle )tact hes lite Janice boys to uuhi never have Ueen It sues .n patriotic 'Amo-, who be- j.—these coatis rvretohedly furnished, tin office. , , stowed upon his o and I havo nia.dd you at home In parents or relatives --newer alluded .'Nal, no, I am in a hurry,'" said supper to make frost the little - .the successful in bank robbery. 'hey were p young ig ho eful the name, • "Miss Scrimp's Boarding -House for to •T'nst fortunes.. But Lille Jest umd i)te old gentlesitan. "I want In see very little (lie hungry boarders had better' at holdlug up stagecoaches and of Declaration of Independence. A most ladies only—no to look in wonder At a shelf of books your foremart--T have sonic 't`'reneh left. railroad trains. But, to agpwer your ques- warlike .name is Robert Alma Balaklavrtl, y geittleunen boarded, in Battle's room. There -were books Miss Scrimp was not long at the tion directly, tic` Northfield bank affair Inkelman Sevastopol Delld Dugdale. lodgdd, or admitted." in Vrench, Gernnan and Spanish, and and Lerman ret imr s here - -old ;tad who is an I nglIsls Inukecper s son. A p Ablo, Slie was burning ,with curl- will illustrate the utcthod, ,. 1'ax this was the inscription the r a oft Sundays, when she somet)illes rare --which • are all to pieces and � . ,. similar name Is Richard Coeur de Lion faded tin sign nailed or•Elr the front somewhat mixc;(1 up. i hou�x):t titcnii ofltty chant the letter in her pocket., 'rhe gang that rode into Minnesota t!)d door stolo upstairs to seo'ber favorite n and so silo took'a small lamp tit her net plan any particular robbery. It was Tyler Walter Hill. 1 i And in this building cxistod—I will ani°ng all her boarders, silo fount at alifsauction—a regular old bnok- hand and threaded lice way up the a sort of bandits' outliig party. ;They About 100 Sears ago a snowstorm tri. .not say lived—most�of the time, be- lu.r reading those books, And sbc m oral once owned them, hn't• hv- diced, steep, narrow, uncarpoteci st irs to rode Into Minnesota leisurely, The party western Pennsylvania set in about tbe• had a large portfol!o of drawings and his graceless heirs sold off the was composed of Cole, Jim and Bob 1st .of March, and there were many weekst tween 'thirty and fifty working• girls, Collection of years for a inere e:an lite attic where our her the lodged. Younger, Frank and Jesse Jnmes, Char- of sleighing, traditional for years for the tL1ul At t.iuutc ri. aciciacl to titeut -with !;, '� -attracted there by the cheapness of a skillful pencil, compared to their real vestue, Knocking at the door, 'Who, wait ley Pitts, Bill Chadwell and Clell Miller. 11119th of time it lasted, What dict a Alr, board, whieln enabled tient to make One thin -vas certain. Hattie was T wish these properly collated, And her -wealth of jet-black lu;ir, glass:'' They were well mounted. Smith do, who Happened to have a boys ends meat wt tho' wrotched wages very pool,-- she had no income be= bound nicely for my lil;rary." as silk, all: let,down over her shoul� "The Youngers were the brains of the' born about tills time, but name him Sevetk idue to "hard time," or hard -heart- y(llici that gained by her "Tile foreman ,will wait upon you. ders, looked, if possible, tenf:il,l sn+gra party.. They were always Men of good Weeks Slei�,hin9 In ;1Iarch, He nsun]!Ir ed employers, or perhaps to a uic-, daily labor. Site 'vashed her Mr. Lo are, in a. few moments." sa)d beautiful than she had below, -witA presence. Bob was as handsome as n went by the naive of Weeks. His Initial& •'dium. between the two. own clothes, anal, by per- tilt+ proprietor. "TAke .a seat by this tier' hair neatly bound up nu afl rot well trained, athlete. He always lm- were all written out --S. W. S. I. AL ' Miss Scrimp, a maiden lady, who mission of Diddy Lanigan, ironed table." to .be in the way when she ewer. at pressed women favorably. Jim was the Smith. ' acknowledi;ed herself to be forty- them. on Saturday evenings h1 . the The man of wealth sat down, and work. politician of the trio. 'He could talk to Parents. of large families need no as- . five—ono of the oldest boarders said kitchen for she had even a icind ATr, IV-- hent a bo after the, fora- Hattie had been reading,for rnt her men and durance that the advent of another chlitl. that had been her ago for over ten -word for Diddy, and kind words era man. 3' little, s'und, near the ied, swas a . more reserved, their confidence. have t is. not always as welcome to fact as itr ,years—only charged four dollars a almost As precious as gold to the The latter came and looped over the lamp and an open boost. any church on his first application. His theory,. but it is scarcely kind to make weak for boarders in her best, low- poor• mixed up and scattered pages with Thero were not two chairs in the early training was in a religious direction. the child bear a tolteu of disapproval all' f, or rooms, and it ran as lore as two Ilattie, seldom was able to earn perplexed loop. ' room, but Ilattie proffered her only "These three visited some of tiro re- its life. It must he rather unpleasant to dollars and a half in the upper story, over four dclliars a week, as wages a "I'm afraid you can do nothing one to Miss Scrimp, and walted to sorts in Minnesota before the Northfield go through life, for example, as1Not and two attic chambers—for this ran, and thus she heel lett little to 'with them," said ATr: Legate, rkotic- learn the cause of this unexpected affair came off. They learned a good dial Wanted •Inures, What Another, Only -vas a four. story house. She had but Ing the expression in 'the foreman s visit, for Aiiss Scar imp never called in their visits about towns, about the peo- fancy William Brown or even as Last ttso for dress though she 'was ever of 'tui harper or Stili Another Hewitt two servants—one to cools, -wash dressed with exceeding taste, plain face. I a -in sorry. for I doubt if a on a boarder without sho -vas pie, for you must remember that they and iron, the other a pitiful, thin 6 second co • of either 'work can And yet theist, lire all names which the, p though her garments ,Were. These p3 �e behind hand in her 'board, and tlierl. were away off their compass when they . .little creature as errand ire wait- found in this city, or indeed in her calls -vero not visits of compli- were in Minnesota. That's why they cafirice of parents has imposed on inno- ress, maid of ells -work, and all -Work site cut and made, buying th pat- Ameriea." ' touched elbows with the people at the 'cent children. j terns and 'goods only. ment or pleasure either, p At; American lady spending some time I it -vas for her, from early dawn till "Try, Arr. Jones—try your very "I do .declare—only one chair here, resorts. When the season Bras over, 1 far into the night, She did all the \Vico she Kaci overwork she made best," said Mr. w--, anxiously. they knew the best place to strike. They in Devonshire. )r11gland, met at an after- swee lin sot out the' table, helped „ ` I' think 'r a can do It, sir, said rte Jess o It's a shame le I'll ,• 1 i;. more, and silo had been seen with a • . rata Jess sound) for her xteglect!" knew how to get into Northfield and haw Hann Mn Al r, Pine Catlin. Mr. Dt,ith Ipto- blink-book in her hand, so it -was the foreman, brightening up. "I acct- y to ;,et out of it. nonnced Death) and Hiss Graves. to -wash and -vied dishes, carried said ]Wass Scrimp, looking around as „ , ,Miss Scrimp's markot-basket, -vent evident she had saved something to dentally discovered that one of our if she diel not lcno'v how poorly the Notthfield had about ?;000 people. It 1 o the grocery, cleaned and lighted help along Witli should sickness girls, flattle Butter, is a good lin- was a quiet town. They didn't dash into Tle. Bishop's i'nn. g g g g room was furnished. 11amps—indeed, did almost every- overtake her. f uist—reads German and French its ""Do not scold her, Miss Scrim T it:. as sortie people think. That isn't this A few years ago a comriiittee of angry thing that had to be done outside She had been two years and one well as she does English --•one of our do not need but ono chair—I newer way raids on banks were made in those iow church men Visited the bi�h�np of hof the kitchen and bore the abuse of 'week boarding at Miss Scrim 's, best and most quiet girls, too.' dans. Bob Younger. Jesse James and Oxford, the late Dr. Siubbg, to c•ctmpiain: p q g ' have any cotnapny to occupy Another. , of various ritualistic excesses or the+il- Biddy Lanigan, iia cools, and that 'when one Thurscloy the postnn:►h, or end for her, please," :aid Air. Sit down --I -%vIll sit on my bed as I Charley Pitts rode into the town first. -of her mistress, like. a little martyr, mail -carrier, rather, delivered a let- Le,^,•arc, '"I do - so 'avant to preserve often do." very leisured'. They had no intention of rector. Tbcy were especially ,oxcite(r- :as she in truth was. ter at the door directed to her, these -works in good shape." "Well — thanken, I Will sit down, creating any suspicion by doing anything over the fact that the poi-son'.•ore a red And presently Hattie Butler stood else. It was a common occurrence for bood instead of the blue one to which he i Little Joss they colied her—her full . Ilattie was clown at the bindery before the trio — one of *her eat to _ for is. tiresome to ]' up those long )nen to tide into town as they did. They was entitled as a graduate of Trinity '.name -vas Jessie Allldmarie--eras as then, and Jessie Albermarle, alt- ers, AIr. Lo are, and the for •stairs. I carne to tell }'ou I had a tied their horses to A rack near the band(. college, Dublin. "Tie carries a tie on his good as. she could be to all around swering• the bell, got the letter. She letter for you the leti.er-carrier left ", back!" they cried. st her, no matter how she was treated, -would have Rept it till Hattie camp, cahu and lady -iliac, neat in her -white to -day• I didn't 'want to give it to Ihey•stood on the corner, as countrymen As a matter of fact the accused rte but there was one young girl in that but her mistress denlAuclad to sea apron and brown calico dress, • her you flown at the table, for tltern gid- do in a small town, and tallied polities,as had an Oxford degree as well s ate • Mouse whoin she almost worshiped— it, and tools charge of it. black hair wound in a queenly crown dy g]ris are always noticing every- yon and I would. Irish one, but the bisho did not nr^ A . ! about her shapely head. thin At the same time they were tailing „ p Due first, because Hattie Butler -res very Little Jess had seen that it was g, coat they might Have thought the matter. ` A lie, said he, .with a: 1 "Hattie, see 'what can be done it was a love -letter, and tried to note of -the people. They tarried on the good to her; next, because Hattie a large. letter, postmarked from ,With these old reviews," said the tc-ase you. ITere it is." corner at the hour of noon, and after. for comical smile, "is n hard sword. Suppose , Was really the most beautiful crew- somewhere in California, and the that was til(• time when people in A town you call it a falsehood. foreman, liar the fant]ny bossy "'Thank you. AIiss I•crimp, you were And the committee laughed and with lure she,hid ever seen on earth. it had a sill),*Lilac Seal tri -VAx an 1170 style peculiar t0 t00 many of his like Northfield were at dinner. They eat ar1R,. considerate. sa"d TTattfe, gently, as dinner to such towns at noon. 'There 1 77nougit Ilattie lodged in the very back. he impression represented class, she received lila letter, looked calmly topmost room of ill(- house, ;when she two hearts pierced with an arrow. The young girl tools up the french at the received rrillt+c•n, and then open- were fewer people astir then than at any Inconsiderate Incredulity. acute home weary fxoiu her daily toil The address 'vas only the name, work, and instantly said: other hour. she would find her room swept as ed it at the enol of the envelope ,with Daughter -father, I fear I hurt the, stet et number, enc! city. "Phis is very old. t1 french re-littlo "While the+y were talking the ott `r clean apitcher, ands clean- ,often net sof cr AIiss fierimp locked at it very view of DAntie'R `inferno.', Some ° 1idls�SstScrimp P aL ]ne till nveryi slnacie 'members of the gang. having undoubted- count's erfeelings. In what waw? 2 in her q closely. Had there been•no seal, on- pages, I see, acre misplaced; but if allftice cn ly •had so.•t. sort of sf9nitl, came wboop- „ , I flowers, picked up at market or els ly guilt as a, closing medium, it is are )lore, sir, I can soon arrange i(1 tTILLitij� erci� i as anlagatgerrlaalit e • ing and shouting down the main street. I thoughtlessly told him I did'; t be. `-where, perfuming the little room. possible her examination might have them." her eves h V -%v scannn:cl tl o first These were Jim and Cole Younger, Bill lieve be owed as much as lie Said he slid. And silo linP-r Little Jess had clone -Smart Set. call this for. the love there was be- been closer. 'Air. 1P— looked at .ATr. T,��re felt• lines, then a sudd.ni pallor, and Chadwell and Clell Miller. Every one - •• Biddy Lanigan, once when she triumphantly: it was followed by a fromitlora flush of them tilt(] been with Ounntrell, and ' i. �� � t Hat them. The German work—can you at- as they rode they uttered the rebel yell. "" Hectic, I ,aid before,. was very gnarrl, b Idly her ed ger and esu- that sttttas d hen -w, rine its, Ancl even It was new !n Minnesota. Naturally. it 'beautiful. Just saveittlQn, anal enter- Plnyar,' baldly twittec�rlTer with her- ran,�o that also, young lady?" Asked .her needs. e 'A /' ing on liar ei htcent Fear, her form ing "atamt tl'; lett over her "tay_ Air, l.egare, looking ill tvondeti, at let spite of an app,^.rent endeavor to startled the few p.ople ou the street. A� y NOOR ' �S."� g this beautiful girl, so young, work- "As soon as Bob Younger and his two . ,vas full of that sl cler grace so pe- kettle" and thot )ened thein. fn here, yet evidently a scholar, keep calnn, ITttilie acs to souse ex- frlenes saw that the people on the street • •culiar to i)udciin -woixnttnhooct— ust this is a 1 s hai`ndwritef" mut- f; cent agitnfecl; .She knew that those were contused they added to the confa- Fx?' T-21ftits ,-moi cu'a".9•.',f'SE'.:?. I j tared Alis crittnn "I diin't like m i[attie took tip the other review, cross -eves -were fi-ca upon her. and ,vithoteuonging an aasroltch to medium,tared Uoard, having men to wi trq to glanced over til. pages, and replied: sbn did not intend, if silt, batt asec- thision street ' Youhktnow hnwlneasy c t is �c. ft4- ...,.A.....,x,p . t,- pp ,. "Yes, sir. I Bea that this is a bit- rot, to share it with the owner of ' cholla off. - sward `ss. lyes of a jet, slrarkling em. But thin one is away oil in for Attack on Alartin Luther, and theta. for ono man to control a panic stricken allsatura r�' -ri!✓ter; ?, •-f' A-'-;' lack, shaded by lou fringe -like Californy—illi, as not, rich as all. crowd. He oral elther make it run like t! ^ � � 0 .' 1 '.f' .r' ;;w ,�".;,;;ah. g must date ,with the first ages of the I'll a very short ilii, the letter was ` ' " . lashes, features of the Greclan type, creation. I rwisli I knc'v who lie .is lirotcstant Refofmation." seared animals or he can, if he is cool, ,complexion rich, but not too brown, and ,%vltat lie wants. I'll hand her "Great Heaven! 'thy, young lady, read tinct restored to its envelope, round it up to a standstill, -•- •---- , and now Aiiss elimp thought it ••i'ire cry of t,et off the street!' was n the expressiveness of her face a vary tke letters afore All the hoarders tt what are you, doing here with such time to t.ry tine )stn she llud formed nett sine r that quiet town. lint it was I'arIs, Li ' marvel. : supper to -night, and if she opens it, an education?" f l ` , • Lo.; Angeles has thirteau g i or to out who had n-ritten to No one, to look at her 'white hands ;X'11 watch her face, and maybe I can "Working, sir, As thousands do in hex favorite boercler, littered by strangers made no difference. and little, tae average- lurk arca-bein . ;tier slinn, tapering. fingers, her goner- guess front that what's up. She'll this great city and elsewhere, for "Rope !won"ve good news Ennui you. People in g n pnnic dont reason. It they 8,740 acres. • F.al appearauco, even in her plain caress, never tell no dther way. Sic bas my daily bread." prdtber, Miss Hattie," sho shied, •"I did, tier(. would t it, no fatalities. [,.oil no � , ,;would have, at 1!rst glalice,• taken her just the closest little mouth I ever "`erring folios at the bench. and heard colic one say -you. ]yid a bro-' lounger knew this. fie and Cute and Mr. I', C. Powell li+ts raft ad to. :,for a working, girl, though she sewed did see. But conte to think, shoo we have no better in the shop," ad- thea in (`aliform'. Hope he is dein; Jim planned the whole thins; .in adv:nuce. accept the salary aflerei him as prize- folios in a hook -bindery down toren mightn't open it at the table. Sha deal the foreman. well. It'•s An. awful country for get-- Get lbe p,illq seared and they will fico cipalof the KiucardineModel and Public for ten hours every day sure, and of- wouldn't be apt, for all the girls "Do you understand any other Ian- tin' rich in, I've heard cay." to ibeir IIUIr4's, .'ten much longer when there was over- -could bo curious to Icnoiv if it was b' ge?" asked the wondering man of "1'he miiment Dob Younger saw the Schools and tela trustees Ale advertising' un I; ` My letter brings nee very 1�t•):tsant work to do.-realth. ro+)ole ill the run Uc+, and Pitts and .iltmes for a principal. The re(1tu;lieu in salary g i; alove-letter, and plague her, maybe. "'Italian and Spanish, air. T was news, Miss Scrimp, I thank you rushed into the bank. They had, how- 'was from 850 to P, 600. She was a quiet tel making but I'll peep it till after she has had her aga, n for the trouble you tools to iery friends, and no intimates, though supper and one to hcr•rnom, and taught by any mother, wino• -vas not Urtn it u to sae. You are alwa s ever, Gushed tb. r;nme. The sc:ue ant' i'when I write of her site had been for then I'll g only a fine linguist, but' had traveled kind to me y sial. clad penetratedod,it] the honk. The cash- Last week's issue of til: Hanover Post go up, heenclly-lil e, and "I ought to be, dear. I haven't ter. tion. (], had osol t to fathom do the contains a description of the nervi furlii- •nearly two years a boarder with take a chair—if there's two in her a great deal in the countries ,Where ff � situation. He slammed the inner alcor of , !'Miss Scrimp. The latter, for a those various languages are spoken. another boarder in this house, out , turn faetory heir -g erected t.lere by V a room, which I'm not sure of—handthe vault shut anti locked it. Roos must wonclrr, lilies! her, though, as a gen- I was born in Italy." of forty-three aJI told now, who is have been an unusually quills than men• �eclitelCotupauy. The buildiuga will oral thing, she scented to hate pratty her the letter, attcl 'Wait till she ""yet of American parentage?" its punctual cad so little trouble as , , '-girl.,, simply because the. -'•era pret- opens it. And I'll ask her if ]let- "Yes, sir." p tally ns well as phy�it,Aily. Ut. tlto most t,lorun;;,ily up -to -detest the brother 911 Californy is well—rsalto !• you. And you can tell your brother ""tis act disconcerted even such men as furnitnre bnsinesa ill Canada,. `There i'+v, while she lead most likely kept This is no place for you, young so NvIien you write him.." . . ' h,.r state of single wrotchadness be- as if some ond,had told me site had lady. Your education should place "Whan I do• -write to my brother I DOB Younger and Jege••e -James. .File eat- will be 10,000 square feet mare room, its i" ht -4c. she 'was more than plain—she a brother there:" you in it far higher sphere." will sure) retention yau, A[iss tet w ills heat!, I`T- care n knife Across the now buildings than in the old ones, 1.`-•r,+ .;,13*. Silo had a sharp, hook This plan, talked over to herself, "I-;xcuse me, sir, Shall T, at once " y Haywaod's ihioslt scare him and make it:�i -:, parrot -bill nose, if we tiara satisfied Reiss 5crilu and she acrimp,' said Iiattic, with an amus- Ulm open , the safe. finywond didn't < .--_, _-.I „. _.�.-n- �•-- p> put go, to work to arrange these pages? eci smile. + i si+mf I.io bird by a comparison. She the letter in one of her capacious I will sew them myself when I have For, with quick intuition, she sa-v scare. There are fete m cold steel. will not Y 1 :•::,y %%atiseyed, anal, her eyes were pockets, there to remain till even- them All right, so 'there will be n,o the Aim of the curious woman. quail at the touch v wild steel..Jessein Pitchar's.. Jathes curst,d and raved. Two clacks in. ; •sv- •i. anal greenish gray its hue. Her ing, mistake•" "You didn't say if he -vas doing ! cbcok Unnas -were high. her chin long "Yes—res—titanic you. I will re- we`ll?" continued AIiss Scriltt deter- the bank .'rnpecl noel were shot nt. Bnb m ! and sharp. Her thin lips opened al- CHAPTER II, ward you well," said Mr. Legare, anneal to p' YEIUllnt,t' trnt,tt this tuns a mistake and get some information, left flit, hank. 3"sv ,Tonus followed• but zT ,most trout ear to ear, acct in her with tntusual warmth, for he was a "The letter only refers to business D.AXI A('TITz� ; IDNIi-�' s ,dirty morning gown, slopping The cracked bell, -which had done very steady, precise old gentloulan, of mine—riot to that of any one turned, tired and iridic(] ly infuriated It was ..around, her, form looped like an old service all thoW long years in the generald', in all things. else," said Hattie, gently but firmly. bad business. It only infuriated the v -t • I,T,"r° f colla, -bag, half-filled with paper '1'hunl. town A (�bw�,q.�> dw�7 `scraps, perambulating about over a establishment of Miss Scrimp, had you, sir, all pay And enrol- "You'll not answer it now, will. "There was no necessity for .lames' pair of old sli rung its discordant call for sapper. muents must go to my employers. I you. T might mail it early, you shooting after lie knew this safe door was slippers--ninttbers sevens Tlta hour -nus lute, for i nriny of her r,,ceive my wages—no more." know•, when I go out for milk, for (Formulak of Zina Pitcher M.D. Late, if an inch, And Hattie with a graceful bow, I'm first ill) in the house." closed. I3eaidos, the uproar at the bank , But AIiss Scrimp really lilted ITat- boarders worked till dark and haci g gave the town time to think, and the Citi-' Profess of Materie Mocfl,:a9 and ensue distance to -Walk to reach took up the scattered pages, and i shall not answer it to night, zoos went after the bandies, who rode cut "'t i do Butler, beautiful as she was, and ]ionic, and the clinking -room was dint- 'went to her work -bench. AT as Scrimp. I ata -cry tired, noel of town on it gallop. Bill Chadwell And _ Genito Urinary Diseases, Mibhignnl ! -vas •the reason: , ant going rigltt• to bead. I thank ,con i �thls At supper -time, before she a.te a iv lIgitted Uy two hnngtng T.atnps, " 1V rvho on earth in tills for your kind osier as much as if I Gtell Al)llrr were killed on the vYny out. College oflVledioino,Dett'oit,Mitch.moiltltful, every Satttrday night ?Tat- one over each end of the table. T1u.r prodigy? Vic mistress of five Ian- accepted it•"'+ In this cast, the warning to the people to , l!. S. A.) .14 tie laid her board -money, two dol- served, however, to show tete. scat- sieges—for she speaks English Iter- Beaten at every point, and so gen- get off the sweet was given too soon. It'l Tars and a half, clown at the head of ierod array of thin sliced bread, still featly, And As pretty and ladylike t.ly and graciously that sltc could not nnywood had not had the warning,. he Dr. Pltdhces Backache ridney Tablets ayes the table ,'here Miss Scriulp presid• thinner slices of cold meat, tinct the as any woman that I ever met• salt° otTanse, Miss Scrimp to up her probribly wonld have given in. , the gRidncickTst�anclsurest relief for Backache ancif ,ad. Tt had been liar habit aver since small plates of very pale: butter laid The proprietor almost blushed Inalip with a sigh, and said: `tank l guns was not ht tilt, cold, but to that- effect thait all dother ad ercall slitow tised evidence n eche l tlhe canna; it was a Waal example to aloe, at distant intervals. Also to (when ha said; , lie vas oil guard. As the bandits rode t; [ f; "Poor dear thing, I know you cbnibbitd. ar, PitdhcT Afakes 11tA reputation Otic •o'thera, though All did not follow it, show dimly a few rosy faces, but "Aly dear Mr. Logare, she has nntst be tired. If your brother fs away he joined them. He was talten s(clt, these tablets for neckache and kidney troublei% . Again, ITattlo Ate what was placed lllany worn anti pale ones—ahnost worked here, I believe, for nearly (,flint, hiclt, as lea tntis8 be, theta its nud that Is hove Jesse Jntnes eacaped. and will vat allow tliem to be advertised ad iii �" His love for Frank was niways ]site that "jack of all trndes11 medicine. before.. her, and never grumbled. ,",]to till. hating, like CASSIUS, "a loan and two years, at the saute bench; and that lance of silver Aud gold, i novel' found hairs ill the rancid but. " until to -day I never ]thaw her re- s=hould think ,he'll send for you to go anotia. ids for her child. he ,scoped "'Th Mrs. leeua earsrah la o I ll tort hope, I t c a tt hungry deal.. „ and toot, il`rank with him on file pommel Y g t Pett add tujuted lay t adtt,y ter: or. if she diel, she kept it to her- ,,hen rosy faces were no -w -corners, ctuirements. I have often noticed her to him. of jria saddle. In this way, they rade by and since tiler have known vcrylittle ,:.nnfore Half. If her bread wits dr I hard.. who had left good cout+cry homes to beauty And extreme modesty, for silo ' Goad -night, kited A[iss Scrinnp - !light trod secreted themselves b r1A with nackacheorttldneytroubles: lbavetrieck y aur h. (1 does voided all ittLinnaelas in tits shop, good -night, was all that Ilattie ," y y attkludsoft(edicinesandseen ninny pitysadtans sho soaked it Inn ber Ura or coffee, but learil Slid lessons lit city )tie. p Sometimes Jesse left t rank in n but „t no help g "' did not turn her nose as others did, Little ,Jessie was hurrying to and but nothing beyond this has attract- answered, as She nitttle a motion to- thicket, entered a town on his route atul Pltceer,s Backache until Tablets that I gciv It i. and tbrea.t,vii to f u Away if Miss fro, carrying the cups of hod: bever- eel my notice. I never make myself ward prelpnring fol bed. , bought medicine, returned to tate sick from k. bvrell, druggist. They htvc elope me 1, ' Scrimp did not set a better table, age, which her inistresa called tea, familiar with, my hands ---seldom "Good - night, dear -l;aod 11ight:,' brother, ministered to him,_.snd at night *sirld of good, • I feel strougtrl the 414xivasat 1 And, beet of till, Ihit•tin was a light to the boarders, and answering the speak to then), except through the said AIiss Serl tip, a little ana,pl)lsh= they resulted 'their Vida. This was can, and ;,`via are gone, and I cannot tell you hoviR .r Cater, as Miss lcrinlp often said, in iln atietit tries of those not yes, fE>ratttan. T and As illicit atlrprifled as Ty, for she hail made that long, lip- titlued until they reached Missotu'i, and a ,rlen+ed t cttt, and eeryene elite day=flit snorts? )tearing of .her other boarders, too Impatient ou a't this discovery, and shall ro- stair ouriney for nothin ;. %hoses City doctor took Charge of I rant q j,apeloth s ryvlUraseithein na tver� niccltnn,.teal. served aq fast as .,ine Coul<l. y p j ; s sonsible to hurt hor complexion by Biddy Imini stn who stood alnnost mote the girl at once, and Inereaso The door closed, and poor Ha(,tda and nursed him back to health right there Dr, kit her+A Backnehe� Rldtl y Tokbtefil litee using too much gret(s, food• six feet high, was fleshy to boot, her wages. Our work has increased teas alone. In the town. 1 ]menu for doctor well, .find put up In wooden bottles; with grceu wrapptA Somal of the. hoinelfer girls," f',' so match—llrlvat•a work, like yours, And tears cattle into lien OTM now, I had the story from his lips. UIS da., bearing the portrait And signature of 2.Pitcheol, , somdtinim used the old gag, if I• ice Almost as reel as ,ho M.D. Itadh bottle contains 80 tablets: price► ,. , „ andel batt a ft „ coals she 'corneal over, stood with that its a collator, translator, rtn(1 at1c1 sin° knelt down and I(rttyec], tannt df that ride suds one of the most cit- MAY use A s[ot 5 t t'i m. ectal easel shot t Y arran ar, she twill slave no 411 to claw "1-restvenly riather, aid ilia and tell citing reeltals I ever heard." eo cents per bottle. Atstnufadtured by The i3tfs 'gine ;either Co„ Toronto ant,, Who on love;"y.t the dov.l or more hoz~ ed I o ill(, At tile elver, Which A ,),oil _....—— I . •_,--_ ...__ _,.,,,„,',_-_.. ....,,.•_,__. Who rr or;.rel r in tilt gnuu bittd.l;v ' , t5early all the tint'. 11lr. Jonaq, me trinat to dv, alcnet) into ill(, l.itchen. rc.ttcly fur t With her neve saw her reeeke at- bliter� alisst•er" should any fault- bsA W inforitt liar, dnd prepare a Oontil`ildletesil. Vtttblt4 ire ,4ome quiet art of tho shot), 01M.'TI',tt 11t. w,.. oltimtttotraveltrind iidvcrt.its ll Ok r I tt p'. y ISarr'ts n scientist _rvho rYa+s that wa •, ilf 11 Uantlrtla ft•vm tiny mails---lt.ser s,try il�uler s tole( r•(aelt her Car, mtcl ciao svoineatntrsveiltindisdvrrt.•e fall Oki ( . tmy person approach: her in a lovot- prepared to refill the iva-urn with wrh&* there lq little noiso, and silo Mio bindery In which 1 -Tattle but,- t ilk with One-half Of our brain." 11, �r�t��n 1 t�+e'ti, n �'a tea?i l}ieyui11 ng.mr� ler, with t;,ve one. llullclred other ,por+ i datila show him fi0ttto people* 90ctlnva�tairtiz rectal 1 d, Mve ref . af6 Iikr tray. "hot water when it ran low, oil the Will not lie diaturh*d• "Weil, wo ', ci t • fault to all Who know alto oranutzY titrilact away tvltli .e 1*110 dolf'0-rdek. E+aalosr.salfactdreat +•d stn s. �y .... . .. . w ,...... df,"A manhger, &A calbntt s s I . . . . 1 "'' i� , '1.. �. :'n. a r ', , , w._,,.ti,