HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-06-14, Page 110 r VOL, - VOL, XX11. 1521. -NWINGHAX,. ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JUNri 14,.19.01. $ A YEAR IN ADVANCE AAO�AAAAAAO%AAAAAAAAOOAAA^OON^I#, An erson re uIrlu about 200 feet of Just received from New' Yo 8 lines "min Fop, EVFRY- go good as new. of American Straw Wats - ell! I should We are Headquarters for 'A�ply at Tnins office. say so) entirely ent from the good 7 pace peketq �ei 9AW, , ji I sl� < Hot FOR TrM, Ma!�jFL Zvmr.—Thurs- ordinary Iffics. HANNA & Co. Tia, WFAT1,11IR ��O had very cold The above is the enence of a tole INSECT Dinner (lay, 20th is the dot of the East Huron 3atur;f gram u F ariTiors' Excursioi- to the Model Farm weather on f Sunday lost sent by Managing I>reotor Bullock yes - Guelph. Return ickets, good for two and garden stuff owing on low land torday to the sevol 1 firms in Canada •day$, will cost .8 follows:—White- suffered consider ly from frost, while and the United St es who are supply. POWDER S t s church, $1 05- W gham, $1.25; Blue- oat high land th frost done little or Ing National Iron Forks with plant and "q vale, $1.'20 �pe train back, leaving no damage. TI s week we have had machinery, Our feaders can take from Guelph at p.m See bills and arrange stplonditl warm g -Ing weather. this that the maefuery will be in Wing- HELLEBORE to go. ITT; S.�w Suipmr s.—All lifts been ham illafew daP and also that the 13'r A gas collection to select activity at 11 block for the past works will be I o oration in a few from and the values are Dr. Towler has returned to town the I op oration weeks in th 04ppiiig line, Last week PARIS GREEN f r, th T, r 11 11 t M y right' Come and see for and may be found at his office dur 61 1 yourself, Ing office hours . 12 a. m. and 2 week a number f -cars were shipped, Boy WA ii.��toe P. M. 0 11 . NTED.-4 g(.od smart boy, and this week. I Was expected that. at with fair education, wanted to learn the FLY PADS 'Li), wi 97 piece set ................. $ 0.50 > A RUNAWAY. team of horses made least text carloa of salt would leave the printing business. Apply at Tnms team Good goods, 6 colors. things lively at tl Queen's corner on block. The' It is being shipped to .0 Saturday last. T" -e horses were fright- various points. office. STICKY PAPER 97 piece sets ............... 7,5 FOR SALE.—I offer for sale my house 1$8,50, $10.00, $12.00. cued at the C. J , R. station and ran: Mis C s Macpherson will sell the balance and five acres of land, situate on < away. When the irossing at the Queen's of her millinery stock at cost to clear. Josephine street. and all insecticides, < 100 piece sets ............... 12.50> .'> Was reached boD horses slipped and fell, Call early and secu!o bargains. Criss. GiLLFarim. < lias arrived, and we greet it < 120 piece sets ....... ...... $16.5() > It was a Wonder hat one of the horses SLIGHT EanoR.—;f, e Were slightly in Bummxcis,&ND JnPROVFMZNTS.—This I and $18.50 > was not killed. About 25o would rA%ir error a few weeks a ro when we said the Week Win. C. Bull )okp mans in direct R. A. NUMBS -with welcome -0 Winter cloth- the damage to li� rness avrig. VA#' , horse that had lost is tongue, belonging or of the National _-ron. Works purchas- ing may now be laid aside, If Don't let them pvU tliff wonl over your to Mr. Adair had t( be shot. The horse ed the old foundr , buildings and ma- Chemist and Druggist. eyes bring it to Algdua & Co. Good, 'lost only a portion -if its tongue. The chinery from Rea, all & Co. Mr. Bul- prices, 711ilig dealb &I Ahent G. N. W. Office. NI A. farquharson wound was dresse(- by Mr. McFadzen, look has since set the old foundry build-* 1UPLI" NT D ;�L S't who - p otising with J. J. Ing and property o J. J. Elliott, V. S. ell Lt, 0 'sl net, localagc �,Cst% Wood— VElliott, V. S. ane state that dille We understand at Mr. Elliott intends Co,, held his annus delivery e ANNOUNCEMENT. you Need'a CHINA. HOUSE 5�� of farming wound has heated p. moving the buil, ug to the rear of the I I lt(,� Opp. Bank of Hamilton. > machinery on Wed1fesday of this week. * Real estate left in th ands of A. lot and will cony rt it into a. large horse We take pleasure in announcing that our e 1" i adv' wallery is now furnished with u single slant, rs, From early mora' till well oil III the Dalmago for e, in advertised in stable and will el 30t a brick dweIll`1Ig On 6 wi e adve g w This style of light is the inost up-to-date, and. 6prin,6 6uit afternoon. farmer with their wagons three or more news ers, and by cir the corner. Thhqgs are booming over at I cular letters. is adopted by the leading photographers in the could be seen wer1ing theirwaytothe the National Irc.A Works. The build. Unit States and Canada and by, the Illinois College of Photography. C. P. R. freight -beds at which place QUICK WOR r. John Taylor, jugs are well =igh completion. The You cannot afford to pass our j]lj "I Before adopting this light we consulted the: GEORGE McKRN,;IE, Wingliam, their rigs were ouded with binders, blacksmith at the illies and Martin from To onto arrived in town leading authorities in the photographic art;. Tailoring Establishment -without A large foundry, still retal s all his yo and took painm to ensure its construetion. on. seeing what we can offer you. Our Has for sale, cheap, 7 lots on nort-liside oi mowers, hay r4ces, etc. youthful this week and ar. now busy putting the exact scfeuti& principles, We now claim that Bristle Terrace; also 1 lot on east side Edward number of farme:m-, were supplied With. ability although he 68 years of age. our facilities for portrait taking are second to; stock jr. unsurpassed in town, and as St. and other properties. roofs,on the diLsieut buildings. The none outside the airs- iniplem4fits and' all. were treated to & On Monday of this eek he performed office has receive I the first coat of plast- We have also, added n view camera to our ent the unusual feat of from a steel M orders and will in future be prepared to to the making, we guarantee neatly free dinner. er and the Other luildings have been fit- T.rd any outside work. -fitting and fine-looking tll Duplicates at rouced rates. Enlargolnoutso made, well To RrNT.—Four good rooms in bar, a horse shoe 4th- too and heel ted for the rete of the glass and niade in Crayons, &c., at prices as low as is results. Then in s, creased and p nolled, compl 11 concrete floors ant laid in the buildings. Kent block to rent. Apply to J. B. cork consistent with the best art. I il;,Ael T. MILTON G GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. swAuTs- one heating.—Listm.,;6I Baun W A. Young & Son:=. workmen are busy this R Star Photo Studio, Beaver Bl.eWAXGgha.-. ,Gentsl Furnishings. See Halsev Park's advertisement. ExouRSION TO S NIA.—All arrange- Five excellent building lots for sale, week putting on he galvanized Iron. sid- mnts are. about ompleted for the ou. corner of Patrick and Fraucisstroets. ings. The G. r .. R. siding has been O We lead the trade. Come to us for TWELFTH OF Jurin—The 12th of July.,I. O. O. F. excursi to Sarnia on Satur_ Apply to R. Vaustone, Wingham. about completed The engine and boil - latest styles in Hats, Ties, Collars, celebration in Jucknow this year day, June 22nd. ' ssengers will go by PRICE OF BINDER -INE.—The Hon, er arrived on nesday and they will Shirts, and every article in this line. promises to be one :.)f the largest gather- the regular earl, train which leaves Mr. Stratton,* Provin . X Secretary, aucl be placed in pas' ion at once. Two ear - 'It is also of interest to Ings of Orangem. -n ever held in the Win ham at 7 o'c=ock a. In. and the fare the Inspector Of Tr' ns have decided loads of machin are expected any day. Ru,',s t a u r a n t, County of Bruce. The celebration at is $1.55. The trip` rom Sarnia to Detroit upon the price (Be per o.und), by which , t Air. Bullock iuf nis us that his worst Next door to Advance 0111ce. Your Pocket Brussels has been lost -pone until next willbe made oil the boa:t, urrivingat farmers can be supp d with binder drawback n his inability to et Confectionery of all kinds. u I C year. Detroit at 8.15 p. n. The committee is twine from the. Ontari 'Central Prison, boarding house for laborers. All the Biscuits. Fruit in season. That you examine our natty stock. all . A good servant gi ted at once. also making ar an omenta for excur- for the season of 1901. Illy one quality I workmen in Wi ham are engaged and ,of Fine Shoes for Ladies, Gents, Apply at the TyAm. s ce. sionists to seemo their dinners at the will be supplied, and t•here will be an i if he were to b ng men from outside LUNCHES AT ALL HOURS. Arlington hotel, n Sarnia upon arrival points he coal not secure boarding T -Misses mud Children. We have a improvement in them le of parcelling. fit suit. -'D C Ice to FINED $1 AN Osfs.7wifenv�days ago Cream in season. ,,large stock of the best makes. with of the train. Tl 3 special train on the' The twine will hencefo -th be shipped in houses for the Everything is looking Broad Por sale. a farmer left a broken return trip leavas Sarnia oil the 24th two -bushel 16 -ounce &ttou grain bags, well over at theNational Iron Works A call solicited. shoulder in afield the Bluevale, road W 'y L ,its 'y won and the horse won have starved had it just., at .10-80 D. ra. I which will be of perr anent use to the and it will not e many weeks before J. W. SNE L• farmer, as Wel lashings which operatious will a commenced. The not been noticed I time. The offelider Farmers who are) abou etiring, and I in w. 'Homuth & Son' 9 0. consist of two, an'trnet cot ropeers contractors are stling the work on the MINOR LOCALS, appeared before t Mayor on Tuesday want a comfortable ho in town, can of very 4..i., ing, r be shown a numb f very desirable I with snap and I' dy f/owe. newMethodisteurch. Tho 0 A Dulm., , evening and was ned $1 and costs. The WIl - ti WINGHAM. e, one by calling Dulmage, Real Don't forget ler to y without a is commencing b show up well and the Campbell's Hteadache Wafers gwowi- b teed to cure headache. horse should hav been shot when it was Estate Agent. doubt, anything 0 want oil our carpenters have i number of the heavy 31%rrlage Licenses found it could nc-. get better anc •- of be Clothes line, Firs I, all bran' new, 6 �P UqTHODIST CONP LNCn.—,Tho annual �4 �111'1121 i timbers placed it position. Besides the —The platformt the G.T.R. station ft to starve. Shirrs and Collars. & Co. tissued by )FRANK pA,.onusox, No. 23 Victoria I il No witnesses required. meeting of the L don Conference of Iron Works and ew church, worl- has is being repaj treet, Winglia-, Ont. i WELL-KNOw"; V -AN DnAbVOFne of the I LARGa 111wiNIE �• IP.,mNT.—TllIs week . the Methodist Chu h was held at St., b a commencec . oil at Last 25 new —Remember t, Wiugham races ICIL 4, best-known, and highly' respected resi- Thdmas this year, closed its busi- A. Young & Sons, hardware, stove and th ............... 4 i wellings in diffe-ent parts of the town, June 26th aild 21, + dents of the towj=31rip of Hawick died on I tinware morchall, ,received two ca + Tuesday of this 4eek, in the persoli,,'of ness oil Tuesday e Ing of this week. loads of Plymo binder twice W h and the end is no yet as we have heard —Geo. Taylor of Lower Win.,hara a; Rr d Chu ell v I tiginessKnowle.dge"an('L"Everlast- + Rev. James Livin tone,' of Windsor olanumber of d,nllings to be built this (erecting a new b tin. ing Push" win + James Ritchie, ii his 61st year. Mr. L , i contained 906 b ud.les of VTO a 00 summer on k was elected Presid nt: The statistical whit -work + Ritchie had beet in poor health for t pounds each. T s firm has ,no, or ca, ork has not yet been —A nice as rtinen' of wedding + id b -h Rev. J. H. aln ishaving a good stationer at the I S 'office. + committee reported tbrou rive .. t commence( . Lgh some months and recently returned Long, showing a ins bersmp of 28,854, load of twine to a few boom in the buil *ng line this season -urium in the Uniret! C I - days. This is s 'd to be As largest and the built —Goderich wi hold a street fair and - home from a san4r, an increase of 412. embership of Sun d vollings that are being -iad been in the hope of trades carnival o July 1st, 2nd andSord. States, where he day school, 42,406 Epworth League shipment of tw* eve 3;6ceived in a will not supply t demand. Most of ads have benefiting his lie Jth. vMr. Ritchie 7as town of this siz TwO/barlo a their luck at 610ek membership, 10,26 The Sunday the &4ellings are in- built by people —Anglers eft It has paid others to attend the one of the piovecTs of Howick a had already been so to Warmers in this I bass, fishing on aL I after Alo nday next. + I school and also th) Epworth League for their own use a not for rental. 31- + many friends in this d i showed a slight iucr( ase in memberships. vicinity. The fir also had the contract —The Sons of 8 *tland and Caledonian his is rl College ++ regret to learn cf this death. of supplying the lass for the National Central Business The following arno xuts were reported GENNE.11A S1101MENG. ISociety, of LAC ow, Intend holding + + Iron Works, and t is week delivered the .+ - . Missionary, all, 0 m the near future. Stratford, Ont. + WANTED -500 Tub of utter, cash or for the connexional and: Mission lass, and have le the contract of the Varsity baseb I club defeatec! Harris- games time + trade. Get into t 19o -20c Butter $30,613; increase, 2,892; superannua- 9 Friday st. Score 6 to 8. —The Spring Assizes were held in, and it will pay you. Our students are ++ Race. Eggs 120. G. E. KING. to 11- ssrs. Jas. Collins and ton on Th U t b Sons, h S u .'ro ; eek b and d W, C alic ,h 601 of, s id �v ,e " . I so listric a. , C e 10 eath. I t 1, O� f "ter, 190!20; G. F ;+ tion, $8,841; inerea $70; educational, 918"U9 work remarkably successful in securing and + �ons' place Soafo th M, from Brussels in foot- Goderich this ek. Barristers Vaft- holding excellent situations. Becareful + WIN611AU R —The Wingliam $2,942; decrease, $5 contingent, 1%;,770; U. Shirk. Messrs Young & E r, 11 1 �ion of a school. Ex -stud- + Ile- dquarters for binder ball oil id last. Score 7 to 3. stone and Dicke on were in attendance. Fe * Our soleo E h are sure to decrease,$8; Gen onference, $1,020; in-. of business is a of other business collages are now v races on June 26th 27tl �,,l 1. this at our schoal twine, cement, a. .ifs and till kinds of Wing ni nd Brussels baseball clubs —The gypsies mve been. in town dur- Come to + be a success. � 4rhge number of horse- crease, $45;union]hurch relief, $046;de- t *a college 11 we rantee to + tt d y I .. the hardware line. will play a match at Brussels on the Ing this week. f"Chey have had their Er b 9 1 e + men have written e. builders' supplie$ L 0 pitched or theroughIg repave OU . 11 111. Se t to the crease, $00; Sund y school fund, $31; Itists of morning of he 21st. tents pit the Lower Wingham W , on i e business e e ore ary 181 life. e ca i . do with h + ti I on Messrs decrease, $12; stentation, $32, do- We. the undersigned del Winglia baseball club went to flats. cation; a i n; we have n t + effect that they I be hand. shshshshsham sh sh , article. 4p or Wiligham, agree to close our offices :•i• write or catalo 0. J. E. $warts andIG. B. Roe attended the crease, $26; ..70 orth League, $273; every Wednesday afternoon during the Palmerston yestorday at which place —The 48th Iii slanders build will be, students admitted a tiny time. + races at Guelph eelc and succeeded temperance, $42; Woman's Missionary months of June, July and August. + . is , , of The Society, $0,024. A total for connexion- W. T. HoLLow.ty, they playe their first league match of one of the attradious at the celebration 3 W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. + in securing a. n entries. A. X. IRWIN. the season. in Xineaxdine on Thursday of next + + open trot or pec Nvierlie the race of this al purposes of 1,152 093, an: increase of The first outs game in the baseball + d it week. ................ ear's meetin is expected that $1,207; for circa b purposes, $232,672, an Stops the Cough league will played here on Thursday, "v' e track rec will be lowered. June 2, t , b ween the local club and th d. All increase of $24,7 t2; for ministerial sup 01f7 and works off t1te 'lovers of a goo �406,073; Cold. rulle.2-itli, —Our readers iould remember the To Tin DrAF. —A rich lady, cured Of � boresincenot port, $128,725; f ir alIpurposes'! - -Quir n Hanistou. garden party to be held on the lawn of Laxative Bromo nine Tablets cure a cold i I( fail to attend c races on auincrease of$ -4,073. The following is oneday. NoCure,noPAY. Price 25wnbs- The first lea ue game of baseball was Mr. MoLonaghan, ioar Whiteohl4rch on .her Deafness and Noises ilf the Read by .'Dr. Nicholson's Artificial Bar Drums, June 26th and 7th. the report of. th! Stationing Committee played at Drayoil on Thursday of last Wednesday even-ig of next weelk. The to r to buy, a farm entertahnuent pro aises to be 9 good one If -you want osell for the, Wilighain District:—Win t r tiro Draylo defeated Harriston to 110 � gave 25000 dollars to his Institute, so that r 7, e ul a o, Real Richard Hobbs Nathaniel S. BurwasTI. tune of 8 t and is under tile a t4pices of the White - Dr town proper y, a Ve D Whits - deaf people unable to procure the Bar C, ro"�cya e will; superannuated Theo�llijtiS Hall, P, U �T T"I! make V, I The Blyth a d WinglInm football Estate Agent onvoyancer super- 1 church Epworth 113agao. Drums may have them free. Address, insure your life r make your will. numeracy. licardino—Walter Rigs-' clubs played iendly game n the 'The Nicholson Institute, 780 Eighth OUR STREETS. -1110 Seaforth papers I Smith, superannuated. Next door to J?Ost Gffice. bLy., Fin dy park here on P r, ay evening last. Score Avenue, . New York. of last Week hail a mething tosay con• 'eknow—Al x. G. Harris. Brussels— 4 to I in favor 0 ingliam. Wingharn s Leading Shoe Store,. Any orders for sales left at the Tr= r, Corning the Wiugl'lnl streets. Parties John Holmes. Richard Paul, superan- The baseball poll opened in Wing - office will receive prompt attention. J. from Seaforthwhei -in WinghanionSaft- mated. E el—Henry E. Curry. harm on Tharsd of last week with a X, Currie, auctioneer. E between otN day,2ndjust,notic, dasign, "Good Benjamin She etc (Toronto), superaii- 911 veen I gham and the Varsity 1. 11 es to lot. —George J. Kerr. WomrNIS INSTIT n.—A meeting was Ing and fishing Apply nuaterl. Tce ater club of'Torou . There was a very hold at the hOm0 0 Mrs, Orvis, Zetland, to the WillOIRM own Council-" Some 'V, orawleh—D Id Rogers. Gorric— In good attendano tit the match and the SUCH A SHOE .June 7th, at 2.30 p. In. of the boys of tow I had placed this sign Roubonj, G., CHILDHOOD on Friday, June J. G utt L.L.B.LLBWroxeter-- game Was one the best wo have ever A,9 NVL SELL b 0 W e C I ul Meeting opened ith PtAyoV by the near apool of we .or t1labwas stallding, (Charles V. Lake), seen played I the Wingliam Park. -Va. 1 7 1 . in tinutes opposite the Na, has blighted p.rosident, M "I W Li klater. IVA anal hotel. All our BluoVato1­cI�,--,0,1,,, is Swann. Webster Varsityleado with two runs in their Ift Of last meeting re and adopted. Mrs. readers are we had consider- W. Leech (T onto), siuperaiinnate4,­ P40CLAMT1 many lives first innings and things looked 'blue for I just. y arida Aqbfield—l"rerl lick J. Oaten, Ph. B. EYES ourboysuntil the seventh -vvhen three Currie ro, a very interesting able rain Prior 0 the 2nd Wm. J. Cjul;ri�le 11:11,1 out, lienee Sa because FOR $31uu Mrs. J paper and M J Linklator also read gutter had, not bi-on cleaned rs., (Lucknow) - So in—Thomas B. Sawyer E IKE 8 d. Varsity then Went which the pool of wator. We may mention (Teeswater) - . otliol—Christopher C. out scored. -for r more runs making the Im tile equal of the 6150 or $1 0,T one on making home happy, the pain CaUsed run Were some ;jIne's*w)"I Not! tuothorstores. that the boatin and fishing privileges Kaino, (Pillo Riv r). Ripley—Robort 1. -favor of the visitors. The The Alfferenen in the priev is, ,Ugtl caused a lie h discussion and many ,caro 0 to 3 ir Valuable points n happy homes were. Would not sell nd the public Works Hos thereby I elear Havilif to you. The qml- lad all the holes in the . king. 13ovv .—D. Wrom Tiver- local boys pxc- up it good game of ball. floor the t, los N beyonil(ljit-s;- brought out, e membership roll Was Committee have ton -11. 1). TylA. Whitechurch --Asa produces The visiting cluly. Was composed of a tion. Set- thvin? 'eob y filled and all UP1111.4'T.1118110(I.S. H(lPtI10111, then opened a d some now members at, grope I. Brown, Ph. B.- r3elgrave—Allan H. I an aversion to gentlemanly 3t 0 young inen And the Great valtu ave b -on cleaned Out. If VOBrown, A,, . game ianywrangling. A" The newe's't footwearintowfxv Were added t , tile list. The meeting gutters h, N B. B.* . Recommended to I was then bro lit to A 01080 by singing are correctly it covinta, Wilightim does colle e.—CII, !a Wilson, James L. study. build concert was held in the park in the REM8MBM1—NVcww free, all ripe in f4hoen not have to take a back seat with Sea- R arIC bought of us. the 1gagolla :Anthem. This Was one forth in the wii r of bad streets. The Stewart. D. ogees, of r ordwich, `fhb b9okw0d child too aftaq evening. of the beat a d most promising meetings was nnuix of the District Trunks -,illd Valiqes ulwap. that has b held And shows the streets of wilu ham are now In very and R0. A. XTarris was elected b6661"61k thO wnsuooassful nisint Afo-my To Lwx.—Monoy to loan on c in, a prosperous condition. good couffitin, ai d when the proper time Secret I . notes, and notes alseountecl at reltson. REER InatitUtO to Mrs. Orvid, very kindly, of the Year COwes, other needed im- i OE, DAVIS9 able rates. Money advanced on wort- wo J. The hostel A colubilintioll tandem bicycle, in Rages, with privilege of paying at the Cream and Cake for the provaments will be Made. This week Quit of I'lly Yeftr. Notes tfild accounts provided I Aca and weeds have- been out good repair for sale cheap. Alcoa good DAUGOIST ANO OMOIAN, collected. Office—Deaver Block, Wing- C& SOLt LOCAL AGENTS POR party vhicl as mnc.li appreciated by all the bufdor pair of new Dunlop bloycle tires, tit A, all.on the difterent a 00ts in the town- H.Carr's Amu, and feed store. M?INGNAM, him. UOMT. MCUDOO. lskwie 41