HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-07-12, Page 14
rk^AoMAAAAAAAAAAAAN1AA0k^AAA' A WrLcoiip RAIN. belong opell. of A GOOD NEWSP. 'ER—The Clinton CUSTOM AND I"LAf 11n=E Rn- -1,-!
" is a
-elebrated its 30th ORIPTS.-F 011oWirlg ate
extreme heat was oken on n ay Now Bra Jim just of the
y U
�c last by a flue Shower rain, and another birthday, It was %tablishod oil July customs receipts of the port of Goderich,
3 -
nice shower on Sund , Since the rain Pith, 1805, by t�,O. fat] or of Robt. Holmes, with its various outpor s, for the twelve 9
I'Dinner 11 we have been treated o it few days of' I U. P,, the present pr )prietor. Its present months ending Julie 3C h, 1901, togeth- — -1
bearable summerwo ther. editor helped to get 1 ut the first number er with a similar stater �ent for the pre -
of the Now Era, so tat it has virtually vious twelve months:
%ve the
I rsoll !11
Miss Ma?pll:ersoii ill sell the balance
of her Mialllie�lryygosiit el' at cost to clear, been under the sal tout; from the 1900-10 1 1699-1000 Be sure you get the
[Sets Call early and seen L The I
bargains. beginning, The N Bra is one of the Goderioll ....... $ 9,381 8 8,1,48 81
best and come to
BRIDGEOntario and its Clinton ... 7,209 9 6,486 82
ADUTME S, -F. Gutteridge best local papers n
t Is one of the Wingham 5,405 0 6,712 15
and his workmen is week cominenced, publisher is a fine f ilow and
6 Kincardino ... 2, 4 6 7 5 2,431 47
f newspaper
work on the erecti n -6f concrete abut, best known men in. the Seaforth ....... 7,974 2 9,08259
Afinecollection, to select I
in, and the valuesare ments for the 2!ew bridge on thq business. Southampton.. 1,839V 2,023 79
Come and see for Wroxeter gravel' road, known as FOR SALE. -I offer for sale my house Lucknow P. 0. 15 00
What from, 818 `UGLASS
right. D UO
yourself. Mitchell's bridge. and five acres of land, situato on $34,426 311) $35,790 63
ALT Josephine street. CHAS. GILLESPIE. The receipts in the ont,)ort of Goderich,
9.7 piece set, ............... $ 6.6(t AT THE S Josephine
Ahe heavy
Good goods, 3 colors. wind at the time of storm on Friday THE- DRUGGI�11_
A Nmv RFsxDZXT_Tho following inland revenue divisi n. of Stratford,
OUR POET c 97 piece sets ........... U0 > evening last lifted -)art of the roof off the items from the Stratf, rd Herald of this from July 1st, 1000, to June 30th. 1001)
$8.50, $10.00, $12.b�. block in two dif Brent places. The week refers to a gentl man who has be- were as follows:
pieces were ca ed a considerable come The oil license .................... $ 170 00 for it. If you use
a ' a resident of Winghanx.
�C 100 piece Basit.. ........... 12.50 > distance. , were
Ar e quantity of barrel I I
Tains has much plea. ure in welcoming spirits ........... I ....... 2,817 44
< > staves and lie n are being received malt .... ..... .. .... 02,057 25 his your cattle will
Says: < 120 piece sets ....... ...... $16-50 this week. I U i Mr. Wright as a resdoott of Wingham- electric light in. ectio4.. 25 00
mbar of car loads of not lose in flesh or
and $18.50 C "Mr. David Wright, manager of Orr's - -
salt have bee ed during the past
If yor. want a suit of Clothes, two Weeks. mill, has received we d of his promotion $5,609 (;o milk.
I by the Canada Farnit ere Manufacturers,
Cuffs & collars, shirts or bows, The receipts for t e previous twelve
< "Out it Out and buy Our natty Limited, to the far atWirlgham. months were $5,884,�i.
Or a rag to blow your nose, <1 Shirts, collars, ties, belts and hats; "UP' The promotion car ies with it a sub. The Old Williams Stand.4
NA. Farquharson i
Go to Homuth's. to -date" our motto. HANNA & CO.
< stantial, increase it salary and the
Ic NATIRON WonKs.-The ma- TOWN C 3UNCIL. Agent G. N. W. Office.
You will find the prices light, - L Winghani factory is!= newer and bigger
chiper 0 7�t nal Iron Works is
CHINA HOUSE y a lie N one than the Str -ord concern. Mr. A special meeting, of the Town Coun-
You Will find the clerks polite, I if last
< Opp. Bank of Hamilton. being placed into ositiou as rapidly as Wright's many city ionds will be sorry oil Was held on Thu slay evening c
And materials out of sight, called by e Mayor for ,he U "HS
4L possible. The emises were lighted to lose him, but la to hear of his suc- week, c, PHOTAGRAP
Down at Homixth's. VyVVWV%0yyVVyWVVVVVVVV.VVV
y r
with acetylene as fine evening last I transaction of ord nory business, there
Ipess. He will be on ceeded here by Mr..
'Tis a cosmopolitan store, �t 11t,
o' at the door, week and the pl 't gave splendid sates -
IV. Knechtel, of Se rth. Mr. being no meeting I eld on the 1st instant., RED U ul"OED
All are welcom George McKenzie, Wingharn faction. The e for of the Tnsrs has �David Wright left -he city on Monday it being a statutor� holiday.
Old and young, the rich and poor, —AT—
not had time to 'bl it the works fort Members all present except 0o.pucillor
,th weeks, but we s tand that every-
I to commence his cities in Wingbam. Bell.
Meet at Homuth's. Has for sale, cheap, 7 lots on no! r STAR PHOTO STU1110
side of Bristle Terrace; also 1 lot on Y' I Mr. V. Knechtel, hi - successor at Orr's
If your money sack has had thing is being in readiness as mill, arrived in the sty last week. Suit- Minutes of last 3 egular Im"eOly.- were, Opp. Bruns.ivicic House, Beaver Bloc],,
"Drains" that make your heart sad east side Edward Street and other rapidly as possi able reference was Made at the Central read and adopted. Note prices per dozen
properties. A communicate from the Mayor of Cabinet,, 11sitial price, $3 00, reduced to $2.00
And you need a suit quite bad, Specials: -Boys Coats 50c, Bathing Methodist Sunday chool on Sunday to Half Cabinet, 1.25.
Go to Homuth's. Trunks 5c, Farmers' wide Straw Hats Mr. Wright's depacture, which was Toronto was read. I It invited Wingham Carte Do Visite, Uo" 1.00
'We will lead you to a pile Gc, 10c, 121,�.c and 15c. Reduced prices much regretted b3 the officers and Council to take rt in the Municipal Sunbeams, is, ,00
GENERAL RAL LO NEWS. in Straw Hats 50c for 40c. 15c for 20e, 1 These reduced prices will be continued for a
Where you pick- the latest style, 20o for 15c. NA & Co. teachers, lie having been treasurer at Conference to be liVld in Toronto at the short time only, Come now and secure good.
photos at limLqually low prices.
Both a bargainand a smile, See Halsev Park' I vertisemeut. the school for the I st couple of years. time of the Inds trial Exposition by J. MILTON GRAHAM,
Wait at Homuth's. DEATH or GRA M )WO, Friday Air. Wright was ahs a member of the soudingoneor .no. ,o representatives to Operator -
DIED IN INFANCY. here died on Fri- morning last the d occurred at the
of church choir for over three years, He the Conference.
If you want a summer vest, day last, Garter, the nfant son of Mr. home of Mr. and s. J. E. Swarts,
And you can't afford the best and Mrs. M. H. Mel dooaged 5 months Diagonal street, their nice Miss leaves with the gbod wishes of a host of McKenzie-McIiLJoo-Tha6 in the
travelling east and west and 15 days. The c it ad only been Grace Wade, youn est daughter of the Stratford friends." opinion of this Con -icil theinland towns Klondyke,
Don't go tire not getting a flee share of the public
With your dollars. ill a couple of (lays. and Mrs. Me- late Walter Wade, rmerly of Clinton. WANTED. -We offer 20c for the best
Take it down to Will and say Indoo will have i .. ympathy of the The deceased you lady was in her find 19c for. the second best Tub Of moneys being spent, and it is advisable Qfistauraw-ht
What you want and what you'll Pay; community in thei affliction. 22Dd year and had en in failing health Batter during July. Mrs. Jas. Kelly, that we send: a debate to the proposed
Wawanosb, gets first prize and Mrs. Conference to be h Id in Toronto next Next door to Advance Office.
Every day a bargain day, Ladies wishing up-to-date goods in for over a year. C Was a young lady Geo. McDonald, Grey, second prize for September, to meet with representatives Confectionery of all kinds. -
I yen to collars. Belts, Buckles, Muslins,. Gloves, Black who had made in friends during the. June. Eggs , 12c. G. E. KING. ' from other municil alities in answer to B. -cults. Fruitinseason,
Dress goods, Duck Suitings,,otc,;, call at 10 years she had en a resident of I` HAROLD 1-1. IN nXiGgY HnATs.- Mayor HowldiaWsi eqviest.-Carried.
Hato and caps for men and boys, EANNA & CO. WiDgliam, all of wh tin will join in ex- Harold H., the prope of J. E. Swarts A petition was re ad from Dr. Tam _n' LUNC , HES AT ALL HOURS.,,,,
p, to Shoes, stispenders, sox and ties I HIGHLAND PIPIX D DANCING.- tonding.sympathy t) the bereaved re- of this town won firs money in the 2.12 asking perinissign V0 attach a pi. olthe
at I, Fes to suit..
tp( am. in Season.
And a thousand novelties, I E. McDonald lative, and friends. leaves behind laid on
During the past w I She lea pacing race at Wind r oil Monday, in waterworks main now being . Bread for sale.
Down at Homuth's, and his little da g er, Miss Mabel have two brothers and o ie sister to monrn straight heats. Thc4GIObe of Tuesday John street, for th purpose of watering A call solicited.
been kept busy in filling engagements- her loss, Miss Ev; Wade and king ..1.
says as follows:- 'Tb6 - pronounced his lawn, J. W. SNELL.
nE r
we _r
For three days la week they were in Wade, of WinghamArthur Wade feature of the afters non was the per- A. E. Lloyd was present and made ap-
of Niagara Falls, in
Goderich taking art in the street fair 3. lie oral took formance of Harold I _., a Sevell-Yotir-old plication also for p-ivelege of tapping the
Hom�th & �01s demonstration. rsday of last week place on Saturday a ternoon to the that pordon of Albert street on ,vhiclL
tl gelding owned by John E. Swarts, waterworks main John. street, for the
WINGRAM. was spent at a tholic picnic at Mt. Clinton cemetery; he remains being formerly a hotelke-per, but now a purpose of obtaini ig water for the use their factory is extonc*d.
Forest and Satur, ay last was spent in I plot. The Several suggestions to reliove Messrs.
interred in the fami waggonmaker at Wkaghain. The gold- of his factory.
.1le"v -essant N%�_,re made and the.
Clinton in conne tion with the Huron was conducted by . 'Win. Lowe. in is a Canadian -Led pacer, and did , McIrdoo-McKd'uzie-That the Conn- Button and L
3rarrittge Licenses Old Boys' dem(-nstration. Both Mr. Far ale M1 Turnberry, 3 miles not staftuntil last -Oar, when he ad- oil grant Dr. Tanlyn. the priveleve of following motion pas%ed:-
and # Miss Mathel secured from , -12 Viam, corner lot, 70 acres McIndoo-McKeiiz —That the Mayor
Issued by FnAt$rx PATERSON- No. 23 Victoria i McDonald WiAr vanced from the grEr-Ii class to a mark tripping the main an John street near I
,street. Wingham, Out. No witnesses required. 'several prizes for piping a dancing in cleared, good buildings, school on lot, obtain the advice o - our Solicitor to
of 2.11yt at Colxlr�bus, Ohio. This residence and ai�acbibg a small pipe
Goderich. and Clinton. $4000. Apply to A Dulmage, real Messrs. Battolic',- Fe--sant's factory be -
41 estate agent, Wingliam: season he has taken part in but one race thereto plot he makes arrange-
rrange- ing a few feet on Abort street to see
Aimua leading Sale I . he contractor,
it ...... King's Great Aimua y 13th n Every RrsprCT�D REBID :NT 'There previous to to -day, but the manner in tilentswith, -ft 11iiie, t
+ commences Saturda -a Patrick street oil which he stepped away, from a good also PrOvid6dillo kipe so attached is not what-, the Council cai do in the matter,
+ .1 Messrs. Button & Fc:saxlt to pay the ex -
in_ le-zi.
al f 3th -
� y�
+ "Business Knowledge" and "Everlast- + department full of rains, You can't died at her home c
+ avoid making moue Small folders give Sunday morning, Ali -e Ludlow, beloved field shows that he s a great possibility brought above the surface of the ground
+ ing Push win + 0 pauses ot obtaining t ie advise, -Carried,,
+•detailed list of slashing reductions. ecompatiled by the until further peridssion from the Conu- 0
+ wife of Halsey Park, aged 48 years and in the big circuit. Council then adjo irrued.
+ + Terms cash. G. E. KING.
0- 1 3 months. Deceased tach been seriously Buffalo mare, Emm M., he went to the cil is obtained. *so that A. E. Lloyd
+ + I 1 0
+ AUTOMOBILE Mo 1894 the ill for a number of )r,.-,eks, and had not quarter of the first h t in .30%, and to have the privele-( of tapping the main The following is v list of gam,,,s yet (;6
-110 bas::ball. league:
ey Li"lling her oft and a
. o pa
-t any been"in the best of itealth for overa, the half in 1.01%,
+ Deering Harvester set about near his factory, lot water for factory be played in t
+ the task of b an Automobile use, provided he ci a make arran-ments
.1. uriltlg, year. She had bee. t suffering from having the rest to hii-tself, Hotel)( 1 0' 18 Wiugbam at Drayton.
+ It has paid others to attend the Mower and on ars will have an lauliemia. Deceased, who was a most in 2.10Y4, audwon th� third heat ban-..- with Mr. Clitie, tit 3 contractor, and pro- 41 "' 5 Ilarristowat Palmerston.
fig nothing at bud vided he van mak.- arrangements with. 20 Drayton at Wingham.
opportunity of leeilig how they have highly respected resid ut of the town, ly in 2. there bei
+ succeeded as on of the mowers will give to drive him out." ( at readers will be the Lessees of the urplus water at the
+ was born in Onadag Brant county, Aug't 8 Palmerston at Wingham,
+ Central Business College + f cutting grass on D. s to dam for the 14 Win -ham at Harriscon.
+ * an exhibition and was married to 4r. Par'k. 29 years anxious to know whel. i Harold H. I' a water I The parties to whom 41
Stratford, Ont. + Stewart's farm on Saturday afternoon ago. She and Mr. Park moved to Wing- race in the fature. Dhiahas been euterecl these priveleges are given to pay all the Mr. J. ViT. Boni, onservative Al. P.
+ ofthis week. --he Automobile Mower ham 23 years ago and she h b the 2.11 pace at Do! -oit for July 19th; expenses coiinecte(. therewith. -Carried. for Addington, C (I at the family.
and it will pay you. our students are + 0
remarkably successful in securing nlid + is an ordinar. Deering Ideal Mower, resident of the town d ging ti I pace at Cleveland Da July 20th and rINANCE C031111ITTED. residence in Destm d.
it excellentsituations. Beareful + that
holding equipped with & 6 horse power gasoline with the exception of 5 y ars. De eas the 2.11 pace at Col mous qn.. August
in o rselection of it school. Ex -stud- + The Finance Co:amittee recommended Clilltoll conticil quarrelling as to
encs of other business c Ile es are now engine. Farm xs and others shoitld take The purge at Dftroit and Cleve- payment of the fo'towing accounts:- where they sliall la he new granolithie
was n. member of the M odist church 2nd.
in attendance. a our school. Como to en loving wife, land is $1,500 and a Columbus it is
this college an e ill narantee to + advantage of tl is opportunity of seein �i and was a fond mother V. Vanuormaii, sElary ......... $ 42 00 sidowalks-some o e members advo.
thorouchl prepare o or u,in,,,, + the Automobi o Mower in opera 1. and the many friends s had madoin 02,000. J. B. Ferguson, s&lary .......... 112 501
life. We e in genuine business e u- + ow afi carina the inside an others the outside
cation; we e Nothing to do wit], the + Messrs. Elliott -3ros., are the Joe !agent, p"tago ......... 2 50 m
grin ham and elsewher 11 be sorry to M . o de trees. L
for tile Deering ops tate cougl1i Mrs. Coad, salary .............. 17 of the shade trees. ie majority carried
+ S"Cliat�r"fl.cra6r catnlo us, .1. hear of her death. leaves the fol- btudents admitted N any time. + stund ivorks off t1le COUL Win. Guest, salary, 20 00 for the outside.
+ + FOUNV.-Iu Lower Win alil,OPPOsito lowing family:- Maurice, I of Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a cold in R, Dinsley, specia �o,iis*Ca*b,*1c,.* 2 2r-,
+ Thos. Carruthers', n J 4th, a parcel Essex; Annie May, 110 Mrs. V, Wen- onediy. No Care, no Pay. Price 25 cents. Goo. Rnby, 14 it 1. 1. 2 26 His ExecIlenoy, th Governor-General
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal..;.so 0 has ordered the disc
+ containing 41� y S home spun dross School Board, leo r ............. 0 0 e disc rfra, of FreCtElliott
+ goods. Owner ca ave game by apply- zol, of town, and John A., Alice Maud, C. A. Campbell, st ppiies and tile 15 75 of B.Ayfield, who %va- -011ie time el -.O was,
........................ �++ ing at the Timns office and paying ex- Florence Bell, Ariel G rtrude, Norman Co., for ane... ....... 32 50 committed tted to King ton in conuei.ticm
pentes. Roy and Coral Maxgu ite are at home. labor, d 63 Globo andwith 11tho umforna to killin� of his
Any orders for sales left at the Timrs No DOCTOR � E�111).;�A nl,,v disease: One son, William Ge rge, (lied a nxiiii- &lbx. Ross, advt: r -n,
DAT TANG ZEI�vloo�,L s.
J. 'el Notwithstanding ber of years ago. The funeral took place I Mail .. ....... ......... • .. 2;), .18 brother. The term. w,. shortened by good.
office will. receive prompt attention. has been disco V Next door to Post CflleO. F. Patterson, rOpal ........... 1 255 behavior.
J. Currie, auctioneer. the lateness of e discovery the diseasA on Tuesday afternoo to the Wirgliam. A Porter, streets .. ......... 2
To Tim DrAr.---A rich lady, cured Of has been in ex stence for many years. cemetery. Service as held in the H. B, Elliott, princii - and advtg 10 N
her Deafness and Noises in the Head by With some pe le the malady has be- M*odist church in the afternoon and S. Mitchell, labor ... ........ 3
I Wingliam's Lea-u–ing S ioe store.
Dr. Nicholson's Artificial Ear Drnms, come chronic. It grows upon one grad- the chift-oh wag fllle( with people, The oe Beattie Bros., gravel 11 90
W. Pattisou, drayin ..... ..... 25
M 00
dollars to his Institute, so that -e the person be- service was conducmd by Rev. TS:,T. S.
gave 25000 ually) but Six ly, one Call. Fur. Co., Pum ing.....
Rev. A. E. Prior. lb, 15 02 Shoos 1. 8 h 0 es
deaf people unable to procure the Bar comes As a usual thing it Burwash, assisted b. John Hamilton labo on str,.ots.
es hoft d. Co., care f clain ..... 8 33
Drums may have them free. Address, a person one day, but lasts The pall beaters N -.ere Messrs. Robt. Howson &
The Nicholson Institute, 780 Eighth only a short into at each visit. Its ex- McIndoo, W. H. Gd Feu Win. Fcs',2011t, In CHILDHOOD Town Band, open ni concert,.... 5 00
Avenue, Newyork. trema perio o nature is the most pocul- Saml, Bennett, JoIn. 0. Conery and Newton -Holmes That the report of AWAY THE'Y 03.
LEGISLATIVE SO OOT, GRANT. - Tho iar part of it. Sometimes one of the gentler Goo. Cruickshank. ocense as a sis* has blighted the Finance Committ e be adopted and
the account paid. -Ca tied. Out, policy is to clear them out at any -
following is the le Blative school grant sex gets a t oil of it, but it has a strong ter of Mrs. Jos. C do of town, Thedaoaanan many lives The Mayor report d that Inspector price before they got stale
for 1001 for the ions municipalities liking for a, young, old antl middle- bereaved husband, sisters, brothers, EYES because iXerrhadmadeallet;t' atofor proflrecq Better to sell the odds and onas wbon:
0 art of a
aged. So ts, P
inthe colinty: A ifield,$343;Colborno, aged. Soln people even in Southampton sons and dan(grliters d her aged father, I WANT them. and gilt 1),
$222; Goderich, 97, Grey, $418, Hay, become a cted with it. Here it Strikes who is now 191viug tit Airs. Code, will MUM the pain caused payment to the Nati tial Iron Worl prefe"', than keep them till pooplo don't
Limited; the estima 0 wa.1 $5,450, u want theta -and all the time after -and
"O'r in' aln'
T y 4th'
', Co.Vvea b
a S 0
g Of
some ex
e pe
b gn ly'
�t d
J.bf a e.
Ott into
_It Sometimes
'011 0
0 T , " young,
A 11 a people
" 9�
cted 1
41 0, tly the sympathy the community in
$583; H $4 6- Hullott, $839; Me- a person 8 1 ortly before I I oclock. on Sun- have FREE let. tboin go to waste on Our shelves.
ow,c C) is i g and.1 h thereby cheque for $3,000 had on issued,
1rillop, $,313, Vo" is, $306 *, Stanley, $264; day morni g ftiid�perphaps again just pro. their affliction. Th following relatives That's not our way.
Ick, The Chairwan of tl o Water Worbs We Loop our stnek cloau b -
Stephen, $463.; ckersailith, $308; East vious to i oclock in. the evening. Have from a distance atto ided the funeral:- -produces y carving
Committee reported tit b the C0111111ittee, MIA pri"oq whell we want to see goods,
waWallosh, $23 Clinton, $300; Goder- you ever lad its If so, you do liob need Mrs, Z. S. Smith, Of Simeoc, mother of an aversion to had lot the Contract lot laying water I movu (I i, I:,
ich, $442; sel, corth, $290; Wingham, a doctor Just got your wife, or vise Mr. Park; Mrs. C Co. Mitson and J. Works mMils on Albertkind Solin streets, 812.1,1 OUR DARGA19 TA13L , E.
field, 1; 0; Illyth, $108; Brits- versa, to Stick a. pin in you once or twice Park, of Shnco6, b -other and gist (-, f
060; Bay P 1 study. as r resolution of Cox neil at 89l.lcents Rni%IB INIBrull-Wosow frw, r I view in shoots
BOIS, $151, Exe or, $227" Herisfill, $110; and the malady will disappear. -South- Mr, Park; Goo, lindlow and wifePC bought of 1%9.
'r foot-
Wro\etor, $54 'West WaWatiosh, $288; ampton.3catcon. Catheart; Win. Lu 'low, of Mt. Vernon; The haibkward child too ofteil PC
So Ludlow, of r3: �, Win. ressant waa ill"'setit and sk-Aed TrunIts And Valises phmp.
Separate schoc-_1 rig follows: Ashfield, XoNty To LOAN.-MOI10y to loan On John viu;,Rich- Ludlow, bedornes the unsuccctsful nion, that It was t I the oanwla
a re it of Caledonia, all br )thors of Mrs. Park;
J E, DAVIS y 11
$47; Hay $42; Hullott, $11; MCM1101p, n0t0S,Alld notes 14iscOunted t age acture, Tabrited, that
able rates. Mone advanced On 2110rt- Mrs. Win. David;on, of Brigdori, W
-1j,�VWCStWawftu0Sh, V5 gages, with privi 0ge of payllig at tho
$14; Stephen, -, e gal the Chair factory o0mide oil tl) &1bort
- �110 total grant to to the ond of any year. Notes find aCCoullts ' street about Otir feet, , -I vvb nt'i'A to
si,;t(,r at Mrs. Park - Mrs. 11. P. Lan 3AN, so
public 80110011- of Huroik is $5,146 and colleeted. Offico—Beirver Block, Wing-; Of Waterford, dat liter of Mr. Par),,. 1 1 14!&" &,
thgt to septira 0 SC110018, I . t1771- liam. now. MCINDoo. I and HAIsey Mauricillotrk,,&f -Usaex. GRAM. know it the Connell Could grant, V14,1111