HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-07-12, Page 5' „�fi! .,'',.•;-..,.o,�.�.r,.uf••-••C7-.,s.�R*!rr tYFill • 111 L • .F N. „ HAM TrMS0 eJfLro 12, 191)], ; NEWS FROM OUR �������Mrs Robert Leathoru, oY Tnrutierry, Rex. Mr, Dawe, of Wingharrr, pretroh-.._ attended, the funeral of her aunt, the ed a very able sermon to the orrlugo. BAII�iAINS )<N BARGAINS IN - late Mrs. Kitchen, of St. George, on the church. hero .ort Srrnday ill the Elrglish i3 ARG & S1iI0N THE NEW STORE G>a0TI11N13. 29 church, to. Abraham Jacksou's > grse, ran Sacrameut of the Lord's Supper was f EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR, READERS., away the other day when Oie and a dispensed in the ,Presbyterian church Communicate -OtherClearing t Wtdeliwake Times Gorgesondents friend were driving to Wirighyim. Mrs, here last Sunday. Preparatory service ' Jackson was thrown out of the buggy was preached on Friday by Rex. Mr. p and was b K bruised and scratched, Perris of 'Wtugham• SUMMER }� c p �1 but nell!ggie serious happened to any. John Armstrong has caught the larg. OF S U M I Y! E R G O o Ds T -toms Clipped From Our Exchanges. One, est black bass of the iieusorn weig1ting MisRobertson, of Wroxeter, 3 3.4 pounds, F. DUNGANNON. TURN1 RUBY. 4 � where she of Bla vale, went to Kingston loin er Geddes d es shipped three ca rloads of We bid good bye to profit on all Summer Goods and have f7very pretty wedding took place at Avery pretty event took place on the Y t for inai lied PRICES away down In all departments. This is your the re ddenco of Mrs. J. Bowers, St, lawn of Mr, and Mrs, Isaac Wright, of A shipment of cheese was made last ' stone was the buyer, Turnberry week. Mrs. (Dr.) Godfrey is visiting • her chance to gc t choice new goods at WI3QI,''SALA7 PRICES,, .Phomas, formerly of Dungannon, in .Purnberry township, on Wednesday, which her daughter, Etta 1W, was united July 3rd, at 5 o'clock, the occasion being Mrs, D. King, we regret to hear, is in mother, Mrs. Tufts this week. in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr, the marriage of their daughter, B. poor health, The people of Belgravia are pleased to DRESS MUSLINS � PRINTS Earnest E. Mann, of that city, The Adelaido, to John .G. Armstrong, of towel, Mr, Fred Davey, and child, of Lis have Miss Maud Wray with ns once loo Colored Muslin for, , . , ...... Sc 7c Prints (fast colors) for ...... , , 5c bride was prettily attired in white Rainy River. The bride was given visited relatives here last week. more atter an absence of three mouths, Ml;c " ' .......... 100 80 light and dark Prints for .....6c U audie, and carried a beautiful away by her lather and was attended by Mr. W. J. Johnston, j unior, and Mrs. 156 46 ... , . , ..12,ic I Oo Prints (wide) for , ......... , , 80 b0laquet of white roses. The bridesmaid Miss Jennie Armstrong, sister of the Johnston visited Principal and Mrs. wltos;r,'T�:tr, ��o << 1� Inn"c 12 zc Prints choice patterns for. 10a ...... .. 2Y10 was her sister, Miss Grace Bowers, who groom, while George L. Wright, brother As usual the sports hold here on July • Se dediGod rich is and Edward Leech at- ' ti,ic d o ,1 lac Erne quality Pt'rint for...... i also looked pretty in wnite and carried of the bride, assisted the groom, The ' 1st were n success. The weather was f1 pink carnations, Mr, Welburn Hegier bride was daintily attired in muslin with e t eet fair. all that could be dextrad and the crowd DRESS GOODS ; ROOTS AND SHOES Eddie Br aux who won keen bicycle = ! • ably fulfilled the part of lieutenant for pink ribbons; rile bridesmaid was gown- � y , y was large, lir the morning the Horse 25c Colored Dress Goods for ....15e ; z0 ors Ladies' errs Slippers, ere, reg.$i, for 75c the groom, As the evening was very ed in white with pink trimmings. The races at Goderioh and Wroxeter lfltoly races furuished amusement and p ip is a Morris boy. 35e black " " .".250 ,:250 { 15 pairs Ladies' Oxfords, reg. $L, 5 for 99c waren the tables were laid in a tent on ceremony was performed by Rev. Mx, excitement. Mr. Gemmill s horse won 50o colored Mohair Goods for .... 35o Oprs Ladies' Irancy Slippers,reg, $2for$1.50 the lawn, which made a very pretty Lowe, of Wingham, after which the Mrs. Warwick, and graudchildrdil, Of the farmer's trot and Thos, Rae's horse COc Fancy Figured Goods for .... 48c� 18pr.4 " Dong. Oxforos,nog.$1.50for $i 25 effect,- The happy couple left on tho ten guests to the number of about fifty sat Hullett, visited in Morris and Bluevale, the runuing race. :after dinner a 175c Black Cashmere for..... , .. , 600 ! O pairs Men's oxfords, reg, $1.75 for.. $1.50 train for Loudon. We join in wishingn down to tables co icing all fire luxuries laMissweek. Touliie Greenway is home from football inatoli was playpcl between 500 Fancy Plaid for . , . , :..... 389 i 10 pairs Girls' slippers $1.00 , reg. $1,25 for Mr, and Mrs. Mann a happy and of the season. Ver ample justice was Wroxeter and Brussels, and resulted in j prosperous voyage through life. clone and some 10 spent in convorsa- Toronto. a tie, norther suis scoring. Theca ' i( Mrs, Milton Cosford of Iowa, visited LADIES BLOUSES CLOTHING' tion many of the 'older ones of the party ° Harriston and Wingham played a game j EAST-VA\VANOSH, repaired to their homes. The younger Mrs. Frank B, Scott's and at Reeve of baseball, -which Wingham -von by a 65c Print or Gingham Blouse for 50c 190o Men's Summer Coats for. , , , 75e arils McBurney returned to Algoma ones then arrived filling the fine home Isb star's, Morris. score of 18 to J. The bicycle races were 7rya " " 60c 75o Boys' Summer Coats for ....G5c o Saturday. and spent many hours in dancing and Mrsohu -McDonald and claugliter, very closely contested and exciting. , Mr. u r ay. �td his now barn raised f $1,C0 Gingham Blouses Yor..... , 750 $1.25 Men's Drill Coats for ....$1.00 games. The bride and groom left the Gartie „•f' turned to their home in Godo Dan Kaa]>e woo rho mils race; E. E. 75c Muslin Blouse for ..........60c . 60c Boys Washable Suits for .... 50c on Monday. Foot -ball and base -ball rich lasi'"Sreek iLYtsr s ouclin several $1.25 Fancy Print Blouse for..f11.00 $c.50 Light T -, sed Coats for, ..X2.50 were the last scenes of the da The llowing morning for their home in the pending Bryans the open race, with Dau Kaake $1.50 Chambray Blouse for, ... $1,25 65c Drill Overalls for ........... 500 9th'boys played ver creditably It be- with Geon, ', „.r,_ P y y y people are far short of _ Robinsona the PbOay s"sec obstacle and race tia.00 lucked Muslin Blouse for $1.75 G' 50c est. The resents were both cost,E. y y y John Gardiner. cad numerous. weeks with for greats Mr, and Mrs,secon�e Kiialce second, anti altcfY .io Drill ing their first game aside from practice. Ver man Smocks far Misses Jean and Jessie Cummings of Vniliiib,e Advice to Rheumatics. . their usual store of strawberries this furnished by the Wingham band, and STRAW HATS CENTS' FURNISHINGS, town spent Monday on the 9th. We Eat meat sparingly, and take very summer. They withored on the vines everyone present thoroughly enjoyed `c r weremuch pleased to again see our little sugar. Avoid danip feet, drink for want of rain anct were not to be 121c Mens straw hats for. ,,,...100 85c Shirts and Drawers for, .....25c former school teacher. water abundantly, and always rely on bouolit fox love or money. themselves. r , ' �_ + r 20c Boys Straw liars for 150c Top Shirts for ...............3.1c Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Halliday, of Polson's Nerviliue as an. absolute The good long rain that Poll last Fri , 2ac Men's straw hats for, ...... , 20c i tiro Heavy Braces for ........... Igo reliever of rheumatic pains. Being five To CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY 35c Men's straw hats for...... , .25c 4ec Shirts and Drawers for ...... 35c Howick, spent Sunday at Mr. Chain- time9'stronger than other remedies, its day evening beautified the country great- Tale Laxative Broino Quinine Tablets. All 45c Men's straw hats for. , ......35c (35c Four -in -baud Ties for ......25c ney's, power over pain is simply beyond belief. ly, and everybody was glad to see it druggists refund the money if it fails to cure 50c Boys' straw hats for, . , .....39c , 35c Cashmere Sox for ..........250 James Smith is again calling on his :Buy a large 25 cent bottle to -day, test it, even if it did spoil the garden par ; t E. W. Grove's signature i5 on each box. 23c. 75c Men's straw hats for, . , .....50c j 10c Cotton Sox for .............. 7c old chums. and see it this is not so. Polson's Mr, Johnston's. People and things w is for..........10c ,Misses Nettie and Olive McConnell of Nervilino always cures rheumatism. ,� €L CHURCH �aTls, �;1 Mens errs -v hats for � l_cBathingT'runl r were pretty well Uro -blued with toe Windsor, are spending their holidays on great heat and drouth. After the storm Last Sunday was commuuiou day in DI�DDEI�IES STAPLES 1iIORRIs. y . p yellowish lir S th 10th. the sky Lact the peculiar light St. Faal's church. e are sorroy to hear of the serious We are pleased to hear that Mrs. D. sometimes seen at an eclipse and the Rev. A. H. Drown,of Belgrave,preach- 1S lbs best granulated sugar...$1.00 ' 7c flannelettes for . ............ • .5c cess of Robert Brook who has been Campbell is recovering from her illness. trees and grass looked blue instead of ed in the Wiugham Methodist church on 20 lbs bright coffee sonar ...... 1.00 "rc Ging ams (fast calors) ... ;., ..5c staying at John Chamujps. for the past Miss Bessie Findlater, who has been green.g 35c uncolored Japan tea for ..... 25c l Oe Apron Gingham for.... . • , ...8c Stniday last,tnorniug and evening' Tomatoes, Coru and Peas, 3 tins, 25c 15c Window Muslin for..... • ...10c number of years;Mr. Brooks has been in home on a visit for some time has re- Miss McLeod, of London, is visiting at Rev. h B. Wallwin, formerly of Blue- Canada Laundry Starch, per lb, 5, 112;Ic Cotton Shirting for .......10c poor health for some.time, but until re- turned to Detroit. John Ralph's, Turnberry. Corn Starch, per pkgo ........... 5c 1 O Flannelette for .........:.... Sc gently ha of been in a dangerous con- Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Maguire have re- A few people ventured to the vale, entered upon his duties as Faster o, r p p garden of the eafortlr Methodist church ,oi; Choice Raisins, 3 lbs for ..........be � 12,14c Victoria Lawn for ........10c dition. turned from a short visit to Goderich. party at VT. J. Johnston's, first line of Clothes Pius, per doz .. is , 10c Cretonne for . . .............. 80 Sunday last. I Mixed Pickles, 2 bottles for .....25c 1 No Table Linen for.............25c Miss Sarah Irvin is home again for Among those who took in the lake Morris, on Friday evening, and they . Rev. D. Perrie and .famil left this her holidays. breezes, last week, were Mr. N. and Miss postponed it until Monday evening. y _ Mrs. John Armstrong is Spending a C. Brandon and Mr. Lad Warwick. Miss Bella Burgess and the Misses -veek for their holidays. 112r. McCrae R% D Go. few days in Marnoch. Miss Mary Findlater has gone to Richardson visited in Brussels on Mon- will conduct the services in the Presby- ' - `t Miss Kate Robertson, of Toronto, is Detroit on a visit to her sister, and ill- day, terian church oh Sunday vest. m o visiting at Mr. Alex Morton's, tends returning by way of Midland. Mrs, John Johnston visited friends in Rev. Mr. Norton, superintendent ofThe Cheap t Store. Opp. Bank of Hamilton. Miss Olive Thompson, of Bayfield, is Boys, don't drive to far on Sunday Goderich last week and was accompan- Florae Missions of the Baptist church, __ .. visiting for a few days at Mr. Hugh 112c- nights, when theweather is so warm. red home by Misses Saults. conducted the services in the Wingham Barney's. You may iiot be able to find a Vet's The postponed garden party at W. Ja .Baptist church on Sunday last. - -�- - - VbStlier ou every corner. Jolmstou's, first line of Morris, on Mou- . W. P. Reikie, B. 11., will coucnct th CULRo"' PRIIVCIPALiS REPORT. Don't gorget About Your Corns.The people were very sorry to learn of day evening, hadfine weather, a gcodservices in the Baptist church oil Sun ne of the older resicleuts of tl If. ••they give you pleasure and yon' unexpected decease of Mrs. Michael programme and a large attendance. It dity hest. On the Sunday following hip died on Thursday of las . weep it There being no quorum on Tuesday ave ahem. as Pain actoress and meet don't applyWart Nichol, 4th con&Lon Wednesday morn- was therefore suceessfui. Songs, recita- July 21st, Rev. J. J. Patterson, the new the person of Margaret Johnston, relict evening, the regular monthly meeting PutnamExtractor for in twenty-four hours they ing of last weelr, he leaves a husband tions, choruses and instrumentals, com- pastor of the church will preach his Of tue lat rthur Simpson in her 72nd of the School Board was not held. The would be entirely removed and their and five children, the baby -a boy just posed the entertainment. The quartettes first sermons in the church here. year. dope to he able to give a following is the Principal's report for ail beauty destroyed: Now this is known a few hours old. Deceased was about b Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ruttan and � g more tonded notice,iu our next issue. the month of June: - l`, to nearlyeverybody, including your y The pastor of the Congregational Y 30 years of age and was Miss Margaret Mr, and Mrs. G.Eckiner were particular- church exchanges with Rev. Mr. Bur- Dept. Boys. Girls. Total. Avg. Bur - druggist; ask him if it is not so. Alice J McGregor prior to her inarri- ly enjoyable, while the best of all was wash of the Dletuodist church, Sunday ? 16 23 39 39 -VEST WAwANOSH, age, xis to Thos. McGregor, of Bras- the singing of "The Mau Behind the morning. In the evening he occupies FREE. SAMPLES! FREE SAIVIPLES 1 8 19 29 48 43 Cou-cil met according to adjournment sels, Nichol and children have the Plow," by the small sou of Councillor his own pulpit. Subject of evening ser- I -- 4 2S 18 46 44 on July 3rd. Reeve Medd in the chair. symp y of the community in their sad Shaw. Rev. F.Swanii,the new pastor of mon, "The recent ex -communication of sena for it free sample of Cat,irrhozone, 5 is 34 52 50 Minutes of last meet confirmed. and sudden bereavement. tha Bluevale circuit" was chairman, Count Tolstoi-a lesson in Tolerance." guaranteed to cure Catarrh, n.ronciritls; l; 30 28 58 " f'0 Treasurer's statement showed balance of Rev. N'.Swanu wife and family left for Asctumi and Iiay Fever. 7 31 21 52 48 i 1LINLOSS, ' y Rev. A. E: Prior preached a sermon In order that ever sufferer fu Canada S 41 43 84 67 5108.32, -Filed. The Reeve and Teas- Biuevale on Thursday. Mr. Swann has y -- =- oxer were crape -vexed to borrow .$600.00.! On Wednesday evening, Juno 26th, an lead four very successful years on the in rile Congregational church on Sunday may test the _ marvellous curative 197 213 410 355 The estimates were struck at $2275.00. 'deal home wedding vvas solemnized at evening last, on the subject, "The Wing•iroperties of Catarrhozoue we well mail At the close of the term the following Ripley circuit, and was highly esteemed, Bain Races." leer, Prior diel not con- free to any address, a twenty days trial, The Clerk was instructed to send on the home of the bride's father, 4th not only by his own congregations, but sufficient often to cure. Enclose 100. promotions were made: - engineer to Dungannon by request of concession of Kinloss with Rev. F. A. by the public generally. Tue best demo corse racing if it were honestly Yor postage and boxing, and address, From Part I to II ........ 22 petition of J. M. Roberts and others. MacLennan .officiating. The event wishes of the Ripley people accompany conducted, what he did condemn was poison & Co., Kingston, Ont. << " II to Jr, II.....13 The following checks were issued:- was the marri'a b- of Miss Rate, third the „ambling -which is connected -with Jr. II to Sr. II......86 Mr. Swauu and his estimable wife and '° -Sr. II to Jr. III.....3G oldest dao' htex. of Mr. Alexander liorso racing. He did not thinly a. Ed. Fowler, gravel, $6.14; D. B. Murray, g familty to their now home• -•Ripley Ex- Christian luau or woman should•attond Huron Old Boyar Reunion. << Jr. III to Sr. IIL ...31 crate and making approach, $5.00; J. E. McDonald, to Mr. John McPhee of press. Sr. III to Jr. IV ....12 Thoms, arbitration fees re U. S. Section, Chicago, Illinois, formerly of Lucknow, horse races as ,they are now condueCec Clinton Out., July G. -Tho Huron Old — Boys' Association, of Toronto, weld their 132 No. 1, $18.50; D. Ferrier, Shovelling, Only members of the family and near Principal Beckett, of the Listowe annual outing at Clinton Saturday. Promoted at Easter 09 relatives were present. The bride was WINGHADI JUNCTION. Public School, known to many of our gravel, $2.50; Al. Smith, shovelling Theweather was perfect, And some — gravel, $2.00; O. Donnelly, gravelling, given away by her father acid her gbwn The following is the report of U. S. readers, who is leaving Listowel for G00 arrived by special train at noon. Total promotions for term. 231 $17,94; D. Donovan, culvert and open- was white organdie artistically trimmed,. S. No. S, Turnberry and Morris, for the Knox College, Toronto, was presented I Respectfully submitted , Headed by the 4Sth Highlanders, band, ing pit, $7.00; J. Nicholson, culvert on draped with white tulle. She was month of June. The names arranged at the close of the last Knox church they marched to the town hall, where A. Ii. MuscxsovL, Principal E.B., $2.00; Jas. Robinson, gravel, $7.11; assisted by Miss Sarah McKenzie of in order of merit: prayer -meeting with a handsome address a banquet was provided by the citizens P. Welsh, culvert, $5.00; D. Phalen, Paramount, while Mr. John YpDonald, • IV Class. -Ethel Ferguson, Robert and an Oxford English Bible, Hbbrew of Clinton, and an address of welcome The Toronto Street Railway carried repairing hill, $1.00; R. Lowrie, culvert trother of the bride, peripmed the Orhickshank, Olive Cruickshank, Geo. Bible • and Greer Testament. The was followed by several speeches from about 2,700 more passengers, not on W.B. $2.50; B. Treleaven, hauling duties of groomsman%ff After the Elliott, Florence Martin, Rose Case- address was read' by Mr. B. F. Brooks Toronto visitors. counting transfers on Monday than it tile,, $1,50; McDonald & Johnston, oper- ceremony was peiformecrhe company more, Chester Walker, Tommy 'Walker, Mr. Beckett had been very active. in After lunch there was music, dancing did on Dominion Day last year. Sitingroad grader, $114."r5; McDonald & sat down to a sumptuous repast. Mr Alex Elliott. church and S. S. work. and games in the ari:, A gaino of g g P Dr. IIotham, who has been practing at. Johnston, operating grader on W. and Mrs. McPhee left on route for III Class. -Pearl Vanstone, Percy The Wroxeter Star speaks, thus of the football between Brucefield and Seaforth for the past few months, having: Boundary, $17.50; McDonald & John- 0,,Ien Sound and thence to proceed on a Fogg, Bert Martian: Fred Tipling, Clara new pastor of the Methodist church in Seaforth. Baseball, Goderich vs, gone there from Constauce,has purchased. Ston, oil and repairs, $1.00; D. Me- trip up the lakes before returning to Hummel,. that place: -"Rev, I. A. McKelvie, 'Clinton, resulted in avictory for Clinton the practice of the late Dr. Irvin in St.. Donald, repairing bridge, $1.00; Paul their future residence in Chicago. II Class. -Bert Elliott, Lillie Moffat, the new minister in charge of the b a score of 20 to 2. A baseball Lina P ar o y f�'t Marys. ;r Smelter, "� Lillie Hogg, Annie Walker, Gershom Methodist circuit here arrived on between Huron Old Boys' of TOrouto gravel, $6. 2; Jas. Hall, paint- y The monument to Glossa Victoria has; - ing hall $2G.00; JuO. Anderson, charity, I Ferguson, Hannah Walker, Friday last and preached to good and Huron Boys of Clinton resulted in a g ' ' y' � Part II. -Alba Hog Ethel Ti lm been placed upon its granite pedestal im *10.00. g"' Tipling, congregations at each of the three s�oxb of 13 to 3 in favor Of the Clinton the Parliament rounds at Ottawa, The Council adjourned to meet on Monday, ,/ra'd1'!r. Pearl Walker, y y g appointments on Sunda So far the Old Bos Duke of Corn --all. and York will er- �ith day of An at 10 o'clock. Sr. Fart I. -Ariel Ferguson. onus luau has made a good impression The evening programmo was a baud P This signature is on every box of the genuine y form the unveiling ceremony. W. S. MCCltoszir, ,Q Sr. Part I No. e John Walker. P y P g Y• Laxative Broms➢ llllline Tablets both as a citizet} and a reacher. FIe contort b the 48th Baucl in toe ark. Tp. Clerk. the remedy that cures a colla in ons, day Jr. Part I. -Mae Elliott. .1 will ocenpy the paraonar o with his The citizens of Clinton -worked with a Mrs. W. H. Burnett, of Jasper, Tenn., Jr. Part I No 2, -Wilfrid Waller, I sister who will keep houjp; ;for him•" will to make the day enjobable to their wife of the head miller of the Jasper, o George Cruickshank, Rob. Hogg, Percy I y� y r u — ` _ guests, and there was nothing to mar the Tenn., Flouring Mills, has just given Martin, Willie MacKenzie, Miunio ` - clay's pleasure. birth to four children, all of whom are Geylon and Walker. Scrofula riie.,o able. P rs. us to the advent of Av'erflge attelldaince for •tiro mourn 2G. ihc�r; babies, Ira. >;urnett gave birth to Nl.r t J. IsBisTrnt, Teacher,what is commonly inherited is not a+ Prejudice, which sees what it; ple-, triplets, and then twins. The couple �TQ scrofula but the scrofulous disposition, cannot see what is plain,-Aubroy Do have been, married five years, and ten i°- � d-•" TURAL LBAF BLYTH. 'phis is generally and chiefly indicated by Vero. children now adorn their home. cutaneous eruptions; sometimes by pale- Twenty-one disciples of John Alox- _:_.--_ ► L � 7'ho following, dated from Windsor, tress, nervousness and general debility. ander Dowie visited Evanstown, u Chi. 'fie r� 0 appeared in Wednesday Mail -Empire:- The disease ailileted Sirs. X. T. Snyder, cago suburb, and, des, ite the efforts of Is 'Free front Any Particle of Coloring Alatter ' • is Dainty and Mrs. Thomas Tammaii, of Blyth, Ont., Union St„ 'Troy, Ohio, when she was the entire police force, it mob of 1,C00 There irm arrived here this morning on a Grand aighteen yeats old, manifesting itself by a Invigorating is the only tea that sults fastidious palates and bunch ht her neck, which caused great pain, Per dTOVO them out Of tatwn. 110 escaping g �; �,' � Trunk train in response to n telegram the -arms of consum is wholesome for the most delicate digestions, was lanced, and became a running sore, JZMr. Alex, Dow,''Of lixet'r, met with a �'. seat her by all unknown individual it afllleted the daughter of yrs. J. 17. painful accident the other day. He was tion; kill t1let11 'witl, licalth. Health �uCL yesterday, which stated that her i Jones, 1'arlcer City, ind„ when 13 years old, loading his Uig horse, w)teu it stoppe,l r)n . 1 It is also a .British Pro. daughter, Mary Elizabeth Tamman, i and developed so rapidly drat Mien she IS your: only Ineans of killiiig tliem. was dying in St. Marys hospital, ; I'Was Is she had eleven running sores on her his fact, tearing off two of his big ti o beck and about her ears. nails and t4horwis:i lrrnishi;; his ,,,,r., + ,+ Detroit. The hospital ther(i has nosuch These surferet•s n•ere not benented by SCO�t s 1,111ulsioil of cod-liver ori . 'professional treatment, but, nothey volun• 7.`)t r.ztrnirt i itu 61ir ' 1 Ceylon Teas are sold in sealed lead p other, and although the anxious , tartly say, tverr, completely cured by twill give you that health if, an o � ' y mother bas visited every Institution on 1 t Railway system from .7nnr•.:ur, to " tlr b $ ' y ' SALADA packets only. Black,, Mixed Un` both sides of the river where tile girl L�xoo s c�Darsl�partlla amountedto$731.,208,asilphi,t ;717,335 thilib Will. colored Ceylon Green. Free samples sent, Address "SAL- is liltOly tc be, aho can filed Ito trace of This peculiar liiedlcluo positively, tor• for the corresponding period last year, BCOTT a ihowNt ee sC k�Y lYe 6 TAT 11r. rs • j recur tho terofulouy disposition Mid rddl• ADA Toronto. her, and is nigh crazed with grief. tally and perivanen'tly cures rho disease, an incrow e, of $1,,873, sec• an $1.00, an druggists.