HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-05-31, Page 5:I T111?4 WINGHAN T1ME89 MAY 31, 1901• E . V •. Real [state U 1 t ! T Duberry Court of Ii.avisiazl: xas bal(1 -a , i luevale on l on(iay. _ E Ii .0XICAP 5eweilery TAILOR R Tho people of Jamestown and vicinity = SURE, 00 • a'1.OFtS, ' ` "' " Tho purchased the old Congregational T ' - ,-- tiVIN II IifI. church atSalem, Tum orry, and moved , . ,. ... ,.. .• ., .. ,.,, ,,, ,.. . Watches, Gold We have. placed in stock, it to Jamestown to be used as a hall for : ekes, and Silver. nice assortment of ready -to- - ol,uxt;l, services, and for all necessary wear clothing, and while we meetings. The old church lia(I stood in 4 inners T a d e A. AM /Patr!io'k L Turuber,y for nigh thirty -flus, yours but -r ■ :las' do riot pretend to sell at less AML of lista liacl been almost `without a Hair than•cost and live on the loss, OfTice-Cornereopol(l Sts. congregation, its members having rnov. 'ea, we have lots of TRADE4 W1NNI'liti •-••-the`' are looming Iyou will find full value for your od to distant parts. It was taken apart f up in 1111 tiepartncellts and are making and bringini; r,ew custom - Rings 1 money every time. and rebuilt on arrival at the town. Dr r , rWe have a o tlioso tiv io Macdonald, M.P. contributed anappr - era r'veryday. St e','o aftcr UI(i I'T iIItiI.SS itl(l depend upon ri1 Give its a call. See what contem late bens in this able sum toward its construction. "large and thoroughly UP-TO-DATE, stock at CLOSE GI,'2' 'x o®ches i i we have in Men's, in Youths' very busy, live tow,;, that we hays on. The C. F. picnic did not tape place on I'Ir' OMS to do it, Belt Buckles And in Children's, all new and haulsavexlil desirable dwellings oQn• Victoria Day oil account of lire rain, The goods are all marked in plain, figures at easy -selling and trally situated for sale. Also 30 build. which poured all day. up-to-date goods. iu lots in No, Ward, 1S of which are Communion services will be hold in buying prices, We have just passed into stock arotner shipment Sterling Silver We have also a line of odd on Carling St. East, the Presbyterian, church next Sabbath. of Summer (xoods. Come in and exatx,ine the stock. ,No trouble Novelties, 1 , 5 on Catherine St. East, Rev. D, B. McRae, of Grattbrool>, , Garments, Trousers Vests to show you the goods, S on Carling St. West, will preach a preparatory sermon on + Bicycle Suits, Overalls, etc. I';e;1so read the following listof trade winders: Cut Glass. y 4 on Cornyn St. South. Friday. Messrs Erin]- B Scott and John 4 on Comyn St. North, y •s ,9 • U tj L/AN V ` • And i lot, No. 88, on the East side of Wasman, the village blacksmiths, spent Dress Goods Grocories Frances St., No. 4 Ward, at prices to Victoria Day with their parents, the , Eyes tested vathout char o. Tse airing N ext door to Griffin's Royal 3oc black figures] Lustre for ....2.ic Clothe pins, per doz .:........ . .. is 1 , p y I suit the conditions of all, former at Seaforth, the latter at ;" 35c black and white check ......25o k 41bs, prunes for ........ ........25c nes ly done, Dont be afrn d to comp in. We are always pleased to show goods. , Grocery. Mitchell. 25c wide fancy plaid for ........190 Al quality cheese for....... , ...130 7lie old Stand fu Mason Bloc]c. Wingham, May 20, X901, S AM L, YU U H I L L. The Presbyterian church underwent (i5c Ladies cloth for ....:.. , , .. , 50c 6 lbs rice for ........... . ... . .. . .25o its annual spring cleaning this weak. 60c black wool serge for ........50c i Sardines per tin ...........:: : .. c 00c black cashmere for... 50c 3 cakes toilet soap for .... .. 5c an r Mrs. Wm. Clegg' and Miss I+ rankie ,51.25 navy or ]lack serge for X1.00 '; 7 lbs. tap figs for , ..... , ...:. • 250 The latest up to•date Cleig of Wfugham sent last Friday r 75o black, figured lustre ........ We Tapioca, per lb .............. ... 50,. CHISHOLM foots and Sloes o with Mrs. Smeltzor. _ Jeweller and Optician. Binders o Aylmer Charles, of Molosworth, is one Washable Materials Hosiery .and Gloves - Half -soled as low as from 25 to 45 cants a pair JAS i e it > , t 20c fancy pique for ...... . .... . .150 y lie seamless hose (fast color) 12r e at the oldest established shop in town. Further, of James Iiur„eSS assistants in. t110 r ry . 121s c prints (fast colors) fpr, ....100 ; 3ec black cashaueiv hope for .... o TEAMING parties not caring for a walk l: can have their , "and Iy cheese factory. Se prints (fast colors) for.. • ......6c 145c black cashmere hose fox.... ,35c boots carried hoe free of charge. Mowers rs. Mrs. G, Wrayand children of Comb- y m g 90c Chambray for . . ............1uc 3oc lisle loves for, , • , .......... t,5o This is the cheapest ever heard of. er, Essex county, is visiting her numer- 15c Dress Muslin for........ , .12?.zo 45c silk -gloves for ............ . .3ac The undersigned is now prepared A few steps west of Swarts' Hotel, Victoria do all ltmds of work in the way of gen- Street. are the Frost & Wood. ous relatives in this neighborhood, for a ! fe v weeks. Staple Dept. Carpets ©ral teaming. THOMAS ABRAHAM. Call and see them. Prices and Messrs, John Dur eut, junior, William 7c Gingham (fast color) for .... , •5c 130c Tapestry carpe£ for .........25e Garden Plowing and other work will terms right. 35c table linen for , .......... , Robert N. Duff and Jas. 25o 50c Tapestry carpet for .........400 receive prompt attention. Messer, Elliott,' 7c pink flannelettes for .......... 50 00c Tapestry carpet for .........50c All orders ,left at Lott d', Sturdy's of Turnberry, attended the Liberal Con- 12 c shirting for ..............lOc 35c Union carpet for ... , .. Con - livery stable, or at my house will receive O h I l d re 11 Ory for For sale by g 1 • • • • • 250 prompt attention. , ¢A r veWill in. Brussels J Tuesday, 12? c o forme nett. for.... • ... • . ,100 45c Union carpet for............ We W. + • GRAY. !f( ]' % GANNETT. Will Stewart and John Coupes were 100 cretonuesfor................ So i 60c75o Union carpet for ............ 05c a9 • to have played with Wiugham Football c flannelette for • . , .......... Sc 50.Woo1 carpet for ... , ...... , .1c ...- _ -_.r• .: _.. ._ _ . . _..... _.. . .,. _ . ` M• - 5c linen towels per pair .........25c 50c Liuolet for ............... 5c Club at Lucknow on the 24th, but their services were not required as the down- Gents' ii urnishings Clothing AU pour made playing impossible. 12;2c cotton sox for ....... , ....10c 60c boys' cotton suits for ........ 500 Joseph Leech attended the laying of 60c top shirts for .. • ............. 50c $3,50 boys' tweed suits for .... $2,90 A w Nr G H' the corner stones of Wingham'a now 45c underwear for . . ............ 35c i2.25 boys' serge suits for .... 1.90 Methodist church on Friday last, and sSr•00 black shirts for ............ 90c 3.00 boys' suits for. , , .......•. 2.50 • • • ver man others from about bore would 35c silk ties for ... , , 25c 5.00 men's suits for .... ; ..... 3.7.5 N ® YY lBl ® I a ®A1 !9 ` H D y y 20c black sox for ........,.......15c 7.00 men's tweed snits for.... 5.00 I have attended but the weather was too _ • utterly utter. W. R. Belden, of Molesworth, has .. ... .Bargains in other Departments. The great cut price sale which Crowder is hiving in R. G. Gordon's bee,, working among the farmers here- $2.00 Lace Curtains for ..$1.50. Fringed Rugs, price 50c for 350 abouts in the interests of the Palmers- 60 Table Covers for. S . 50. $2 Tapestry Table Covers $1.50 old staud Button Block Wingham is a' great success and as yet: it is only ton Pork Packing Company, and has in- 1.20" Parasols for $1.00 90c Blouses for 75c. 90c Skirts for 75c y ' ' duced a large number to take stock in it. :2 in its infancy. We be to thank the of Win hd d- The Galt Reporter truly saga, when -1y g ane citizens gam ansurround-. speaking of our late Sovereign's both-' a I3igbest market price always paid for Butter and Dggs, ing• country for being so patient last Saturday of seeing we were over- day: -"It was net like the old 24th, :A • though, and the sombre ttinge that -4 s18ARD taxes. with business, but we have -made arrangements to wait upon every shrowded the da silent] bespoke the GO. fact that its spirit had departed when a customer on Saturday next when we will have some extra, bargains in Queen Victoria closed her oyes in her 1Vingham's Brightest Store. app. Bank of Hamilton. last, long sleep.' each department; and bot forgetting to give you some Cyclone prices in Poison's werviline (iliTO$ R110 n1natl8nl, n I^ OULROSS. m The remarkable strength and arvel- ELCRavE. A case of local int areal was tried b Dry Goods,•Groeeraes; etc• .r, loos soothing power of Nervilino renders The brick layers are, busy at work at n Oz it quite infallable in. rheumatism. Five , fere Justice McMahon at Walkerton, on 'p'+ ' - RUFFS times stronger than any other remedy, William Watson's house this week. FUR 1GL •T• ,y.L' Y D•p • y®®• `Y Gents' ,,! its penetrating power enables it to reach Mrs. Elstou, of Detroit, is visiting in Tuesday. Trevett vs. Pickeh, This, was 4.J .L' .L.1 E S GOODS G t s the source of the pain and drive out the the village this week. an action brought by Mrs. Mary Trevett a i yy,, disease. Nerviline is stronger, more Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ross, of Blyth, of Lucknow, against J: N. Pickell of $7,50 Ruff $4.50. DEPT. Furnishing Dept penetrating, more highly pain -subduing Culross, to recover about $700 which the L, in its action than any other medicine Sundayed in the village. plaintiff claimed had been yen to de - sableElectric Seal Ruff, six 25e Dress Goods, IN $2.75 Hats . ' 1.29 heretofore devised for the cure of rheu- D. Sproat intends starting for the Old p sable tis 2 heads reg rice , matism. Sold in large 25 cent bottles Country on June 6. fendaut with the promise of repayment, P P 72 yds nice summer weight g- mens soft and stiff felt e'v'erywhere. but about which the defendant hada $O, 'Ours for O. " y Rev. Mr. Thyne conducted services in 7.5 ) $4 5 dress goods, regular 25C yard, hats in all the latest colors and the Presbyterian. church last Sunday. different story to tell. The case was whirlwind rice, a and I oc. a;iourlis. p g settled out of court b Mr, Pickell agree - $5,75 ree- $5, 75 'R.uff $3.50 p y shapes, Gordon's rice _.00 He will also reach the following two' y g p , price, $ life township council met on Monday in-, to pay over to Mrs. Trevett $200 and Suiiilays. I brach Australian bear ruff, 25c Veiiings 15c $2.25 to $3.00 each, Crow- last. Report of proceedings in our nex The induction of the Rev. J. J. Hastie,returning to her two cows which were der's rice I.2 issue. n his possession, each art to a their wide width, `6 black tips,. reg. 129 yards veilings in black, p ' $ Morris was well represented at the will be held in the Presbyterian. church p party pay here, on June 27. • own costs. Morrison of Lucknow, $5.75, ,Sale price $3.50• and white, assorted dotts, real Liberal convention in Brussels on Tues- solicitor for plaintiff; J. J. Stephens, $1.25 Underwear for 75c. Quite a number from here took in the e p cod net, Gordon's rice 2 c g solicitor for defendant. c'6.50 Ruff $3.49 g P 5 2 doz. suits mens balbrig-/Last week Peter Jackson, Sth line Marks Bros. concerts in Win hang last I Sable ruff, 8 tips,. good yard, Crowder s price.'I 5c. gan underwear, double thread moved a driving shed alongside of hi week. re rice G. O weight and real wood wearers barn and is putting a stone wall under William Phillipa sold his driver last an1lIEsxotvv. large size, g• p $ 5 ' 30c Dress Goods 15c g , b ' it. George Jackson has the masons at week to John A. Geddes for a good How did you spend the 24th? .As it must be sold at $3.94• 221 yards dress goods in Gordons price, per suit $1.00 work on a stone stable ,under his barn. figure. was such a'lovely' day I am sure we all and $ I.25, Crowder's price 75C'. The masons will o to Wm. Jackson's James McGee, shoemaker of Bluevale, en. d ourselves in the house. ]aids, stripes and small g *%.75 R U#1' $2, 4 J P P -- - R intends locating in our village about the Victoria Hall was raised last Wednes- cheques, 2 inch goods and when through to build a wall at h19 first of the month. Brio along our I bl-hear ruff, 2 tips, I q 4 $•1.75 Hats 75e shed, g g y day. Tenders are wanted to lath and head, nice jet color, reg. price natty stuff, Gordons price 30c, 77 men's soft felt hats in old boots. plaster it. When applying for the work WROKETER. Mr, Roy, cheesemaker, moved to call on Walter Inues. slaughter rice 2. Crowder s price 15c. latest Noloas and sha es reg $J-75, g P $ 4 • P b The friends of Jas. L. Wilson, ex- Walton on Wednesday, where he will Geo. Peacock had a barn raising last SHOE DEPT. Exclusive Ness lengths $I.75> choice for 75c. principal of the Wroxeter public school, take charge of that factory this season. Thursday. 4 P 25c Derbq Ties 12 will be pleased to kupw that he grad- Clegg & Armstrong shipped a; car of Andrew Pollock is on the sick list. i airs mens Women's 9 Dress Lengths, exclusive pat- I -2C uated from Queen's Univerity this hogs to Toronto on Tuesday. ' terns, something really nobby, on , spring, getting his B. A. We extendJolla Ireland, who belongs to the and children's shoes, all exhibition in our north window, 86 mens Derby ties, assorted domason gang at Jas. Simpson's house has our congratulations. v1ssT vawAVosII. shapes, at a cyclone price, per prices for the full dress lengths from ors and patterns, right up to date, _ taken very sick. He has not been able pair, 75c. $1.29 to $3.90 the dress. reg. price 25c. Blizzard price 12t'e. /Dicl'in West Wawanosh on' Sunday, to work since last Friday. 19th inst., William D. Webster, sou of John Wright, of Brussels, spent Sun- 19th DEPT. J ,r DEPT. Robert Webster, es -reeve of Ashfield, at •day `with his mother, Mrs. Thomas STAPLECLOTHING the age of 35 years, 10 months and 19 Wright, . days. Mr. Webster, after being united Ab. Willis has gone to Muskoka for a 7o PRINTS 5c in marriage to Miss Marilla Graham in tiu,e. $2.75 SUITS $1.75 iS91, neice of Robert Graham, of Luck- Mrs, Gib. Stevenson, with her daught- 550 yards American prints, real good wash- a Oct!boys' suits ill nice Canadia : tweed, u low, went out to Manitoba, and bought er Lottie, spent the 2411: May with. her I ers, a genuine at 7c, our price a yard 5c. 7 y , p- , , a farm and snecessfully cultivated it for friend, Mrs. Jas. Wallace. to -date styles, Gordons price 12, 7 5, C1 owder s If you have neuralgia, Scot s six or seven years. During the years Robert Moffat held a bee last Monday 80 CINCHAMS 40 price $1.75. Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil '96 and '97 lie was afflicted witli forpreparing his turnip ground. Mr. ______. _ . will feed the nerve that is Cry- a pain in his side, which resulted in Moffat is not able td work as he is laid 117 yards plaid ginghams, nice colors, and Bright's Disease. Mr. Webster came to up with a broken lob. good boilers, 27 inches wide, Gordon's price, $7.00 SUITS $3.95 ing for food -it is llungl•y-- Ontario in the summer of 103, thinking SC, our price per yard qc. and Set your whole body gGii:g that a change of climate might improve I 2 vouthS' suits, real good wearers, up' -to- again, his health and rnc .re ho applied all the P a in in a way to satisfy narlv(. .. 7c FLANNELETTES 40 ' date cut old price $7,0o your choice of a suit available means that medical bilin could Wttful waste > > and brain from your usual food. produce without avail, Through all his „ 229 yards flannelettes in nice pink and for $3.9 • That -is cure. trial and afliiction lie was ever cheerful ,]]Mapes Waefut Want. white stripes, 25 inch wide, regular 7c yard, If you are nervous and irri- , with those -around him and friends and Cyclone price 4c. • If is as avasie of not fo secure ¢What _ _ .. _ $2 I.00 .SUIT I"OR 15 00 table you May only need more `yiilpatlil'`'''a that would cull to sae him, f • ' Ile leaves behind bim his loving and you need and riiight have as it is to sgua+i -` fat to Cushion your 11('rVCS-- faithful partner with two bright anti in- der what you already possess. 110,01, is 25c COTTONADES 160 Mens Black Worsted Suit, venetian finish, you ore probably thin-anc! tellixent girls ages] u and s yeiiia, vhi prfcetess poss¢sslon. Trow can secure it 117 Yards nice dark, colored cottonades in good weight cloth, best linings and trimmings, Scott's Emulsioli of Cod Liver i now inourn tho less of a cheerf il,loving and keep it by taking Hood's Sarsapariffa stripes and plain, heaviest weight made, reg. made up in the latest style to order, Gordon s Oil will give you the fat, to be- hull and and father, who have tho he trt. whichpjes i le a blood, sleet. isease, and ' i felt sympathy of friends and the Coln- 4'*orates the icuhofe system. Y1Ce . I,00, CfOWdeC S Trice t 00, gin tVlth. i 25c yard, Blizzard price I Gc. P $ I 5' - lnuility in, their salt bot•cavouiei;t. E;oils--"1 W greatly frotebleu tzulfh Cure, so far as 1t roes. + boils and bad blood and snag adWsed to Full cure is getting the fat, { tr Hood's Sarsaparilla. I fottmed INS Come one., come all, and pay the new merchant a visit. It will be getting corn Lt g,,t.iii„t *: y money. -saver for you. you 11eed from usual toot], allcl 'Chat's Pahlarn'v Corn EXtr,tt'it., advice and Mc bon seefif 1 bottled avis so Groceries Lit reduced prices. Scott's 1:117t1lSlOi1 Will llell 3"OL: i Givew corns tb-wl feelitt:; in abont tri t it Sr+ezt that 1 took a sston boftte and •tuns 13ntter ,rid Eggs taken as Cash. to that. four hours. Tht+,v c: nst,tluttiiti5 gt•t •ut tarrad." 14I. i. I°cfft, L ns, Onto If you have riot tried it, send for fret; sample, as tiny eaunot keep 1117 tho Kalli ally , (Y K Block, >e\J its Agreeable taste Will surprise you• I lunger- -lutes ulcus wvaat' -it'4 I'nt• r - st oxr nowrtu, t:>lemistai i naiil'ta ( nrn L tr:tetor that clues tll:s. ,.• uttotnr V pp JClaYnlltOil'S 9 xoronto. i r1 g tOt'e. soc.aadfi.00;nudruggiata. iNow rioil'tforget it. All dluli•llst9. .h_%l)c;' .M.r W 1 Y .iaYrl, i2 .c,. a%ht.. ,-,r. _ i' - _... r. . -,e.•,L ".,i.' p -'`r .•artlt l..... .. ;.s..