The Wingham Times, 1901-05-31, Page 8s
i a , ,rliiolr CalxitiCltulrogi, .[CENSE TRANS
iI, nice lgl]e of *Moe dt alts liave been MaoXabb. A call from Bel va and manufactured at Bells facto Er WAwaligall, in favor
ewe to be exhibited at the P&A-Amorlem of J. J. Hart% waa sustained. The call"
The a h-Da Hdi Hereby no es Public x ]` '(X ,}" ,
Exhibition. was accepted aid the oxdinatioti appaitlt• that he lira tlisnt of h Ititnl business, ,r r f l
regular meeting of the W. 0. T, U. ed to take place 911 Julie 27th, at 3,8.0 kno , as tho lox it „rpt, rt14gha,7u, to
ra., tit .Bel lase. Rey, kik.. Perri; Tuutandway, and at
n4oxT be
y, will be l]elcl it4 the 1, 4}. Q,', hall,. p•. tr trauaterrtx7 on or xti the l Taly,
Chisholin block, on Tuesday afternoon will preside, Rev, Mr, Maxwell, RipTey : 1001. Advertise
next at 8 o'clock. will preach; iter. Mr. Whale will ad 7. . $W-A TS. 'chide Awake
-MaoPherscn Catxip,iaana of S9otltWd dress the people, And Rev, Mr Rosswill ' (.... o f rr +/ l?'ttrlpittl a Stora,
Address the minister. Ll ciRt]ferclnce An "',ARRR t4 #47MT 1 ii!.
at Kiticardine, oil June 20th,
g Presbyterial Visitation of Sabbath . •
wit ]•satnes, dances and other attractions, Schools. was engaged tit and it Was agreed
t1Npi TAK tiB, WtN4HA6A, „
Par O 7n a eul9nstrattAtl
1 tlxat an aaol]anga of pulppits shouldtake )ooh B1'xl't17a's Ss,ld: I luv a roQsi<el; #`gar two thins. t cte
John Grainger has sold his 100 sore place when all the Babtlath Schools of Night Salle at Button Block, or i"fth i ,. the crow that iS til hiiil, and the other iS, the s urs ail' on farm, iu Urey, to Mrs, ShOrpiu, for tbaPresbyteryshouldbe visited and a door solid) of Sobaol Hoare. Siaop Rp- „
x,,000. Mr. Grainger contemplates re- report made at the September meeting poeite Macdonald 1 100k. him t4 back up the crow with,
tiring to the town of Wingbam, of Presbytery, if possible, The exohauges If you are tempted t0 thinly we crow• unduly, just irlvesti-
-liupoxtai]t liar m will iiatitlCourtsmt- Wpley, aanged nd
r follows;—Mr.Malcolm;
Maxwell, JUNE SESSION- gate and see how we "back" the crow tip. This time we Crow
! ed at the regular meeting of Court liipley, and Mr. Mal9ogm; Mr. Baglan-
x 4 Maitland, 0. 0. F, this (Friday) evening, tyne and Mr. Perrie; Mr. B'astie and at lite 8urau about our
A good attendauce of the members is Mr. Anderson; Mr. Molaeod and Mr, wil .
desired. McOraeMo big, d Mr.
and Mr, Wast,
— 'iT'. Fr VauStone shipped three car Mr. l>zolray uttd Mr, 13,oss; Dr. Murray $16.00 3eCt- 'i,oOm Suite
Imidia of hogs to Torouto on Monday. and Mr. Dann, Mr. McLennan nud Mr.
The last few weeks have wit* At 67 per cwt. this shipment would Miller: Mr. Whaley and Mr, Stewart;
i. )lessed Here the greatest Wliug of niettu Considerable money to the farmers Mx- McFarlane and Mr. Maxwell, N, The pouneil of the cog t 'on of the county Double ll;G @>kd Chairs t QC each
in this yiOuity, Kinlow. A ]notion expressing sympathy ofSuron iviltmeet in a Con it Chumbor in Nobby
a a
c3rpE:rs this store ever- knew, Al. tvithMr, biaxwall N. $i]]gasN itt his the'townofGoderi• ,at8o'elot in., 47 ;y Sideboard T1 ,]1. x $S a, , c j']. % 1!
_Owillg to the crowded condition of ith igloos was Maxwell,
tad b t
ways worthy and reliable if sold our ittivtrtiti g culnu]ns, many interest• p p y the PreF. '{ $ a jun Xt,
' , in;; 1 udgets of nests have been crowded bytery. The Presbytery adjourned to 1 So convenient are our Sideboardq made up that one
here. 47e find a great tlua]bel' of rut (if thisissuN, and outer items have meet in Wingham on September 17th at W. LAND, er%. a
short cutis its 'T'apestry, 4PoRIs and been rthis.1sueed, 10 a. m. Dated atGoderich,this 22nddayafDday,1001. would little wonder at the popularity of them.
Unions that will b4., sold at special —Tbo anLaNl meeting of the East R S. G.•Arilaztsov, Clerk..
11111-ni7 Farmers' Institute will be held in
li'rie,es to otos*. Alsotttr balance of the ToNtil I-101, Brut:sels, on Tueses0r?ty, r Tt'jN• •T C y • • y Wells
our fine Lace Curtains rind Wocrl Juue4th, Azt effort Nvili likely be wade . Q . L G C " Q pA i Ru s. to aiglinize a it'Aluen's luMelite. LQ pff C l AAA l VVAJ1i j
—James F. Hay, of lYielita,,Man'I Tile undersigned have purchased all' UNDERTAKINCir - tlr e?stensive experiece warrants of J. J. Anderson, formerly conveyancing, nee and Accountant. the necessary machinery for drilling us in ea,liilg special attention to this Branch of our business.
Of Winr;hant, is in Montreal consulting :ktoney to loan on own and farm property. Artesian Wells and are
Office--Two doors north of Drs, T. & T, fi, Prepared to yo Will find us prompt, relidble attentive and efficient.
e R a specialist as to his health, which has all kinds of worst in that line.
+y2- il't.. SATURDAY failed him the past fey mouths. cliisliolni',a Surgery, Itesideuce-Gntherine st. Any person waisting work done in our r
2. , 1t —Win. S. Robertson, of Winnipeg, WANTED line will leave word at W. Gannet's Im. I UT I R BALL, Funeral Director,
a Men's aterpoof Coats ; all sou of Win, Robertson, of this town, t t Tl+ Rubber Fountain .Pen• Send 10 plement shop. ty ,
wool serge, jtt t opened, sizes from hti, secured tt position in the, Depaxtmeut.
AGENTS l cents silver or stampstor'snm} tP. Qp, A, CURiZIE• Residence ---Patrick St„ Mr. Gracey s late residence.
t: Of t1tE IittE•rfar at Ottawa. We con- FlUNT4 R dt CO.012 W.Fifthi3t.Cinoinnati3O, WM, DAVIDSON.
34 to 48, regular price $7.00, Satur- gratulate Will on his appointment, °
day $6.00. -_ - - _. __ _ • . — ,. _ _ _ _._ _ _ _
10 Ladies' Waterproof Coats+
worth $7.00, $8 00, $9,00, to clear +
$S. p.
This signature is on evbry box at the gonuIno fit-r+ Once
Laxative Bromo•Quinine Tablata y„r I
30 Men's Odd Lines of Shoes, to the rymedy that cocoa a cotta An one day W, +
clear at one-half rgeb,
—Geo. H. Newton, bar sold the Ailsa
p Craig Banner t7 E, W. Clothier, of FOR THIS WEEK
20 Women's Shoes and Slippers to. riceCa](;tuy, N. W. T. Mr. Newton has
Clean at one half` purchased the North Bay Despat"h. ♦+
price. Mr. Newton has visited in this district
* y $ and Mr. Clothier d r old Listowel boy. CA 0AD OF CHOICE
20 Men's Heavy Blue Serge Suits
—R. H. Crowder is meeting with +
clear at $3.75, splendid success in his
p great' clearing +
sale of dry goods, etc,. in the Button +
block. Many people have found it to ++
SAMPLES their advantage to patronize this store, + Good and thick, $r,25 Imp. gal.
* w
Intending purchasers will do well to ♦ "
read big.advt•, in another
100 Sampler, Parasols, fancy, reg, column and then then go go to his store and+
$3.00, $4,00, $5.00, Choice $2.50. secure some of the bargains offered. Cj r 1415, 5 Butter
200 Snaiples Gloves, 35c, 45e, 50c. CEMUCH NOTMS. +
Work has been commenced on the.
Choice 2,5 cents, + Good duality, Ioc per bottle. +
erection of the new Presbyterian church ' • - a -9 A +.
10 Ladies. Spring Mantles, very at Fordwich. The building is to cost 1 - T ,b Btu. .9,5C,,'' Lb. +
about muni.
glow at cost. will be held it, +
Remnants- in Silks, Dress Goods the Wingham Presbvterian church ou _ ..,_, _o_ ,: .,,,,,,,,,,W,+
and Muslintt tri. Clear at about one bundavnPxt, Preparatory service will ♦
be held this (Friday) evening tit 7.30 Another lot arrived lbs, for 2
half prier.. Shop early. o'clock. g , Ads0 `a any . - gg°S + S J - +
3" tla
The semi-annual mpetin of t:ie o
Deanery of Bruce was held at Lucl:uow +
on Tuesday of this week. Rev, gWm. 'GO + See the new Safety Lamp Burner with Patent Clasp
Lowe, of town attended the meetin and +
preached the sermon. 4 ;
Au excellent report of Ministerial +
Session of the Wingham District of the + 00MINOR LOCALS. Methodist chnreh, takenfrom the Brussels Post will be found in another+ Q.`';9 GRIFIF'IN'S
Campbell is Headache Wafers giiarat7• column of this issue. Our space would Do M. 9
teed to mase headache. not permit us hiving a report of the .
—Wherever the advertisement g Direct Importer. o-
goes, held at Brussels
-nary Society's meeting 6+@ @++04++. .++++1.44,44+4+OP ke+tO4+44+4?+++4+44+44+4+++
the store goes. held at Brussels on Wednesday of last
Minutes of Turnberry council are week.` ,
crowded out of this issue. Revs. Mr. Williams, commissioner for ♦p pde®®4®@Q® !@O6y494l4+m *o@®040@44♦@00 ®6o♦'9 b♦@!0® Qod^♦00®®@4 eQ,!®POc maamOGodOO®®484♦ O®@O@®APb®d*0+9
—Two weeks from Mimclay anglers the bishop;Mr„ Lowe, of Wingham, and a
. I arney, of Goxrie, were in the
may try to catch blank bass, Mr.g
—Remember the dates of the Wing- reg servi esivillage on e theilEnglishto roLhnrcnr
ham races, June 26th and 27th. +
The intention is, so far a., we could ® +
This week A, H. Carr received a car learn, to unite Teeswater and Kinlough ♦ r
load of corn and a car load of oats. and have the minister live liere.—Tees- ati*o n Iron W 0 r'k .5
—An otter has it-, home in the Mait- water News. @
Land near the iron bridge in Brussels. ♦ jYT ' ♦j
Presbytery of DtaItktllrl,
—For flue job printing at reasonable The Presbytery of Maitland met in A +
prices the T=s cannot be surpassed. ' Wingham cn Tuesday, the 21st Inst. GENERAL OFFICES .Wyk Wang%
' —The Trrsrs will be Rent to anti ad- Commissioners to the Generti! Assembly ® ♦
dress till January Ist,1012, for 50 cents. were appointed as follows:--Rttvs.West, o off 'SAI D OFFICE NATIONAL 'flP&VST BVIT,.tID.[NCw : TORONTO. @
—Regular monthly meetitlg of the McKay, Murray, AlricLeunan, Dunn and
Town Council on Monday evening next. Eiders T. Strachan, Tnrubuil, Cameron, 9 (INCORPORATED UNDERoONTARIO C
` —Camp' Caledonia., S. 0. S. will hold Boyd and Meiklejohn. Ali obituary ♦ OMPANIES ACT.) +
its regular meeting on Monday evening notice of the late Rev. John biauxabb, @
next. Lucknow, was adopted and angered to be O --
engrossed in the minutes awl to be for-
-Tho 0
---'Tho *ares to be held in Winghnln, ,
on :3tntt .zGth gnr127th, will be the best warded to his widow, The Pre„aytPry ♦
i in the history of the association, n;,n'eed to apply to the Cent-gal A. llfroiy thorli:2,3, wr „o , 000 +
to receive r. Z. C. W. iklricCol3 front p '
—Dovj. Jenkins is 17a1itit,• fmaizolitliie rhe Colri;rct;ariounl Church, U. S. A., o •
wall4s .uid from the street to his two into the Presbyterian Chnrehin Camila. ♦ SHARES
r dwelling houses on Diagonal street. Leave of absence wns grunted to Rt•v. $ IN 2,000 SH RES OF $100.00 ',i ACH'
If it is asthma, branchitia, croup, or any Mr, Anderson, of Wroxeter, slid Air. ♦
such trouble, use Vapo-Cresolene. All Druggism McLeod, of Ripley, who intend gomp, to ♦ '^ T y @
t . 'R !,F I R '' TC ; STOCK - - i 000 SHARKS $100 040•
--Longi Huron, No. $•108, A. O. F. Seotlatici for the summer. Rev. big. ; . S , - -'- >
y will attend divine service in t' Metho- Anglerson, GVroxeter,wasappnrittedClerk COMMOKSTUCK _
t dist church on Sunday morning next. of Presbytery in room of the late Rev. J. _ ! 1,000 SHARES— 100,000.
-This is self-denial week with the • y
Salvation Army, and the local Salva- • Cook's Cotton lzoot Cam o'a3 i : -
tionists aro busy Collecting for this fund. is bneeessfnliy used monthiy b over
' —Our local wool buyers are open to 1o,tT00Ladies. safe, effectual. Ladies ask
buyall the wool offered for which the your draggiat for Cook's tattoo gloat Qw- ♦ JOHN GALT, O, E. and M. Er,, Toronto, BANTX t2 ' HAMILTON, Ginghatn,
sat.. Tato re ee,as all Mixtures, pills and ♦ CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE T d
highest price will be paid in cash or : limitations are dangerous. %'aloe, No, 1, $1 per ♦ WILLIAM (), BULLOC$, Manufacturer, Toronto. , bronco.
box; No. 2, 10 degrees stronger,$$ per liox. go. ! JORN A. MOLE", Lumber Merchant Win " o
1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 8•eent , r g17am.
i --R. B, Ferguson and family are mov- st em ps , The (Teak Colstpuny Windsor out ALFRED E. SNTIT]i, Banker, Wingham.
ing to Walkerton. Mr. Ferguson has i 'Nos.1 and 2 acid ana recommended iq all @ CLARK50N & CROSS, Toronto. 4
r, accepted a position 171 the tannery in respousibleDrugglatalu0s ads. ♦ Al. B. ALYSWORTI3. Architect, Toronto. ®,
that town. No.I and No. 2 are sold in Wingham by A.L GEORGE BULLOCK, Accountant, Toronto. 4iUliJ]iCl['rO t .
--Robs. Matson and his usual trou a Hamilton, T. it. Davis, A. A. Morrow, Colin A JOHN GOUINLOOK, Agent, Toronto, RbWAN & ROSS, Torontii. +
p Campbell, Druguists. ,
of tampers struck fawn Iasi week and !_...._.._ I APVACIiIGIi INT
ppi_tched their tent on the Sats in Lower
WANTED-TRand a advertise MEN ,13D • _ . -_ -_ . ___
'Vin ham• women to travel and adr+eriise for cid estab-
g fished goitre nP a pelidses, all sayable I salary, $Ulan MUNI10% B. So. Glasgow Vniversity, WILLIAM C. BULI,O()X
`n780 a year and expenses, all payable in cash. ► JOTiN GALT, C. %t', and. M. E.,
q Z
y references and '► Consulting Engineer, Superintendent.
arrss J>ianag r, w4 e,uxton Bldg., C elope Act- P Managing Director,
- - -
.: enclospselfn drowsed stamped en
'' `' ocanvatrnln near Give re
tDf]itNr • The Directors offer the balance of ist issue per cent. preference stock to the people 'of "t]•Virlgharn and 'vicinity.
I groat, Wt T,mvA v- In win Jusm, un Ma
g the + The a ments are laced within the reach of all art"res, rich and oor,
Gargles can't giy Yuck f +give
of T J. Sullivan; o daughter. A— 41
lit p y p }y p ♦
ziFrcrtrfox-IttwinSon, a onibiay 2; The charter of the Company is an exce tionalJ broad ibrie giving the right to act as Engineers Consult* or
ell o t1 g h; SiSrayS d o ri fP "f ti4alter i-iutrhivon; a daughter, ++ a p p y t ,
reaClltlCepetl6tlg'lltylittt t DlcNar,t. lrtTttwt Ruwunorh, ort ;i ith, 1 ♦ Mechanical Contractors and l Ianufacturers,
air you breathe touch the iPt, of ISutthn v NleNall; a bon.
y ,r,rrrtxerl>Fti ... ' Canada to-day making the rapid strides of the Iron Industries. The✓ prospects of this '
There is n( business in
every part. Then why FnAmEt--A n soa.-At tht rrf:*dttnr, of the y
put. Soma healing medicine li+i v2st I,byRecu'rX.–At
v wlt7,al oWP.p mi bAtiau ;iy Company doing r ai%t. and profitable business are exceptionally promising,
in tete air and let them go along iin7 cstiaori rgarcC mist•, dunghterof + `t l ♦
together? That is whatVapb-Creso ,rttcoax—therfxirTenrt•nrthe + dome ofthe Ii1~es to be trl tdt; are: '`ilro yC rry,i Gsy '("'a ;te V' LI'c7es, alE oC% Vt ,T'Vea fel" Steany, Gasiritit.H<' Ammonia, &C.; Lar a .fte b77f1, Fittings Sprinkler E quip Supplies, Indicator Posts
. Yene is for. t pats the healing meds- ivi .,'g prili nts, toll, xcllic ,ono nr 20th,
b slog 011, . s q C't+ ! y
icicle tight oil flit" places that taus w,5`an(rU0iet N fir S,
tlutv, xno7af: T3AVAfit. $tEit.Pat71'srctierv, '►I'Xt'ali iiti` >,iYCDisplay`ClU7iXl✓15.
;Ieert3 it. 'Y6U X10111 Slit why t Whighnnr,on Masi 40, by Rev, win, 144t• ! v ,
quiCl•ly cures sore throat, kyr`0 ti 'wAo Atmytlonfiroy. "e 8• rah8avage,bothoi The Com an. are the stile al eats in Canada of Glenfield-Kennedy, t
tJ.t,.n:co* otf]rey. Company y Limited, Kilmarnock, Scotland, farmed in all
hltis, iioatsePieSs, wrlioop111g-ooug}i Ptrnnrlw -picN.,r.••» Ic xesiflenea of the
2 bridesi:ltrentx,Turnhvrrp, en May 22nd, by parts of the world its Hydraulic Engineers, Vlxperts and Manufacturers. The fact of this old established house beCtntn
•^ y , .agAtts everfvrhore. iti•v lJ. 'i,t)t:utn,w Whifeh, toll . AIexandsr + ing affiliated with a young. Canadian Concern YnEty Safer be taken ilS an tlCliCi3ti(l1 of strength and ConfldetiCe.
r t, ,« Y t: r • , uP iilrtKt Wa; tanoslt, to 2i,s9 Tenn,
x1, r.t„ n e hula lost atf ,a.. t ofl3e terMeKay, The buildings are rapidly tyeairing completion, -and the Works will soon be in operation.
tam, b rssoicae potripiete, $t.y 50It>.
:ctrK n._, f.t.Y " t.r.,oltitrtt xs CC,tts and St7 t:Cnt r IiNJ,t7i:-fIF"«-i1Y 1 INt itYtMli, t1tY i,1a r
ISauratc i booklet Cuntubitug ptsyatalaas' telt{• 5 Pitt1CS dCSll1IC itliC3YtYt ftie)tl regarding tl1C Stt3Cli prospectus, c„ Should 11261st' a liCc trf3Ct at Kll1Co itD ilio CC kll
Y Tsrh.JettaiP,aifoof twin. M. n, aged r r lip
rrorwtlet'o- upon etlgt,tat, xtroCnicsoT.ktttd4earlit,
{t r+,8fnonthennd22datwt7 litstillhaYYt,
]clip i*mias,x St., Sraw York* t7,S.A, 2nzyl.ttxoir -yIa Tnrnberrir, on %&y 26th p y
]lrscntta er7 id andboM by A, Ix. 'HatniYitzabtkh, "tie of Sohn kJ•a'pletw, aged ad
i„t Jriisi7azas. imonthand22d6ayer # l rt iiii/tifr il ►iii llb+D N # f$fir+D Nl1►ii+Dw ►l+D 'it4lelN 1►ii4rii ND/►#i++i N l 1 1►+►ft+ i+ba/li► a1 i