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The Wingham Times, 1901-07-12, Page 4
THE IVINGRA.N TIMES, JIJ14Y f?, 1901, For sore, tired and sweaty Year 1897-8 thereceipts from customs' WINQUAM XA1%XXT 111MOUTS. N�Ilt�ttN•MNtAtilr�l@��t�NttltNt feet use ' were U1,iO4,89.1,y In tire follo1ving year,, 1Wrughamn July 11, 1901, ► 1898.9, they were $4,816,814. According Flour per 100 lbs ,.., 1 65 to 2 40 • The Peo1e to the Conservative argument this Bust hall Wheat 0 60 to 0 60 ! r`" A n)) have been due to air increase in the rate Spring Wheat ,,,.,, ,.,, . 0 .0.0U to 0 00 J11Q. & JaS, N,, KeCr, of taxation. But the only change had Oats.......... , , , , , ,, , , , , , 0 00 to 0 31 s l been 1•eduotiou causad by the increase Parley , , , , , , , , , ,,,,,, , Peas ....................1 0 40 to Q 42 0 62 to 0 02 , of the preference from 121.2 to 25. per Turkeys, 0 09 to U 10 Here's just one testimonial ; cent., Whiclr,•tool1 effect iti 1898. As it , , , , , , Geese, „ , ....... ,.. 0 05 to 0 00may be contended that this was offset Ducks, per pair . , . , . , ... , 0 40 to 0 60 Brussels, Juno 9, vol by the restriction of the pre#preferencei o .Butter .................. 0 14 to 014 Eggs par doz .. , , , , , . , a . , . 0 11 to 0 11 • ! f4 BARAINS IN Sena me one package of Dampo for British imports, we take next year, 1899, Wood per cord . , ...... , , . 2 00 to 2 25 = �� � �H C OSENS Which I enclose 25 Cents in stamps, Round not be without it for double the 1900, when the oustoms duties were increased by three millions. There had Hay per ton ......... 8 00 to 8 00 Potatoes per bushel , . 0 30 to 0 30 great per•, �'OCERIES ETC amount. Yours. truly, certainly been no increase that year, Tallow per lb , , , , , , , , , , , , 0 05 to 0 05 Lard , , 0 13 o 0 13 0 Mens Cotton Hose, big value, loc. ARTHL'1. HOMES. but the 25 per cent, preference had been .. . • ... Dried Apples �per'lb ....... 0 03ito 0 04 • • Rice Root Scrub Brushes for 5e. Dampo mailed to any ad- in operation all year. T1ris year there is a slif;ht invrease; the chief change in wool • • ..... , , .. , ..•...... 0 13 to 0 i5 Live Hogs, per owt....... 7 00 to 7 00 • A quantity of October Cheese at iQe. ' . dress far 2Sc, the tariff was a further reduction of the Chickens , w , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 0 3U to 0 40 • • vP ` Win A CaMpbell'Sof duties on British goods by the increase the preference to one third, TIE MUTUAL LIFE r Good B. Rice at 6 lbs for 25c. g �$, R.ELLIOTT, PIIIILrSTI1:It ANTI) PnornixToR `�' rellovflpin„ an Old bUlldill,� he recently g • • i OF CANADA. • Best Mixed Pickles, per qt,, ..15e. DRUG STORE. PERSONALS.Formerly The OntarioblutualLife, a Largd Bottle of Pickles, mined, loc. WINGHAM, We shnll be glad to have contributions to this column from any of our readers. If you BY WAY OF CONTRAST, Death and expense rate per 1,000 for last ten • 0 Iierr's Baking Powder at 15e for 1 lb tin is less; spliced heel and toe, 25c, have visitors or purpose going away fourself, years, Plisses Flo and Clare Graham are visit- Reliable Shoe Dressing, per bottle, $,c, 9!9 drop in and tell us, or send us a not to that effect. 5leadmg U.S. Companies, average.. ..22.27 5 leading Canadian Companies avge .. 18.27 0 Y 5C Bax Shoe Blacking for 3e, b TO ADVERTISERS. Miss Ellen, of Saginaw, Mich-.; Mrs. D. Mutual Life of Canada .. .. ..18,90 s loc Box Shoe Blacking for 5c. Xotice of changes must be left at this Miss Bra is visiting with former Y g Interest earned on assets laza ten years. Por Cent. a office not later than Saturday noon, friends in town. 5leading U.B. Compnnies, average .... 4.93 5 leading Canadian Companies ane 501 0 A few days ago we see tire itrge quantity'of SUMMER DRY GOODS at greatly reduced prices from wholesale dealers who are anxious to unload at this time of the year, We give you the benefit of our good buying. Hosiery Bargains Women's Fine Cotton Hosiery, fast black, reg, loc at Tie, or 4 prs for 25c, Women's Fine Cotton Hosiery, seamless, Hems- dorf Black, spliced heel, double sole at 25c. Women's Fine Cotton Hosiery, fast black, seam- less,, 2 pairs for 25e. Women's Cashmere Hose, summer weight, ribbed and plain, 25c to 50c. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday evening. Miss Robblifi of London is visiting ' b Aintual Life of Canada :. .. ':, 5,51 • ! A Splendid Black Tea for the price 6 + Marts Cotton Hose, bargain, • Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Thursday of each week. Miss Estelle Griffin. Miss Nellie Ross is visiting with �� � �H C OSENS • o lbs. for $1,OU. A splendid Japan Tea for the price, 7 lbs for Vii, colored, Pair, 5c. great per•, Cuoking Figs, a quantity 7 lbs for 25c to clear. friends in Seaforth. Loan and Insurance Agent, ® A 0 Mens Cotton Hose, big value, loc. ESTABLISHED 1872. Morris Ross has returned home from Corner Minnie and Patrick Sts. At home Friday afternoon and Saturday. ! • Rice Root Scrub Brushes for 5e. polled was 2,703, against 8,050 votes • g TnE INfi a TuIES. Guelph for the holidays. Miss Annie Gilchrist, of Tiverton, is A few pairs Men's Bicycle Hose at cost to clear. Great value in Brooms. Ten dozen just put into stock. They are the best Mens Fine Cotton, Hose, seamless, 15c or 2 pairs for 25c. Black, stainless and• vP value we've seen in many. g �$, R.ELLIOTT, PIIIILrSTI1:It ANTI) PnornixToR visiting with relatives in town. rellovflpin„ an Old bUlldill,� he recently g • • months. 20c, 25c, 30c, 35c. • • Miss Bowles, of Chicago, is visiting purchased there, to be remodelled for a A Men's Silkine Hose, black, stainless and seam. e. "---� with her sisters Mrs. Robt. Johnston. big horse stable.—Clifford Express. Iierr's Baking Powder at 15e for 1 lb tin is less; spliced heel and toe, 25c, �. FRIDAY. JULY 12, 1901. Plisses Flo and Clare Graham are visit- Mrs. T. F. Thompson and daughter, 9!9 the best on the market. Put up also in 5c and loc • in with friends in Lucknow this week. g Miss Ellen, of Saginaw, Mich-.; Mrs. D. '0 • tins. , 1' NOTE;$ AND L•03VI11IENTS. Miss Eva Boles, of Ingersoll, is visit- J. MCFeggan and three sons, of Toronto; °o Alen s Facey Cotton Hose, seamless, fast colors, latest novely, 25e, Col. Lays was elected to the Legisla- ing in town, the guest of Miss N. Mrs. Potts, and three daughters of Mar- a live. Assembly in London on Tuesday by Diusley. rion, Incl., are visiting with their par- ® Cuoking Figs, a quantity 7 lbs for 25c to clear. u majority of 1656, over 117x. Darch the Albert Sparling, of Toronto, visited tints and grandparents, 'Mr. and Mrs. gr p , 0 Flaked Peas and Beans, regular 15c, now 10c CbiIdren's, Misses' and Boys' Hose in Ribbed Socialist candidate. The total vote with his brother, F. G. Sperling, over Saml. Youhill. © per package. and Plain, Cotton and Cashmere at right prices. polled was 2,703, against 8,050 votes Sunday. A few pairs Men's Bicycle Hose at cost to clear. polled at the Ontario general election in Miss Lizzie Gilchrist bas returned Live stock markets. I ri A good Baking Powder in bulk at only loc a • 1S9S• home after visiting with friends in Toronto, July O.—At the western cattle & Ib. Try it. 4 At the recent meeting of the Executive Brussels. market to -day the receipts were 59 car- 0 Big plop in Prices of Men's Summer Shirts • Mealth Officers of Ontario, held in loadsl of live stock, including 947 cattle Miss Hoskins, of London, is visiting 864 sheep and lambs, 833 hogs, calves 0 Seeded Raisins, California Fruit, per pkge, loc. A quantity of Fine Shirts colored o en fronts Brantford, the subject of the speacl of her father in town, the guest of Mrs. to q Y , , p , diseases through scllools by reason of and a few milch cows, More buyer were • Extracts, per bottle, 5c and Se, large bottle,: good material, well made, all new ouds, re rice•' bad. ventilation, lack of cleanliness and Wm' Dore. resent • there was a general air of activ- ! best quality, loc. t ,. g g P • Mrs. Robt. Willson, of Vancouver, P g 75c, cut price 39c• other breaches of sanitary laws, received ity round the market, prices for cattle ✓ B. C., is visiting with her friends in • -. _. _ __.__. _ _ .__ ._ -___ _ _.- ._ . • i- considerable attention. A resolution were a shade better, and all the offerings • — A ' passed favoring a more rigid Wingham. -was gi ® o p were cleared up before noon. • Headquarters a inspection of the schools, and a The Misses Bower, of Ingersoll, are Following is the range of quotations:— We are a��'a"'� `�u �'rt®rn� for Soda B1SC�llt systematic education of pupils and visiting at the home of their brother, Thos. Bower. CATTLE, ! •' y?` ' teachers, one of the means of obtaining ® and Sweet Biscuits. Fresh arrivals every week. • Shippers, per cwt...... 4 75 $5 12,1 O � -which would be a proposed medical Miss Leno Coles and Miss Etta Bun_ Do , light......... 4 25 4 G2} • s t 'bulletin. Ston, of Clifford, spent Sunday with Butcher, choice do..... 4 00 4 50 ! •o a p friends in town. Butcher, ordinary to a �„ o p • Since Confederation the Premiership good..,............. 3 25 3 76 w Jae, Ot Jas. H. Kerr. MACDONALD DLOCK WINGHAM. Jno. & Jas. H. Kerr. ; i Inas been held by three Ontario men— Miss Eva Dawson. of Toronto, is Butcher, inferior , , , , .. 2 75 3 00 ' • kk Macdonald, Mackenzie and Bowell; by spending her holidays under the parent- SHEEP AND LAMBS.!!!!!!!!!!!lOtt•t•Ot•ttit0!@lt®©ttt00@tt0lOttttttSttttttt@!!•!!!!!!!•!!lits!!!! j two Quebec men -Abbott and Laurier; al roof in town. a. and b two 1Nrova Scotians—Thompson Miss Ivene Moore, of Toronto, is Choice ewes, per cwt... 3 25 3 40 y Yearlings, grain -fed cwt 4 00 4 60 • ' .and Tupper. When we take into account spending her holidays with relatives and Culled sheep, each. . .... 2 50 3 00 '' • 7eh Ontario's predominance friends in town. Lambs (spring), each ... 2 50 4 00n Bucks ............... 2 60 2 75 J pV �1�jpV 11 pV r CHEAT CLEARING SALE OF is much greater. It held the Premiership Malcolm McLeod, wife and family, of continuously from 1867 to 1891 and for MILKERS AND CALVES. i Duluth, Minn., were visiting with'Wing- I ' '< more than a year afterwards,' in all 25 ham friends this week. Cows, each............ 20 00 45 00` 3-3 years out of 31. Quebec, between Sir Mrs. H. H. Chisholm will hold her Calves, each..... ..G.. 2 00 10 00 nixim.me �� oh11 Abbott and Sir Wilfrid Laurier, - o post nuptial reception on Monday and zioas. 1W had 6 1=2 years, and Nova Scotia Tuesday, July 15th and 16th. Choice hogs, per cwt... 6 75 7,213 Watches, Gold and Silver. a little more than two years. Of leaders Light hogs, per cwt.... G 50 6 75 'of the two -parties, four, Macdonald, Saml. Bennett spent last Saturday at Heavy hogs, per cwt... 6 50 6 75 A A A. Mackenzie, Blake and Bowell, have been Clinton, attending the demonstration in Stags .......... ....... 0 00 2 00 �•��°fir•` We are now offering special value in all classes of Summer Goods. Olitario men; two, Abbott and Laurier, honor of the Huron Old Boys. Hair Clasps Muslins, Organdies, Wool Delaines, fancy Ginghams, Pereales, Dimities,, Quebec men; and three, Thompson, Miss Beatrice Rixon, of Toronto, and TO _ Mercerized Sateens and Prints, all up-to-date patterns and colors. Tu er and Borden, Nova Scotians. � �'s PP a Miss Arlie Hill, of Walkerton, were 1,,....,.eC�ta�l�e' Rings a Also a complete sock of Lddies' Wrappers and Shirt Waists, special The revision of the voters' list in the visiting friends in town this week. S � value at 65C and up different municipalities in the county by Mrs. Hawthorne, of Bay City, Mich., ' """ D o e s Brooches the County Judges will shortly begin. is visiting with her sisters Mrs. Ben'. `!v L See our special values in Ladies' White Goods and Undervests, g , 3 a your hair Parasols in Fanev and Black Colorings from 75c andu p y person y. i Belt Buckles g p. it is important that where an erson Jenkins and Mrs. Geo. Henderson. e ��;� �•, � s ] i t a t In Turnip Seed I have the best known kinds, such as Steel Briggs Co. UY P untitled to vote Lias neglected to have hipthe end Select Die bout Simmers Prize, Rennie's Own, as well as all the oldGeo. TerviL left town on Monday for1� ?name placed on the list by the Munici- Sterling Silver p Kincardine, having secured a good Standard Varieties. pal Court of Revision that he should ty? - Can y O U situation in the furniture factory in that Novelties. supply to the Judge. The removal of the ^ �pull out a See our line of Ladies Summer Corsets at 35c. Aiso the new Corset town. ;d ames of those not entitled to vote i' , :tv� handful Erect Form, straight front, special at $1.00 pair. should also be attended to, where it has 117:. and Mrs..Robt. McLaughlan, of , , Cut G'laSS• not been clone. The general elections Howick, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. sss by run- 3 We show special value in Hosiery .and Gloves. for the Legislature of Ontario : will al- Jos. Adams for a couple of days this 1' �O ning your Ji. V V V See our special line of Cotton Hose for Boys, extra heavy, fast black. week. angers through It ? Gloves in Black and Colors from 15c pair up. moat certainly be held on the hats now t being revised. An important change in Mrs. Craig returned to her home in Does it • seem df and Byes tested without charge. Repairing y neatly done. Don't be afraid to Dome in. A special line of White Counter Panes to be cleared aeference to age has been made in the Walkerton on Wednesday after two lifeless ;1We are ahvays pleased to show goods. at 51.0 each, " law, so that now anyone, ',who• will be. weeks' visit with her daughter, Mrs. (sive your hair a The old stand in Mason Block. of the age of 21 years within Chirpy Keiser. chance. Feed it. H H C H I S H 0 LM • ` days from the day fixed for hearing ap- Miss Ida Zilliax, of Brussels, and Mise T� M I LLS eals by the County Judge" can be Addie Zilliax. of Elmira, were visiting The roots are n 0 t ■ ■ —�A!� t, placed on the list providing he is other- friends in 'Wingham and vicinity this dead; they are weals Jeweller and Optician. a r wise qualified. ween. because they are _ * Ae The public accounts for the last three Jas. A. Cline was in Hanover fora starved—that's all. Now is the Time to Buy years are a reply to the contention that few days this week, We understand he The �1 the increase in the customs receipts is tendering on the laying of the water- bestA E. 0. tJ LA R E indicate an increase in taxation. In the works mains in that place. hair Henry Allan, of the C. P. R. section f O O d urniture - at Wroxeter has accepted a position on TAILOR the G. T. R. section Here and will move i s — PROTECT to town in the near future.-- r i YOUR Le SIGHT. Robt. McLeod, of Port Rowan, V91 2 01119MWe have laced in steel? a In looking over our stock we find Present straining S means future suffer. formerly of the Bank of Hamilton ink. If you don't want nice assortment of ready -to - We 8 OaIa Dressers .r.RT��� �,o•��HaS i 'Wingham, was calling on old friends in y 'll IAU. WV 'LL will examine your eyes free and recom- town for a few days this week. your hair to die use wear clothing, and While we � mead ,,{{114908 only if , ahsolu{ely beneaclal. R. A. Walker and wife of Toronto Ayers Hair Vigor s do not pretend to sell at less a number Of Fancy Chairs,' Centre Tables Satisfaction guaranteed. and J. J. Walker, and wife, also of once a day. It makes '' than cost and live on the loss, ,a Toronto are visiting their. brothers, the hair grow, stops you will find full value for your Couches, Lounges, 7 Parlor Suites, Extension .� Messrs. Jas. and Wesley Walker in town Tables, Writing Desks, Hall Racks, Sideboards, and also at the old homestead in. East druff. g' and cures don- money every time. a number of good Oak Bed -Room Suits. Wawanosh, , Mrs, John Dickson left this week for It always restores Give us a call. See what In fact we have too much furniture in all lines to carr the North west, where she intends re- color to gray or faded we have in Mens, in Youths over summer. We have decided to sell at such rices as will siding. Mrs. Dickson had been a resi• hair' it never fails. and in Children's, all new and glean out our stock quickly, p dent of 'Winghani for many, years. Her ,$1.09 a bottle. a l Alt a ruca t q»r up-to-date goods, Onep g We also have a large stock of picture moulding to clear u„ husband, the late John Dickson, was stoped my hair frofn failing oat, g Town Treasurer for several ears. andsmrtoaitto rrwagsinnicely:' out ata gr at reduction. Come with our pictures and have rt� 0mus wlrr, We have also a line of add g y • Miss Johnston, teacher of shorthand Mitch 28, IM, Csnooa, s. Mr:. them framed while you :wait, We mean what we say. Come at Westervelt's Business college, "h'er's Hair vigor complotoiT Garments, Trousers, Vests, and deal with us, - g carr me from dnndrufi,tvithwhic London, in spending her holidays at her Iwls reatiyainieted, The growth of Bicycle Sults, Overalls, etc, The leading Furniture Dealers and Undertakers, Ha llsey J myhnraidar 11.11 1136 b" home here, prevloile to taking amore thing wonnce its." a. LiCitAd11e rtttx, E. !J9 CLARKS lucrative position ill Sarnia, with the April 23, is94,-NewYorL,.�i. f mind Jowolovassociate Business College of that place. rf ion do dot obt9M 411 the benefits WalkerBros.& ml O# ted torn the u9e of the 8drW irft hatiirti,Mr. and Mrs A. Z,inklater oto �Yigor,.rrite e e oct( 9beutat. , K utton bras.j. , :xl,, Lerren, nrsa0. lhtext door to Griffins Ro aI Wingllnlu for a few Months, whoro Mr Grocery. y l inklater is assistil g Dr. Bulott in W I N C H A M. w .r P