HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-05-31, Page 14THE
TA. .lE�e
'VOL. XXIX.—NQ, 1519. W 11AN, NTARIO, FRT.DAY, 31AY 31, 1901. $ A YLU IN ADVANC
MM/+MAAAAAAoPMAAAAAAMAA A P cod second•haud bi ole Por sale To LEx,.-Two :f�raished rooms at —The first sittin of the Wingham.
C j ellea pat NA & CO'S. reasonable rates. .l�ply at this office, Court of Revision w held on Tuesday
t ? VIOToitIA DAY. Victoria Day, May Box WANTED—t1 good smart boy, evening. A num r of names were
13 3�§ 24th, was a very d sagreeable day and with fair education, wanted to learn the added t° the roll nd the one ,appeal
the sports in i the various lawns printing business, Apply at Tnimi against the asses eat was deferred
were rather fiat, A large number: office. until a future meet g.
of Wingllamites sp nt the day in Luck- , WO)IEN'S Itis' ITUTE MEETING.—A EXCURSION TO S 1MA.—The date of
YQ•PIE�i�', slow and many wi iessed the ceremony. meefing of the omen's Institute will the excursion to Sa iiia and Detroit, to
Of laying the corn stones of the )low'. be held oil Frid , June 7th, at Mrs. be rtnr under the _uspices of Minerva
; Methodist church • ' Orvis', Zetland when the subjects, Encampment, I. O O, F. has been fixed
To Trip, Dr -Ar. A rich lady, cured of "Sunlight and f sh air," ana''Neatness for Saturday, Jti13 22nd. The return
her Deafness an Npises in the Head by . around the hom ," are to be discussed. faire from, Winghaal t0 Sa is will be
C Dr. Nicholson's rtifieial Ear Drulns, All who are int esteem in the work are $1.65 and tyle boat trip fr Sarnia to
E` This line is good value at '$2.50 � gave 25000 dollar to his Institute, so that cordially invite to attend. Meeting Detroit will be 50 .ents.
11111 � f days asett but will be on sale for ten ➢ deaf people unab a to procure he Ear to commence at 2.30 p, m. DIE, IN GOD, aH Or_ Wednesday
y y Drums may hav them free. Address, Five excellent building lets for sale, afternoon Council or Newton received 'a
The Nicholson nstitute, 80 Eighth on corner of Patrick and Francis streets, telegram from oderich, Bouncing
Avenue, Ne�v rk, Apply to R. Vanstono, VVingliatn' the death of is bio r, Horace
$1,995 1 To RENT. Flour moms in the MUST BE VACCIN�rED.—Owing to the Newton, of that twit. We have not
Spring Dent block to rent. Apply to J. E. prevalence of small -ox, orders have been received any parti ,ula as to the cause
Don't miss them. SWARTS. issued by the DeArtment of Militia of Mr. Newton's death, Councillor
a OPENED AN OFIrI 2E.—A. Dulmage,wllo making it compul cry for all entering 0.
Newton left for C�deri oil Thursday
'Has arrived, and we greet ita Also a full range of higher and lately moved to to` m from Lakelet, has camp to be vaccina -ed. Those who in- morning.
with welcome. W lrlter cloth- lower priced sets to choose from opened a real esta= 3 and loan office in tend going into cal 1p, ancti have not al-
b at the Chisholm bloc_ and will do a general WEDDING BELL: A quiet home wed -
ready lead their ari _scratched should be din took lace a • the residence of R,
! in may now be laid aside. If office business si eb as conveyancing, g p
g yN.A. be tr ubl at ouch ao that they will not g'�gy
eta. He will also man money on toivu be troubled with t]re effects Whe atAddison brands si teat ail luesda11and farm propert, Mr. Dulmage's drill,eveuiu when hi dau hter Bliss Mar-
garet Lonise, war married to William
( announcement wil be found in another! For Saturday only I rm's lees, sizes
You Need a CHINA HOUSE column. G and 7, were X2.50 for Come early Fraser, of orris township. The core.
3 h mons w parfo med by Rev. Wm.
and s OP- Read mad clothln Chea
3 Opp. Bank of Hamilton. DEPARTMENTAL EYAISINATIONS.—The . y` g P Lowo. a TI3IT-S
� � HANNA � Co. joins with their
C entrance examina ions to high schools GRAND PICNIC, A rand picnic, friend nextendi� co tulationS. ANNOUNCEMENT.
�p l l� ul 11VVVWVVWWVWWVVWVWVV will commence mi Wednesday, June g P , nfi
under the auspices f the congregation SAW MILL BUR ED Ord was re- aWe take pleasuro in announcing that pull+
0 20,th, at 8.45 a. m. Part I. Junior. leas- of St. Augustine tiiolic church,' will coivod in town on eay afternoon is now furnished with a single slant
Ing, begins On Tue :day, July 2nc1, 8.4 This style of light is the most u
a. m. ;Part I., jui»ir matriculation, on be held in Wallace s grove, near Donny- to the effect that m. Halliday's saw is adopt a b the leading ghost phdate, tlni&e
'ou cannot afford to pass our brook on Weducaday, June 12th. A mill at Dobbinton had been totall do- United states and Canada and by the Illinois
i Tailoring , Establishment without GEORGE MOKENZIE, Wingbam. July 2nd, at nior45; 'art IL, junior teav-nor choice programme of vocal and instrd- stroyed by fire u that day.' Mr, CBefoieadopting mathi 4 light we consultedtho
in and senior leaving, or honor y
seeing what we can offer you. Our g g mental music and i full line of amuse- Hallida 's friend here will be s rr to leading authorities in the photographic art
Has for sale, cheap, 7 lots on north Pido of tnatriculati0n On my 4th at 1.16 p.m., Y y and took pains to ensure its construction on
Stock is unsurpassed in town, and as Bristle Terrace; also I lot on east side Edward ,merits will be, prowled. Dinner will be hear of his heavy- loss. We understand exact scientific principles. We now claim that.
St. and other properties. and Part II. to or matriculation on served from 11 a. _. to 2 p. m. Supper there `va ' ^,omesursnce on the mill, none outside the city.
t0 the making, We gIIarant0e neatly- , our facilities for portrait taking are second to;
made, well -fitting and fine-looking July 6th, at 8.45 m. will also be serve and hay will be pro- but have no leaned the cause of the We have also added a vlew camera to our
results, Then in WANTED. — Good girl for general � equipment and will in future be prepared to
housework. Apply after Monday,'the vided for horses. Everybody ill be fire. fill orders for any outside work.
F PP Ymade welcome. Duplicates at reduced rates, EniarBements
27th. Mrs. C. M. Walker, Shuter at. LETTER FRO S SOUTH AFRICA. made in Crayons, &c„ at prices as low asis
D s 12c. We offer 20c er lb. for the Milton Homut received a letter on consistent with the best art.
'Gents Furnishings. GENERAL LOCAL N WS. THE WATERTAN .—A special meeting best,and 19c for the ud best Tub of J. MILTON GRAHAM,
Tuesday of this veek from S. E. Dent, Star Photo Studio, Beaver Block, Wingham.
of the Town Coun.-1 was held on MOB- Butter we et in Jun The judge We load the trade. Come to us for See Halsey Park's silver '
ent. g j ge will who is now ing nth Africa. The letterlatest st lea iu Hats Ties, Collars, Carpenters wanted. H• heages to day evening to coreider the adrisiability be abutter expert unknown to ` y of
Y comps ent men, Na &IIWorks, of erecting a water tank, to be used in the competitors. G. E. INS. was dated, Nowals Point, April 28th. �'®������
Shirts, and every article in this line: Win ham. Sex, says that ie is enjoying splendid
8 supply water for the sprinkling cart. BUILDING OPEjtATloxs. a wet
It is also of interest to I. O. O. F. iiFFICERS —The following After due consider trio, and taking into weather of this w.:k has rather iutarfar_ health and all t 1e other Wingham boys.
officers for the last six mouths of 1901, account the cost C the new tank, the ed with the work ,n the several build -'are well, excep� Frecl Melvin, who has Restaurant
Your Pocket were elected at the last meeting of council decided to defer the matter in ings in co irso of ,onstruction in town. been ail with fever, but was im-
g Nest door to Advance Office.
Maitland Lodge, I. . O. F.:=P. G., the meaui�ime. Au arrangement has Work °,'all the>ildings is progressing. Proving when t o letter was written. J
` That you examine our natty stock Geo. Tervit; N.G., J. Deyell; V.G., Lias been made wAi the C sada Furni Workat the Nati, nal IronWorksisgoing DIED IN GE 1NY.—From Monday's Confectionery of all kinds.
of Fine Shoes for Ladies, Gents, D, Lougheed; Rec.- ec., �. F; Groves; pBiscuits. rruitinseason.
Misses and Children, We have a ture M:anufacturas t° sn ly water at on as rapidly as �ossiblo. Work on the Mail -Empire « learn of the death of C.
Fin. -See., T. J. Ell Ott; Tress., Wm. 1 per day for eve 'y day t e slights aro ne�vrailway sidim., has been commenced; C. Jerome, of iabetes, in Germany on LUNCHES AT ALL HOUR�� '
large stock of the best makes. Robertson. watered. the office buildin• is nearing completion; the 24th of Me . He was a native of i� ab�i
at price -3 to snit.
We can handle a few aloes for REAL ESTATE A ENOY. Saml. Youhili, the vault is beim built in the office and Canada, havin been born near Cobourg Ice Cream in season.
#• „ Bread for sale.
trade, at once. Remnalit sa Saturday. real estate agent as an advt. in another not many week will elaps x"before the over GS years Sao, `but had resided iu�
A call all,
HA NA c4 CO. column. Mr. Y hill has
a number of works are in opetion. Chicago for the last 35 years. The re-
' Ho]�u h S�nS HE DIDN'T ADF 9RTISE.—The Adver- desirable dwellin s and also a number FOR SALE.—A good house and two I mains will be ought from Germany to - J. W. SNELL.
riser was to -day shown a quarter gross of building to Blr. Youhili has lots in a good loci `its is offered for sale. Chicago for ,tial. Deceased was a Geo. Ross, of Lo �To—
u, formerly fire-
�• WINGHAM. bes of Eddy's mat •1xes; taken from the House in good co dition. Also good brother of ou townsman, . S. Jerome, man on the L.
been Assessor of Wingham for a barn fruit trees rd incl soft water. , H.. B. trairuzvase:elliug
stock of a ocei air 'Chatham, where DIED IN TUR-4BERRY, 'here died at on old T' Lglmam fl ends this Week.
€� ,number of year and is ready and!' will- Apply at TIUEs o, ce. -
laiarrlage Licenses they had lain for �venty years. They ing to cheerfull give buyers and' sellers HoltsEs reit S Tri AFRICA.—J. J. her home in T -v nberry, near Wingham, John Aikens, of letroit, spent it fav-
erssued by FRANmc PATERSON, No. 28 Victoria Ignited as readily as a match macre at , any informatio they may requi ' in re- Elliott, V. S., was n Listowel last week, On Sunday last Elizabeth, beloved wife days in town th_ 3 week under , the
treet. Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required, the present day a d burned quite freely. gard to propert in the town. artie.+ at which place lr delivered 14 horses of Jobn Stapl -ton, in her 66th year,
parental roof and c Ming on old friends. -
Ver few ma hes would develop Deceased had been a resident of. this Mrs. Gundry, wl o has been s guest,
+ Y P who aro lookinb for anything i he line I and out of that nu Der only four were at the borne . of lu. Robertson for a
............. i......... �. y, "keeping" quali es as well as Eddy's.— of real estat should call on Mr. vieiuit for u ��vards of 2 y ears and few Meeks, rettutled to, her home iu.
rejected. Mr. Ell tt fared exceedingly y y
•€• London Adverti r. Youhill amid so his list of properties. well as one buyer elivered 32 horses and was w ell -know : and Ili I. , respected by Lnckn 011 Weilm;slay.
;•3- Miss abel MitcLll, accompanied by -
Bliss -
.g. Business Knowledge and ` Everlast- `g. ! BASEBALL MA II —,The first baseball Read the alum ,cement i 'another none of them « re accepted. Other a large circle of friends Deceased had Oulster and Miss Howard, of
_ .g, ing Push ' win +
match of the sea n will be played on column. buyers were ala st as unfortunate. been troubled v'ith heart failure which Toronto, spent the -'lth at Meadowville
the Wingham pa c next Thursday after- DIED AT STOC rs, Henry Lt. -Col. Dent ant Dr. Fraser were in was the cause ck death. The funeral farm, the home � Mr, R. Maxwell,
• noon between tI Toronto University Steinacker, wh has been unwell for Listowel examini mg horses for South took place to tL, Wingham cemetery on Drayton,
+ a club and the Wil gham club. A band some months p t, died at her home Africa. They se ected 99 out. of 311 Wednesday aft !rnoon. Miss Lillio°Ni on of Brauclon, is visit.
-F• concert and gar en party will be held near Rostock, erth county, Friday that were examines. The horses accept- ing at her parental some in f°ivil. miss
x ++ '§ N SONALS, Nixon has been res, ling' in Brandon for
d• ; 4 on the same even' g, Admission in the afternoon. Dece sed, though not an old ed were a fine lot 3f animals and a con- over three years all _ this is her first visit'.
It has paid others to attend the
.g. evening, 10 cent . There s ould be a woman, was one f the oldest settlers in siderable portion .f_ them were pastier- Airs. W, J. lliott is visiting with home in that t?mo.
i 'f�, ,y, large attendance at' this, a first ball the district, havin lived there for up- larly,x�ood ones. We understand that friends iu Blyth this week. Mrs. R. A. Iicr_' is spending a •few i
Central Business Colfepprre ++ game and arde art o the season. wards. of fort a s. A husband ander g g Mrs. Fixter is pending a month with whales in Buffalo; takiu in the Pan.
D- g P Y Y Y Arrangements are beau made to have , l;
P g American Exposit' gin. She will meet
Stratford, Ont. family of two son, and four danghte ,s I Lt. -Col. Dent nisi ;Wingham and make relatives all, fri ads in Loudon, her husband at Bu Talo. Blr. herr is on
+ A combination tau emu bicycle, in
+ -II• good repair for sale 1. ap, Also a good survive. Decease 'was mother of a,n inspection o- horses. We would Bert Lewis, o Toronto, was calling on his way home iron Alaska.
and it will pay you. Our students are + Of new Dunlop c
remarkably successful in securing anal P p sol ,tires; at A., M. E. ZIIrbrigg, f this town. Mrs, like to see the ar- angements carried to old Wingham f: ends this week. Dr. Macdonald, J. P. returned Koine
holding excellent situations. Be careful H. Carr's flour and e re. a Jas. H. Chis lm of Toronto s
in lour selection of a school. Ex -stud Zurbrigg had been t the bed side of her a successful issue as an event of this , pent on Saturday last f, lm Ottawa. We are
on .9 of other business collo es are now a WEDDED IN MO RIS. ha event mother for some d s tier to her death kiucl would bo th means of Dianna, a pleased to ];now tb t the Dr, has fully
.r happy Y P b g the holidays at is home in town. ,
t histtcoli ge and wewilio unr n oe to 'l' took lace on We nesda evening of this and Mr. Zurbri ttended the funeral . number of eo le to town. accident
d from -rue effects of the ,q. P Y g gg P P Jos. Gray, of Preston, spent part of accident to his kuc�, the facts of which
thoroughlyy pgrepare you for business .1. week at the hom of James McGee 1st oil Monday. U
life., We deal in genuine business edn- > > y f , , the weer: with is family in town. were noted in ti eso columns several
cation; we have nothing to do with the ,l. line'of Morris, w en his daughter, Miss FOR SALE.—I'offer for sale lnouse ! stops ate Cough Miss Carrie lacdOnald has returned weeks ago,
r =1, sham article. Jane was joined in wedlock with Will. and five acres of land, ai a oil ' a nd woriss4 off tine Cold- �• -•-- --
Write for our catalogue. .l. + J Home from To onto for her holidays.
students admitted at any time. , Josephine street.
•3- Ellicott, Of Wingham. The ceremony Laxative Bromo-QuinineTablets cure acold in S. Grace f Blyth, was calling on {�'inghani'$ Leiladi�l� Shoo Slone'
g. 1 CHA ESPIE, oneday. No Cure, no Pay. Price '25" cents. y' .
a. was per96--d
d I y Rev. Will. Lowe in ; his old friend in Win ham this week.
X W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. �. I CORNER STOVE L YIN he Metho An orders for sales left at the TIafES Wing
,t, the per' f a�large number of invited If y
• nests.bra o was the reci i dist church coy or-st ne laying on off• office will receive prompt attention. J. James Plua, d, of Owen Soiiud, vacs I
.F.,,o.l..o.g..l..l•.,og..p.,..g•.;,..g �.�. g p cut of Victoria clay was of as successful as it i J. Currie, auctioneer. calling on old :riends in town this week.
many u was
presents. The
mewl wedded ou 1 would have been ad the day been fine. Miss Julia Flstclifi', of Brussels, was !
To Goon HOUSES -The Marks Bros. Y p e have the best
The wet weathe prevented many from I � � visiting with amiss Hazel Johnston last � }
Comedy Co. playa to very good houses wishes of their m ny friends for a happy the country fro, attending. The five Mu �Tifll �voolc• Gin the o ora housa n Thursda Frida and prosperous f ure. g P Y, Y stones were laic in the presence of a �Dlr, anti Mrs T. H. Ross were visiting
sand Saturday eve ings of last week. We, talo undersigned dentists of number of peop"e. The 20tH Century I ill Guelph for few days during the
This company cl ed the season's en- Wingham, agree to close our offices J Next door to Post Gfiiee, . �.
Stone was laid b r Chester D. Massey, of
week. Siz L
every Wednesday afternoon during the „ 4, .
gagemeuts at God rich this week. Toronto on beha lP of the Trust Board Mrs. iJdbar aydon, of Listowel, was ;Ql t,, rJ �'
months of June, July and August. � � C `•y1
VOLUNTEERS. - 70. 2 Co., 33 Huron W. T. HOLLOWAY; rho first corners ne by Revs. Crossley visiting with Mrs. John Torriff this y m ; LITu,
Regt. will go int, camp on June 4th. A. J. Inw N.
slid Hunter, on b half of the Quarterly -� week. , +1 r (� �• �
Recruits and all o 1 members will please , C {� Gus. 11Q�Lau 111sB of visited k. �'
report to Sar t. SAerman, Cpretalcer of VAtolt RE 1itD —From Mondays Official Board; th second stone by Mrs. L E-�_�A , Clinton,
7i Armory, or to S=, -t. Carrack, White- 'Galt Daily Report we learn that John Goo. Davey, of L° don, on behalf of the �1 �'-with his ,loth in town for a few clays
church, CAPT. JOHNSTON, No. 2 Co., Anderson, undert cer, of that town, is Ladies Aid; the tltm d stone by Miss May this week.
33 Regt. to receive a block f 1G0' acres of land in Gordon of Woodst ck on
behalf of the �fl Dr, W. T. olloway and wife spent
WEST HUROI TEACHERS. —The the vicinity of the i tench slid Magneto- Epworth League an the Potirtlr stone by the holidays with relatives ac Clinton
annual meeting of the West Huron wan river/ The p Pers will be sent out John Wilford, of Bl h, on behalf of the has blighted and Exeter.
Teachers' Ass iation was hold at this wee9to be led up, after which Sunday School. he services were Messrs. Nei Haines and Jas. A. Corr"
raceu,ata man live
Exeter, olr Wee nesday and Thursday Mr. Anderson au all other veterans oP interesting and ft was issppolutrug that EYES y Cunlmiugs, ot'Gistowel, spent the Iloli AOdGl•il
of last week. ho meeting was well 166 and 170 will b given an opportunity there had not been favorable weather, because days in town.
•attended and the oliowing officers were to choose their 11rMs. It is probable The services were in ci argo of Rev. G. E�iMINE , Mr, and At Abner Cosenswere visit Cinderella.
elected: Preside 1t, J. H. Tigert, Dun. that a veterans' excursion will be or. W. Henderson, Presicl nt of the London FREE the pain Caused lug with old iends in Seaforth for a Many occasions demand many shoes,
Bannon; Vice•P es., Miss Waldrond, ganized during the summer and that Conference and Rev. Rogers, Chair- thereby few days this veek, and thoubh a girl lna).y bo a modern
Mrs. (Dr.) Oise Cinderella oho cannot taways be shod in
Exeter; Sec-Tre.s., G. W. Holman, those soldiers re- raining of the historic mall of the Distsict. Copies of the produces y, of Owen Sound, is slipper.
Bayfield, The E _eentive Committee to times of 166 will journey northward .to- 'Toronto Globe and ' ail-Empito and visiting at tllc.liome of .her parents, Dr. Therc,s the (".ol''Shoo,
flee limy Dai-,
be composed of the chairman of each gothor ori a tour of selection. The Builds W ingliam Advance a d TIMES, it photo an aversion to and Mrs. Maeyonald. the llubber Aveled,
Local Division. Our space will not are to be unta rod for 10 years. Dir. of the pastor, Rev. R. Hobbs, a few. Rich Austir and wife, of Galt, were the Uwe or Button
Study. Dress Khoo,
permit us giving t lengthy report of the Anderson serves- at Port Colborne dur- coins were placed in the cavity of tiro this 'week visiting with relatives in fileP:tteut Lr'ather,
rn the raids' aad naturally recalls with one stone. The mer tbors of the Ladies' Win hang, au Belmore. file Evenlug slipper--
proceedings. g y The backward Child too Of?toq g Wohave thein all.
Moxr•,v TO LOAN.- Monoq to 1°[tr1 on vivid recolleeti n the Stirring and trying Aid served dinner a supper in the old b000m�s {he unsuccossfu� n1�r. Ernie I3a0n leaves nest wool for rEMI MBElt--Wesew free, all rip, in shoes
bought, of ns,
•dotes, and nates discounted at reason- times of his col itry, for the defenco of church and many oopile tools In this Chatham, at 'Mich place he will attend Trnnk3 aria V"altam clietap,
time rates. Money advanced on inert- tvllicli he is nos being rewarded, 7'ho part of the progra tae. On the whole '� n DAVIS, the Canada $u sinegs College. % e
' ga es, with privilege, of paying tit tiro Mr. Anderson oferred to Was in the the proceedings t re vory suecessful. 'Alias Addie �cl enaghau, of �Vhite- li ][ . J16 i' 1 1 E F J; 1;
,ona of any year. Notes andacootints D•AUGGMT AND OPT.Ic1AN.
Ilam. Roux. MCINZOO. Wifigham fora iumbortof years. s Iu I y anounttedcto aearl proceeds of Mile �� 1 N GN A M. lGrAliamforthVictoria church, was i o Y 'L1 $b `I S 1"b;>~i•oollacted. 011100 Beaver Block, 'W`ing. g guest of Miss Clare SOI. ' LOCAL AGSy r�t100.00. � DA holiil. •a. �,�