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The Wingham Times, 1901-06-28, Page 2
'IV T118 WINGRAY TINES, JUNE 281. 1991. . • ... _ t ., •.,,. .. _ _ ..___ FOREIGN MIS SiON NOTES, glorious tliill the 1G0Q Chinese in NEEDS OF THE F�.OWE13St iiiuoet �'elttilvtlhtyi in �yai, ^�• �..�..� � vYa'".,:_. �' ii bnadk4 1tU1w, �l'exe e.0 i flilLnCetl as t0 re, Great Britain had been s good deal tot , 4 • .::, a w `i.'he General Assembly of the Presbyr- *1! ua ChristThe Ittuta for alclug Care of the it »ud Protect-, WAWA 040 �va"v and and another,', but wank es 00;ni texian church amongst its many other las tl be ae ul tag Them frow Ineoctfeats. and file on troth kida—aye, and gieat. t� la, ata di �l nat is duties, surveve the. Foreign Missiou, They are scattered ill colonies all through. Sow seeds of li enilworth ivy or linaria, .captaius, too -.-Dave always evinced a Field. The deat:t t•f Dr. George Leslie the laud. `1'he churches everywhere in pots coutaiuiug palms. They .Cover ! rather companionable andchummyspirit `' MC1�k4y, in �• OritlOsa, makes this the sad- should be oil the elort to will, and con. the surface and drape the pot very prot• tawarda the. du4try s onemy. Ul Marl-, • , • • , , • �': lest Foreign Mission Report ever pre• ve t tht•u► itit a workers uiuongst their tily. boraugh's time, down to the. Peninsular, !s stinted to that gaily. The Presbyterian awn people. Many insect posts nre almost toQ and through it, there was a good deal of ppm Church is divided into two sections for In utany towels alter villages easiest small to be seen by the slaked eye, hob-nobbing between French and Eng- 1-' r b Wl tl 1 v t -11e or aeeiu lish The "1?'ru s" curd brand mission purposes --• the Eastern and. cltlbttaubalt,11111.119I'll t•ffolt, ut 111 len to eases urn y tv E v sw y Western, The .i; astern Section found other l lttcl•s Iltay tire t�atirely neglected. unhealthy, take a magnifying glass and with us for "baccy," and 60 forth, In in their first missionary, Dr. John Ged-' Goacl news curies ficin liiclia as to the examine the antler sides for red spiders, the Crimea there was less occasion for die, one of the heroea of missions; one result lit the famino. Already lnauy of The preventative and remedy for the interchange of cumpliirients; but before of the unforgetable wen whose life lulti tho rearmed u;.es tire saeldug baptism, red spiders is moisture. This call be at, peace was declared, or;auything like it, been an inspiration for half a century. The few that rrmnin fu lually of the cls- tainefl by spraying. Be sure to wet the two ofitcers of the Cameron Highland- . Castorla is for Infants and Children. CastorIA is a. He labored ill the New Hebl ides wilt] solated villages, now wl leotua the mis. Hilder sides of the leaves as that is their ers, out from their brigade on some duty harmless stxbstitilto for Castor 011, ]Paregoric, Drops wouderfnt results. Wllen lit: lauded u.t siouary ttnd blituu to flim its uuver be. chief haunt,. or other, passed 'a •Arooden blook-house and Soothing Syrups, It contains , neither Opium, the Island of Aneityutu, in tilu NNv, tore. When people go out ofq their warm oil their rounds and heard the sounds of Xorphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant. Heberden, tAtwa %. err uu tYllrlbu:u.b, ' 'Tito ploughing of thu sail precedes illi ! houses, into rile open air they put on revelry proceed therfiYram, They peep- Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of wllell lie lift, hu cou,tl tEiul flu lleathet,, , liarvem. The harve.i:• gill conte in due wraps if it is at all chilly, but they do ed in, and behold the bare room was Tate lunl,irittu,u ut .null a uluit dt,t Gnito. 1 t - 1, nut wafuy in well -doing, not reflect that their plants are just as crammed with Russian officers carons- Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Veverish., muca , ' Thos , urs it rf rllu rS shall rejoice to ousative as thep tire themselves, And ing. To these the situation of the in- tress. Castoria cures. Diarrhoea an d'fiV'ind Colic. Castoria erf.A ct I.aEu tial' itar n it UY fuss l:rtbt I they have their unfortunate palms and trut[ers was clear at a glance. One of relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and 8r 11 5l•I:LlOn UY illy efiCErUll it snt'1:t;3,f. ic' G,t�i, 'the Western t:eotiuu was equal;y It. V. MAt:Iiti #Y, India Rubber trees set out to decorate them advauoed—a yoking fellow --and in Flatulency. Cnstoria, assimilates the Food, regulates fortunitto in tutliin;; in Ih•, u. l,. lluc- 0,iu.vdrntNUtl Lit., laid;;., Toronto, their front steps, when it makes a, plant perfect (Edinburgh) tnglish made. the lover shiver to see the poor things. The Britons welcome, They sat down and the Stoliraelx Anel Dowels of Infants finer Children, giving Ray, tht_n• firbt mlbot.•tiary,anutner ht. ru. I _-'" -- plant's only was of protesting against had a )1 healthy and natural sleep. Castoria tis the Children's Het,t1I„lllilll''VI'nluba,ll'Lt'lJ.11 paautv„ •,t � ,� 1`ouli for Iir:,iu unet'insoli,, p y Y p g' g pleasant hoar or e.0 Of SlnQke and sou s a hoswi puuplu nl Lut.o.ab w, 14, 1. ilu ' l4 w Eller ;t in brain tag, loss of treatment is to turn brown iillsong, suer, we fear, vodka. Not a Word Pause©a-•.Tho 11lotller's Friend. now, lad b duct it lila wurk letivilig in the ' Iii• td, 1'.1, IlnLLihLy tt, cunuentrate the drop its leaves—and then -its owner wits said save in candid praise of Mus- , ILL udt ur buttity weukuess auft general wonders why I covite or British courage and sportsman- Castoria. Castoria. l �ead,•}lt.>•AMiUn Ulrailild b , QlI8,' nki. 111uWErca. l `; D.”. Upas ,'a Nerve It`oud will Nothing is better for plants than to like ways Of fighting, with many cor. '•Casteria is ati excelient medicine for +' Castoria, Is oo well adapted to children y ,deb.Vlt• yUar Old tittle energy, strengt" be set out in a gentle, warm rant—but Glial haudsilakings the parties separated. children. 'Mothers have repeatedly told pie that I recommend it as superior to any pro - son tbeie tire nut Inure churches is thin t and lt,.uLLh. Throagh the blood Lind of its good effect upon theit children." scription known to rue." the Northurit hart of Furawsa ht prod,- ' t4un l,us t,3 bLblll, It rt.ifelles every part of avoid wind and cold rains, and never set Who—ont of a million—was the young DR. G. C. oscoon, Lowell, ,mass. Ii. A. Aaennit, M. D. Brooklyn, N. Y 1 lief tin.,• told ovoccomus weakness, a blooming plant out in the rain if you officer who came forward and bade the tally cuvured. Thu work that remains ; In t pit,ura,t :t and disease. want the blossoms to last. Cameron's enter? His English, we have � F for leis s¢ccessarb is w bulli ills and ttu• Use the common garden asparagus hinted, was of the Princes Street variety. THE FAC—SIMILE SIGNATURE Suchvelopthe ChtWW1,11eti fotilg, d Mini. I 1<ne Scu•c d Him Ott: as a green for boquets of sweet peas. He had had a Scots nurse, he explained Such a life. ib tt•uilh living, and it will never be lorgottun. LU hew. 1 'Alma I,1 air arrieLi divaussiiLiz "the Ideal They are both so light and airy as to and—more—he was of Scots decent. G'rauid, who has been associated with Husband" of the past, present and make a most lovely combination. And his name, a Scottish name Russian - Dr. MacKay, is 1t stroug man, tiler will future, by Susan B. Anthony, this para. For palms and other large leaved foil- ized?Why, Skobeleffl—Londou "Out- c„ now assume the burden. Another tip- graph occurs: age plants in the house there is nothing look." pointment will soon be ]lade, and thus "Tse is ut•t like his ancestors, who more important than cleanliness, fre- 1lacud their honor ill the sacred keeping gnent sponging of their leaves, Do not If the child is restless at night,, has v c� the work will be maintained. t p g g , _ 't of the wife, but were very careful that give them driblets of water—give theta coated tongue, sallow oomplexion,a dose The Chinese in Canada are steadily did not, get it chalice at the pocket- a thorough soakingin a pail of warm of Miller's Worm is what is repaired; APPEARS `C� EVERY r E�� �����E�� increasing in numbers. Raising the book. He request that a portion of the water every week or fortnight, and wat. pleasant, harmless. Sold by Colin A. capitation to '$100 does not appreciably family fliculupot whenever rho e be set apart for her sole er from a waterinrr Campbell. TF = =nT., „ OMPA VY YT HURRAY LTRCCT, NEW YORK CITY b '>e],r�;���-_ys-�+�,. � "-:::.,'.:.s.�'�`-_ �_•..4,:i=:�"!�• �'"'>]±.itax�lw.,�,�,t , affect them. Whatever may be said use and that she be not asked to give an snrfaco of the soil looks dry at other Three Winning QaallUes about the Chinese problem from the account of the same, does not seem un times. This ]seeps the ball of eafth Honesty, ability and capacity are the labor standpoint, exclusive measures, reasonable to hilus I remember distinet- moist. greatest foundation stones of any plan's there is no doubt as to the church's duty ly, however, a case that came under Remember that helitropes require rich career. They are also as necessary to __ now, They, tire strangers amongst itis In ' observation lean ears ago. A earth ane' plenty of water. They nre build up and maintain a strop chase- o s J y y ` g 4 '%lAl a�'e°>� �`I Ai,a i�'s�i A i�o`'ll'� 1,3 ems• bhp. The Gospel is for them, as fur us, and man of large means was very desirous I gross feeders and are always thirsty tar as pillars anis beams are necessary toMKS the church should seek to give it to1 15 of marrying a school teacher. He paid and like to be sprayed: If this is borne hold together a teu-story building. them. They all expect to return to the most assiduous court; he used every in mind you will h ve abundance of Without them, a njan is a weak being, 5L D 0 China. The majority do re- possible argunteut; and finally one day,bloom , especially if y ,u give them an at the best; with them, he is all that the ? If you ever contracted any Blood Disease you are never safe unless the virus or eS 0 poison hap been eradicated from the system. At times you see alarming� symptoms turn, and as many as have been taughtwhen he had melted into tears find do- occasional dose of liquid. manure. world can desire. butlive In hopes no serious results will follow. Have you any of tl'e ollwing' the truth in Canada, tako it with thein Glared that his life would be ruined when roses become infested with the. I can hear the young man say, "How Ing pains itchiness of the skin, sores r blotches on the body, eyesfred and sm rt, o and scam r the good seed in their own without her, she told him frank' that aphis or green fly, try Ordinary insect can I secure these valuable materialta dyspeptic stomach, sexual weakness—indications of the secondary stage. Don't . y trust to luck. Don't ruin your system with the old fogy treatment—mercury and J» father -laud. she did not like to five up her financial .powder as a remedy. It is clean and How can I find them? Where Gla they potash -which only suppresses the symptoms for a time only tobreak out againwhen The Foreign Di'ssiou Committee of the tins to apply. exist?" napppy in domestic life. Don't let quacks experiment on you. Our NEW METHOD a independence for the dependent condi• y pp y ,rR1SATMENT is guaranteed to cure you. Our quarn atees are tbaclretli Presbyterian chu; ch has decide to start condition of till her marriad friends, but Savo all your wood ashes for your Young man, they exist everywhere in h 9bank beenalready;ncured by he disease METHOD TREATMENT �Ceturn. housands of lyeats,;, , a M1SS10n lIl Miit'µa, China, for the ex- if he would Sec:ttre to her t1.e s tnlo in sweet pea trenches: There is nothing the perfect life. The atmosphere is just �° and no return of the disease. No experlment, no risk—not a "patch up," but a post- b press purpose of lullowiag up work clone come which shu m -as note receiving she you can use as a feirtilizer that is so good as full of them as it is full of the valued f;` rice cure. The w�rot cases solicited. , in Canada. The Chinese themselves wunl,l mitis, hiu1. Ha driefi iris tears and it is also a preventative of insect oxygen that gives us life. The man � � y 5 ' y � 1 want a mission there amongst their own asked tt few days to tlri>k it oyer, went pests. Remember that sweet peas like who inhales the oxygen can also inhale I af, ,� - people and will Help to support it. away and never came back l Sach all ! leaf mould. honesty, utility and: capacity. Once in I i��� OIUR 1vT4T F,fl {PCdS; i g®D ,'CSLEdl.'iC;" r.X T will cure you; and make a man ' The Rev. Alt. .acler Don, of Dunedin, idea was tau preposterous to be eater-' Plant sprayers are expensive—but a his body, `unlike the oxygen of the;lir, III ?ki of you. lUnder its influence es and ulcers brain becomes active, the blood purified so that ly t disappear; the nervedisas become theeor become as steel, so New Zealand, l n , been called to take up tainel l by men a� past ;;out rations." wills. lir0om i3 in every house, and does they cover leave. ba, that full and Flt^r, entry usness 'bashfulnesq and two the body, and the gia1, physical andtsas, P the wort. 'Mr. W . tellescor has laid down just as good work. as a sprayer. Be Just make up your mind that you will � ual systems are ldvigorated; all drains cease—no more vital waste from the system. n British Columbia. Mr. Don has WANTED.—tlapablr, reliable rersonln every sure to tip the plants over and wet the be a man alo ng these lines. Just say to The various orga'hs become natural and manly. You feel yourself a mart and know 1 marriage cannot'be a failure. we Invite all the afflicted to consult us confidentially been in China mid knows the villages t•ofnrty to reprt4vnt mitre eornpary of solid under side of the leaves, yourself, `•I will!" Make up your hind and free of ch rgg�e. Don't let quacks and fakirs rob you of your hard-earaal \ + fina+reial rcpntnt un: slier ndclury }stir year, Pay-, dollars. WE LL CURE YOU OR I170 PAY. F from wi:in:i our CLItl:tdittu Chinese come,, nble weeldy; $8 nor any ul,w;ute y vneo and all If you have a pot of flowers in 'thud that you will be a Alan—a true, noble, We treat a cure 14RRVOUS DEBILITY, SEXUAL WEAXNESs, EMIS- t fxnrn,es; strui-IL., bond -Heat-, dehnirosalary sIONS, sYPH LIS, GLEET, STRICTURE, VARICOCELE KIDNEY and ' and wit. i nus be able at onca to touch, ^o ct,mnt: tsion; t:h,tr pmid each Saturday turci give them all the sunshine yon can—but fearless man, I -,vM 1: udy, I will read, I I;LADDER DIS `ASES, and all diseases peculiar to men and women. Cures err„ n:t ,Nnn.v nArvne, rid heck. iAT;ILND- , when the buds have, opened keep them -will live for all that is obd in the world t't p gnaz.tn thein a'i ,ilZ;atllaticillly. It would be a AILD HOUtvE, &ll DI:Atrbety ST., CHICAGO. p p j,, � 9v teed. bre Sou a vfet m7 Have p y p ' in the shade and they will last longer. and I will cavo m mane — you lost hope? Are you ccntem lilting , y y y� marriage? Has your blood been diseased? Have you any wcaZ t Give liquid manure weak and often, "' Tot for to hidd it in a hedge, . LLL���III�dd.999���iif ftrtElll0 mess? Our New Method Treatment will curayou. Consultation . t Free. No mattbr who has treated vou, write for. an honest opinion Free of Charge. ! rather than strong closes. Nor for a train llttendant; CharF s reasonable. 63• arahtsi'rGa—"c`The Golden Monitor" [illustrated] onDiseases- men Diseases of Women" "Tia • p ages of Sin." "Varicoccle, Stricture and Gleet.= ' ;�: Bu for the glorious privilege nu seAt rise sealed. PZ • iA 1 actory Girr,y izlse. Of being indepeudent.11 s No medicine -sent a. 0. 0. No names on boxes oa enveto�os. Everything ; t .e It is tt pretty and inspiring story that It is a simple task., to acquire these confidential. Question iisl'tind Cost of Treatment, FREE, for Horde Cure. a� of Gen. N. P. Banks and his wife. There fi, r. qunlities. It is far more simple than rF - i is it lesson in it for the poorer boys tuid letlrniu A B C • and once acquired they i girls• Nathaniel P. Banks was a bobbin g , q Dpws)KENIIEDY& boy In fl MassaChusettS COtt011 mill and stick for life.—Success. i. �_ ,t , 94•8 .mal-li"LBV S�'. ®BTR®lei' i4dBCF-1. at a spinning frame near worked a bright � , • y- ter , The seennd art f British, arm A" ,r} ,;,ta• 5� and se. e�t, winsome girl, i,i¢ry Pa.mox, F Y y ii F� officers Cat Maudble and Major Hoe ft+r Ar 1° t who afterwards became Mrs. Banks. p y j ___---__-- X3 both young peorrle were ambitious and C spent Friday and Saturday in town, "— u,a.�yt i� . • energetic, and after the mill closed, says the Listowel Banner, inspectinga v lot of about 800 horses of which a very 14 studied at the evening schools, tired a., , 1 +� they were. Mrs. Baines has just died, fair proportion were accepted.. It is sur - P i n ' and the Boston Journal of Commerce prising where all the horses come from, bnt there still seeins to be lent, In the �• ,4}.�;, .�' � says of her that she was a Lady who, plenty FOR starting in the lowest position that a cot- country and ,the officers return in the Lou mill could offer her rose by means course of silent C•itrce `vaeks se. inspect Iri this r0 Cessit age a business firm cannot afford t0 USG CU IL"REN N D ADULTS of pluck, hi;;ll moral ellartLCter, and ting- another lot. poor grintil quality y a "];he unlit of its stationer is the index to its 3^ ' erness to better li•ir lot, until she .finally --------------------- worth. Customers and the public generally want- no better attained the highest position among the CURES sign than neat and attractive printing. THE TIMES kc,r,• ladies of the state. This is the story of ®� a p g• ®iarrhaea, Dysentery, Choleras the wife of a governor of Massachusetts. Presses are pre13a ed to furnish just what is wanted in Cramps, Colic, Cholera Infantum, Cholera. Morbus Summer Com- Worth Try ng. Dr. Pitcher's Backache Mr. John Matheson f:alled at the Can- • Q`:. plaint and all Fluxes of the seism office this week, and asked that Kidney ,Tablet Has, a Letter 'Heads SiiliQl Bills .•wY, � :� Bowels. the public be given the benefit of whaRecord Of Cul. -es t he had discovered as ameans of prevent- ftads , . HAS BEE N IN USE Foil ing flies from annoying horses. fora Unparalleled. Bill ads Memorandums HALF A CENTURY. couple of years he has mixed coal Oil, Because it is not an ex' eriment, not a"cure- y p� Harmless, Reliable, Effectual, and with axle grease, to about the consist- all,"but a modern, up-to-date for uila,thorough- Hole Heads Envelopes i ency of castor oil, and with the mixture ly tried and tested oil many hundreds of y� E (� (+ _— should be in every home. aunointedIns stock. He states positive- cases in private practice, hospital and outdoor And all Office Supplies. ' ly that animals so treated will not be clinics. family for the last: nine ears and ... ....... SURE REMEDY. y y bothered with flies. Hebas recommend- Amedicinetheilenskeptpace,with'ectimes Mr. F. Churchill Cornell Ont. would not be without it." and the advanccrnent of medical science. A i d , , ► ed it to Others, who have Used the mL—, - I medicine Confined to a particular range. one writes We have used Dr. ACTION WONDERFUL.. ture with the same results.—Wiarton tbAtdoes not promisembrethan itcan do. Cheap �����A� Fowlers Extract of Wild Straw- Mrs. W. Varner, New Germany, Canadian. A backache, kidney, bladder tablet, pure and • berry in the home and always find a _ ll dimple, the same yestardny, lo•day and to -mor- „ N.S., writes . I have greatcon. row. This great kidney medicine is n boon it: a sure remedy for dysentery, fidence in Dr. Fowler's Extract of A dose of Miller's Worm Powders aliketo the young, the middle-aged and the �v Wild Strawberry for various dis- occasionally will keep the children aged• is not always the best kind to get ; but if you get good printing, and at a USED 9 YEARS. healthy', Sold by Colin A. Campbell. It was the people who successfully used Dr.' moderate price, you will then have the best. We hive every facility for eases in old and young. My little Pitchers Backache Kidney Tablet that applied Mrs. Jones, Northwood, Ont., boy had a severe attack of summer` 'Pointed Paragra•lilrs, to it the 'term: ,'.the Great Kidney AMedicine,,, turning out good wort{ in the shortEst time. The office is equipped with „ because it removed symptoms like the following fast jobbers, card and paper Batters, stapling Machine and all modern writes z My baby, eight months complaint and I could get nothing A dollar ill the hand is worth two in a that were staring them iu the face every day, COnvenienees. old, was very bad with dysentery. to help him until I gave him Straw- will. all tide result of disordered kidneys— We gave her Dr, Fowlees�Extract berry. The action of this retnedy Women's thoughts of men are mostly rain tate to back, sluggish of Wild Strawberry and It saved pas wonderful and soon had him ,afterthoughts. we y` ala tsh circulation. � � YOU � , � r her life. We have used it In our perfectly, well. A wise man never counts his checks pull or dark circles under the eyes, V'y `� „� Urine cloudy, milk like or stringy, dark in „:_. -• before they are Castled.}) colour, or offensive. a I£ you bestow a favor, forget it; itya5l .a f�ldlugis tasine Programmes Wedding Stationery ry Iil,heavy settred, sy 'eting, MusvckePsg fretreceive faint Irregular heart bests. CaLtal0ues uslness Notices aTr:TA Absence conquer lave but it dent sometimes takes daftly presents to hold attention during the day, and to get up many Calen8ari or Auction Bills Innes during the night. A ` it. o t Iteatleaa, sleepless frights, Fagged out, serf. GIVE rT ry Z TGy �h CALL. A Y y . «I•� N" yl JA rx� TILL Wanlall c'an't meaix it when the kiss down tindirritable. GIVE N S A C ALL y These are some of the danger siguafa nature 't "c5 l i y ; each other; they d0 it for the purpose of bets to show the track of health is not clear but showing men whtlt they are missing. kidneys cfdgged and sright'adisease stealing Ill. r If you are convinced Pitcher a Nblets ora.+ It is not ite dbe by elft:' a plan to es dtvhat tau..at bo cents carr purchase thein at BaurTHE � E S f�R T' T ICE V—Arani' in order to ba llanest, btlt>ibf5lgtimes drugt;Mat's for iso cents s battle. if not obtain. 1111 6`..+N At -7 JM able at drugglats, rnailed frde t6f postage rat l encs it Rooms hecesettry for a ,trail to be poor ilecelpt or price, if lie fs honrat.--•Chicago News, V" lbt, kIftA islklier Ca,rcrubtb,ftL WING11 iM, 014T. .�rR-r