HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-06-28, Page 1MAI WI�1(iI-�A1'� TIMES. �70L', XXI1 NO, 1523.i ' I1�TGIIa 1�i, UNTAPTU, 11'�I1� rr JUNE 23, 19,01, $1 A Y1 A11 IN AMANG9 AA/MAAAAA WANUD--•500 Tubs of Butter, cash or PIANO Of BANK Or R,hAAAAA�RM/4A14'�AAN ._..,--...•-,.r_---trade � � 0 TI,-zx,h Ixas -flus -v ek irvcztivedran ixx xQ continued ixicxeaso T `,-ItsUbnsiuessT this � We are Headquarters for , et unto that 100.2 c Butts r q goo.imuer Eggs into G. E. XING, MOM to rias pia:x iccikal to be given by popular Institution 'again about to in �. 'l'flxr 12Tx or J rr.-Tlzo peoglo <,f tbo pupils of 1� is Lilliaxa L, Kldeli, in crease its present p d up capital from >Luoknaw aro ntaki g arrangnrrzants frit _ the ladies art ga lery of the Ooufeder• V,000,000 to $2,000, •00 the same being INSECT the largest gatheri g of Oraugeuleu ever orlon Life filti�•,, i'0raixto. illiss W. decided at the aunt al general zixeetitlg 3y seen ti Westerix .1 seen at their sale• , , , Alba Chisholm Wingham s popular of the shareholder, held at rile Uead brntrpn au duly 1 th. It is e.zpe0ted' l S that special o7:Ou ion trains -rill bo rtux yDua(, soloist is t take part in tdxa lira• O#lice Of the banit a I3amfltoix on thePOWL)=R "��,, from Clinton, granxtn0, 17th fust. lmerstaa, Wm+laarti 3Ixrlrr HAVE 3nBx WaiasIl.�PliIle, and Hiucardlrle, d nothing will be left ivied l;it AVm,10 `ION, --ware was are- undone to make t e day pleasant for all Jas,1>,lllott, Of ixllerrY, was driving calved here Dix Tue`day of the death, at'-'' 4C A fine collection to select who may go to L ckxxow, up Josephine strie on Saturday after, Windsor, of Mrs. ±4itchell, mother of from, , and the values are neon, one of the r ar wheels of his bug- of James Mitciieil, -)f the Ooderieli Star. PAIRIS �� � ��� right, Come and see for Miss Macpherson will sell the balance , Ova B"Imyourself. �. of ber millinery stock at cost to clear, gy carne oil in fro t of G, E. ling s Trouble has been bomitli; in battalions Call early and sooezr bargains, store and the hors went up street a short to Mr. Mitohfll thi; year. In marsh 'S 97 piece set... I .... .... . ...$ 0,50 DPA.Txx or, bllaj� AITCIIxsaN Ou itistanoe ata live y rate, Mr Elliott last the fateful memenger, Death carne FLY PADS Good goods, 8 colors. succeeded in sto ing the horse and a d robbed him of -*is devoted life coax• Tuesday avenin., Sarah � y g f this --salt, Alice Carrie, xtfatliing -vas brei:, u, 'Ohs nut became anion. Theis oils rifteou-yettx,old son, e 97 piece sets. . .. . . . .... . . . . 7,60 ,bolo -ad a ifs of Jas. hr _hoose and allowed he wheel t fall off. STICKY Y P.�k3E'Et 'r8,f,4, $10.00, $12,00. y Aitchison, died r t the home of Ziex a bright, engaging .ad, -coir ill anti died. c 7r mother, on Wil &aril street, €aged 32 i;TiiNITURE ST Olt Sorg.: The per- Mr. Uitehell will assuredly, have the C 100 piece sets . . ........ . .... 12,60 y and all insecticides. , f years and 10 moilths, Deceased had chase of the Berli Furniture Company's sincere sympathy of his friends in a Has arrived, and we greet it < 120 piece sets_ . .. . .$16,6U � been a suffer Pr tin cancer for many stock and plant Ix been affected by the series of sAlietions which seem almost tiVit�I we1CA1Ile, Intel Cloth- and $i$.GO months. Service was held in tho Metho • Strathroy Furnit re Co, The price re- too heavy to bear, �j dist clxurolkyeste day afternoon and the ported is •$31,6 0 or sufficient to it a DOUGLASS 'ing may now be laid aside. If � interment t0 acc in the Wingham guarantee the tin cured creditors about GENERA SPORTING. 1= - g v Chemist :tied Lrufigist. A. rarquharson cemetery. 80 cents on the lollar. This is the Wingham seen s to be linable to 7factory that Jas.:.. Cling, of this town, wing'em when i s Palmerston.-.Har-A{;ent G,I4T1 1 GA xB8 AT ISI rCAIiDINL".—l-Ot many Need �^� �y from, this vici.nit • attended the Scottish was Agar on. We'trust Mr, Cline ristou Tribune, 'You + `1 �a'l.ld a CHINA HOUSE � g pray now be able to proceed with the n� eines at Kincax lino on Thursday of last Harrison clad Ingham baseball clubs (l�¢� Opp. Baal: of Hamilton. -week. We unci orstaad that there was a btillcliug of a new furniture factory in played a gauze p the park here yestex- Wxngliam, 4 > good program, �-1 : McDonald of LOwu day. Scare 10 t 10. n n , � 4 6uit VVyVVVVVVVVVVWVVVVVVYVVVV won lad and 3: d prizes in the piping HURO:v OLD Boy~, -»The editor of the The Wingha baseball club will play competition an, . his little daughter" Tl3LEs has receive complimentary tick - b at BrnsseZs on F fday of this week and George l Cl{�t1Zle Ilig a(it ;Miss Mabel wo 1st prise in the dancing Cts for the Huron Old Boys entertain- at Goclerieh on uesday of neat week. [a —nr— You cannot affor3 to pass our D ' competition. Zabel had to mpete went to be held in Linton on Saturday Harriston an Drayton played PHOTO STUDIO Tailoring Establishment without Has far sale, cheap, 7 lots on north : with some of tl best dancers i Canada. of next week. 7' a people of Clinton y p y d a „acne Opp Bransvielc Hoare, Beaver $lot h, seeing what we can offer you. Our side of Bristle Terrace; also 1 lot on There were tori ancors, are malting great . reparations for the °f baseball at arristan on Thursday of wingliant. .stock is unsurpassed in town, and as east side Edward Street and other entertainment of their visitors. Tho last week. Sc re 10 to 9 in favor of NotepMcos per-dozon Cabinet, imuai nice, Q cl), reauced to �� ee Remember we Ila Ie so, A. Slater'sf Hairiston, ..l i to the malting, we guarantee neatly- properties, 148th Highlanders ,and will be in attend• Half Capinatt tr1 1 r ; boots and shoes. B 3.54 shoes In the Carte De Visit(!, made, well-fittbIg and fine-looking trade. Special sale every Satur,lay. ante. A banquet will be tendered the Wingham fo tball team went to Blyth Suribeains, ,, 1.ue, ,. 50• On Fride i These reduevd prxeM will be continued for, it result. Then in i i { EIAN Co. visitors on Their rival in Clinton, and ' y est o play the return game,. sort time, only, come nosy and s, euaj good GENERAL LOCAL NEWS'. in tore afternoon. a program of sports After full time had been played neither Photos at unustutlly low price". D-w7;LI,INCiS CiO.-LP ATE Contractor J, b1ILT0,X UltAH,Ahl, Gents' Furnishings. See Halsev Park's advertisement. Ott p club heel sects dvd in searing, Nicholson has been shin„ work on the - will carried o in the ark. • g Operator. BOY WANTED.—A good smart boy, several dwellings f -•r, which he is the • Fort SA=,.—I offer for sale my house Clubs compo ed of young Liberals and We lead the trade. Come to us for with fair education, wanted to learn the contractor. This Nwek will see J. G. and five acres of land, situate on Conservatives f the town had a game Alondyke latest style's,in Hats, Ties, Collars, printing business. Apply at TlnsEs Stewart's house co aploted, a.nd neat Josephine streot. of baseball at t o park on Monday even- Shirts, and every article in this line.: Office. week lie expects to 1 ave W. H. Rintoul's CkiAs. GILLESPIE. ing, The Con next tives won 11 a scare It is also of interest to , o£ li to 4, Th next game will be potty- e -I • r ORANGE,-IEN To gUlzCrL.-7•he mem- house completed. ' -his is pretty quick MoDEI, FArIaT ExC�rsloN.—As was the ' � � li, � R ant bers of the. Wingh Orange Lodge and work in having two .ew dwelling houses ease in former years the annual excur- ed on Wednesd evening of next week - ULtr Pocket ti and we hope to ee the boys win. overt dear tgAclFance Ofico. visiting brothern will attend divine completed so early ' the season, Work ( sion to Guelph Mode Farm, which took Confectioner- of ^ Zl kinds. That you examine our natty, stock services in St. Pau s church on Sunday( on all the other buil iups in the town is place on Thursday of last week, appears The following 'sa list of games yet tO " of Fine Shoes for Ladies, Gents, morning. Rev. Lowe will preach progressing as rapidlyas osBible. The tO be as popular as ever. A special be played in the aseball league: Blscui s. Flint su se. gun. misses and Children. We have a the sermon. brick work on the n w thodist church train of 8 or 10 cars seceded the regular July 5 Drayt at Palmerston. LUNCHES AT ALL HOURS. large stack of the best makes. is well under way morliing train. Bot4 were well •filled " 11 Palmerston at Harriston, g FIXGERS CUT. bert Doubledee had at -,rice. to kuit, ngers p b k having over 800 ass aboard when 18 Wiughan . at Drayton. lee Cream in :•eason. the,, Angers on his ht hand badly out If you want to sell, or to buy, a farm . 13rc;:cl for sale. ori Friday -last whil at work on a saw or town property, see Dulmage. Real they pulled out of BI assels. 209 of this 25 Harriston at Palmerston. A call solicited. �.. u0muth fn Walker Clegg' factory. The bone Estate Agent and Conveyancer. He will number wbre, tickets 1 at Brussels; 111 26 Draytonat Wingham.�' e insure our life or make our Ang't 8 Palmerston at NVin ha `� �a - SNELL. y y were from Wingham and G8 from Blne g ln• of rile little finger as badly ant. He `„ __vim--.••-'-...••�-• will be Lilco off -vorl, or sortie •time but MRs, MaTXVIS l' DarArfl, ifs week vttZci, ILIO ctcrp6t Ru ling's .circus was 14 Wiitgltain at Harriston. - WJNGHAM, we are pleased to le Mth the lI not we are called upon o recorcl the deatlx an additional iuducenexit this year. W[lVfiaHAI!"( RACES. S. ItEarriage licenses lose any of the fingers. of an old and high respected. resident WEDDING Brxbs—Another of those OTiURC . N OTS;.4. The attendance at Ito first day of the of Wingham, on Sunday last, in the happy events that InEke two hearts beat Wingham races On eunOstray was not Lord Strathcona has sent "10,000 to 7gsued by VRA'Nx pATsug)N, No. 28 victoria Isn't it warms? Do 't f to insuect ` person of Mary, rc iet o£ the late Duncan as one took place at the residence of as large as lies -taut sly Leen rota naso. treet.wingham,ont. l'owituessesrequired. our steel- of Sum, othill . Bays the Presbyterian century memorial coats 50c, Mens frox c to $5.50. NtoTavish, aged 5 'years. Deceased had Mr. and Mrs. Lawre ice Fyfe, Leopold fund, There were three go Z raves,, and those HANNA ci Co, been in poor Irealt i for some years and street oil Wednesd::y evening, when I present -were well ple, 4..d with the day's Rev. Mr. Coe ncl of Londesboro 'II•+€•'r €••II••3•tir4.1•'oi•✓o'l'd' :"€•..........'" was suffering fr.m cancer, She had their youngest eau Cter, Miss Jessie p ' events. The followfr is tl.,e first day's- .F, 1G' IIATTOhAL IRON <�aRxs'—Everything i •' ' occupied the pu it iIi the Methodist ,g, , .,o � . been a resident of Wfnghain for up- was united lir. the only bands of motif- c, sutnttaaz5•:-- 4, Ba4riess Rnowledgg and "Everlast- .;, is on the move at the National Iron church on Saud y last, morning and in Push" -vin wards Of twenty years. IIor husband moray to Albert Lbtlt t of to-vn. At 7.30 2.6e pace auto trot, •€• g �' Works premises. several carloads of � � evening, .y. + died nearly sixt:en years ago. One o'clock the wedding marcs. was played Nellie B., Geo. Da --ton, {xade- 'i" •D, new machinery hav i arrived this week Rev. Wm. Low attended the annual rich , , .. , , , , . • .. t5 48 ✓�. daughter is left t , mourn the loss of a by Miss B. Reynold.. The groom took and it is now being; placed in position. meeting of the Synod Amelia, P. 1b1oDavit Lueknow 1 I b •1' r loving mother a she will have much his place and the tw(flower girls, Ruby g y d of Huron at Bobby iliac" The boiler and en f a have been laced � y , R. 11 eBriclr., To- ,� g p London last week He was elected as a 2 •€• /f , sympathy in her , action. The uieral and Cora Kerr en ,er ed the drawing rout ....... . ......... . . . .. >, 2 1 Ili position. The elite building is jus took place to th Wig Cru co etery on room folio -wed by t1 a bride, leauiu;, on member of the E cutive'Committee• Sidney Pointer, B, ossenUerry, A. completed. The cogpany s stock books I Zurich... . .... . . . .. 3 3 a, Monday afternoon. her father's arm, "'Ile bride carried a i�ecluesclay e- uing, July 3rd, the •� IG has pard others to attend the '� will be closed on th 29th ins-., and it is Tommy Mack, J, Jol astou, }31ttv- I+ expected that the rks will be in oper- Why has our Gr ery ade increased' bogus- of bridal res ,s and it is needless Congregational c titch holds its usual vale , .. , . ..... . • , ... 4 dfs, Central Cosiness College + ation early in Jul, one half during M as June? Because to say she looked c farming. The oere- quarterly busines meeting. July 7th— Time—•`22.`2:)?;], 2,30 2,31, ,a big keen buying, l rices, hence Fresh molly was perform 1 by Rev; D. Perrin communion. A 1 ge attendance at both 2.28 pace and 2.24 trot. Stratford, Qnt. ot. S. O. S. GRAND AXP.—Tbe meeting stook and prompt elivoly, in the presence o a large number of of these meetings is desired, Nellie 'Willies, A. 'Ootlall, An. of the Grand Ca of rho Sons of Seot- . NA & Co. relatives of file contracting parties. Rev. Geo. Ric rdson caster ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 1 1 land held in Toro' to this week was One ,pastor o£ the Lewis L., T. i3ro-wnr age, l rntnp- I .and it will pay you. Our students aro , DIED IN ED\IONTO, After an illness After the cerelno y all sat down to a Methodist eller° at Milton has owing ton ..... , . ells. remarkably successful in securing and §, holding excellent situations. Be careful •1, of the most S'ttec-,9ful ever held. The of no longer durati0 than a week and a bountous repast, repared by the host- to ill -health, rest ed and has been put May Bud, Herh. NV !;.itis, ONren • . in yygur selection. of tt school. Ex -stud- ,y - =� ents of other business colleges are now , total membershil'.'staday is 6,096, -vi„ h a day there died at er home oil Ale- ' ess. `the resen to the bride were Sound ..... 3 2 g' !t' in attendance at our school. Come to .t total insurance +f$5,118,000. There p on the anporaunu ted list, Mr. Richard- Pat Ellerton, E. °sse:Iberr y , a `i �• this college and we will guarantee to q, ]Dougall street) Ed -cutch, N., W. T,, numerous and c stay, she -wing the es- son teas station d in r�isto-vel some g thoro, 1y prepare you For business ,!, was a balance of �1I 656.36 to the credit life. a ea in genuine business edtr ' recently, Mrs. MoD ,Wald, -wife of D. W. teem inwhich s to is held in the coin- years ago. Time -2.30, 2 t30, 81. cation, we have nothing to do with the .l. of the assessmer� fund on the 31st Of McDonald, druggis . To say that this munity. After -, pleasaut evening the , •2,20 �, sham article. �= December, 1901 $41,000 was paid in ) The Rev. Y Oaten, of Ashfield, pace and N 1(; rot, write for ourcatalo� tt0. b too early demise f one who was a friends repaired to their several homes a Erio J. V. Orton, St. ntudents admitted at tiny -lino. ,�. death claims grin the year. Ales. formerly or Belgra e, having pursued for ,!, g y social favorite cas • a gloom over the all wishing the -towly wedded couple a TllOtrtas.... . .. . . ... ..... 1 1 3 .t. ,I, Fraser; of TOran °, was re-elected Grand towndoes not art r ,ss the i 1 several years a gra nate course in men- Tofu Appleby, It, Po ter, atrat- WV *J. ELLIOTT, Principal. g goat sorrow long, happy and �rOsperous life. tal Philosophy,, Th ism, and Economical ford ........ , . , . u 4 i 4 k •r Chief and D. E. Robertson 'Toronto p yt •i• ' 'that the announce went brought to all hiss been ranted to M. A. degree b Nono• ivilkes, Moffat , Elutvttte 3 6 tiffs. $ �,� 1„ ��,r�, 3 was re-elected Grand Secretary. D. who had known h r. Young, amiable, Stops Clough u g g , y Alma, T. Corbett, Testivttter .. 2 8 4 2 8 Stewart, the del gate from. Camp Cale- and of a sympath&-ic and loveable dis- the his university. Annie D., T. But ii idgo, donia will give his report at the meet- -snag zeOrlt�s oliiL the Cold. Rev. Dr. Morg Wood, pastor of s Brampton 4 21 1 1 position, hers was L charming persOxlal- Laxative Bromo-QninineTablets oureacold in Plymouth Church f Cleveland Ohio I Tittle -2,20, ::.1'1}a;,' • t, x,211; 2121. To TH> D>;Aa . —A rich lady, cured of ing o£ the C p on Monday evening oneday. No Cure, no Pity. Price '0 cents. y ' ' moi` ity, and created aflction for her every- her Deafness and Noises in the Bead by next: formerly of Torout has recoirerl a Cali Dr. Nieliolson's artificial Ear Drains, where. f this tom, .-ens alto of A. to the Brick :Presby rian Church, Now ' Farmers Who are about retiring, and Dulznage Of this town. 9 ra wingharn s Lead' (�l� �Il�� Stole. gave 25000 dollars. to his Instituto, so that want a comfortable ' home in town, can , t 1 York. An offer of $12,000 it year deaf people unable to procure the 1•;ar be shown a number of very desirable Wo, the undersigned dentists of � accompanies the call Drums may have them free. Address, Ones by calling on A. Dunnage, Real Wingliam, agree to close our offices Estate Agent. every Wednesday afternoon during' the Dr. tiVarrng of autn ", delivered��Tho Nfcllalsbn Instituto, 780 Eighth_ months of June, Jnly and August. Zveft door t0 1 est Gftioe. an interesting addre s On "Tisa Work Avenue, No -v Yorl�.I, O.O. F, PIX sION.- The I.O.O.F. W. . I3oltowAv andAires of rho Ca ails Congr?gatforl Bargaill's excursion to Sax and Detroit on Sat- A. T. IRwiN. :--�.� _ College," at the Con eational church P'IC;iJCJ AT TF.BSWtTt+R,—Under the urday last was attended by over 300 — We never tire of talkIn s ,.TxtirltirzC HAtisT t --A terrific hail- last Tuesday avenin The extreme �' h5es„ auspices of the lath .s of the Catholicpeople, many of 110311 wore frons Wing- storin passed over t is section on Satur- EYE -.----ST _ i heat was na bar to a goad attendance lyecause we altvatys have something, Mission of TeOswaer, -aided by the hath and vicin y, and the trip was day afternoon. I -vas the '-worst ever � and ail who carne wcte well paid ftr .extra good to t faliz about. A'nd trr• w }1•C. IVI. B. A. associati ,n, a grand picnic ready enjoyed by all. The sail do -vu judge h the fttnaunt of ntlr sales `will be hold in Thoth -son's grove,' Tees - the Oxperienced in the _parts. Hail stones their effort. I g y the river on the "Tashinal" will never that measured G.1: 51 inches were nota CHILDHOOD and the number of people=, that rotno Water, on July 1s . The prominent be for triton an Was thoroti hl enjoyed Rev. A. D, Prior deli . ers the first of a to olir .41100 store, shoppers ill over g g y common sight. The storm did not speakers will be on. JT. 'Garrow, b the excursiox ists. The run was made series of object sermon- coming Sunday town know tlltzt it pays to t,uy shoes Y appear to have a v,-ry-vxdo area a:ad the E1a�IS' blighted Goderich; D, XOG licuddy, Goderxch y northern part of tL- town was affected evening. Subject 'Tho Invisible :Signal, EJ. G. Goor e, Pott Elgin. A In shorter time than what is usually when we say that Ot>r boot ,tad �h0tr taken. The ma ority' Of the excursion' the most. At the 3unction one would aaoctnattYt tllatt'i�/ lives Helpers."Ii- The subyect of morning bargains always give absolute satin-, baseball match -vlll oro place between fists attended =telcos in the different EY>~5 sermon is Tratlis rvh%c i datibt cannot - taproot-, hardy know that f iere had been a storm, because p "' t > All are Wingham and Tee water. All aro churches in the City of the Straits on E1lr MINED ills rove,-Llebrovvs �t2,, cordially invited. as only a Pe -v tittering hail stones ', .the pain caused cordially invited, to attA: A. Sermons iu les, ;i I) of Ladies' fico quality low Sunday. 'Phe , T. R, offloi, is were could be fotlnd e hardl-r= onotxgh rain ��� shoes, wbutton, -with strap over instep; C , T. It. OY I"IOx k The officials of : very Obliging a ltd aecoinnlodating, and fell to dampen tri dust, Many windew � - thereby this series will. be dolive •eel every two or also lueo Oxfoi tis, very styli"lr, with three weeks, COinf0-L•!l1-L $010-4. H(t ulttr Price et2,00, the Grand Trunls wl visited. '�V'IWI= everything passel off 131 nteo order. The glasses wore br.11 u atxd oar hardware I'QCILICCB last weep wore th follo5ving John I.O.O.P. comma ted hie to be sot rata- g g Rat/. S. Seller for etl Sato clay , s , , , .... ren'.. l*, stores d0ile a re t baseness in lass on yr y Pastor o" 1001 l) i w t,f 11Ii5 PS a':'l Cltildrfln`s Pullen, general fro" ht agent; W. D.. latodonthosue tiss of 'theirexcur:sion. Saturday evonin , Rich. Armstrong's *h UVOMOh to the WinghAln Method St church -wag Bint,0h, l.,tce a*1 Tun's, belatifat Davis, passeugor tr a momager; J, L- The local L O, ,twill ran an excursion greenhouse suff ped the finest franc the toudered a fare'tcell r eption by the goads kiaturday s bar{;ttrns. See therm study. Quick, general b ag'o agent; J. W. to 81%ruia and I)otroft soma time in stories its noarl• every parvo of glass was Central Methodist char 1 people, Woad- 1t'iltET1213�"1t-��veHew free, all > lits inshgea Loral, freight and t file manager'; (l, l;, Augast, Date announced later, broken, MaI13#, t%of glass in Bells" Tho b9akwAted child too okbri stock, Tuesday eveni