HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-06-28, Page 5k, 7. l'��I+a I�VZNG��,A ��, ��il+aS, ,) CIITN..8, 1901, S ' . � � � •: � .. ;�,
t , r I t
J,1 Ai 4:hTQWN,}
�j X51.75. Duncan Anderson, or., KeryiOes
„ .. �,,,+ LARK Miss Diary Simpson wasvisiting at xoudered as per drain AwaAr 1, 1000, $5; •_.. __. mo w^~
Mrs. Job Thug's last week, Jas. Marshall, engineer, services ran- F'
Miss Burgess, Of brussels, vas visit• p Highest Prlea BiJx
TAILOR R acres ex F. Anderson, Charles Jplln• Pald fpr Elfge>HE ,, i"'ai�d forh teas.
ing Miss Godotha Coombs over Sunday,
Mr. Chis Lurch
was vlszting his $13,60 eD ., D,.t Demon, Duneau Ader
Wd have placed in stools a friend, Dougal, ra n � ,
Watches, Goldand Silver. nice assortment of ready -to- Mrs, Dougal Simpson and children, of son and Duncan Rpbei:tson'snaward, notbaying the
plows ar sles4 of l 2 n a usual,11w0 have swamor
' Wear X:lothin and While we Wawauosh, aro visiting At Mr, Andrew $10,50;. Wm. XcLarty, repairing road goods,t >a y x
. ^nn g Simpson's and other friends at present, allowance, lot $2, cons. 4 and G, $G, to make u speedy Oearalnee Of all Sufnaner txOods t R : ,TLy
do not refers to sell ,at less A lawn social will be hold at Mr. W On motion of Mr. Beeoroft, seconded
than cost and live on the loss, J, Johnston, Friday evening, July 5th, by Mr. Ellis, the council, adjourned to
- Llasps you will find lull value for your �La ]tout forthe zJanzestoVril are n hall�pperiing August nextQn Thursday: the 10th of but all pew, fashihave no onable,op cleanasoods at er y r ccs not ttAnb� bdatcin the ,l� In .
Rings money every time, l , g p
-in the way of a grand concert in the P. POI TLRI,7,LD, Clerk. , t
Give us a call. See what future, The heater is on this week and � ranada. Please note. our CUT P�tZi.I:�. ,lust a :sample pi' �•e•
• . ' ' Misses Maggie done
di Nellie Miller Mr, Johnnie of tht .week, sed his burn dgetlops fru all departments:
$xOOCYI,eS i y on Wednesday of this week,
- we have in Men's, 1n Youths painting a to be done directly,
Belt Buckles and in Children's, all new and Mrs. James Ferguson, of Bayiiold who
and John Miller visited friends at has been visiting at her parents far the
up-to-date Qods, rS' j(r
P g Wingham on Sunday, jt v 1'
• =
Sterling sliver ..past few weeks returzxed to her borne on
i We have also a line of odd The Rev. D, Rogers will preach. his Saturday, f
Novelties, farewell sermon Sunday morning as he ,
Garments, Trousers, Vests, .Com Beecroft, of Barrie, spent a few _-
. is about to take his departure for Ford- days this weep at his mother's an the
Cut ''.lass. Bicycle Sults, Overalls, etc. wicli. The Roy. Mr, Swan is taking up y '
�'1 aa n hie work Here. 9th. Mr. Beecroft's stay was out short ,One piece, colored dress goods, 40 S pieces fro aplored muslins, '
v 1•. ^ R owing to the sudden illness of his wife inches wide, wire serge, good value choice new patterns, regular value i
\•I ': , Miss Date Scott is visiting her aunt, at GOC, cut price ................$5c 121;;c and lficut Brice ...10o
VV who visiting her parents in Winnipeg �
Mrs. M. Armstrong, ,
Eyes g Neat door t0 Griffin's Royal , Those who attended the Donybrook 2 doz. Ladies Colored Blouses, 2 pieces all-over lace, create or
no tly done.d without
afraid'to Repairing in. y Mr. Sandie Roe spent Sunday at Cues- pionio on Saturday report having a good latest style, fast colors, regular price white, rico pattQrus, reg, price 3 ic,
We are always pleased to show goods. Grocery. water. i 750, out price .... . .. . ... . . . . .. GOc out price ..... , , . , . , ........ , 25c
time. The football match between
The old Stand in Mason Blocic, Wingham, May 20, 1901. TWestfield and Auburn was won b 'the
- i, Reduce Zallr lToot Aleasure One $lie by.the 2 [lpz. Ladies' Vests, short alcove, r' 35 pairs Summer corsets, well
Isn't half as Bard neither is it as painfulOhe
er, fine goods, rag. price 20c, out price, made; goad shape, regular price 300,
H. C ■ C ®� •' as before the introduction of Puttnam's Rev. J. J. Hastie, of Toronto,was 2 for ... ..... ...... ...... ......250 out price ............... 250
ace, g e Painless Corn and Wart Extractor. In inducted to the congregations of Bel- 10 pieces print, .fast colors, good One piece colored Summer Dress
_ J��'�(sr��� Oxy E Pr everybody,twenty rour lz but eeit can't ours the rbe well
assn is ured
The Rev. S. M.d. grave and lWhaley, ofvin on St. Helens ay last. patterns: xenular Valtte 7Cf cut pric5e0 Goods, 38 iziolles wide, rQnlax plica,
a Jeweller and Optician. X Prettyand small feet are well assured
, out price ............... 1,,,150
"I`ARM S' SPECT binder twino sup• less yousutnam's-fliers are not was presented with a 425 purse for, his 10e doz. Ladies' Seamless Cash- One dos. Ladies' Blouses, late
plied to Fa ors Only It 8c per lb. in two- nearly So good. Putnam's is the best. services as moderator of t ega- mere Hose, fast black, regular price style, nicely trimmed, regular price
bushol, cottoi -oz. rain bags; bound with At druggists, tions during their vacant `i5 1.«5, out Price ........... . . .., ;S.OQ
Real [state eye two rope snag h rs, and weighing 00lbs. fi y 350, Cut price ....................�
each, length. ove 000 fent per round, quality
andlength gIi m d. Cash with. order, pur- A2r. Dougal Simpson is spending a Ladies' White Skirts, till width 3 doz. Corset Covers, nicely trim-
chaserpays ight. EAST 4et in
a Con few days with friends in Jamestown and f '
Addres rders to J. T. x OUR, Vf*ardon' The Council met in the Council Room g. red, regular price 35.. out price
well triaclQ and trimmed, regular z
WINGIIAAI, contra risen, Toronto, I'Iu articulare Miss Jennie Simpson is visiting her Uro- pisco 90c, out pricy ... . ...... . ..750 25c +
on June 19th, pursuant to adjourumeut.
addr JAMES NOSON, Inspoctoi, arlian.ont ther.
!: 13ni Ings, Toronto. Members all present. Minutes of last
J. R. STRAIT The stone masons have started work �
Toronto, Juno 8, 1901. Provincial Seer '' y. meeting read and confirmed. on Mr. an Patterson's new House. `$ � y E A
_ Court of Revision reopened. Apple- MEN'S �'�/
`J -� cation was made to have the following will and Adam Robinson each lost a
SAM 1.:C �� properties transferred from the non -
Quitehorse last weak.
Quite a number of the young people of
TEAMING. resident W resident roll of the township: ;
Office -Corner Patrick and Leopold Sts.Sys lot 36, con. 2, Wm: Xehue, jr., ten- 9th Intended the festival at John Reid's
gn p ant, Mrs. Matilda Watson, owner; N, onda night. One doz. men'snailerice Hats, es doz. Men's Silk Four-in-hand
The undersigned is now prepared v y b regular price 35e, cut price Ties, regular value, Sae, Out price,
We have a word to say to those who do all kinds of work in the way of gen- Nib lot 42, con. 2, Charles Rouse, owner, Johnnie Jamies�o�� ad his arm badly . , ....... • 25e , • ... • .... • . , , . _ .. • .... 25c s
y eral teaming. Dl 'lot 35 con. John Howard owner; hurt last week. Z�6+,vas sitting on the
contemplate becoming citizens in this Garden Plowing and other work will ' 2 ' reach of the wagon with his little son in 18 men's Top Shirts, collar at- One dozen Men's Overalls and 5
very busy, live town, that we have on receive prompt attention. E;� lot 28, con. 6, Wm. Nixon, tenant, - tached, regular price 50c, cut price, Smocks, well made, regular price +
All orders left at Lott & Sturdy's John S. McEwen, owner. arms when one of the horses while kith -390 650out rice .... . ..............50c
hand several desirable dwellings sen live stable, or atm house will receive ing at the flies got over the tongue and P '''' '''' '''''' ' p
traily situated for sale. Also 39 build' y The following persons each a dog
prompt attention. struck off : Amos Snell and Wm. Rad- started off. It might have ended rather 15 airs men's Biask Cashmere One dozen Men's Linen Hats new
ing lots in No. 2 Ward, 18 of which are serious but fortunately no mage of Sox, seamless, regular value 35c, shape, regular value 50c, out price, 6
on Carling St. East, ford, eon. 4, and John Bruce and Wm. much account was Bono. out price ..................... . 250
Robinson, con. S. ................................400 �•
' 5 on Catherine St. East. Work has commenced on Air. R. Leish-2 doz.MenummerzenMen's -
i 8 on Carling St. West. Moved by Mr. Carr, seconded by Mr. man's straw shed. Drawers, regular price 35cs cut regular $2;QO,w cut Pants,
FARM FOR S E. Dobie that the Assessment Roll as now , 8 p , price10 �.
4 on Cornyn St. South. A, Robinson has purchased another price ..........................25c .. ... . • . .. , ...41.50 _
4 on Cornyn St. North. revised and corrected be passed, and the
The undersigned o ors r sale his farm lot horse.And 1 lot, No. 88, on the East side of 11, con. 5, Turnberryp, o ening fly acres. f�non Court closed for the present year
St., No. 4 Ward, at prices to thute ea iswiricimill for puilnpirig.B oritoi ells Carried. Misses Jgsiq and Maud Campbell•spant
j{ snit the conditions of all. and particulars apply to Messrs. Perdue, lots 38, 39, con. 11� Saturday and Sunday, the 10th, with
yl JAS ELLIOT, applied for some assistance in tiling a
friends in Galt.
Bluevale P. O. O
SAM L • YU U H I LL. � ditch on road allowanc3,� along side their
property. The Reeve suggested that special froln kingetoa, Ontario. I The Cheap Store: Opp. Punk of Hamilton.
q Messrs. Carr and Ellis go and see the
Kingston, June 27. -It is a pleasure to
POSVIAVELY premises before taking any decided announce that a new. 25 cent size of
action in this matter. Catarrhozoue is now oil sale in every -
Moved by Mr. Beecroft, seconded by! drug store in Canada. This is the only
Mr. Dobie, that this suggestion be acted ; remedy that can be implicitly relied at all that theiIrish and Scotch are great very severs hail storm visited
upon, and that they report regarding the ' upon to cure Catarrh, Asthma and Bron fighters. The queer, uncanny pipers section on Saturday afternoon last.. It
chitis. It eures quickly,surely,permant- touched them with a little of the spirit broke many windows in Wfnghani -And
same, at, or before next regular meeting ly. Relief from Catarrhozone is quick. kind. Yet how human they are, lend- Turnberry but lead spent its force be -
of council. -Carried. Nose, throat. head and lungs are cleared ford it reached Bluevale, doiury
The Reeve read and reported certain at one breath from the inhaler. Try it themselves so entirely to the reels and b no
today for that cold. Prepared by prop- strathspeys, when but a few moments damage bore. Some of the haalstormes
correspondence from E. L. Dickinson, rietors of P61son's Neiviline, and guar- before they might have been thought were as large as hen eggs and door knobs
barrister, Wingham, and the Trustees anteed to care or your money back.unable to speak save in a dirge ora and others measured more than two
regarding matters in dispute about the battle cry. But perhaps their` day is inches.��
-, erection of a school house in . the new over. Perhaps there aro few more of The are from Bluevale to the Pan-
Union School Section No. 11, Last American was only
Wawanosh and Hallett. -Filed: Rev. W. J. West M. A. who has the cid kind Of hearts to respond to y two .dollars, on
them. But who could resist the reel Wednesday of last week, but nobody
Ilio Treasurer reported cash on hand been attending General tlssembly at went. Our holiday season has not yet
at date, $406.05. Ottawa during the past ten days will o' Tullochgornm? commenced.
The Reeve and Treasurer were autho- occupy his own pulpit next Sabbath and "O, Tullochgorum's my delight, -
rized to borrow f».nds not to exceed preach on the proceedings of the As. It gars us a' in one unite, The Cause of i,ervon8 Reattache
An ony sumph that keeps up spite
$1000 to meet current expenditure until sa _ This most distressing and common
In conscience 1 abhor them. malas doubtless has its origin in some
_ such time as the taxes are collected to Zie telegraph loop between Bluevale y a
meet the same next fall. • and Gerrie is completed. A gang of Fof blythe and merry we'll be a' unbalanced condition of the nervous +
$ As lang as we hae breath to draw, system. Probably the simplest, safest
_ Resolved, that John H. McClinton, 'thirteen French-Canadians put it up in , and most efficient remedy is Polson's -
V a t u r Junve- 2"t1h And tierce till Nyebe Bice to fa
lot 33, con. 4, be re -appointed Collector two weeks. They lived in their house' Nerviline. Twenty drops in sweetened.'
The reel o' Ttiliochgornm• water gives immediate relief, and this
of taxes for the current year, salary oar on the siding at the station and were fie ,
n to and from their w They treatment should be supplemented by
$60. drive
There needs na be sae great a fraise, bathing the region of pain with:N erviline.
By-law No. 9, 1901, ratifying this ap- carry their own cook.. We' driugin' dull Italian lays; To say it acts quickly fails to express
ointment and by-law No. 10 1901, Mr. Oakley, shoemaker at Molesworth
POSITIVELY THE Lei' DAYFOR BUSINESSp ' y' y' � Twadnageeooraiustrathspeys the result. Sold Averywhere iu large
• authorizing the Reeve and Treasurer to has been over looking at a. shop here For hauf a hundred score o' them. 25c bottles. _
IN V I N C H A M' borrow funds to meet current expendi- with a view t0 removing. Since the They'se dowf mud Bowie at the best
ture, both read and passed. removal of Alex. McGee to Belgrave we Wi' a' their variorum. XORRIS.
Several persons were present urging are in need of a shoemaker. Joseph alis Mrs. Clegg, well known
• They're dowf and Bowie at the best. residents of Morris loft last week on a
,the necessity of gravelling that should Mr. Harry Diment raised an addition y ' '
Their Allegros, and a the rest: pleasure trip to the West. They will
be done, and also directing attention to to his barn on Tuesday, assisted %y a
7 certain culverts throughout the town- large number of friends and neighbors. The Cann please a Highland taste visit at Winnipeg, Brandon, Banff and
Ea�very i� of r S worth o ship badly in need of repairi3,g. The world is looking lovely just now. Compared wil Tollochgorum. other points and will be away a good
The following accounts were ordered Miss Allie McDonald, of Ann Arbor, May dool and sorrow be his chance, epar't.rf the summer.
to be paid: -Hugh McBurney, 34 ,yards Michigan, visited at the residence of her And a' the ills that come frae France, Ed. Xraehling, of Mortis, and
w ,Wm. Eggert, of Blyth, were quiet-
_ of gravel enol damage to crop, ��,'3.,0; uncle, Mr. Frank B. Scott, last week. Whaler he be that wiuna ciancQ
be Wm. G. Paton, services as -Manager and Sixty-eight persons took advantage of The reel o' Tuilochgornm." ty married at the Methodist parsonage
= ' = caretaker of road grader to date, $6"r ; the East Huron and Bruce Farmers
Tuesday afternoon of last weak, by Rev.
.�• �+ Jas. Nixon, shovelling gravel in 1900, Institutes' excursion to Guelph Model And the abandon of Allister McAllister Wm. Ponhail. lvLiss Cara Krashling
GOO(. -5 roach division No. 8, 75e; John Me- Farm, on Thursday of last week, and a McAllister takes hold of one. was bridesmaid and Mr. Andrew Young -
Dowell, 60 yards of gravel for road good many of that number visited "ob, Allister McAllister, your chanter blut, Of Zurich, assisted the groom. The
•�9�1� 'j� +l �] �7 division INTO. 29, $3; Alfred B. Carr, 50 friends at other points the next clay re- sets us a' asteer, newly married couple drove to Clinton
R-tZ'i�iA.9. DLMS ®� COC"ST- yards for road division No. 31, 02.50; turning home Friday night, Gat out your pipe and blaw Zvi' birr, where they took the afternoon trai for
Alex. Morton, 26 yards gravel for road The Scottish games, dancing, and We'll dance the Highland fling. a short bridal tour eastward
division No. 20 learn of the serious l $1.80; Sampson Carter, music at Kincardine on Thursday of The Miller.Rab Nvas fingiu' fain, Readers Ot trio illn will be sorry to
lness of Airs. Dun.
plank for repairing culvert and one day last week, drew not one, that we are 'Dae dance the Highland fling his lane;
shovelling gravel, roach division No: 19, aware of, from about here, perhaps be- He lap, he danced wi' might and main)can Campaell, hat ling. � ,
Q haps she
Not a worth of G cods W7�1 INC removed fy'Oil _ -_ _ �. _ _. -. _ cause the farmers' excursion was ou the may have a speedy recovery.
The like was never soon. Mrs, Archy Cavi bell, 1st line, has
the town if LOW PRICES are a temptation for ' � • % • same day, But, really, we think people As round about the ring he wands.
y o rp t d L t vet" are growing away from these assocfa- He cracks his thumbs, and snakes his been ill fol• some time, but we are plelis-
;y'ou to buy. tions of the old land. And it is the eel to -learn that sho is improving.
dacla. iln g of �Woudt,tuch
Our reserved stock of new, up-to-date goods Is so3netirues responsible for difficult III- Scotch -themselves wile are deserting the �„''.ins Ce�:;io S1•on, '
".Cho ureal flow free his tail i..3 trails visiting with her cc:usin Air3I. Jas. G.
are being placed on. the shelves, and will be sacri. g stlon, that is, DYSPEPSIA, Old ways, because there are enough of b
that the keenest When it is,j Au�l 13liudotr a their len' F N, 1st line.
(iced at Sikh rediculous rices them dcrowd;
around nearly every plata to male I � � FY
headache, dtzxlness, constipation, a good crowd; but thio crowd seldom f Oh, Allister, etc. w
bargain hunters shall lie satisfied. 'what fits of despondency, conuea goes to an affair purelyScotch. HOW gB'
Remember, we carry Dress Goods, Clothing v.► k3 the distress What fears of Imaginary evils,
sour�sass t an they keep away from the bag pipes? D Rogers and ftrn3ilyilon the parai ReW0912
and Shoes, Ham and Caps, Groceries, etc., of the stomach, the bad taste in the mouth, 01090 strange, savage, weird, stirring, lawn, this (Friday) evening, tinder th,4
It • ' far easier for me to carrgr away' the cash and so forth, to snake the life of the Sul- thrilling instruments, or means of con- auspiees of the Methodist choir. arid. child, rttil down ----there are
1S 'ere" scarcely+ worth living I vo iu music. No one is so dormant as
than the goods so 6;ome with the crowds t0 y g Misses Libbie anal Ural A1vTLee, O; hundreds--iticlty i� yott ort .lot oii�.
> N Dyspepsia resulted from torpid liver In to be unmoved by their rousing skirls.-Lgolesworth, Are visiting at 'Mr. C.•eorgrl Alid what do you think they ivafit?`
Crowder's and get the biggest bargain of a the case of Hrs. cones, 2320 X. 12th St., They call out the wild .tote in each ane 11i0D3snald's.
I lifetime. r1illadelphla, Pa., who was a great sufferer, They want rest and a Chan L
• of us, and, trace tilt+y" Our natiOu:tl ill• ltirs. J. J. CasemorQ a3ic'l c.11ildresn of y � 1
Her statement .rade In her 77th year Is t• ' f Pity to $;peak
j tbat she was completely cured of it and all strument, and war upon its, and 01011,01 i� tXn�tignQ, :1�irliigan, u3v; vi ltntg re• ulsci t an tgct eitiiet.
1 'r Butter and legs tAcen as cash, its attendant acnes and pates, as Others wQ there both. to fight, ShOuR their lativos about hete. Of it I �
14 liave been, by a faithful use Of voices Speak to us from the hills, the hlx. Willi"V'n Afes;:ci' gild Ii Xs cart% Scott's l;l11til:gol1 of cad -liver Olt
Hood's S 7'Stfl Lately men would be up and ready, and t?,O �zesi,cr went to ysiliiiti, uriclr;�,cuz, r it
r 4i p is allllost rest ill itself I
H9 C r d e , women COfisac>rt3te their netrt'at carr �Saturda • ltst. :fir. 'tlessor returned on
® That acts Oil as the digestive Orgaris, bego the rut a I,M.wf,t viae, tl,v ,i.
sures Xiyepepsia, and give pe Xuanent Vigor Clearest with a ltzsa aril ur';c tlXetix '�i0nda, but Miss will remain for rcorrr a gbwr,e tLHsodett, rarteww�
and tons to the 'ivhple eystodt, .... , tremblingly to tlio battle. No wonder l several weeks. sea• slid a�ktlrng,�lsta.
1r J=
Button �locl., r�pl . kiatniltarl s Drug Store, • ' ,