HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-06-21, Page 4THE WINGfHA.N UNES, JUNE ? 1, 1901. C For sore t Y tvz>vtllrnlht hSi#�Ii i x <cl:x'U>Ra:y, • R , tired and meaty where tiro will reside, gird where Mr, p����4•p•l•pNN��rwpp�wQ�ap�61p�N«•poNppp•��Mi�ipp�ilat•®�pOsapt�asspppOtD 04Ppp•* feet USC Perdae has a large veterinary practice Wingham, Mune 20, 1001,, t rind is also engaged in the irir:?ry , busi, dour p0r 400 lbti.. , . , ..... 1 65 to 2 50; 1p 11 P - }less. The happy'couple start tbexrwed- 1�'a11R�hc4t 0 64 to 0 li4 ® The People's Po lar tore Jn . & Jas, H. Kerre ...'. ,., Jnu, & Jas, H,herr, a ded life with the best wishes of their Spring. Wheat ......... ... U 00 to 0 QO many friends in this district, Among Oatse , , ,,, , , , , , , ,, 0 30 to 0 31 Barley ,,,, .. 0 ck2 to 0 43 the guests from a distance were Mr. and Peas , , . 4 62 to 0 62 - Mrs. Geo, Byron, Colchester; Mrs, F. Turkeys, dmivn. ... 0 09 to 0 06 1 4 10 Cre's just one testimoni�ll ; Ducks, po Kramer, Detroit, Mich.; Mfrs. S, Adani, Geese, 1........... o 05 to son, Sandwich; Miss Fannie McCrea, le pair 0 to 0 GO O � Button ... . 0 14 14 to 0 15 O Brussels, June 0, '01 Loudon;Misses Kate and Martha Earxigy Eggs per doz, , , , .. 0 10 to 0 11 • 45 1 r, package of Dam a for Gorrie ' • Mr. and Mrs. C. I3irney,Eseter; Wood poi cord ........... 2 00 to 2 U C0 Send. me one p Hay per ton , . , , .. S UO to 8 QU IP i 'whichl enclose $5 cents in stamps, Mr. and Mrs, A. Lxiikl^ter, Clifford. Potatoeser bushel .... 0 30 to 0 30 • 'Would not be without it for double the Tallow per lb , . ... 0 05 to 0 05 � 9 Lard .. 0 18 to 0 13 0 We are specialists in this line, handling only the best duality amount. Yours truly, f' Can go i Wei Dried Applesperlb , , 0 03ito 0 04 •AUTHL11 HOBBS. Wool .. , , , .. , „ , 0 13 to 0 15 ; goods that' are sully warranted, and are made by experts to fit the +� Ilam o mailed to an ad- Live Hogs, per cwt 7 00 to 7 00 • a p Y Chickens ... . . ... . . .. . . . ... a 3o to.. 0 44 • figure, and to be necessary adjuncts to stylish fitting garments, +dress for 250 SO SAID THREE DOCTORS IN CON- SULTATdON. �F� MUTUAL iIFE ATTRACTIVEOpinAll' carn1pbell,OF CANADA. •` .�. • YET THE PATIENT ILIS BEEN RESTORED TO DRUG STQRE. Formerly The Ontario Mntnttr Life. • •' HEALTII AND STRENGTH THROUGH THE BY WAY OF CONTRAST :' Both in price and quality is every line handloci by us, and with every line we sell goes our personal I AGENCY or DR. wILLIA,HLS' PINIiPILt8. Death and expense rate per 1,000 for last ton � guarantee•of merit. Our store is synoinous with reliability. E years. 90.27 • t WINGI3r�M. 5leading U.S. Companies, average ....-..-: � _ .. .. .. ,.._. .._ _ , Among the many many persons 00 5leading Canadian Companies avge .. 18,27 ' TO ADVERTISERS. throughout Canada who owe good 11ltitual Life of Canada „ ,. ..13.00 • health-perhapseven life itself-to Dr. Interest earned on assets last fieri Tears. We would draw your attention to the New Straignt Front Corset, They are the latest in si; ,le and 0 Notice of change-, must be left at thisDor Cent. to like every other line of merit they are imitated. There are many cheap imitations of the D. & A. straight office not later than Saturday noon, Williams' Pink Pills is Mrs, Alex. FAir, 5leading U.S. Companies, average .... 1,93 • front corset, But the D. & A. straight front corset is a bias cut corset ensuing a perfection of fit and a' The copy for elxanges must be left a well known and highly esteemed 15 leading Canadian Companies, avge.. 5.01 • not later than Tuesday evening. Bxtxtnax Life of Canada •• •• •• 5.51 ® elegance of figure not obtainable with other hakes. We would like to have you call all see them at e,, resident of West Williams township, Casual advertisements accepted up - A O our store. P k Middlesex County, Ont, For nearly] to Wean Thursday of each vvee two years Mrs, Fair was a great sufferer A �: • ---- - - __-- -. _ _ T- � ` f in troubles brought on by a severe Loan and Insurmice Agent, • ®' ESTABLISHED 1872' attack of la grippe. A reporter who Cornor Minnie and Patrick StS. o For those desiring corset that has stood the test of years, and has proved itself to be all that is Athome Friday afternoon and Saturdtiy. ,H claimed for it we would recommend highly the L'. & A. Crest Corset. It is so made that it is unbt ealc• O HE ��I�o called was cordially received by both @ ' el ��J l Mr. and Mrs. Fair wasgiven the fol- m able at the waist line, has elastic lacin Duel° hips, thus giving a degree of comfort to•the wearer hitherto •. lowing facts of the case: "Tri the spring th not obtainable. The material is the very best, and it is finished in the high-class style of workmanship H. R. ELLIOTT, PUBLISHI fi ASD PROPILILTOR , P ' g —The first automobile brought into Y grippe Huron ib what is technical) called a • peculiar to the Corsets of the D, & A. make, Try a pair and become convinced of its many points of E! ��_ .,....,•m, - of 1596 I was attacked b la ri e for p ... . 6 -- - -- --- - y ® excellence. The rice is within the reach of all....... 51,25 r FRIDAY, JU\E ''1, 1901, which I was treated by our family "Locosurrey" bought by Mr. J. P. p ip -01 doctor but instead of getting better I Tisdale, of Clinton. IG cost 1200 f. — 3 gradually grow worse, until my whole at Bridgeport, Conn., is two seated and zLnGAvs O • �p ®• body became racked with pains. T con- weighs 1020. a Our D. & A. Model Bust with shoulder straps is a comfortable perfect, fitting corset ........ . ..... $1.00 ' Forty three people from this district consulted one of the best doctors in On O Our No. 441: is a Long Waist, well made, nicely finished Corset................................ 75 • t001;, in the west Huron Farmers' Inti- tarso and for nearly eighteen months Children Cry ®� 6 Our Black Corset is a medium length, good quality, black sateen, lined with white, perfect-fitting.. 75 •� ` to ie excursion to the Model Farm atfollowed his treatment but without any ® Our No. 226 D. & A. is a short waist, steel filled corset, trimmed with Lace and Baby Ribbon, good. xelph on Saturday last. material benefit. I had a terrible couch q•3 value at ............... .....•................... ,................................ 1.00 O The induction of the Rev. J. J. Hastie which caused intense pains in my head t TO 1 a 0 Our No. 32 is a Nursing Corset, made of good material, warranted as to fit and durability, price... , 1,00 0 MS pastor of the Presbyterian churcl and lungs; I became very weak could, Lite stock 3x:,rlcots. Our No, 280 D. & A. is without doubt, the best 50o Corset on the market, steel filled, Perfect fit, very will take place at 3.30 p, m. on Thurs not sleep, and for over a year I could Toronto, June 1S.-At the Western O durable.........................................•...... .............. ,50 -day, June 27th. Tea will be served in only talk in a whisper and sometimes my cattle yards this uioruiug tho total re- 0 Our Agate in point of fit and good wearing qualities is equal to many of the 50c lines offered, the basement of the chnreh from G to S m entirely. I came to re- ,i is were 84 carloads of live stock, • Our price ......... ................. : .......... 40 voice left e e G y. eR p ' in the evening. The following clergy- Bard my condition as hopeless, but my `including 1,500 cattle, 646 sheep incl Don't buy a trashy, cheap summer Corset. We have a line of perfect fitting Summer Corsets made' men will give addresses in the evening : husband urged further treatment and on lambs, 537 hogs, 40 calves, 15 milch of good material, and the price is]ow................................................ 50 :toss, of Brussels; Perrie,of Wingham; his advice our family doctor, with two cows. p MISSES AND CHILDREN-We have a splendid corset for girls, made of good material but not w Max`vell,of Ripley; Brown,of Belgrave ;others, held a consultation the result of Except for the best cattle, the trade ® heavy • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' • , • • • ' • ' • • • ' ' ' ' ' - • • • ' ' • • • • • ' • ' • • ' • ' • • • ' • • • • • ' • ' ' ' • • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'Whaley, of St. Helens, and J. J. Hastie. which was that they pronounced my was rather slow, and prices decidedly A Drab ,Jean Waists in all sizes for children ............................ . ..................... .25 • -A. splendid music ;program 1?as also ® CORSET COVERS-Nicel trimmed with Embroidery ,25, .30, ,35 ®, case incurable. Neighbors advised me weaker with a downward tendency. Y been arranged. mission, adults 25c; to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, but n m Triple Spoon Corset Clasps, per pair ................... • ....... , ........................... .10 • Following is the range of quotations. N -children 10c. Strawberries will be pro after having alread sent over fp5C0 in a g q ® Elephant Clasps, double from end to end. Never Break. Per pair ............................ .15 vided with supper. All are invited. a - y P CATTLE. O ...... . . . . ..... . . .. , . . doctor's bills I did not have much faith Shippers, per cwt, . , ...$ 4 50 85 12} ® Dress Stays, Rubber Tipped, White, Drab and Black, per set .10 0 clay, an usiness`,Win. Watson vent to Elmwood, Mon- I finally decided to give diem a trial. I Butcher, choice do... • . 4 2 c 4� 50 •� boulder Straps for Ladies, very comfortable an size per Q • lest in an medicine but as a last resort Do , in 1 O , air .... . Sadie McDougall, of Goderieh,xs visit- Butcher, ordinary to ®Jll� Jas. H. I��Pi IViACYd®B©lt9e.0 ��.®NI� W I�'LAe�All J� had not taken many boxes of the pills r in.- her sister, Mrs. Caeser, this week. good................ 3 75 4 00 m L' �p ' before I noticed an improvement in my Butcher inferior ...... 2 75 3 26 ® , o Jas. H. Keir. Rev. Mr. Miller, occupied the pulpit , ® ' condition and this encouraged me to Stockers, per cwt...... 2 v0 3 25 ® y in the Presbyterian church last Sunday. continue their use. After taking Ilio Export bulls, per cwt.. 3 50 4 00 to • SHEEP AND LA=S. %806,980894 Jas. Jas. McGee has opened a shoe shop in pills for several mouths I was complete- . O ®9$O®Ott@p®®0Q2®®®O®®®®EBA��.1®@@Q,Z®®®®®®®O®9®®>g®®®®®m®!B®®®®I�®•@®®®1�D�2U®�4 3)a3i Geddes' house, up stairs, and is novo ly restored to health. The cough dis- Export ewes, per cwt.. 3 50 3 75 prepared to do first class work inthat Lambs (grains fed), per appeared; I s longer suffered from the Cwt... . . . .. . .. . .. . . . • 4 00 4 50 ESTAT {terrible gins I once endured• my voice P , Do. (barnyard) per Albert M. Perdue, V, S., of Clif- r 25 1/lord was mai-ried on Wednesdayafter- became strong again; my appetite ifu cwt...... ng), e .. _ 3 50 4 00 proved, and I was able to obtain restful Do. (spring), each, . 2 50 4 00 5 U 9000 L B 6t% Q noon at 5.30 o'clock to Miss Ella Maude, Bucks............ .. . . 2 50 3 00 daughter of Charles McCrea of Morris. sleep once more. While taking the pills MILKERS AND CALVES. ' I gained 37 pounds in weight. All this 9100 and $6 a mond w' buy n nine roomed 'The ceremony was performed in the " p g Cows, each , ........... 20 00 45 00 cottage on Tose1,.pine t et. y p I owe to Dr, Williams' Pink Pills and I Calves, each.......... , 2 00 10 00 L WAN I Large frame bons we corner lots, stable. Church of England by Rev. Mr. McQuil- Beautiful corner. $ 0. feel that I cannot say enough in their IIOGS. 6/ acres and frame house, Bluevale Road, A din, of Blyth, and the wedding march favor for I know that they have certain- Choice hogs, per cwt, .. G 50 7 12� chance for speculators. was played by Miss McCrea, sister of the Light hogs, per cwt, , .. 6 50 6 62, Wo Fine frame dwelling, 5 acres, near Iron ly saved my life." 13-ride. a bride looked charming in a Heavy hogs, per cwt. 6 50 G 62} Dwellings in town at $500, $700, $1000,$1100, In cases of this kind Dr. Williams' Stags.. .. , ... , 0 00 2 00 $1250 anti slSoo, have been placed in niy hands for which the highest price in cash or trade will be paid, dress o white muslin with long bridal Pink Pills will give more certain and for sale. -veil, and carried a beautiful boquet. speedy results than any other medicine. A. DULMAC-E. „ "" ,. •. •. ,, •,; Miss Lena Perdue, sister of the groom, They act directly on the blood thus HAIR `was bridesmaid, and was attired in a raaching the root of the trouble and URE BRED IMPORTED CLYDESDALE We are now offering special value in all classes. of Summer Goods. dress.of blue muslin and also carried a driving eve vestige of disease from the P stallion, Maslins, Organdies, Wool Delaines Fancy Gin hams Percales `•Dimities dr {�' ry a �J0112aF1�/ � g , , y g , , ppa'akfabcduet of flowers. The grooms stem. Sold b all dealers in medicine ���' Mercerized Sateens and Prints all up-to-date patterns and colors. Vas,S'4pportedby Jas. McCrea, brother y y persons a PRINCE OF KELTON, Also a complete stock of Ladies' or sent post paid ar, 50 teats a hos, or xis .�, �,� p tidies Wrappers and Shirt Waists, special of the bride. The bride entered the boxes for value at 65C and up. : 2.50 by addressing the Dr. � ,, have hair .. �i y will mako the season of 1901, ns follows: church accompanied by her father, n , art Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. �1� 1�, that i s MONDAY.—Will leave his own stable, Swarts' See our special values in Ladies White Goods and Undervests. After the ceremony the wedding party E tl : ,; stubborn hotel and proceed to John Casemore's, Parasols in Fancy and Black Colorings from 75c and u . were conveyed from the, church to the aovvicsi . Y Con. ''Z, Morris, for noon ; thence to Belgrave g p P Von and dull . ' for ni •ht. In Turnip Seed I have the best known kinds, such .as Steel Briggs Co. home of the bride's Parents, near the M" y , TUsoD S .-Will fist wawto forinoon; Select, Elephant, Simmer's. Prize, Rennie's OwD, as well as all the old On Thursday of last week the mortal village, in carriages supplied by .,he It w 0 n t i thence to Wm. Beecroft's, Con. 12, for • remains of the late James Ritchie, of the Standard Varieties, groom's brother, John Perdue, V. S. and 17th con. wero convoyed to their last g r 0 w WED ESDAY; Will proceed to own stablo liveryman, Of Blyth. After Congratula- where he will remain until Thursday morn. Also Millet, Buckwheat and Hungarian Seed. ' ins the wedding supper was partaken resting p�e in McIntosh church yard � �� h a tt ' S ing. tions, g pp the reason ? Hair air TAnADAY.--Will proceed to Bluevale for cemetery. Over 200 carriages followed, 1 am headquarters for seeds of all kinds, and no fancy prices asked. riff, There Were upwards of 1Q0 guests noon} thence to Walker House, Wroxeter, Q containing relatives and friends from n e e d S help List as for night. present, After supper the remainder of p ) FRIDAY. -Will proceed to Albert Gallagher's, different parts of the country, which - anything else does at 1 Gemmill's Corners, for noon; thence via , the evening was spent in dancing, etc. y g I 6th Con. Turnberry, to his own stable for 'They were the receipents of many valu- evidenced the esteem in which he had times. The roots re- ni ht. ruble and useful presents,oue of the most been held by the general community. � SAT�DAY,-All day at his own stable. � Coming into these parts from North ' quire feeding. When T. H. HASSARD,, D. McPHERSON, rominent beinga old watch and chain Prop., Milbrook. Manager, Whig lain. ► ■ L,LSo the gift of the groom to the bride. Tlie Dumfries 28 years ago, he had farmed hair stops growing it extensively in the neighborhood and had 1 0 S e S ;happy couple left yesterday for Clifford, 9 » taken great interest in breeding first- its luS- _ X \• 0 -- - --�� class Clydesdale horses, some of which ter. It lc 1, .,^." 3uttoll O he had. imported direct from Scotland. :�' r• � ti ,�_ � . � • In politics he was a liberal, which he looks ' I j '-- F, , �' • rW Cle enthusiastically supported. He vvas a dead.H&i _ 3ros. A v member of McIntosh church in which ` i for many years he was precentor. He I , s ",, , �.'!. 1,f Fi�l�i GIVING leaves a widow, two sous u four I �• k _ l" ��JJ �•�• de ughters to lament his loss. have V. had several influential m©lit en away _ acts almost instantly u from our midst during the last few years, On such hair. It law _ 9 J i,' ;;. Special Pr ces for 60 Days Japanese China and while their loss in many respeota i awakens new lire in {' L_ p ` �; '' In Upholstered Gr' oodta. Cups and saucers cannot be repaired, we trust that others the hair bulbs. The _ � �l� in the rising generation will be coming T effect is astonishing. - � r �' /•f /l forward to undertake their virtues and Parlor Suites that were - - 547.00 now $37,00 Vases Ph Your hair rows be- _ Suites that ware - - - - 45.00 now 35,00 is usefulness g � Parlor�(?n-bon Etc. Again011M2oua,Juno 10th, at the comes thicker, and all ! r �' '�;�p Parlor Suites that were - • - 35 U0 now 27.00 one© of M7x. Andrew Doi - �'db �' °• "JP' Parlor Suites that were - - - - 26,00 now 15,50 PJ�yet mother dandruff is removed. - ( of the pioneers in the peon of Mfrs. And the o r 1 g i n a 1 ; will at once detect the super- ling suites that were - - (special) 47.00 now 36,00 t Toter Patrick passed atv at the ad. COIOr of early life is ! ` Couches that were - 16.00 now 12,50 U�cf7L GOODS vanced age of 95 years. - ,lorlty of our made-to-order Couches that were - - 1.2,00 now 10,00 restored to faded or 1 ('arments. r Mr. J. H. Bennett, fourth soil of Rich. � - 15 Couches that were 9.00 now 6,75 ray hair. C This is HIGH AIT TAILORING Violins p a1Wa s the Case - g good e 7.00 now 4.75 • Bennett of the 12th con., Iiovviclt, we g yLounges, Couches that werelure Covering, were . - 5,00 now 6.50 examination, w th first class honors, $t.00 bottto. Att druggiete. is our specialty, We fit the Lounges, ries the b . ,, 1+ �� - (special) 6.00 now 4.40 Guitars man of abnormal as well as he medical doctor. Out of 13G only ten �' i Have used Ayer's iIatr Vigor, - , est, 'iVere 6,25 nUw 4.5() took first-class honors. and am really astonished at tho „ „ Sheet Music, 19te. of normal shape, and our 11Zateresses - - r1.�.0 now 3 25 good it bas detia in &eetrins be _ • p , �j „ , hair from coming, out, 2t s tho 1)r1Ce5 SUit all, lil•attresSes, 3.50 now 3.00 host tonin I have tried, and I - y TO CtiliH A. COLD Is OXV., DAIV ahan eontinuo to recomm rid it to - Debroom Strife$ as law as 59.25. Sideboards from 9.75 u +' We ax-e bound to eloso out these good Take Laxative Broino Qixininc 'raliltlts. All my irienda." � Come along and get one of �• ll Ad will sell them Very, very cheap, drix {;tsts refund the money, if It fails to cure SWAT Aur int Torr N. t' � the neiVest novelties in Suits, All above prices we will try and carry tllr0u�h l4Zay and ,Yugo and signature is ort each boa, ;rbc. Sept.�hr Y • • It , keep up the stock, so none of our customers will go, away disappointed. H. v . Grove's _ . ---� - Overcoats and Pants. 7'wc Stripe, with a record of x,10 Ir r0 do not , taln fill th6 bene$te _ , The above pricey are for cash. Don't be Weled and buy any Upholstered /� /� ou a ieeted tram sue neeof the Hair Yours truly, oodej till you clave seen ours. /"1 /`''1 .play snrpriso sojulg of the y�outiger borsea 'i�o�,n J t . eDx' dvo"ail0 xl 1 Y lux the free-for-1411 race 6n Thursday r'►'ro• WA.IER BIM. & BUTTN Macdonald 13-lock, Winghan, acct. YAMIng 11ndartakers, Wii ghm, ®t