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The Wingham Times, 1901-06-14, Page 3
a�+ V WIT'm�^� nip. , �mr 1 • Oangdia n THS QST OF KA��I404 for lAylhx WOO. A.'x#i'Na73111FttaUrlAgainst Juuotldk Canadian failures during May,.accord- ------ The ration far laying hens should be �;o.11t+�rlatal,a� �ttat��rotva► o��r..wlien� I 's •:onfuctn of kite rust. veotur move Copt adapted to the time of year; the ration Jug to part, to Ii. it is of 1 Co., �' P Who Montreal GrAud Ju brought in luuutbe . a 104, with liabilities of �C81A,350, Nearly rlRo,000,000000. that is the most desirable iu the winter �' an increase of 18 oveI n d India Tea r the preeeetliug A• writer in the Rome Magazine esti. u ' not be an eoouomieal ration for the a true bill against W. U. Jones and John �lianth in, ,umbar, and $412,228 in mated the posts of wars of Gh@nfneteenth sPriug and summer, Tho different kinds Dignam of Toronto, who acting '�pp �•�• �p BLACK ��*•'yy ,amount, but January was the only other century to nearly reach the enormous of grains aro. always the bases of a Under the name of Jones &Calnpany aro1i.'M X-t„C�,1,,,11, month of the preceediug eight when, Ill, Built of $20,000,000,000. Just how much ration, and we vary the rations by sup- Aharged with, forging testimonials be- is a billion? lie asks. It is one thousand. plementin them with difl'.ereut foods longing to Vapo•Cresoleno Co., while The aolveuoios were smaller than in May, g introducing a Vaporiser in competiou' ,I�, LJr�, j ,Q"��,Q Q,j 'T,,' ,,," j 1. � . Ust mouth there were 90 manufaatur• unllions; but that fact is not expressive. according to the season of the year, - Ing defaults for $275,870, and 72 trading There are only 3,150,878,800 seoonds in a Grain alone is not a balanoed ration; with said Company. failures for $430,930, while til oilier corn- century--that is, .six dollars havo been therefore, is never an economical one, Diguam, when up for committal, tried Will v oil continue using hand-1'(tllc-d tva, when 11 11�.i;tc t' to rove he had no connection with anercial lines there were 0 bankrupts ow• spent on, war for every second of the Many People would profit by stuAyinff P article, gr(.iwn on 131'ltlsh Boll, is at r �ltlt' c1i512'1,.►1 ? litJ>Rh t rrt:ens. liar passed century, If we take Archbishop Ushers the physical process of making eggs. by os e Ca. He said, lie was employed lug $193,650. Another month P by Jones, but Ile did not know who was and Blacks have earned a reputation fcir clll;tlity. without a single banking disaster in the chronology, and consider the world to be When the egg lirst begins to develop in . Voluinion, malting eight conseoutive 0,004 years old,, we find that the untions the body of the lieu, the Srst farmed is lu the firm, He never heard of any have a Ho months'tvitli this. most enviable record. Pent Olt war during the nineteenth the yolk; for making this, the hen draws other names in connection with it. Considering Ilio pheuomeually good century at the rate of six dollars a. min- on the fats and carbo,hydretes in the had no interest in the profits, but in cross 66 � A /� ? 1 Ceylon Teas. are sold ill 5'. sled lead oto stupe the creation. food, Slto next makes the white and examination he admitted he signed S,t; Y►1�-..aA A showing in April, it is not remarkable checks, °':f6uos & Co," without power packets Only, Black, :1l!.,t;,�, Un- that; May should report somewhat The most costly building in the world draws on the protein. So far she eau a, colored Ceylon �. reen. Free sant les s.;ll t. .�titlCss, SAL, rL1,- heavier insolvencies, and the statement , g of attorney, and without per after the is the Cliuroh of San Pietro in Vaticano obtain all the elements from the rain is most favorable when considered in de. known to us as St. Peter's Rome. It ration; but when she comes to make the signature. ADA," Toronto, tail. There was not a single failure lifts cost not less than $70,000,000 since shell site cannot get all the lime from There is a great deal of interest in the � • with liabbilities crusading $100,000, and its foundation stone was laid, yet nearlythe Hain for all the eggs she can make case among business people as the deci• the gveroge was exceptionally light -in $00 churches of equal cost could be built from it. $ilo must lay fewer eggs, or slon will establish all important the trading class. Five manufacturing out of what the world has spent on wars lay eggs without shells. At this place precedent. BRITISH divisions were without any defaults, and during the nineteenth century. f1he in the process ofegg-production she lacks sonnets Tall; But it's Trae. �t 1b a� two others lead but one each. As usual costliest building in America is the inaterial, and unless lime other than that "you say you have a farm in the NINE BaUILSt .nearly two-thirds of the trading disasters Philadelphia public building, which re- in tho grain is supplied, the hen is limit- West for sale?" remarked an emigrant occurred in general stores and groceries. presents nearly $80,000,000; yet nearly ed in her work and cannot lay her just arrived in Now York. "I think of r 700 copies of this great pile could be maximum number of eggs. It seems to going West. Is your' farm in a good, �� RUNNING SORES, erected out of the money spent on war be a disputed question whether the lime fertile climate?" Miller's Worm Powders correct all during the last hundred years. The in seashells is available to the lien £or "I should just say sol" replied the N :such troubles as lack of appetite,bilious- ness,drowsiness,sallow complexion, etc.; world spends of $530b00 a year on making an egg shell, but we usually Westerner briskly. "Wliy,:sir, whenever { nice to take. Sold by Colin A. Camp- education. If it spent 37 times as much supply them, for the hens can matte use we have visitors they just sit themselves The T. Milburn Co., Limited, bell. itmould not equal the war expenses of of them in grinding their food, down, and don't do a thing the whole 3 , Toronto Ont. the past century. The population of the Again; I believe the grains do not con- clay but write poetry about feathered Warm �voatltor stet, world is estimated at 1;500,000,000; the twin sufficient protein for the largest songsters, an' blushing posies, an, ' 'j�^r Chi r i Some time ago my blood got put of number of eggs „ �� ttgr± order and nine large boils appeared oa From Good Housekeeping. money spout on war between 1801 and gg the hen can lay, and the celestial-- ��' '.`y t, ii � g P? "It is astounding," said a physician to 1900 would give to each man, woman Protein in the grain is not as efficient for "yes; but is the climate aclapted to my aleck, besides numerous small ones on „ and and child alive to-da more than $13 egg-production as that in animal food. faimiu ?" TROOP (t{j _ my shoulders acid arms, Four running the writer, how little thought the y ' g' L I sores appeared on my foot and log and I people giye to their food in relation to as pocket money. I know that the hen will consume more "Well, I'll tell you. We raised 600 ; was in a terrible state. A. friend advised various seasons of the year. To this If a man counted 200 a minute for ten protein when it is furnished in the form chickens this year, and when we came }L+.I'1N IMENT Burdock Blood Bitters, so I procured three ver barelessness I la much summer hours a day, six days a week he would of weat and bones. Some experiments to take 'em to market we were is a fix. y y FOR bottles. After finishing the first bottle the sickness, often an illness that ends fatal. have counted one million in eight days, that wer6 made at the New York Ex. The dealers wouldn't take them unless boils started to disappear and the sores to ly, Talre •the matter of left-over. •A, three hours and twenty minutes. At the periment Station proved that the most they w.ero plucked. Now, you see what n the third bottle -warming hash, ragout or meat pie is all same rate he would need 8,333 days, 3 economical ration for growing chicks a job that would be-600 chickeus and Sprains,o u��r Cuts, Wounds, titers, heal u p• After taking Open Sores, Bruises, Stiff profs, Bites and there was net a boil or sore to be seen. hours and 20 minutes to count olie billion, was the one where.auimal meal was fed only me and my wife to do it Stings of Insects, CCurhs, Colds, Contracted right for the depth of winter, but not Besides this, the headaches from which I for weather, when blood needs cooling.or 26 years, 195 days, 3 hours and 20 min. with the grain. Two lots of chicks, "Yes; but the climate--" Cords Rheumatism Neural to Bronchi p suffered left me and I improved so much T would entreat ever housekeeper not Utes, not counting Sunda s. To count each the sante number and he same ago, "That'sit. Our beautiful fwricultur. soup, Sore Throat, Quinsay, Whoop' g n g y p y � a, that I am now strop and robust again. to buy a morsel of pork, ham or sausage twenty billions would take 532 years, 150 were fed for the same time. One lot al climate was what saved us. That ' Cough and all Painful Swellings. i'ours truly, from June until October. Reserve even days, 6 hours and 40 minutes, was fed a ration in which two-fifths very day along Came a cyclone, picked g bliss MAGrin 1VOCT1IINGTOIV, beef, lamb and veal for the cooler days of the protein was obtained from animal up them chickens, gave their- necks a A LARGE Iia.^;s'LE, 250. y Feb. ,rd, 19ar. "Golspie, Ont. y of summer, and in long hot spells let There is more Catarrh in this section food; the other lot was fed it ration con. twist, stripped every feather off, meat alone entirely. Nature provides of the country than all other diseases tanning about the same amount of pro. au landed the lot in the next town right for these bilrning days withvegetables put together, and until the last few tein, but it was in the form of vegetable in front of the market house." and fruit tender chicken and fine firm years was supposed to be incurable. For foods. The result of two experiments of ' ' a great many years doctors pronounced this kind were that it cost from one to white-fleshed fish. If you have left- it a local disease, and prescribed local Duration of Life. over food to be utilized, convert them remedies, and by constantly failing to two cents less per pound to grow the The ratio of length of adolescence to i3 Into chilled, appetizing salads instead of cure with local treatment, pronounced chicks fed the animal food. length of life in the shortest lived mam- ° it incurable. Science has proven catarrh When feeding laying hens ver similar ragouts. If soups area necessity, tet to be a constitutional disease and there- y mango r proportionately less than it fp e, them be thin consomme or chicken sou ' results have been obtained, all of which longer lived mammals. For example, P, fore requires constitutional treatment.. not purees or bisques. I would prohibit Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by go to prove that when the hens are kept the period of growth and development" pie and rich cake, and let fruit, ices, F. J. Cheney tl', Co., Toledo, Ohio, is •the in the confinement of houses and small of the domestic mouse is, according to �{.•'p' • r ' �+ o only constitutional cure on she market. yards' the economical ration is that m delicate jellies or milk puddings take It is taken internally in doses from 10 y informant, a breeder of these small �, f� their place. I'd also put a veto on hot drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly which contains animal food to take the rodents, about three mouths.' Ill other l breads. If people could turn an K ray on the blood and mucous surfaces of the Place of the worms and insects that the words, 'the mouse may be expected to The �y:l a c 1 +�; p t1 o 1 on the poor, overworked stomachs I'm system. They offer one hundred dollars hens get when they are given the range live 15 times its adolescent period as a The Typewriter 1lll; 6 to!'l d tins , a . called t0 caro for all summer long and or any case it fails to cure. Ser-d for of a large field. The cheapest form in mature animal. The Arab horse, ac- e .,....��W--•z._a _,_.._......_.._. ------.,�,--.•_.-._-----.ate circulars and testimonials. see the mischief done by overeating and which animal food can Usually be sup- cording to well-known authority, arrives Address, F. J. CHLNEY fit Co., eating things that have no business to be Toledo, Ohio. Plied is green meat and bone. Where at maturity in about eight years. Its This is PROVED by the fact that the BUSINESS in- cooked in hot weather, they would Sold by Druggists, 75o. this can be obtained for one cent per lifetime is about forty years—that is to m' Hall's Family Pills are the best. pound a bone-cutter is a good habitants of the world USE it. realize I am speaking earnest truth." , g d invest- say, the animal lives four times the Now manufactured in three of the great counties, viz. ment. This fusnislies the lime and pro- ]length of its adolescence as an adult. giJL1tOSS. tein needed to balance the grains. It, Man, on the other hand, who only Canada., United States .and Germanv. Two canines, the owners of which, so has been my practice to feed more meat completes his growth ky the union of The Canadian Pacific Railway helve over 200 yid use ! � far as we could learn, are not known, and bone during the laying season, but the eternal epiphysis of the clavicle to They know a GOOD thing. SOLUTE committed sad havoc among the flocks less during the hot weather--Coutribu- its shaft at the age of 25, has, after pass. URofseveral farmers on the 1st concession, for Country Gentleman. ipg his fiftieth year, or •'the middle arch T SEA?t of Culross one night recently. As are- _ of life," to use Dr. Fdrr's phrase, only "ME OF ITS �!-9DVA�,'�`QiGr11+:S sult of their raid Andrew McKague lost - another 25 years' expectation of life. TJoible .stung start to finish. rortabllity, weighs only 15 pounds. ITY, 9 sheep, Wm. Case, 7 sheep, Robert Mc- When children are pale, peevish and His potential longevity accordingly fore- Manifolding, beats them, all. Alignment, positive and permanent. Kague, Henry McAllister and Robert restless at night, tbeq require a dose or shadows a period of maturity not great- Durability, hardened steel parts. Kimplmofty, (.Wpart•. as against 1-100!Q� two of Millers Worm Powders. Sold wARhAN THD by a well-known Canadian Company here to buck it Up.. Watson 2 each and the Loutitt Bros. 1. by Colin A..;Campbell. or than twice the lengtn of his youth.— �C63 Btl6I9 The total number killed is 23 which at q^" W. Ainslie Hollis in Nature. an average price of $6 each represents a " value of $188. Unless the owners of the Aphorisms. I , ONLY )6 u . dogs can be found there is no redress as From Carlyle's Sartor Resartus: 3Medlclne A. W. �ll�Es Culross township does not pay for sheep I Do the duty which lies nearest thee. RRH COR.26c. YOU `V r1STa++; that much if oil Bbl' an • UTFi1;Ii and you DQ Is sent direct to the�'dlseased y + L' -o.jj'' o . killed by dogs. All th© does in the. Obedience is our universal duty andparts by the Improved Blower. NOT GOT SO GOOD a machine! AIl�j o% L" �4 or 'ills, p, Y P- $ y Heals the ulcers, oleins in air the - township, if we make a ver few exce de tin . passages, stops dropping in the ! tions, would not be worth more than throat and permanantlj cures T�jWILLIAMS' F� Man is emphatically a proselytisingCatarrh and Hay Fever. Blower MFG. f'' o'' 'il'9im— Ated Must Bear Ci„nature of half the value of the sheep slafightered ereatUhe. . All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase Write to-day. MONTREAL, P. Q. y g �,nd Buffalo. ' b these two canines during one night. With stupidity and sound digestion If there were a dog tax fewer useless , ,�,�, �,.�•` man may front much. Co..o.. Toronto ' 1. ", . , ,1 .•., . .. . 11'.' ... , . ., ...... 1 .a '... , . ...I .. , curs would be found and the money re- l ceived from the tax could be used to pay Sarcasm I now see to be in general the Seo Fac-sim,213 Plrarper Mow.language of the devil. f• for any damage that might be done. Olir7 oznnll and as ams-7 One by one the older residents of Cul- What you can see, yet cannot see over, - ��- ' • to tak3 ass auks. ross are being taken away from 'this vale is as good as infinite. f, v of tears. On Thursday last, May 80th, Great men are too often unknown, or 19 (Aa FOR IIIADAEg�..�� v Wm. Ronie, who for forty years•has .what is worse, misknown.;<.Don't o� 19 y FOR iiaBILIIt1ESs. lived in Culross join the ka ��J9� FOR 818 9®6lStYI:S,a ,Passed on to No man who has once heartily and 1TT1,Em great majority, at the ago of 72 years. whole lau hed can be . alto ether re- tsli• 1 FOR TORPID LIVER.He left behind him his companion in y g g � Q VER FOR O®€I3TIPATIOlV P claimably bad. PILLS. life and six children to mourn his loss, F®I3 SALLOW SKIN. Language is called the garment of `•'' `.?_ , = FOR SALL O LI The sons are Andrea-, of Amherstburg t' 0 Ile ffAP XION thought; however, it should be.lan-�' ®6 �:�> and John,and and Win., of Culross; the „ r =%'r '� ' `=�;�•,... -t+fricti �cnewArq= muaT)tA wwTuna guage is the flesh garment, the body of i t• ;'r;� .. ':'; ; ' _ts co�tslrnrelp'vcgelable.c+ss ��s„cG daughters, Mrs. Holdaway, of Owen •�;� r`�-'��' Sound, Mrs. Wightman,of Belgrave,and thought. CURE SICK HEAD,A01.1E. Miss Ma io who lives at home, The Wouldst thou be a peasant's son that gg subject of this sketch was born in Dum- knew, however readily, there was a God ts' frieshire in 1828. He began the battle in heaven and in than; or a dupe's soni of life early as at night years of age wo that knew there was two-and-thirty � uch start . , find him engaged in herding. At fifteen quarters on the,family poach. Its pretty tough to have Soule one you like very m g he learned the trade of I, baker at Eccle- Love is not altogether delirium, yet out for the South to get relief from consumption. They so seldom fechau. After working in Carlyle it has many points in common therewith. l for ,t"• + ' y I call it a discerning come back alive. Its the Ozone in the air they're after, and its the four years he emigrated to Canada aucl g of the infinite �alQ e 5+,vorkedathistradeinHamiltonuntilIle in the finite, of the ideal mode real, " only thing that will cure them, :+ lost his health. For some time he work- Shakespeare says; we are creatures +i ' +Floridaed in a saty mill at Ayr and then ran a that look before and after: the more I t isn't necessary to go to Ia lorifor Ozone when you can get o h mill at Egmondville ;for a number of surprising that we do notioolc around a it in Fowley's Liquified Ozone. years before coming to Culross, • His little, and see what is passing under our first home in the township was on lot 10, very eyes. One half teaspoonful Ozone every, half hour causes the con- con, 1. Here he remained for eighteen But the hardest problem wore even , &used oxygen to permeate the body. Write for our booklet on con- years when he traded farms with Alex. this first: to find by study of yourself ,a ; t The Great White Plague "—you will stay home take e Forsyth and moved to lot 18 on the 14th and of the ground you stand on, what M. 5t1n1 tion, a y y s concession where he spent another 18 yopr Combined intivard and outward :, Powley s Liquified Ozone, and get well. Years. A year and a half ago he moved capability spocially is. �• 50c. and $.t a bottle, at all druggists, Write .he Ozone Co., I nto .Ceeswater where he lived until the Truly, a thinking roar is the worst ; .d ' . ',Chess pills • are a specific for all l time of his death. four years ago lie disrases arising from disordered enolny the Prineo of fSaxlcnesscan have; of Toronto, Li1n►ted� ¢8 Colborne; Streets Toronto, i was stricken With paralysis yet his health . every time such an one anuouncos him. ,fiB r nerves, Wean heart or watery blood, vas fairly good until about three weeks ; They cure palpitation, dizziness, self, I doubt not, there ran$ a shudder before loo diol. 'l`lw family have the e"` smothering, faint and weak spells, sympathy of the Community in their through the nether empire. fN 9 ® � ' shortness of breath, swellings of feet loss. Man lives in time, lifts his whole `t: " .� ; "and ankles nervousness slee less-p eart111y being, endeavor and destiny 1 1cluin.,d, 0 e. fless, a.na, a, hysteria, $t.v Vitus -shaped for him by time. Only in the dance, partial paralysis, brain fag,, if sett are scrofulous, dyspeptic, rhea• .transitory Or ,female coinplaints, getieral debility, . Ilsenotal. troubled With aid stroingthf take mottux loss et rnity We stand the ulado �°�6�i1� i i ° :`� � t+ ►, d, , 4 i, msndlack ofvitality. ltrico_Wc. abox. tv ^Afa g g t .,tiartit'aaf_ tOA'hv A_ "r,_ I1•nrallmn. 1)vnrrrri!tt, "V1lih&hAni Otit.