The Wingham Times, 1901-07-05, Page 64 4^44 11 4461 M 41^414 AA4%4(VJ 0 U 44 X ty) W11 t. INTABLIsaul) Isno. IVOAXOSA., "CANADA FOR EVER III Henry Ward Beecher said of the Am!- OhIldren Cry for A RECIPE FOR HOLIDAYS, Ta WiN,' out capital, Quebec, that it was '-a bit sir wiirrI4 Laurier braices a. 3.kPat,;.tl, A 1% fina Tin& Sperselkax 4aoatrovgl� TnE WINQUO, Tin& The followhig Outely article *4011 41, R- FZLIOTT, Pur"1.18111114 AND FIROrItIrTon Of aledlao"I Europe perched upon a Cm ST 00' KL I A . appeared in the Globe oil Tuesday will rock and dried for keeping,'* or Some. Montreal, June 27.-"Cailada. first, is PUBLISHED no doubt prove of interest to our. thing of tile Same effect. Perhaps tile Canada for ever, not i but Ca a," VTN DIREff Off. MORNING P111DAY. JX 0. 1901. h Ila nad T011 EVERY FRIDAY readers-. same words are too strong to apply t4 were tile words with which Sir Wilfrid ' -XV- Formosa,althougli it's ona rock and has Laurles, conclud a Lk brief bat eloquent BAPTisr Cuuncu-Siibbath, i The T! In many families an overinastering, e $,cry COS at Times Office, Beaver Block question just now is, Where shall we ONTAU10 muintat. rLxTriowm, good keeping qualities, but it certainly Address during the St, Jeau Baptiste I I a in and 7 P in, Sunday Sell 014, 2*8 o t WINGHAM, ONTARIO. L The VR'rly 8(ittleinclit Of *thy UIIGC- is A bit of Germany transplanted in entertainment in the Monument Nation. 0 lit. General prayer meeting spend our sualiner holidays? Tbereare-11I on wodnehday evenings. ROv. W. no end of' places to choose from, but the IN 'CUPictl 1111lds of t1io province by coloulza- Canada and flourishing in the new soil. a'- 11"vill9cOmParOol tile state Of III$ Frood, pastor. W. J. Chapman, 8, S, TFIR)"s OPSullsOR111411ON-U-00 per annum in very multiplicity of choice makes the tion and byproj-etionof raffivals, into About 20 miles north of Blaevale, and country and of his race at the present u advance, fl -60 if 114 so paid. No paper discon perinwildeut, tinuvol til all arrears aro patoll except at the tas NOW Ontario, about live or six front Teeswater, in the day, and during the troublesome times M=9ODIS!r CIMAOU-Sabbath services option of tile publis k of ellooSbIg all the more bfiwilder.- On tile S tit 11 a m, and 7 p in, Sunday School at Auvwmaw ing'. It has been frequently remarked G RATZ8. - Legal and other 2. To manufacture within tile pro. county of Bruce, is this village of ]''or- Of 1834, wh t. Alan Baptiste As' 2.30plu� EpworthLeagno every Mon , (11811111 advertisements Hoper woupariellint, for that the chief joy contlect ld with going Thice, and so far as liractimble by Cane mesa, One drives through Belmore and SOOlation was founded as a measure.. Of day evening. General prayerfirst for enoltsubsootuent IlleOting insertion. away on a holiday is the blessodness of Adiall. labor of tho proancti of our for. Ambleside -what a pretty nauic!-aud protection, 110 continued. on Wednesday evenings, Rev. Richard * dVcrtISQl1a0lltN in local columPa'are charged Hobbs, pastor. le'. per lint) 1or firHt Insertion, and & cents gists, Such as pine and spruce, into latub. on through, pleasant country and pros, "We have no longer to Right for Our Dr. Towler, S' S' SUP. pert,111;le for vach subsecittent liviortion, getting back to your own house again, r1glits, since Nve possess them in a 1 11 their erilitencient. but even this exquisite pleasure you can- er kind pulp, and the satelthig and refla- perous farms. Good big barns but poor- Pali�suy=mrAx CHUR09-Sabliath Advertisuments of Lost., Found, StrVed, not*reillize unless you go a-,vay. 0 houses are the rule and the nearer fullness. But we have dutids to fulfill. vices at 11 a in flad ser" I'arms for Salo OrtoReutoind at hir ing of our mineral products,s lich as iron er $1 for Sunday firstiliouthund 60 cents for eall'i Vsequont The chief benefits that a Summer holi.. 7 pill, Ill all nickel and copper ow, for the markets One gets, to Formosa the more general is Canada is no longer a colony, but a lia. School at. 2,86 P in. General prayer month. Oil , of bar. oil Wednesday evenings, Rev CONWACI RATIts-aliefollowing, Is this rule. Far out hL the country one ti011, It is a country Of concord, Ill 'ingi 0111 rates fOl' rho ills tob allows ol.4 Ought to Yield are change, rest and of the world. Do"Verr 6, pastor and $. S. 84erinte�- for specified prIOd,:1_(rt'On` of advertisements frotedom from care, so far as that is at - 8. The increase of our agricultural (.-cold see the silver glitter of what after. molly, of peace. It is a land blessed by dent. tainable in ltd world, The pleasures wealth by improwd methods of has- Avards proved to be the cross on the vil. those who live in it, and . envied by those SPAOIC, I YR. 6mo. 8mo Ilm ires of ST. PALIL'S CHUB�O.H, E pisoopAL-Sall- Ons Oolumn.... ...... sco.00 $85,00 ex vices I Halfcolunin .......... 85.00 $15-60 $R.M change are a familiar phenomenon, bandry, fruit growing, dairyiug, cold l4gechmoh. Just on the edge of the lyhOd011Ot. It country where bath S, at I P, in and 7 p ni, Sun- is OD 10.00 4 w ,storago and the production of best rout town the sight is 'very beautiful. One ferent races meet and struggle and work day School at 2:80pin, Generalprayer Quarter Column ..... � 18.00 IO:Q0 IIA Bo Even where the Change is notalwayo Advertisements without apparently for tlie-better, the novelty meeting on willboillsertooltillforbidan charged,necord. sugar, and by rxclainiing tbo undrained stands on a large high hill, with green In a fruitful rivalry, a Country . Wednesday evening.' Re 2 ootfio directions where Win. Lowe, incumbent. F, Shore, S. S, Ing Transient advertisements must be paid 900S A great way towards making it lands of the province. fields and sloping orchards on the left the races have realized that thing unique Superintendent. for inn advance, rade with and blinking among y w4orp. hin the world, fraternity AbCOXG1=GATIO1.qiL CHURC9.-Sabbath THR Toll DnPA,.ftTXpNT is 8bO,k,d.ivItlz an SWOOt. We see people exchange all the 4. The extentiox, of our t Services at I I am and 7 PXtens; e assortment of all requisite4for print- comforts of their dining -rooms, going Great lk-tainia till naturalpruducts,but, the trees. Far li�loir the rough grey tion uIlloll, without fusion, ' p in. Sunday ing, nPording facilities not equalled in the School at 12 in. -Midw6ek meetingon countyfor turning out first class work. Large pionicing. Sitting tailor4ashioll while especially incattle, horses and dressed rocks, house mounted, and the road France and England, it is true fought Wednesdry evenings at 8 o'clock, lGavin type and a ropiff te cuts for anstylos of Post- t1i3y eat amateur sandwiches and stir, 0111h,,Halld Wills, etc,, and the latest styles of -eye. for a long time on the American coutin-, Wilson, S.S.S,S, Supt.; A. U, c 0 meat, winding in and out wherever it can get I Prior, pastor. 11 InnOY'type for the finer classes of print quas, 5. The disposal of our forest wealth, all opening to trail itself. Away beyond cut, but in the struggle which ended in SALVATION A=rr-&,rviOO at 7 and . 11 ing, tionable tea the knife,'just used With a vWw to its perpetuation by refor- the village another great hill and the • I our defeat our race experienced no a in and 3 and 8 p in on Sunday, and H. B. ELLIOTT, for luttering. bread. And the newness, every evening during the week at 8 Proprietor and Publisher of things atones for all the defects, For estry, timber reserves and parks. church atop of it. humiliation, since if the resolution and o'clock at the barracks. the same mysterious pliysohologioal 6. Th -3 m1provemomt of transportation The carriage goes slowly along, ev,ry tenacity of the English were crowned' CIMISTIAN7 AND MISsioxAny ALLrANcn, one in it exclaming at the rough qllaint with success never perhaps (lid French -Meetings as follows: S. S. at 2. 80 p. BANK of "AMILTON re -1801's they desert comfortable beds by the b tter construction of highways H and file removal of tolls. little place, past the photographer's, valor shine with greater brilliancy. Our al. Fellowship at 4 9. in., and even- and luxurious bath -rooms to sleep on gelistic at 8 p. in., every Sunday in W I N G H A M. cots and bathe in muddy -bottomed 7. The regulation of rates for passell. w here the queerest little picture of boys race has continued to show its worth. Ritchie's Hall, Victoria St. Capital. $2,000,000. Rest, $1,234,120 lakes, And the experience is that if gars and freight. oil all railways subsidiz- in men's clothes are displayed past the For every English statesman in our POST OriPIOE-in Macdonald Block. President",Totrx sTuAr.T, the do jollily and, with a determin - edbyth�a province, -iwl the ultimate sawmill, with its pond and the steps country we have been able to set up one Office hours from 8 a m to 6:800 p in. vice -President -A. G. RAwsiLT. leading down to it, and past the tinshop of our own. By the side of Baldwin we, Peter Fisher, postmaster. ation to be pleased they are benefitted in control of stich raflwtrys, at the opt -ion and other stores. We put our horses in placod Lafontaine, by the side ITECITAXICS' INSTIZUTE-Library andt ID-ERI-10'rons some unfathomed way. of the Legislature. It Mac- free reading room in the Town Hall, John Proctor, Goo. Roach, Win. Gibson, M.P. S. The application of public revenues care of the fat host of the Culross hotel. donald, Cartier, by the side of Maokeu� •will be open every afternoon from 2 to A. T. Wood, M.P., A. B. Leo (Toronto). It is particularly to be desired, ]low. for file of of t he province and The Culross not a German name but be- zie, Dorion. 5:45 o'clock and every evening from 7 to Cashier -T. TURNhULL. ever, * that care should be left behind. longing to the adjoining township, 42as "Yes, I love my country because it re- I If You cannot leave that behind, better• the relief of the vixilayers. 9'80 O'clock- Miss Millie Robertson, savings B..k-Hours 10 1*0 8; Saturday, 10 to Stay at home. librarian. If need be, 9. The revision from time to time as Iloyemy country be- TOWN COUNCIL -Wm. Clegg, Mayor; interest allowed. outside as well as inside stairs, and cub- sembles no other. to 1. Deposits of $1 and upwards received and summoll. the public, interests may require, of the by holes wherever you turn. The steps cause even in the difficilltiou which arise Win. Rdlines, Thos-, Bell, Robt. Mo- Special Deposits . also received at current Your will and banish it. Do not create laws goverilitig the municipal and poli- areas white as bone and scrubbed so it calls forth the noblest. resolutions, the Indoo, G. A. Newton, John A. McLean, rates of intorest. fresh cares at your place of rest. In tical institutions of the province and the thin that someday soon somebody will. strongest the most generous qualities of GOO. McKenzie, Councillors; J. B. Fer- Drafts on Great Britain and the United order to do this, do not,for example, incur g% Y @ Clerk and Treasurer; Samuel States Bought and sold. q greater cost than you feel that you improvement and enforcement of all step through them. We were taken to man. I love my country above all be- 1; Assessor; Win. Robprtson, Col- Travellers nre notified that the Bank of Ham }niton and its Branches issue Circular Rates o can afford. 'Make up your mind what laws affecting public morality. the sitting room where there was aero- I cause it is unique in the world, because lector. Board meets first Monday even- National Provine.jol Bank of Briqland, Limited it Ought to cost you, and than spend 10. The maintenance of the indepen- fusion of red geraniumes, a parrot, and ibis founded on respect; for rights, oil ing in each month at 8 o'clock. which can be cashed without tharge or tron- a of the Legislative Assembly as the a fellow playing "The girl I left behind pride of origin, on harmony and concede SCHOOL BOARD. -C. N. Griffin, (chair. blO In any Ptil't Ofthe world. That with royal good -will. Say to your - man), Thos. Abraham, J. J. Elliott, J. J. W. CORBOULD, Agent self, if you can, I have, worked faithfully guardian of the constutional rights of. me)"on a violin. We thought ourselves between the races who inhabit it. Our I-loalubil, WI-A..Moore, H. Kerr, Thos. R. L. DICKINSON. Solicitor. and wall during the past year, and my the province. upstairs, but, as the hotel is built' on the pride refuses to follow longer the beat- Bell, Win. Button. Secretary, Win. 11. The application of Sound principles side of a hill, all one has to do is to wall- On paths. Henceforth we must march Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. F J P. REINITMyS.O. wife. (if you are so fortunate as to have Ferguson. f i Mel. 1).. M, C. P. 8 o (Member of he British Medical Associa- one) has been immersed in her worrying of education to the courses of instrac- through a curions, unused looking along other roads and toward other Kori- Meetings second Tuesday evening in each •tion.) Gold medallist in Medicine. 8 00 mouth. attention paid to diseafu-s of Women and 8hildt'l household Caves, and my Children have tion in all our schools and colleges, in- kitchen, at the back- of the sitting room, zons. Let us have in view only the do- PUBLIC SCHOOL TEAc =ursa Bs. -A. H. ron. Office ho eluding technical schools for those con- and one is in the yard outside. 0 velopment, the prosperity, the grandeur Musgrove, Principal, Miss Robertson, -1 to 4 P. in.: 7 to 9 P. M. I puzzled their little brains over their MACDONALD, school books. Lot us cerned in industrial pursuits, agricultur- 'We heard that we were just in time of our country. Let us keep in our Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Mi R. go forth to the for an afternoon service in the church 'Canada fl , Comyn, Miss Vaustone, Miss Matheson fields and the woods, and for a few days al schools for those concerned in hus- hearts this thoiaght:rSt,0an- and Miss Reid. Centre Street be once more children of nataro. Then bandry, and schools of mining and en- Nothing but Canada. I I On our way up we pass more stores, the ada for ever; BOARD OF HEALTH -Ma or Clegg, Wingliam, post office, dwelling houses, parents and Ontario. come back; and, looking around the old- giseering where a wider range of scion- (chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg - children out playing croquet, the con- Haggard Yellow Oil is a useful cry, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, Sec- familiar household gods and.the well. tifle knowledge is required. vent, built far back, from the road, and remedy to have in any house. It is good retary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical DR. -AGNEW, belbved books An the shelf, say, Therels• for man or beast Relieves pain, reduces Health Officer. Physician, Surgeon, etc. no place like home. the big hotel, which, we were told con- swelling, allays* inflammation, cures Office -Macdonald Block, over J. E. Davis, Good health is impossible without tains the largest bar -room in Ontario. cuts, burns, bruises, sprains, stiff joints, Drug Store. NigliteiLlIsanm,,,oredattheoinde regular action of the bowels. Lana- Of this we are not sure, however. IM17SRS. W. H. HELE Per- etc. Price 25c. , New life for a quarter. Miller's Com_ Liver Pills regulate the bowels, cur& haps the good people of Formosa boast R, VANSTONE, a pound Iron Pills. Sold by Colin A. constipation, dyspepsia, biliousness, sick e, message to Young Men. Classes in China Painting. Campbell. headache and all affect -ions of the organs their big bar -room in somewhat the Oil and Water Colors. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, RTC. of digestion. Price 25 cents. All drug- same manner we, of Bluevale, boast of "In perils in the city." What atemp- Also a now revelation kiln for firing china. r Private and Company funds to loan at lowest gists• our cheese. But, be that as it may, it is tation there is there to bet and gamble Studio at her home, Catherine Street. ate of interest. No commission charged. Mort• a large looking place. The people are and trifle with other people's moneyl .90mes, town and farm property bought and Office, Beaver Block. Wingham. To Destroy the Caterpillar, flocking to church, children, grownups, You do not suppose that a young man In a letter to the Galt Reformer, Mr. old men and old women, indeed very makes up his mind to be a thief. In E. ESTELLE CRIFFIN WINGILM i t h that k h t insances e knows ahe J. A. MORTON, Alex Goldie gives the following useful old man and women, all climbing the many BARRISTER, &c., information and will be found helpful to. long high hill which none but devout honest in purpose, and lid says that, if TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE. Wingham, OnC.' many of our readers in fighting he can only succeed, no man shall lose a ,,the eat- Roman Catholics would struggle up on Is erpillu pest: a hot day. All the old women wou low penny by him; he will Aly back his Pam prepared for Conservatory of Music L. DICKENSON, judgment against some other man's exaniinations. . C1. If everyone in town were to thorough- shoes, blue -grey stockings, and short own BARRISTER, ETC. ly go over the trees on their own prop- drown Cr black skirts with a deep tuck judgment. He says. What harm can SGliCitOl' to Bank of Hamilton. Money to loan, arty and also of those, on the boulevards in them to le -there be in my setting up my s VIOLINAND CUITAR. Office -Meyer Block, Wingham. b down when they grow. sagacity . , 0 against the sagacity of some other man? MISS CARRIE ' MORE wwo near them, and destroy every cocoon They all keep jabbering away in Ger- '9' found, it would have a very marked ef- man. The children are much more He says that such and such issues will of London Conservatory of Music, will be pre- ARTHUR T. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. F pared after Oct. 1st to receive alimited num- feet ozzli the number of caterpillars nest modem in appearance. They come take place,I say they will not take place, ber of pupils for instruction on Violin and Doctor of Dental Sur6ery of the Pennsylvania Guitar. Dental College and , contiate of the Ronal year, as each cocoon produces about 200 streaming up to the front of the church we stake a hundred pounds upon the Residence-oppo%ite R. C. Church, Wingham. Collem of Dental SurT "ons of Ontario. office over ostOffice,Wing am. There is a noted difference- cate�;illars. with their clean little faces, brightly consequences; have I not a right'to back Office closed every Wednesday afternoon . Professor Loolihead spoke of the bor- trimmed hats and frizzy hair, pop down my judgment against his. PIANO AND THEORY. during June, July and August. in the style and fit of Pants we, er beetle and showed me some of its on one knee and get seated, the boys on No, you have not; you have no right MISS SARA LOUISE MODRE, L.C.M. W T. HOLLOWAY$ D.D.S., work. The best way to stop this beetle the right side, girls to the left. The to do anything that will burn up your L.D.S. mare that always brings peo- ,Ej6 ma Z>S ex - from doing damage is by coating the organsoundslike a fine one and the brain; you have no right to give your, and,member of the Associated Musicians of New method for painless ex- I I Ontario, is prepared to receive a limited num- traction. No Cocaine, ple back for another.pair. trunk of the tree from the roots to the choir isgood. Close by it is the priest's Self a fever; you have no right so to her of pupils for instruction on Piano and in Special attention to the care and regulation Theory of children's teeth. Moderate prices and all ,E branches with a compound of which the fine residence, and behind is the burial Strain your nervous system that you spall attention given to pupils preparing work carefully and skilfully performed. Office Then there is the low price - e shall lose every faculty of manhood and for ea, inatio, in Beaver Block, Wingham. -constituents have already been publish- ground, where every cross is inscrill d 11 18 Office *Sed every Wednesday afternoon and better quality of cloth put. ed, but which will bear repeating, viz: in German. The church would do credit subject yourself to all the humiliation Re8idence-opposite R. C. Church, Wingham. I during June, July and August. One pint of crude carbolic acid to a to a city. It has a congregation of two of the most pitiable imbecility. The t1"J1J111111 Ill I . JOHN RITCHIE, in them -cloth that wears. ,quart of soft soap, or one pound of hard thousand and keeps two priests busy. It question does not lie between A and 11111111!t'11'1� J. J. Elliott, V. S. .soap, dissolved in two gallons of boiling was built around the old church, the between this man and that man; the 11 Honorary Graduate of GENE RAL INSURANCE AGENT, See- our ifew goods and prices. fil Ontario Veterinary Wingham, Ont. water. services -being continued until the new question touches the whole uniderse,and College. To be effective this Should be done church was complete. no man has any right to do anything Office and Infirmary P, DEANS, Jit. at Golley's old stal-ly, within the next two weeks. It will be The whole place and suarounding that will infect and vitiate the air of Victoria St., Wingham:WEBSTER & 600, impossible for the town authorities to country is German and Roman Catholic. society. You cannot be fortunate in Day and night calls LICENSED AUCTIONEER promptly attended to, 'for the County of Huron. SA -3 attended In go over all the trees on the streets and We asked a man if there -,vote any Prot- batting'and gambling. Telephone connection. any Part Of t116 County- Chargea moderate. boulevards, but if every citizen will do a extents in the place at all. He replied, There is no prosperity in wickedness. I'0 PATENT Good 109at may be secured by share and look after those near him, we somewhat Irish like, that there was just It looks like prosperity, it has all the ap- FARMERS JOHN CURRIE, WINGRAM, Clirr, our aid. Address, =y be able to preserve intact the shade one and she moved away two years ago. pearance of it, but though the men you and anyone having live Stock or other LICENSED AUCTIONEER. THE PATENT RECORD, trees that do so much to make our town Every man, woman and child spoke to speak of be clothed in purple and line articles they wish to dispose of, should adver. Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Implements a Baltimore, Md. tiro the same for sale in the Timiss. Our large specialty. beautiful. us and nodded, As the first to do this linen, and fare sumptuously every day, circulation tolls and it will bestrap le indeed if All orders left at TnE TIMES office pt�omptly 50 on do not got a Ousto YLARS* I r t me . Wocan' guarantee attended to. Terms reasonable. were gay young fellows we thought it all ends in, 'lie died, he was buried, Ila I= will sell because you may ask more EXPERICNCE them rather free and a trifle impudent, and in hell lie lifted up his eyea,being in for t e article or stool, t �:n it is worth Bond PRINTING, mi your advertisement to t o TImEg and worth. this J033 but soon learned that they do it from tortnent,11-a poor odding, a . serable plan of disposing of your stock and other inchid%ft Books, Pamphlets, pogters, Bill. surgeons Munfley. civility and politeness. The school and denouement. articles. Herds, Mroubirs, &0., &d., executed in the be A at nearly everything has a cross Oh, to have'lived to this cabastr Style Of the art, at moderate Prices, and on GroorwilnZ for Pilots.. upon it. ophe I short notice, You'll not believe that anywhere near Tell me, is it worth your while? you BOOKISMIlING.-We are pleased to announce that any Books or Magazines left with us for Wle Risk, rain surd 1.0%ilenge of an you is a Spot with such a foreign air un. say you only bet a little, That is impos. F Binding, -ill have our propir Overittion Avoided b7 rging Dr. it attention TFIADC MARKS til you see it. It is easily getatable; Able. A man cannot bob a Prices or Binding Ill any style w 11 be given on Drsloins little. it application to Chase's Oill'iluent-A 311"llate"Pa Better visit it. may be little merely as to the COPYRIGHTS &C. Experience. The little locality, or nominal THE TIMES OFFICE, Anyone sen(ling a sketch and descriRtIon Mal$ Too many doetors seern to have g, cOlonyo has kept itself as purely German amount, little in arithmetical sense, but I Wingham. okly ascertain car opinion free w other an Piar'ontlon Is probably patentablo, Conanunten- tions strictly confldential. handbook onPatents Uania for tizing the knife, and recti as it was possible to do in a young When a Ivan bets his soul is in the wager; sent free. Oldest a ancy for accuringeatents. mend an operation for plies in scores of country with its different climate and the devil will take nothi g less. Th RAILWAY TIME TABLES. Patents taken tFIroukh Milan & o. receive a n v. ses when Dr. Chase's Ointment would 0 opectal notice. without charge, to, the 4-Iffect a thorough and lasting cure. conditions. Long may it continue to do sixpence you bet is the earnest that your RAILWAY SYSTEM, Itev. S. A. I)ut)r'XU. Methodist mln• GRAND Tn" A* -A 6A Srter, Consecon, Prince L so. But progress, or imitatiou, or new soul is coming. Do not tbink ,'dWard County, YOU, Cali UNDt: )� P I Palmerston . MA!!I! XEAvn Von Scientific Am WHO 1 .... 0.53 am .... 8.55pbl. A handsomely Illuntratod 1weekly. I.prgestpir. ,Ont., states: -"I was troubled with demands or something Says not so, for trifle with the spirit Of evil and suelabad; London .. P Itehing and bleeding piles for yea All killdS of 0,60 .... 8,25 attained to a very 8.88b. -I. SrOar., four hionths, $1, SdId birall rowadcalelr& mild they ultimately a years here are some girls with some Eaton coats donot, imaginO that Youspoor lad, a boy, "10 aft� '11 & evs4rmadmy, Now Yod '5 WIR Largoand faahip t re�s 8.25 P.M -tiolent form. lumps Or ab. nable Skirts without tucks,and can and talk Such eloquence o Rubber T' 0. la.. 8.55 g.... On KiEl ;�� ..... .... am isses formed, so that Lo d onlod, M3 1i Wn- veoi It was with the lads, lots of them have 'bicycles. that serpent, the devil, that you will for all kinl -P, or i ....... . . 11-10 ... 7.55 p.m treat difficulty and Considerable pain ds of R. T. U . 2.46 p la...! 8.38 P.2n that I was able to stool, At thla fievere The bicycle will mean trips out of the be able to convert him. He has no pity SUTTON, �rTOIZ, Agent, W nglium. crisis I purchased a box of Dr, Chase's colony and we all know that travellers lie has nothing within him that he call Vehicles. CANADIAN PAOirroj RAILWAY. AWlitinent, but I had lit n Jl1A1!?.LEA1r0 volt It. Is I had tried various Or no faith I bring back now ideas. be appealed to by human reason Dunlop P>i 'St. us roirnedie-q be- 9 and cycle Tires Toronto rinel ... 6.53 a -lift 8.06 pan, TooswAtei . .............. 1-82 P.m .... 10.48 pan,' -fora and to no purpose, We bade good-bye with regret to its human need; lie lives to destroy. --Dr. Pneumatic Carriage 'Tirois AnTlIvIl Ipltolf "Now, imagine how great and joyous red geraniums' Which Ovotyone has in Joseph Patker. Solid 1,11ibber Carriage Tires Tenswat r ... 6.53 a p'la. fleas MY surl)rlse to find that just the abundance) to it Toroutoenlid. lir�Rt - . - - - -' 10 P.M .... 10.48 p m. one box cured met Ao that the jump, 0 Charming crooked Invalid Chnir Tires J. H, BREMER, Agent, Wingham. zit appea-.edr ana also the external streets, the little river, to the fitt old Tires for -BrrJjIg,,& Baby Ca ,,tu*1'.;ng. I feet 111te n different man :events and `1'radc•h4Ark3 obtolned, and alipatent 9.11neistondacted f0f 111011PRATH PEEN. My to-daY. and have not the least doubt Germans smoking their pipes of polled in The Duntor Tire to., Linlited office 'tin theirnmediate ocinitirortheP.mentOffice that Dr. Chapoi'n Ointment waved iw, their blue doors,and all resolved to come CA40 J, I RIA TORONTO, I T PAvQ indmyfactlittesjorgeouritit:pokientsp,reunsurpassea Iron, m very dangerous and minful op.Send model, sketch oe pNotograph of Inverfflon wigs rration and many Years of Suffering. again at the first chance. No more do. -*jAtivrraASe, J tj I"t You ara at 1)erfect liberty to uqo I lightful place than Formosa could one l For WaUtt and 01iddlen, T6 ADVEA PILI►JL.L ordnopiltionast's J-(-%tlrA0ftlft1 as you 806 fit for the boneflit Visit ill leafy June and p��rhaps, to some Our P01091fabill. and I'm fee for lirmeauting the ..% . Applitaflon to, I 010t �o Called Joe lisdig the Ttadomark c1 others similarly afflictot.d.11 OA# f* & Dr. Chruwe'i Ointment, (M centN it box its beauty Would be iio lase in brilliant w"Allf IN THE st u'l denl(.rm, or Edulanson, nates &, 00tolmr, or the stIO140118 Indian summer Pat tski"11111C full Informttionsent free. Ali flj�RtzIonle Co., 11�oronto, CA1110118 cdb$1461rda A5 tittlogly FRAN"KNUM N. HOUGH TIMES i.. 6 M.": l, i...4416 WAss'Xina,roa, 21."tu