HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-07-12, Page 2Im i .► ii�11�MN��NN�NNNw�Nfi! .EIIH WINGIIAN TINES, J1114Y 12, 1.001, T nt� n Qf ht. JoHelm. w l e 4wit Good llow.11 ' is being Admitted, t1m bed clothes have A S� ay to hall�luess.. . opula.r Storer Jno. & Jas. H° Kerr. Thpre Seems to be a curiosity lel the (Chicago American.) been removed, alit! are spread out so Feud out as early as possible, what si IY i Ih� *, Obape of to little town. on, the shores of A y'onlig man died, aired 80, after, a that they, as well as the bell, will be- you cnu best do, do it with all your LOG 11uroll riot far froth Dayfleld, and career of drunkenness and other dissipa- cOtTlo thoroughly aired, Ila not'sleep in might, and expect to succeed,, no Inattev the IVOplo of thia neighborhood arta just tion• a you may encounter. 1 a drawl hG. .what obstacles � .N �-o, • Ail carious to know what is going on At his death his friends said ?ilio was But, although you should riot sleep in Cultivateaaphilosophical vernof thought. thorn as rho ec, le witlaila its borclora just a cud fellow wad that tells his h Y you have not what •oulike, like what tig •, ` '� a dr.tu lit, the air should circulate'treel It y but everything is kept as a secret, tend story. 'fi � through tine room. Many people close you have*until ,you can ch ango your en- Mr, N• Coutine, the founder and flow easy it is: to gloss over disgraceful their windows at night because they are vironmeut. build(?r of the plaeo, is so reserved that failure and self-indulgence with a ineaR- .,afraid of the night air," Night air Do act waste y our vitality In hating 3nV he ref list,; r:) theme any light on. the int;less ph itse, cannot, ill the absence of the sun, be as your life; find soniething la ft which is subjecr,. fiomo tivo or three years ago Without inentiouink; this nufortuaate vitalizlug as day air, but is a thousand worth lilting,; nail enjoying, while you Ur. Qontitia landed there from tho man's name, his career may be outlined times less dangerous than the air which, keep steadily 4t work to !!take it what American side anLi t}Utugil tho place was as a wartrillir to tlaoso whose soft' sent!. in a closed ret> ', becomes heavy and you desire+.. ]to happy over something � :. .. `; :�. ..:� ;' ".y:� •> \ ,� but a wood:, ti.+ llas since t'reo,ted a mag' ineiltality loads thellt to the manufacture poisonous frontthe oxhalations from. every dad , for'the brain is a tiling of Utacout borel tbret? sroroys high, and of foolish epitaphs of the "just -a good both body and lti rs. habit, and. yoi ,.cannot teach it to be Castoria is for Infants d Chilelrcn. Castoria is a also soveral ittio ret+lcltuves. A few fellow" order.- Dont clriuk to much ice water, This happy in a enol, cat, it you allow it to be llarnlless sutistituto forforwilCastor' Oil, Fare„orlc, I) Ps weeks tigo hor, tnr.ied grout Chicago This man was "just a good fellow," is a dangerous pm etice. Ico water al- miserable for y rs. and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opiuin, `with several oapitalints atui ,ti0,(ttdQ to wild lie drank himself into his grave and lays thirst fnr a tlw minutes, without Unite yonrsel worthy of true friend- Morplidno nor other Narcotic ALbstance. It is Pleasant. further Itis 1,tCunhl:>Itr; 11 -Ick we notice ill broke his mother's heart, quenching it. F' r this reason, one who &bip, 41141 !astir " respect, and worthy Millions of tho Dowiltion estimaws there is included Ile was just a good fellow, but he y , y ' Its guarantee- is tlrtrty years' >tso by t/ ,, is addicted"to ice water usual! drinks. into; alis! if an of !!lose emotions seem 'W'orxlls and S lFovel'isll» ally �G WO for it w1rirt it nisi! is to bo built tit disgraced the honorable flame his father enough to cause a: ftill and bloated feel• to prove Ophelri ral, remember, they Mothers. Castoria destroys y this p•trt. It is not known where or had left hint, ing, and to stop digestion by unduly were not the real iss—the real ones will ness. Castoria cures TDiarrucea and Wind Colic. Castoria how Ir. C.),itiite: ritiva',en to get. the 110 was "just a good frllow," but cooling the stomata, Lemonade made Come to you, sine you. are worthy, relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and v4at aiuonut of nionvy to tarry on the he threw away splendid chances to from clear,. cool'—not ice cold—water, is Acquire all th knowledge and ac- y'latnlene3*. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates bitilcliu iiultrnvetnt+lits of thi; )lac.? but be of use in the world, and to do his the most refreshing and satisfying drink complinluueuts Os ible and enter into 1 place, Y g .studios noels P elle Stonlacll and Dowels of Infants and Children, giving U ct•r:aillly goiott ahead. The public duty. for summer. ports ith all your energies, are iu ilio (lktik l.s to the outcome Or his He ,vns "just a good fellow but he Let your heartist meal be at night, or They help to roue life out, and keep 11calthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the ClUldren's object, ,silt it: !sats beth snrnused that spent lin. Paorm,ms fortune in making whenever your work for the day is over. the mind fed with a varied diet, while Panaeea—The Mother's Friend. Alumina hien bet -it found itt abnn(11111Ce tit other m"n ns drunken and worthless as Fruit, toast, sift -boiled eggs and oat. they open new (loo 'sof pleasure and ell• this pinoo alltl alar• litter the construe- himself, and in ruining the lives of un- heal make a gd breakfast. Where jpyment. Cas oria. Castoria. tion car a. l:trtit+ factory tittiv will mann- fortunate women, the intermisslbetween hours of labor Form it. habit o trying to do some "Castoria is an excellent medicine for-,oustorla 1s so well adapted to children. facture nit kiit•ls of artittits front this little act to add . '0 the comfort and ehildmi, !Bothers have repeatedly told me that I recotmnend it as su tytiur to an r, material. St. Joseph, or more ct -non- lie WAS "just a rood fellow," bat is short, no he y food should be taken p y i • ' y p ly known t• i rho tblf,t its tdt.t Attt birlous knowing himself to be a worthless drunk- into the Stoma. Hundreds of people pleasure Of some wing thing—man or of lig good effect upon their children." ' serlptiott known, A.Atome." P' t, Da. G. C, OS000n Lowell A ass. II, A. Ant;tltta M. A, Brooklyn, N. Y City, int!+Manta t oil 11, bo wriful site and aril, he married it respectable girl, the who eat hearth and return to work al• beast—every day your life, If you ' has bean vitsit(ol by many of our towns • friend of hi, obildhood broke her heart most immedia ly afterwards have do no more than t4 feed a starving cat, folk wit.,navostriven.i11vitiu to find out d dyspepsia. sma, soakkfiidl to lbs to c THE FACT—SIMILE SIGNATURE URE OE the sewc-t.—MUtelioll Advocate. and drove her to despair. 9 P P P Y Us4 g, or loose the He was 'ljList a good fellow," but the Don't let the ind get into a ferment, cruel check of a misused horse, you result of his father's life of industry was Simply drop fro it everything that de- 'have travelled a step towards happiness, 3 HiNE and have not lived the da iu vain.— BuiLS C1�wasted ou the lowest class of men noel presses or worl7e . 3. ou will (incl that, y women, He never did an honest clay's with determina 'on and practice, this Ella Wll°alar Wilcox. xz• ® work, never deserved in any way the can be done. P4 any worrying thing : food fresh air and merciful kinduess you cannot hem wa froini you. This } , Y P � Y Y (`.ems ok Thought. ,p that permitted hint to live for thirty six course is absolute ,y 11t?cessary for those t A good man does wood merely by live. d� years, who would have.good health, which g_ APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. ��LL9d�8 iuf Bnlwer. S "Just a;;oo<ifellow"—The term might simply means haluony.—Dr. J. Living - better ben lied to a co er-headed stop. 1 rile public is wit than the wisest PP PP T14C CCNTAUR COMPAI° , 't7 MURRAY ETRCET, NEW YORK CITY critic. r §[SAP•,1� a:1V-r-••,nl�r -s •-,..r soaks, which at least does the best that � ��'y •�:'� _�` �;,., :_-„,•�' �,J .�,•;••.=-;ter '�1�"�F� .^,,n4ws�+� TypicalDraft Horse. Cheerfulness is th, best r The T. Milburn Co., Limited, he can arlcl acts as well as the son of a promoter of snake could easily be expected to act. Have the, head ” f fair size. Do not, health. --Addison. Toronto, Ont. Y P buy a horse 'with pony head. A wide , Some time ago m blood of out of rF Shame is natures asty conscience.— Some Y g forehead is a goo indication in a colt order and nine large boils appeared on my neck, besides numerous small ones on my shoulders and arms. Four running ,ores appeared on my foot and log and I eras in a terrible state. A friend advised Burdock Blood Bitters, so I procured three bottles. After finishing the first bottle the boils started to disappear and the sores to heal up. After taking the third bottle there was not a boil or sore to be seen. Besides this, the headaches from which I Suffered left me vnd I improved so much that I am now strong and robust again. Yours truly, MISS MAGGILr INrORTHINGTOM, Feb. 3rd, Igor. Golspie, Ont. S 8 5�/69tt'9,L316':,R"I G CUPIG Ou1JNDS ARE 1110 1•tino t.tCF:. OR LESS THAII mix GEE .°.)� E ..a .t �iy' ,t r Yt'�� • at (rut lip ill d1low arretpper.) CURES Diarfnma, !Dysentery, Colic, Cramps, Pa,i:I5 in the Stomach, Cholerw, Choler L Blorbus, Cholera Infwntum and Till Summer Com- plaints.' ',"afee peliable, Harm- I$S5, Effeetual ' a HAS ,, - HAS NO L EQUAL,;? EQUAL, The Maxims of Judy. We look backward regretting, or for- waxd, hoping, while the present stands offering us Sowers. Show me a man who has never made a mistake and I will show you cue who has never tried anything. It is a mistake to eat all you can,spend all you have, tell all you know, or show all you feel. Ever since I knew of them I have been wanting to employ Schwab, J. P. Mor- gan and John Wanamaker, for there is; no trouble in getting business — the trouble lies'in getting men. A bad pup often makes a good dog; and.l. would rather undertake to reverse the force of a. bad man than loan my own to a weak one. ]lany people labor like an ox or a mule and have to be pressed or they will not ours their feed. Don't tell me what you have of beauty strength, education, money or genius. The only tiling I care to consider is what you are doing with it. If we could get a shield from the fear of things that never happen, our trouble would be reduced 90 per, cent. ' Mkny practice humanity to got the under hold. You can't escape criticism; for, if you save your motley, you are a miser and a hog•;aud,if you spend it,you are a spend- thrift and a dog. if you don't know where success lies, perhaps yon know where it is not, and that will show me what to avoid. Set your stale, and, before you reach it, set it further ahead. Some people kick at overything they don't understand. I would rather MR and know the cause, than, succeed and not know why. He that oposes as sharpens our -wits and becomes our helper. I can tolerate a man who fails to acquire an edification, or one who never gets a dollar nllead, but I soon grow tired of a person who sloes not have sense enough to have a good time. If you expect to make anything—ex- pe-t to make mistakes.—George W. Stevens. the poll being not. 1 as w — ng gh AbFoluto euro for each , o wide, as the ears Marla Edgeworth. The infinitely little have a pride In tend to droop, sac, stubborn in dispos�tiou. bepromiueuthrid�he horses often being The eye should throatlatch clean, finitely great.—Voltaire. New life for a quarter. Miller's Com- )' - Merle" CM �� - with awall miisc�led neck.' Do net askpound Iron Pills. For sale by Colin A. ,9 . for a coach horse :' heel. oil drafter. The Campbell. The sure way t miss success is to miss ', ^ yea Thousands of young wild middle-aged men are annually swept to a premature !,rave through 0A.&MY KN'DISCRETION, EXCESSES, AND TdLOOD- t TDIa^t�-151Tr,J. If you have any of the following sym toms consult us before itis t o shoulders should lie somewhat Sloping P i the opportunity.— hasles. ,. too'ate, At p you nervous and weak, despondent and gloomy, specks before the Upright shoulder tend t0 make the �e K p t" "r ,rt {_,. } open will, da k circles under them, weak back,kidneys irritable, palpitation of the i gait Stilted. Wh a good width in front If you desire to wise be so wise as i1, heart, bashfu I dreams and losses, sediment in urine, pimples on the face, sunken eyes, hollow cheeks, careworn expression, poor memory, lifeless, distrustful, lack ; is necessary, the legs should not be to hold thy tougu • .—Zavater. , I t` ¢ energy and et••ength, tired mornings, restless nights, changeable moods, •weak man, hood stunted grnus, premature decay, bone pains, Hair loose, sore throat, etc.? placed to the outside of the bods. The accents of 16ve are all that is left t . Our Nevis blcic ladr eat maat *111 cure you. Such horses lack the straightaway gait tend to roll. The keeps should be of the language oi paradise.—Bulwer. The choicest sure life lie ` `f' I`and Mq!�MBLOOD broad and the tendons at the backs of the Ivgb well dbfuled. The ple of within the ring of modes tion.—Tupper. ' °� �,, iA It `3 t: Nothing caw be more demoralizing to young and middle-aged men than etuissions pasterns should be alid set well back; the Candor looks ill equal fairness at r'ti, nc nig or secret drains through the urine. They unfit a .tan for business, .tar - ried life or social happiness. No matter whether caused by evil habits in youth, lengthy foot la! g , tongli4 with no Fido bones. both sides of a s ect.—Noah Webster, ji natural wealcness, or sexual excesses our New Method, TresAment will post. . tivoly cureyou. CUIZE i QUARAN'1 ED. NO CURL:, tem PAY. Al. the heart girUl. Vito horso should be Miller's Worm owders the medicine for children. For sale by Colin A. :r"- '1�� �� MOB Used without writtera Consent. 'o dPt'p at,tl fail, Nfiltlt a short basil and (7ampbell. room's oxygml. Luckily, the hours of W. A. Muir, of Lima, O., says:—III was one of x broad l'.11t. Tho .quarties should belong , �1lle most uulia py of men is he who TO ,.ANY A�DDR •i�,SjS ,' ILL +, , o the countless victims of early vice at 15 years of are. The drains on my system were weakening and lerl;l; with heavily tallSClt:d thighs. �� AItY S ` r for , q�n+� t my brain as well as my sexual and nervous Sys- (111,4tem. For ten I tried scores of doctors^+ •-1.1 P which shanhl be clean , brondtand free i Ilii ]Jxcelleuce w On Concealed differs 5 .. • years � .q�: ( electric belts and patent medicines. Some helped } me, lone cured. I was giving up in despair, in i I i1'•lm ii?Sbit1HSR, ch;s5 tugeiller. No Very little front Tied wOrthlessuess.— `. a fact contem Latin suicide when a friend ad- �s •rr•' `visci! :lie as a last resort to ive the New �, g-ild !!!'lift 1WTAt? OdS Wide at !ilii 110CkS: Horace. n�t, )i N . /1 f t �s eCfto ? Treatment of Drs. X. & X. a fair ` li^. ,, 4. ,r tial. S4uhoutconfidence Iconsented and in '$three A colt •)ill widdu {C wili tend to ''o wider g Sow ''JO(l se ices' Sweet remem- fa ' '{` Al ;"� months I was a cured man. I was cured r'' sdven' ago—am married and happy. I 1 with nisi:, (•ous(qt ent,y loses propelling brances will grol rom them.—Mme. De . - years ieRrtily recommend Drs. X.& S, to my Mted " + power. 'lhti lntu from ricer to fetlock Stan 1. :, L, ?3M1'aru^"r^-t n�,+; allow men." After Treatment —. �, sho1:1't b(? perpendicular—no curdy " , I hocks.. The skill be clean and Tact Conies as much from goodness Of g ,';•, toI) �Wetreaa: and c re Varicocele, Emissions, Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, Gleet, Stricture, S, hills, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse, Kidney and Bladder Diseases, anall diseases Men women. �ltuuld heart as front fineness of taste.—Endy- 1"': of and rho hairlit:e,uf t11e uludeldlafthonst', ,!lion. NF )"'Z•' 7I7A':xl`:, USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE, No Who L'ttli,t Met 1)AMIE1, turn tho -toes !miler's Woria Powders care fits ill .,ouciue rat C. O. 1). No names on boxes or envelopes. Everything confidentizL 1'it^„tier,lt.;tattdcastoftreatment,FRF.E. either itt or ont, alt ! Hhould showy the tse tone children. For fale by Colin A. Camp- bell.•gp� ra7 �� �pf�l•8 SFOEC,F�Y S°PF3EEisole JanEitiC1Y,Itf9lCCEif. of ar• tach ste p.—A. 9C1 1Galbtuith, Befoi) Horse Breeder's Some will. never learn anything be- o t•' � N t "' '' - rum , • o Assotit tion, Cauau they undtrstaud everything too L^ ;oi , , 41-ce'sprove to you thAb Dr. Ointment is acortain�N ,loon.e •rom t a • and every form or itching, that is above jI their own . capacity.— ® p t 'bl ]Wave agnilteedit.Seetoo- I%oehefouoolcl. Gyt g Job �.1 �he maaufr-etnrors l�avo Run anteed nd di g pilas- ing. thnoniak in the claila, press and asst lour neigh- Hasten sloNi¢1 and withoutlosing bors what they thinlf o it. You can use it And , get sour mottov bac it not cured. GOC a hos. at heart put your work twenty times upon AILdcAlers orE."j 1 sorr,BATus & Co.,Toronto, Intl anvil.—Boileau. tl'o'��d�� ° Ointment tI In this progressiiage a business farm cannot afford to use 41 -_ HeatedBlood ' V, Because you ';eat and drink k 9 too much you require a pre- y • '� y i Iieatlth itufes for summer. : paration that will clean out In any valuable advice about the treatment of oneself in summer, the �� o • the blood of humours and put 3 ,1� > eti r "don'ts "must largely prevail. During the stomach .right. Powley's the hot months, the gcspel of abstinence - '. Liquified Ozone will db that should be most strenuously and The condensed oxygen is na- continuously taught, and accepted, or illness is the result. ; ,_. ture's greatest uric in ele- g P Y g �� t First, don't entirely shut out the weak - meat. tt won't sicken or weak- g �(, sgnlight 'because 1t makes the room- ea your stomach. It melte, K p t" "r ,rt {_,. } somewhat warmer or fades the carpet; � ,e.c the blood and tissues healthy. .4 4. 7 . - Rife is more than a little extra " , discomfort or the brightness of carpets; ' LOd and. $1.00 at all dru¢gfsts. write the (;zone Co., of ' and, ,:•!lett you shut Out the sun, you Toronto, Limited, 48 Colborn68,root, Toronto. t. shut ,i It tho great vitalizer and germ destroyer. You gleed not, of course, have the sign streaming i11 all clay, but 6p+� a ®� '' �e 0 Q� one "On:altt�� ,,e let it come *,afreoly for an hoar or two I � ill the morningtTs. vNi, t�9 t1�/1 L TR t p, 0 P OIL rpo as little fgas as possible matefor lone gig purposes. It is estimated that one gas Sold 1',a A. L. tIttmiltO>ti, Druggist, Wingham dais jet consumes as hush oxygen as saxLINIMENT people, and adds to the heat, A lamp far less heat, bat snore than • � --» •' r WW�y�tan, Th�51'�.. els ses, n elertrrc light which uses acne of rho �/!�an. 3prltitlt Cute, '' oundr� Ultcrs� room's oxygml. Luckily, the hours of „r,l. C9pta iltt eaitr Stlfi Joititej $lta itrid sill !mer daylight are s7 long that sane I has he TO ,.ANY A�DDR •i�,SjS ,' ILL a #t4 coueA4 cold$, cofittAdfod - usually nl� the tittle needs,. to �� AItY S ` r for 1Vetiral s.L iuAi%dt#tl,rf work or read,,before the darkness collies, I • 11902, poor printing. 'The quality of its stationery is .the index'to its worth. Custome'ts and the public generally want no better sign than neat and attractive printing. THE TIMES Presses are prepared to furnish just what is wanted in. Leiter Heads Slaielie ills Bili !wends ld amaranduills 1101; Heads Envelopes i 1 end all Office Supillies. ( is not always the best kind to got ; but if you get good printing, and at a moderate price, you will then have the best, We have every facility for turning out good worit in the shortest time. The of0ee is equipped with fast jobbers, card and paper cotters; stapling mach'ne and all modern conveniences. IF -YOU WANT r Programmes Wedding Stationery Catalogues Busincss Notices 'Calendars' or ,Auction Tills (FIVE 'US A CA l ill. G-trtiip, &m Throot QCtiaeeyf Vfiopjag and regaliresl�.ittle artificial light, t it !inti all ?"WSvt�If3tlp'e. Dowt 11406t your sleeping -room. to stare Cents- THE T IMES 1 ' � � �✓ I`itig itt ac lnnatt ittlpol�ttaavit cion',. A; '" t`l"'1"lC.�, $1811% tion ltvtulfghlo � _ ,, .. tl�t dtG'1�g tlrm Ili wh�olt i ti , �' �' ,�. "wC16. r - �' •� ii,