HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-06-07, Page 5„•S�'k!!''TWRT THE WING TIAN MMES, JIJN 144 7, 1901, .......n... be isnown as Viotoiia halt. ... Report Qt Glenannau School for month Miss Pentland and tho Misses Newton, A GQOA wUix A cloa,d Pati1 of May., based on conduct, attendance dau daughters of Ceor' a H. Newton former• c p 4f and general proficieuoy:-- ly of the Ailsa Craig Banner, but now of FOR $5,00. THE NEW STORE Pants for $1- �p ••��••��77 �• Class I9, -••-Besse Aitken, Ida Elliott, thalWorth Bay Despatch, visited at the '.L1i.C�.CJN LACK Geo. Muir, Chester Dunkin, John Hut- mane this week and accompanied Rev. toll, Peter Muir, Sarn'1 Marshall. W. J. and Mrs. West to 'Whitby on Sr. III—Roy Rutherford, Bert Elliott, Thursday, A Qualntit of Quality Addie Dunkin, Charlie Aitken, Maggie Mrs, Robert Maxwell, of the Bluevale to Muir, Anuie McGue, Mabel Elliott, road, i.9 in pool' health. Her many ' what all drinkers of Machine -made Tea get, - No tea as pure, Jr. III—Mary Aitken, Etta Elliott, friends will be pleased to Bear of her wholesome or economical, Superlative in actual merit. To Malley McGue, Harrold Hutton, early recovery, suit all varieties of tastes, Class II --Walker Rutherford, Roy Mrs. R. N. Duff and Clayton Duff at- � • Elliott, Ella, Elliott, Agnes Wallace tended fila funeral of Mrs. Win. Ander- _r___ Andrew Wallace, son„ of East wawanosh, on Thursday of ig Specials ” SALADA" Ceylon Teas are sold in sealed lead Sr. Part II—James Aitken, Robbie last week. packets only. Black, Mixed, Un- Aitken, Wesley Marshall, Mrs. Wm. Jobb, of Turuberry, and colored Ce} lon Green, Free samples sent, Address SAL- ^ Jr. Part 11—Willie Marshall, Tillie Miss Maggio Heuifing, of Wingfiaur, --OR „ Baird, Leo Bok, Peter MaGue, Agnes visited Mrs, George McDonald, on Tues - ADA, Toronto, Rutherford, Ethel Casenrore, Helen day. �' 1 Rutherford. Mrs, Ferguson and daughter Viola, of F w i d ay and S at u •gid ay E. iJ . C LA R K E Sr. Part I—Thhomas Wallace, Mabel Atwood, visited Rev. D„ and. Mrs, i d.a 1 • Baker, . Rogers, at the parsonage last week, Jr. Part I—Bella Eadie, Robbie Muir, Wm. Jowitt, of Brussels, shipped a Jewellery TA' R Walter Hawk, Annie Hutton, car of hogs frog this station on ilIonday No. 1 G Lot, Nn. 6 Average attendance for the month 31. for the Palmerston Pork Packing Co. 's tweed suits, good cloth, _ B. PaJnxsox, Teacher. Rev. D. Rogers, is attending Confer- 25 menOne piec:� Tapestry Carpet,. new We have placed in stock a encs and on account of his absents the Italian lined, well sewn, made by I pattow, ciioico colors, regular price 1 BLUEVALL. expert tailors, they are good value j 500• Special Fridgy Alld Saturday* Watches Gold and Silver nice assortment of ready -to- service in the morning will be taken by at ;„;0,00, ;0.50, .$i.00, ,,i7.50. We Miss Mary Collie and Miss Hood at- Mr. Robert Shaw and in the everting by bought thein at a bargain There's " at... ......400 wear Clothing and while we Mr. Galloway, of Uxbridge. a snap in them for you, Special on ' /� A. ,/� clothing, tended tha�S&bbatll SCI3001 CenVentlOu at �•�,!,! A. .,, ,.. do not pretend to sell at less Brussels last week; the former represent- Mr, Galloway will preach in the Pres- Pridny and Saturday....... , .. X5,00 Hi ll t►1as S = than cost and live 'on the loss, ed the Presbyterian and the latter the byterian church next Sabbath morning. Lot �t o. `� p Methodist Sabbath school, you will find full value for your < Mr. Galloway commenced studying for Lot-',°,�o. 2 1v airs Leer Curtains, taped. William H. Fraser, of the first line o, P p d Rings =money every time. the ministry was stricken with spinal i edges, 3?4 yards long, a-. inches wide, g Morris, was married on Tuesday of last disease and -was unable to finish his IS pairs men's tweed pants, strong, ; choice new patteons, fine lace reg - Give us a callBrooches,. See what week to Margaret Louise Addison, of course. `i'hecollections inboth churches well made, always sold for 51.25. ular value $x',.00. "special Friday Belt Buckles we have in Men's in youths' WRvh D. B. and Mrs. McCrae of Cran- will be given to him. There will be no Special Friday and Saturday .. ;.1.00 and Saturday ............. . ...M1,50 _ , g 1 and 1n Children s, all new and ' service in the evening. I brook, spent Friday last at the manse, up-to-date goods.. A Proper Treatment for vatsrrlt, Lot No. 3 � , 1 g visiting Rev. W. J. and Mrs. West. �.aQIG �.°+ o. fS' Sterling Silver Samuel Scott, of Auburn formed of reaches every affected part. Such a , We have also a line of Odd y remedy is Catarrhozone, which is inhal- 2 doz. men's top shirts, fast colors, Ono piece of fine figured Dress Bluevale, visited in the village last g collars attached good wearers reg Goods, 42 inches wido, fine iinisb, Novelties. - Garments Trouser Vests ed into all portions of the Choat fun s � � � r" � � ' �' ' week, and nassal passages, where, it kills the ular price We, special Friday and i regular valno 60c. Special klriday . Cut Glass. Bicycle Suits, Overalls, etc. The bicycle race which was postponed germs and cures the disease, Catarrh- Saturday... • ................:..39c � i5c y Y P P �. aucluatuxday.............. ,A`, LA list Saturday on account of the rain, Ozone is pleasant, safe, and absolute) _. Y sure to euro. It relieves thedistressed ..., ._______ C. will be run next Saturday evening and • y b feeling in the head, clears the throat V V V - two other evenings, which we suppose and nostrils in one breath. Positive Lot No. 4 I Lot No. 9 Eyes tested without charge. Repairing Next door to Griffin's Royal the weather will decide. • The first prize proof of cure is found in the words of 25 pairs Ladies' Shoes, Dongola neatly done. Don't be afraid to come in. is a air of. trousers • the second a hat Mr. Kirk, or: Kingston, Out., who says: Oxfords, now too, regular value 10 pieces Print, fast colors, wide, We are ahvays pleased to show goods. Grocery. P ' ' ° 11 suffered for fifteen vcars from Catarrh >-, good patterns regular rice 12 ; e. and the third a cheaper hat. No silver $1,25 Special Friday and Saturday ! patterns, P �Q The old stand in Mason Block. wingham, Mey 20, 1901. - of the none and throat, used hundreds of , , _ , , , , , , , , , , , , , , • , . , , ._9 )c• Special Friday and Saturday.... 140 cup and cheap jewellery nonsense ab6ut remedies, consulted specialists•, but was our town. The first thing we know not permanently benefitted. Having H a C r C C L C we'll be racing for a peck of potatoes or Personally witnesseit a cure of thirty ito Lot Y ©.00 Boots ani S�o�s a plate of porridge. we are a practical years stain outng, it and it for I bought an outfit dud used it for a month airs Lace Curtains 2" vv Jeweller and Optician. people. we, must be Scotch. It cured mo and I um. now no more liable 19 p tnpacl , 25pairs Fla.unelette Sheat_, g't:�,, — Half -soled as low asIfrom 25 to 46 cents a air Rev. W. J. '`Pest M. A. will take a to Oatarrh than if I never Traci it." This edges, 2A,,' yards long, a bargain tit � or white, good quality, rare value zit � at the oldest established shop in town. Perth er' few weeks holidays and accompanied is most convincing testimony from one 500. Special, Friday and Saturday ° 1.00. Special F_, iday and Saturday parties not 'caring for a walk can haVe'their of Kingston's best known and most high- at . ... . ............... . ........ . 390 at.............. ...............'i "uc ------ TEAMING boots carried home free of charge. Mrs. West to Whitby, this week, where Iv respected business men. It proves _--_.________�____� I This is the cheapest ever heard of. • they will visit Mrs. west's old home. beyond question that Catarrhozone ab - A few steps west of Swarts' Hotel, Victoria/uo ige McDonald has begun work on solutely cures Catarrh. It never fails; w �iNTPD—A carload of Butter and eggs. The undersigned is now prepared Street. never harms;guarauteed to. cure. Price clition to his barn. Hirrhest Prices Paid. do all kinds Of `cork in the way of gen- 25 cents. Druggists or Polson & Co., n neral teaming. THOMAS ABRAHAM.. Wm. Anderson of East wawa- Hartford, Conn., U. S. Garden Plowing and other work will sh, daughter of Jabez Jermyn, of receive prompt attention. Morris died suddenly on Tuesday of lastWRITEy—' �C All orders left at Lott & Sturdy's ' y CUURCH. CF��., 18ARD E9 E Q�`�3 C h i i d Children Cry for ' week. She had been in very poor Health „ The Epworth League of the Metlio- livery stable, or at my house will receive P 1 - ® GOO prompt attention. for a length of a but was not consider- dist church will hold a strawberry fes- •ii�T. G. GRAY. CA STT R I Aw ' ed seriously:. Mrs, Anderson left two tical on thea lawn of Jas. 11IcLeuaghan, The Cheap Store. Opp. Bank of Hamilton. " ° c ' drew. on June 19th. A good evening's eater- '` Mrs. John Nicholson, of the Bluevale tainment is assured and the young poo-9AM road, was seized with a paralytic stroke ple are prepared to handle a large e:rowd. -------=- - R, n-- a 4c;r NEST W NV ANnSiI. wo.ik flack and Spinal Pains. while out ' the garden, one day last The nett time you meet J. S. Holmes V call him 1'pa" and see if he won't smile. On Friday, May 24th, Mrs. Bell, wife Pains in the back number their Vic - ale Jenn i Warwick of the second line of A young daughter has arrived to share of Willis BeII, Of Fest Waivanosh; died tims in thousands. Only very powerful Morris and Miss Gertrude Farnham of the joys s and sorrows of the inmates of very suudeuly at'the home of her son -in- and ponetg co remedies Fvill reaeU these . , 7 y distressing complaints, but Poison's OUR CREAT RUMMACE SALE COMMENCES Kinburn, left on Tuesday for Edmonton, the big brick house. law, Robert Johnson, Bayfield road, Nerviline is as sure to care them as tiny - N. W. T., where they will spend the Jas. Moore is on the sick list. where she was stayin She seemed as thiug in this world is sure. Rub Nervi- • • summer, expecting to return in the fall, Rev. A. I. Brown is attending the well as usual that morning, prepared the line over the sore parts night and morn- Frida 9 ®ruing, � gq �p ® � ' � g b breakfast and cleaned up after the moil, ing, and see how ges sty it drives out �/ JunC34 Mr. Robert warwicl: is also at Edmon- present session of the Lonclou• confer- the pain. Five times stronger than any ton. we wish them a pleasant visit. once at St. Thomas. Mrs. Brown is and shortly afterwards, while sitting on other. Good for internal and external The Jamestown public building will 'visiting friends in Belgrave. the doorstep, and without any warning, use. Large bottles 25c. Mrs. (Rev.) W. E. Treleaven spent a she fell over dead. The remains were UR,ING the past week we have bade it our few days under the parental roof last conveyed to her late home in west ;,oEDvt,rci3• week while on her way to Lucknow. wawanosh and on Monday of last week On Sunday next the service in Trinity business to R.ICTMMA E around the Store Doctors Miss Mar Holmes left on Tuesday were interred in the Dungannon ceme Mary y church will be held at 2 p.•m. in place of and pick out all the DRESS LENGTHS, a morning for Orcher River, Manitoba. tery. . The deceased was •agod GG years. '10.30 a.m.,the usual time. The rector, and people agree that Scott's l�,mul- We hear it stated that she is about to She was born at Garillgill, Cumberland, Rev. A. D. Farney, has received an in - Black and Colored. Skirt Ends, Waist Lengths, sion of cod-liver oil is the best thing cross the border between the state of England, and came to this country with vitation to preach to the fraternal socie- heragents in 185G • Also odd lines of Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, to take for "don't feel well and maidenhood and the state -of matrimony. P settling in the ties in Gorrie on Sunday morning. James Gadnt leas purchased a new county of Ontario. Thirty-eight years W g Spouce,of Newbridge, �viil take Men's Sults, Etc., Etc. In fact we have picked don't know why," especially babies driver ,from John Wilson, V. S. The ago she was)married to Mr. Bell, and for Rev. R.I. Hoskin's work next Sunday, Dods in each Elf: art- `they like it—men and women price paid was in the neighborhood ten years they lived at Oakville, Halton Mr. Hoskins will be in attendance at out all the broken lines of g p , of $125. county, and for the past twenty-six Conference. dont mind it, butt babies actually r has gone to win years in this county. She leaves a fam- IYlellt which we have RUMMAGED up into Alex. Kennedy, j . g- miss Grant, of Harristou, was visiting it of four sons and five daughters. enjoy it. ham to work for John McLean. y g her sister, Mrs. walker, on Suuclay,•aud different lots at cut+ rices—cut to the p rice of SEND R PREF HARIALE AND TRY IT. Mrs. Loree, of the same town, was also OCOTT 6 CODOWNS CHEMIST^.. TORONTO. .Sam, Garton who had his hand in - your purse. our Space 1S too limited to give Soc. cad $r.ao; cit arng,.ists. jured while working ill Todd's mill, St. Limping, Limping spending a few days with friends in Helens, last week, is spending a few F."Oi.. corns? No necessity for that. town. you full particulars. 'But here are a few Rlurn-A��A�' .L�1�'E weeks at his home here. Putnam's Painless Coru Extractor re- The Presbyterian Endeavor will hold mage Prices • Miss Northcott of Lucknow is visiting moves all corns, large or small in about a lawn social at the manse on Friday twenty-four hours. This is reliable ill• g r t at E. Phillips . , Sho purposes taking a evening.flo ai Mail S Mips formation, your druggist will and got of study under our talented school fiats it it you ask him. Be ills and got The following officers were, elected for cher, Mr. Stalker. Patnam's, it causes no pain. the ensuing terra on Monday evening $1.00 Fedora Bats 240 50e Caps 25c. SIA p� Gibson Gillepsidnet with a very un• by Jubilee Council, No.220, R. T. of T.: FROM M REAL AND fortunate acciden - ast Friday night. S. C., Wm. Watters; P.C., L.G. Hooey; , I , ,In nII sTowN' Thos. Downs 52 only, mens fedor� hats 71 mens and boys caps, all �p� yn while play' g ba"Segall he wiis struck � . U.,117iss Ward;Chap., y; in black and brown r NEW TURK by a bat. ball and had his nose Win. Orr, from Missouri, who was a R S•, E, Riehu• F. S. E. Fallis; Treas gular latest styles, colors and shapes, son of James Orr, who lived at Morris- ' broken. a are very glad to report ' Miss Brown; Herald Jas. Loree; Guard, price $ I .00. Rummag Sale regular price 5oc, Rummage For tickets and full information apply that the vound is healing nicely. bank a number of years ago, is calling Miss N. Castell; Sentinel, S. Bricker; to We are informed that our local grain on his many old friends it) Morris, Grey press reporter, Alex. Little,;ohu; Organ - 4 25c. Sale Price 25c. H. DAVIS, Wingham. and Turnberry. He says that lie sees a ,� buyer, Mr. E. Winfield, is again on the: � ist, Miss M. McLaughlin.market to buy grain. Whitechnrch big cllauge in the country and the people. The glorious twelfth will be colet-rat- Regi Estate A Pj��j tiVilliain Dreckenridge was kicked bymarkets aro as good as the best. eel hero by thODistrictof Howiclr. Great 15c Kid Gloves 4�1c. 41 SMT ENDSThere will be no service at all in the Horse a, few clays ago. He is able to go preparations are being made to make it around with the assistance of a crntcb. Presbyterian church hero next Siiuclay a grand success. David'bioffaa, senior, lost a valuable 47 pairs ladies kid loves in Comprising imported worsteds, on account of sacrament being observed W. CI, Downey returned from the "'A' 11\1 GRAM. main hast week. black talc and fawn sizes G to Scotch tweeds and West of at Langside. OntarioNormal Cullago, Hamilton, on Miss Mabel Wright, of bIorrisbturk, Miss. Jennie Holmes returned this Saturday. ' ' o was visiting her aunt, Mrs. (Dr.) Mc - 1 -2, regular price 7 c, I�um� England Sultings at Rummage week from Godorich to her honio Haar mage Si:IIC Ztt'icC . r, ° Prices. here. Kelvie in Brussels for a few days,. l�C C �� The volunteers are away to camp for Miss Kate Scott liacl a carpet -raft bee I d6�eer� is Belr�vtn — _ another season, ' and in this as in .tilt last Friday niternoon for her many gill � g 9• _.a CLOTHING. friends, When sce eo le cared b a * $1.5D Shaer 5e. Office—Corner Patrick and Leopold Sts. other good works,Whitechurch has done y P P y Miss Tena Smith, of the fourth of reined you must believe in its er. nobly, Seventeen of our boys loi't for y, y P� Grey, is visiting her cousin, Miss Ao io Look around ou. Friends, relatives, pairs sherd w. rth frons We have a few nice S111tS Wingh on Tuesday morning With Forrest. y 40 1 We have a word to say to those who Winghani company. We wars informed neighbors all say that Hood's Sarsaparilla, n , for igen and boys at Rummage contemplate becoming citizens in this b thoso who were in to see the boys Off. America's Greatesf hiedieine, deansed the 75C to $ t, 50 a pair, `l \11111In1i6 � y ULLGILIVE• Rood o their.dear ones and the rise en 1 rices, per suit, $2.50, $3,00, very bus'•y, live town, that we have oil that everyone acquitted himself credit- f y Sale Price. 65c, $4,00, $5.00. hand several,. desirable dwellings con- ably. When Captain Johnston called The follawing parties left Belgrave masse io sing ifs praises. There"s noihing traily situated for sale. Also 39 build- the roll every man was there to auswEr station on Wednesday morning'for tho like it fn the auorld to purify Me Mood. lug lots in No. 2 Ward, 18 of which are his Hanle, whilo most of the other mom. Old Country;—D. Sproat, `Valter Scott, S-"•'1t3y health was poor and I ` Sore I )until this Gr(ltilt l�ttn1111age Sale we will give you the on Carling St. East, bars of tho coinpany were scattered ail _I(s)ph "Wilkinsou inQLliz.ibethProctor, had a sore on one of my limbs. AVY largest lJl.tllcllG of x(O7)S for the smallestamount of money G on Catherine St, East. over tho town, and an officer had to b t also J. H.13roadfoot, left from Seater It, father thought I better fry Hood's sarsa- y that you have ever Pitt chased in W ingham. 8 on Carling St. West" dispatched in search of them. In the In addition to visiting the so hues of their parflla, and I did so eget the sores art j 4 on Cornyn St. South, match to the station, cut Of the 19 Mork. respective birthplaces they will attend "Oew aft &¢iter. , .Whenever I do not feel (;, 'T3Uttt r an(l EHj %s take.11 as cash. 4 On Corny it St. North. on parade, 12 were from Wl iteclrtircli. the Glasgow Exhibition and other points err,cll 1 tak¢ Hood`s1` 'lass Nettie . t IAnd I lot, No. 11, on the last lido of We eoiigratulats the UOys ori their good of interest. The,* 1111 on Saturday from �ar�, Richmond, Quebec. Frances St., No. 4 'Ward, at prices to showing, as all -bnt three of them were Morltf+eal by the A 1111 I ino Steamship, 1Crowder snit the conditions of -all. nett/ men and under the very able super. I -Australian" aax:l w •ro tickete.l through vision of Ser ealit Carrick, we expect g p . lby W, poiverville, Grain Trunk ticket Miami lllock , opl). HatliiltollYS I)rU S'toi e. SAM L, YU U H Y LL. them e yes roti- give �e do ivaol°c Camp account 01 thein I agent, Soaforth. � ;