HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-05-31, Page 6Em
«lily fifty years ago inEtlgland bet Eloquence
of wtlatlarrr. �'aul><vy, Nntey. A.raliraa:tatue>
Eloquence iaa vehement simplicitY.•�- Growing chicks Must be feel liberally, Life la, lvhat 1ve luake it. ---George
F ,s ,f iR .. : '$.: v:..i,W7wH.'•q:c.9. �i ;"..:t:.. 'inti•:i8,:<Cr'.:w:a:r+wew;a««a+eV.A,Wn+J.Fiil%e*%.4A'% .. '. '
ones Fs d'mtltt F. orliet,. to ttvery ten rites. ,Cecil. Shipthe poorer I:iuds of fowls by I,ogatt.
At prt i ut the Patio is one to four,
Thirt) ;t-f•atrs ago two•titirds of all the lauxdeus become light aVfan cheerfully ` #itelilselves, IfeAt not A furnace for your foo so riot tl 'a n "t•
self-supporting Nvolu i. Fvtlre domertio borne. --Ovid. Early, well-developed pullets wake that it. .does lingo yourself._Shake-•
servillits. To clay wily ane -third etre so A name is t4 kind face hvfsreby anti is good Fvitlter layers,s elaxp.Al
employl.d. kuotvu.— Fuller! The Motive olt clt. 14irs. yottitiil says, It takes two. to risme n quaxroi, but
Gare, addmitted as a guest, quickl ' nmkes:the best layer. (fob out early iu it's usually the Voris; of
a tllirfi.--llov,
Alcnttll Alia] ]1hyF1t'ial Yigax follow the the morning, set) which of the young
1180 of 'Aillor s 10oalipoual t Iron Pills. turils to be master,- Botee, W. St. Rill. !fit
o pullets are most active In foraging fol, , ,
''qr salt) 11y L. i :lluiltalt' Tu fliul fault is easy; to do 1getter.nay Et2uc tGiuzz begxn.s the gentleman, but
• y themselves anti save their fu1buess.
Tho big,gost ciook in America is iu be More 'aMoult.---Plutarch, reading, good company and refieetiou i
Philadelphia. It is Dai, feet front the i Poultry cannot be kept healthy on •ever
great station is made only by worthy* ground or in damp houses roust finish lzint. �-T�o01ie. '
pavement. Its bell weinlas over 20,000 citizens. -•C'. D. waruer. host thou love lire? Then do not
pounds. The dial is 2, feet inslialuetex, liuiilors feed on Immors,---t11u sooner
the minute baud 1 feat long, acct the The two oillees of in are collec- You get esti of them tits better- Hood's bcluaatciex tithe, for time Is the stutr life
rico azl:t dzstxit"ittialh.- dTuhuson. Sarsaparilla is the medicine to take, is made of.—Frauldilx. 47astoria, Is foir Tufa nts stud Children. Ca�storla, is a
faux bland 2 feet, the numes in ala on the The food must always be varied The lesson of life is to believe what hayr xillesS oUbstituto for pastor 011 ralre orale, Drops
face being; 2 feet s, inches in length, �, It thou tvoulal; t be obeyed as a father y , f;'
three -horse power engine winds the be obedient as. a soli. --William Penn, auaugli to keep rile fowls atx good ap- the years asci talo tleutuszes say a„ainst . and Soothing Syrups. It Contains neither opium,
clock Every violationof truth is a. stab at petite, the liours,•--$nlereou, iYlorZtl.iuc nor other ZtiTttxt:otitl substance, It to pleasant.
A horse eats nine times its weight in the -health of human society.•- Eluer-IIIneatly all cases tha Ills tt that I� or Life, with all its yields of joy and Its guarantee is thirty �rea�rsl use by 3Killions of
begins to lay earlier In este is he olio viae, n a year, a sheep six times. Toad x
. ales. sou. that Yvfll lay the largest nMothers Castoria destroys Worms and allays Veverish.
umber of And hope and fear, � ;: •s
Re. Atli.) hath. imag"inatiou without, eggs. Is just our chance o' tile. prize of learn. ness, Castoria, Cures Diarrhoea and Wind colic. gastorrial,
learning has wings and, 110 feet,-- The heavy setters should have shallow Ing love, relieves Teething Troubles, .canes Constipation ;trod
,Tgt.11t'xt, nest boxes anti rather fiats -tests, •.•Robert Browning', Vlatsileapey', G'al,storia, assimilates ha � ood, regulates
The or ure _ Tao usual forttuxq of complaint is to otherwise there will ba many b�rol*eu I �'
,�''�ar�' /g� Understand what it means to trust the Stomach and Bowels of ltnfants and 471iilalreAi, giving
esr.te contempt -noxa than pity,— eggs. lagaLltlty Viand natural sleep. Castoriau 9s `' tDlo. 471iildrlot s
od; Be nigh overcareful fax whatis to ,
Jtabatist2u. OThey 0011 Wall" says Druggist come --Stoptord A. Brooke..
6� � r-.Ite highest 1lianlloud lies in disposi. p'llell of Truro, N.S, Want an better 4 PAMMen�--•Tlxo Nothelr's 11 riend.
en `-' e�^"' ro�+tion, not in mere intellect. --Fl. NV. evidence of the real merit of Dr. Von Stan's Nlr, you Iavelexs.Fwzslt to level daFvzl as
Vineap le Tablets as a .cure for all forms of _ far as thetxlselves, but they cannot beau Castorla. %ci,a�gi`j c?•,
Y g A
- Stomas trouble than that they're in S`thcil loVeltn Tti YGo themselves.--,7ahnstan. „ •
:evht:r. >
Mr, Paul Lativlere, ltte.;dowville It is only great souls that k4ow flow great demand? Not a nauseous dose that e,Aterla is all excellent mediclue for 4, castoria is so well atl„ptetl to children
t g , makes one's ver insides rebel—butpleasant,Be lot Ing; and you will neves want for children. Mothers have repeatedly told me that I recommend it as superior to any pre-
as alert, s. "I eo,, 1.G., writes , much glory there is in bels„ good.— Y carry
love; be humble and of iia '" „
118 follows. " I thrill always pra8se ,> � lhacles. quick and harmless. --a tiny tablet to catty you Will never Good effect upon their children, f scription known to ate,
t 1 iu aux eket, 33 cents. - Io4 want for Da. G. C, Os000v, Lowell, hafts, II, A. AUCRICR, M. A. Brooklyn, Ar. V
Burdock Bleed Bitters as the best Y Po guiding,-rDinahMuloch Craik,
remedy for shin diseases. I had V, \ ever say° you know a. man until yen sold by A, L. Natnliton. The men who succeed best In public �•/� T �i '
been ;uftermg from ,Salt luteum + h tit: ttivitted an iuheritance with them. For kee lug fowls in THE FAC -SIMILE I�.�: Sl GA� h�TURE OF
or Eczema for the past Ere rears p good health in life, are those z�ho take the risk of
and hould not get any rest 'ftnzu i."tF'att'r• shall runs their ouarters should be standing by their otvu convictions. --
the terrible burning tnd itching, Irresolution is a heavy stone rolled up small
clean and occasionally be disinfect= Garfield. �. R �, .,,,.�.•+�� 1
whh,b was worse at ulaht and pre- a bill by a weak child, rand moved as ed and the fowls be kept free from ",Fill we a bowl, a mighty l owl,
vented ante sleeping, tittle up just to fall back agaiu,--W. vermin.
I Large as my capacious soul.,
would try it, and after using one '
Hearing of B.B.E. I thought Rider, In sending dressed poultry to Market Nast as my thirst, is, let it have
care should be taken Itot to
Bottle I was so uhuelt relieved that The way to gain a good reputation is pack it until Depth enough t0 be lay grave,
I continued using it, taking six to endeavor to be what you desire to all of the animal -teat is cooled out. See I mean the grave of all my care, �.
bottles in nil, anes am now corn- appear.—Socrates. that there is no discoloration of the For I design to bury at there." APPEARS
(J�,, �"` � ° " .,
p>etely eured• skin. P 4 nD A E ARS O EVERY �r�'R.f PPER.
He who receives a benefit should never And I saw that there was an ocesiu of '
----- Crude petroleum is an excellent disin-
forget it; 110 who should never darlcnesd and death, But all infinite ocean . TNG CCN7AliGV Rdl tf•AN\ 1T AIU,IFlAY ET4CET, NEW YORK CITY
,.,, fe6<ckLnt alouo, bat nsilli; it to dilute on- 5�'�A Iw1Fs+��,,. ,•�`,w;��Lx"', t�;,;ir"�.-.c�,R'�r..;?t'�,_'T,:.,ice%,? ��.�� W u-,-�E,�"s;.� .
It is a blessing that there is remember ft.- Charron. of light and love flowed over the ocean
sash a, reliable remedy as B.B.B. balic acid is the most economical Nay of
for those torturedday and night cc utilizing the ,told. of darkness, and in that I saw the
with terrible skin diseases and who My Physicians Told Me 1 Must �' infiinite lova of God.—George Fox. _
can get narelief from their m]swh Die, but South American Kidney Cure "Whatever
cured me of that awful Bright's Disease." Ten thousand Chicago clerks have Whatever the weather may be, says
Apply itexternally and ittakes This is a sentence from a letter of a well- mortgaged their salaries for months he— TAJ"
iIF• r r
out the fire orad itch and aids in known business man in a western town who ahead to loan sharks to get money* to "Whatever the weather may be, a
the heating process. through overwork and worry had 'contractedBLI
Take it internally and it puri- this kidney pestilence. It will relieve speculate in grain incl stocks. It's the song ye sing, an, the ,smiles ye
flee the blood of all those poisons instantly and cure all kidney diseases.-- wear,r
, D r01310,
Fchieh are the source of skin stop- That s a makin the sun shine every- if you ever contracted any Stood Disease youare,never safe unless the virus or
tions. Sod byA. L, Hamilton. J U T Y where."' Poison has been eradicated from the system. At tunes you, see alarming symptoms, .
rs butiive in hopes no ner]ous results will follow, have you any of the following ;•
B.B.B. Coxes Eczema
and aU Bing
Itching Sidn Diseases..
., :w,.. _
.iA 5 t:. nw
■cry nib
w u,l
R R•
This season of the year when coughs '4 i
and colds are so prevalent, it would F'
• be advisable to keep a bottle of? Dr. R
Wood's Norway
Syrup in the ni
house. to
It allays all inflammation and irri-
tation of the breathing organs, and g;,
cures coughs and colds of 'young and a
old more quickly and effectually than ELI
p„ any other remedy.
:g1, Airs. Arthur 3iolnslrey, White's
i'•"r. Point, Queen's Co„ -N.D., writes: �n
Ill the fall of IS99, I was taken p.
;m down with a severe attack of Ln��",
Grippe which loft me with a. bad _
cough. I tried several remedies and
could obtain no relief and was almost „•;
in desnair of a cure whela a friend
advised n:e to take Dr. Wood's Xor- "e
way Pine Syrup. Itoo&three bottles
in 61 and it made-& complete cure.
� d
No, s.1 to
Cauliflower and Cabbage Maggots.
Lime is the best thing to kill the mag-
got ilz cauliflower and cabbage plants
when we take them from the seedbed to
transplant into the field, and it should
be used as a preventive as well as a cure.
Cover the seedbed with air -slatted lime
until the surface is white, as soon as the
plants are up,and in case of heavy rains,
which carry it into the soil, make a sec-
ond application. When the plants are
ready to transplant, dip them in a strong
solution of lime, say five pounds to a
pail of water, and give them a goocl
ch r,•.11cil will uorJ injure .the plant
g, e a
y p
in the least, and is 'eery elective to the
destruction of all insect forms. Lime
sllouId be used freelyin the garden, par-
ticularly in hotbeds alld cold fraises,
where wni
eee, slums and maggots are -
usually troublesome. Keep tete surface
white with lime dust, and very little
trol:ble aced be apprehended,—C. L.
Grovesend, out.
DzsR SIPS,—I am giant too be able to
tell you that Doau's kidney Pills proved
an excellent remedy for lame back and
kidney troubles, from which I suffered.
I tcol: one box and 1118 entirely cured
me, Alm H. SMITIr.
The first baloon ascent tool;: place in
In Norway girls are required by lair
to become proficient in knitting, baking,
and spinning; before they are eligible for
wEta nee.
Or. Pitcher's Backache
Kidney Tablet Ha's a
Record of C.:4,3ras
Because it is not an experiment, not a `Icare-
ail,"but amodern, up-to-dateformu'a, thorough-
ly tried and tested on, many lawdlrrus of
cages in private practice, lioslJital andlioutdoor
A fnctlicine that has kept pace with the times
and the advancement of fined icai science. A
medicine confined to n particular tange. One
1. tare 11 a can t atdrms not rouitsc n t a it da.
Abackacle kile+ 11' adder tnb,e. Iite
duple, the satue yesterday, to•eny and to _mur-
row. This great kidney medictue is a boon
alike to the youu . the middle-aged and- the
It was the people who succeWfully used Dr.
Pitcher's Backache Xidney Tablet that applied
to it tie ternt : "The Great Kidney itledicine,"
because it removed Syrulitonts like the following
that we,e staring teem itt the face every, day,
all Me result of disordered kidneys--
rain is the back.
Weak, sluggish circulntion.
Puffy or dark circles under the eyes.
Urine cloudly, tnilk-like or stringy, dark in
colour, or offensive,
]Painful, scalding sensation ill passing it.
Dull, heavy headaches,. tired. dizzy feeling,
faint spells; irregular heart beats.
Vrinaty weakness, compelling frequent
'atteution during the clay, anti to get up in.ay
times during the night.
Restless, sleepless nights. Zagged out, run
down and irritable.
These are some of the danger signals nature
sets to show the track of health is not clear, but
kidneys clogged and Bright's disease stealingin.
if you are convinced Pitcher's Tablets are
what you want, you can purchase theist at your
druggist's for 50 cents a bottle, If not obtain•
able at druggists, mailed free of postage on
tecei.ptdf price.
The Dr. Zinn, Pitcher Co., Toronto, Ont,
—Tames Whitcomb Riley.
"5 relieve R to be the most
ef- et Live remedy for the S em-
a;eh and .Nerves in the e'a>tarket"
is what Annie Patterson, of Sackville, N.B.,
says of South American Nervine, for, she
says, La Grippe and the complications which
followed it left her next to dead with Indi-
gestion, Dyspepsia and General Dlervoud'
Shattering. It cured her,—zoo
Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
laouseltold iltfnts.
Never leave a lemon or any acid jelly
in a fin . mould over Liggbt, - because it
spoils the taste.
Immediately after using pudding
cloths scapi them, Wash thein thorou;;h-
ly, and hang thein up to dry. Let them
air thoroughly 1: efore bein. put away,
or they will, have a musts, disagreeable
odor when next used.
Don't drink too much liquid during
meal€—never more than lisdf a -:int,
usuallyless. l_s_. The dilution of the gas-
tric juice impairs its' efficacy, and the
stomach is not able to accomplish its
digestive, churning movements when
filled with a large amount of fluid.
There should be no quarter given to
dirt and dust in the house; they are the
houseFvife's fee and heraditary enemy,
against whom ceaseless War should be
waged, not only beeduse of appearance,
though this shoxxld be contidered, but
also,, and principally, because of health.
Towels should never beslut away
without beiu;; thoroughly ' dried, be-
cause, if thoy tare con,fglled,• to isles lflxen
closet without the 13re. tittiou of, a good
.,airing a mold called -oidium,' farms on
tkem. this ' mold is atlleg 6d. to be n-
jurious to the shrill and liable: to produce
skin disease.
sy uiptoms? Sore throat, ulcers on the tongue or in the mouth, hale falling opt, ach •
ing pains itchiness of the skin, sores or blotches on the body, eyes red and smart,
dyspeptic stomach, sexual, weakness—indications of the secondar stage. Don't .-
trust to luck. Don't ruin your system with'the old fogy treatment—mercury and
potash -which only suppresses the symptoms fgr a time only to break out againwhen
hapt�g� in domestic life. Don't let quacks ex0eriment an you. Our'NEW UP.TH01D
T<k:ATMENT is guaranteed to cure you. Our p•iaarcantece are backed .
by &arrant bonds that the disease will never return. Thousands of patients
hava been already cured by our NEW rdZTHOD TRLAJ.C]t LLT for over 20 years,
and no return of the disease. No esparimeat, no risk—not a "patch up," but a pod; • 6
live care. The worst cases solicited.
N-11-,xvous DA,B r
OUfa�! Ia;E u�' 1Vi3%,'CiFii®b� `l[ FB a6'a`r4TtXT will Cure you: and maize a than i
of you. Under its influence the brain becomes active, the blood ilurified so that
all pimples, blotches and ulcers disappear; the, nerves become strong as steel, so
that nervousness' bashfulness and despondency' disappear; the eyes become bright, o
the face full and clear, energy returns to the body, and the moral, physical and sea -
nal systems are invigorated; all drains cease—no more vital waste from the system.
The various organs become natural and manly. You feet yourself a man and know
marriage cannot boa failure. We invite all the afflicted to consult us coufideutiall. .
and free of char e. Don't let uack n
e a d fakirs rob u of our bar&eartt
ed ;
dollars. ! I R •
y4 y
a, rvE C17 'xov`t OR No AY:
it LgI. >; P
1" '
We treat and cure N .i2 J U5' DEBILITY, SP
O 5EXUATi I.'ARNE...i, 1~MI3-
Bi,ADDBR DISEASES, and all diseases peculiar to melt and woir en. Ct;res Cuar"t im
ottavictimpHave ott lost
hope? Areyouou contemplative
�a?r' Has our blood been diseased? Have y9u anwe�
uEAD9Ra New Method Treatment wilt cureyou. CgAsu1lQtioq 3
Free. No matter who has treatedivou, write for an hottest opinion Free of Chari;e, s
Charges reasonable. BooksFroe.--'The Golden Monitor" tillustrated] onDiseascso;
men "Diseases of 'women" "The Wages of Sin." "Varicocele, Stricture and Gita."
All seat Free sealed.
00 1110didne sent 0. 0. 0. Ho 11Mrlte9 On bOX@S ar erlvelo;ies, . Eevtlrythintg ;
Ocnfidentiel. Quasticn list and Cost of Treatment, FRCS, for Home Clue.
s'naa•xmr:n>vCrrl.G.x.ri,bli Y.nicc3.eu..tw,.�r.ei,va..c.s...a.k,t,n.u,�n..r.�•,i.. eiesa. atv •'meeaia •.ne,..vwo
•..... .�, w..aw.....avw..rw.w...r...r...+w....,.,,......�.raur...,..r:ahc.s.eea,..r,.e+w
Job Pin"ntilig
In this progressing zge l business firm cannot, afford to use
Poor printing, 'Ther gqu-llity of its stationery is the index to its
worth. Customers and the public generally want no better
sign than neat and attractive printing. TI47✓ TIMES
Dresses are prepared to furnish just what is wanted in
When Baby howl Scald Head i ... ,t.. .. �: r......
Vlfh�:,MothdrhadSae.lt_Rheum— � a���ae� leads
When learner had Piles.—Dr, A.g-
A new's Ointment gave the quickest relief and 1 , #
surest cure. These are gems of truth picked 1 196 Fleads emeralldlliiiy
Al , (*• from testimony which is given every day to ;
a �i�cf this greatest of healers It has never been ��pg �qq
ai. l a' s� � '� matched In curativt qualities in )eczema, 1 6"t�lft
He� 5 Envelopes
w• \ = * >� • , a bl Tit10.1
� . cc2v+r Tetter,ileS, efC. g$ CenfS,--Yo3 f R
,., .. a , r?' . w • i� � ` '� Sold br ,n, L 11.tnilholi, tl t �� lice Supplies
�, • b t. �„A kit''tfl. �pf ¢ p f ''rt" i� J
T1J8 new Prebytorian church at _ ... ..
r • i 1 j �'r A.rmow will cost $4,1100. �.........
- tThe Bruce Pioneers tivill hold their'
}w,./;�,•,y,. >' .,f f ,w'r aixnh7al picnic in rn1:2saew Park, Fort
Biu! ['i° � p g $�� l�
1✓lgin, oa ,dile 18th.
' t r United Brctbre'll Clergymen, at"cord.
�' � � Palme
� 1"jj�. ieg to the ruling; of the general de" i§ trot always the best kind to get; but if yore het good printing, and at
tttUill nontillational couferonce in 1"fedr-ricton, moderate `prize, you will then have the best, "GV0 have every facility for
N, Da, must. all 4bandoi2 the use, of tire' ling ont good work in the shortest tittle. Tho office is eglxipped with
i► 4 NA 1 vU to pres',ure of bvi-fu sv at the will a.dmit'of, � tobacco. fast jobbers, Bard and. pliper cutters, stapling, madhine and stl modern
�. F'€tlt;aner, Palmerston, who 'twin
t iii ::•v the mora •c;11it tit c,? the If faruters •tvill deeide on flits amount lsranJptly return certificates for the The pajgsilollors of rho Roman c1at11il- eon'petlit .lees,
1:wIn t e.o;C sc r Itsvf Pia Ix 1.+ 1etc,ry ott thay intend subseribingt before they live -amount. •sic church at I�ingsllriRo Asl2dold
Pali.: a d Y 1. ltravo futn2d it > h s f s r.tl c to called oil by the solicitors it will fadli. Faviners wishing; to arrange fox° lxleot
e2l;sast _ :
NNI. It. l;el ,lJlx,u. > t„IcsF: t,a tli, ette the wade. This Ahares arcs %Oxo itrga should address W, X Belflen,ltloles- township, all Saturday last erected to '
to V01.4.1, -to tite taalringg of s tock. lir, is emh, the majority, of farmers tatiligt worth, wllo twill, be pleased for sleet thosd the nionmry of tlteir late beloved pastor,IF YOU WAN
lilitll'•S ::i
to xeceiv,l Illoldp.4 a-14 1113tes from two to five sbares, paying; C04311, (sr ilxterc%ted ill this very” importatlt in� Rev, N. ,T. Dixon a halldsome mollht• _
stud tetll,t,int rrltr1121<w5 t�edClin a,'eniti to sulic t stw'L for inthree, tits or nine molxtil8' time. I4 (l'astry,
the 0.. ti xhmild be Understood tllat no person is It lnay.bo well to add that faritterg, ill mellt costilsg upsvilrli8 of 4500. IDrO g g Stationery
Sioco lApAl fanners hw' o ;svl),s(,Allec'l liable for more �thalt. 'he sullseribecl, the the i+ici111ty ref Iti�lgatowil, have ill the
_ .,...
fret+l� aloe, tlitsstl Fvixos 12resno4v: hart•hflltl• Cm being ax limited one, The bwldini# past x2xolxth subscribed $3,000, olailning;• g � Catald rtes ne
Busiss Notices
era r1t riot} Co. ash every farmer to tzttb- and plant hftve cost $W,000, all of which that distance is 110 detriment as all t1lat t -a: f�"a vooac`o no ilda,9to . � ,
4oxailsef •just what lie call o0It would hos heels sifted. A litunbear of farmers is epgred. ip rt factory' belonging Purdy the aped BnI2
pzisht)»rclll.� Calendars or Auction rills
be •t vl for each and uil foado;a of hogs caM enough till notes to dei business-•- to t12e fatmexa. r� �t Sold and recommended by all a
to cor.'icic r his profits flow, tall"'tialt tire- this real aft -A $50,000, 4,114 tho8ewho now Itret well known that Nnish bf2eoll ' ciru>tgldtiw lei t]atlnda. Onl refs. ���� °�� � CAM
ni+ '12t tet F• tttlrliri+`h. lltiv(i siitirCS f6e1 that tilAir tJititiler falai» hr212gs Jllisrt' x22 +".tJ;;lftild t12at1 trd22:tetfall $tale modlelpa diNcaSvelk�tl,. iftt
l - rrlbattl tills a2in.rlal.t avhiah wtltir , s p . ltd�yeff 0=04need to cure all
I11 v, t 1110st .100 fw,ta- er;i should toll
hip tatlla tl {3y farzrler81ua21t1fCa.,ttxr• tarnts a ssxitfti wrelrYtOati all eflc+ets at tbtf se
Sr", " blas:.til t1v falitltil. � t1 fFt ftIl110itt 316611IR' compared with the illw and handling their own thus litak• or aicvss,110A i. w0kry, JKee$i11wa t1g^ 6f'Sa�
wi;1 .
•:.t tot the tinio to vonw at 'berefit derived. earatpi,
1119 tl eat mono interested in pvodueingt 0, bacon, 0plutnel' gti lstrtd, MA3 td TIMES
�f Via+
i taJ:`' .•1 gt1•are•:IrilJzt t1to1 f 2211'a'xltt,x of alar 'pklGdo �rrhrt tt>wfl blot ottflec'i n2x may 4n11r'i good artield. :f,�t fanners aoa, to it that � tut; IZ on�`�pp�'°��'gj" t` f`, ts. � ,
rat It list all the English warllot ` their subscriptions to the Manager, tura 1c,3p iletd� tard�li� rid rs �t � �
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