HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-06-21, Page 8THE WING11AX THIVS, JITH 2), 001. P. H. Grallam, of London, Bugland'is, •few clays this week visiting NO CE TO CONTRACT Rai Estate 'aid Loan Office, M, H74 6aptell'i(oliubtifikie -of hisbrother,T.O. d Accountlint. This is the first time that Mr. Grahalll Tcndels fo the erection o In is resi• Money to loth on towal alact farm property. dears Sit h of Qodorl wl )a received jf"lleTil;;�N clouts -%011 Of Dro. T. & J. S. Ila" visited Caj)aclo. in 19 veers. \0 urg(? g3alt no ater h .0 t d Bert Ross leaves neat week for Winni- no I ( ca rily 20, 1001. enct—Catherine 8t, TI-enderm ills 1) ad s .14anv,0ounty IMCIND00 Clerk 0 Prich. I ng will (kotstone tion as operator in the O, P. R, offices, and abo 1) f t size. 'lie mate rine A.DULMAGE Wide Awake e t tborou bly understands his busi- 04 MEMO. TO 0 V1( I B iildi;itr. bills fill Furniture Stolle. gooldcations (-if Mi. a le lei, 'a Q e Al Fs Oil Is a young men Nvhq should do oderich, Tel be Me and inar B:r e :* must be Me W. In is new position "'Tender for OA 0 well a �offot(kaoln rp.a ('.I The lom, fender not ril ao'• SE W__ ING, do cuunon Aorta., Cepteci. W. Rookie, 13. will ilrelloh. ill tho P•HO W. 11RASS AND IRON BEDS4 NEW 0 0 0 D S I Baptist chilrell oil SulicIlly next. Oil too at Goderleh. this 18th day of un MAG 14INES IMouclavpvc,ning-an Putfirtammelit Will 3)6. hidd e iii thchureli tit -whicli 3Tr. PROPERTY FOR SALE The easiest running Greatest beauty combined with cheapness Opened This Week. Oil yo-Ilay .welting gorne serelity makes them The Beds of The Gen- te of t1i; T viTidersigned offel-ft his property. coat - 1 of tbo 1�pworth Leagi .1,0 and most noiseless INTetlindipt eliiirciti paid a. visit to the totuiing % of fill acre, oil HowicIr street, Wrox. is the tury, They stand for years. Don't i o pi-ces S-ript:d Muslin in Longlis tit Imcknow. ThpWioigboluiter, (-tor, foriRple. Upon the promises there aro a A, roomed house, % ith, good new stone cellar: •warp. Don't scratch, Sanitary. Sky, Pink, Navy, Black and, rpr-t that. they were well entertained th now titablo and a well. Property -will � I by,their 1jncku;Nv friewls,. bot-oldelicap. For pg�(-11_11,culars, address, STANDARD ROTARY. Easily cleaned, Vermin, i Mauve, in �trip(:$ and Fancy Thi4pplogatfli to tho Cmigrotrnticiti4l 0 s a strap. THOS. M, 8rdITFI, For sale by to them, They impart tone and Spall, The very ne%,Vest Union whivli met in Toronto June 5 to Wroxetev, Ont, ger 10, krill rt-pnrt at the niorning service cheer to the bed -room. Many pretty v Thp rastor will s goo,.!-, in the tradf-. . eolning.14micla- peal WM. GANNETT. '-- WALKER BROS. & BUTTON 0.1 -iPl-jlo(;ophi(-, objections to the styles and so inexpensive. SCARCE GOODS. Grwpi-1,11 at the P-muing service. IRV UNDERTAKERS, WINGHAM. Rev. Dr, Warriiier, of the Coligrega- $5.50 to $17.25. W01 ;tssorted stock jLlSt tiolinj College. Montreal, will speak in Night calls at Button Block, Fifth opt. lW(I New White and the . Congregational ellure.b. Tuesday door south of -8chnn] Rouse. hop op. A������� Wells June $1th. It. is hoped that it poRite Macdonald block. A% Isirge number n portunity to hear a undersigned have purchased all —a 0 Z__5 Bis -,i'k Gloves in good "vt'nitlg f the churob will avail The u ' quii,it%% tiew rrry all(l NN,jjjtvjt.hf;*nime1vPsofthR0P `Ta 1HE T-11 the necessary machinery for drilling IIJIL :B— jr,`prpqpntotive congregation educator Artesian Wells and are prepared to do Kid Glo-ves for Ladies and :Dr -,Vni-ritiEkrjsalwa3*s�'worthlienriiig.'I all kinds of work in tllftt line. I I - UNDERTAKING—Our extensive j!xperiece warrants Get, The njilinfil meeting of the Huron HOLSTE1111 DA ff Ally person wantingwork clone in our W. 1 county Siollbath School and Christian line will leave word at W. Gannet's Im- us in cailivg special attention to this Bran4h of our business.. New Shoes in Slippers) but- Endeavor Union was hold at Clinton, on having added a separator to their plant, now plement shop. You will find us prompt, reliable, - toned and lace, very fine quill- Tuesday acid Wednesday of this week. oil"r W. A. OURRIU• attentive and efficient. Dr. Towler, President of the Union and CLAUXIFIED MILK WM. DAVIDSON.4 ity. FajFPy Park represented the Methodist to the people of Wingham, Our cows are ]rept B LUTHER ALL, Funeral Director. New hositry in 1,,nCy Cot- Su -day school; Rev. D. Perris and Mrs. strictly clean, mo that we are enabled to offer A. R. -is wore. the representatives from absolutely elean milk, iced In summer, during ' WANTED ton, and fine Cashmere, Black .Tune, July and August. er Fountain Pon, Send 10 Residence—Patrick St., Mr. Graces s late residence. Itho Presbyterian Sunday school. AGENTS c'entbs silver or stamps for sample. and Colored., IVAWA NOW. scents perquart, delivered onco a day, HUNTER& Co. 612W.Fiftlist,einei nnti3O New Silks and Dress I Fine snnimer weather but a little cold t oerred this week. ------- Goods, est ti rn Ps. juspmiss pl' z% Phillips and Miss Bell from Taffetta, Silk Foulard and Goderioli Were the guests of Miss Lottie H.qillpq On Friday last. Satin. Those Nvlio missed the picnic at- the + handsome Duchess 0 W n t C --w, d at 0. C%,"-;1;, ++• Dress, Ends and Skirts, river iiPar Donnybrook will feel Sorry + I v did not attend as it Nvas a ffrand 5,k w b rl" i Silk and Wool Mixtures, qnenPsg; there were between 800 and Tweed Effects, Home-Spuns, 1000 people there, and the weather was + fine. + Broadcloths. Everything up- Did you go to the Model Farm? If to -date and trimming to match, not, besure and don't miss the Orange walk in Lucknow on the 12th of July, + Corsets and Laces. Great as- which is reporteirio be a great day for CA R.Lu"'AD 0 -IFF CHOICE 42♦ � sortment. everybody. + Excursions, celebrations and pionics + Specialg in Lace Curtains are the order of the day. + and Carpets Miss Winnie Haines'illtends SpPndi'391 part of her summer vacation w ition at b- 9111-V Home-grown Canadian Strawberries, sister's near Lncknow, and thou she will 40W -d,�M Saturday Specials. visit her school -mates near home..0. qF+ 4 + 50 doz. Children's Hose at I for Mr. and Mrs.'Robert Addison, of first of the season.ura.-. ButtqL;jr 100. Wingliam, were visiting friends near Fordyce, last WedliPRday. + 200 yards Embroidery, reg. 8.c, linday The Epworth League and 8 Saturday 15c. We have made arrangements with a School of Brick church intend bolding a 10 doz. Hemstitched Hdkfa, very lawn social and strawberry festival at I X T U13 0. 15c Lb. + fine. reg. 8e, Sae iirdAy 50 the residence of Mt. John Reif] of the + Canadian grower to have them • 12 eon., on the evening of the ' 24 th ill.q. + 200. yards 3 fi,ch fine Lace, reg. Tea will be served from 6 to 8 o'clock shipped 100, Saturday 5C. after which a good program. conFistilig 150 tads Shaker Flannel, reg. 80, dialogues, speeches, recitations and + Saturday 5e. music, instrumental and voral, will be A ", u 0- dered. Admission, i5c; 2 tie for G any qantity of Igp-r-S. 450 yds. Itibbon from 1 to 8 in. Xj + 25c; childrp'n, 100. + wide, pric-s frorn le to Se, Saturday Boltw. + FRES 119" EVERY DAY So, Shop early at H.L.ighest price. IM,)PPAT.—In TurnbPrry. o, Mcr. and Mrs. Christopher M,-,ff., -10 R,1fS1.VR6XG­jn Morris, on 3unp gri�'IrR.'Win. Armstrove, a damirlitei , Mr. and M. H. idldtfflools ALL.—In MorriqHoward Hall, , 01) T lie- 10, IL e,to.Zr. r.nd -b 1:C. Robt. Scott, o dirighter. B AxN-Anm—lu Wroxotev*, (OF.Tune 5th, the D. Mo uordon at GRIFFINI.4_��a I PERSONALS. wifjLLif Edwurd Barnard of n f on. Dr. Agnew was in Toronto for a f-144.Avo-_vD.&vxT)iox­At tbe Meth(d . . ............. 0++++i ..... 3ttv�qr Direct Importer. 1nonage, winglinifl, on June %'00i, by R. days this week. ��Hoblb,,, Samuel Deacon, of r, -i, -.t 117[L 'a bli, to Miss Lizzio Cameron, of Pine River. M;-, ggle Davidson, of Pat -field. W, ARAtr1TATt.q0N—HUGGAx—,kt the residence is staying in town at present. of the bride's father. on Jnne loth, Wev. A E Prior, Wm. T. Far( h - to - Mazy , _�i I I o f W Mrs jos. Golley, of Treburne, Man., I 'ARTAMI—At St.vtmls'church, friends in Wiligham, 1 Beaforth,.Tmie .5th. by Rev% Rural Dean Hod- iS v1sitingwitL Miss Duln;ag y Dillmage Mr. Geo. of Morrim, to blargal'(st e and Sidney E., dr.ughter of the late Samuel licariett, of 0. spent ]Sunday with friends in Lakelet, i McKillop. ona. W o k Scovx,�-33pwrrY.—At iliv re.4idence of the,i Natl' r o n Chn.. Seager, of Brussels, bus taken, a b0d(04 father, oil June 1*2tb, Rev. A. lie - situation at the National Iron Works. Nub, M.A.,'1N1r.Jahn 8vott,(,f Iiltllett,toMiss Annie, daughter of Mr. Rlichrrd Bewley, of W D. A. Campbell, of London, is spend- Morris, .L LVJL .t KELLY — 11A.WaITAX. —At tit. Miellsel's ing a ftnv bolidays, at his home in town. church, Myth, on June 10rh, by. Rev. M%thpr 6 GE, NERAL 014FICES AND WORKS WINGRAM. -s. Jo,,. Carruth, of Hepworth, is to Mary A. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mi McMenamin, Mr. All(-bael H. X0.1y. of Mori is, 0 + visiting frith her parents, Mr. aull. Mrs. + Hnllahnni, of East Wawanosh. HEAD OFFICE NATIOXAL TRUST RUILIUNG TORONTO. L. McLean. CAjT1�11sf,T­E:PllR.—At the residence of the bride's mother, on June 12th, by Rev. A. Mae - Mrs. W. D. Pringle and daughter are Xny. Mr. Duncan S. Campbell. of Greenock to (INCORPORATED -UNDER ONTARIO COMPANIES ACT.) Mary. youngest daughter of the- late Mr. i4cr- sPeurling two weeks with friends in men Kerr, of Kinloss. O .. .. ... PlPT)rE—Mc0U1CA—At- the ChurelldfEng- Belfouteiii. In 3d, Bolgrave, on Alno 1 th, by Rev. Mr. Me- Quillin. of Blyth. Albert if. Perdue, V. S,j of 4, Councillor McKenzie spent part of last C. lifford, to Miss Ella Maude, daugl�ter of 01flas. 0 I m( week vWting, with his son, Dr. Me- i I .,a,Prea, of Morris. pr WILD. 09+ -tit !al. PATRUM.—At sea-fn-loss,e home of hor ton.in.la, 9 i Dr. McCallum, of Cresliuc, Ohio, 111'as Mr. Anthony Doitc, lot 111, con. 0, now3'.1c on 0 .Tune 10th, Janet Skilling, rV of the fate Patrick, aged 95 years. visiting for a few days this week wit etpr Patri IN 2,000 SHARES OF $100.00 E-ACH. Qk%VXouv,.—Tii Aforl-N, oil Junt, 14th, Eliza his friend, Dr. Agliew. B in of Jame% Oasemorv, aged 40 ""Ord' ".1 Will. Soole and bride, of Carman, ymmand Mo ths."o Mon., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. - __-1______n . E. ____ * P.11EFERENCE STOCK, 1,000 9HARES—$100,000. Inglis for a. few days this week. NOT 10E. COMMO*NT STOCK 1,000 SHARES— 100,000. • Mr. Geo: Bushel is visiting at his home in Belvie. He has spent some time in Whereas the Municipal Council of the Town of Win ham deems it expedient and in the Wingham.—Mneardine Review. public Interest that that portion of William st ept, which lies north of the River Maitland, Mr. and Mrs. John Kerr left last week and that portion of the lane between William BOARD OF DIRECTORS. BANKERS. + on a driving tour. They visited with and Arthur streets which lies betweeruin lots 4. JOHN GALT, C. B. and M. E., Toronto. BANK OF HAMILTON, Wingham. numbe.ra MA and 10 on one side and lots num, nitre, 0 CANADIAN BANK OF COMME1110143, Toronto. relatives in London and other points. b,,r.,j $36 and ST, on the other . original WILLIAM 0, BULLOCK, Manufacturer, Toronto. government survey, oil in the Town of Wing- Col. T. Smith and wife, of Clifford, ham, In tile. Conn - Huron, ou es Opp JOHN A. McLEA11T, Lumber Merchant, Wingham. AUDIFIrons. u and eased or 'Yod! Nvere visiting in town for a few clays this sol ALFRED E. SMITH, Banker, Wingham. herefove notice I.% hereby livell: CLARKSON & CROSS, Toronto. week, the guest of their daughter, Mrs, That the Municipal Council of the Town of M. B. ALYSWORTH. Architect, Toronto. W. ham intend.,; to pass a by-law, after one A. Dulmago, mont from the date hereof for stoppIngilp GtORGD, BULLOCK, Accountant, Toronto. .4,40LICITORS. most leAsing ortgellinog Dr. Gunn, of Clinton, was in town William street In T that portion of JOHN GO'aIXLO0K,'Agent, Toronto. ROWAN & ROSS, Toronto. + Oil wn of Wingliam.1 Friday last. He had been called in con. which lies north of the River Mnitland, and that portion of the lane between William and -MANAGEMENT_____, 'saltation on a case with a Lucknow Arthur streets in the Town of Wingliamt doctor at Wbitechureh. which Ties between lots numbers 834 and 035 on on"ide, and Iota numbers Mol and 807 on the 0 JOHN GALT, C. H. and M. E., HUGH MUNROB, B. So. Glasgow University, WILLIAM C. BULLOCK, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Bowles end other side original Government survey. . Con -suiting Engineer. Superintendent. Managing Director. k Before t P 11iml passing of mlid proposed by- + daughter, Alice, left last WeLk for law, the said Municipal Council will hear the 4, oraligoville after visiting with relatives li,tition, of all those whose. lands might be pre- 4 riciall affected thereby who petition to * and friends in Wingham. reheard. The Directors offer the balance of ist 'Issue 7 per cent. preference stock to the people of Xlinggham and vicinity. Dated, Clerk's office, Wingham, Tune 7th, * Mr. and Mrs. D. Stewart, of Sporieka, 10i. * The pants are placed within the reach of all parties, rich and poor. 14ELlis, Wash .,'aro visititig with Mrs, B. ...... The charter of Stervjjrtls. parontg. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Town the Company is an exceptionally broad one, giving the right to act as Engineers, Consulting or Groves, of LowerWiughard, WANTED—TIMSTWOUTHY MEN AND Mechanical Contractors and Manufacturers. women to trnvol A%jd adverfNe toy, old ostab- Sfimos Snoll, of Clinton, well-known liphed houflo of solid fillanolfil Atonding. Salary There is no business in Canada to -day making the rapid strides of the Iron Industries. The prospects' of'this 80a7e�ArflrkdPXp0nqP.q, all l)jjyal)lc'jjT curia. inthis section, leaves Ile1b month for Willniper,, where lin pops to act as ind., outinvacWn, -equir6d, Givotoferenepsatid able business are exceptionally promising, ,fj i ( Ad-,,�, Company doing a large and profit, incoanectioa with the Provincial Fair. dmfiq Mayinger, 3M va-tton Bldr.. ("llietago. Mrs, 1. A. Gray and family left on Some of the lines to be made are. Fire Hydrants, Gate Valves, Check Valves for Steam, Gas, Thfirsola,y for Preston, where they will T%T + resido ill future. MrAxlfty lifts it good ALLAN LINE Water, Oil, Ammonia, &-c.; Large Steam Fittings, Sprinkler Equipment $Applies, Indicator Posts, situation in dio furniture factory in that I r Water Meterso, Drinking, Park and Display Fountains. town. mo,rritiq for P.014montou. X, W. T., diThe Company are the sole agents Rieliaril Xixou left town op TqAWay I Rojal Mail �1.����il�Ipg , ents in Canada of Glenfield-: Kennedy, Limited, Kilmarnock, Scotland, famed in all W11; '* ...... . ...... fitl �jtna­ I parts- of the world as Hydraulic Enjineers, Experts and Manufacturers. The fact d this old established house- becoill- 4N 10firo, will W.81k hilill 0 '6 ing affiliated with n young Canadian concern may safely be talten as an indication of strength and confidence, ant-, ­si '11 FROM -:MONTREAL '%jj jj-T,,tl'tZ4ft1 The buildings are rVidly nearing com I horne on 0 pletion, and the Works will soon be in opeaLtion. HEW YORK, Xondny i;(, . 1 0 Parties desiring information regarding; the stock, prospectus, Ste., should make application at once to the Com- frout Wirmippsr, Will afft- ",ddGRafew days at h%- homt ra M jm4m for Ottawa to commeree bin or tickticketsand full information apply any tit Wingham. -jj juges m c4erk in the Np6thnent'of the to H. DOI% WilighaftS.