The Wingham Times, 1901-07-12, Page 6THE WING-RAX 7"IX9,91 JULY 122 19014 liE1TAl'Inll;kil;l) ls�ve. VOICES.CF THE PEOPLE. More W14140#4 Tholk ,�,gvg,. �'i111IC��"'�1 Ory tQl' b;FJt1'AHX,aylill:It.1&72, TDiM "x'hilpsollhy of l5.lnloll3Trost. . ' •t r , �# •-•••-""'h-•'^ A, x&flier paQu11t1>' 04Set ill fact 1k0 Y1.1sy : p _ � lI'13i1AC11117ht1 R('Cq£(i,) �p� �; ah��tiitw� klpes not hold hLluyclf .res allaiblo sa tlaGlq were two ecuio Gases tr►gcl T�rHt ������� TINE&`ly.1 i. icr tiles ofz�iuiwls ex ,rtwsekt lav cox epvu(t• ! A^ + Tho i't'llgi that lyse bRxt1 {Y t4 smile t+31tn. 1 of*klpc� tc+ultvtcysholdtluttkuue hefor@ Ifls" Wer@11111, GhQ �ohGB o h•1+ LIOTT,k'>rctut(;ul:tt.{i 111�xt01'klii loll ` k7k+{Yti}li3 [Yi3rksyed uycorreal�aukloxats, »•- �. is rul�LIBHED on his lips, has got the best o Ville Ichor ,llfagistx�tq, in Walkerton, on Saturday. „ „ r shot was hosts {with a silver• spoon in lrid ,�.. ..,,.,.,., Wingham, July 2,1001, �T it EVF-RY FRIDAY MORNING ULA' G. -1091. ' T The Dl, Editor of T1te Tinms a airlat Miss Ada JaGlsso lough TOWN DIRE oily, ,. mouth. """^'�^^ •-� _ �,hoYixst tivas an, defrost for theft ,vopld kindly asir a Walkerton by or at the instance of' ices at The Tulles Qf>1 Q BeaVt3r Blgok The hest way to keep on o' trouble's.. to watylr Tide other folks get Into it, small spacq i}1 your valuable paper to Robert Lowey of the township of 11,a sire 7 ) ill. Sttuday Spligoll at WING•kTAift', ONTARIO, QeANFRY OF HURON. say a few words about a visit whi0b, Oulross, Towey is>�wiclowei, and was ouQy�)©inn. 4elveunprayer eetiug There's solve olk thgr are so ...,. y g Rev, W. Illyself and a number of farmers frQnx pastor. W, J: Qhs mall S. S. TJ.ums Or SIIA9omrriON•-►Loo pox, annum #u that tboY wouldn't breathe of they 099 ention of the 5. 8 find k.;lXworker'a Qn t11e lQolrout dol` a wife, Afl, r lQtrlliUi3 Ii'Tgedl p , advalzct 1.60 if rips ap ,diel, No paper Association, Huron, Perth and Wellington Counties � � i pier tlisocn n't hev to, Miss Jac1{$011 Over, he was satisfied, and Superlrlten(l:nt, tilil}ed t;1 all arrears ilia paid, exCppt 41t the lead to the town of Palmerston to see the MErIXOMST 09UROa--Sabbath services OPOU'il of the publisher, A most successful convelitiou of Sull. made tip his. mind to sail in and her, i''' Men Ire geu'rall proud o' their .grey great pork oaring Business in full blast, at 11 a in and, 7 p nt« Sunday Sollool at AuvEIATi'aIN(b IiAT15. -- Legal and ether trap Schoolteaeheis:lnd L,ty{{ostlers of While alta vas sitting on his irtiegl�e•2;30pnl.• Epworth League eve lion Casua;l�ddlvortisenleiltssoPet, Noliiariellinafor hams,butwithwiiueuit's different, Huron De, was betel at Btiyfield an aud wo {{ ould, say that till who attend- proposed to hex: anti was accepted.: day evening, General prayer meeting mso tion. tial, !3o ppl line for each subsequent The gars go b « a ' „ ed Nycre both pleased aucl amazed to Then shq told hila she needed some , Qn Wednesday gvonings, Rqv. Riciiarct Aclvcrtiselnonts in looaloplunlli9Arechargod y post j-11U{qli a rami. t • 'ri(fay,Jttlle k$th, Delegates trGin tEtq i3O ots, Per lino for tltst illsortion, aud 6 cents . at a trots, differriit Sunday Schools throllgllOtlt tliq bee flag thorough business-Irks manner motley with which to buy a. wedding " Hobbs, pastor. Dr. Towler, S, S, Sup• •per line for each, subsequent Insertion, . dress, and he promptly Taut hqr or gave. erilitendent, Ef ev rybody was honest the JoGlc- iii {v1liGll the work is conducted. The Advortisemc+qts of Lost, round, Strayed, deanGrywore present, Reprgsoritatfves p p g PIIESliYTERTAN Ciiuitoii-Sabbath ser- Iloorms for Sale or to Rent, and similar, $1.00 for smith would l�iv to o out of bubntesa, yards, siclirlr,*, maohrligry told buildings al he the sum of ten dollars. Birt Miss vices at 11 .a ln, wird. 7 first month and 00 cents for each subsequent g frclil Exetrr, lieusall,Clinton, Skafflt, pin, Siiuday . are of the most modern and substantial Jacl.son was fickle, and after she had _School at 2:30 p nl. General prayer month, There's some folies litre the spriug,0, a., ,Willglia Goderlga '�Vr, Bly, GO and )attern and are capable of turningout meetnrg on Wednesday, evenings, Rev, e,C��tcHAel RATES-Thefollowing#able shows waggon••--tile don't make the world 0 'Wingham, Dungannon, Blyth and 1 pork dressed ftiicl orad with a sed acid got tllq nova, refused to marry Trim. D P:rxiq, pastor and S, S, Superint:n- for s>+o(:i for the insertion of advertisement..$ n faster, g p sp Hq laid a cola laint against her for re- p o f t ,but they xuaku it a sight ureter- Godl'rich township damn to heirs the ex,fes perfection second to none in this ^ p dent. srAon, 1 zit, sato, 6Mo, lam. comfortable to live, Comm papers read and discussed. At ceiviug money' under false Pretences, and $T. PAUL , CHURCH, EpISCOpAL-Sab- One. Ooltunn.......... $60,00 $85,00 $15.00 'tom 10.30 a. in, a large number of cele es country. The company also manufac- on this charge $lie was arrested, When bath services at 11 a. In and 7 ill, Sun' Qu r Column „;,00 18,00 lo,o04.u0 A feller never thiol;s gambliu's a Silk g l tat p Quarter Colltmn , .... 18,(10 10.00 6.00 2,00 met at the church and, Hkil ' Communion tore their own electric il�llt and have elle trial came oil Miss ZaoksoT,;, denied clay S°hoof at 2:30prrr, Geuertrl pribyex Advertisements without 8 eeifle directions ellen ho's a winuin'. accord- their own icq machin:, which keeps ilia meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev, will be ntsorted• till forbid anti charged accord• , was admi,nisterod by Rural Dean p either being on his knee, promising $0 Wm, Lowe, incumbent, F. Shore S. S. ingly, Transient advertisennonts m ukt be pard It dont matte no diff rence lie{v tight curing rooms and other parts of the mart I ' for lu advance: Hudgins. y hfln or borrowing mousy from , Superintendent, ye tie a boss of the rtiPq dint strong, build almost at a freezing point in the him. Then Miss Johnston turned I CONGREGATIONAL CIIURCIr.--Sabbath Tilr' Jon DErAUTntENT is stocked with an Then all repaired to the rectory lawn pstenaive assortment of all renuisitesfor•Print, Good resolutions thet was made in a heat of summer, 1'i a were shown around and laid a Complaint against ; services e vicesaat 12m, 1 a m and 7 cin. Sunday ing, ,for ing facilities not equalled in the burr eu°Tall 're busted est a$ quick Where. dianer was spread beneath the through the entire building by the flwe 1 eet g„on ('oulit fifi t first class work. Large y g y J Shade. At 1.a0 P. In., the convention obliging bookkeeper, IN-Ir Burns who Lowey for stealing a ring from her. She Wednesdry evenings at 8 o'clock. Gavle Qty Hund ills, Otte° nuts for allstest sof Post. Ef a stumble over a stone stop an' was aliened in Trinity church, Rural ° p ' ' said that Lowey had taken the ria off Wilson, S.S. Su t.; A. E. Prior, castor. choice fano type dna the classes styles of Y n P explained the working of almost every ^ g SALVATION Anmy-St rvice at 7 and 11 rag, y ypa fol• the tenor classes of print- tlir•u{v it out o' the way, s°'a nobody Dean Hodgins presiding. After tltq her finger, and though she had asked H. B. ELLIOTT. else'll fall over it, " g' part of the business and showed that him for it more than once he hied • a in and 3 and S p in on Sunday, and Proprietor and Publisher opening address by the President, the nothing is allowed to go to waste, even Ovary :veiling during the waste at 8 Some folks spend thou whole lives reports of Sunday Sc haols of Deanery always put her ori «rill the reinaik that o'clock at the barracks. Seem received duel a vera gratifying the blood, hair, &o., being carefully „there was no hurry," The ring was • CIIRl$TIANANDMISSIONARYAI,LTANCF. "� ¢ lenrufrr' how to live, an' then (lie before saved and turned into money. In the roduccd in court and is. now in the -Meetings as follows: S. S. at 2.80 p. they've learnt. HAMILTON feature was a mark-ed increase of at- p' p• y afternoon the annual meeting of the hands of the ma,=istrato. Lowey, on them fellowship at d p, m,, and evan- A dollar in a teller's pocket is better tendauce of scholars. ^ elistic at $ X V I N G H A M shareholders was held in the large town advice of his lawyer, Otto E, Klein,Ritchfe's Hall, Victoria Sunday in p. $o, , o then ten ouv' em in his mind. t 7.hq papers were read by those ap- � Capital. , �, 000 000. Rest, �1,231,1w0 hall which was well filled by a intelligent declined too put in any defence, aeld was POST OFFICE-Ill Macdofiald Block, President-JouN STUAUT. There's some follis they know more pointed, the 1st being taken by Mr. class of farmers {vilo were mostly stock - Mose, of Gerrie, and was ably discussed y committed for trial before the next court :.Office hours •from 8 a m to G:30 p m. Veep-President-A. G. RAatsAr. shoat the Stara thea the do uv their * holders in the company. Last year's , Peter fisher, postmaster, t31R�C7'ORIs y by the clergymen and laymen. business was well reviewed and explain- competent ,urfscifctioli,-relgscope. ME0114 ICS' INSTITUTE-Library ands own country. p , John Proctor, Oreo. Roach, 'A'Dnl. Gibson, M.P. The second paper was given by Mr. ed by the able manager, NV. J. falconer, free reaciiug room ill the T'oNvii, Hall, A. T. Wpod, M. P., A, B. Lee (Toronto). Y•e" can't always tell Which way a" Scott, of Blyth; as Mr. Scott was not `{.h0 showed ver plainly that the bAsi- 1Cor Over Fifty Years. will be open every afternoon from 2 t0 Cas13iC1-J, TIIRIVBULL, tree's going to fall until it falls, Y P Y 9; 80 o'clock and every evening lletram 7 to. A dull saw won't do much Ctittin' able to be present, 11ir., James road Alt Old and Well-Tried heinecly- Mrs g; g0 O'clock. Miss Millie Robertson Savings Banl-hours 10 to 8• „attudav, 10 , but the paper. gess had been well codollars dull that Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used librarian. ' to 1. Deposits of $1 and .npivard's received and it makes more noise than a 5harp'rtn, p` p over half a million dollars worth of for over fifty The third paper was givers by Miss Le yldren hiillionsofmotlrers TO{vN Cot t`cIL-�Vm, Clegg, Mayor; intoresteriowed, cured bacon and other pork products for their cluldren {vlllu3 teethixi,;, with Wm. Holmes, Thos. Bail, .Aobt. Me- Special Deposits also received at current Ye can't tell how big a meal a feller Touzel, of Hansell; this paper was most had been turned out of the aching. perfect success. It sc ut hes the °hila, rates of interest, , commendable and was full discussed as packing i Geo. , G. A. Newton, John A. McLean, s oil eats by the way he piclss,,his tenth. was also the last paper by Miss Icwiu, of house during the last year, which is very end colic and ars allays 1,etStl pain, for G1s0 McKenzie,Clerlct douTre Councillors; J. Bamugl S D .3 Bought and soldritain and the United There's One consolation a poor, man's. Exeter.. The convention closed after the " creditable to a farmers' company Which ,diarrhoea. It- is p1Cas,+l:t to the taste. gouhill, Assessor; Win. Robertson, Col- imtou slid its Braic osissnkt3 OirclloirRatDsln got-when li: flies uobocly'll fight over following ofilrers were elected for 1901- I has been in operation only about I Sold by druggists in evOry part of the lector. Board melts first Monday even- National Provincial flank of England, Limitod his money. two years. The company ase also t0 be ' world. Twenty-five wilts a bottle. Its yng• ill each month at 8 O'clock. which can be en-lied without charge or trou- 02:--Hou. Pres., Rural Dean Hodgins; ^ valise is incalculable. Be sure you,asli SelitOOL BOARD.-C. X. Griffin (chair- ble in tiny part ofthe•world. . Nothiu' great was ever clone Chet Pres., Rev, Turnbull, Goderich; vice, congratulated on the fact that they have, for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and man), Thos. Abraham, J. J. l;lliot( J. J. W CORBOULD, Agent there wasn't somebody it-fightin' again. not only held their ground in the face of take no other kind. 1;. L. DICIc1.NSON, Solicitor. pres., Miss Irwin, Exeter; cor. sec., Miss Homuth, Wm. Moore, Ii, Kerr, `Thos. _ it. a determined effort b a� powerful and Le Touzel, Goderich; rec. sec., F. Shore, y p Hew Set of Postage Stamps. Bell, Wm. Button. Secretary, Wm. p $ENNEDY lYl, 1J.. M. C. P. S. O• Ye can stretch a rubber jest so far,. g wealthy corporation, to break them, but Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. �, and then it'll bust. Wingham, have also paid off considerable debt on When the Postmaster-General returns Meetings second Tuesday evening in each tion.) ( Gold Meaaihlt3iinsbleddivol pssocini ' An invitation to hold z}est couveuticn buildings,&c., and more thou doubled to Ottawa one of the first matters to m°nth, c ea�ntOfiSeeahou sci to a P n to 0 P inhiid Some people's fait's like a lgakiu' at Goderich was unanimously accepted. their capital stock during the last twelve engage PUBLIC ,,SOHOOL TF.ACIHERS.-A.• H. bucket. saga o his attention will be the issue of Mus After the convection the rector of new set of . osta a stain grove, Principal, Miss Robertson, so s R. MACDONALD, Bayfield, Rev. Jennings, invited all mouths which result has been accpm- a . postage stamps to replace Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss D plished by an able staff of directors and those which bear the head of our late Cornyu, Miss Vanstone, Miss Matheson Hagyard's Yellow Oil is a useful, delegates to the harbor for a sale on the sovereign Queen Victoriat3 The and Miss Reid. Cents( Street remedy to have in any house. It is good_ their able assistant, Mr. McLean, of sovereign, , lake. Needless to say this was enjoyed Government of the'United I{ln BOARD OF HEALTH-Mayor• Clegg, Wingham, for man or beast Relieves aro reduces Wallace townslii whose business for gdom will chairman) Ontario. pain, by a11. Tu the evening service was hold y p', probably get .out its new issue before ( , C. J. heading, Thos Greg- swelling, allays inflammation, cures the last year has been to take stock for p' y g ory, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, Sec= DR. AGNEW cuts burns bruises sprains, stiff joints, in the church, when the clergymen 'the company. After the officers for the.' he any steps are taken by the colonies, but retary; Dr, J. R. Macdonald, Medical ' etc. Price 2550. ' p ' ' J ' present assisted and Rev. Mr. Me- , there Health Officer. Physician, Surgeon, etc. ensuing year had been elected the , as here, there is probably a vary An order-in-council formals Quillen, of Blyth, preached an excellent large stock of stamps on Trane which Office-Macdonald Block, over J. E. Davis' y appoints • sermon. One true proof of the conven- manager, Mr. W. J. Falconer, explained g , �± Drugstore, Night calls answered at the office. Mr. A. E. Trow clerk of process at to the farmers the need of standingit is well to use up before the new does MRS. a lire HELE tion was enjoyed by all is that so many shoulder to shoulder and supporting this prepared. There is no precedent to VANBTONE, Osgoode Hall, in succession to the late are attended although heat was simnel op farmers co-operative company b taking • g y , as at the accession Classes in China Painting.• Iron. A. S. Hardy, p p y y o o b in the matter, BARPTSTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. pressfve. Bayfield must be congratulat• oil and Water Colors. _ - shares to double the amount which it of Queen Victoria there was no ,such Private and Company funds to loan at lowest - ed on the success of this convention as it holds at presents° that in years to tomo g posag p, as We Also a new revelation kiln for firing china. rate of interest. No commission charged. Mort- was the largest ever held in the Deanery. Studio at her home, Catherine Street. gages, town and farm property bought and farmers and othera may have a profitable understand the term, in use. Inquiry of sold. Once, Beaver Block. Willgnam. industry built on a solid finhuciai basis, the Postoffice Department herr) elicits f Good health is impossible without able to stand and pay a good dividend the information that the Dominion will E. ESTELL.E GRIFFIN J A. MORTON, " ! regular action of the bowels, Laxa- whether hogs are high await the action of the Imperial wINGRAu BARRISTER, Rc., Liver Pills regulate the bowels, cure g g or low in price, p .constipation, dyspepsia, biliousness, sick By the large attendance present itwould authorities. There were about lei stamps TEACHER' OF VOICE CULTURE. Wingham, ozlt. headache and all affections of the organs seem that the farmers of this section are in use in Canada, on'which the head of - �- of digestion. Price 25 cent,&* All drug- g (ween Victoria appears. When thebew Pupils prepared for Conservatory of Music L. DICKENSON, getting awakened to the need of Co. � - gists• operative efforts in the hog raising and issue is being prepared it is practically examinations. BARRISTER, ETC. certain that, the resent eight-cent stamp, VIOLIN r g� ® A tr�f pork erring business in order to stead II p g p' tl � 1� L � tl� � � n 4R•' � I'�'t^9 oA Solicitor to Sank of Hamiitou. Pdeuey to loan. sassing of the bark Berativ Hat. against monopoly and obtain the prices Which was designed principally for use Office-Meyer Block, Wingliam. A Now York paper says fewer brown {which their product ought t° command' in registering letters, will be replaced MISS CARRIE MORE straw hats are worn there than in al- , c by one of seven cents to correspond with of London Conservatory of Music, will be pre- AR HUR J. IRIDIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. in the world's markets. do may ft be, pared after Oct. 1st to receive a limited num- Doctor of Dental Surgery most any other city, and adds: "Ab- the rate for registered letters since the ber of pupils for instruction on Violin andofthoPelnlsyivania is the hope of year humble writer who Guitar. dental College and Licentiate one E e of the Office sence of soft coal smoke is one suggest- wishes to see this enterprising company reduction to two cents of the letter rate. Residence-opposite R. C. Church, Wingham. , There is a noted difference'- ed explanation of the prevalence of p g P y over Post Office Wing a.m. prosper, knowing, as many others do, Office closed every Wednesday afternoon white straw. But New York people Woman is as Old as She Loolcs' PIANO AND THEORY. during June,JulyandAugust. in- the style and fit of Pants we. ), T need not plume themselves on the sup- that but for their efforts farmers would It is not age but disease, weakness and •��� not be getting the high prices for their ill-health that makes women look old VV T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., make that always brings peo- position that they are the only ones who hogs, which for the past year and a half careworn and wrinkled. You cannot MISS SARA LOUISE MOORE, L.C.M. 'New method L.D.S. for painless ex- ` lraveceased to wear the old-fashioned they have obtained. Farmers now is look your best unless you feel well, and ariioiisai of to receivAssociated limitedntun traction. No.Cocaino. ple back for another pair. brown and black and spotted straw your time to help a good movement for strong and vigorous; with pure, rich ber of pupils for instruction on Piano and in of cin al attention to bi olein o and regulation RU Then there is the low rice ]rata. Those hats have almost been for- blood and steady nerves. Dr. Chase's Theory, work carefully and Skilfully ip • d. p what is a benefit 'to the farmers, is a Nerve Food makes good looks because it for elan natzonson given to pupils preparing in Beaver Block, Wingham, per Dime Office gotten, save in such cities as St. Lou's and Cincinnati and a few small towns iu benefit to the whole community, as the makes good health, restores the health- Residence-opposite R. O. Church, Wingham. d �illn JnnoeJuly aud Wednesday afternoon and better quality of cloth 'put. .Arkansas where the are still worn b average farmer spends his money in his f� glow to the complexion, rounds out ' y y o{vnnei neighborhood, and -when are re- the form and gives elasticity to every '@1 ^ in them-cloth that wears, people who chew tobacco and exporate• g ' p motion of the body. I'�PI�P�i��� I lo, JOEY RITCHIE, sentativeofthePalmerstonPorkPackin I�I II J. `��(�t V. S. J in the streets, g ;�IIIIIII� ' GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, See our new moods and rices. Company calls on you to subscribe a Tile Low Headed Tree and the Ho I it I Ontario Graduate of o p Hero in Chicago, for instance, a brown , i; I , '� Ontario Y Oterlltary small amount of stock don't chase him I �i College. Wingham, Ont. { p btu or black straw hat would be as much of Tha low headed tree• bears earlier. I Office and InBrinars �Y @8,?!� off your farm, but give' hire every en- The fruit is easier gathered. The fallen at Golley's old stand, P DEANS, J.. ■ a curiosity as a blue swallow-tail coat of oourangement to help you aud your g �" °!�tw n"°'' Victoria and., Wingham. , the vintage of 52, notwithstanding that brother farmers in their business. fruit dues not bruise 90 much. The �Idlll';I,, i'fl f promptlyyan attended to LICENSED AU09VONEER contempt in which the smoke inspector , only way to cultivate low branched I.Telephone connection. for the County of Huron. Sales attended in {� To PATENT Good Ideas., Hoping Mr. Editor you will give these tree is b the ho He works for his ally part Of tile County, Charges moderate. is held by most of our tug captains. We y g• _ � may be estates by , cannot, therefore, accept the theory that Yew, in give a place in your valuable paper, board and always brings the rosy apples ®e n� c OHhl CURRIE, WINGHAM, ONT. our aid. Address, I remain respectfully FA R FARMERS RV � THE PATENT RECORD, white straw hats owe their vogue to an P ,,oars; where he is allowed to root. Cultivate'stockLICENSED AUCTIONEER. Baltimore, Men ai)senee of the smoke nuisance. -Chicago A FArnrER, tive must. If not by the hors, then the articles they wish toand anyone having live of, ld adver3- Sales of rarm Stock and Farm Implements a Record-Herald. Toronto Fresh Air Fund, plow Or llarr0{w must b0 used. No other circa ation tells and it' viiil be stl ango ndeed if specialty, pAll orders left at Tan T:r xns office promptly e t `*Z ' )r+a'' J ''0 Y 1.ARS' The Toronto Fresh Air Fund has fertilizer will take the place Of cultiva- you do ilot eta customer. We can't guarantee attended to. Terms reasonable. p p y S N� ",A,; L.:i�: xt i l: N,.E that ou will Sell because y u may ask more =} « entered upon its eighth year's work, an d tion: We have grown the past year on for thye article or stock than it is worth. Bond has for its object, the sendingaway t0 a gravelly soil and not much soft at that your of disposing to the stock aud try this JOB PRINTING, Y plan. of disposing oP :our stoelt and other the country for two weeks, mothers and nice apples. The bogs diel the work, articles. ineludilrz Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill s Creadful Kidney kliij s. children, who are badly in need of a The sheep's foot may bring fertility to Held esodic lar s, a .,mod execateute(An the best J7 n+ the farm. In the orchard the ho short notice. prices, and on Coalle, 6•Im4, Rent Q Ste()p. change. Good homes have been g is to ,_, � ;,�• . BoOKBINDING.-We are plensed to annourlee ._._ provided, many of them on farms, where be preferred. An excess of nitrogenous that a11y.Books or Magazines left tvMi ns for -� TRADE R1iARus ' > " B,,dlnu, will have our prompt attention ©FSIGNS aD. P. it. Condnc#or'd Snlcerings- they get substantial food and are {yell manures is not beneficial, It brings av rr Prices ffor Binding in any style will be given on COPYRIGHTS &C• II3fe is I:oly Zdeta and Gives I3r, cared for. These ehildron. and parents bareness and blight unless supplemented �y o •(�{�• o application to Anyone sending a alcetch and ileacriutlnn map Chase's; Kidney-Liver Pills Credit bi- '1'ICE Tl11RS OrFICE, qutokly nscortaM oar opiniort free whet»er an for the Cure. are selected by the best known Mission with potash, Let me repeat, Cultfva� SOLID RUBBER Wingham, I invention is probably patentable. comnamica, tion, shallow eultivati0n tions strictly conodontial. Handbook on Patents, Workers in Toronto, who aro well ,with proper ' o sent free. oldest a gent, for aecurintY atents. Mr. W. E. Berryman, Conductor on Patents taken through 1liunn .018. receive the (".Iy.1t•, St. Stephen, 1�i.73., r writes:= acquainted with every case that is • dealt spraying, xs the essential in apple cul- :x r ct1�� IiATT.WAY Ti1VTE TABLES. sprctal7rotica, wyit»o�uat charge, pinthe j "Y have been railroading for 2,3 years, with, For. the mothers and babes who taro. The best .fertilizer is cultivation Li F�t.>tiAXD T1 UN'11 RAILWAY SYSTEM. �����t1��F1 aa�Q�&���e and for ten years suffered from a severe are unable to leave Ixbme, dap excursions Of seine kind=-A Nevk Jgrsey Orelrardfst • G Case of Xidney Disease and Backache, ya WnAms LDA'VE Next AbandsoMely iihintrated treekly. 1,tngest etr. • �7 ��•' Palmerston 66;68 a.m.... 8,56a,m, ottlation of Rny, aetentiaa 3 atn6l. Terina, sa s, a trouble common is railroad men. It are arranged, and about one hundred at London ............... .. 6tl n,m..., II.2o yoar;.fnizrrnontba, e1. f'ota »y:.11 �uwaticatore. used me all up to walk, and after a time are taking to one Of the Parks Somethingiibaut 30"IthCurds ; London .......16 ..l.... $,26 p-m.... 8,6Sn n, Pio3ti. edea bye . ivv„ • . 'walking up hill I would have to lie MU,m;1 y CPO „ YA down to get relief, my' back was ss on the Lrtke Shore, and before leaving what a great variety of faith euros Will carry heavy loads and Kindarain ... AIIRTVE Nxtsl� lira>,eb ti,]1 3, u:;; p ...:v, • 1;.•„tn::. n. o. e 0.40a.1n.. 8.66a,m,.,. 0.25 p.m, bad, I could not sleep more than half for home refreshments are Served to there must be some have faith in so-call. WIfthstand hard service, Londpn,... „.... ....... 11.10 a,m.... 7.66 p.m y rest II had used ail't seem to sortg f media them. The pleasure and the profit that doctors and stili othedivine heaters, rs in the medicirs in nes Ari ev'er•.satbfactoiy, O - PaimerstoR. T. BUTTON, Agent, Winghamm cities and was Brett, barfly discouraged is the outcome of this work is inestimable they, use, Evef " erson who has tested riding Wheel tire. Ir. , when I heard of Dr'. Chase's Kidney- , Y p ANADTAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Dr Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills leas faith V mrtArxs rnAVE volt - Liver rills. After using t{vo boxes of. that some of our readers ]might in thein, but faftlr or no faith the °oxo very vet gtttiranfdcd. Toronto and EasAINS 1. 6.68 a.in.... 8.00 p.m, mesan(I five boxes ohave iinado aecsim: like to help their poorer brethren, we just the game for they act directly and Gari bar fitted tri arty wheel. Teeswater ...........,.. 1,62 p.m.... 10.43 p,m.thi _. AtttiT t+Is NItCM a. wilt receive subscriptions and specifically on the kidneys, liver and Teeswater...., 6 6o a m... , .n p,m. r 131ete cure. Z now rest and sleep well, acknowledge receipt, and forward it to bowels, and make these, organs healthp; Beard fer, C'»taloguo. Toronto anti East .. .... 111« p.111 10.48 p tn, bus back l strong and the old trouble active and vi crofts, Jud ib from the ' = J, H. BIDEMER, Agent, Wingliam. has onthorn h-live recommended ended ries- the Treasurer in Toronto, or they may g s R ; II3lINLOP Tlitt OO, - - -- Cavnatsand 1•radB-Nfark4 obolned , nd 1 ISot9 to whCm T hav0 recommended tires° Enbrit10u,11 demand for these (.'ills there � •• "� , n All patent ;pills have been eured. Anyone wlsh- be sent direct to the ROV- H. C. Dixon, must be hosts of people that have faith � ttntxtl is. ��'1 PAYS ht,;tnegg conducted for bt011ERATR FEES. My rots further particulars write me." Room d IG Toronto St., Toronto. '' ° 1 dflice yin theimmcdi:ue vicinityofthepatentbffide The sale '°f Dr. Chase's kidney-Y.iver ' in ; O'Oxtbxt•s. andm facilities for setodri~pitentscrnunsurpassed SCtii1 model, slcotch ar phetegraph of (nvertion wit. " desert tion and statement as to advnnta eg claitnedr I'Silis fair exceeds that s any similar � =�� t�-�,-t� �r refr�ed3r. one trial is enough to con- 'Thee is nal' form of kidney trouble, The leading tanneiis of Ontario ata , TO .A D , -i�i,� i►�� �i''�" �r,z3 gAs� 73iarrd �e3• a>tYlm�naott ha to. vines anYtlhe that this is the greatest lirttr,,ifhiYlli.,l, and rtV fee for prestCuttn aha family' medicine that money will buy'. dise e. baClD'ohe' Xie to i3i'igWill meeting at Toronto, Ont., determined to y Upplicat163 will rtoC 3o ltnilorl ftAp 7ti,tt�tltl• disease, that �'oan s Kidnb 1?x119 will r IN TR E y,etteti, r dr,101ued. I ovpntetr3+ Cvrnp,"" Can. cal pill r dose, ',Zu l', 131 91, box, 8t all rose trio V1,1C9 of leather,. and partioul. i . tainingfuit infotmallongentfida- All vothmu114• +nealpri9 Gr ICdtYlafl>bOri7 Bhtea & Cb.; 'L'b+ not f°Olievq or cure, cstions 001191doved n9 stnetly ronlltlentl4l. Mortis If You are troubled with stn krtld of hry htlrness leatlser, to h profitable ` . . A7,i �l w kidney 'eompli>!,int, tiles ixbatY's cls. 41gn1'o'. _ .... ; ...�.._ It ,,u yrr� �.■1i • r p, I 'Jr'+ �= .i«.-antA b1�,::i3CTi X�Gi1'Sa17a 1. CL . Ut