HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-06-07, Page 1, �J X THE W-lowGII�AIV�. 'VOL. XXIX,'---NO, 1520. 1WTNGIIA,, ONTARIO, rITI)AY, JUNE 7, 1901. A YEAR IN ADVANCE -r goad Pine picket M/1MA/�M'AM1�MMN/1A/�M1�`/�A�1 Any person regni in out 200 feet of A good second-hand bicycle for sale MINOR LOCALS ` 1 p et fe c as d as new. cheap at HANNA & Co S, - e are Headquarters for C • i ,Apply aG TI�SLS Of q. DacI1L ArrL7 ;xzOv.—Mr. James Campbell's Headache Wafers guarau- '� teed to cure headache. '* GRADUATED AS Nt RSE iss Hannah Mitchell, editor of the Goderieh Star, _-Whigbam Ra -as on June 26th and INSECT • �; ?� Agnew, sister of lr. Agnew, of this lies been sora afiiiotecl of late, ,Y, N 1� + •. D town has recently tduaked as a train- About two month go his wife died ud 27t1i, --Have you pail your subscription for Set's 3 ed nurse- from the Pennsylvania On Monday of lust week, his fo . ecu• 1901? "'� 'A p > Hospital. ' to grr-luating exercises in - f year-old son also p sscd away. _-Thos. Holmes s Navin„ n5 clwellin>A the Pemisy hula ,spital took place on " - his •'' .; S DE Miss Macpherson wi se the balance house re -shingled. - .:�¢ ►`~-�:++n,a,v - a� ,, May 91s , , he Tim s congratulates Miss of her millinery stoe. cost to clear. Agnew oil her sue ss. Call early and secure avgains. -The Bellmore utter factory is not in operation this yea . HELLEBORE We can handle a few potatoes for GoaE TO LON ox.—Com --Morris Distri Orange lodge meets e A find collection to select � pony No. 2, C from, and the values are trade, at one©, Remnant sale Saturday. of thet88ra xe 1 fit in ehat•ge of Capt. ���Tr�, GREEN ` HANNA & Co, g ' � p at Blyth on Juno 1 th. right. Come and see for John left Win h on Tuescla of this id )' g y —Excursion frac this district to the Cot M �,®// yourself. EXCURSION To . 1tNIn.—Large bids week for London far the annual drill. Model Farm at Gu !ph on June 20th. C and dodgers are befit ieauecl to advertise 97 piece set... , .... ....$ 0.50) Capt. Johnston dt cceded in securing a —Judge Doyle h Id Division Court in FLY PADS the excursion to Sat is and Detroit to - , y the Council Cham r on Wednesday of C Good goods, 8 colors. D very good cote The boys Te- o c 7 be run on Juno 22nc under the auspices , Y Of Minervia Encalr•-Ment main in London iii the lath fust• this week. 1mring97 piece sets . .... . .. . .... . 7.50 T. O. O. P. , GONE To THE Esr,—One day recent- The regular m atlilu meeting aY the a �TY��� PAPE 45V c , j+8.50, �p10.00, 12,00. This promises to be _he excursion of the C -season and no dot Ot many will take ly J. E. Swarts s d one of his trotting Schdol Board wi be held on Tuesday 100 piece sats... , 12.50 horses to a gent man who lives near evening next. and all insecticides. y advantage of the Io' • rates. Has arrived, and we greet it C 120 piece sets ....... .... . .$16.50 j FOR. SALE,—T offer for sale m house Calgary, N. W. On Tuesday of this —The West Hu n Farmers' Institute and 18.50 y week the horse s shipped to Calgary will run their c�a trsion to the Model �� ���� with welcome. Winter cloth- `� 3 and five acres of land, situate oil and Ed. Griffin ent in charge. Mr. Farm on June 15t , R. A. Josephine street. irlg may now be laid aside. If CGAs. GILLESPIE. Griffin will drt* o the horse for this —H, Davis, loci- agent for the Allan Chemist and Druggist. A NEW PAPER,— a have received a. season and will Ile in the circuit in tfte Steamship Line h s an advt. in another Farphaison I co West. colwnn of this isswe. „ C NA py of Volume 1, o. 1, of The Maple Agent G. N. W. Office. ��pp / a Leaf, published at filbert Plains, Man. To RENT.—Four good rooms in the —Messrs. Alcoa Bros. were in Brussels V �.l l C The editor is A. G. tewart formerly of Kent block to rent. Apply to J. E. last week sodding the grounds for the o C CHINA HOUSE ' SWARTS• I bowlers of that pI .ce. ANl'dOUNCEMEN`I'. C the Teeswater Now_ The paper is of C Opp. Bank of Hamilton. WINC}Ii u%E RA s.—Readers of the —The open tro i or pace on the last -Spr■ , C ) four pages, with sfz columns to the page We ttilce rr�zE3 should not reel the dates of the clay of the Wingl m races, June 2 7th tiller pleasure in announcing that our vv►OVWHVVvyVywyVvdvvvvvvv and is well arrangrf. Mt. Stewarts , gallery now furnished +vith a single slant Wingham races, une 26th and 270H. will be the best T e ever seen in Win hight. t� old friends in this cality will ish him All the necessarya an ements are be- g' This style of light is the most up-to-date, and the • s11CCes6 in his new enttlTe. g ham. is adopted by the leading photographers to the ing made for two y1, good races. At Unite ,States and Canada and by the Illinois —Mrs. Orouh tekha, wife of Dr. College of Photography. You cannot afford to pass our GEORGE MCKENZIE, Wingham. NEw FURNACE ooas. ie boiler • in least ' one hundr horsemen have Ornuhyatekha, S reme Chief Ranger Before adopting this light the consulted the Tailoring Establishment without the Presbyterian chore has boon re si nified their int tions of eomin to , p g leading authorities in the photographic art, g Has for sale, cheap, 7 lots on north Hide of g Fi of the I. O- F , C ed at Deseronto last and took pains to ensuro its construction on, seeing what we can offer you. Our gristle Terrace ;also 1 lot on oust side Edward moved from it pIF -.e in the basement of Wingham, so we a sure of good races. week• exact scientific principles. we now claim that stock is unsurpassed in town, and as St. and other properties. the church and « Il be placed ill a brick The open trot or p ce, race will be the -The Ripley .x rens says that two none outside the city. alt taking aro second to P Y p Y we have also added a view camera to our to the making, we guarantee neatly- building to be er` ted at the rear of the fastest ever run o the Wingham track. Salvation Army I^ssies from Wingham a ++iPment and will in future be prepared to made, well -fitting and fine-looking church, This •eb tuge will make a great The track record ill be lowered this fi`i� orders for. any outside wort:. were in that tow_'' last week collecting Duplicates at reduced rates, Enlar ements results. Then in improvement an will give Inoro ro year. Bear the d tea in m d and come I made to Cra ons, &�c., at money. I fv Prices as Few as9 in the basement f the'church. ' iew I to the races and ing your friends with consistent rvI It the best art. 4 GENERAL LOCAL NL1VS, —During the wnth of May rain fell J. MILTON GRAHAM -(Ien s' Furnishings. system of light! will also in the I yon. b Y Star Photo Studio, Beaver Block, Wingham. See Halsey Park's advertisement. church before n_,t fall. , „ III 1G days out of 31 'there wore G clear I`tvo excellent building lots for sale, i. We lead the trade. Come to us for BOY WANTED.—A good smart boy, Dos LOST.—:'art Bea a hound, on corner of Patrick aucl Fr sstreets. cloud during May 8 partly clear and 22 ��®���� with fair education wanted to learn the young, spotted black gray,; lost Apply to R. Vanstone, i am. cloudy. latest styles in Hats, Ties, Collars, ' three months; p rties d tiiniug will be BUILDING OPERA'ION Ork on the —Clinton citiz� n5 are making aiTange- Shirts, and every article in this line. printing business. Ap ly at Tmus prosecuted. R. W. RUNCI:+LAN. various buildings -a tli town is pro- ments to enterta- i. the Toronto Huron Restaurant ���� � �� �� It is also of interest to office. gressing rapidly. The lirick work of Old Boys when t_ ey visit that town only SIOIi AT DOBIIINTcI. We were SOrTy HORSETHIEF -SENTENCED:—JOIlll W. Scott, who stol tt horse and rig belong- the new Methodist Murch is well under July Gth. Next door to Advance Office. -YOUr. POCiCe1r to hear last week o ,the illness of Wm. I ing to John On lin„ham from a church Way. Work on the National Iron —Wingham ail Blyth football clubs Halliday, at Debbi. ,ton. It is supposed Works buildings is moving along very I will play a game �u the Wingham park Confectionery of all kinds. That you examine our natty stock shed in Erusse on or about ilio 14th well. Hugh Munro , the superintendent this (Friday) evQ ting. Game called at that Mr. Halliday caught cold on the Biscuits. Fruit in season. of Tine Shoes for Ladies, Gents, night his saw mill vas burned. Miss of April, as se enced on Wednesday for the works; of Iasgon, Scot�aucl, p. LUNG S ' A� ALL HOURS. g by I is Honor Judge Doyle ' 6.80 sba 9 Misses and Children. We have a Jennie Halliday, his sister, went to of last wool: arrived in `town on P nday and Mr. B. --The new st�ictmer time table that sit tire, to suit, large stock of the best makes. Dobbinton on Se- last but «>a to a term of two ears leas one day in Ice Cream in season. y Aildworth of Toro to the architect went into effect - ti the G. T. R. on Sun - are pleased to fear that Dir, Hall' y the Central Prise Toronto. Scott is a ' ' Breml for sale.. man well up in y rs •and •bears :a .bad ;vas in town for a fe clays this week, day last makes n changes in the trains A call solicited. Romuth &,Sons has so far recove dVaso all his Work on the d1 ere dwellings is mov- at Wingham. _ V _ sister to return he e. record. IIe tool the sentence in a very ¢ J. W. matter-of-fact fes ion, ing along nicely. C utractor Nicholson —There will e GO meetings held _ A good dining- °oom -stair girl , i has the roof on two f the dwellings roughout Ontrrio in June to be „ For Saturday only. Mens shoes, sizes Dr. DlcLay is de This message WINGHAM, wanted. Apply at tonal hotel. 6 and 7, were 2.50 for "rye. Come earl is building, the one for J. G. S art addressed by the moaners of the On- v b L. W. HANSON. and she Ready-made clothing cheap. and the one for W . Riutoul. • tario Government cabled from Z'ftm-Ste, I ormosa, reached p Y g p the Presbyterian For ign Mission ofilee 11Iarriage Licenses ALIGHT HORN :ss.—Chas. Irnechtel, MANNA & Co. Dr. Towler alas rV to town —W. Gannett, --gout far the Frost &at Torolito on Satur au. It marks the. $Issued by FRANli PATERsox, No. 21, victoria harness maker ha this week completed CEURcrr PlCxit —Our readers should and may be foundofilce ctur- Wood Co., will hdvo his annual deliverytreet.Winaham,Ont. No witnesses required. a set of• light ha. ness for the trotting remember the cuic to be held iu ing office hours -9. and 2 s, , rakes etc. ou close O£ perhaps the :acetest missionary of Linder moi, -ars, 1 to 6 p. M. ' life since that of Liv ngston. Rev. Dr. horse, "Supsrior _Aly,” owned by Herb. Wallace's grove, sear Donnybrook, on' Wednesday, Jun 12th. ,........ g,��r,;,,r,t, ; § ....... *e++ •}, PRETTY JUNE W DDIN At twelve McNay, of Formosa, .vas bora in sorra,; Wilkins, of Owen Sound. The harness Wednesday of I ext week, under the ' —Mrs. W. A. >sddell, sister-in-law of .;. �• o'clock noon on eduesday of this i Oxford county, in 84•i, and after his ,p. .1, will not weigh n --re than five pounds auspices of the cc-igregation of the St. Miss May Riclde 1, formerly of Wing - + .l. "Business Knowledge" and "Everlast- and the work on i is the finest we have week a verry pretty event took place at Ilam died at Roc tester, N. Y. an Fri- i ordination to the 1• inistry decided to .�, ing Push" win ,o . Augustine Cathol ; church. The pic- "Riverside," the ,r sidence of Mr, and ' ' ' take up mission Nv 'k in the Island of + + seen. The hors en know -where to nic promises to b a grand success. All day of last week�ged 25 years, Formosa, which vas inhabited b •€• come when the ant anything test Mrs. Thos. Bell, hen their second l y .g. e Y Y g Y, arrangements for he comfort aucl enter- dao hter, Miss Jean ilia was united in —Robertson &i Burchill shipped a car Chinese. Dr. I1ic au's life work til neat and up -to -fila in the harness line. tainment of visito are about corn leted. , g y' load of cattle tc Toronto oil Monday,Formosa was spl didlu fruitful. Flo. Fc• p marriage to Hnber Howse Chisholm, •1• „ Eggs 12c. We offer -20c per lb. for tate `.Cite following sp kers have promised of this town. The eremou was and W F. VaiiS one shipped a car load ( , best, and 19c for the second best Tub of y per- pp established betwee 60 auc. 70 churches, to be present:— J. Foy, M. P. P., formed b the Rev Win. Lowe, rector of hogs to Torou= J on the same day. together with sc ols and colleges +� Butter w© get fu June. '• The judge will Toronto; Hon. -aT T. Garrow, M. G. S Y ' —The bas for It has paid others to attend the + be a butter expert unknown to any oY of at. Paul's chnrcl , in the presence of people ,f Brussels will hold the higher educa'_on of Women. He .g ,the competitors. G, E. KING. Cameron, Robt, McLean and Major the immediate # Tela Ives and friends of their annual cies oustration oil Friday, married a'Formogia lady in 1878, adopt- 1' Beck, of Goderic14 and Rabt. Holmes, June,91. Coal trees are hard at work �. Central business Colace •Q• FELL FROM A POL ..—A new telegraph the contracting part es. The briclE was ed the native CO tame, and identifies ,.�I. Stratford, Ont. + wire•is being placed -on the poles on the M. P., of Clinton A Glancing platform dressed in white sit poplin and carried arranging a splel did programme for the himself thorough** with the people. His. •i• C. P. R. between Wingham and Glen- .has been erected rnci an efficient orches- a bognet of whiter sea and maiden hair c1aY• last visit to Cana( a was in 1894, and hex ' and it will pay you. Our students are +q, annan, and on Mc tday of this week, tri will supply xsusic. It is expected fern. Tho young ouple were uusup- —From the Tessalon Advocate we was then elected ioderator of the Pres- holdi ge xcellent situtions.l in e Be. ai, fi i Hugh McCall, of Toronto, one of the that a large cont3gent of Winghamites ported. After the ceremony a sump- learn that W. G Strong, organizer for byterian General Assembly as a token of -X nt of o tier bust -.1 school. lie les Ex -stud - ,°t• linemen met with Ntlat might have been Wfil be in attend ace, tuous wedding bl akfast was served, the, Canadian Fo esters, f1, meeting with appreciation of its great work. Dr. in attondance at our school, Como to .g., a serious accident. Dir. DleCall was A cotnbivatio'I tandei bicycle, in after which the n wiy -married couple splendid success in his work in that McKay has visit cl Win ham, and was, this college and we will guarantee to �• good repair for sale cheap. Also a good town. g thoroughly prepare you .for business .y, atxapped to the top of the pole, when alt of new Dunlop bit left on the 8.10 tri u for New York d f known to many € our readers. life. we deal in genuine business edu- „ p p ycie tires at A, other eastern An erican cities he —this from to exchange is ver f '1• cation; we have nothing to do with tete ; part of the top gave may and he fell to Ii: Carr's flour alldJeed store. y sham article. 1 true:—'There's an inconsisteno stops tfae COU - 11 • the ground lighting --on the back of his ,, bride was the reci dent of many laud- y in write for ourcatalo ue. 1 b HORACENEwTO SDEAT From the 2lllci �WOII']c$ Oi1F i1flFS C®ill. zytudents admitted a any time. .y. axe. His shoulder • gas injured and he some and costly 'resents. They will talking of buildil-y up your own town 1• Goderfch Star St get the following and at the seas fine Making Laxative Bromo-QuininoTablets cure a cold in ,•;. , ;!• was hurt somewhat internally. He was particulars of th c each of Horace have the best w sties of their many, gall your oneday. No Cure, no Pap, Price 20 cent,. •1' W. J. =10TT, Principal..t. removed to Drs: T. tad J. S. ChisltOhn's friends for 'a Ila 1py and prosperous purchases from route sweat shops." I - — -_---- - .g. Newton, brother o Councillor Newton ! offtceand his in'urks were attended to „• I future. —You can „et like stationery, such Wingham s Leading She Store. ..............."44..�•1••d••:••E••A%t••§••:•. ' 1 of this town:— Yeclnesday afternoon as billheads 1 O • and he was able to return to his home at 4 o'clock, Hora Newton, one of our TO CUlt•i: A COLD IN ol�E DAR etc heads, business cards, on Tuesday afteruolt, Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All cirrulars;also we 1(Iing invitations, party Any orders for sales left at the TIMES best known citize passed away after drtt� gists refund the money if it fails to cure invitations calk gr cards in first-class y S • office will receive prompt attention. J. We, the undersigned dentists Of a short illness, fr m an attack of a E. �V. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. b S t J. Currie, auctioneer. Wingbam, agree to close our offices , p style and cheap the TLurs office. Ask ;+ b pop.exy, All the orning he had been `1 To TIrn DEAF.—A rich lady, cured of penins ofJune,and Auernoon gust, during the working around to house, apparently �Ti to see samples. ry r h r ^�` her Deafness and Noises in the Head b ' Y g—The friends f the faintly of ttilchard r1,/ Y W. T. HOLLOWAY, in his usual hcalt ,and just before noon 11MI,DUN y g {, d°y�,�. i Coad formerly Of Wit hang who is Dr. Nicholsons Artificial Ear Drums, A. J. IRWIN. his wife found 1 lu in the basement, no residing pea Ottawa, will regret'" ,gave 25000 dollars to his Institute, so that WATERWORKS E..TENSION.—The Town where ho had eon working at ° the I Next duos to Jost Gflice. I >. to !' leant of the de th of their dao htor, deaf people unable to pzocure the Ear Council made a wi move at the regular furnace, , in a ate. of insensibility. g Miss Versa, wh died recently at the Drums may have thele free. Address, ,meeting on Mundy evening, when 'it Medical aid was ;_t once obtained, but it ago of 21 years, 'The Nicholson Institute, 780 Eighth was decided to ma a some extensions to was of no avail, as the stroke was too - '� �� �� I w —It is learn- says the Globe that # .Avenue, New York. the wet rvvorks m 'us. By referring to severe. The d'.ceased gentleman was (/ IE----,ST'''\� �, y •1.� '•"i � �J West Bruce, as t, Il as East Bruce, will i INTERESTING Sllcrurx.—There was the con cil procee ngs it will be, seen a than much res- •ectod, and his sudden show all a troll decrease tpopulatione,wi— ,on exhibition in J-10. . Davis' drug store that an.,extension i to be made on John call has cause a wave of sorrow to a�tiy pp ! r . "`� • '` . x.. since 1891. In tl a town of Kincardine window -for a fe :v days a s plc of Street to Leopold street and one on pervade the cc unity. He was an ex- In CHILDHOOD there is tt falling >ff of "r00. Port Elgin •ohickle, This glutinous ubstonee, Albert street to Ali a street. Tho first ample to all—i lustrious, temperate, a „ showsa. seeming -oss of 250. Which resembles ptty, is tli exudation mentioned extonsim will give fire pro- strong reapecto of the day of rest, and a b has blighted =Wo notice iu he proceedings of the 4roin the Sapadill t tree in . oxico. It tection to Lloyds' OOr factory, Chap- regular atter ant at divine service, London Couferel a of the Methodist •w9,s discovered sc-ne ea ago by Mr. man's Glovo facto , tI" new Metho• hence he leave an example worthy of PacttnM�ri many lives church fho A. L. Thomson, a young Adams and fou ct rod for chewing dist church and all xivato dwellings iu imitation. It ill be remembered that EYES man wall-kuowit in, this vicinity has A Modern because purposes. Frol thy extract wo have .that vicinity of the town. The other lie had been bit a few mouths in his EXAMINED been recommends to be received into Cinderella. g g gix protection to Me- now house on i„ , � � then pain caused full connection and be ordained. Molly occasions demand malty shoes„ .par "Tuttf Frnt i" chewing um. A extensions will �rlithouso street and it representative o the Allierican Chiekle Lean & Sons mill 7d all dwellings in was while engt ed in putting it in order I thereby -The Grand Lod o of I, O. O. F. wilt and thoutrll it girl mal- be a modern. '°CO., who aro , tccesaors to Adams &that part of the to ii known as "plea- for his family to was called home. In I j I moot at Guelph it August. Tilos. J. Cinderella she cannot always be shod in Cl U CCSippers. On6 CO., Whit &Sons Co, and several sant valley." Th se are extensions that town and town lip t110 news of tllu death I ElliottI.lihas been ected delegate t4O Ther0s the! (400, Shop, other compaui had the specimen of wore badly need- and they will be the of Horace Now n was heard with feel- t - an aversion to represelit Maitland odge, at the meet- the lathlyl)ar, ing. J. A. 14iort n of town has been t1u I;u tb r 1fc'etc'c1, •ohiolde on oxl bit -ion. The American means of greatly educing the insurance, ings of deep sor ow, and. all who knew the U10o vi AvoleBattoti Chfcklo Co. lta a capital 0f nine million rates paid bur hi sats, Lloyd, Chapman him grieve at 1 's 101,6 and sympathize study• appointed a ntemb0r f ono Of tlln Gratld Dress ss Slto:'. Lodge Committees. the .'item Loather, dollars. and=)Z '.0 iese three industries are with his bereavci widow and her Ol d- Tiro backward child too oft- the Evcatin, 1111pper-- vexyflu octant aotllrs in the aVelfare Of xon iIi their suck 1,u and Oat loss fir, •--"rho many fnen s 0f Dr, J. E. ]+alit• We hsvo tlu�in alt. MONEY fin TO es 0i counte to yeah Oil p become* the uriquCGessful main. lyll will bo aorl;v to earn that Ito hada RI�hLEAtl3Elt We Sew free' -111 rips iut3hoeir ,totes, and notes (?fseounted at reason- t13o town and tl C!Ouitcil 11avo done > Notvton lived al his life in Huro his Uotight of uH. A ®� A vety serious attack illness oil Taesclay Trunks an(i ali.:ea cheap. :able rates. MOnoy advanced on Mort- wise thing in lying them proper fire earlier years be ug spent on the farm J o E r DM v A of this Week. .ChO Dr, Nvaa suddenly gag0s, �vftlt privilege of paying at the r0tection, rF`h Water�vnrlis COmmitt0e aucl itt iitorcauti Iifo, tvltiln for Innro oyectaken with nix a 'ectiolt Of tllo hehrt. �� "t •on of ally ,year. Notes .find aoconnts p oF+UGI`FsT l�iVi� clSTiG[A�hi, Wo are pleased to 1 rn that at time of W. J R E R collected, f7liten-lieavnr Bloch, ding• ate advortisin ill nunthnr cnlwun for than�a decaclo It lilted retired in GOde• Writing (Thlirsda�y t oriling) flu was re. SOp�LV� LOCpAL AGENTS IFOR'y Cham. .1100 MOINDOO. tenders for the oing of tho work. rich. + 1 N ra ,H A p(:Ttad T1s very touch, )otter. � �E��1eY,� �+1ri� s ' +" I