HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-06-14, Page 8—The regular meeting of CAMP PROPERTY FOR $ALE Aa,. DULMAGE M. H% Caledonia, S. 0. S. will, be held Qn fou- �„• day eyoning lieu. Real !estate and loan Office xl,e a„drrEign(xl oiYrrs lois property, eon• DOOWho E1 nhluAl report of the iilhauees of a tt i•,Willin161 bl11Ny�� {Tpo,i Clic j r llitse (Iii t,WQ u Conveyat,cing,. e,sil nen tend Accountant. R l MC. q the Appoiutnlents of Bluevale Circuit has ria raomt d hotase with trot,ci Hary sw., celhtr 7if°Hey t° loan on town and farm property, ct ty, (t new stahleaand 'a• po(x •tve1L Property ivili Qtlice--ciht i, doors. t,ot tli of pi•a. T. & d. 6. ,Jit d@ A WiL1 9. just been published. It is a very ere di• tae solei elcap. For purticulars, addarss, Claisholm's tiargory. ltesidenre-Cather#av sl.. µ 1200:ohle, showing a tgtal of nearly M1 TkIOS. M,1$�TIT Out, � — - Furniture Store. rMrm+rw�l�, JUNE --Tile editor of the T1=8 here! the 0 t+ S. E I N G �1 '�'q' IRON �v 1 pleasure this week of sampling an apple -NOTICE �0 , ONTRAC 'til. BRASS, AND I.lwL.OJ,�l BEDS. of the Fiallattater variety with Io, ^"^a ( j ]fir A ►S'” C'IB NC SALE O +' Patterson. 7'he a(,ple measured nearly ES atT,F Alfie °r t i tic pfl o, 4 °sA�Ui,a,rnc+tscr e t to �-� 1 l `1 13 inches round and was as sound as the .tlirc str tin( ojig. u istreetfroln,Toseph• •� r��••�•� c a'' <1A lefttbetreelthstfall. inestteettolrtopo rPetwillbeheceivVil Greatest beauty combined withchea cheapness �.i...--(tv.�t.>J.�ll�tNT.'J• tit('ttud(rt,irt(ed. o h#s,st. The easiest running oihitld Q. Strachan, one of the oi(l- specift to°I utl ,ar _ slurs may be seen + at 1111T 1 and most noiseless males them The Beds of Tile Cen- .�,�..,.,.. est residents of Goderieh, dropped dead The let• . or any tender necessarily xUl'y, They stand for years. Don't grecs te. is the , �=P Wednesday !horning while At lois break- WM. xOT.I}E14 warp. Don't scratch, Sanitary, fast. He had been in his usual health, % Chairman W. W. Committee, STANDARD ROTARY. Easily cleaned, Vermin is'a stran- d was about to go to his office as I 50AUREMNANTS depaty iu the ' 3toms, �vheadenth over- ALKE9 BROS. & BUTTON For sale by ger to them, They impart tone and tot k lAn. cheer to the b�d-room. Many pretty . -•-IL. J, Mac�2ath this ween received UNDERrAKCR&, NSlNC.HAM, GANNET. styles and so inexpensive. as il,vitation to attend the \veddiug. of I Night onus at Button Block, or Fifth Shu. Little, of Auburn, Ic«l,, to lliiss I door sono, of School house, Shop ole• c�i'J,s� (,O $17,25. postte Macdonald bloolt, Artesian Milauio `VeavFr, of Melburu, Ohio. Mr.Wells (;1 liacliath autt Mr. Little worlwd to. es"�vAr ��Y,ia` (,lar' un RPllingr an May IVQnu .oetlier a, uu mb,r of years ago 1,i a �°►.�.�.� $nci ,aluvv r(•mnttnl� ill bt,At Renin_ enrri,q a factory 0- Auburn, .Cud. ��� Tho uudery mecl have pfr drill All the necessary machinery for drilling fabrl(ts tit Silks D,es•t Goods, Car--------- — �p h Artesian S AF; and are prepared to do ,7nsDtlaC.an<1" Q� TEIN DAIR UNDERTAKING—Our extensive ex eriece warrants i, •all kinds of work in that lino. ,. i p pets L-ve.;, Embroideries, Cottalls, Perhaps! Don't � ou run the risk, Any person wanting work done in our ` 1 r us in cailin special attention to this Branch of our business. k'iattnplett((s, Table Linens and though, but always buy the well-tested having added a separator to their plant, now line toil leave word at V1'. Gannet s lm_ g p tu,d :sure-pop corn cure—Putuam's fain- oxer plement shop. You will find us prompt, reliable; attentive and efficient. Tweeds. June 'kill farnisll you the ltss Corn Nxtractor, Sure, safe and CGABILVI[ED HILLY. W. A. CURRIE. reatest t�ttrgain ?;vent til t you've gpt.i„ lenN.. PAeatllttlu'reutoves corns pain- 'GDM, DAVIDSON, leasiu 24 hurs. Ityourdmggistdoes to the people of Wingham. Our eows are!rept ' LUTHER BALL, Funeral Director, bad the pelt iicry;e of 8ttern ling for out*,' 1 I1 it. select 25 t e.11ts to N. C. poison strictly clean, so that we are enabled to ofE WANTED many a day. Isere aro useful lengths sL CO., iriug s,u,l, Out., and they %\•ill about; July and dug isticed in summer, during Rubber Fountain Pen, Fend 10 Residence --Patrick St., ��++ Wq��• Mr. Gracey's late residence, smite it tet you post pili(, to tiny, t0dress AGEN 1 S cents silver or stumps for sample. in all classes of goods. in Cauaia or U. S. 8 cents perquart, delivered once a day. HUNTER & CO. 612 W-Fifth St.Oineiunati, O. Dress Lengths iii high-class goads.------- �---- =----• _ tVurk afAtt. ♦d♦O♦Odd♦♦O♦O♦♦♦90♦♦♦♦O♦♦A♦♦♦O♦♦♦N!♦�♦♦�♦t!♦♦!♦4♦N♦ Skirt Ends at Itf aft, ' Ends, just enough for waists. The July uumber of the Delineator is ' a veritable work of art, containing; as it „• Ends in Tweeds Ind Wor,teds. (lots, illustrations of the Pani-American �'9 (7- t 11l j1 std +♦ ' $16,00, $18 00 and , 20.00 Suits to exposition bnikluies iu rile corxt ct color + Tomato0""ah isorder. This month—goad fit guar designs, made c irect from the orivival + - water-color sketches. This magazine, + i anteed—for $15.00. + The celebrated A ln�er brand of Tomato Catsu in 2 - while being one of the leading exponents y p 50 pairs J. D. King's Walk Easy of fashion, is becoming. a high class illus- + lb. tins, 9c per tin- .' Fine Shoes, reg. price $3.25, June strated monthly. The July edition num- + price $2.50, very latest styles in bered 025,000 copies. If you can't go to �r /� ''qq�� /'~� g,,��pp-��AA +• 1. Black and Tan. the Pan-American you can see what the '�A M Vr`AD OF CHO.d.CIE + CFRFAL OFF111F + - buildings are like in the July, August + • Odd lines to clear—Ladies and and Sept. numbers of the Delineator. + in ackao-es much better than ordinary coffee for hot Gents' Iain Ooats, fine quality, with p a or without capes, Very special. The main shaft building at the Bruce + . weather, 15c per package. s 1. • 11 Gents' Knoekabout Fiats, Black copper ,nines was destroyed-by fire. The i r and U rev. The new thin regular loss is npR oris of j3o,0o0. a! "tte+ e g, i; 1 + i $1.25, June $1.00. Several Canadians were present at floe $ Malt Breakfast rood + + + ceremonies in connection with the Quaker Oats Swiss Food and Pett f oho s ??Zeal, + Gents' Linen Collars, 2 for "5c. � + 450th anniversary of Glasgow Uuicer- •�+�,�' �I + , j j 2 doz. Colored Shirts, reg. $1.00, city. I,['r�! TUBS. 151 Lb. a i 5c per package. � June prices 65e, '15e and 40c. The King presented hneclals to Lord + • + Gents' Ties, new thing, at 25c. Roberts and 3,000 officers and nen who i 4a served in South Africa. + C1111 RA.FFg � �l ` TE-S Embroidery and Lace, 500 yards a o to clear, all prices, G, s and 10c, un �zOWXCx. .¢' + especially adapted for delicate constitutions, til sold, at 5e, at �e have this week to record the death; Aliso ate. quantity Off• Bg gts• -01 , 3 + packages for 35c. of Another one of Howick s old settlers 1 in the person of Alexander Robertson,et9il�e. 4 • M. m 9 sr, , at the advanced age of t "r years, • � � CANNED BEETS in 3-lb. tins, iec per tin. � whose demise took place on Saturda}. June 1st, after a 1112ge ;illness of to + ,� MINOR LOCALS. number of rears.® <r U 4 3&t V%, Facts. Dd%tie q h—I<•egclar nwetitn t (if Canrt Maitland, The deposits in the Bank of England, ( a • C. O. F. will be held this (Friday) even- Bank of Prance, and Imperial Bank of Direct Importer. ++++.+++++"+++d++++o+.+Fm rtta4%a++o4+400+0+++++S++o4+ Germany, are $166,000,000, ?113,010,OCO l —J. m Ferguson. is n,oviug to his and $100,000,000 $100,000,000 respeetively. i boos( on the route of vile,Patrick and The photograph oftho,heavensprepnr- `t 446♦6*v®®m©©�440aA®;4®+���®®m+��•J®@•2®d+Pd*+S�CO�O®d00104009 QaDQ♦m®�♦0000A64.0032,�k�4♦90D,OOe4®t®♦�4®�i60"�0+04®®48�9�('+ Sinter. 9tT(` ts. ed by London, Berlin and Parisian as- 0 —S. 'S:onhill has s:.d two lots alt the tronomers, shows 60,090,0^0 stars. p east side of Catheiins street in No. 21 The University- Press, at Oxford, hus © 4 1 appliances for printing in oue hundred ward at a fair price. and fifty diiferetat lenTua• es. ®Natisonal 1 lis o n Workp a -=.rhe. many friends of Dr. Talnlyn gtzxley's tables show that tine human P will be pleased to learn that he is again body is made tip of 13 different elements able to bo out driving. of tvhi4h five are gases and eight solids. Rev. Dr. Warden, of Toronto. has Thaaverageheight of a man iuthe O � '•1(3AL� dD!l�FIC11Jt� A=�D T►lir�Dfl3l£s: �ifllgaTl;<1111Aiii. been elected. Moderator of the Presby- United State.Ris five feet, ten and one 0 IRE, AD OF1,710E X,'k"TAt9NAL TRUST ){3-i,QHLk -IN : TORONTO. terian General Assembly. half inches; in England, five feet nine 40- -3. —J. J. Elliott, V. S., spent part of this inches; in France, five feet finer inohes, � (INCORPORATED UNDER ONTARIO COMPANIES ACT.) � week ill Markdale and Dundalk, where and in Belgium, five feet six and one � tt• he was pur,;hasing horses. quarter inches. ♦ _ ... _. �.., —Jas. McXelvie supplied the ice Tho most ensterly ngint of the United � .� � o � Cream, etc., for the Catholic picnic held States is Q11addy llead, Me. ; the mast A A 9 1 'l.../ C (L.� i aoe% wester! , Atto I.alaud, Alaska ; the inost �, a �Y; �. °" �0 a1° e u 4 T. at Donnvbroolt; ou Wedues:lay.&-11.� --The annual meeting of the West northerly, Point Barrow, Alaska, and the most southerly, Key West, a. Plorid O Huron Farmers' Institute will beheld at It, IN 2,000 SHARES OF $ .00.00 EACH. � Mile, on Wednesday, June 10th.. Children Y.O o • I IV -The Ripley Express is not being v PREFERENCE STOCK - - 1,00©i t�HL�F,�„t',�(-- 100,000. �. Issued this week. Editor Mooney is M% - ^ - taking the usual week's holidays. - COIVtIl�O C� STOCK,, ,C)C3® SHARES— O®,000. Work has been started on the -q- IOL.. • _ - foundation for Messrs. John Ritchie's NO 1 and John Wilson's new dwellings. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. 143AN�T1E�Sf. '� Whereas the Municipal Council of the Town --Jas. McGuire has sold the Clarendon of Winuimm deems it expedient and in the *BANK Or HAMILTON, Wingham. �► public interest that that portion of William 0 JOHNN GALT,, C. E: and M. E., Toronto. • F hotel at Cliuton to henry Cantelon, of street which lies north of the River Maitland, ♦ CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE, Toronto. 4 Hensall. The transfer will take place on and that portion of the lane between William • WILLIAM Q. Bt7•LLOCR, Manufactttrer, Toronto. s and atrthur streets which lies between lots • JOHN A. McLEAN, Lumber Merchant, Wingham. ALUDITOP018• 10th. numbers *1 and 38a on one side and lots num.- [ bers 833 and 897 on the other side, original ♦ ALFRED E, SMITH, Banker, Oninghain, CLARKSON & CROSS, Toronto. A OF —A young lad, son of Jas. R. Wood government survey, all in the Town of Wing- ♦ M. B, ALYSWORTH. Arobiteet, Toronto. i had part of one of his thumbs taken off ,uT,ori i hasse °or gold R'i' On'shouldbo stopped r GEORGE BULLOCK, Accountant, Toronto. S'®LWITOUS. c e i -while at work; on one of the maohines ' Therefore notice is hereby iven: ent, Toronto. ROWAN 4- ROSS, Toronto. w That the Munieipal, council JOHN GOUINLOCK of the Town of , Ag the Union factory on Friday last. Winglmm intends to pass a by••taw, after one month from filo hate hereof for stop fug up ♦ -- .... - -- - ♦ --•A. Dulmage, real estate agent, has and for lensing or selling that Elea of ♦ MANA('•jE-�,] ENT--•-•- _. _ . .._ -. -�__ .__.- ♦ t William street in the Town of Win hair, ♦ A been appointed. agent for the Huron and hielr lies north of the Ttiver ]1lAitlan�, anct ♦ JOHN GALT, C. E. and bi. �"., HUGR MUX90t, B. So. Glasgow University*, WILLIAM C. BUI,LOCX, Eric Loan and Savirgs Company, and t ut portion of them in tulle" metw„een William Of an i Consulting Engineer. Superintendent. Managing Director, o the Canada Trust Company of London. which Item between lots numbers M4 and 335 oil one side, and lots numbors WN and 1397 on the • O 1, —John Gentles, of ItinCardnne, a other aidt• original. 0overnmeut srxvev. s Sefcretl,t,finalpassingof saiclprcposedby ♦ The Directors offer the balance of 1st issue per cent, reference stock to the people of Win barn and. vicinity. s gentleman wellknoWn till Wiiigliam was Iaa , the .girl Muuiclpal Council will hear the o % . p ly fnarried.at Bobcaygeou on Vednesday,'ucMolishriictltei'ii,ihow—lad\Rmig t i)pke. 0 The payments a.re placed within the reach of all parties, rich and poor., « df last wook to 14Irs. Xetinedy, widow of + (.1a1m„(l• `* The charter of the Company is an exceptionally broad one givingthe right to act as Engineers Consultingor s K.. 1 DAted, Cterlts ofilee, Winghnm, June 7th, 'o , Charles Iconnedy, of Brampton. 1..01. + Mechanical Contractors and Manufacturers. p y , � � � R 13 rEltrx(1F10,:T, ,--•Accotding to the Blue Bool w there � 'rewtt cl(•rk, � There is no business in Canada to-day malting the rapid strides of the Iron Industries. • The prospects of this are sevs:ral iii. Ruroli W130 have. utlrininl• ods balances in some of the l,At:tcs; what �- ► Company doing a large and profitable business are exceptionally promising. . Copk s Cotton Root Compouba ♦ tvtllfies most of us is that two Ilitve no isL�ueeeles. S fe,se$inonl. Ladit tier 6• Soule Of the Ill1eS l.0 be made are ' it �til>t"dYlt � r4%'d��eS CrheGk �% for Steam, Gag, balalice---claitnecl or 'unclaimed. 10,0001 aaieR. safe, effectual. S.aaie0 asx + r • yyourdruggiatforcdek•s cottof, Rao, Gee• 4 Water, Oil, Arnmoilia, &c.t � ''� Equipment . � Hemi, Takefi°otlner,a8ai12ttixtures,pillAand ® Large a Steam �+t�f;fiF1�,Sf a'prinkler �C'(�,?�.1�.?�(ment Supplies, Indicator Posts, ---A new titnC table �we11t itlta affect on � iinittttttin6 ttra dangerous. hwrtae,lvn. Y, gi1per 4Drinking, ' the C, P. Il on Monday Dist. the only , box,lyo, a, lb degrees str°nKe> , ss per bole. No.at;e)ir+e`S,Park and Display Fetaairi y, imailed en receipt Of price and t 8 Bent • eb ai:se in the time of tridil ]lets is$ to"• �_ 1s,pa. xrxa Chis t?eritpany Windaor Ont. ♦ y Kilmarnock, kaf xeA,r�r,asp°1a naredoanmo>rda rmll The Company are the sole aghnts in Canada of Glenfield-Kennedy, Limited, , Scotland, famed in all £ .,►tr.wcr.,•wr frairt for .l,4•i'rl'clock.aGw rasp ltngglitsosollOitliYtin arts bf the world as Hydraulic Engineers, Rxperts and Manufacturers. , The fact 6f of this old established house bewm- 1Vu, i aril P:'o. 2nra pot(( in tVini;',am by A.T, � (I bill,( iRRitPtl thiS�,tR+trntb ll� 9 e9' `t•�' i5lorrou, Collin ti itl afftlidt4d with a yt1t11Yg CanFldtcln concer�i Islay safely })(; taken as an indication"at strength and confidence. wt.•t•lU al Willi-1111t. ry ((�(t t:x; per i5. for A h-nt�1,wo t The buildtnbs are rapidly nearing completion, ones file Works will srSolz be in c�peratlon. the lac., 25 lbs, cif butter delivered at lips. women to travel and advertise for old mtatr Rarties desiring ltiforination regarding the stock, prospectus, &C., should, ttY;•ike applicai 10,9 AND tion at once to the com. dtrgn•@ in the Button blink bettvaelr the I:slu•dhokMeof mild, ftenelalAtending. iialaM s,80 It ymr rend mptbm", ill lAyable in t• t„h, piny at W in.grham. IWk mad x.3nd of J`utio. Chas. (:}til a NO canoi+w+i req I"e. (flat rert�•attena end WS 1.vadgo 60 Int tir. Ifftelom-MMt Wn , c"`1�, �it•(mval�c,I,tr �<t• �' �NN14�� 1���i!+I�M +ii��i♦i ii � gi►�Y� i ����ir i+� i��i1��+� 0 04, 0 4 4 610 4 00 0+1� � t t f rJJak