HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-06-21, Page 3i Fr:NqP4111..W'1'1," TO WINGRAM TIM -Pig, JUMAlt 19010 C. x, >Icuct co4a#zany,TEMPERANCE C04UMN. Too Many Weacherio. 0094 woril for 0409ianr, pail Doukhal,ory, � This isve, name of a Lowly iucorpor• --.--. #1t the tl'oronto Metlierl;st'Conforelico Spenlcing in the rpsbytenian General atodcotniiany organized yesterday under Oon4lncteli 1,;r El4c 1vingl4atn W. 0. T. c, statements �vero wade 11.v the l3ov. Dr. Geylo*"u slo Assembly,, Rev. lir• Reid, medical leis• Tecl the laws of the State of Maine, with a mlamrlclt:ll#�;x p1t,INlt". Sutherland, General Superinteudent of slollary, aNFgribed his work among the capital of $1,000,000, divided into sharps _ p in• Mission$, that Created .quite a sensation. Galioigas and Doukhobors, #ie first : Ord WsllsOley, the Cgmmauder• of 140 each. The officers of the Coln. Chief, III all Open.letter Asks the public The doctor charged that there were too spolte of the" Galioiaus, of whom there �.�Ej ��` � BLACK 7Pauy are as follows; `vishiug to bouor the returning soldiers ,many Iniuistors, anuli til tba home mss• were llq kiss than $0,000 in the west, President and GoueralMauagor, C. I, to refrain, while extending then. a sion field this Would have to be remedied The Doulihobors, numbered 7,600, mak- Hood. t, hearty welcome, from offering thele fen• or lie saw trouble ahead, There wore ing altogether 60,000 Slays in Canada, Vice President, Willard Everett. toxicatlog liquors,• as, like all of us, they, tweuty�=TI $eyeu more ministers in the Moro of them were coming, but not- A WISE HOUSEWIFE Treasurer, Charles Stiokney. are opoi. to tgtuptationr." The Con.• field in 1000 than. in 1890. TI} the West Withstanding reports to the contrary, Clerk, Hiram Thomson, wander• -in -Chief Also says he trusts the, superannuation was. On the increase, but these were frugal, industrious, euerge- looks Out for the family he,14h anti the fa -i ly po ;ke0-ook. If Secretary, George H. Taylor. gieedug to the bravo soldiers will be it was going'. forward altogether too fast she uses Cevlon and India Machitle-M ade Tea she Cts the tip people, promising in. a few years t9 , FYI g Directors, C. X. Hood, Willard Everett, something better than an incitement to iu-the central districts, Ministers bed be self-sustaining' and prosperous far ° purest and Inc st economical tea to be had. Charles Stickniey, George H. `Taylor, excessive drink, been superannuated by the dozou just niers, "The problem was not why the CpJULDR= A$ TIPPLARS. y y ,__•.__...__ Feer o W. Yutnum, because there Were no stations for thein. n... _. g The Paan that the '(a(',llIlall alnthQPitiOs had been permitted t0 come, but what . _' ... _....__ .._, _......�._.- ..., ,, ,-.,,, JIn The incorporation is purely for busi• There wore far more miu.st.ers than were Was the dun of Canadians towards at Bonn some time ago halon iuvestiga• rc uired y Hess masons, the niana!;oineut and heads q , and more than the were them, Doubtless .heap Slays lige. been 6j� Ceylon Teas are SQll.l ill Sr.•alt?Cl lEaC tion upon alcolnolisui among pupils ill • ' ,L�, 4f departments remaining' the same. Wi Willing to support, In two years'the divinely diregtecl to Canada., so that "` aC1ieCS Alli Black, 11 i+ceCi, the Primary schools shows a startling c p y, , , ; Un- as heretofore. The Compauy is prepar• cost of maintaining them had increased they might enjoy the benefits. of colored Ceylon Green. Free satll les Sent, A icimss "`SAL- state of affairs, Sixteen children out of j y p fug t0 introduce some now and valuable. $o -,000,p00. He saw a crisis ahead unless Christian Anglo -Salon civilization, in A 1�..�, Toronto, one hundred did not drink milk, and ab, g order to civilize these foreigners cors the medfciiles, grid the business will be solutely refused to drink it because it matters were changed. There should be g y pushod with the same aggressive vigor fewer leen iii the work, and those kept must be evali �elizod an had no savour, Of 287 pupils, seven to 6 , and for this provided, which has characterized U. I. Hood & P P should be batter paid. Dr, Sutherland eight years of age, tliero �vus not one Pose uieu and means must be provided. Compauy.—Froin the Morning Citizen, who had, i.ot drunk wlno,beer or whiskey advised that the establishment of new It was 11 fgrtuuately too true that lie Lowell, Mass., May 24, 14901. circuits be discouraged. He spoke of had found nils lowest farm of civfliza• ��'�� �®��'�� ���''630 although twenty-three per cent. had three circuits which could be .co:ubfnecl never tasted whiskey, but habitually tion amongst Anglo-Saxons working om9l�l ��' , i2tS'i ®dS����+ Theme is more Catarrh in this section and $1,000 saved. It was a bad day for the railways. The west, he concluded, g AA drank beer or wine. Eight per cent. of of the country than all other diseases Methodism When local preachers !Sero needed lnissioiieirios." a Severe an4# Torturing cape of ut together, and until the last few these children were given their glass of supplanted. Bright's a01„ense—A Justice oR the years was supposed to be incurable. For whiskey every day by their parents that . Pence Certilles to the cure uy Dr. ,i�, ■ a great many years doctors pronounced that they might become strong. As a re- wh„t Would They Give? A Permnneut Odie • Chnne'a Xitlney-Liver P111s. n4+ ro n Points is it a local disease, and prescribed local Of such serious diseases as Scrofula, Old • Mr. James Dellihunt, a much respect- dl 9 ` remedies, and by constantly failing to suit of these investigations it was proved It seems a r�aste of time to. warn peo- Sores, Eczema, Ring Wortn, Ulsers, and ed resiCent of Consecon, Ont.; states:— cure with local treatment pronounced that children most accustomed to alcohol ple against neglecting coughs and colds, all mali pant diseases haviu;• �����' ' P g , their "I was a sufferer from Bright's Disease v o B. it incurable. Science has proven catarrh showed the least intelligence, children but what Would victims of cousumptioia prl"iu fn bi blood, eau only be obtained for several years, gull at tunes the tor - to be a constitutional disease, and. there- Who had their morning glass of whiskey and pneumonia give if their disease were rough the use of Iiurdoek Blood tures of mind, and bout' were almost be- th ', its Purity. :,fore requires eonrtitntional treatment. only jin its beginning, if it were only a Bitters• 5 and endurance, The pains were in m3 . Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by and found no savour, in milk showed it cough or cold. Deadly lung diseases bo- i.ead, between the shoulders and down Z• Its Thousands of Cures. R. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the by great inattention during the morning gin with colds that could certainly be • to whole spine, concentrating across 3 Its Economy. ILC. a dose, cured by Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed Andie'a Sigler, t': kidneys, wh ire I was never entire. only,constitutfonal tura on the market. hour. A curious fact shown by this iu- free from pain. when I got up in It is taken internally in Ptoses from 10 veatigation' was tllr4t young girls who and Turpentine, the great prescription (Baltimore American,) ::,e morning I went about bent over �' �'�' ,drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly which not merely relieves but thorough- Aurlro�v Carne se's gift of X10,000,000 1•' irly double. It gave me great pain Regulates the Stomach, Liver and Bowels, on the blood and mucous surfaces of the took whiskey with their breakfasts were ly cures cough and cold together. ,urinate, and at tinges the water was unlocks the Secretions, Purifiesthe Blood and system. They otter one hundred dollars more numerous than young boys. for educational purposes in Scotland has ; •:•ry scanty. Xedicines seemed to have caused an outburst of retests a• rains. 7 LO-, or no effect in my case, until I removes all the impurities from a common for any Daae it falls to Dore. Scud for TIILr C1tOWNIt:Ci� INFAMY AT ati'Y'W OILLLANS. IIo�v Ido Die It. P i, part of some news- - .a an the use of Dr. Chase's Isridney. Pimple to the worst Scrofulous Soret and circulars and testimonials. The damnable doings of the New Or- At a dinner party the converhation accepting �t on the ._;ver Pills. The first dose relieved me, Address, F. J. CHENEY & Co:, leans mob, rvlriclr are enough to. shut the which had become informal and general, papers in England and Scotland. id five boxes entirely cured me._ I 6==3EB� Toledo, Ohio. Ye witina tak the siller -•ve no pains in my kidneys, and can Sold by Druggists, 75c. mouth of every American citizen against turned on the subject of tricks with , .= an good a day's work as I ever DYSPEPSIA, BILIOUSNESS, Hall's Family Pills are the best. the Chinese Boxers, found a fitting cards. One of the men produced a pack That Audie wants to gip? ^ld.” CONSTIPATION, HEADACHE, Refuse the bonny dollars— r. J. J. Ward, J.P., of Consecon, cer- SALT RHEUM, SCROFULA, • climax in the burning of the Lafon col- and proposed to .shoiv the company a ' "i -•a Via t he knows Bir. Deilihunt'a HEARTBURN, SOUR STOIBRACH, Ancient Diarriage Oertiacato, prod school building and the SThe lniiist ye ever seo. Aement of his cure to be correct and eo negro most remarkable performance. He ask- DI22INESS, DROPSY • Hoot, neon! 'Tis nae a Saotsn1,L11 :.:e and without exwgr,eradon. It seems RHEUMATISM, SKIN DISEASES. Dr. Bryce has received from Thos. residencos roundabout. ' This building eel the hostess to have a soup tureen Wlra'd gie it back, I clod. • ollsh to trifle with r. -.v -.'angled medi- Dixon, Clerk of the Peace at Walkerton, was its handsome as any white school brought, and it was delle. Then lie ask- ,.,• !nes when you can -vet tet• tested and � the following marriage certificate, date building in the city. It was named after ed the lad at his right to draw a card lis nae a freckled Scotsman? :.coven kind. Dr. Chase's 1•: idney-3',ivar z Z\ AN.45 y g Why, hoot, mou!l Hoot! .1!s, one pill a dose, ` 15 0'•' t% a 1b , Qll r.._.December 6th, 1$21:—Whereas William Thomy Lafon, a negro, who accumulat- from the pack and make a mental note voa-crv, or ErIman:wn, 13u.ea ti Co., ®.• ! ;' c , %ironto. Agent9 tiva:ltod for Dr. Chauc'sc a ', t 'Cummings ltnd'142argaret Bell, both of ed a fortune of sono (i00 OOU and left i.t of it. Nhe slid so anti returned the card Twas nae a brave Eiielander, 1r -,t and complete xtaceipt Book.. u. Nelson; -Halton Co", were desirous 'of all to charity, part going to the building at random to the deck. The performer Or Lowland catiff, who inter -marriage with each other and there of this school, part to a charity hospital .next naked three or four of the male Brad let oor Audie's siller b3iu; no parson or minister ofthe and part to two homes for aged people— guests to shuffle the cards in turn and Gao slip his fistics through. - Church of England living within eight- one for the colored race and one for the place the pack in the soup tureeh and The plaided Scottish, soldiers e3n miles of them or either of them, white. And simply because the school put the cover oil'. Turning to the lady Were aye itent on loot. they have applied tome for that purpose. building was devoted toward the educa- who had drawn the card, he asked her, in Gie back oor Audio's siller? �' '✓ �. Now these are to certify that in pur- tion of colored people this hellish white what order she would have it appear Losh! Hoot, mon! Hoot! �e r Ataanee of the powers granted by an Act mob fired • it. 'Talk about the devilish from the top of the pack, and she said of the Legislature of this Province, Chinese Boxers! It is said that as the she would like to have it in the seven- Our laddies wfnma sufferIWIN01-,;0I passed in the 23rd 'year of the rii;n of flames enveloped the building, placing it teenth place. One of the gentlemen thou For education's lack, George the Third, I James McBride, one beyond hope of saving, an aged colored took the pack from the soup tureen and While we hap Andie's sillor. of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace, preacher in the crowd raised his hands counfecl the cards from' the top, face Ye winna gie 3t back. It �vaclua be nicht Scottish ]laving caused the previous notice by the aloft and cried, "God has indeed desert- down. Statute required to ba given, have this ed. us,'-' and, turning, he ran away as "What was your card?" the perform- To lot the coin. gang oot: it _ �p� t,t No tak oor Andio's Biller? tie I yplelyrit1rl t�81; 9p Q1�� �s�e�� i��i iii �Qf. day marriela the said William Cumming fust lis he could go in. the energy of his .er asked the young lady, and she repli- g and Margaret Bell together and they are despair. The shame and damnation of ed that it was the ate of spades. The why, hoot, mon! Hoot! ---- — ---- --- --- •.— --- %ecome legally contracted to each other it are upon the American people.—From seventeenth card was turned over and Cause of Dreams. in marriage. Given under my hand at the Sprinfield, Mass., Republican. proved to be the ace of spades, i This is PROVED b the fact that the BUSINESS in - Nelson, the 6th day of December, 1$21, LORD ROB1;ltrs. A few days later a cabinet officer, who A rather interesting lecture on dreams y .TAS. MoBnum, J. P. Julian Palph, the great American war was given recently by Prof. Bergson in habitants of thy, world USE it. was one of the guests, met the perform- . correspondent—and, to his credit be it Paris. The professor says that dreams Now ri�anG'facturt:cl in three the ,eat counties, viz ' cr and asked for'an explanation of that b`r said, one of the few United Status writ- are only visual ,phenomena, tItrtt trio Canada, United States incl Gerr!lang . interesting card trick. a , ars who are courageous enough to do the „ " circulation of blood in the retina and the ,� Oh, that was an easy one, he repli- The 'Canadian Pacific Railway have r VPr 200 ice. use l British justice—who is reporting war in „ pressure of the eyelid on the optic nerve ed. You see, that was a prick of The know a GOOD . ABSOLUTE South Africa for a number of United has something to do with it, and pro. �'thing, dwn, and there were 62 aces of spades iu States papers, wrote recently of Lord it ,>—Exchttuge. duces color sensations. Our senses are, Roberts thus: '•To mehisface suggests not deadened in our slumbers; on the SOINE OF ITS ADT k`1j-T, .Q;•ER+: SECUR11the front of a granite mountain, seamed, contrary they run riot; but the professor - xabor Items. risible vvrithi start to Plush. Portability, weigh% only lu pounds. lined battered bystorm,strainaudrack- fa convinced that we never iuvev.t any- ® Sudden accidents often befal artizaus, nLanifuldtag, beats them all. Ali£nment, positive and permanent. ing change. It records acquaintance farmers and all who work in the open thing in our dream, and that the stories Durability, hardened steel parts. hl,tipheity, e03 parts as ngainst MOO! with every trial to which mortals ?are air, besides the exposure -to cold and of mnsiefaus and poets composing WARRANTED by a well-known Canadian Company here to back it up. put, dam producing rheumatism, lame wonderful things in their dreams are en- �y p ,all suffered in the solitude of undi- P, P g a , . vided responsibility. Care, worry, sick- back, stiff joints, lameness, etc. Yellow tirely unfounded. During sleep "all oil is a ready remedy for all such truu- ness, danger, unceasing reflecting, all bles. It is hand and reliable, and call that we have ever seen, heard or react is r ter s had left their marks there, yet all are be used internally and .externally. there to be evoked by the slightest sen - written across a gentle, sympathetic " sation. To dreatm, consequently, is the Liver o +�}- countenance, never gay or merry, yet Admit the Sunshine, natural state of the mind, which drifts YOU WASTE that lunch if con BUY any OTHER, and you DO �16, flt� t W �o� �o ���+ �a stern and wholly ignorant of passion. I After a cold day, to emphasize by con- into indifference to its surrouudiugs." SOT (:L+'T SO GOOD a tnxchine! have known many great faces, but that trast the dohght of the spring sunshine, Must &leas• Signature of of Lord Roberts is a face apart. I fancy humanity is prepared 'to admit that the If the child is restless at night, has THE pis choibost of all blessin sfsthe warm sun- coated tongue, sallow complexion, a H i' WILLIAMS MFG. Co -,,Limited Ghat, in the minds of their worshippers g dose of Millers Worm Powders is what, P. R some of the soberer gods of the old light. Where the sun shines life and is required; pleasant, harmless. Sold by Write to-day.MONTREAL, mythologists had faces like this. . . , vitality abound, the plants and trees are Colin A. Campbell. Lord Robertspreachesrich in foliage, the birds sin ""'` " "' ------------- temperance to his gaud the ---. .,..,..'.._....`...... � ""•""" --"W"'-.` '`.'_��.` ".: , : See Fac -Simile wrapper Ee;ow. soldiers, and they all know that he animal world is full of power and shows noatience with those who drink energy- When there is darkness loom Tens ouacan azul an oucy P gY• , g to tako to excess. He has never been known to and death prevail. If a plant be put in use an oath, and, indeed, there must be a dark cellar i`vherrn there is but a tiny CARTE�y�� Fpl9 HEADACHE., comparatively few men whose religion aperture to admit the light, it will lose ter lam, "� '• t,, RS F011 DIZZINESS. influences them so deeply as does his in its strength and color, but will reach IN I'PTLE EmI3 Iy1LI®USWESS. every affair in life." longingly for the sunlight. The neces• OVER FOR TO[iM LIVER. WOMM X LAwYnRs. sities of iwimal life are, comparatively •'� � y ���^� � r tr, �;s 01 Lia . Ef3R EOPISTiPd61I0&l. OuO Of the successful lawyflrs in Can- much the same as. those of vegetable. ` `� �•a rt i FOR SALLOW b[?IN. ada is Miss Clara Brett Martin. She is growth. Light and drink and nourish - rOR THE CllMPLEl IGN of a good family, and is said to be hand. SccivIILMaa aUar+uve. 71ATUnF. meat are needful alike t0 them 1)Otll, l itriee some has had an exceptionally fide edu- Sunlight is the strongest purifier and ' ' !6 Cents Purelyvcgttahle..if��sw rsocL g c p L`- „°, cation, and is very capable, yet it was , greatest healthgiver we have. It should d, CURE SICK HEADACHE. with groat difficulty that she obtained not be excluded 'from our dwellings. the chance to practice. Professor Gold- There ought not to be a room in the win Smith was particularly sure that the house to which it cannot have access. �. foundations of society would be over- From that house Into which the sun- F i turned f sbe were admitted. to the bares°''' - ... , ,:: _ ....... , shine novo, comps all life and freshness and he so expressed himselt in letters to seem gone. Tho women and children , the Canadian papers. Her (3011090 who pass their (.lays in such homes aro I. ;''y. Physicians are recognizingthe extraordinary power of Powley s logrees, her diplomas, and even the ex- pale and sickly. Sunlight is the best Liquified Ozone to Cure lune troubl.., �"1r - o oellence of her preliminary examination P p ' P y cosinetict for oor complexion, tits The case of George Youue•.Of Roach's Pointe tubo was cured of URNi had no softening effect onthat venerable best medicine for aweakly body. and au tuberculosis of two years' standing, has impressed them with the value ' S PILLS, body known as .the Benchers, made tip excellent tonic for a troubled mind, If �Y .� I . ��.� of the condensed ox e'en s ,,tem of cerin lute; trouble. G'eorg'e of old and Conservative lawyers, whose we shat the sunsh, ' from our homes 3 Y VICTORIA, B.C., March 8, 1901. oiiiaiai approval had to be gained before we aro likely to miss the sunlight from Youncy- weighs fifteen pounds .more now than he did before he had The T. Milburn Co., limited, leave topraotice, could be had. After our lives. tubOrculosis. Marty protninent physicians who hame interviewed Toronto, Ont, y failing in her application to them, Miss George Young are prescribing Poivley's Liquified Ozone most success-• �< DearSirs,--Somettateagomydaughter, Marlin laid her case before theln£orna• A vombination. � T • •� cr " aged 1g years, full . fou should ill uire into this case. lits your duty. ,Lion, >" ,i , ,- was troubled tional Council Of Women. Its president As their llama signifies, tiaxa•Liver y g L with bad head.ab that time was Lady Aberdeen, She Pills aro it combination of laxativeprin- with the security Powley's Liquified Ozone gives you, the price isn't aches and loss became warmly interested, and, as a re- dun blef. T] e becurelttvSick Headache, hard on your pocket, of appetite. y t (I J ' Site was tired stilt of her efforts, a series of resolutions Constipation, .Biliousness, Liver Com- 50 cents and $1.00, at 94I1 druggists. Write toll aur Iltot+atur0 `rhe Gil+oat White and listless most wore sent In,, to th© Benehor8 from all plahit�, Uyspep sirs anti all aeratiged boll• 1plague" and "Tho Now System of Caring Disease," fteo of Ghai+ge. Addva:ls tho Ozone i 0t the time, and conditions s o tiro Stomach, Livor and Co. of Toronto, Ltiniteid, 48 Colborne Street, Toronto: Over the world. 'Then followoct a volley Bowels, t \J hers stens got 1 jotirlials, all recommending Miss Mar- y t tv a . loosing of letters in. the daily,weekly and month• flesh. y n y g Tito largos coal -train ongiuo 111 10m; . 9- 'noted - d e) � � ' barn roti d0tttl, tin, gild censuring the Benchers, until land has boon constrnoted by the great P)m 4 �� ' S40 1 cal ing your the old gentlemen were fairly worn out, Northern Uftilway. It i:t htesi ttarl to' �. ilea. t and ervb : g Pills itigltly spoken of Y roeured a 60x, And glad to yield. Miss Martin has since draw $00 tons. + `" and by the time slid hitt used their sha shown her ability bywinning two import - had gained lbs, ill weight and is now in alit case 4, opposed bye t onto of tine fore• h 3 ,ry 'ros` _Verfect health, __. Yours truly, most practitioners of the Proviilacl•••••' ; - biits, i. l#. Cvlttls. Woman's Journal, l:eston, A �ti � 4 t Scold by A. L. 1' aul,lton Dru,, gist, N'G ing'limn (Int, 13ihf.�,.�'�Sx _.4..ti, _�..1.. .....a{ _ e, .,, .. , . 1.a•�� fiaEl±�' N�.t'4,[., _,. �' 2•. r. � y