HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-06-21, Page 6�, - U THE AVINGHAN TIMES, JUNE 21, 001,t XISTABIATISHED 10. one copy of the Ontario Staa#oa for this Society. T 4 A dose of Miller's Worm Powders 9c. The eport Nsas dopted with onally will keep the children healthy. 4RD 1672, AA an amendment to the effect that the I"", Also a copy asci} for the clezL- and the Warden aii.A oleric be igstruoted to ask for Sold, by C01114 A. Campbell. Binder mwinu. TACE Wimua Tins. year of ""' council mud TiE WNW, Tim -TO't The -report of the county, property tract, M 14, rT4LIOTT, PVnTJ;4HNA AND PAOXMIr treasurer, now tenders Or 0041 And award the coa- TOWN DIRF,,CTORY, EYE.RY FRIDAY MORNING committee it% the matter of the report of The road and bridge c6MM ee reo PA itt., 0 FARMERS' CO-OPERATION F11WAY, JTTNIE 21, 1901. the Provincial inspector concerning the mended that the County Commissioner BArTxsT Cuuno _$abbatij e -Vic s b COMPANY Limited, . a s 1, e a The Times: Offlee, Beaver Week appointing of a. committee to center With have the Oralgim bridge repaired at 11 n in And 7. p ium., Sunday School At THF, COUNTY COUNCIL, him in reference to the gavder'5 residence Once; that repairs to Chambers' bridge 2,80. p m. GenerAl prayer mooting WING-HAN, ONTARIO, 13 Nvas, preseused. The committee asked be repaired at once-, that repairs to on Weduesda evenings. Rev. 7 ..RANTFO R D, I s Froed, pastor, W. X, Chapman, S. S, Tunus our Su=crtmro,,q-$l.00 pot. animin in Chambers' bridge be attended to advance, $1.50 if not No paid. No paper 4i$coll 3WInates 4)f June session, nela here Last the con oil 4o deal, with the matter. In QOU" Superintendent, Week, Messrs. Kerr, Bowman, Connolly, junction with tile Bruce Commission United t 11 all arrears tire paid, except at the Prices for the Season ot. erS' , M]PT1IQD1ST CHURO11-13abbAth services option of the publisher. (004ertell signal.) Torrance And the Warden were appoint- that the commissioner report, at the at 11 a m and 7 p in. Sunday Bob I Col at ADvzitTisxNa RAIJILPS. - Legal- and other The county council mat at the court ed, it special committee to confer with December inpatiug upon the, necessity 2:80pm.. Epworth League every Mon. casual adverti 880perwou arlollinufor 1901 day evening. . General prayer meeting it' -tit insertiou,111111101111ino for etto i'subsequent 0. per house on Tuesday, June 4th. The Went- Dr. Chamberlain, and the Clerk was in- and tho cost of a Dow bridge over the On ov, Richard insertion. bar$ were all presentwitli the exception strutted to write to Dr. Chamberlain to XAit Wednesday evenings, R Advertisements In local columns are charged . land river between Colborne And Hobbs, Xmtor. Dr, Towler, S. S. Sup, ide for fix -at insertion and 5 conts, Red Star, 600 ft ...... i oY2 c. - olt occupied this efteot. 4 . port". r 'In I I ,of Mr. Ha s. Warden 11 Goderich townships; that a pipe railing eriuten Ont, lin'.11fIr each subsequent insort On. PuEsB.YTEnrAx Cnultan-Sabbath ser. Advertisements of Lost, round, $tr ed, Red Star, 550 ft ...... 10 C.. the chair. Application was made 1>y a committee be put on Ball's bridge ;, that $25 be . reins for Sale of, to Rent, and Similar $1 9f vices At 11 a in and 7 p m. Sunday on, - Special Manilla, 5oo ft. gyoc,. arae and 50 cents for chaug;�; oi The Warden addressed the coilnoil in of Qitizeub of the town of Clinton for a granted to assist in repairing the botiod- School at 2:30 p m. General prayer' month. out Sisal, old ..... ...... 8 C. reference to matters regarding the tress- grant to assist in entertaining the Huron 4ry between the t wusbips of Minto and meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev- COINTRACI RATErr-Thefollowing table shows 0 0. urer's security and stated that the Old Boys on the Otli of July next. HQwiok; that in the matter of the motion D. Perrie, pastor and S. S, Superiuten- our rates for the insertion of advertisements Sisal standard . matter would be reported on by the Messrs. Forrester, Ransford and Holmes a Councillors Spaokmau and, Hicks re_ dent. for Specified periods:- 7 C. PAuLls Cululton, EpiscoPAL-Sab- SPAOE. I yn. a me. sero, lard (The latter two are not our own make,) proper committee. were heard in support Of the application. gardidg. A new. bridge over the Aux hath services One Column ......... W,00 $15.W $0 1-0 ces at 11 a in and 7 p in. Sun- 'Half Column ...... 00, 18.00 10.00 4.00 Communications were read as follows: The matter was referred to the executive Bauble river the request be granted. day School at 2:30p in. General prayei! Quarter Column _. ls.00 lo.Go 6.00 2.00 From James Mitchell, president of the committee. The report was amended by the strike meeting 04 Wednesday evening. Rev. Advertisements without colfic directions CANADIAN FARMERS. will be Insertod-tillforbid an"N i charged accord - Win. Lowe, incumbent. F. Shore, S, S. ingl;r. Transient advortiserriefits must be paid Chillren's Aid society, asking for a Messrs. McCartney and Sturdy aero iug out of the clause referring to the ex- S11, nri S We have just a word to say to you. P utend nt. for it% advance. This the first and only truly co-operative. grant to assist such society, heard in support of their petition re- panditure on the boundary between 0ONQUEGATIONAL OHUROIL-Sabbath THE Jon DEPART.AMNT is stocked with an Company in Anierica, !,,q offering you to - From Andrew Scott, secretary of the garding school Section No. 8, Goderich Minto and HowiQk. With this amend- services at 11 a m and 7 p in. Sunday extensive assortment of all requisites for print- day its stook in small holdings, one and - public lftmiry of Brucefield, towdship, and Messrs. Churchill And ment the report was adopted, School at 12 m. Midweek meetinglon ing, affording facilities not equalled In the county for turning out first class work. Largo two shares at par. It is also placing its Tenders for coal for court house, goal Nesbit spoke against such a petition. The report of the finance committee, Wednesdry evenings 11t 8 o'clock. Gavin cypeanda ropriato cuts for all Styles of Kit! splendid twice with you for the coming Wilson, B.S. Supt,; A. E. Prior, pastor. env, Hand 'WilM, etc., and the latest s and re' -wry office, for goal supplies, and A petition signed by .837 residents of passed upon a large number of accounts, SALVATION ARMY --Service at 7 and 11 91"06 fancy type for the �111L8 Of Harvest, at prices raw material cannot Ing. finer classes o I print� now be bought for. Your Loyalty and for stationer v. the municipalities of Goderich and Col- was read and adopted. a in and 3 and 8 p in on Sunday, and H. B. ELLIOTT, Intelligence will hold us in existence; The aLove were referred to the execu, borne townships and the town of Gode- The report of the equalization COM• every, evening during the week at 8 Promietor and Publisher o'clock at the barracks. your scepticism and indifference will tive committee. rich, asking that a bridge be bitilt over mittee, recommending that the assass. CHq1$TLkXA.XD MISSIOXA.RY ALLUNCE. o us from existeuco, which means a - meat of the various municipalities fcr -Meetings as follows: S. S. 2. 30 P. death -blow to all future co-operation of* From _klex. Wilson, E;Fcretary of the the Maitland river at a certain point (be BANK of HAMILTON Farmers and will surely bring one re­ Seaforth Collegiate Institute, calling at- tween Ball's and the Holinesville bridge) county purposes be the same as for 1001, in. Fellowship at 4 p. M., and evan- gelistio at 8 p.m., 'every Sunday in W I N G 1-1 A M stilt, it Gigantic Twine Combine, from tention to a mistake made in his report for the ceuvonience of the travelling vas adopted * Ritchie's Hall, Victoria St. the influences of which you will be abso- of last January. Filed. public, was presented, and Messrs. It was decided that in the event of an PosT. Oirri6r—In Macdonald Block. Capital. $2,000,000. Rest, $1,234,120 lutely helpless to help yourselves. From W., Proudfoot, asking the coon- Burns, Alunniugs and others were heard appeal from the equalization of President-JonN SzuAlatp your p the Office hours from 8 a in to 0: 30 p m. You have your option -pay, oil to provide more shelving for books in in support of the petition. The matter assessment the final equalization should Peter Fisher, postmaster. Vice -President -A. G. RAUSAY, money and take your choice. Stand by the law library. Referred to county was referred to the road and bridge com- be left to the county Judge. M)RcirAxicsl IxaTiTuTn-Library mud, DIRECTORS this greatest and most perfect co-opera- tive movement in the world and so bring free reading room in the Town Hall, John Proctor, Geo. Reach W:6 Gibson, M.P. a continuation of relief through its un. property committee. mittee. A building committee, iu connection will be Open every afternoon from 2 to A. T. Wood, M. P., A. A. Lea ('Toronto). questionable ilifluence as a twine lirice Petition from the trustees of school THURSDAY. with the Dow gaoler's residence, 'was 5:40 o'clock and every evening from 7 to Cashier -J. TURwBuLL. regulator. Desert us or treat our agents tion. No. :3, Goderich township, asking The report of the house Of refuge Com- constituted, composed of Messrs. Con- 9:30 o'clock, Miss Millie Robertson, with indifference and you have only to. that certain lots be left in their section Dolly, Kerr and the Warden, with power librarian. Savings Bank -Hours to to 3;'Saturd in to 1. Deposits of $1 and upwalrds'recei7vciaTa'nd wait for results. and asking for axbitrator. Referred to mittee was passed. The committee re- to procure plans, spocifications and TowN CoTiNcm-Wm. Clegg, Mayor; Interest allowed. No better Twine was ever made on - education ported tho number of inmates a little Win. Holmes, Thos. Bell, Robt. Me- Special Depoafts also recolved at current Earth or furnished to the Canadim education committee. less than during last year. and Dr tenders and to Submit the same ata Indoo, G. A. Newton, John A. McLean, rates of interest. Farmer than has been is you by A number of accounts were sent to the - special session of the council. Geo. McKenzie, Councillors; J. B. Fer- Drafts on Great Britain and the United this your own Company. It we were Shaw, physician, reported that the gen- A supplementary r6port of the finance guson, Clerk and Treasurer; Samuel States Bought and sold, up finance committee. ral health of the inmates had been fair- Youltilli Assessor; Wm. Robertson, not an intense element of protection to. e Col- Travellers are notified that the Bank of Rent you as F arniers there would be no op. WED.Nr.SD1Y. itte, stating that the treasurer's lector. Board meets first Monday even- imton and Its Branches issue Circular Rates 0 ly good. Some minor improvements in Comm National Provincial Bank of Enpland Limited position whatever pitted against us_ All the. members were present this connection with the piemises were re- security was satisfactory and reporting i in each month at 8 o'clock. which can be ca -lied -without cSargZ or tree- Remember the Salt Deal. a county rate of one and one-tenth mills IngouctoL BoARD-0. N. Griffin, (chair- 'ble 111 any Part of the -world. Don't waste time wrestling with the morning. commended. The crop of the farm is as on the dqllar, was read and adopted man), Thos. Abraham, J. J. Elliott, J. J. W. CORBOULD, Agent question any longer. Look it straight A letter from Dr. T. F. Chamberlain, follows: Eleven acres of oats, five of Homuth, Wm. Moore, H. Kerr, Thos. E. L. D10X3_WsCN. Solicitor. ' Provincial inspector of prisons, in re- barley, twelve of hay, two of mangles, The following bylaws were read three Bell, Win. Button. , Secretary, Win. in the face and identify yourselves with times and passed: No. 2, of 10-01, to Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. P.KENNEDYus as shareholders. Buy your Twine f j P. s. O. gard to the osier's re§idenco was read one of turnips, three of potatoes, one- borrow money for county purposes; Meetings second Tuesday evening in each J. (member of the British Medi6al Associa- from this Mother Company with its and sent to the county property com- half acre of beans, three-fowrths acre of No. 3, to equalize the assessments of the month. tion.) Gold Meaalltst in Medicine. ecial splendid past record of years and you attention paid to dimeases of Women ends will have occasion to be proud of your mittee. Dr. Chamberlain enclosed a fodder corn, one-fourth acre of beets and several municipalities in the county; PUBLIC SCHOOL TnAcEMRS.-A. H. ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. m,: 7 to 9 p. m. action and loyal ty later on. report made by him to the Provincial one acre of other vegetables; the rest of Musgrove, - Principal, Miss Robertson, If you use but a partici© of judgment Secretary in which he stated very strong- the farm in pasture. The total expense No. 4, to raise by assessment a sum of BESS Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss D R. MACDONALD, yqu. will see at a glance that other Com - 1 y that the accomodation for the keeper of the house since January Ist of this money for general and other purposes COTnYn, Miss Vanstone, Miss Matheson panies going into existence are simply and Miss Reid. Centre Street of the gaol here and his family was in- year was $1,008.07. for the year 1901. BOARD or HrALTa-, Mayor Clegg, trading on our grand reputation, and sufficient, unsanitary and inconvenient. Moved by Mr. Spackman, seconded by The council then adjourned to meet (chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg- Quin ham, Onto,!,. that in many of these cases you will be exceedingly disappointed, We have in at n Goderich on the first Tuesday cry, Dr. 'Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, See - The report of the county gaoler was Mr. ffloks, that the commissioner be - again ' Macdonald' Medical DR. AGNEW, pleaded for eight years for you to come read slid sent to the county property strutted arrange to meet the re re- in December next. retary; Dr. J. R. Macdon in on the ground floor and join hands committee. The gaoler reported six sentatives from the counties of Lambton Health Officer. Physician, 'Surgeon, etc. with this old established Twine organiz;. males confined in the gaol: Frank Reid, and Middlesex regarding the erection of The following is the estimate of ex Office -Macdonald Block, over J. E. Davis' ation. Buy our Red Star 10 cent Twine Grey county, for carrying firearms and penditures and receipts for the year 10-01 MR& W. H. HELE Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office. and you will make no mistake. a bridge across the Aux Bauble river, g. prepared by the county treasurer: R. VANSTON10, Joseph Stratford, o- destruction of property; Robert Wallace, and -report at the December session. Classes in China Paintin Tuckersmith, for vagrancy; J. W. Scott, Sent to road and bridge committee. EXPENDITURES. oil and Water Colors. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. General Manager. Wroxeter, for horse -stealing; John Weir, A motion that the sum of $25 be Administration of justice ...... $5,500 00 Also a new revelation kiln for firing china. Private and Company funds to loan at lowest Walkerton, for assault; Otto Johnston, granted to assist in repairing the bound- Gael expenditure ............. 2,000 00 Studio at her home, Catherine Street. Tate Of interest. No commission charged. Mort- garp so a7, town and farm property bought and .Kansas City, and Edward O'Brien, my line between the township of Minto Lunatics and charities........ 800 00 Office, Beaver Block. Wilugham. Municipal government ........ 4,000 00 Zansas City, for being drunk and dis- and Howich was sent to the road and Stationery, printing, etc...... 800 00 E. ESTELLE GRIFFIN MORTON, bridge committee. Miscellaneous ................. 100 00 WINGHAM: J. A. The report of Mx. Ansley, county com- Moved by Mr. Torrance, seconded by Schools ....................... 5,700 00 BARRISTER, &c., -missioner of roads and bridges, was Mr. Lamont, that the treasurer be asked School management...... .... 21300 00 TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE. Wingham, Ont. sent to the road and bridge committee. to draw the attention of the county Grants ....................... 1)400 00 Debentures .................... 5,600 00 Pupils prepared for Conservatory of Music L. DICKENSO'.y, Mr. Ansley reported that the contracts constables to the 100 00 examinations. matter of enforcing the Division Court jury fund... ... M -which had been authorized by the coun- pedlars by-law, to this effect, that they Industrial bomb .............. 4,000 00 BARRISTER, ETC. sail had been only let. The super- are expected to see that. all pedlars in the County proPetty.............. . 3 11 000 00 VIOLIN AND CUITAR. Solicitor to Bank of Hamilton. Money to loan. structure of the bridge between Wroxeter county procure a lice'use. Carried. Roads and brides.......... 6171 44 Office ­m -Meyer Block, Wingliam. MISS CARRIE MOORE and Belmore was let to the Hamilton Dr. Chamberlain was present at the REC]SIFTS. of London Conservatory of Music, will be pro- RTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. Bridge Company and is to be completed afternoon session and addressed the 2 ared after Oct. 1st to receive a limited num- A Surplus ....................... $3,502 6 pared of pupils for instruction on Violin and Doctor of Dental S7gery of the Pennsylvania in July. The bridge on the boundary of council regarding the improvements re- Registry office ................ 600 00 Guitar. Dental College and Llicentiate of the Interest .............. ...... 400 00 Residence -opposite R. C. Church, Wingliam. College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. 11Y.11.1 Howick and Wallace was let to the quired at the gaol. over Post Office, Wingliam. 01 -erence Stratford Bridge Company at $554 for The council then adjourned for an Licenses, ...................... 1)800 00 Office closed every Wednesday afternoon There is a noted diff thepuperstructure and is to be cOmPlet- hour and the members proceeded to the $5,802 62 PIANO ANO THEORY . during June, July and August. in the style and fit of Pants we .ed the first of August next. Frank gaol with Dr. Chamberlain and looked MISS SARA LOUISE MOORE.. L.C.M. W T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., make . that always brings peo- Gutteridge, of Seaforth, has the con- over the buildinz. % * L.D.S. For Over Fifty Years. andinember of the Associated Musicians of New method for painless -ex- tracts .of erecting abutments for both Ontario, is gregred to receive a limited num-' traction, No Cocaine. MR The education committee reported re- c ple back for another pair. bridges. Mir. Ansley stated that at the An Old and Well -Tried Remedy- her of pupils or instruction on Piano and in Special attention to. the care and regulation garding a communication from the true- Window's SoothingSyrup has bdon used Theory, of children's teeth, Moderate Prig ,� and all Graham bridge on the lake shore road Special attention given to pupils preparing work carefully and skilfully perfor OffloG Then there is the low price tees of school section No. 3, Goderich for over fifty yea s bym1 ionsof mothers for examinations. in Beaver Block, Wilegham. in Ashfield concrete walls should be for their children e teething, *tlfl Residence -opposite R. C. Church, Wingliam. Office closed every Wednesday afternoon erected to protect the approaches, as township, asking for arbitrators to be perfect success. t soothes the child, during June, July and August. and better quality of cloth put they are in great danger of being destroy- appointed to adjudicate on having lots softens the gums, allays all pain, cures 45 and 47, Maitland concession, Of the wind colic, and is the best remedy for J. I Elliott, V S J OHN RITCHIE, in them—cloth that wears.. cd by the action of the water. The school section diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, 'See our new goods and prices. above township, placed in to. Chamber bridge over the Eighteen Mile No. 3. The committee, having heard sold by druggists in every part Of the Honorary Graduate oi Ontario Veterinary Winghain, Ont. river, on the boundary of Huron and world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its College. Bruce counties, should be thoroughly re- I delegation both for and against, recom- value is incalculable. Be sure you ask Office and Infirmary DEANS, I mended that no action be taken in the for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and at Golley's old = P. WEBSTER & Jul 0 paired very soon or a new bridge erect- matter. The report was adopted. take no other kind. Victoria St., Winghain, LICENSED AUCTIONEER Day and night calls ed. The total amount of the orders I promptly attended to• for the County of Huron. Snips attended in issued by the commissioner since his re- The council went into a committee an TelobhQne connection. any part of the County. Charge:; moderate. port in January was $2191.17. He esti- equalization of assessment, and the eche- N1J01wSt1"L.'1t ivillim lixrOLITICS. 11") 1 1 . io PATENT Good Was dule of last year was again adopted. OHN CURRIE, WINGUAM, 02iT. may be secured by mated the amount required for roads There is no man for Parliament like a FARMERS our aid. Address, and bridges during the present year at ]FRIDAY. newspaper man. He is usually popular, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. THE PATENT RECORD, enol anyone having live stockorother Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Implements a Baitimore. N14. $6,500. A letter was read from Lieut. -Col. always well posted, and can take the artdcles they wish to dispose of, should adver- tise the same for sale In the Tnrzs. Our larse Spec altv. The county auditor's report was re- Varcoo extending an invitation to the time to go into a Canvass mud he is al- circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if All orders left at Tari TniFs offloo promptly 150 yr.* IS, before the people. A doctor makes T Wtacustomer. We can't guarantee at in do n tended to. Terms reasonable. (erred to the finance committee. members of the council to visit the camp ways to sell because you may ask more 'K ,at V V14 'y Pr_17.-1ETJCE MW "' M n. Ou ""tt" The cleric was authorized to procure in London during the annual drill and the best votewinner, but a doctor. has a for tZ. article or stock than it is worth. Send your advertisement to the Timm and try this OB PRINTING, thanking the council for the grant made pra0lee to sacrifice if he goes into public plan of disposing of your stock and other i articles, including Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill The life. Alawyerdoes not make a good to supplement the pay of the men. Aeads, CH Boosts, &c., ac., executed in the best Clerk was instructed to acknowledge the votewinner, nor is he usually a good style of the art, at moderate prices, and on Waisted Werves receipt of this letter and on behalf of the candidate, for generally he has to fight short notice. I A- 11 � I BooicUINDT*G.-Wo are plensed to announce Rro-used to Now Life. council thank Col, Varcoe for the kind against local jealousies. Z that my Books or magazines left ivith us for Binding, will have our prom attention TRADC MARKS On the Liberal side of the legislature Prices for Binding in any style will be given on Dr-strING A Snaerer For Tears From-%veulc invitation, application to COPYRIGHTS &C. Nervex alcd there is- a Solid phalanx of able Liberals, THE TIMES OFFICE, Any tion map The special committee re gaoler's resi- -one sending a siceteli and deserip r an 81"Plessne"'I including Messrs, Stratton, -allo, Wing quiciuy astiortain oar opInton free v lethc curea by r"ve dense recommended that a now regi- oil, Pat invention is proliablyRtontable. Communion. ]3o:.eft Of Dr- Chase's Aervfb- Food. Graham, Auld, Preston and Pottypiece. 7 stone AtrIctly coulidont al. Handbook on Patents seat trite. oldest siren f5papluring atenti, donee be built, the stone in a portion of RAILWAY TIME TABLES. uic Cp 0 Patents taken thfoUgh 0. receive Whether weakened and wasted by On the Conservative side of the house witliout cbnroo, Ift the overwork, worry or disease, the re- the gaol wall and the brick in the cot- jr'i RAND TRUNIC RAILWAY SYSTEM. spaiatitottee, Zult oe exhausted nerves is felt I there is not a newspaper man, though 44 T-*- T T- N• S LUA�.N POR n tage to be utilizea, and construction to I U XX neuralgle pains, liervoug headache and Col. Matheson is in 1 ows- 0� J -.,Y fin• gyp n" dy.,.pppasa, serious functional derange. proceeded with as soon as plans And as eain NLOP Palmerston . 8 55a m A liandgOTA617 ultutrated weolilv. Lpraegt etr. ments anti ultimately in paralyals, epit- specifications are prepared and Approved paper. ButMLr. Whitney h learned a London ........... QA n.m.... 8.25p.m. 6111ation of v,,v Relent.1o, iqjivitih Terms, $3 a year-, folarnIOM13941. Soldbyn.1pa%yedealors. tipsy, locomotor ataxia, prostration or lesson, now three newspaper men All kinds of ABUIVO PROM mutr!71 U0 InsanIty, the remedY. Is found in Dr. by the council or a committee appointed. Kineardine ....0.49 a,m.. 8.55 A.fti .... 8.261 p.m aw York $ "haP nrit"(" - - 0 e's Nerve Food,' as is proven. in by the council. The report was adopted, with the Whitney motto oil their ban- Rubber Tires London .......... ....... 11.10 A.rh .... 7.55 p,m ()LJ�0, 1110. V C. the cate referred to below — nor have entered the field. They are Palmerston........ ......... 1,15 p.m.... 8.88 P.m Airs. Chan. 11. Sones, Plercetold, true;, The report of the county property Messrs, I Jugh Clark, Kincardine; Sam. 'i tot* all kinds of R, T. BUTTON, Agent, Winghom. v—1110o rites :r ye.tmg X have 16�-.en % committee, reporting the usual inspeew CANADIAN PACMIO RAILWAY. gro.at uftee.r with ray heart an4 tion of the county buildingA and recorn- Chavtors, Brampton; and J. P. Downey, Vehicles, W11AIN9 LTIAVII F011 ...... :, nervp,4. I would take shaking sp±lls and of Guelph.—London. Vows, Toronto and East.. 6.53 A1n.... 8.00 p.m. a dizzy :'miming' feeling would come wending that the matter of increasing Dunlop l"icyCle Tires Teeswater .............. 1.82 p m....10.48 p.m, ATtAIV13 PROU �ttver me, Night after night I would the shelving accommodation in the Plioumatic Ontriage Tires j Teeswater .. 6.W a.m ..... 3 p.m. never close my eyes, and MY h4a3 would ache as though It would burst. library be left with the Warden, waa Soine Won1b Aellavo it. Solid RuLbor Carringo Tires Totoutola�A*Znst • 18, P.2111 .... 10.48 pad, J. H. DDHMER, Agent, Winglifint. A+ la,,q X had to keep to my bed, and adopted. tylany people who have suffered tile TIV1411d Cliair Tires tljougll my doctor attended me from acute misery of itehing or bleadin CAVC:kt% niidTradeZfark� 0holned, and all patent Irall to spring, his medicine did urt The executive committee rep g piles Tirep tcr Lally Carriages. business conducted rot 1110DETIAT14, PER& My oillea Isin theirtirnadiate vicinityathe fsaentoirice stied tlxo K; Yearm in spite -of Medicines And op. I T YS sind my facilities for.,ecwing patents are untairpassa� help me. receipt Of two tenders for C0941 find re- Orations won't believe that Dr, Chaqo9s The baillop T!,re Co., Limited PA ,,I have rioNy taken five boxes of commended that neither be accepted, as Ointmont is an nottiAl cure. There. has ter. (Jl1cLne,x Nerve Pood, and It has tMiONT6. Send modcL rktachorpaptorraph ef Invention Ivit'l ea claimed. done me more good than I ever believed they thought the price too high -, they never yet been a peraoix to doubt the To ADVLAIRINISt tle,"'An C1101.046ilo mat fle'r I'll $t niedicifte could.do, 1vords fall to OX -1 officacy of thill great . a after _ar a. Ltq; Won t tit to pr Aratio Immo and r -v fee! for prosecuting rful recommend the Matter of if the ptcsg MY gratide for the wonde ea no action in. 1111to Tnagia in Our Tradentar application frag two .5'.) 4-allp(I , j,"). 1111t the ture brought about by, *18 treatment." a grant to the Huron Old Boyal eclebra- ato-­ ____ "Ittlent '101101eerl. 111,4voviolts Otyma", con. ppinj the pain and itching, An(i is All, QoMrdtiltl- nr. chaselp Nt%rVo, Vood, 50 tent�l J1 tionat0linton-,thatagrant 6f $16 W positivey guaranteed to Cure Allyoue Cousidorail ni birletly Conodonflale w0 boxes, bftl $2,50, At 1111 dealers, r ia son, Bates & company, ToroAtotl' made to the 19meefield public libraty, of bleeding Or PrOttuding Piles, Ask rRANK1JH H. 'HOUGH to the Chi your nolghbon about it. . ... ....... and a grant of $25 Children's Aid , TIMES 4 41 0 0 3