HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-06-28, Page 40 TIMES, JjTX.rj, 9' THE 1YINGRAN 1,901, WORTS. For scare, tired and sweaty Xr. Frank Crowe, NVIX0 underwent a WIN011AU XAUUXT AIR Aws0000 0,00 0 00 000 liRA00090 0 0 0111110111111 0 feet 119e surgical operation last week U doing Wiligham.Julle 27, 1001. well. Ilia .......... 1 (15 to 2 001 Mr. R. Colin, who was operated on rR,01MM1,1al," ............. 0 00 to 0 I'l Jim Jas. H. Kerr. for appendicAtls is about All Tight agaiu� Spring wheat,...,, 0 00 to 000, ThePeo ple's Popular Store. j"O. Jas, H. Kerr. Oats, 0 30 to 0 K I Mr. John Xcum. who got his knee larle I I I , ­:: ,:: :::::: -.1 'And anlide sprained in the buggy wheel is P, 0 0 to 0 03i DARMA P0 7) ................ 0 40 to 0 42� able to l4up around. Turkeys, drawn, ..... .... 0 09 to 0 101 Mr. Angus McKenzie's new driving Goeso, ..... 0 00 to 0 06 Ducks, per pair .......... 0 40 to 0 60 house is nearing completion. B 0 15 utter. .... ........ 0 1-1 to • 17N�46 • T1%-uQQ1k1Q .Tune g Inj Mr. a. Walt 'a little girl, W110 got Baps per dos 0 11 to 0 11 nxp burnedabout three months ago is able Wood ood per cord ............ 2 00 to 2 .231 5e as lilt" ollk) paekago of Dampo for ,%vIljQIj I ellelostk ga cents in stamps. to walk around. Hay per. ton .............. 900 to 00�,f Potatoes per bushel .... 0 30 to 0 8op Would not be without it, for double the Anew up-to-date wire fencte has been Tallow per 1b, ............. 0 03 to 0 03 *mount. put around the yard at $. S. No. 3. Laid ... ...... .... 1... 0 13 to 0 18 H,01111-8!. � Tlieexol)slool,-ivell;faUNillieltisgood ' Dried .kpplesl)erlb ....... 0 031to 0 01 • Yours 111 2rt1r1*V11. and hey be heavy. The farmers W001 .................... 0 13 tO 0 1,�) DRY COODS SPECIALS I per cwt. T a (X) to 7 00 • x� m, Dainj Wed to any ad -;are lag into raising manilea, pretty 901 ...... 0 80 to 0 4k:II� )ods in spots • ,dress for 25c. Season French Flannels for wizias, % ery pretty g and stripes, • Coloxed.Alualins for hot weather dresses at 80, 10020 TO VVRX A, COLD IX ONNU DA] 12-!ic, 15c. F, IT Picnic time is at hand and we wish to; White Slusline, plain, iti-I 8 Tate Bxtnu Quinine All MUTUAL LIFE ;pats pea, pots and cheeks, 80,3, Colin A. �tli���p's" OF CANADA, 10e, 1241-c, 15a, 17e, 20c. a reirind you that we are headquarters for 1VrMk'rlT The Cmwrlo Nutual Life. . •* . 1. 1 Fane "Alks for waists. handsome goods at low prices, DRUG STORE.. Fa picnic supplies. BY WAY OF CONTRAST z I Secure what you want now. N41NOR LOCALS. lzralh ouit kxv.,wslo vitt, per I-000 for lAA tou!' Delaines, uIt woul,'very pretty. W n3 gut I - t".%a- � X'.S. ('0=17MUlk-3. tMemge.. ..ftr, 5e, 6c, 8c. W I RSOM' Xew FlannIettes, wide, It". 0wrtlapap (kvmlit!i� a Cooked Corned Beef in I lb. tins. 0 Uc to I=, h,,afteht*-. _6 l:iFaa of 61104. Chenille Table Covers, assorted sizes. TO ADVERTISERS. llr%Ns�i YwinMin and fanifly are mov- I Cooked Compressed Ham, in I Ib. tins, lwo�rc*�t carakml km -xissetsOnst ten Chenille Curtains. Notice, of O'nages mu't I* Uft It th's iz�g t", X -At this weN,11, Cooked Lunch Tongue in I lb. tins. 11 Damask Table Covers. affict- ran latcr than Snt%�uw r.N=. izmt .2 .5 le.ldhig 17�81. Cwnvnit's, awnage 4X-3 0 Smoked 'Sliced, 'Beef in !-aud 1,11i. tins. 't Art CMUVIS Vithl' .1 leakUt%- Cautiftin The e avgo.. 5 01 a Patent Neither Belts, new shapes, at 20c, 25c. 30c. • y for clunw, M1WT N., Mutual Life of Eat 4 Veal Loaf in I lb. Tins. -,tin nL n suuil` N iu Ontario, ea 1rea & �its, Gold Buckles. • not "r tlual. T Eay vag, ;;fs%.�!, 00 Chicken LoaCin -1 lb. this. 0.vmal n-.1wrdsera(­%t­, V2, -L Canvas Belts 10e. Colkred Leather and 0. to 11,N at ThuTstuy %,.Wi V4- Z"P. S 10 Ham Loaf in I I);, tins.ma 11'e�41 hi tilt, public sellwkl this Week. ABIRIER 00 EN9,", 0 Is Chicken. Ham and Tongue in I lb. fins -A. Loan and Insurance Agent, t.) - in tall tins, loc. • Fresh Herring, ,,Qr meedug of the Corner Minnie and Patrick Sts. a• -zown lozrm��R tm Monday eveniu.- next. AtL y afternoon and Saturday. a JUppered Herring in octal tins, 10c. Lome Friday , 8 AT C" 0% 8 T 0 0 H l'i T ank" Thur-;z"ay 0:1! flus Herring in Tomato Sauee, 10e. 0 tbe, two warmest days Of the salmon, all pink 10c, 130e, Uhe� Ta 'I'ViINMI)l TUMN.' Sale IlegIster 19 Sardines in Oil and Tomato Sauce, 5e. L.DdlesStraw Hats at Cost. Girle Straw Hats at Cost. --at ale of I Sardines in Mustard, 5c. me regn, hir meeting of Court M. P ". urday, July 6th. -Auction s, Mala- . 711vas, Straw Hats at Cost. • 1rRMF Ay.tA. F. will be, held this tFridayl, household furniture, on the market • French Sardinei, large, and small tars. 14) Pzys' Straw Hats at Cost, • I,, square, Windham. sale to commence. •a) Salad Dressing for Cold Sleats, etle. ThIs is your opportunity to secure, seasonableCi at .1 Wclock� Mrs. John Dickson, pro- 1.0 Mixed Pickles in bulk. NOTIEN, AND COWITENT-14. _z\_ few frola.W higham attended the �j, gllezlfs at rzdueed prices. ; prietress. J. Currie. auctioneer. 0 Mixed Pickles in bottles, 10a. �-U=g Ems, eirms at Lxpudou an Air:,,an war. ;;N- Rill Pickled Pearl Onions, per bottle, 130. C,rea- You'day. • Chow Chow in bottles. -Teacher wn&,01 f,11- S. IS. -No. Children Cry for 19 Jams and Jellies, assorted, 10c. Mhcx tNT !aw V411 WXIMI TO *,RO fs"A RR G1 A I N 3 1 H 010`80 U ITS 1, - Enszt W&%vanash. See adyt. elsewhere, Tea:. has� b�t%n m-,. e Orange Marmalade, 10e. • this issue. CA S T %0"R I A. Tomato.Catsup, 4 bottles for 25c. Lemon Squares, 3 lbs. for 25c. iu:v In• the, reTmes--, utedou of tia", vi:y of London i -M-orris town --hip council met on, Uons'oon Tea in Blk. and Mixed. .-'rulh Ginger Biscuits, 10e a Ill. ju the L,�_tLjturk a tintano Aceord-',, Monday In-st. Minutes will appear in XAVS stock Alarkets. co o Blue Ribbon Tea in Black afid Mixed. Dondon Mixed Biscuits, 10c a lb. 40 Toronto, June 23. -At the western 0 Japan Tea, 20e, 25c, 30c, 40c, t0e per lb. Molasses Snaps, 4 lbs. for 25e. 6� ing, toeei.:�nteu will 1-v beltl on Tues- P Our next issue- 0 0 - ,da 4m, ttle markeT, to -day the total receipts 0 Blaek Tea 20c, 25c, 30c, 40c, 50c per lb. Granham. Wafers in small boxes. 0 y, TItv -,1, at the rite hall. In case -jas. Elliot, of Turaberry, is Offering vere only 29 carloads of live stock, in- 0 Green Tea at, 25c and 40c, per lb. 0 there­�L a, poll, that will be held a week his 95 acre farm for sale, See advt. ii N Q • eluding 4,48 cattle, 396 sheep and lambs. 0 Cocoa Chocolate and Coffee. 01 later. •another column. , 1� 0 0 331 hog ,,h- L cows. ", 116 calves,, and a do3en milch 0 Lemons, Oranges and Bananas.' Th ,x Provint-al commissioner of Ht., -D.N. McDonald, formerly of Bel- t 0 Blh A R G"' A I N 8 1 N 0"ROGERIES0. .%WN,zk :its given Vubicity to the en-elidi- more has purchased 0. E. Marquis' geu- r- ollowfigg- is the range of quotations - - tures t.%n road improvements by the. i�,ral store business at. Ripley. CATTrX. 0 STRAWBERRIES French Prunes, 5 lbs, for 25c. vaxjt,%-,- counties during the ten Years, j -The Council Board of 'West Wawa- Shippers, per owt ...... $430 $5 12N 0 Boneless Cod Fish, 6 lbs. for 25c. • statute labor was estimat- I nosh will meet on Wednesday, the 3rd! Do, light, ....... 425 4 60 V W. e are headquarters for Strawberries. Fresh Toilet Soap, 6 eakes for 5a. • ,e,l at i,�1 per day and upon this basis the 451) fruit every dad:. Prices right. Ask- for onr special, Car of Redpath. Granulated Sugar. 0 i day of July at 10 o'clock a. M. Butcher, choice do, 4 25 total expenditure in. cash and labor for Butcher, ordinary to I -The town schools clozed'TIft'week � price for crate lots. Buy now before prices advance. --load ........ ........ 3 50 4 00i 0 the t�ou yearns amounted to upwards of j 3 >5 k Q for the summer vacation and. will re- Butcher, inferior ... _ 2 • 73 2 la Stockers, per cwt.._,. ...... 2 50 311-1 .... .... and Lambton was Q.13011.801, open on Friday, September 3rd. �0 41; Huron Bruce Grey Export bulls, per cwt.. 830 4 00 0 W. X. Deyell his purchased Alex. filo. Jas. U. Kerr MACDONALD BLOCK, WINCHAM. J110. Jas. H. Kerr. $SWOX43. _-Eddlesex, Perth., — QIMEEP -UND LAIMS. Holmes' house and lot situated on the Choice ewes, per cwt... 3 30 &0 1 So corner of Alfred and Edward streets. I Yearliu gs, gi ain-f ed, ow t 4 00 4 501 iop 00ipe 0 assess 9 se0060023 1B090021D 018 ISO -Regular meeting of Cam t, QuIlediheep, each ...... 200 3001 "1- 30 400 P �on-Wemesday, June 12th.another of �,S. O.S. will be held on Monday. D.lambs, (g), each... -Bucks... _.. _. _... 2 5D 3 oat th,�-,e,,je.ysettlen of Culross passed to his Stewart, delegate to the Grand Camp t AND CALMS. TEAL [ST long, lit !a tile perm of N.,Xr. Hamid will ;,ive his report at this meeting. Cows, each ............ . 20 M 45- ,.. . ...... 00 ten at the ageVf t4i -ears and, -The, Toronto TTope Foundry Co. has Calves, each22 00 UE SN�{t mcmths. M% Bul-l-gh was 1�rn in the sent, out to its patrons calendar which 1 00 UUO ,co=y vw!Mduaghan. Ireland, and came, attracts attention amongst all otb li'Qhoice hog-_, per cwt. 675 a er 9Iaght hogsper cwt... 650 6 621 it - sm anxci," a mouth sill buy a maw roomed while yet a boy. He re- calendus. A big black catsits com- Henry hog—ss, per cwt .. 650 6 62,x I eottage on Jo��euhiue street. =alued in few Yeek for % short- time,;placently an the ground viewing the Sta�_Is ......... ....... 000 2001. Dame f..(� It. tWO Corner 10t.S. Stable. Beauilful corner.. *M. af te1w-.V:fs WitbL ether membel-_ of thellead of another bi�q cat, the top of which eia tiere-, =8. A t �e f WOOL,, WAN Lu'D 1an-AT rv=eing to, Durinam Co. , "Wano, is to be seen over the top of highl board' Any orders for sales left at the To L 5 acres-, nt-= Iron V V Rue -w7iere faey resided fsotr Mme yeah, fence. 'officewill receive prompt attention. T. ! *W-'- Dwelua.-s M, town at IM". V 10. .510M. $llce. Sh zrely ft%x tire, orx=fm _z up Of 0 uIrQ -,-a -A V e eiial train for the Pan -Am erican J. Carrie. auctioneer. I saw tied :sIM), have been plate in my hands for which the highest, price in cash or trade will be paid. 3* to this, township and settled Went throng's. town on "Wednesday of, for Cie. I= the farm where he aned. This has, last, week and also on Wednes6my of this A. DULVII-AGE. forty -fire . gN , ( Q !*4. ` I been L!s L,,,ue for tae past for week. There axenotmanyfrom. this'; a %!' & * t : We are now offering special value in all classes of Summer Goods. _Nears iim mere With the exception of a section visiting the Pan. i P. !� URE BRED UIPOR=1 CLYDESDALE *h.= r=11. Ju DN-. 1863 he was" 1 Look in P slalUcm, Muslins, Organdiess, Wool Delaines, Fancy Gin hams Pereales, Dimities, -Dominion Day celebration at'Wrox-' to Miz_A Ann Brown, Vau sur-: your mirror Mercerized Sateens and Prints, all up -too -date patterns and colors. The band and, uter on Mandak next. 7 today. Take PRINCE OF IKELTON, Also a complete stock of Ladies' Wrappers and Shirt Waists, special baseball and football clubs will go over" a 12'St 100kalt wm,,,k, th,,,�, ed witr-t a:Eamilly of ti & whom two. from. Wingham. Ck of 19R. Talue at 65c, and up. AF > en*sen anil one daughV, are snU living your gray s artz See our special values in Ladlee White Goods and Undervests. !, ON-DAY—WillIcaw his own sWb1e,,w "I send reside at hotae.tAhe family have -A Watford correspondent writes: hair. Itsure- hotel. and pruveed to Johan Clasemore's, Parasols in Fanev and Black- Colorings from 750 and up. I ji CojL:!.Morrlss, for noon; theneetoBelgrave V, ly may be .ht the -s� Mpathy of the eo=inuaity iu their Lkw farmers are not very cheerful. The i In Turnip Seed I have the best known kinds, such as Steel Briggs Co. 'heat is nearly a complete fallureduei, last if �DA NV the to Geo. Robert. ,at. - -t Waw=e� 1 Select, Ede pant, Simmees, Prize, Rennie!s Own, as well as all. the 011 tEl tiae activity of insects. Se"17z, Con, 10. - , _h for P -o=: i you w, lei, n t thener_tnieltE - to VM. EeeeroWs, Con. 1% for Standard Varieties. Stnt-at'? zatvr aud 1, ruip we; U -U, ti -An autonlobRe liTery vM be estab-: it so -j yo i eZq_-gkZ t_1%, "-par—, menzt ts Of _ae u tehisownstable i Thursd-ar =orn- Also 11111al- Buck -wheat and Hungarian Seed, illshed at Hensall for use between gnat 'A needn tkeep Mr. Jelm MeRa,,? r, iced his new t_axn! t0wu and the Grand Bend swmner re- your gray THM- DAYWill p.,eea to Maevale for! I am headquarters for seeds of all kinds. and no fanky prices asked. C 117 hair a, week longer than "' thence to wal-16-'Er Haas, wroxeter, .on S=ureay. �,sorti. Lmaton and Se-Jorth will also.� I fer- night. Mr. Cerncr J. N. PizkeLl, Ims bils- bnru about 1: adept. the auto for summer excursion,' - you wish. There's no pMAy—Will proceed to Abert GqMaglterl�, i, > C�e"-rnCerner:,for neon: thenen. vM 4M=r_-ie'ed. guessviork about this; rffi Ceu. Trimberry, to his men stable for Lex, Esc r rd -ht. _---dutee girl went' _jobn-Ke=rns. cue of the best, lmown�. it's sure every time. qA!ff)�J�AT—All day at his own stabl­_- I o re-, T. H. D. XcP�-O_N. to a_trZ;t1 r-ast -wee-1. hotelmen in this secralon of the province, Xans,-,er. WingL— ■T A a I LLSw from 1i shed snddemkw at Palmersitea On Sunday- ; s t 0 r e c _Irrds week s,-veral a tides of news j OI Or to BLM McPzZ, Iz,-. C! Dz--Vit. is BLit".:."-- at uwe mrww ded out fpr the ant of space. gray hnir MAO& on, MA 4 ZL-, OR != Lmd.0-t"a, d est izlle on tlhevi� of Fectne-sa. Af te r L V19 or 7' rwzh' ap.i,ar in our ne.,d issuce• using it • j, .1 � - Wa7.. use— lk A&I.- :� 1 \, , 3rAss ntton X-er J. -N. lotllk"Z�1:11_ Anao:= th= nxv- an ca-VAne of ReN-. A. for two re, mrs. It. H. Ch',�, 01M attil J. 13 ,Fcrgtwn 'have 1=d _,­r=o1itU,*_ wam-S or three w eeks notice how ARE i 1�dd frem the s!rezt to&-eirdvWl�.. much younger you ap- p pear, ten years younger -F� _T'L,? faztcrL-s; in to vm elo&�d down gie e=-.1ayees were "/, I , rice r 60 Days W at least. en Taursday. ,ansa 0 Perfect sight is detee.. Per Ayer's Hair Vigor also Perfect Spedal. =tch and 4, . . -� ; , alt,.e to a-ttena CaL cures dandruff, prevents falling of the hair, makes h, U7 ered Goods. t�l Mani - hair grow, and is a splen- tt Parlor Suites that ware '8,47.00 now .837.0D did hair dressing. t4 It cannot help but do parLVS-01te3 that we're 45.00 now 35.OD .T2,Q�d. Swd to retam L atember: these things, for it"s a, of Style, Paricr Saitin, that wn-re, 35 OD -now 27.00 A ladge *15.00 now 15.50 IN W;M =ec-t C* hair -food. When the hair Parlor �iaftes that: "ra I -;na t 5.00 is -well fed, it cannot help Nvill et emea detect the super- 1� 47.00 now X we�:=,� nest, jnlye' It 0'e—v. that Wor ee a. =. ti C=sUzz &� tendzrs for rr.LN I but grow. toritv of our made-to-order C"-laellea t1lat. W�al�4* 16.00 now 12.50 .*eZ, Pr It makes the scalp ectahea Zr".aL," 12.00 now 10.00 garments. v,--t�,n XrcrZexxie. of & W.f healthy and ties cures now 6.75 It P, 7.00 now 4�75 atd Mslta;�w of I the disease that causes HIGH ART TAILORINC, 1 tha� eA& eu..wWWCVA. ci: d at dandruff. ten n eg'(1Z, goad C cove".1 n 8.00 now 6.50 is out Ig I ac-�=hCIINW-sy rletnlrg� sg�_,d is L� �ispeeial) 6.00 now 4.40 st."alot6r. man of abnernral as %ve2l, as he 1 t T -les, 'Wera my bex WM C-1 t �Zr. 6.125 now 4.50 butA".-8141 V*t* ;#a �at Sian sr, and car! t"skelL laving t*em est: to tie t -Ar in of nonm 4.50 now 305 3 r&kj@j=d . t or V � Z M! 'Uo now 3.60 t Ile baid T:,*UW50W LM'ta- &W, prices suit all. altzrxtirae. AAP Its ;c theta ne e crie o Allabovo, prZLem, Wd will try an carry through 'May and June and 11411"Ov. Park ti - suiti, S444*Wtt" 6V&Ud0&k ' . 40* the newest n- keep tip tht stwk, sa name of our c mers will go aw;y dimppointed. %*ft t" n xnd Pan ot. *a 614ft 41:1 1�0 _�111 overee-i The sb6ve primo am foremb. Dozet mi,*Ied sklid buy. any upholstered like fft" 06 aft # C -t. Yours tlutv. uwaft� �06141t. gwdt tilt yen have S"n 0 -ars. JMJ.Lr A'ZXX� A, AES. L X� a* 96644b 0" e" *W i Ek _A� AL -"L,I. tobt. Maxwell 1L, WAI&M 3IR & 33UTTON. k. 4 I 14 9