HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-06-21, Page 5t
TuH WIN GRA* JIMES,. JUNN21. 1901,
E. 0. CLARKS The Epwordi, League of Belmora will The picnic bold on Wednesday of last
hold a garden party on Tuesday evening, week In connection with the R.Oxhurcli
11191103t PrIce Highest prJoe
25th June, on Mr. Dlulvoy'a lawn, was gratifying succeos from first to
Je w, ellery TAILOR Paid for 9,990. THE NEW STORE Paid for Buttor.
South Of Delmore. A 9004 programme last, 4ud.All who bad to do with it are to
-red. Admission d on the result, The
is being prepa 10o. and be congratulated,
We have placed in stock 10o. Tea served from 0, to 8 P. in, day was delightful, and the large gather-
WatCheS, G91d 000 SilVOr, nice assortment of ready -to- Everybody welcom. e. ing just as non,depoininational as po$• Owing to the backwardness of too reason. and warm weather
r4ble. The plonio was held in Wallace's goods not having. usovod. out as quickly as usual, we bave deelded
wear clothing, and while we 3-AXper1040011 corm and Warts. in
A. A. A. grove, a short distance north of West. to make 4 speedy clearance of all Summer Goods at GUATLY
do not pretend to sell at less Your unsatisfactory experience with field, and it was an Ideal place for the REDUCED PRICES.
than cost and live on the loss, other preparations should not influence os . e, , being on the north bank of the
Hair Clasps 11 against "Putuarals.11 It; was the pUrp
you will find full value for your Nrst, the best Two excellent meals were served We linve no shop worn goods to offer
the only painless corn river. you at a rate on the doll4r,
Rings money every time, cure. Give it 4 trial, A corn treated —dinner and supper—there being a but all n.ew, fhablouable, clean goods, at prices not t9 be beaten In
with other remedies wouldn't do 00 superabundance of eatablea; the young 0 34nada, Please note . our OU'r PRIOL, S. just a sample of res
Give us a call. See what again it it could help it. Give your corn
Brooches,, a chance. Druggists who seell only the people enjoyed themselves in dancing,cluetions in 411 departments
we have in Men's, in Youth$' best always sell Putnam," Painless 0
orn Piper McDonald, of Wingham, with the
Extractor. "bags" stirred the sentiments of more
Belt Buckles and in Children's, all new and ,Extr
up-to-date goods, BLYTH., than -6cotolinion. During the afternoon
•Sterling Silver n Monday morning of I Robert Medd, reeve of West, WAwanosill LADIES'WEAR
�1 We have, also a line of odd K0 'a last week. St. was appointed chairman, and addresses
4 Novelties. Vests, Michael's R. Church was the been of. were given by W. Proudfoot, W. Lane,
Garments, Trousers, a very interesUg and happy event, it D. McGillicuddy, R. McLean, B. Ca . mp-
Bicycle Suits, Overalls, etc.
I Cut Glass. being the marriage ceremony of Mich- ion and A. M. Todd, all of Goderich,and
One piece, colored dress goods, 40 8 pieces fine colored -muslins,
ael, son of ;as. Kelley, of Morris, to Miss R. Holmes, M, P,, of Clinton; none of inches wide, wiro serge, good value choice now patterns, regular value
E. C. CLARKE Mary, only daughter of W. Rallabau, of the speeches were more than five min- at Boo, out price ................ soo 11236c And 100, out price ....... JOG
East Wawanosh. The bride looked utes long, and were apparently all the
Bus tested without charge. Repairing Next door to Griffin's Royal beautiful, attired in a wedding costume more appre6iated therefore, Father 2 doz. Ladies' Colored Blouses 2 pieces all-over lace, cream. or
w::-;7don%y8Dcn'at,3be aft -aid to contain. latest style, fast colors, regular price white, nice patterns, reg. price 85c,
aro aiw. pe ed to show goods. Grocery. of cream silk with white hat and ostrich Hanlon, parish priest, Father Corcoran, 15c, out price ................... Goo out price ........................ goo
The old Stand in Mason Block. Wingham, May 20, 1001. plume� to match and carrying a boquet of Seaforth, and Father McCormack, of
of white geraniums and lilies of the val- Ashfield were on the ground, the form- 2 doz. Ladies' Vests, short sleeve: 35 pairs Summer corsets, well
flue ;;ands,
-ortinghimself to make fol..rog. price 20e, out price made, good shape, regular price 35e,
her. bridesmaid was Miss Mary er in particular ex
I.. ... ..• ............ 250 out price ....................... 25c
Blake, of Hallett, and looked pretty in it everybody enjoy themselves.
H, H. CHISHOLM tider Twine`
similar costume. The groom's support- 10 pieces print, fast colors, good Quo piece Colored Summer Dress
Jeweller and Optician. patterns, regular value 7c, cat price Goods, 88 inches wide, regular price,
SEASON 1901. orwashis brother, Win. J., and the n
JAMESTOWN. ... -7 ......... I ...... 5o 25c, cut price .......... --15c
FARMERS, SPECIAL" binder twine sup- ceremony was officiated by Rev. IF at -her George Sims, of the boundary, Sun -
plied to Farmers Only at so per lb. in two -
bushel, cotton, IG -oz, grain. b.gsi bound with McMenamin, who tied the knot securely. Joe doz. Ladies' Seamless Cash- One doz. Ladies' Blouses, late
ayed under the parental roof.
two rep snap halters, and we ghing 60 Ib.4 4Z mere Hose, fast black, regular price 1 style, nicely trimmed, regular price
each, lengthover 500 feet per ound, quality The congratulations over, the invited Miss Eva Stewart, of Manitoba, is
guaranteed. Cash,%v with order, par- .115c, cat price ..... ............. .. -)Z $1.25, cut price................ $1.00
andleng. Ft went to the bride's father's, Jvhere a visiting her aunt, Mrs. Fraser.
Beal [state Ageng chaser jittys freight. Warden bountiful dinner was awaiting, over 100 David Johnston has returned after Ladies' White Skirts, full width, 8 doz. Corset Covers, nicely trim-
• Address orders to T. T. GILMOUR, sitting down. Speeches of congratula- spending some time in Goderich. He
Central Prison, To' -onto. Further particulars well made and trimr.ed, regular med, regular price 350, out price
McMenamin, reports a good time.
address JAMrs'NOX02 N, Inspector, Parliament tion were made by Rev. Fr. price 90c, cut price ....... .... 75o '.i
WINGHAM. Bailding4, Toronto. T. R. STRATTON, and others, who spoke very highly of the Miss Christina Robb was visiting her ..... . I ....................
...... ....
Toronto, June 8, 1901. Provincial Secretary- bride and groom, after which a few friend, Miss Martha Johnston. A
hours were spent in a social hop. Mr. Miss Rebecca Wright has returned
and Mrs. Kelly will take up their jiome after spending some time with her sister, MEIN'S WEA"
SAML, YOUHILL TEAMINU on a farm of one hundred acres in Mor- Mrs. T. Simpson, of Grey.
The undersigned is now prepared ris, accompanied by the 'good wishes, of Miss Kate Wright's health is not very
Office— Corner Patrick and Leopold Sts. do all kinds of work in the way of gen- . their numerous friends. good at present, but , we hope she will One doz men's Sailor Straw Hats, 10 doz. Men's Silk Four-iu-baiid
eral teaming. I
soon be better. regular price 35c, out price Ties, regular value, 35c, cut I
Qarden Plowing and other work Will Caturrit Easily and Pulckly Cured. price, i
We have a word to say to those who receive prompt attention. I I Poor remedies have given Catarrh the Jack Parish has purchased a new ......................... 250 ...... I ...... I .... ...........
,contemplate becoming citizens in this All orders left at Lott & Sturel 7 13 reputation of being incurable. But it is buggy from Sam. Jacklin. I
k� j8 men's Top Shirts, collar at- One dozen Men's O��eralls and
very busy, live town, that we have on livery stable, or at my house will receive curable, easily and quickly, if the right Miss Jessioldoffat, who has been very tacked, regular price Boo, out price, Smocks, well made, regular price
hand several desirable dwellings con- prompt attention. method is employed. Snuffing an irri- ill, is much improved, and we hope to
}rally situated for sale. Also 39 build- W. G. GRAY. tatin� powder or ointment up the nose, see her soon among her many friends ................... . ........ 390 Goo, out price ................... Boo
won't cure Catarrh, neither will tablets,
ing lots in No. 2 Ward, IS of which are Men and douching cr stomach medicines cure. again.
S pairsmensBla,* Caslimere One dozen Men's Linen Hats, new
Sox r ess, regular value 85c, shape, regular value 50c, out price,
on Caxliug St. East, WANTED womenfor These medicines fail because they are Mr. Watson, of Belgrave, was visiting out price .......... ............ 25o ....... I ....... I ................. 400
a genutn� not far reaching enough., They only his cousin, George Thornton,1 over
Bon Catherine St. Bast. AGENTS mne affect local conditions, but do not re- Sunday.
y -making position,
8 on Carling St. West. no books, insurance or false scheme; every cause, which its germ life es- 2 doz. Men's Summer Shirts and One dozen MeA's Tweed Pants,
house a customer. Particulars free. Write move theDrawers regular price 85c, out regular value, $2.00, out price
4 on Oornyu. St. South. to -day. tablished deep down in the lungs, brain- Road work has commenced again and
.4 on Cornyn St, North.,THE F. E. KARN CO. chial tubes and nasal passages. Ordin- quite a number are oomplaing about the price ............ .............. 250 ............ ................. $1.50
And I lot, No. -88, on the East side of iVictoria Street. Toronto, Canada. ary remedies do not reach these remote bad roads. Among . the many_ is Peter
' parts, but Catarrhozone does, for it is McE wen, Jr.
Frances St., No. 4 Ward, at prices to OhIldren Cry for breathed through the inhaler into every
suit the conditions of all. air cell in the Inugs, into every air pas- Mr. Chris. Moffat is wearing a broad- IFV
sage in the head and throat. No matter er grin than ever. It is another boy. 0
I Age where the Catarrh is Catarrhozonewill Messrs. Taylor and Williams, of Gor- 0
SAML. YOUHILL. A #n"T ` He Ee 15 Aw RD G
reach it. It kills the germs, heals sore rie, were visiting at George Wheeler's,
spots, clearA the nose and throat instant- The Cheap Store. Opp. Bank of Hamilton.
ly. Universally used; pleasant and Sunday.
11 uaranteed to care or money re- Mr. and Mrs. John Wright, of Bras- I T I -17ELY. fc.,caodg
.P 0 V Try Catarrhozone, 25 cents sels, were visiting Mrs. Thomas Wright,
and $1.00. Druggists, or Polson & Co.., Sunday. where she went to nurse her mother ably supported by his trother, S. Puck'
Kingston, Out. I -
A bee was held at Victoria hall, Tues- during a serious illness. ria. After the happy couple had receiv-
MORRIS. day, for the purpose of erecting the
Freddie Johnston, who attends Brant- ed congratulations from the assembled
sheds and finishing the hall. It is near- ford Institute for the Blind, is home for guests all sat
vEliza Belford, beloved wife of James down to tie ;gaiety wed.
fas A"";
Casemore, 1st lmiqLdied very suddenly its completion and we hope a goodly the holidays. ding - break 1�4��ts were
��, Tile j:.� , -
number may be benefitted by its !g
on Friday evenin^st in her 41st year. Miss Barbara Thynne sang solos in numerous and.`oost y. "trzde, has
Mrs. Casemore had been in her usual erection•
both churches last Sabbath, and her been a resident of r about
Mr. and -Mrs. Frank Smith, of Wrox- sister, Mrs. G. Wray, accompanied her two years during NY
good health and after attending to her she has
usual duties with the milking of the eter, were visiting at William Wright's, on the organ. made a great many
7 cows, returned to the house and took Sunday. The May cheese is sold. and unassuming her ldud
James Inuos. attended service at the Lri d by her
suddenly ill and died, The bereaved Mr. and Mrs. David Herrington, of active and able assistance in every de.
d -V husband, children and other relatives Melville church, Brussels, Sunday even- DullAnnon, visited relatives here this partment of church and Sabbath S . chool
kJ Ing. A Amidst showers of rice and well
will have the sympathy of the commuu- w work.
ity in their sudden bereavement. *r 10FJoseph Smillie, son of Mr. Joseph wishes Mr. and Mrs. Pnckrin immediate.
We take much pleasure in congratu- BLUNVALE. , Smillie, of the first line of Morris, has ly took up their residence in the old Me-
lacing A. J. McKenzie in successfully The bicycle'races were completed on successfully passed the fourth year ex- Brady homestead, Audley, which Mr•
passing his final examination in Pharm- Wednesday and Saturday evenings of amination in medicine at Toronto Uni- Puckrin lately pard aced, �
acy, and also taking the Bachelor degree last week, with the result that John versity and is now entitled to place M. Minutes of council inE e.1ing Iel(4 June
2 t from the University. He is the second Coultes was first, winning two beats D. after his name. He left for New 17th, 1901. Members of.ebuticil all
of K. McKenzie, 4th line. out of three; Will Stewart second, and York on Thursday last to assume the present. The Reeve in the chair. The
About sixty invited guests assembled Maguire, of Morris, third. The racing position of hoes rgeon in one of the minutes of last meeting wera read, ap.
6atur-day, J U I I tko;S`R,�
at the residence of Richard Bewley, of course was around a block four times, to city hospitals. fr. Smillie was taken in. proved and signed.
Morris, on Wednesday evening to wio King's farm and back, and again four preference to a large number of both Moved by Mr. Mitchell, swouded by
ness the marriage of his daughter, Miss times around the block. As there was a American and Canadian applicants and Mr. Lovell, that we i eu,.w surface cut.
POSITIVELY THE LAST DAY FOR BUSINESS Annie to John Scott. Rev. A. McXab, misunderstanding about 'the .umber of will have the position for two years. vert on 10th ooncessiolt line, opposite lot
of Walton, Was the officiating clergy- times the riders went around 'the bloor. Mr. Smillie has always been more than 11—Carried.
IN WINCHAM. man. The bride looked lovely in a dress the contestants may have to race again ordinarly clever in`his
his studies and at ex- Mosgrove—Lovell—That Mr. Ccup.
of white dimity, trimmed with lace and before the tailor puts his scissors into aminetiOns. We -%visit him continued land let the job of putting in box on
insertion, a beautiful flower wreath of the "trouseriug." Public opinion is success. Surface for oulvert on 10th line, opposite
lilies of the valley and carrying a shower divided on the matter. The races drew Rev. Robert Thynne, late of Souris, lot II.—Carried.
boquet of white roses and maidenhair quite a large numbertothe village. Manitoba, who has been taking charge Coupland—Mos;nove — That Messrs:
Every dollar's worth of ferns. After the ceremony an elegant Work is progressing on John King's of the services at Belgrave Presbyterian Mitchell and Lovell be appointed to in -
supper was served and t evening spent barn which -,vill be 60 x 70 feet. church until the induction of Rev. J. J. spect the Wright drain on cast gravel
Vgamen and music. v Garniss Brothers and men are busy at Hastie, will preach in Melville church, and the work required on Gray bound-
7 01 The people of this community were the stone work of Mr. George McDon- Brussels, while Rev. John Ross is away arY.—Carried.
very sorry to learn of the unexpected aid's addition. on his holidays, and also in Knox church The following accounts Wer(I passed
decease of Mrs. Robert Yuill, 4th. line, k Will Rogers returned home from the Goderloh, during Rev. Mr. Anderson's and cheques issued:—John Mulvey,
on Wednesday morning of last week. volunteer camp at London on Saturday. leave of absence. gravel, $2.25; Duff & Stewart, lumber,
the sun repairing,
No matter how many spots $4,63; John Porter, work and re ug,
Go 10% ds So She had been in poor health for some He is as bronzed as if he had been to
time With a nervous ailment interfering India. has, let no one predict a cool summer $10.78.
with her mental powers and while alone Mr. William Jewitt, of B�assels, ship- after last week. Council adjourned to niept i -i thq
RE GARD L.104 S S of COST. in the house,it is said,she took a draught pod another oar of hogs from this station The show of fruit blossoms was less I Clerk's office, Bluevale, on Sattirdayi
from a bottle of strychnine, which her on Monday, for the Palmerston Pork this year than we have noticed for a long July 29th, at 10 O'clock, a, in.
husband had procured to kill some crows Packing Company. Mr. Jewitt has time. It is said' fruit will not be so JOHN BVRGrss, Clerk.
and was a corpse before the doctor could placed weigh scales at the station for plentiful about here as it was last year.
be secured. Mrs. Yuill gave no e%pla- the convenience of shippers Mr. Goo The Cause of I)ympepsia pztjaq.
They arise from the formation of gas
nation of the sad occurrence, although McKenzie, of Wingliam, 1;at them n Owing to improper digesti(.n. A Very
Not a $ worth of Goods will be removed from she was not unconscious when discover- position. Large bodies move slowly; . Tha following frOM the Pickering Prompt and offloieub remedy is Poison's
the town if LOW PRICI US are a temptation for ea lying on the floor..
She was 49 years is many -weeks since permission was ask. News refers to the marriage Of Miss Nerviline. It relieves the distention in.
A. J. Orvis, formerly teat -her in
of age and a Miss Boyd prior to her ed of the Grand Trunk Railway to put Minnie J Stantly, and by its sqmaI&tj11g action on
you to buy. 61103 stoinavh, aideg 14" 11. Ne. viline
marriage. In addition to her husband scqles on their property here. I-Jolmes' school house: —On Wednesday, is jk!,io lib-aily reevinawivitul - .%)s,
Our reserved Stock of new, up-to-date goods there two danghters and a son at Rev. W. X. Whaley, of St. Helens, May 29th, it pretty home wedding was to,,it., sanlulj�r (.0,11pItlillt t1url inflaino
are being placed on the shelves, and will be sacri- home, axtiodaughter in Toronto and a soil preached in tile Presbyterian church, celebrated at the residence of Mr. and mation. sold in large 25o bottles every.
Aced at such rediculous prices that the keenest at Teeswater. Belrabre, and at Eadiess church, Turn- llrs. S. 0evis, when their daughter, %Vl.ere.
bargain hunters shall be satisfied. berry-, on Sabbath last, and visited Minnie j., was married to Win. Pack -
friends in Bluevale on Monday. rin, of Audley, in the presence of some Majol, Hugh Clark, of the Kineardina
Remember, we carry Dress Goods, Clothing, Rev. Mr. Ballautyne, of Molesworth, forty of their relatives and Intimate RvvieW,. was nominated by the Con
Boots and Shoes., Hats and Caps, Groceries, etc. preached in the Presbyterian church friends. The ceremony was performed -.4ervittives of Centre Bruce for the Legis -
It is far easier for me to carry away the cash More oil Sabbath afternoon. There will by the Rev, A. O. W'1 :16tor of the litive ARsoinbly,
be no service in the Prosbyterian olinrth bridewas
than the goods, so come With the Crowds to M,ne
Orowder's and get the biggest bargain of a tip f rofyi any sickness' nO matter next Sabbatb, beautifully attired ill a dress of nveau
whatsort, begin with a little Rev. Geo. Leech, of Parkdale, and bedford cord trimmed %viih ciwam. salill
lifetime. 0 Mrs. teeeji, are visiting relatives in and pearl trinititing and carried .% bcq wt
Scott's Eniulsion of cod-liver
111-auvalo and Gorrio, of bridal roses. She Was attanded by TIA!,3 rignataro is on evory,box of the gmuln6
BVP13utter and tggs talten as cash. 011, Mrs. 3obli Gardiner continues to grow her sister, -Miss Maggie, Whowasbecou.- Laxative Bromo-Quininevoblau
thotemedy that curts a coM In 666 dilr
C I food, and more than stronger after her recent Illness. Ingly dressed in white, trimine(I Nvith,
food: it helps you digest what- Xotris council have purchastul a road pink anti carrying a boqtLet of talips trill
ever food you can bear. grading machine, Massey Sayer inake, maidon41air fern, while littlulliss Min- Anyor(l,rs for vties left atthe Totis
row -der 'toc' C1 060 " It OAMOLIL A146 Irov it. Mrs, Wardorreturned hoMb last Nveol-, iiie Rankin, cousin of the bride, made a oft,,o will rectivo promptattention.
H *me
Stott &
13utton Block, opp, Hamilton's Drag $tote. fix, anti $t.002 artlikists. from near Little Britain, Victoria Co., Pretty little flower gil-1. The groom. was :. Carrie, auctioneer.