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The Wingham Times, 1901-06-14, Page 4
i THE WINGRAN TIM, JUNE 14, 1901. Avow! - Ila... .. .. .. - _.-_...... se.;vtuox. asci.*x�. atR�t�c�iut�.zu irtaltxr•�a� R��iaxta�s. ���rrM����N$A•�i4���+��M��r•�41���•�R�M_ •�trR4•���Al��t�•+�4•���A�R��r� � � s•��� , F? r sort:, thed and, sweaty 3 1Q01. , ltegiilar monthly iui+etitt of the Sohoal 'oR'ingllain, June 13,. i 'tl feet 1lSe 'Board was held on Tuesday evenia10. Flour per IM lbs ... i 65 to 2 50 t„ry Q �} {�pr�• People's Xembers present -11. Kerr, 4llairulall, Mall Yheat . 0 61 to 0 04 S!!14! SR:#$Ke11. Th Popular Store `�IIQr o� VM�a �� it• and Messrs. Abraham, Boll, l%wutll slid QRta Wheat............ 0 u to 4 83 DA POhToarn, Bnrlay ........ ...... 0 40 to 0 42 _ .+. ,••� • Minutes of last regular meeting were peas .. , , .. . . ......... . . 0 W to 0 62 read and adopted. Turkeys, drawn , .... • .... 0 00 to 0 10 Goeso, 14 . , .. , .. , . , , 0 06 to 0 00 Here's ,just one testimonial , rl;txctra.VS acl ror,T. y Ducml leer pair ....... 0 40 to 0 00 The Prinoipal's report report for the Buttes:...... , ,., .. ,. 0 14 to 0 1G Brussels, Julio 0, 'Ol month of May was rend as follows : -- E p Per dao . . : . . . . .... . . 0 10 to 0 12 • opd per cord ....•...... 2 00 to 2 25 Send ole one package of Dampo for COR4S AS 0 I)apt• Boys Girds Total Avg. Hay per toss , , . , • , ........ S 00' to 8 UO ^evllioh I enclose 25 cents in stamps. 1 14 17 31 2i) Potatoes per bushel , ....0 20 to 0 20 " 10iU11ld not be without it for double the 2 10 23 42 88 Tallow per lb .. ,, . 0 05 to 0 05 • daunt. 3 z0 sl 51 45 Lard .. .. .... • 0 13 to 0 13 • We are special sts In t'bis line, handl ng only tie best qua qty You s truly, 4 le 28 47 42 Dried Apples per 1b .. , ... 0 034to 0 04 0 AitT LTt Holms. 5 IV 35 G4 47 WooHods,.pot'..... 7 00 to 7 00. � goods that are fully Warranted, and are Made by experts to �t the 4 30 2b 56 a3 Danlpo mallPd, to any ad. � 3� 21 65 40 csival ens,..,..,,......... 0 30 to 0 40 • figure, and to be• necessaryadjuncts t0 .�ty�lSll fitting garlt7�ezltS, 4ress fOr 25C, 6 40 43 83 66 195 223 421 369 � � ._...__� ... _ �- .. • to-lip A' Campbell's ,Miss Fp qrt w s t was ill three days LIFE and her lace was taken by Miss Sarah , Op CANA,DA•• ATTRACTIVE Farquharson. School was open 21 days, Formerly The Outarto Mutual Life. • S R.UG STORE. Respectfully submitted, BY WAY OP CONTRAST: � Both in price and quality is egery line handled by us, and with every line we sell -goes our personal A. H. MUB0110 'E, Leath and expense rate per 1,000 for last ton • guarantee of mg.rit. Our store is .synolmus with reliability, O ADVERTISERS. Principal, years, • .( �.� i$ E R$, ' 5 leading U.S, Companies, 0o) es, averagti 22 27 • _ _ Eel!.-Moore—That the Principal s re- � ,. - 5 leading Canadian Compnutes avgo . 18.:., • • 90 Notice of changes must be left at this port be received and adopted. --Carried. Xutut►i Life of Canada •• is f We would draw your attention to the New Straignt Front Corset. They are the latest in style and A office not later than Saturday coon, Tire Finance Committee re eomneud- Interest earned on assets cast ten yvara. $ The co y for changes must b© left ed payment of the following accounts:- Per Cent, like every other line of merit they are ilnitatecl. There are many cheap imitations of the D. sG A. straight pp Asea. Ross, supplies, inga Miss S. 5leading� n. Colupanies,niesago ..," 4.03 front corset. But the D. & A. straight front corset is a bias Cut corset ensuing a per:eeiion of fit and not ltl£er than Tuesday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up Blutual Lite of Canada >. •• •• 5.51 0 elegance of figure not obtainable with other makes. We would like to have you call and see them at •. to noon Thursday of each week. Farquharson, teaching three days, �;3; ® our store. RBNER U E R. W. Rnnciman, repairs, $4.10. r p o ' Abraham -carried. the ac, NS ESTABLISHED 187'x' Counts ha read be paid. -Carried. Loan and Insurance Agent, ® • The members of the Board then dfs- Corner Minnie and Patrick Sts. m For those desiring a corset that has stood •the test of years, and has proved itself t° he all that is • � lv Tim � Athomertridayafternoon andSaturda3. a claimed for it, we would recommend highly the D. & A, Crest Corset. It is so made that it is unbrealc- • THE cussed the advisability of seating one of y,.�.... _ : * able at the waist line, has elastic lacing' over hips, thus giving a degree of comfort to the wearer hitherto m Ii. R•ELLIOTT, PUAlasHEIZ 1.ND PRthe rooms during the holidays. PROPRIETOR tile during the —That the room ' had made many friends ill Wiugham not obtainable. The material is the very best, and it is finished in the high-class style of workmanship �" T+ occupied by MISS Mathes°n's class be and he will be greatly missed in musical 0 peculiar to the Corsets of the D. & A. make. Try a pair and become convinced of its many points of •Z FyIDAY, JUTE 14, 1901' seated with new seats and that- other circles. He leaves Wingham with the m eseeilence. The price is within the reach of all .. . ............. . ................ . . . ... . .. 1,25 • P eswse - ' necessary repairs be made during the btihs of many friends. NOTES A-VID COXMEiTS- holidays and that matter be Taft with the Hon. A, S. iTardy, es Premier of Management Committee.—Carried.o, June 11.—At the western cat Our o. g YV Live stook Markets. Our D, & A, Model Bust with shoulder straps is a comfortable perfect, fitting corset . , .... I ... , ... $1,00 � A ON444 is a Lonaist, well made, nicely finished Corset ........... . ...... • ... • • . • • • • • • • . 7f1 Ontario was operated on for appendicitis Moore Bell—That the Chairman and Toront� General Secretary issue orders for the teachers tle market today we had come in just 80 Our Black Corset is a medium length, good quality, black sateen, lined with white, perfect. fitting.. .75 on Sunday last at the Toronto T i Hospital, Thursday's Globe says that and officers salaries for the month of carloads o£ live stook, including 1,490 @ Our I` va e D. & A. is a short waist. steel filled corset, trimmed with Lace ... Baby Ribbon, good 1.00 e the hopes which has been held out for' May and that the salaries for June be cattle, 700 hogs, 473 sheep and lambs, Fs ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' • ' ' ' ' " ' " Our No. 32 is a NursingCorset made of good material warranted as to fit and durability, price.... 1.00 . lois recovery had almost vanished. paid when school closes for the holi- 100 calves, and a few milo:i cows. - a Our 1o. 280 D. & A. is ithout doubt, thbest 500 Corset on the market, steel filled, Perfect fit, very The Ontario Bureau of mines heard days, Except that buying was a little slow, - i0 BO 40 then adjourned. there was little change in the general durable ...... 00 0 -Wednesday morning, officially, that state of 1 usiness, prices for wily gond 0 Our Agate in point of fit and •good wearing • qualities �is� equal to .many •of the •50e �liges •offered, prospectors operating in Clergue interest cattle fe ung maintained. 6i Our price ............................................... 40 t► Rave discovered another great iron ore PERSONALS. While there is nothing particularly en- 0 , Don't buy a trashy, cheap summer Corset. We have a line of perfect fitting Summer Corsets made body similar to the Helen nine, in the of good material, and the price is low................................................. .50 • 1Liichipicoten district. we shall be glad to have contributions to o°uragiug in quotations from the Old Q;, this cohunn from any of our readers. If you Country, space call be had on the boats DIISSEa AND CHILDREN—We have a splendid corset for girls, made of good material but not n In connection With the Coming Local have visitors Cr purpose going away gourselY heavy ..................................................... .................. .�e0 A :,legislature election in E.Huron the names effect and tarn us, or send us a not to that; at a cheap rate just now which accounts tD .•. for considerable buying of export cattle. ® Drab Jean Waists.in all sizes for children .. . .......... . .................. ... 25 mf County Councillor Bowman, of 11Ior- All the shipping stuff was sold before CORSET COVERS—Nicely trimmed with Fimbroidery ............................ .25, . • .30, .35 tis, and B. S. Cook the well-known es- W. E. Binning, architect, of Listowel, noon to -day. � Triple Spoon Corset Clasps, per pair ..... ...................................... `..... ,10• o Reeve, County Councillor and Warden, was in town on Wednesday. Followiugische rouge of quotations:— o Elephant Clasps, double from end to end. • Never Break. Per pair.......... .. ,15 of Fordwich, are mentioned as likely to Geo. Powell, of Blyth, wzs calling on CATTL>r. co Dress Stays, Rubber Tipped, White, Drab and Black, per set ......... • . . .......... . .. . ::.tutu 10 be among the nominees at the Conserva- Alliott of d Itasca, Wis., is spend- Butcher, choice d......$ 4 25 � 4 60 ®� �.. � eomfor , y , p pair ......:................. 35 • old Wingham, friends thisweek. PP P © �' five Convention to select a standard ® Shoulder Stra s for Ladies; very table any size per •�� � 3. B. + s ' Butcher, ordinary to ® ,.. ... ..... ... • bearer to oppose Arch. Hislop, M. P. P• ing his holidays at his home in town. + y 'They, are both good men and either good...."............ 3 50 4 00 Je0 as. .Kerr. h��GDO��LD BLOCK, k�0�(A Jllo. as. H. Kerr. would poll quite a vote. -Brussels. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Hill spent part of Butcher, inferior ...... 2 76 3.25 ® j last week visiting friends in Walkerton, Stockers, per cwt...... 8 50 3 25 Mr. Dryden is back from Chicago, Export bulls, per cwt.. 8 50 400 � ��+�elael88®�®®���•�gm��•®®�0®QDtaq�®®�®��m®®•61®®llf®®®®��©�a®int$@®OOlT89p®@O�AQD®gym@�®his® � where he attended a large fat stook sale, Miss Riddell, of Gorrie, was visiting sA IBP AND Lr111IBS. Mon and •.• ' dY�i� .. , conducted by Mr. Ward, of Iowa. Four with old friends m Wingham on Sunday. Export ewes, per cwt, . 3 50 3 � 5 " ' """ • "" - • large Canadian breeders each offered 15 Lambs (grains fed), per W TED ti�;omenfor 'thoroughbred cattle for sale, and realiz- Gus. McLaughlin, of Clinton, was cwt .... • . • .... • .... • 4.00 4 50 AGENTS a genuine +bd altogether about S4G,000. The prices visiting for a few days this week in ' Do, (barnyard) per monsY-malting Position; town. owl ......... ........ 3 75 4 50 no books, insurance or falte scheme; every obtained were record breakers, and show Do. (spring), each, , 2 50 400 house a onstou:er. Particulars free. W rlto 5 U Un 0 UP,% L *D,, :l the value and popularity of Canadian Miss Flo, Agnew, of Teeswater, wasBucks........ .. . . . ... 2 50 3 001 to day. THE F. E. KAR N CO. .cattle, The average prices produced visiting with her Wingham friends this h ...... A... oALvr s. , � las Victoria street. Toronto, Canada. � Vere as follows: W. D. Flatt, Hamil- week. Cows, each"........... 20 00 40 00 Is IL ion, $1070; Henry Cargill, Cargill, Ont., Mr, and Mrs, A. Waite, of Torontq, Calves, each : , • , 'ROOS. 2 00 10 00 'W "(1) 0 L W A N 6724; Hon. M. R. Cochrane, Amherst, are visiting at Mrs- Waite's parental Ohoice hogs, per cwt... 6 50 7 00 L � � Gopton county, Que., $67-5; W. C. Ed- home on Francis street. Light hogs, per cwt.... 6 25 6 60 wards, Rockland, Out, $675> Robt. King has left town for Owen Heavy hogs, per cwt... 6 25 6 50 The undersign i ,eep for service on Lot + 0 a4, Con, 12, past w nosh, the thoroughbred I for which the highest price in cash or trade will be paid, Sound, having secured a situation in one g • • • • ' Shorthorn bull, ' .ord sits." std s.... 0 00 2 Toxins -$1.6 i iDUN. of the factories in that town. _ J N RE ID. it> tR. 7n Gorrie, on June 2nd, the life of Andrew Liuklater, of Clifford, spent a�� ".ate D Edgar of a daughter. �} I� v AY. -In Lower Wingham, on a loth, the few• days this week with relatives and ti IIRE BRED IMPORTER CLYDE ALE We are now offering special value In all classes of Sommer Goods. ' 'strife o4 Geo A. Day; a daughter :r friends in Wingham and vicinity. `;7 'Why let , � stallion, Muslins, Organdies, Wool Delaines, Fancy Ginghams, Pereales, Dimities,, h f rUJ• < S�r,xER.-Tn East wa-,vanosh June 7th, , 1"N : Mercerized Sateens and Prints, all up-to-date patterns and color's. � l rho wife of Wm. Salter; a son. Wm. Button spent last week in Penn- tint„ L 3 all y o u r ; PRINCE OF KELT O N, ,Also a com lete stock of Ladies' Wrappers and Shirt Waists, special `~ �'' 16IARRIED Sylvania, and on his way visited the 1,� }� p MITcuEr� CoTww.-At the residence of the " { £ ` + , '+ n e i h - value at 650 and up. -Pan Exhibition at Buffalo. kr r b b r• 5 and ► will make the season of 1901, as follows: bride is parents Brussels south, on June 6th, ��, , See our special values in Ladies' White Goods and Undervests. rryq Rev Geo. 'J. Abey, Geo. DI. Mitchell, of Mrs• James McLaughlin left. on Tnes- MONDAY. -Spill leave his own stable, Swarts' p 3ithel, to Miss S a ldest daughter of Mrs, •. �• f r i C n d s hotel and ggroceod to John Casemore's, Parasols in Fancy and Black Colorings frdln 750 and up. Georg Colvin. day morning for New York, where she Con. 2, Morris, for noon; thencoto BolgraveBriggs DIED, thiols YOU xorni Itt, In ,Turnip Seed I have the best known kinds, such as Steel Co. TLITCHIE.-In Howiek> on June 11th Jnm s will visit with °her daughter for few q y z+ TUESDA5. Will proceeed to Geo. Robert- Select, Elephant, Simmer's Prize, Rennie's Own, as well as all the old t must be son's, Con. 10 East wawnnosh for noon; '3titchio, aged 80 years, 0 months and 25 t+lays, %pweeks. _ 3: s�v*, 3n' , 9 HUNTER• -In Brussels, on June 4th, Okra Dr thence to St+'m, Beecroft s, Con. 1 , for Standard Varieties. .3 melia, third daughter Iex• and Mrs, Hun- Dr. Macdonald, M. P., attended the �p{IEA%J t w e Il i j7 ► night WEDIQESDAY.-Will to own stably A1S0 Millet Buckwheat, and Hungarian Seed. ter, in her 24th year. - Tarte-Clergue banquet at Owen Sound �� y 8 a r S Ivhere h©will isms n until Thursday morn- CA.UDLE.—In Lakele on"'Rsay 30th, l;milie, on Friday evening last at which he de- p1dCr than you are ? xn Mrantigam, beloved lalfe of Robert Candle, y THIMDAY.-win roceed to Bluevale for I aril headquarters for seeds of all kinds, and no fancy prices asked. aged 40 years. livered a speech. noon thence to walker House, Wroxeter; nEEtTsoiv-In i3owick, oft° dune 1st, !,lex• Yet its impossible to for nlglit. , - er Robertson, sr., aged -7 years. Will Agnew, of Detroit, formr:rly A R1DAX.-Will proceed to Albert Gallagher s, look young with the P• Gemmill's Corners, for noon; thence Via ejo4y' trrtt•-1u Morris, on June 12th, Elizabeth baggageman at the G. T. R station has color Of %® ears 1n 8th Con. Tur-berry, to his own stable for d wife of Robe i�4 11, aged 40 years, 2 takena situati°1i in Swart's & Doxe'9 y ni ht.ontlls and 5 days. the hair. It's sad t0 SATMAY.-All day at his own stable. carriage factory. T. H. RASSARD, D. MCPHERSON, TO CURE A COLD IX ONE DAY XC• M, Walker returned home on Mon- see young persons Prep•, Milbrook. Manager, wingham. '' A■MW�WILLSW- - 'Talte Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets• All day evening after a few weeks business • look prematurely old .druggists refund the money i1; it fails to cure i h b 26c t ' th ori h Manitoba and the West in in this wo Sad he. _u. w• Grove s signature s on sae the interest of the furniture factories. Cause it's all unneces, :, ° `" ''tiY' ® P., of Dungannon, was , Sa for ray hair 7 g visiting friends in town this week. He o may always be re- y� •gill visit for a few weeks with friends r in Mitchell and vicinity before returning , stored d �; ` F / a - to his home in Dungannon. to i t SA " „ .` ae`' `' ` n a t AIiE GIVING Saw Mrs. Marshall and seri duel daughter � _ _ I+� of Portage la Prairie; are visiting with . u r a 1 i / r Mrs. Marshall's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Color � r +'" `�` peer.l Prices for 60 Days Nil S• Youhili. Mrs, Jas. Youhill and -by us- i Japanese China nephew, of Winnipeg are also visiting _. - ; __ ' with Mr. and Mrs. s, Yanllill, ing _ 1 . In Upholstered. Goods. Cups and. Saucers °t ° • Miss hazel Johnston, daughter of ' i' vi%aSG'S Robb. Johnstonhas been in poor health For over half a cen- parlor Suites that were - - X47,00 now X37,00 Parlor Suites that were 45.00 now 36.00 for some time and on Wednesday unpin• tory this has been the s � now 27.00 Bon -bons, Ftc. lug She was taken to the hospital at standard hair prepara= i AA •� i parlor Suites that were 36 0 �,rC�, Judge Ci� Style - - X5.00 now 16,60 London, where specialists will be cony J Parlor SCtites that were lino. It is an elegant Rug Spites that were � (special) 47.00 now 36.00 — suited. Mrs. Johnston accompanied her dressing; stops folk- ' 1 will at once detect the super- if.b0 now 12.50 daughter to London, t► . g p ; iority of our made-to-order Couches that were - 12.00 now 10.00 . MUSICAL� � ing of the hair; makes Couches that were Mrs. Lamont, of Ripley, duct Miss . garments. Couches that were - - - 3.00 now 6.75 Lizzie Lamont, of the Winnipeg hospital, til6 ' halt Alrow � and Couches _ • . . now '' ~veto visiting at the home of A. L., cleanses the scalp i �iGN ART `' 1�Ai�.(1��Ni� Couches that were 7 60 4.7,r �iiaol>irts kSamilton this weep, li%iss Lamont, Lounges, good velure Covering, were - - - 6.0011o'w 4.50 from dandruff. - � 'is allr specialty. ��e fit the- Lounges, ,' " (special) 6.00 now 4,40 Guitars formerly resided in Wingliam and has ' � i plan of abnormal as well as he � 6,25 now 4.50 $1.06 it bottle. ,AFI drasilsts. Mattresses, the best, were 4,50 now 3;2� bean home waiting on her mother -,v ho -i hftv6 been using Ayer's 'flkir i of normal shape, and our Mattresses, tt rt . 5 Sheet T°��uS�:'O,' Fiit0. has been ill. She will: ietufn to 'W`inni- 'vigor for over zQ y'ears and I ftp; � rt .� 8.bo now 3.00 • hes til rBcom» 69nd it tO the Publin i prices Shit all, Mattresses, r Peg in a short time rand resume her u the boAt hair tonic in oxistet co," f Babroom Suites as low as $8.25. Sideboards ,.ram 3.75 u.p. and to close out these good position in the hospital there. , Mrs. G.L,A1,V%t9C'.t, I Come along; and get Oile of �'W'e are bo a�rfir�,xuee �� zctor,fier, •„ • All. above prices we will. try' ttrld carry through May clod �'une and and will #all their! very, �verq cheats. ---� ,A - I the newest novelties in Suits, Thos. `Wilson, wholiarworked - at the keepii the stock so none of our customers will go away disappointed. tf yert ire not Obtain all thS bObAllis p I. p j� chair' factory for some •titno has accept- ou �ezpected UOM 146 V 96t, Wits j Overc0at5 and ants. The above prices are for cash, Don't be misled and buy any upholstered ,• pens Iwotox arrear it, eaa't os►elr.litui� oda position with the Valle;? Seating . ,nk, 211 A ddrd, .„ t5tlr5 truly, goads till yatx hstlo seen ours. Oo,, at Dia,.Am. Bre will Spend a week sit his old home in Ingersoll llefbta going ' ... l Robe Maxwell , "` adl g t� , acdonald Block, Wingham. to+ minim. Tom was a �yoting man who + leading Undertaker!}, 4�i ghain.