HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-06-07, Page 2u
F„STABLIPIir"i t, ta. of needed new railways to open up New
OoutstSet}raaly \voile, Mrs. �'ahu McLeod, of; Yixxoardiue, at• �ST,AII�+l�I•iid1A 1&72, � win
Mr, Groot' a lltltnpsaxi, a loading mer• tempted to Ret out oe a buggy, its the�+ %yN QOntario-and British ColuMbia,. b „ 6 Toll 1i il\Q. a B �„ee
�g oltanb of iilge Tl oiupst,, states Ii•- , •tuns ltotae was fri htened acid received fatal. � Ti
itsins provided mangy*fc the sang -do troubled with itelnng Piles. far fifteen, ins uries,
i' '�� "' l ' laytxl arbitrated accounts between: the years, and -at times they dere so bad I
..�..11T...1(al. sit &,DPxorair-Tolli Dominion And Nova Scotia and New ,couldscar(el walk. I tried a great �T � EVERY FRIQAY MORNING j� t ria t�
l,i.l(?l�,Ilti►L1Hli .:_.. Bruilswicl., manytemodies, but Clever found any,,, TOWN DIRECTORY, _A�_ FARMERS 00-OA`ERATI
VI RIDAY. JxTN �j. 7. 1001 It has. provided for the improveatent thing
e�thi d Application IO obtained relief,
The Times. OM
Beaver' $lock COMPANY, Limited, 1
of the St. Lasvrenoa Uiver,. and of many and Was completely o�.�red by using axte 'BArTFST CaUuca—Sabbath services at WINQHAM, ONTARIO, R -_ ,F� '`�' � {�
enclose and harbors iii Ontario and. Que- box." Ask your u0xglibars about Dr, Ila ut and 7 xn, Sunday School at
ben, sans to china '�xi the carriage of our phase's Olatwout, the only: ansolute 2130 p m, euoral prayer meeting or
600 G THINGS THAT PARL,IA- p cure for piles, A g advance, $1.50imfti ox so pad, $1.00 per �diis iu -
Products to the outside markets, and Citeemsml asy y°4 evenings. p ReY. w, titmed till all arrears are, paid, except at the
products of-
MINT HAS DONE. Chapman, S. s,
cost of freight of our imports taken lu Superintepdeut, optioxx of the publisher, J
_.- -- Uov.Ira Ulcics., vorcasts for Juste, MR'rFIOn tCHTinOIX--Sabbath services ADvz;z►WIS RATES. — regal and etlwr
Tile Datniniau Parliament, after, sit- exollauga. June Will camq. iu lit. Cho auliuinatiag at it €t m aua `7, p m,. Sunday School At casual laser of ,,c•me r $e per !subslel nuenr 19U, (�i j��
0 1! 06rnar brought It has provided for the opening lap of 2; 30 t m, Ep" ;arth League eve Mau• first iusartiort,.Eo par lixxO for eaa�x subsequent U,
ting slace the Gth f y stages of a storm. Period which begins 1 g every insertion
;a13. Dalt far an increased trade with Trance by the day a c*oxiI General prayer meeting . Advertlaaments iia lanai aglumns aro al:arred
its session to a clo,m oil llTtxy i e of steam- the last day of May. Trull x4004 at ex• on Wednesday fl�%enXx}gs. 1Lov. Richard l0 Qts. per lizzq far first insertion, enol 0 canto y
x t skablishmeltt of a direct l u Red S kill , 6po ft .... , . I O z C.,
the.d0feat of some of t110 long t peceh- treule south (lee Inat'on on the 2nd will Hobbs, Pastor• Dr, Towler, S. S• Sup. per lino Roc a elf suof Lost,
insertion, ►• I
T i would robab� ships to alicl ficin Canada, . intensif electrical storms, but will erinteudent, io, Ams for $til or of Lost, Tound, strayed, RC�l akar, 55o ft. , , . , I4 C.
;<Tial>ers laEt NaVentbal, t p y farms for Salo arta Rent, and similar �i.QO far
1 be isle month of July before the haus! It has provided for the batter suporvi- PREssXT>JIiIAN CFtuRp —Sabbath ser• est month and 00 Cents fox coni suilsequant
y cause a drift of atm 'sphere tidos from . Special Manilla, Soo ft. 9%C.
sloe of the expo products. of the vices at 11 a m a. d 7 p m, Sunday month,
could prorogue. As it lifts turned out, the north, and brx dotivzi over the School at 2:30 p General prayer pONTxtAai RAT;ss-The shows S1Sal, Olcl , . , . _ ...... S a.• d
Dominica. our rates for the insertion of advertisements
this year's session has been more of a It lids provided for the proper inspeo- country a markedtlll ago to cooler im• meeting oft Wedges :ay evenings, Rev.. fox, specifiedperi9ds:-- Sisal, standard ........ % C,
busiliess one than any of its reeeut pre- p mediately after the ti.close of the storms, D. Peri is, pastor a 1 S, S. Superinten• sleAmz, 1 YR, Guo. ONO, 1 i ro
barrels, s0 as to dent. One Column....,.....s(tO.G(1 435.00 $15,00 faro (Tho latter two are xxot our own make•}• °
deC06stlra. MnehtlsOftll legislation has A return of $terlxi COlfditians will , Half Colunnx,.,,,,,,., 350.00 1$.00 X0.00 4,50
both, means. of Private tion o1: apples put in,' aid in increasing ST. PATJL s CFlvzt , ErISCOP�-San-
discourage fraud, an, on and touching the 4th to. 6th showers Quarter Column ..... 1$.00 10.00 a.00 H'.00
been passed, of y g bath services At 11 a, i and 7 p m. Sun- Advertisements without specific directions ,
-Bills and Governmental measures, and our export trade in i it, resulting from the• falling barometer and day School at 2,30 p', , , General prayer will be inserted till forbid and olun god accord- CANADIAN 1 ARMRRS.
'there has been a disposition: On the part It has Provided fo the manufacture higher temperature on those dates. Ris- meeting ori Wednesdag evenings 'Rex. t slfil aayanao.nt advertisements mast be paid •dye have just a Sword to say to you..
all the members to frown down in Canada of all sawAogs out on Indian in barometer and 000'er, fair weather Wm• Lowe, incumbent. F. shore, $ a
of nearly lauds. g � Superintendent. Tns Jon. DFIPARTxENT is stocked with an This the first nines only truly co-operative
will be the natural ord,;6r behind the dis• Corinte c�A nt. CIIVP.aH. Sabnatb extensive gssortment of all requisites for print • coinpany in America, i€a offoricg you to-
rtncluly long sliamallgs, This, coupled It has amended th , alien labor law so Ing, affording facilities not equalled in the (lay its stook in small holding's, one and
with disappointed ambition, may havo turbauces of the periol., lasting progress services at Ila m • ucl 7 `p in. Sunday cotntyfor ttu?ting out fltst class worse. Large
PF • rical dis la of is to make itr more � orkabie' nivel - from about the 6th to the 8th, School at 121n. . idweel;` meeting„on typo olid a�►propr2ato outs for till styles of Post• two t;har t tit pl i y i also ho,placingf its
blighted the projt ct,olato P 3' 3 Wednesdx eveniil sat 8 o'clock. GLArin ors' Band Bilis, etc., and tixe latest st les of splendid twins lvitli you far Clio coining
at le+est one iuember; ii so,tbe taxpayers It has provided fo the development of The Vulcan storm period extending from yry choice fancy typo for the liner classes oiyprint gttrwsst, at prices raw material cannot
the load mining an smelting i)dustry [ 4'G'ilson, S,S. Supt. A. E. Prior, pastor, ing.
the 8th to the IM, it leads fully June SALvATIOrr dRa St rvice at 7 and 11 H. B. ELLIOTT, now bo bought for. Your Loyalty and.
of Canada area oocl many thousand in Canada, as it hadpreviously provided solstice arturbations with a Mercury a m. and 3 acid 8 p; m on Sunday, and Proprietor and Publisher Intelligence will Bold -us ill existence;
dollars in pocket. far the development, of iron and steel P n m
The first session of a now parliament p disturbance also een,:ral on the 12&h• every evening di inAy the week at S ,. youz• scepticism and indifference Will
production in the c0u7ntry. o'clock at the bars ks, � ( � � � � � drive b from ullfutur, which means a
is not usually fruitful of grant measures P” Moon is on the celestial equator ori the CFIILTS tzAN ANSI M �SIONAR7 ALLTANC1;. awl I A , 8q (le Farmers
nl to nil isurel co-operation of
but t,10 session now ended has a record It has provided for an improvedit (r- )ill' and this being egiinoideut with an o rarmmra alfa will surely bring one r4
—meetings its foil, ws s S.. S. at N 80 P. W 1 N G• H A M . sult a Gigantic Twine Combine, from
that siou s the country is makiui; gra diens system in, the l orth�vest 7 e a annual crisis of eleetAcal disturbances, m. Pellow'ship at 4 p. in•, and evan- , h
ss and that its i0presentat vu men ies, British Columbia, and the Yukon, thunder -stories, and l;�luch goneral and gelistia � at S p, in., Query Sunday in Capital, $2,000,000. Rest, �1,23I,120 the iufiueucss of which you will be abso-
g'e ' in order to meet the wants of their grow- Ritchie's Hall, Victoria St. lately behave ito help yoilrsolvesoption—pay
are alive to its needs, as the people who Continuous lightouing will illuminate POST OrpFlonz In Macdonald Block. President- ST G.
R.&. one have your optfen—pas your
• .the evoniu s for da s in sliccessign. Vice-President—A. G. RAIdaAY. money And take your clloics. Stand by y
send t'liem to the capital expect them to ing population.• g Offico hours from 8 a m to 0:30 pin. DinECTORS
It has provided additional ales for the I,rolu Sunday the 9th o �Peclxleadaytho Pater I`i or, post " ter. this greatest and most perfect co -opera -
It r establishment of echo is iu the North- , John Proctor, Goo. Poacb, Win. Gibson, M.P. tivo movement in the world and so bring•'
It has, among other measures, provid- rNth many electrical r3 orms, with rain 11Tnolt�N7ps Itis TUTS --Library and, A. T. Wood, M. P, A. B. (Toronto).
fres reading loom `in the 'Town Hall, a COIltinttatlOil Of relief t11lUA¢;11 it's uli
ed a further large slim to defray the 'west. and possible violence, will most tiree be open every ttornaon frons 2 to Cashiai—J. TURNBV,1& questionable influence as a twino price
.expenses of the Canadian contingents It has amended thq criminal code so likely occur. The annual June showers x ill o'cloel=_ had evening from 7 to regulator. Desert us or treat our agents
as. to better enable N "rthwest farmers to Savings Bank—Hours ri to d Seceive l.0
who were sent to So'tith Africa. may be looked for frim this time ulitii , p: 30 o'clock Mi, s Millie Robertson, to 1, Depoaitg of ,1 and upwards raaaiveci and With indifference and you have only to
put down cattle thievin librarian• interest allowed.. wait far results.
It has provided a pension system for P n g the end of the month, but storms of '1,ow�l COU\CIL m. Clogh, 1VIayox; special :Deposita also received at current No better Twine �vaa ever rondo on
It has liberally robidad for the pro- wide extent and da4lerous intensity . are Will. Holmes, Thcls. Bell, Robt. Me- ratan ci interest. Earth or furnished to the Canadian
the men of the parman3lzt carps oltab- y P
lisped for the defence of the country motion of immigratioxi into our vacant 'quite likes Sbuwer unsettled t supplied you by
q y y, Indoo, G. A. Nowto° ,John A. McLean Drafts on (scant Britain and ho Unites I'armsr than been su lied
For -
and the training Of its soldiers. lands in the Ncrthwe t and in Northern weather is probables Wqm weather Geo. McKenzie, Co cillors; J,. B. For- Status Bought and sold. this your own Company. If we were
Ontario, tlson, Clerk and Treasurer; Samuel Travellers are notified that the Bank of Ham not an intense element of prptection t0 i
It has provided for the drilling of the s will prevail about tltb it;cli, with heavy g imton and its Branches issue Circultir Rates o,
And it has emphasized its adherence Youhill, Assessor; Wim. Robertson, Cal- National Provincial Banie of England, Lirdted you as Farmers thorn would be no op.
,entire militia force of the Dominion in p rain storms,especiall zilon� the Atlan . lector, Board in lrst Monday even- ,i hieli can be cast►ed without Charge or trou� position whatever pitted against us.
the current year. I to the policy of a- reference in our tic coast. Some of the most decided ing in each month at, o'clock. ble in any part ofthe world. Remember the Salt Deal.
It has provided for the maintainauCe markets 11 British ptrpducts over those storms of the in re probable about- . SoaooL BoABD.—d 11T, Griffin, (chair- W. COI31ioULD, Agent Don't waste time wrestling tivith the,
i E. L. DICISINfJOX. Solicitor. question any longer. Look it straight.
of a regiment at Halifax during the from foreign countries. Friday the 21st to Tuesday 20th. A roam), Thos. . Moor J'.. Elliott, J. s. L
continuance of the trouble in South Af- This, by no means a• complete list,will fact against whichl he cautions the Homuth; Wm. Moorl' e Kerr, Thos. ui the face and identify yourselves with.
Be11, Will. Button. Secretary, Wm. P. KENNEDY 14. D_ bf. 0. P, S, O. us as shareholders. Buy your Twine
give our readers someden of the magi eo le; is that the r, in storms during , e o (Member of he British Medical Amocia•
rico. people, 4 b Robertson; Treasurer J. B. Fergason. from this 11latlier Company with its,,
fold agencies set on fa t b the Govern- P y g y g tion.) Gond Medallist in Medicine. Special splendid a d of years and you
It has provided additional feuds for g y the Juuo solstice copse u from ver Meetings aecand Tuesd avenin In each attention std to clisersea of tiVomen and child p past recon
t�e preservation of law and order fit the relent and Parliament :pf Canada to ad- unusual and unlooke' for quarters of mouth. ! ran. Oftrao lzotus—i to 4 p. m.: 7 to 0 p. m. will havo occasion to be proud of your.
P vance the interests of )the people of this the3hoaveus. Man times the rico PU]3t;o SCFFOOL TF,AOHI RS.—A. H. action and loyalty later on,
Yukon country,and for the dovelc men$ y y Musgro ie, Principal,�j Miss` Robertson, DR. MAODONALD, If you use but a particle of Judgment
Of that great gold mining region. The great, growing, prospti ons Dominion. from eastern directions, where ordinary Miss Reynolds, Miss Fflrquharson, Miss you will see at a glance that other Oom
Yukon has hitherto paid back all such they rise in the west and pass oil to the Cornyn, Miss Vaustonb, Miss Matheson Centre Street pallfes going into oaistellce a aro simply "..i
moneys; it is expected it will continue exec Over F1f y Years. east. As June comps to its close a reac- tine Puss Reid,; V. Wingham, trading a our granhese c reputation, and.
An Old and Well -Tried Rem.ed —1\:rs l{,` --Mayor Cle that in many of these eases yon will be
td do so. y tionary period will triug lots barometric (chairman), C: J. Reacting, Thos Greg exceedingly disappointed. We have
6Viuslow sSopthin-Syrup has been used , Ferguson,ct DTs, 1iGI�1EV1T . {,
It has provided additional funds for for over fifty years-ynlillionsof mothers cellae! in different arts of the country, cry, Dr. Kennedy, J. Ftioc pleaded for eight years for you to come
mint in Canada for the coinage of gold, £or their children while teethine, with ending in scattering, showers and 6100- . retary.; Dr. J. R. Aladlonald, Medical Physician, surgeon, etc. in on the ground floor and join hands.
silver and copper mined in Cauada to perfect success. It soothes the child trical storms in various localities, Health Officer. Office—Macdonald Block, over a t Davis' a with this cies established Twice t Twiz-
DlugStoro. Night calls answered attheoffice. anon. Buy our Reci Star 10 cent Twine:
soften! the gums, allays all pain, cures
meet the needs of the Empire. This g p and you will make no mistake.
work has been hitherto performed in wind colic, and is the best remedy for Turn The ? ascals Out , �.,�
diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. 'VANSTONE, Joseph Stratford, is
Gro,; t Britain and the United States. y druggists 'We refer to nuc rascals as dyspepsia, N�
Sold b dru fists in .;every part o£ the � � a,
It has provided for the erection of an world. Twenty-five Cents a bottle. Its bad blood,'biliousn ss constipation, sick Classes in China Painting BARRISTER, S GTCITOR, ETC. General I4lanager..
value is incalculable. {`Be sere you ask headache; oto., i{1£estiug the •human Oil and Watr Colors. Privatear►d Company finds to loan ab lowest
assay office on the
Pacific coast. , , system. Turn them out and keep them Also a new revelation kiln for firing ehina. rate of interest. No col ission charged. Mort -
for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and M
It has provided for the representation take no ciliac kind. out by using Burdock Blood Bitters, the . Studio at her home,�atherine street. .olgd S' Office Ban ver B1 k. Wie'nghamought and \
of Canada, by an exhibit second to no � natural foe to disease, which invigorates,
tones and strengthens the entire system,
other country, at the great Industrial The Dead'IHobo. . r A, MORTON, • b �
Exhibition in Ggas ow, now in pro-grave
a ��� 4 ����
g Some body -snatchers hadrifled a gray 0 Hiunicipal tAc%L Amendments. wINtiIIAII J.
gress. I and hid their booty in a corner of the One of the amen4ments to the Muni- j ! +
It has also ro ided fdr the Proper TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE, ,Wingham, oat.
P � P P "• churchyard, when it occurred to a half- pal act made by Cho Ontario Legislature �• '
representation of the Dominion at the tipsy follow who incl been watching at the recent session provides that no L.,DTCI'iENSON i,
Pan-American Ehibition in Buffalo them unobserved, that it would be leas- Pupils prepared for C nservatory of Muria �j Y
P ratepayer shall have more than one vote esaminattons• � 5AR1iSST � ,ETC. r
this summer. in "particular there will anter to be driven ba k to the nearest for aldermen, no matter` in how many 6 Solicitor toBanlrofHa 'ilton. Moneytoloan,
be a splendid exhibit of choice Canadian town than to wall..; He accordingly swards he holds property, and that if the VIOLIN AN M GUITAR. Office -Meyer Block Wi sham,
cattle. secreted the dead man under the hedge general vote system proves unsatis-
It has provided fair the taking of the and lay down in his place. He was factory, the electors may revert to the ; MISS CAi2RE MOORE p RTITUR J. IRWIN,� D. S., L. D. S.
of Loudon Conservatory3' f Music, will be pro- .t�.
census of the Canadian psOP10—a work duly transferred to a cart; but when ward system. Further amendm0uts pared after Oct. 1st to I�ceive a limited mem• Doctor of Dental Sur y of the Pennsylvania y
•undertaken every t6n years. about half the journey, was over, ono of provide that there hall be two ballots— ber of pupils for lnstr etion on Violin and Dental College and ILi ontinte of the Royal
Guitar. College of Dental Sur a of Ontario. Office
It has provided fd the proper recop- the men, who had touched his hand one having the na les of the 'mayoralty Resiaenco—oppostteR :. Church, Wingham. over ceac osed' O�y� ednesday afternoon •
tion here of the heir of the British crown screamed to his friend'` °'Good God! the s ghat There is a noted difference
► candidates, and another kind or set con- R cltuissg Jive, July and A.
and the Duchess of fork, on their tour body is warm!" The$eupon in a deep taining the names' of the aldermanic PIANO AND,r THEOR . in the style and fit of Pants we:
through this county in the ensuing voice, the supposed deid man remarked; candidates. It is also provided that, in MISS SARA LO dl S MOORE, L.C.M. �! ' XIOLLOWAY, D.D.S.,
fall. "If you had been where I've been for y, L.D.S. mare that always brings poo -
Case of vacana the unsuccessful Candi- and member of the Asiociated Musicians of New method for painless es-
It has provided for! the establishment the last two days you'd be warm tool" date having the highest, vote shall fill Ontario, is ro iced to i;eceivo all num- traction. No Cocaine.
of a Paciffc cable, to �io ander the con• a moment he was, left in fall oases- �S i� Spacial attention . the caro and regulation all pie back for another pair.
bee of pups or ivatruction on Piano and in of children's tooth. )odorato prices and all
p place; in default of his acceptance, the Theory workearefulland slu ullerforme'd. Office
trolof Great Britain and Canada and Special attention givenbtti pupils preparing inBeaverBlock,Win ham. Then there is the low rice
siou o£ the vehicles neat highest candidate, and so on. If for examinations. g p
other portions o£ the Empire, which the aldermen are e1oCt0db aCClamati0n Residence—opposite R. Church, Wingham. Office closed every ''Wednesday afternoon
,will be of groat adv! nee in increasing , y ' during June, July and' ugust.
and better quality of cloth put
Millers Compound Iron Pills, only 25 or no alderman is available from the un -
,our commerce. cents for 50 doses. Sold by A. L. Ham- auccessfnl candidates, then the council I I , a ° ` OHM RITdHIE, 3 in there—cloth that wears.
IthasprovidecIaidfq theconstrnction Ilton. III II I' h Elliot S'
shall choose an alderman for the unez• IIII I IIIIII II ' i GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT,
piked term. II i Honorary Graduate of y See odr new goods and prices.
Ontario Veterinary Winghdm, bnt. •
No other Wltemed II'
t Y• 4 Office and Infirmary DEANS, Jit.
No other remedycures Summer Com- 4 at Golley's old stdn ,,
St., Winghani. P. ■
plaint, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, etc:, so VIII `Day and night calls
rem tl and mets sin so uicli l as nil d t P lfromptiy attended to. for the County of Huron. Sales attended hi
ii ar,.. -Telephone connection. any- part ofthe County' Charges moderate.
Dr. Fowler's Extradt of Wild Straw- + lb PATENT Good Boas:
berry. It is a pockets doctor for tourists, � JOHN CURRIE, WI IiAN, ONT. may be secured by -
travellers, etc. i , J j�� y LICENSED CTIONEER. THE PATENT RECORD,
our aid. Address,
���IY1�� AST
. ZTHEL, and anyone hav` g live stock or other $ Baltimore, *L
articles they *fall to dispose of, should adver- Sales of Farm Stock a d Farm Implements a
°ret speal lt
or .
A very, melancholy OCCurr81iC0 Look Cleo the game for solo -% . 1 e gtra . Our large All orers left at TIII Clint) s office promptly
eiroixla n tells and it ti� 11 be stran a indeed if attendees to. Terms reasonable.
place here on Sunday, May 26th. Mr, ou do not gget a auatomol�. Wo can' guarantee I V
hat ouwill sell becan.o you may aakmbre
John hansom, a respectable farmer, y . �`•"
y for the article or stock than itis wetth. Send JOB PRINTING,
who resides about two miles north O4 your advertisement to the Txu-s and try this "
plan of disposing of ypur stock and other including .Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill ` 1 MN ;
Ethel committers suicide b hanging shcit notice. ' � t n . r
y g n alticies. style o Oihe ars, o., &o., nate p i e Cho best ' himself in his own barn. He had been lu short of tits art at moderate rices and ori
„ P S - - '•�.•..:, ;r,t yr . • ,M ii,Ju"n g p c't
low spirits for some time and had spoken BOOKBINDINQ.—We are leased to aim&mce A
r that any Books or Ma Azines left with us for
to some Of the neighbors as if he were Binding, will have our prompt attention Y RADC MARKS
` tired of life, and recently his wf£0 had Pricea for Binding in any style Will be given on DCsir.NG
7� I
application t0 COPYRIGHTS u°tC
been its poor Health, and it is supposed vV ` THE TIMES OFFICE, Anyone sending a el:etch and'desc:tppttpn map
Wingham, gttiokly itsC.ertatn oar Olitufon fro6 wr1t.1G_o- or nn
he has brooded over this OCCilrr6nC0 and •.., ' invention is probably patentable. Commimtea• '
other grievances, more imaginary than RAILWAY TIME TAEL , tton9striatlgcbuGdeutial, iinn<Ibeok t?ntonw
sent free. oiaost a onyh6Arse rldns oto 0. baa
y real until. his mind had become unhin t ° Patents takon t'
• g• RANI) TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM, s vafa tiea, without charge, in tho
ed. He was about on Sunday as usual, g� 6`b��11�k�{�i' .��git+lsial����rp�
�4 U 1�LO 3� ftAINa L'tkvn boil e c� l+ldb i ®rrj
® ;;, and went do isle earn, it is supposed to E ! Palmerston 0,53 a.m.,. 8 Gea.m.
London 0.50 a.m... 8?, m, Ahandsomely 9tf;rIevatod tverhla. hnrrn8. air•
`• �/p °� t attend to the chorea, and not returning, E p enation of soy Eetahttaa f i +r ,.1. 'ferns, s a
^� A4 + �S i �C1 ETi �5 O _ 14 a m... RO p to ... $.38p.m, year-, faux mantis, TL Kea a.11 na,ve5e Clore.
�� � KiYieardine li
r J search was made for hien, when He was t' Anitivls Ir8.35 6pilkr�11@*350. ~;tri b^Y,'r ?ll i"QCI
;i found hanging from a t16am y the barn 1? all
� �C li i'O fI I Palmerston, s TtcCiN2.45 p.m.... 6.88 p.xn bpi J
$ r London. 1110 a m.... 7A5 pan rna',,•n tlfde.1 t ("•. t • .+1:+•,F,�,.. n. (L
Having been dead apparently for some kinds f Agent, W g
t hours, He had secured a rope, tied one
6nclttla'lloam, attached the other encs, Vehicles. �AXADIAXPACIFIO RAILWAY, rA•. y
Y forma , ., TILAINa L'ASA`Vj7 volt
securely on his n6c1c, and than jumped Dunlop Bicycle Tires �,e sWEtiolnd East :, i oGz p m::..1o:d6 :m
sfantling.ali%I0 was anent 411 yearn tl£ been
6 Cotidillublier Carrie ...
the Tures Altutivp ]MoM
. ,� T�easw,titor 0.53 a nl ... e p.m. lIw n,�4M1 , a 1
ago, go ':Cites Toronto and East 132 p.m .... 10.48 p in,
and had always been considered fin in I11,valid Chair Tire J. H. I•t==R, Agent, winglnam,
dustrions, well doing *nail. His father. Tire6 for l c by Cartiages civ et hltd "rt'r.n7xrkt obtained. and all patent
Tan Tet five eentr nt i5 C3reeera fteataargYlW g, ;: boniness gtelrt t I fir hiODUATt,, FEES. My
q, , > , , is still survivin gild H0 leaves t1 rtife Tlie nttnl0 Tire, Cts. Limited i 1 /.i1 !1 o{ficaisfintRcin,reed,.,tc vicinityofthal'ntchtOifiCaf
Saloons, News-Stattdi, one Stores and Bar0
b rd ! r ! L 3►. J1 1ry(i thyilCtlhl6S i9r C^RFin�(IfAtent47ir6 tlhStlrpaSSk I
Shbpg. Thar banish pale, indeed sleep, and prolong I o, = acid fainly. i ti?tl)N7 f2. • ;Send mode], skotolt ar p9otogrs,ph of invention wits
t7ne gives rduf t N6 matter vvhat'a the metier, one aiII { / � ry �7 � y y , #� d:scri ,tSnn and sta'cmtnt n.1 tandv ,mages claimed.
da you geed, T'en tamplaa and 6na thousand tesda Tj,o Whitelinan'ri VAend. TO AD V Fa i1 .JL 4.L 1? wr .No chetogorli madet'nr.•r,r ulrtnion,a*to
menials sant bv' mail to any nddrad 6n receipt of pripd, • fidtCntrrhidt,,� nnci t•tv fee for proccentlng the
!'s bythaRtpana einluilco.'IdsotuteSt.,NetivYorkGtta. apphoa,aon t6ttit slob 3a dltri9a'.bi.InfildtAb
No bioyolist should be Without a bottle Our Tradeinatrk � ., X ,+
r � H IA pttt6'n. y tYiXattldtr.. INV,+ •i n►:a flt'tprt, C6n• .
of IIS�•anI's e1104V Oil. It talrOs out t talnin9; fiat inform, tior,sent tray. .911 cc�Init►tlnl�
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