HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-06-21, Page 19
wi..N-GHA1VV T1nES.
'VOL, XXIX.----N4, 1522, WING110, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, J UNri, 21, 1901. $ A. YEAR IN ADVANCE
MIM+^AAhIoA^AAAnAAI►AhAA/1AA I Five excellent building lots for sale, -Parents desir sof Kindorgarteniu-i THE t1UN $ES$lQ(VS p d
^ :e on eerier of Patrick and iancfs streets, structiou far thoi(Thildren willbe pleas-' We are 11ijcauqu.arters: for
i.D• Apply to R, Valistone, Wingham. ' eel to learn that 1&s, A. la• Prior starts for Tinton• -•No Cts ilial oases, But a.
LADIES' TENNIS ( ' UB,—Tile ladies of a private kinclorgbrteii sebool 1st of July, r;odersto Calera lar of Civil Aneo.
6 g g g Primarily
co witlit, anlelrequests,sl auwill P y
Win Ilam met th) other evenin and; The June Sessiole of the Peace for,
r ¢ or anized a ladies' tennis club., Conn- othe courts of Rurot - opened on Tuesday
` chlor McKenzie he Set'sgiven the ladies the receive alitnited nlmber of pupils, For afternoon of last w iek before His Honor'
use of his lawn or the stammer and terms, ote., calla residence on Patrick Judge Doyle, i t Goderioh, and
o , , POWDER
terms will be in ol.3or fox the ladies far street. after a Grand Jury had answer-
; M - three days each w ek, + And elected
UILITIA Cuto1 4Es.--The followingSamuel ea their
Bissett a is,s foreman, SherifHELLEBORE`
- WATERWORKS I xTLNSION -Tho Fire, charges In the mrd Huron Regiment
--.-------- L Water and Lig Committee of the weru announced on Saturday last:- Reynolds preseute i His. Honor with a
A tine collection to select Y
from, and the values are Town Council hel a meeting on Wednes- Provisional Second Lieuts. F. Y. Liuday pair of white kid pdoves, to certify that'
right, Come and see for day evening. TI a tender from Jas. A,. and J. S. Steell ha Ing left limits, their there were no cr minal cases on the PARIS G'RFMN
MYyourself, Cline to make the waterworks extensions names aro tomo eel from the list of docket, His Hou r addressed the Grand
• _ on John and Albo t streets, was accepted. officers of the tive militia. To be Jurors, cougrat sting [hem on the
97 piece set ........ . .. ....$ G.oO It is expected twat work will be tom absence of crimia cases, and regreting FLY PADS
Good goods, 8 colors, P second lieutenant upernun 'vary, 0. the absence of th senior Jude through'
a menced at once. Robertson. g g -
97 piece sets ............... 7.60 illness. He said udge Masson had tib• STICKY PAP -ER
P Don't let them pull the wool WANTED AT OxcE-A st. centeraI] t
18.50, $10.00, $12.00. oyes, bring it to Hanna & Co. Carotid located in Win_ham soya private twined three motif s' absence on account
C prices, fair &aling.' dwelling. Address, Box 144, dlinton, of illness, and ped that before the and all insecticides,
100 piece sets . . ... . ..... . .. . 12,60 iu
BILL THE Bus Those who have Ont- time expired his olleague would 'have
Has arrived, and we greet it* 120 piece sets ............. 1G,6U growing potatoes s 111d not he&titate t0 BASEBALL MAT Es.-Wingham base-: recovered and res mod his duties. Tho s a r
and Q18;50 give them a dressin: with a weak solu- ball boys met wit defeat at the ,bolds rival docket consi ed of 3 jury and 7 II lta DU CLASS
with welcome, Winter cloth- tion of pares green, is potato bugs are of the Palmerston lab in that- town on. non -jury cases, tree of which are of
ing may now be laid aside. If comic into town in large numbers Thursdayof last t eok. The score was local interest:- Chemist and Drs st.
c and a properly tidm nistered dressing at 11 to 5. The next league game in which Davidson vs. H wick. -This was an
y N, A l • Farquhafson this stage of growt will be better than Wingliam takes part will bo la ed action brought b Isaac Davidson, of Agent G. N. W. Office,
Ypp pp aa C a dozen when the clop, has been partially with Harriston o the pa k hero ext wingbam, against the Corportion of the
® 8 U CHINA HOUSE destroyed by the i act. Thursday morn ug-secoucl taco day, Township of Howi k, for damages sus-
It WANTED -600'l' Its of Butter, cash or The boys say thi game will be a good twined by Davi on through being PHOTOGRAPHS
p Opp. Hanle of Hamilton. thrown off his e a on b
1 y trade. Get into that 19 G.
E. Butter one. egg g y coming at R D
6pri 6uit v + avdVVVVdvvvvWvvVbWVyVw Race. Eggs 120. G, E. KING. 6 contact with limbo aleft unguarded at
Dr. Towler s returned to town the entrance to the ordwich bridge, on
Y BUILDINCF OPERA Ioxs.-There is moth- and may be Y rad at, his office aur-
in new to report n the building line Ing office hou -9 to 12 a. m. and 2 the night of the 9 of October, 1900. —Am—
Georgge McKenzie Vein loam g P g to s P. M. SIR PHOTO STUDIO
You cannot afford to pass our D t D this week. Work t the National Iron P Verdict given or plaintiff against
'Tailoring Establishment without Has for sale, cheap, 7 lots on north Works, the new c arch and the many SUNDAY SOHO LEgOURSION.-A meet- the Township for 00 damages and fall Opp. Brunswick House, Beaver Block,
seeing what we can oiler you. Our side of Bristle Terrace; also 1 lot on new dwellings is Ping pushed forward iwg of the repres ntatives of the different costs of suit. The orporatio , brought Wingham.
in Robb. Jamieson d Robt. Jamieson, Note prices per down
:stook is unsurpassed in town, and as east side Edward Street and other as rapidly as pos ble. The machipery Sunday schools town was held one Cabinet, usual price, U1, reducer to $2.0@
the younger, as thi parties, and claim- Half Cabinet, 13 00, " 1.2&.
to the making, we guarantee neatly- properties. in the old founds is being removed this evening last w ek to make arrange- , Carte De Visite, " l.ao, " 1.0
anade, well -fitting and fine-looking week and J. J: E liott, V. S., has com- ments for the 1 olding of th° anuual I ed relief over again t them, setting up sunbeams, " LCD, ;50
:results. Then in 1cT menced the wort of moving the build- Sunday school ear nrsiou and picnic. A that the Jamieson ere contractors and cit tune race prices illnow acontinued for
GENERAL LO CAL Y S. ings. committee was a pointed to confer with i that it was t1irou h their negligence photos at unusually low prices.
the railway that the accident o urred. The action T. MILTON GRAHAM,
Gents Furnishings. See Halsey Paris's ad tisement. Just received from New York. 3lines y coil )any as to rates, etc. Operator:.
of American Straw Hats (swell ) I should Full particulars i rill be given in a future was dismissed as ag st Robt. Jamieson,
We lead the trade. Come to us for WANTED -To b y, neral stock, for 'say so) entirely different from the issue. with costs to be paic by the Township, ®
cash, in Wingha ress, Box 144, ordinary lines. HANNA & CO. mud judgment was an against Robt. AV
latest styles in Hats, Ties, Collars, Clinton, Ont. FOR SALE. -I offer for sale my house Jamieson the run r for the amout of
Shirts, and every article in this line.. BOY WANTED. -A good smart boy, Huffer OLD Bo .-At a largely at- and live acres of land, situate on , ' y
It is also of interest to with fair education, wanted to learn the tone d meeting of he Huron Old Boys' Josephine street. plaintiff s judgment gaanst the Corpora- Restaurant
printing business. Apply at TI1SE5 Association in To onto on Friday night CHAS. GILLESPIE. tion. R. Vanstone, solicitor for plain-
Your Pocket ofee• complete arrange eats were made for MIDSU I.rIEzi Ea SSINATioNS. — There tiff; E. L. Diolrius: n for defendants; Nest door to Advance Office.
the excursion of no Old Boys to Clinton are 372 candiriate$ writiu r on the En- Anson Spotton for tli _rd parties. Confectionery of all kilids.
That yon examine our natty stock I. O. O. F. Es0 SION.-To-morrow g Watters vs. Dant—An action on a
of Fine Shoes for Lathes, Gents, (Saturday) is the da of the' I. O. O. F, on th6 6th of Jul -. The Highlanders trauge Examivati n in East Huron;- Biscuit:;. Fruit in season.
Band will accompany the Old Boys on Brussels 70 Sea rth 84 Clinton 65 promissary note. xdgement was re- 0 ep
Misses and Children. We have a excursion to Sarni . Passengers from ' ' ' served. R. Vanstout for plaintiff; H. L. LUNCHES AT ALL HOURS.
large stock of the best makes, Wingham will leav via the early G. T. their trip, and Com. Otter is expected to Viugham 73, B th 83, Fordwich 27, Dickinson for defend tnt. )t prices t suit.
pay his native own a visit on this and Wroxeter 1 . A. Mow t will Ice Cret9m m fosses.
R. train. The re ru.fare from Wing- a Barton vs. JohnstoL.-An interpleader Bread for sale.
ham is $1.50- and tl "e return fare on the oocassiom. preside at Seaf bh; J. Houston, at A call solicited.
Holdons *Clinton Wart. W tors at Win hath; J• action arising over a dispute as li the _ .
>ioat, from ,5- arnii to , Detroit is No. If you want to sell, or to buy, a faru f; ownership of the plm of the Belmore • « W SNE LL.
Mani from this se :tion will take in this or town property, see Dulmage, Real H. Cameron at•Bl h; 119alcolrn Black at Cheese anti Butter was adjourned
excursion. Estate Agent and Conveyancer. He will Wroxeter; John trey at Fordwich; , all trio 26th inat. R. Vanstone for Industrial Fair, wl: ch is to be held from
INGHAM. insure your life or make your will.
Don't forget where to buy without a d Inspector Rob at Brussels. Where, plaintiff; E. L. Dickitaou for defendant. July 29th to Aug. ;end,;'
doubt, anything you want on our CUT THE GIL s,-Tlie grass on the necessary they wil be assisted by other
Marriage Licenses +
, clothes line. First wash, all bran new, sides o£ the difft rent streets is hardly in examiners. The a tatnivatioit begins on • -When the hoaos reach Winghaua
)Issued by FI Awx PA,,musoN, No. 28 Victoria Shirts and Collars. HANNA & Co: need of cutting' The Council has bad a Jane 26th and.'con ,roues the two follow- for tbb races on tee 26th and 27th of `
treet, Wingham, Out. No witnesses required. YOUR COAL Su PLY. -J. D. rnS , • in,- days. It is ex ,doted that the results MINOR Lc CALS. June the will hates had work euou ht'.
matt cut all b docks, on the different Y y g
t has just received glarge consi ent of streets of the town and we think it of this examinado, i will be announced I Campbell's Headache Wafers aran- and be in shape to po atfter the inoney. {
1"i ' +'` ` p,r+S•Je•i............ Genuine Lehigh Slalley Coal rat of his should now be in place for the citizens in the County pap -rs, July 19th. The ' teed to cine headache Look out for the bc-it races ever held in i
+ contract with the ,bove ter. Parties to cut the Fits. Man High School Exat livatioit begins July l Win ham,
«g, "Business Knowledge" and "Evorlast- .1. g y of our towns- g g -Seaforth races on my flth and 10th. g
«I, ing Push win .i. leaving their ormr wily him will be people now kmp the the front of their 2nd and continue to 'July 15th. The
-`rhe Wingham ra s on Wednesday -Jas. McLrelvie :as again secured .the i
•1• 'l' protected in price as well as knowing remises in -crime condition and this presidiug examiu !rs are as follows: r ,
.g. •i• P i anti Thursday of nest week. booth priveleges fa the two clays of the
.I• < that he will alway.- have in stock enough notice is not f r them. Vo little work +Seaforth Andrew.', Cott; Clinton, W. R. races neat week, The public will be
to supply all w is for the corrin ,. Lough; Win gain' George Dobson; -1seatti° Bros. are aving their bus I. PP Y g in cutting the s and gathering u g g g '
g gran g P I overhauled and ro•p ted. well supplied in the refreshment line as .
season. Higher p ices noxi month. old cane, stones, etc., tvoalcl make a Blyth, A. EL. iVil sgrove; Wroxeter, - ' Mr. MoKelVe thcroughl
y ,understands
m+ o David NO'eir; and at Brussels Inspector -The County L. O L. met in Wing
o,. C. P. R. TRA KazEx STRIKE. -The great itnprovei lent in the appearance of + P his business. 3
Robb. On Part I of this examination, ham on Tuesday of t week.
• It has pard others to attend the conference betwo ii the C. P. R. officials the different sleets. Many visitors are }
't• .I- and the commi ee representing the now daily ar lying in our town, and or as it is somed es called-Publio -The next legal h liday is Dominion' -A special Cu. Council Committee, }
; • Central Business College a trackman has b oken' ori and a strike Wingham's g d name for beauty and School Leaving -the re 23 writing at Day -one week from est Monday. consisting of Ward in Holt, J. Connolly
37 at Seafort ; 31 at Wingham; and W. H. Kerr, net at Godeiich ott
•1• •F' was ordered wh ch took effect on Mon- neatness show be sustained. Clinton; b + -The volunteers r tnrned home from
.I. Stratford, Ont. • 18 at Wroxeter; 1G at 1 th; and 2ti rat Friday of last wee1- to arrange torplaus, }
, da morning. he local section men Y London on Saturday fbprnoon last. cC c. for a now resireuce for Jailor Griffin
,I, Y Farmers who are about retiring, and Brussels. For the Hi h School Exam- y +
and it will pay you. Our students aro ,i, are now off d by. The officials claim want a comfortable .home in town, can -The Wingham f shall club will play i
remttrimbly successful in securing and -I, ination there are 243 c :ndidates. From fin. The county c ,nucil is advertising
e ori on situations. Be c reful '1' that not nearly 1 the men are out, and be shown a number of veep desirable these candidates 7241 as been collected. the return match at lyth this (Friday)
•1• the strikers cla that full 90 per cent. ones by calling on A. Dalma , S I in another column for fonder '`Yor the
yy Y p evening. ,, o
- G ents of other business colleges are now y, Estate Agent. Of this sum $400 was ynt to the Educa- I g' erection of the jailer's reSidenCe.
in attendance at our school. Come to ,1, of the trackme are off duty,
this college and the will guarantee to ,i. tion Department to for examining —A few Wfngha. rtes attended the t ±
thoroughly prepare ,you for business •I• Miss Macpherson wil 011 the balance WINGIIA.if RACES. -Tele members of P p 'y a S. O. S. demonstr ion at I iucardine
« life, we deal in genuine business cda- «;. of her mi linty stoc rat cost to clear, the Wingham Tut? Club have been the answer papers, and $318 to the Mr. and Mrs. D M. Gordon wM is i
'I' cation; we have nothing to do with the •#t Call earl d se ar sins. various School Boards to a iesidin ' yesterday, I Clinton fox a con 1-: of days this week i
"I« sham article. ,l. , 3 g active this year and -lave made all the PYP ' o P y
Write for our catalogue. examiners, buy paper, nk ' as ' i
'I' tit Ldents admitted at any time. ;1, WEDD] BE A pretty wedding necessary arrangements for makiu the Y P P , , pens and the I " -Read A. Du .tn ne a new serol. (and were guests at the home of R.
•'1« •I• took plat t the tome of Anclrety Hug- races on Wednesda and Thursday of other incinental expens , of tits examiu- real estate snaps n another column of (goltnes, hf. P. Mr Gordon was attend -
W. J. E) LIOTT. Principal. gen, Chan sir t, at 12.30 o'clock on 'next we a grand s recess. The harpers °anon. this issue• iia the Sabbath stiool convention, he
Wendnese of his week, when his of London have be engaged and will ; ---The people of irroxeter aro making being a member of :he Union Executive
,_ _•'^----' '^-- - w....... x.a.a,.... -
u Wm, *1 due o h• rson in the pros,
To THE DEAF. -A rich lady, cured of the imm is Mt elatives and fri:
oises int a Head b n
parties. Rev.
afness and, T h the
r De
Y o
a nd
Dr. Nicholson's Artificial Ear Drums, Prior oink rias After the good
gave 25000 dollars to his Institute, so that I had bo(tion, ail ed tho guests p
deaf people unable to procure the Far I of a daith groat I. The bride -%vDrums may have them free. Address, I xecoipro chance Presents. The
The Nicholson Institute, 780 Eighth couple Smith t 3.10 p, m, tit
Avenue, New York. Londolundations dints amid t
VisrrING IN ERLIx.-Mr. James wishes;'rued if slle friends,
Cochrane, of ;in ham, is in town, says A c`,,d he so expr andem b y,
the Berlin Tolegr ph, calling on the few good roe Canadian heap.' Also
air of:, icycla tires,
friends who ase 1 t. Mr. Cochrane is Car'grees, her dip d store.
an old•time residi ut of Berlin, Coming thence of her p
hero in 1$44, an<lieiug in the employ of. 1 1 Eve, iso softening During tri
the Tato Fred( eiCk Millar, general
the Cody known as .t a Bell Tel
merchant, and father of Mr. Alex. Co., Cif old and Conger leas plat
folloN% , . Along
Millar, X.C. N twithstanding his ace- ,pnoulffieial approval h 1 Iron
vanced age, Mr Cochrane is hale and sye to practice c , 1
hearty, sate oa spin a good Scotpli yarn office ing in her appl nett s
as well as over. Mr, Cochrane is one of mill fin laid her case as
the beat kilo n Scotchmen in. North restau has al
rho coolial Council of W over
Heron, his niality slid hospitality and ret {lint time was La make
having won fo liitn sincere alid wide- of the onTo warmly inter ict.
spread respact At the S. 0. S. supper$ atron1lt- of her offorts, a s 1 tri
ailcl at his wil annual strawberry P 'oto sent iu; to the
operat; , 01
festival the mors of 'Waterloos early T?, Te_,,er ilio world. Then is
days of ton rni a most enjoyable part hast letters in the daily,w
of the en rtainlnent.- • Monday's Galt in, . y journals, all reeomme 0(
Reporter, q tin, and censuring the
Mo,,EY'TO Loi kN.•--•1Vloiioy to loan nive v Ilio old gentlemen were f
notes, itch notes discounted at roasoi bar, acid glad to yield. Miss M
able rates. Monoy advanced on inolcm she showli her ability by winnitl
ga e , illially yrcvilego o sptiucl tg atj now in ant cases, OpnOSCd by $Omo
collected. 0liico• WrtvorBloek,'Wi most practitioners of the
halm. 17olif• MofNnoXtt•rtsv '4Wo:nan's Journal, Doston.
ie of race has filled an the fastest liorsos in
"" 'Y """ """ +'"
works off tlao Cold.
colepration. Olin Mowatt, gl, fro cutter at Chap -
In, of their , active asses will here.
Laxative B Tabletscurea cold in
_ The date at yesterday
tehauReclhe ufrom
For the first day t ere will be the 50,
io OorQ i Pas
Brussels has bee June;stration
trip to Scotland. E °trill visit the Glas-
.shes when all the sen tional young horses
21st to Juno 28tl gow exhibition and visit at his f prior
took will race. This ill be a great race, :
the The 2,28 pace and .24 trot has a large\T
, Ip 9
-The I. 0. O.District Lodge will ! home in the 01:1 Lr. id, Mr. Me t ryas
hold its meng in Wingham on I ticketed through •y H, D s, local.
i•PPY entry, with very e only matched horses. '
Tuesday of nextek. agent for the Alhtu Litre.
for This has always een one of the best •
races of the meets g. The 2.20 pace and
\Text door to Post C;fliee,
; -A number Wiughatn and
vicinity went on t ,lie excursion to the
2.16 trot. This is t free -fpr -all in itself. -
Model Farm at Glelph yesterday. Wjnghanl , leading .Shoe Stora
in They look for 2.16 to be beaten in this
good race. Besure and a there the first clay,
-Large quantit• as of wool is being
t A,. as the programme v ill be most attractive.
brought to town. 4Vingllam buyers are
The second day wi 1 boa r-jacl[;
• - V--
paying the Iiiglles. market price for it. fah
veelc the 2.85 Paco and 2.0"0 trot, will bo
--The sucrase -fail fair of Ilio East " 1'{th,;•
SUCH; i+,
hone a hot race. In tl a 2.24 pace and 2.20
i C H I L D H 00 D
wawa -nosh Agrie Mural Society will be
the trot, sir: fast horses
will face the starter,
hold at Belgrava October 1st and 2nd
The free-for-allwil
be the taco of,
has blighted
-Tho seasonfo. cattle straying from
`orks meeting. The fol
owing horses have
i'iial i r lives
home has arrived. The Timm is the r, lif il r
already been onto -ad its this race:--
proper medituu th ugli which to locate ` ... FORMA
rash s Black Jae 2.141:x, Ewo Strike 2.1014,
lost cattle or horse. , rJr c>
had Miss Delmaroli 2.14 Harold H. 2.111/4,
the pain caused
k"r ;
W. H. Finneun- re is to rebuild his `•
mled Hal Forest 2.1414 r _rice Gainette 2,171/4.
flouring mill at Myth, The villago M ly' f S ishi,t g equal
Nc c in ilii r stomia
too Those horses will n ake a fast race. In
The 2.14class at Lot don this week Black
i _._ th a re by
gives him a loan oS. C;000, with iuterost d * `rhe dnttFer'r'neo in the price v%
+scar clear save sh to sson. mho
the '
local Joe the race, vide Mlgs Delmarch a
of the ghee is beyondtlnez
whieli is to bo reps ice in fifteen yearly { luea-
• tion. Ai a them`I
Ong- close second. The t uek record of Canada
an aversion to
installments. x, 'Gents Tanshoes. see them.
, . 4 • c1•rca t value.
Iti'iet kill be lowered thi: year at Wingrhatnas.-Tho
total equdizorl assessment of 'Che,iic•wr:,t:oottvenriittoviftr
tulles glaek Joo went in :.11? in London oil
the County of Bars s is +'t,'32,833,290, land 1ZEUEri1ADU--We sew frvo, all rips is shoes
70rk• Tuesday. The pou'le in this district will
The backward child too oftbr)
at tho present Co. IAte, 11110 mills oil bought of us.
have anopportanLyofseeing ltarold.R.,
baoometl the unsuccessful nitan,
the ;,, will raise $35,568.82 for +tel T'runksaadValises cheap.
l tete fastest hoe ( iii Canada perform.
purposes. ,
l P ' •as' '. J.
---Trio editor of ~~lc 'I.'I:tll:s has this W. u R E E R
es daa
Dozi't for uc rho c_ays-'Weduescla and
a ►
rho Thursday of neat .veelt. Bills giving theDFiUGGiiST
AND OPtl`lCiA11V
week to thank, our former townsuiaa` SOLE LOM ADEN rt rOR
iY, list of entries each taoe will be
Thos H, Manuel, for I copy of a benuti st
1 fill hanger, adv ertit tin the WinnipeWinnipeg
I)ablihed on Satu 'lAy of this Week,
W I N G N A M ,