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The Wingham Times, 1901-06-14, Page 6
f3TR1 1I 1 U is52, IY1p1l�1�ICRl@1'. OREA,THE PRQPERL;Y.. Iu 1870 alae Dutch possessed 130 tour Es "a xil9H 1&7 , 11 -^ ^- 'There died in this villatto on Monday, .� out of every, 100 afloat, Now they awzr '�r(r; i1��+� R�"� 'Juno 8rd ani old 'and. highly.e ee a All wlkQ'l-tve lH xnuviasdlti3ycFOII iw 1.� toils Out Of ciao1;100. To 1f INQHAs, Timu., Binder T .�l s i t lNw Tuns S w d . carrell of Iklrs. Stevan• '.ClliN A(IXloc, � 1 ri?aidaiit, in elle XS PUBLisliEtl ,. as 1 0TT, Ptlur,I8UXR A XA Patoralsrou soli, at the ripe old age Of 81 years, The The secret of Ureathilig is to It great, i - , F�.�/ RY FRIDAY MSaR N I NG ' decased, was bora in KilwarnCC4, Sept- extent .the seoret of health, and all those TOWN 1 IRECTO A IRMERS 00 OPERATION AIDAX. JLTNB 14, 1901, laud, in 1820, olid was married in the who, dwell in towns sliould therefore 11, ' old country to Mr. StaS.enson over: 00. 'pay especial attention to the subject, 13,11'TIST CzzultazX—Sabbath services at The Times Unice, $e4ve1� $loci£ COMPANY, I,Illllt�d, lvarainrl, unconscious breathing sustains Ila m and 7 in, SL liday Sq 1O WINOTTAX, ONTARIO. Tlt,s til cotttbiuutlttn, years.ago, and together with herllua• g 2;80_ i1 in. Ueneral' ppayer meet'ui R C. ,Goo ar, -Manager of the hand came to Canada some fifty years life, but it doee nor, thoroughly extend oil Wodlrosday ovonings, Rev. '. ,, Mr, R p , g r lungs icor oxygenate the Blood, I+'soed, costar. 4V; Chapman, S. S. as Hite s IIY lot H i,uia tiio0 j °iia iliac lir ,TQralrta Salt Works, which. Handles the since. They were for many years rasl The lungs need to. be bathed in Air as Superintendent. tiittu(1 tail all arrears are paid', except. xcept at the Prices for the rSeaso Ott 1' atelier pf the' tatviLslilp of Ashfield, and Mi;'rzxttuTs'CztuleOzt--Sallbathsarwlgoa el)ti(lll.eitlxoplfl)lishf!r• Windsor Salt Lam any. reniovocl ta. Lualivaw about twenty does the body til water. rro do this rem at 11 a in and 7 n an. Sunda School at ADVIOUTlslxft RATrs, — Itegal and other productof the Win tatated to a. Globe representative, A tow trues intelligence, forethought and qan• y casual advertisements 80 porwon n rlollino for dAys ago he, had no definite' knowledge years ago. She was a w0ingn greatly g 8:80 lir, Epworth League every Maih ii 1901 $ gu first fuscrtion, do per line for ear i sttibsequent that the consolidation of the salt respected by all who Itpery her, and in scions act, daLy evening General prayer meeting fiLA<lvirtisnanonts in local columns are char cci i c Ltlr her a ped l asbaa cl has the Daep, voluntary, systewatiA breathing au Wo1liLesday aweiiiugs. Rev, Richar30 d g industries in Canada had aotually taken ler 1e. �* l i t @ til weal.- 1 m sand r0 t he Hobbs, passtor. Dr. Towlor, S. S, Sup' ppo line for inch subse tui zit". i lH i"tion"ci s coater Red Star, 608 ft , ... , . 1 Q x 2 C, - 1 ce. He was, however, rather dis, heartfelt sympathy of the whole coni s r ng ens Veal. 1 g p te0 s t eruiteiideilt. ° ,y - Advertisrmonty of Lost, Found, Strnyedi ed Star, IO C. place. g 'tl ou P1tvs13YT4RXAN CXXUROn—Sabbath ser ni nes for hale or to Rent, olid sintilai $1.0o fol R S 5Q f t , • • • • I mttnit i g Qu101c and deep inspiration of eased to credit the report emanating y n his great sorrow, Mrs, Stev^ flesh air warms the, blood rs�rau chilled vices at 11 a in and 7 p in, Sunday first ntontltand 60 cents for each suiiseryaent Special Manilla, Soo ft, 9 ; c, tram Br1#Yalo that it had, as h@ had citron, was a davaLtt member of the Zion U standing in the open air. School at 2:80 p in. General prayer month, beau atvara for two months past that Methodist church, and the seiTicea at y angetiil on Wednesda evelriu s, Rov, CONTaAC7. RAXms—Tho following table shows Sisal, old • • . • . • • • , .. 8 C.. y g out, rates for the insertion of advertisements. ' nagotiatioua tvex@prate@ding with that the, Rause and grave lucre conducted, by Inhale always through .the nostrils, so' D, Parrie, pastor and S, S, Superiliten- ' for specified poritxlsr— Sisal, StirilClarCl ... . , . • 7 C• the hosev. r: Oaten. that the air may be warmed iii the nasal dent, 81 -Acs. 1 xr:, G mo. time. 1 ora • A war uta avant occurred at the passage9 and iln impurities arrested ST. PAUx S CuuRa1l EpzscorAL—Sab• Half Col unn...,.,,.., 1:, 18,00 15.00 g,o0 T latter two are not our own make.), end iii. wi@ty, He did aloe however,One credit the report that thu Windsor works y play there, Contagious diseases, are coni• bath services at 11 a � ails 7 p m.. Shun' Ruarpe 1 Column .....118,00 t 0,00 110.00 12,00 ( g - -- - . -- .-- -x -_-._._- _ r— 'will be abandoned; on the contrary, his residence of Mrs. Will. Murdock, Ross paratiwel7 rata among those who breathe day School at 2 8 p , General p y Advertisements without s1tecifle directions. street on Wednesda . meeting on Wednesday evening, Rev. will be Inserted till rorbtci and clt,lrge(1 acoorct• CANADIAN FARMERS, information is to effect that xu case of , y, 5111 lust, wlaeil through their nostrils, fn •1 . Transient advertisements. must be paid amalgamation they will be kept in opera- her youngest daughter, Lizzlo, 011e of Wm, Lowe, incumbent, F. Shore, S. S. for in advance, We have just a word to say to you.. 1 1t Lucklrow s most estimable young ladies, A distinguished physiologist Asserts Superintendent. — a 11 THir< Joil D> >'A1tTitIT)NT ie stocked ,with „n This the first and only truly co-operative• tions, tvllatovcr other worts in s n to that f'Many people die for want of CaNaRz.czATION w CHVRaH. Sabb t extensive assortmont of all requisites for print- company in America., is off eying you to. down. As he understood the matter, was united in the bonds of matrimony -breath," adding: "It is their odic tax• 5ervices at 11 a m and 7 pin. Sunday ing, offordin; facilities not equalled in the day its stock in small Holdings, one and. tell lir atnitl amAtiLg is not to Mr. Fred Baynes, of Toronto, The cer ScIro01 at 12 m. Miciweelc meetir�g'ou cou county for int n m oto t fir for oris ak Post two shares at par. It is also placing its X11@ illtt'nl g lessness alone that prevents thein from Weduesdry evenings at 8,O clock. Gavin y i>tcrease th@present exit@ Of salt, which amen was performed at 10.30 a, m, b a etw, Htana'Bi1ly, eta., and the latest styles of splendid trviuO with you for elle taming the bride's aster Rev, A. McKay. The breathing," Half breathing is half liv- Wilson, S.S. Supt.; A. E, Prior, pastor, choice fancy type for the finer classes of print Harvest, at prices raw material cannot is regarded as fairly satisfactory by thepastor, y' ing. Many of us use only the upper SALVATXON Afmi—St;xvice at 7 and 11 iii bride, tvh0 was luau awe b her , Ii. B. EI,LIOTT naw bo bought for, Four Loyalty and ananufacturers. g y y a in and 3 and S p m our Sunday, and t, half a£ the, lungs when breathing. Soma- � Proprietor and Pt}b$Hhpr Intelligence will hold us in existence; Tho ,%lOntreai correspondent of The brother, J. G. Murdock, was beautifully every evening during the weer at 8 your seepticism and indifference will tinies this arises from want of thought O'Olock at tine barracks. ' •Glataa tvirea that the presence of Six attired lir a pearl grey travelling cos- � drive ns from must@nee, which means. a Globe Van that and other gentle,- tomo of poplin, with applique trimming upon the subject, sometimes from con- CHRISTIAN ANDMXSSYO.NAuYALLIANCE. o$ AMI T � � p strioted clothing, which renders deep Meetings as follows: S. S. at 2.30 P. „ Farmers a to all Futuro corp elation o- nien connected with the C. P. R, an the, and white chiffon jebaute, and carried a in. Fellowship at 4 pm., and evan• Farmers and will surely bring one re- and o nne to the new salt combination beautiful bouquet of white roses. After inspiration impossible, n WIN H A li/i . silt, a Gigantic o Twin@ Combine, from To increase the lungower is to in- Rlistio, at 8 , ice every Sunday in Capital.$1,234,120the ly hel les of which oYou ursely be abso is explaiued by the fact that the Windsor the congratulations of friends assembled, p Ritchie,s Rail, Victoria St, P $2,000,000, Rest, luteal helpless to lief crease the life, power, Deep breathing POST Ol!rTaE—In Macdonald Blocic, y n p yourselves. tri@ company sat down to a sumptuous President—JoHrr STUAILT. You have your Option --pay your • Salt Company has been virtually a C. P, P p strengthens the entire mnscular system. Office hours from 8 a m to 6:30 pin. Vice•President—A. G. RAncsAy. , money and take your choice. Stand b R. enterprise. Messrs. Verrett Stewart breakfast, the dining -room being hand- Peter Fisher, postmaster. 'f (RECTORS y A full slow nus iration of fresh air , this greatest and inert perfect co -opera• somel decorated for the Occasion. The ' n + MEofrAmcs INsTZTuTE—Library and, John Proctor, Geo, Roach, in. Gibson, M.P, tive movement in the world and so bring Company, who are the agents in Man- y which penetrates the remoter lung cells, free reacting room in the Town Hall, A. T. Wood, M. P., A. B. Leo (Toronto). #real, state that they do not anticipate bride was the recipient of many beauti- gild is lucid as long as possible, thea ex- will be open every afternoon from 2 to a continuation Of relief through its an. fur useful and costly resents, attesting will o'clock and aft evening from 7 to Cashier—T. TURNBULL. questionable influence as a twnno price auy advancement in price. An advance , y P g haled slowly through the parted lips, S regulator. Desert us or treat our agents, of 10 to 15 cents per barrel Of 300 Omnds in a degree the highest respect in which 9:,30 o'clock. Miss Millie Robertson, Savings Bank—Hours 10 to 8; Saturdu , 10 with indifference and you have only to• p p 1 builds nip cells that have partially con- to 1. Dr. y y id the finer ales slid take lata about she is held by her many friends. The librarian• interest Deposits tot and upwards roceivec ana wait for results. gr P c •z exacted through lack of it. It no Only TOWN CoUrrcrra—Wm. Clegg Mayor; Twine, a month ago, but it is stated that this young couple left entire ... 8 p. m. train IVa better rhwas ever made on for their future home in Toronto amici increases lung capacity and enriches the • Wm. Holmes, Thos. Boll, gltobt. Mc- t fls� 8(°,� iit� ape°. alas also received •at currant Earth or •furnished t0 the, Canadian was (rue to the advance in the cotton in blood, but has a tleeitledlyV bonefioial Indoo, G. A. Newton, John A. McLean, Farmer than has been supplied which tine salt is bagged, and was not a shower of rice and good wishes from Geo. McKenzie, Councillors; J. B. Fer- Drafts on Great Britain+and the United Pp led you by effect upon the throat Feud vocal organs. States Bought and sold. , :. this your own Company. If we were man friends. p g guson, Clerk and Treasurer; Samuel Travellers aronottfkedthatthe Bank ofIlam not an intense element Of protection to, in. the Halt itself, which was ai.ything, y Moreover, nous u( ed plead that they Ypuhill, Assessor; Wm. Robertson, Col- iinton and its Branches issue Circular Rates a you. as Fanners there would be no O cheater. have not the time to practico breathing lector. Board nneots first Monday even- "atioiutl Provityefal Bans: of Enclanct, Limited p- t ing in each month at 8 o'clock. . ,which can bo�} iCnliect,vlt>sont c:tarbe or trou- position whatever pitted against us. Almest all the Canadian Salt is obtain- a.ffe on the Bali. properly, for even .it d minutes a day b bre in any girt oftile,vorla. Ilemember the Salt Deal, ed in Ontario, from the counties of Mr. George Cummings, Barrie, Ont., aauooL BOARD,—C.ham N. Griffin, (chair- W� one of the best known engineers on the will do you good. roan), Thos. Abraham, J. J. Elliott, J. J. T ,�W. CORBOUt,D, Ageiit Don't waste time wrestling with trio.• Essex, Zambtou and Huron and parts of g Hoinutli , E IOIf1NsoAT, Solicitor. question any longer. Zook it straight ' , G. T. R,, writes:—"For years I suffer- , Wm. Moore H. Koxr, Thos. a in the face and identify Kent, Middlesex and Bruce. rhe, ed from kidneydisease brought on b A Boon to iiutnauity. Bell, Wm. Button. Secretary, Wm. y youreeur with Presence of salt was first discovered in ; r g <1 , Robertson; Treasurer J. B. Fer 1son. J P fi Ember of a ri M. O. P. c O. urn tin shareholders. Btp your Twine p ! railroadlife. a The doctors called it rail Wherever there aro sickly people , � e (Member of the British Medical Assoeia• from this Mother Company with. its. 7865, near Goderich, while boring for woad kidney," but could give me no per- with weak hearts and deranged nerves, Meetings second Tuesday evening in each tion.) Gold Medallist in MecHeine. s ecial splendid past record of years and yon petroleum, and since then wets have manent relief. A friend recommended Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills will be month• attention paid to diseases of Women and Child Dr. Chases Kidney -Liver Pills saying found an effectual medicine: They re- PmaLIc SanooL TEAeHERs.—A. H. ren. office hours -1 to 4 p. m.: 7 to o p. m. will have occasion to be proud of your been sunk at Clinton, Seaforth, Brussels, + the had cured him. A few boxes of store enfeebled enervated, exhausted Musgrove, Principal, Miss Robertson, actino and loyalty later le y , � TR. MACDONALD, If y011 71n0 but a particle Of judgment. Blyth, Wingham, Kincardine, Exeter, this grand medicine completely cured me devitalized or overworked men and Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss D you will see at a *lance that othergCom- Corn Miss Vanstone, Miss Matheson Com - "Parkhill, Windsor and other places. putting an end to the dreadful pains in women to vigorous health. 3'0, anies going in the back and greatly strengthening Cen..e Street t g g to existence are simply There are usuallythree beds, of an gr y gtheuin the and Miss Reid. P y kidne s. I am a well man today,thanks BOARD or, HEALTH—Mayor Clegg, Wingham, trading a aux hese c reputation, and aggregate thickness of 100 feet, the to Dr. Chase. One ill a dose 25 cts. Measuring stacks. g• Ontario. that in many of these cases you will be „ B (chairman), C. J. Reading', Thos Greg- exceedingly disappointed. We have upper on@ lying all the way from 900 a bob. Measure the, stack for ,length, width cry, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, Sac- i DR, 1.1,GNEVV g y PP feet below the, surface,, as atliincard n@, and the `over." To get the 'rover" retary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical' r pleaded for eight years for you to come Health Officer. i Physician, surgeon, etc. in on the ground floor and join hands to 1,630 feet at Courtright. The Can- The Hired can. throw a tapeline over the stack at an ! Office—Macdonald Block over T. E. Davis' with this old established Twine organiz. adian Pacific drilled its first well at i A hired man who had been employed average peace, from ground to ground, �yp�t 9pr Drug Store. Night calls apswered. at the offico. ation. Buy our Red Star 10 cent Twine 4 drawing it tightly. Multiply the width MDS. r� • H. HELE 1 and you will make no mistake. Windsor in November, 189ti, reaching ; on a farm for several mouths entered g g y P y the upper bed of salt at a little over g b the over dnd divide this result 'by VANSTO`TE, , c PP � suit against his employer for balance of y y Classes in China Painting. � R. JOaeph 5tratfOrd, 1,127 foot, and a second well tapped the his wages, amounting, as he claimed to four; multiply result of division by the Oil and Water Colors. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. General Manager. salt at 1,127 feet.$32. The snit was on trial and it looked length for approximate cubical Contents Private and Company fonds to loan at lowest Also a new revelation kiln for firing china. rate of interest. No commission charged. Mort - The -salt found throughout this area is as if thelaintiff had a clear case. He of stack. To reduce to tons, for hay , P Studio at her home, Catherine Street. g• Ses, town and farm pronerty bought and remarkable free from impurities, gave dates and figures in a straightfor- that has stood in stack for less than 20 said. Office, Beaver Block. Winghant. \ Ilarticularly from lime, and is very ward way and seemed an honest young days, divide cubidal contents by 512; for E ESTELLE GRIFFIN white in color. There are between 250 more than .20 and less than 60 days iA r A. MORTON, man. When the farmer took the standtJ . (• .11ud 300 men employed in the industry. t he said, " WING I� Ur BARRISTER, claim an offset for the 32 divide cubical contents by 380. Ex- , &c•, The total production of salt in Canada dollars. No man need sue me for what ample: Stack measures 17 feet wide,'58 TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE. Wingham, Ont, � 1 in 1869 was 57,000 tons, worth about I honestly owe." °' What is the offset?" feet long, and 36 feet Over. Stack has r �' . 234,000. The annual output of some asked the law er. He is an unbeliever." stood 15 days. Multiply 17 by 36, equals Pupils prepared for Conservatory of Music L. DIC SENSON, .� - examinations. Tears has fluctuated between 55,000 and •tin what?" "In the Bible." What 612; Divide 612 by 4, equals 153. BARRISTER, ETC. 80,000 tons, has that to do with you owing Trim Multiply 153 by length, 58, 8,874, which Solicitor to Bank of Hamilton. Moneytoloan. $32?" "It has a heap to do with it. I give the cubical contents in feet. Divide VIOLIN AND GUITAR. office—Meyer Block, Wingham./ Nothingcan be good for everything. had six hands in m employ and we were 8,874'by 512 equals 17.3 tons in stack. MISS CARRIE MOORE g g y n y ARTHUR J- IRWIN, D. D. S., L, D. S. Doing one thin well brings success. g g . I have carefully tested this rule On of Loudon Conservatory of Music, will be pre- Ay Doing g g rushing things when I hired thin man. 3' tared after Oct. 1st to receive a limited num• — Doan's Pills do one thin well. ,Doctor of Dental Surgery of alta Pennsylvania g H@ hadn't been with • us two days when several different stacks and kinds of hager of pupils for instruction on Violin and Dental College and Licentiate of the Ro al They are for sick kidneys. Guitar. They cure backache and all kidney ills. they stopped the reaper in the middle of Hay measured in the stack under this Residence—opposite R. C. Church, Win ham. College of Dental Butgeons of Ontario. Office g over Post Office Wingmons the forenoon to dispute about Daniel in rule will bale out in weight to within office closed every Wednesday afternoon There is • a noted difference - successful lion's den, and in three days we had five pir cent of its measurement, which PIANO A N D T 0 E 0 By. during Juno, July and• August. Snecessful at 0. A. a. Exams.in the style and fit of Pants we ' a regular knock down over the whale is far closer than any Otber rule of Sr The results of the examinations of the measurement I have ever been able to MISS SARA LOUISE MOORE, L.C.M. W. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., swallowing Jonah. The man running � L.D.S. x mare that always brings peo- Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph g et hold of and in drawing n the rule and member of the Associated Mttsicians of New method for painless ex - the mower got arguing about Samson, g g P Ontario, is pre ared to receive a limited num- traction. No Cocaine. are out, and from them we notice the and drove over a stump and damaged and the investigation preceding it I ber of pupils for instruction on Piano and in Special attention to the care and regulation ple hack for another pair. aiames Of a number from Huron County Theory. of children'R teeth. Moderate prices,and all. the machine to the tune of $18, and the secured over fifty different systems Of Special attention given to pupils preparing work carefullyaridskilfullyperformed. Office Then there is the low price -who were successful. Passed in all sub- measurement from almost eve art of for pmaminations. in Beaver Block, Winghnm. very next day my boy broke his leg p Residence—opposite R. C. Church, Wingham. Office closed every Wednesday afternoon Jects and arranged in order of general while climbing the fence to hear and see the United States.—Wm., C. Barnes, in during June, July and August. and better quality of cloth put Proficiency, J. Wilson of Whitechurch, the row which had started over the Breeders' Gazette. f lI111111:i oHN RITOSIE, stood tenth, and J. M. Johnston, of Car- ILII I���I J J. � in them cloth that Vears. children o. Israel going through the Red 6 W law, stood fifteenth; A. P. Ketchen Of , The Wheelman0Friei,d. i�+ 'ill Elliott,r GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, > > > Sea. ER wasn't a week before my wife lIilll I�III HonoraryGraduate of Ser: Our new goods and prices. Brucefield; A. Atkinson, of E mond- said she didn't believe Eli'ah was fed No bicyclist should be without a bottle ,I PII I Ontario eterinary Win g J y , jll� �' College. gham, Ont. 'ville, and B. C. Gilpin of Gorrie, were , of Haggard a Yellow Oil. It takes out �,i office and Infirmar by ravens, and flanged if I didn't find all stiffness and soreness of the joints W at Golley s old stand, DEANS, Jit. successful in their second year. A myself growingweak on Noah and. his and muscles; relieves �!J pale and totes .I , y �� Victoria St., Winghant. e Xchange was made in the length of the , d Day and night calls LICENSED AUCTIONEER flood. That s my offset, sir, and if he down swellings from bites of insaccs. 25 \pl 71 promptly attended to. for the County of Huron. Sales attended in course last year, by which students are was worth anything I'd sue him for a cents. Telephone connection. any part ofthe County. Charges moderate. � � TO PATENT Goad 1d8aS required to spend two years instead of thousand dollars besides." East Huron Tarmers Institute, may be secured by one, after getting their associate diplo- FARMERS d1 ®� A [� JOHN OURRM, W=Gir nc, Oxw. � � our atd. Address, The annual meeting of the East Huron I� A R � Y � ,.Imo'. areas, before, writing on the university LICENSED AUCTIONEER. THE PATENT RECORD, No Otlier Remedy. Farmers' Institute was held in the and anyone having live stock or other Baltimore, N,& examination Of third year students under articles they wish to dispose 'of, should adver- Sales of Farm Stock and Farm implements'a the direction of the college, while the Na other remedy cures Summer Com. Council Chamber, Brussels, on Tuesday tise the same for sale in the Timms. Our large specialty. - g circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if All orders left at THn Timms office promptly candidates for the degree will be ex- plaint, Diarnc�ea, Dysentery, etc., so afternoon of last week• President Mc• you dontgetacustomer. We can't guarantee attended to. Terms reasonable. lw ;s V ; t ;iC) YVARS' promptly and quiets pain so quickly as Millan in the chair. Minutes Of last that ou will seri because you may ask more h t 1 : C5�,Ft l l .(IC ns @mined at the, end of their fourth year Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- for tiio article or stock titan it is worth. Send i OB PRINTING, 41' ,� t meeting read and passed our advertisement to the Timms and try this rJ iiy the University of Toronto berry. It is a pocket doctor for tourists, g p Plan of disposing of your stock and otherPamphlets, It was decided that the lace of hold- including Books Posters Bill travellers etc. p articles: Heads Circulars 'Ste &xet d' the b t ., a cue n a es ing regular meetings be Brussels and style of the art,' at 'moderate prices, and on &"5 DlstrictLodge• Gorrie and supplementary meetings at - .s,6,i,u,,,�:,.,ai.,;;,,�,s.,, ,,,, ,, , t1,BO0 notice. Bt any B nrxa.—We aro pleased to with us or A meeting of the Huron district lodge, Murdie's School Houso,Ethel,Fordwich, that any Books or Magazines loft with us for ! G Bindin , will have our prom t attention No. 24, 1. O. G. T., was held in the Constance and Moleswgrth. Dunlop f Binding in an st to i pit be given on Prices or g y y vi a ® Temperance hall, Lucknow, on Friday, The following of(i�ere wore elected:— application to ®� �� THE TIMES or. May 31st, Delegates were present from President, Thos. McMillan; Vice-pres., SOLID RUBBER VPingliain• all lodges in the district and reported the Jas. Elliott; See-Treas., George Hood, „ lodges a little on the increase since lust Direetors-Robert EdgarGorrie; T. `°�'� RAILWAY TIME TABLES. When the liver gets slow and stub- g , $ish in action bile iri left In the blood year. Gibson, rordwioh, David Sanderson RAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM. to poison the whole system and give * VI_.RA — rise to serlous bodily derangements. Duncan Marshall, Seoretary,of Thorn- Gorrie; •John Brethauer, Wroxeter; W. ,, o ® TUAINn LL••AVI�n. L'onb 'When there are biliousnNs, headache, bury, was present and helped very much. Knox, Wroxetor; Thos, Gibson, Wrox- ��rt✓S Palmerston .,,........... 6.68 a.m.... 8,55a.m, London ......... ..... G 50 a.m.... 8.25p.m. constipation iv and llq indigestion Tyr. Chase's in the business. He deliveredasplendid @ter;''Choc. Musgrove, Wroxeter; John Kincardine.. 11.10 a.m. .. Gi35 p•m.... 8.8ap.m. kidney -Liver I'ilis moire you west in �i11 Carry Meavy loads and Attnlvly VROX ax surprisingly short time. temperauoe address which was much Fortune, Wingham; ,James Smillie, Kineardine.,,.040am , 8.55a.m.,., 1Z p.m mre. R. A. Smith, 13" Manning all- I enjoyed by all, Bluevale; Win. Michie, Sunshine; John withstand hard service. London ..... .... 11,10 a.in.... 7.55 p.m ,enue. Toronto, states :_ -"My daughter - Palmerston..... ..... 2.45 p.m.... 8.88 p.m liar Vaal a tvretche4 time of It for quits A resolution of condolence was passed Robb, Bluevalea W. H. Herr, (, F, An ever -satisfactory, easy- 11, T, SUTTON, Agent, Winghant. 4L whDi with liver complaint, causing, expressing the sympathy with Mrs. A. Blair and Jas. Irwin, Brussels; George riding wheel tire. CANADIAN PAC]7i'IO RAILWAY. wrnonl; other troubles, weakness of the Woodman Of Fendesborb On account Murdie, eaforth; " h C TRAINS L11AVA FOIA stomae'h, very :fallow complexton, and a y , S A. Gardiner, Lend Mrcry stt gilarailteed. Toronto and. East........ 0.53 a.m.... 8.00 P.iiu 1 , Teeswater ..... I ....... lar pan .... 10.48 1.ui. most miserable state of feeling raneral- of milt beloved brother, Mr. A. Wood- bury; F. McQuade, Beachwood; J. (1, trait' be fitted to an wheel. A1LRlv7�i irnora Iv. Ify husband had occasion to use mail who was a faithful member of our Ifinohle , oustatiae• ,rag. Watt ?:lar• � � Teeswater..... 6.53a.m.,..-3p,m. 'Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, awl ' y C ' ' 1 Sand for Catalogue, Toroutoanti Tast .......182 p.in..,.10.93 p m. zpol;:e so b1 hly of tticir merit that I order for litany years. , lock; John McTaggart, Cranbroolt; : gen igham. .concluded to have leer try thorn, an i The following bolters were elected for Amon Smith, Trowbridge; Wm, Perrie, ©UNLOP TIRE 60, J. I3. BEEMER, Agent, Wii since b(ig ening their use she hai mi,arkemy improved in every way. I can the valuing yeat':--•D, C, `1'., Peter Hee, Cranbrook, Auditors W, B, Wilkin- %� rilxrrren. :art ntsant2 .VRitiess Cor with confidence therefore r(166AImen t Lucknow; P. D. 0. T., D. �. Munroe, son and John Clegg, Sunshine. � roiLoxxo, Q'Y office is Inth, Dr. Chase's Xidney-t.iver 1.-1Ilts." T 1 h sn(IMyfaCiti • 2:2 cats a bon. Auburn; D,V.T'.yMiss Mary.A.rmstrong, .� sans,nthal, Lyne pili a dose , .�i ��ry y�1 y Aescri t'oaa AW&Lualt nary; D. SeCrTreati.y kl, L. barn- To I#e iteinot a$, al. O Al ! i' .LJ Li►, ,L ,A 8E " el"31»arra. rr , hair, Constance; D. Co,, N. Dunbar, All the effete or waste matter of the partenthbiturt. and " At for prnsteucln the �••�� a appitna,toa 4r M trod .50 onlIn d yar wtfi�ilhe Mud ,��y, Teeswater,. D. Chap., Albert Thompson, system is reinbiiod by'' the . TT,,% TII� f,ateri `tn11»r»act„ ,•lsvrt rc, a <;cltn,i,'" coli• � ` � ��s%r Holyrood. The next meeting is to be perfectaotfon of taxa -Liver PiIla. Thus �,, cxiniay; l,ul inrnrr,stlnn s:nt taae, All tGmtu>Jf►i� w p g they pr@v@lit as +ell as cure Sick _Head-taticws OtDi,s►alc•nil G31iii'lCtl� .ol,titleneat. held in Dewdrop Lodge, on October 18, ache, Constipation, Bilfougne8s, Dyspep- "f~:. r �a� "(ME' PRANKUN H. N�.��.�nix, Sour S�Omaoli, Jatuldice, eta. 7j 4 r r► gn,: ;� '.!. nbaGn XiVYs;aiitst,Qi'F'vlt. yY. rA3•