HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-05-31, Page 3I
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'1.1. _ THE WING'"'AN TINES, MAY 3a, 9011' � r�,..:w
• . •«,. AiAa�ri at tae enLl .Of the ki>i4l Anil . A�r1 -
. M1M.•Q`V"IN!Q'y�'."• VY"'^.Y`�/'-N�.�••.'(., - yw---+'yi' �'Y/�'�"fr-C 'KJ G'.e9' . ..-. ,...
LLC" Y - v ,r t - „ 'W.«•* � wistfully back, Yet he went on. � �+�vrift�rn en t��e ala �r�rxa, - ��.,
yj�_/��00��/��00,/�,�N,/��00.,w2�0.�0.,/��0����►,/��00,/"��Of/� 00 /�4/? �./��."�i� +�'�• •r+r �w � „�;•;v oq� 4 �
, V "�Y-st«'-`YV•,!4o- , "Y ,-*.V i'f-^--•1(V .-"-`[Y$t4l ""�-YC- V, C�%'K-11«Y •�• OW-\-. tt +y�• --'-, �i, •.«P✓.}�Q ,.;4 �,,-, 4 '.R J,sr•epr�Sjy 4l ,> $ As lie opened. his own dove tend ails• 'lie Memo Inter Ocean says:••--•ifSt'll'. � 1 � � •i '1 i 1
V appeared d svitliln lie saki halt audtbly: ranaiaec; by iator�► tilala a cla�eu pt the BB&�,;,�
� 6 , ,.
'T'11Bast' to destroy lots aaozvR aW�bel. 1R p Baf7i o1+Pndd tt Davie, `v>aq , �-
el r .A..h, ebbq �' cue tilaxd and J arca 1os5tl xa edamdchanted h wins at thhebed-
Y Y1. theland THRO 011 TRE KIND$= �,
Z pIl';A�PT. oil XXI. superinteudent of. Zion, ,died with her ,
,� 1 �.-..,1•,i..-,-, $ti�4 ; ?rca>� zi�.�rsY arzva:aa, unborn child at No. 321 'Nast Sixty,
l'lil.fiQi r'' �!`ii''lo
• " p and to man last .day of the ltaquest, Fourth. Street .Sunda• afternoon. In ,
It was the y M,,,,,,,,,,...,,,,
k �° nna Katharine Green. » I y It bade fair to be the the ,,xoupof pray ina Ijlf;u al:.4 WgW9 , 7
Author of -Fite LeavenwOttl, Q§perrr ffLos3b Mao's Lgtie," ,,gaud and Fi, i Etc,, X$% ♦1 least intexeAtinl , A111 the wltaet;l;f� , ��N E11nItyFA ^aO11 'I'11A "�Ixl� ask' 11
— 1
4 there. gyrus IxQ liltysiatiaa Alas, t�mtic.
" . $ : - "-"• 4' wbo bad anything to say had long ago ,died of an ailment that 'proper med;cal
Copyright, 1900, by Anna Itatharine Green, - given In their testimony, and tviteat at a�asA>;rn ��� zIa>?rant � YQ
treatment could have. cured, a victim of c,lrr s wilfp •10'r rl'D:i Tall APTU 4[ 1.
/� / , or near naan Slweetivater slid Into fire her f€lith in l7o-vie and his creed. With t;zva.x.''"
• •.M.",* -*4+o -.."N«0 •. <i -.n..<$ �i O«.,(,Qi ,0«..�i ,).*,..."-.«.,�y-!-J o 0.0,M.$ UV ' y v1 'J«040- _*-" 0 inaouspieuous seat he had. succeeded „
00.00 00 00 00 00 N N 00 00 00 N 00 N OO OO 00 N . ♦6 • Irl obtatning near the coroner it waS tp her went gut tl,e 'life of a balm that From tLe 13uu; Acaugt�vllle,'t)at.
. QO +"•1 .. Pj{ , , (�:.«. Op w. pU.•.� qp .,, pp i.� pp.«o,� «� Op +»• OQ "' 00«+ 00 « OQ s, . - - �, - . Yii14 to two faces only any sir`6ns �t Would iaace seen the liiaht pf Lia,^ in a
`lila ue,.A woment Agnes haci risen, from any doubt of I+rederick, to tell eolmeeted with the subject of the awn ,, -
r?ancl they were barb facing him. yard just what I think (res at the hot, frightful suspicious, '";� young girl to eagerness unci expectancy that filled. brick i.ertod,bad a doctor been ca'.li:d. In every Part of Canada :etre to be
"Good evening, Agnes" change I ilia awn breast to suffocation. But as The piraumstances of the death. have found grateful people who cheerin4y •
Agnes." tato of the sudden chane observable whom you certainly were most indif, these faces were those of,Agnes Haiti- called forth an investi atiom by the acknowledge i;llat the good health :they, 1.
Dl r. ;utherlautl forced himself* to lu him. Aitss T'nge (You see, I can fcrent a week ago SS a curious guar* day and AmaUel Page he aeon teen'„ �' i :
eppraS: tightly. name her, If you ,cannot) has proved dian of letters yoti declino to show °' police, a, d a searching inquiry by thE� enjoy is due to rite I se pi fix: Wiliiataas
_ ": y " y g your father." ntzed that Ills own judgment Was not fink Pills. In tiie town of cram evilly ''
+,h. i''rederlci:, cls 1 find you here? , herself lY so unworthy of itis regard that caroiter. A psi -motion exainiatictiam b'
at fault and that notwithstanding out- p .,
The latter question 'bad more of con• tbv shock be has received has opened "I know it," was Fredericl�s'sole re• Word appearances and the langulti in• by the county physician ltas already Chore aro want'{ such people, among
stralut In It, Itis eyes. to certain feelings of his own ply forest shown. in the now lagging pro• been made and his opinion is on record them being Miss Lizzie Collins, aA },
,I+ rederick, ,with a slight flush sur- which made his weakness in her re. Somehow the humility with which ceedh.gs the moment presaged an event that death was clue to negligence. Be, esti,nablo young lady who resides Nvitit
'fusing his ebGelc, which had been only f;nrd possible. 1 do. not know of any. i this was uttered torched Dir. Slither- gull of unseen but vital consequence, Ygro ]Kra. Judd's (loath 1Aowlo vtsrted
too pale until •now, acknowledged his ()'lag else. 'Do you?" land and roused hopes Ire had supposed �, her mother in the east ward, miss
father's greeting with a smile In which, A.t this direct question, which piereed i dyad. Ile looked his son for the first Frederick was not visible in the her and prayed and performed other Collins cure through the use of this ",
-, r 'thatr father was surprlsnd to see a +to the very quick of lits trouble, breath• thine directly In the eye and with a great hall, but that he was near at rites peouliar to Zion, Mrs. ,Judd was medicine was recently brought to thO
„ ' falut shade of relief if not of joy. Then ed though It wits by tender lips and beating heart said: hand soon became evident from the noted for her beauty a.ucl was of robust attention of the Sun, and a reporter was '�
be backed toward the door. launched in Ignorance of the barb "Your secrets, if you have such, change Sweetwater now saw iu Ants- health. She was the mother of three sent to get the facts from, the young
., which carried [t to bib heart, Mr. Stith, mlght better be intrusted to your fa, bel; for, while she bad hitherto sat un- { lad Miss Collins cheerfully a
•`l was just lt,n.ving, said he. I der the universal aye with only the children. Sine bepame ill Fridaynight. y y accorded
waEi t@ bearer or a message to Alias ecltiad recoiled and 'cast an anxious they. Ball have u0 better friend:' And faint smile of conscious beauty on ,ber A trained nurse is competent to rolieve the Interview, tend her statement is '1
IIull(day," Ile had always called her look upon the door; tftn, with forced there he stopped with 'a horrified, de- Inscrutable features, she roused as the such cases but onlya disciple of Do -vie given praeticall in her own words; I}
Agnes brPore, composure, he quietly said, "IP yon do spair[ng Peeling of inward weaknesa' hands of the clock moved toward noon and the husband were in the house. All "Two years ago," said she "I became
Alt'. Sutherland, who had found ills trot• -vho are so much nearer her age, If I•'redericic had committed a crime, and glanced at the great door of en- da Saturday so weak that I vans ,caped to toile robed.
faculties confused by the expression he anti• let me ,hope, his sympathy, how anything would be better than know- y y Mrs. Judd suffered, slow -
had surprised on the nun girl's face, - should l; who stn his ,area, put have iril; it. Turning partially aside, he $n- trLinc with an evil expectancy that ly but sorely bleecliml; to death. Tire The illness came on gi'adnaiiy x found,
A young 0 , startled even Sweetwater, so little bad myself much run down
answered with n divided attention: never been bis'roufidunt:' gored the ponces on file clesTc before lie really understood the nature of the elders of Zion and maul* �wome)n came y , suffered from, .
:`And I have a rnessa•„e to give you, 110h,” she cried. holding out her hands, which he was standing.. A large en• aud'prayed for her. The head of the headaches, and Was as Palo as it -vas
� g g y„ � � pcsstans laboring in that venomous
. tWait outside on the porch for me, "such a good father!, Some day be will volope, containing some legal dean- breast institution came with Overseer Spiecher possible for a living person to be. I
%Frederick, 4511 I exchange a wotd with appreciate that fact as well as others, meat, lay before him. Taking St up Next moment the door opened, and . and their supplications availed as little used saveral medicines, but they did not
:our little friend here.” Believe It, Air• Sutherland; belleve it, mechanically, he opened It, Frederick Frederick and his father came In. The as the others. A•brother of the dying help me. Then I cousultea a doctor,
I A'„ues, who had thrust something she And then• ashamed of her glowing in- , as mechanically watched him, y A - .
h g air of triumphant satisfaction witk woman begged that a physician be called and ,he amid that I had, searcaly Any
held foto a box that dirt' beside her on a terest; which was a little more pro. "I know," said the latter, "that I which Amabel sande back into her seat
> table, turned, with a confused blush, to nounced than fitted to her simple atti• have no better friend. You have been but Mr. Judd, backed by the praying blood, and that my condition was one of
tilde of friend toward a man professed. -too good, too Indulgent. What to it, was as marked in its character as her band, refused the request. After hours danger. Medioine dill not seem to do,
listen• p' g g previous suspense. What did it mean?
It' in love with another woman she father? You chane color, loop ill. of agonizing pain death came to the vie any,good and I found myself' grow-
I 11 r, Sutherland waited till Frederick g Sweetwater, noting it and the vivid "
. • had stepped into the ball. Then he fa
ltered n little and east the shyest of What is there in that paper?" contrast it offered to Frederick's air womau,and Dowle's followers laid plans ,ng weaker. I reached the stage where
oo s upward at the grand but trou. 1 -Ir Sutherland straightened himself; to keep t my heart ke t til
;drew Agnes to one side and remorse- of depression, felt that his return had p he matter secret. An under- i palpitating violently .tiI2,
lessly, persistently, raised her face to. bled face she had never seen turned there was a great reserve of :strength been well timed. taker was found who took the corpse the time. The headaches became con-
I ward him till she was forced to meet toward � her with anything but kind. in this broken down man -yet. Fixing lir. Sutherland was looking very fee- away in the night, and the people ill rite tinuous, and my condition one which
his benevolent but searching regard. gess: • I have confidence in his good Frederick with a gaze more penetrat•
g y yet bestowed ble. As be took the chair offered him 'house refused to gine inquirers any in. words can scarcely describe I reall�r
heart" site added, With something like Ing than an be had
"I)o you know;' Lie 'whispered 1n dignity, upon him, he folded his hands behind the Change in his appearance was up• formation. Bat after the undertaker despaired of getting Metter, and loathed
what he endeavored to male a banter. "Would God that 1 could share itl" him, :with the document held tightly parent to all who i:ne-v him, and there had prepared rho Uody Por buriarl lie the. sight of medicine. I had Been can
Ing tone, "htiw very few days it is was the only answer she received: Be -between them, and remarked: -cavae Pew there wile. did not know him. awoke to the fact that he was taking fined to bed for about two Months when
since that unhappy boy yonder con- And startled by these evidences of suf- g
i T fore she could recover from the shock "When you borrowed that. money art in a un! one da • a friend called and urged
,eased his lave for a 3•ouu„ htdv� whose Perini, which they ecoid not understand P punishable offence, so he ttotifi- sate to
I nacre 1 cannot bring myself to utter in of these words lir. Sutherland was Froin me, you did it like a man who ,itici Feared to Interpret, even to them- the coroner, and the whole matter came try° Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I told het
gone, expected to repay it dive t Whence „ I had lost faith itr all medicines
your presence?' � selves• more than nue devoted friend within the pale of rile litw. Thenelgh- , bnL• she
Agnes was n little irouUled by this did you expect to receive the money stale uneasy n ty , was a arentl try
The intent was kind. but the effect y „lances at Frederick to bora in thevicinity of Mr, Judd's home pP y determined I ahoulci t
1 was unexpectedly cruet: With a droop gate interview,
click fbehind or r tiiesc�she t twoad friends Frg ei' ckard tho with c this ish to eyour hour fopay me? r con- see If he, too, were under the cloud were so incensed at the actiou of Dowie the pills, for she brought me about half
,of her head and a hurried gasp which and lied carried that precious some- fessiou." ' which seemed to envelop his Lather at, that they threatened to lynch him. Re- a box she liad been lasing herself. I
conveyed a mixture of entreaty and utast beyond recognition. could not then do less than tr the »Ills
i thing away with her tag stairs there Frederick turned so pale his father cent defections of prominent elders of y ,
re roach Anes drew back in a vague But FredoXick was looking at Ama-
entlenvor to bide her sudden .oncost was a lingering In the step with which dropped his eyes in mercy bel, and his erect he;rtl and determined Zion tabernacle and the sudden death of and when they were used, while I can-
I ness. He saw his mistake and let his aIle trcil the little white embowered "Confess?" he repeated. "What aspect made him n conspicuous figure Mrs. Judd, have caused a panic among not salt' that I felt much 'better, T_ had
• i hands drop: chamber, sacred to her girlish dreams, should I confess? Aly sins? They are In the room. She who had called lip Dowie's disciples. some of Dowis's more confidence Ill the pills and gat half i,
that bespake an overeharged Neart, a too many. As for that money, I r I
G "Don't, my dear;" ,rte whispered. "I this expression and alone comprehend- followers repudiated him recently be-. a dozen bozos. Befor& these were ' gone
boort that. before chi; slt:pt, found re- hoped to pay it as any sod might hope ed ,it full smiled, as she. met his eye. there was no doubt that the w
had no idea It would. Nutt you to treat IicY ill the+se Peru teat cls that she whis- to Puy his father for money advanced y' 3 cause he claimed to have in his posses- y, ere rapid- a
this, You have always seemed SndIE pend ruin to night air, laden with the to pn a with that circus slow dipping of her 1 restoriu • rue. to in '-
b y gambler'`s debt. I said I Sion the seal of God mentioned in Rev, y b s plc. time health, I
ferent, hard even• toward my scapf�- , diatpes which had more than Duce con- �I--8 and said he was the fift11 a1i„ as I wes s:pm able to bit :t u. '
sncetness of ttaness.ret:les: meant to work. Aly first money earn- founded the coroner and rendered her ' l,el o p -td eh,at lin
I grace son- And this was right, for— "Cnti It he that tie is right'? Did I ed ::hall be offered to yoti. I"— encemcutioned in the same cs ter. around and ant, I used in all. of hti t
for"— CCNnt could he say, how express need such a warning—I who have bat- "Well? Well?" His fatbRr.was hold- of the oncecrowrdlwho tfor sot long art me P nine boxes, and Before these here gone
one-tenth or that with which his breast" ed this anon and :vhp thought that it lug the document he, had list read " o , + I felt as though ;
j hod had the opportunity of watching Chicago, May 24.—Tile coroner's s jars gs I bad never had, an ache I
. `' was laboring: He could not, he dared was uiy hatred which made it ImpossS- opeued out before his eyes. her. which for two days has listened'to The or pain in troy life, That is what Dr- 1
not. so ended, as we have intimated, by ble for me to think of anything or any- "Didn't you expect this?" he asked. , Williams' Pink Pills did for inn t:ud E 3
a confused stammering: , body else since we ported Prom each 'Didn't you know that that poor wpm- Frederick, to whom this smile con- evidence on the case of Mrs. Emma
iAgnes, who bled newer before seen other last night? G=b, n1e, if it is so!" an, that wretchedly murdered, most we, ed a last hope as well as n last Lucy Judd., who was one of the ofwacials think I wonl:l be vary, nil ra-ireful if I .
this object of bet lifelong admiration And from the great. 'wide world with- threat, looked b away as soon as possi- of Jahn Alexander Dowie's Zion has re- did not acid my testimony for a benefit ,j
any serious emotion, felt an fin- 4 trnitaitpy worxiau, whose death the ble, but not before ht•r eyes 11aL7 ,adieu ' y I h
out, tremulous with moonlight, the whole town mourns, had made you her turned a verdict holding Dowle, H. W. it may be to some other yours,, ;girl."
y fr their cid- inquiring removed
a his hands, Jndd, husband of the woman, Mrs. S. Miss tory should bring .]nope
pulse of rer,norse, as SY she bet -self had Etvho seemed to come back: betr't That b to terms of this docu- r Collins''
been guilty of occasioning him embar• "Woo to thee, Agnes Halliday, if this trent seen by me here and now for the from which tie had rentor ed the ring l xeslter and Mrs. Bratsch to atwait the to titan tiious:tuds of other .eon^ is
, , ras -mint. Plucictnti .up her courage, be st!„ which up to this hour lie had invari y y $
first' time• I am made executor and "
:sbe wistfully eyed trim. gray worn oar itis third fin�,er. In this :ration of the grand jury. The evidenccn who stiffer as she Tltow -llto are
i "Did you imagine,"' she murmured, CHAPTER XZ. you the inheritor of the $100,000 or I,lauce of berg and this action of his given at the inquest by some of the lead- Pale, lac=, appetite, suLLor front bond-
„ more cit by Agatha Webb?"
that I needed any warning again t AaATIIA's Irmr. �„ : f gan the struggle that was to make Ing, physicians of is City, who diad ex- Itchen, and palpitation of the heart, dizel-
"tic cried Frederick, -his eyes glued that clay memorable in man
� Frederick• who •hats newer honored me Meanwhile Mr. ,Sutherland and Fred- to the paper, lits whole face and form Y hearts. o amirlecl Mrn, Judd's body after it had 'less, or a feeling; of constant -weariness, I '
with his regard, as he has the young crick stood ,facWg each other in the „ sometlrinl, lucre akin to ter- After the first stir orr-arsioned by the been exhumed, was to the effect that the will fined renowta lwalth acid strt.t' ai an
„ expressing „ cntrnnce of two such bu
lady you cannot mention? I m afraid Yornief's library. Nothing had been, portant per- .
sold aurin, ror than surprise. "Has she done this? .nits hod , most simple surgical care would have the use o1' a few boxes of Dr, 1Viiliame
, yoi don't know .me, lir. Sutherland, g their walk down the hill, possible witnesses the crowd
g kg y proceed Why •"•'iould she? I Hardly knew her." settled back into Its old quietude under prevented is wornau's death. Pirik Pills. Sold by all dealers cr sent
notwithstanding, i have sat on your` and troths seemed liked to "No, you hardly knew her. And she? 1? mail
knee and sometimes plucked at ,your from Frederick now, though his father y the coroner's hand. A tedious witness -.._ y , post Isaid, at 50 cents it, box or .
y g growing She hardly knew you; if she had, she %vias having I beard iu m infantile insistence upon waited ,tvttU rear. and g agita- „his slaw say ant} to him a -µ six Doses for' �2.G0, by nddressinp, the
..attention.,, tion for some explanation that would would have abhorred rattier than en- fall^attention was being given In the Warrior Woes.—Throughdamp,cold Dr. Williams' illediciae Co., Brocliville,
i "1 am afraid I dant know you," he relieve.the immense strain on his heart riched you. Frederick, I bad- rather hope that some real enlightenment and exposure many a brave soldier,k,ho left Ont, .
t anstrered. "I feel that i know, nobody At last he himself spoke dryly its we you were dead than stand before me . would tonne at last to,settle the ques- his native hearth as "fit" Sas man could be I
s >3ow, not eve6 my son," all speak when the heart is fullest and the inheritor of Philemon and Agatha tions, which had been raised by Ama- to fight for country's honor, has beta A:,. A ia,Matter;,. i
�t'nbb's hard earned savings." bet's incom 1 y "invalided Dome" because of}hnvulture of The. number oP batalliqus of-
. •active
i He had hoped she.«ould look up at ' we fear to reveal the depth of our „ Incomplete unsatisfactory tea• the battle round—Rheuma-isri. South
this• hitt she did not. emotions. 'lou are right; it would be better," simony. Iiut no man can furnish what American Rheumatic Cure will ab,olutely lailltia in each. province of the Doiniiiiom.
"'What papers were those you gave murmured Frederick,- s he a Needing he does not possess, and the few final cure every case of Rheumatism is =Lgence. is as f6llows.
"Wil! my little girl think me very eti• minutes before noon
• _ into Agnes Ilallidav's keeping? Any whet he said. Then, as be encounter- t passed by with- Relief in six hon.,,.—g3 'S
rious and very impertinent if T ash bet ed his fatbet• s eye resting upon him out any addition to the facts whicb Ontario........, ...... , . •43-
I wbat•my son Frederick was, shying to .thing which we could not have more with Implacable scruttn he added in , Fold by A.L. Ra.nuton• Quebec.. • • .. , , • 30 .11
iter «•ben 1 came Into the room?" safely, not to say discreetly, harbored y. had already been presented for general Nova Scotra
weak repetition: "But why give her consideration. tI
She looked up now and with visible In our own Italian?' Only One Per Cent.ratal. New Brunswick ................. a
candor answered pian immediated a d. - Frederick. taken aback• for he had money to me? What was I to her that As the .witness sat down the clock The monthly report of the Provinalt:l Manitoba........,-, . . . ...:.. . . . „, 2 �
Immediately >? she should will me her fortune? y P
`to the point, not realized tbat his father had seen began to strike. As the slow, besitat- Brit -1i Columbia....... -; li
these papers, hesitated for a moment; The fathers finger trembled to a cer- Ing strokes t`ung,out Sweetwater saw Board of Health shows 2,427 deaths in' Prince Edward Island , , ;d
"Frederick Is It trouble, Mr. Sather• then lie boldly'said: tain line in the document, which seem• Prederick yield to a sudden but most April, compared with 2,525 in March, _ ,
land, FIe has Pelt'tiie need of a Friend "•Phey were letters—old letters—which ed to offer some explanation of this, profound erpotion. The old fear, which and 2,311 in April of last year. The Total : 95
who could apprecti,te this,. and he has i ,tilt to be better out of this house but Frederick did not follow St He we understand if Sweetwater did not, deaths from contagions diseases -veto as The number o£ titan is a:b` i?uliows;
�r Iasked me to be that friend. Besides, than in it. I could not destroy them . had seen that tits father was expecting had again seized the victim of Ama- follows•—Consumption 280 •di htheria Cavalry • , , , , , , , , , 2.203
he' brought thea packet 'ot letters a y ' a reply to the question be had pre- Eui!'s ambition, and under batt eye, 30; m®axles 18 acarlatitin 17 P vice. Ell'*ncArtillee s , - , , , • , • , , , , — ; , ; 3.3 2
I cctalcir them M entreated nip to keep Sutherland. aandml ° ��" .. viously put, and he was casting about which was blazing full upon him now in.- cough, 14; typhoid, 12. The dears Iufutry ............ , ... , • , .29,4
• „
1 ,which
in lits mind how to answer It. with a fell and steady purpose, lie
will keep them, as he asked me to do; « * ,� : ,• from consumption and di t Arm Service Cor •
+k is hen did you know of this will? found his right hand stealing toward P P pexis show Bearer Corps. , . , Pa ' --_ ; ,;J0-1
Fsafe from everybody's fnspecten, even z x °� ,,y�� � AIr. Sutherland now repeated. "For the dept in the significant action she rather surprising increases, the figures xrielcl Hos.utals ,•
r my otvn." ,• I',lti know of St you did before you came to in A til 1000 stein respectively - 20 and h " "' '""' 1J2,
��v expected. Better to yield than fall P . , e P J 3
Oh, why. had tie questioned her? 11 . ' _, p laic for money." headlong into the pit one word of hers 24• Totd 8f; 731
did not want to knew of these tetters; ',. �j . „ ih,�Ir IM7 i Frederick summoned up his full eould open. He had not meant to TheotitbreakoPsittallpoxatFiavelocIc `1"histo t.re iifl aori�s a;'.ned'ivitll titer
he ,lid want to know tont h rederick 1 r 4�, 1 courage and ,confronted hie. Eater res- yield• but now that the moment had and other laces has been traced. to a Lee -Enfield rido. The rust have Snider
possessed anything which he wns• ,u - i�1�,12 t, I olutely, P
I, , , t i„ I Came, now that lie mnst at once and
afraid to retain Su his own possession. r _ �, ;yT.A I "No," said Ne, "I did not know oP it, forever choose between h course that male member of the 'Aiorxo-v family, rifles, but fn camp t,ller perform their
I "Dly son did wrong•" said be, "ta con•: � ;''..,l ill?'' . i' I'; 'Ill p it is as much of ai surprise to me as it who worked with the railway gang. annual rifle pratctice with the Twee -Ea '
4� ♦ ,s, , , Y, :j 4 ,i,, ; ,I i 1, „ led •simply to personal unhappiness and ,
Sac anything t0�our carve which he did +� , is to you, His sister is the girl who btolto gran• field.
i g �7 h�--�.r " r !l+, 'i one tbat'involved not only himself, but'
f not, destre to rethln In his own home. ; } h -- - -F It asq,i;Ki; He lied. Air. Sutherland knew that those dearest to him, in disgrace and amine and went to Auburn, N. Y., to The number o£ rounds of arninunitiou.
I ft t i that I ought to see these lettera, .�e'AF`�l • 'k,' " lie did and Frederick knew that he sorrow, -he felt himself weaken to the be married. Two cases are reporttd at the headquarters of tho batit}lious gin
for IY my son is t� trouble, as you pay, i , ,t 3. til knew it. A shadow fell between tem, paint oY clutching at whatever would from Blrzard township, Nippising, one present is: .
I, his father; ought to know it. i tvhtelt the older, with that unspeakable save him from the consequences Of from Pembroke. to-vuship, Renfrew, and Ontario ., . , • • , , , , , , , , , , , , 0,101,828
J "1 am not sure about tat," she -- v i , ., ice' fear upon him roused U Sweetwatet s
i' +r � — � p a confession. Moral stretngth• and that a death from Sarult.Ste. Marto. _.uebee........ ..........,4,448,816
smiled. "His trouble may be of a dif• —s- whispered susptctoti, dared no longer t<ntacity of purpose which only comers Six deaths have occurred from small-'_ l,.ovn•;t'ti;iii• • • • ' • • • • - • ' , • 282,880
ferent nature from what yon Imagine, . L to attempt to lift. from Ivory l"'.'nuswick.. , , ,,,, , „ 8114,517
rederick has a life that lie regrets „ „ years of self control were too nos so far in a total of six hundred ar _ Prilice l;clwttrd I;I;and, .... lim,540
I'' lVha'n'tvcre tTtcae Icttftrs avt°then! after a few mftiutea, in which Fred, [ately awakened in his breast to sus-
I think his chief source of suf}'ering' lies so I gave them Into the guardianship s erictt seamed to see lits father ago be- tain him now, As stroke after stroke more cases. This means only ono per Atanitol.n� „ . , , , , 1;1,615 •
l In the fact that it is so hard tot* him of the. frost cousrtchtiaus Berson I ' fo
re ti his eyes, Mr. Sutherland coldly fell on the eat- lie felt himself yield• cent. of those aillietecl during the pre. British GolnntNia , : • , , , , , 4;3),1;38 .
. , to make others believe that Tie means! know.- I hope you won't demand to em, I ed: Ing beyond recovery abet had almost sent epidemic. The per capitapercen,�
to do differently to the future." nee those letters. Indeed, sir, C hope "Dr. Talbot must know of this -vI11, toiiched his finger tit the significant ac• age is infinitesimal. „tare 7rttctnoye ani the stain.
',Does ho mean to do differently?" y6u won't demand to see th i. They it has been sent here to we from tips• tion of assent which Amabal awaited ----•--••
Irl tho4prhik, the kidneys have much
r She flushed. "He says so, ,illr. Suth• were not written far your ,eye, and I ton by a lawyer wNo drew it up t-vtl with breathless expectation when'- All Albany paper contains the state- tit tier• AC they arae weak or torpid, the
etland. And I, for one, cannot help be• would rather rest ander your disitleas. _ years ago. The coronet may not as was it miracle at only the suggestion ment that 1,000 cities have curfew or. will u61 do it well, and the skin will I
Ileving film. Don't you see that he lie ore than Nave them in any -way atnde ; yet have bear d of It. Will you accam• of htg better' nature?—the memory of a dmnnneg. ptmlaty trod 1�1�itClty, pilot in telling ihct
gins to look like another man?e I
" public." i pony air to his ON3Ce tatnotrotv7 T ,.
I should like to have him see that we g , A.
start' d a iSn words. f
face full of holy pleading rose from the 73utttl h Sorsa. t'tlla g
i Mt'. Sutherland tuns taken aback. He Frederick showed such cairn- stuess past before his eyes. and with ntY ihlrer ', ®RAW. (�d#A$E'S "' 1?n � atxfin titans rt�tt�
had noticed this fact and had found ii rather' than fear that Air. Sutherland ;wish t0 be open, tr°Sttl Nim in au atPair cry of "lllothar!" Ne threw 111s lrattd t' 250. stiiutylntf•nt tho Idanovs, curers and pre= -L
a hard one to understand, To nseer• was astonished. of such Importance." , r- ����� �+��� • `. vt tits r,unples,bintches and all cutahaonalt
Out and clutched his PntNet s arm Ina Is , , N seat direct to thm-)Qlseaaed eruptlr us.
rain what her explanation of It might "When hen were those tetters written?" i I Will accompany you gladly said way to Ureal, the cliarm of fig own a ttsby the 1mpmved Blower.
- be lie replied at oiled: he asked. Lately or before-; You ' Prederlek, and, seeing that his father Weals Don't ford to t'al;e it.
dread and cued forever the effects of I3 is th6 ulcers, cleargs tlib air ]3u3, ty ha�tXK
"There is a Change In him -a e�tange say they are paid. How old?" i neither wished nor was able to say the intolerable fascination that was tphreat ando¢a iii anatiltl� In the
• , an tlitug; Purtlter,, he bowed with dig• " "`"`"
that more than one has noticed. What l<roclerick s,breath came easier, y working upon him, Next minute the Catarrh and MyVevet slower P;r.taiu is ftl.'Iltiyq thratl now tt6•
is the occasion of it? To what do you. "Some of them were written A'Pttrtl tont ceremony as t0 a stranger and loot stroke raittjf but. rind the hour was free. All dealers, of Dr. A. W. Chase �
aserlbe It, Agnes?" , ago -••-most of them,, In fACL It is a per• quietly ztithdrew, But when tUe door' up Which Abirtbef had set cis tho limit , zr.atclart ce:, rarenta i►nd nusral� spina to cast4Q,000,006 rsaoh.
' now breathlessly he walled for her ' conal matter. Every man has such. I bnd closed between them and only the . ,__,..,.,._..-LL--•�•-••----•---• .-_- •.- -�- Pmoldat to".. -
. , , memory of his 'f`ather's changed Conti• of her silence. lei, liver ill .i thous
answer! Iiad she any �s�u���spicion of the -wish I -could bs,ve destroyed them. tenanCe remain A pause, witich t0 their two hearts 't on nntto travelltand a vot'til3 t iril tab- l liar is srnaltart� .sroore,
rt-vful doubts which Yore 9e. deeply Yost will leave theta with A net,. sir?" ed to trouble him, he if to tlo others, seamed strangely a ughedhotitiei,ell ct advcxt. t+ 10>• old rtatab tha gcurly, tltliclzlA+ &#(,t �i OL$q:
Paused gild laid big Band again oil tine b' y p a iitianofsil at+riiaitig. t3alarq that: ds% britt grips. cos'
agitating himself rthat illght? She did i'Yeu astonish tile," said lilt. l3uther• knob as if tent ell proprlate; followed the eessation of 1e. nn srsintd�expenartt, all tirtrabin,Iri cull. posgos them Ltailititd9 att
latlt appear to have. ' Inlyd, reTleved that he Conitl at least tr 's, pt to tctuin. But lie these aaunds, tlleiY the tvitnesg wns dig- a11ek-aa,self•:±agcirrga«e iltarnnivtt ritv`fto.sAtl cuYePtlrl,Iver�Lt;iit...t. `
"I .hesitate, site 181tereti, but not hOl)& 'tLat these letters w'�ire in noW ISS ..Pt Ithtlut acinar stl: only to turxt -pissed, tin 1 .ilrinbci, ttttttltgv, pdpan• aressi Manager, its Calton: ()ilei-gp-t, Sibk Ilcad vitro, etre i.
- ..+. ,�.,� ,.,
; ,iC : u. . + )Vi.-_'ce 11,I Ai' ....., `� . �e :; ,tl�fil�: ! 1 4 : : i,i.,siiY�