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The Wingham Times, 1901-05-24, Page 7
71 THE WINCIRAN TIMES, MAY '24, III, �'liat "tiro cannot 'wither no custom ,A Glasgow, gea.tloinatt recently re-Via$-xliaq a'°uriiultal�a, India Groom fi7, retitle a.`,. ( xlte,'�evy Mart. WRING MCDCH1, �'lio Stxatforti herald calls attention \ P l,, 6 1�► ' eq6, stalo" tho t nito ilxtlulgence, of love's commended to the notice of a city to alt. Civil wb1c.1% lnt'esto the smaller . 11 II11��114� ��r 10 j1 young(frac was delnonstrated by a merchant a young fellow who was look- nowspapers of the continent, and wbioll weddlug tl] was colebratecl in a modest ing for n clerkship. Some few days� oco wsionully gets a bold in the larger. U410 flat oil the ton floor of a house its later they met again, and the gentleman It galla it "rag.time journalism" and Many '{l�`I )ial�n People Complann, of EE 01i", B.M " K. New York city. The contracting tta+l:ed if the lieleotion had proved a wino I cotes that "ft thrives best in country correspondence, and whore it once gets a persistent Bac kneho in the *� �9 i " parties rgere Dr. i. IZ. L ret Mrlot, �b7 one. l .�,�er.A:,:l ,Ft � 1� - ��* years old, and Mrs. Margaret I!l, Shaw, Not tit a11, replied the merchant, ha3d, the victim of its ravages contend "JER11 «s $6 years clef, at rvlici•o home the marriage Dear in(.) I said the other. I thought and re-cuiiteud''In their efforts to o4_Ao Spring Xtil*s- tool: place, The bribe Seas the widow he would have suited yeti down to the each, other in spreading tlio d' ase.- hila gceri t17llt for liiilChinCi ro`l::tl t:..:�'ll)ll ils:tl lEltlil ,.<'•:E. �1'1tC Yon - of William D, Shaw, for inany years (troand -so full of go. This soolirgo, of journalism is othinb p't?�rity. cit-c`�", fin. ; io incl 4:S,E^r� i.: ;; i;� of this tea fir+,; r, ,:.I Yon- oonnectecl in a prominent capacity with Yes, responded the merchant, lie was more or less than the teudoil to rude SAmetimes its apaist. 1 SUL. for its i)ui)1:13t it3. l:.vc:r c;,.', � :t t:,�t•, � +..aiisYlEllptioli `iilctws the Egnitwblo I,ifo Ins]ulrxit+t� Company- too full of t;o. Why, he's clean gone, personalities, offensive co anti cud, in Oftoti oxtenditi t o the gran -flats. tXl<lt it i , Oril ,r tllstit� r of Cinlc ry 1 11 T1'! l'!1, tt::t still ill; . 7)r, Couturier is a Southern man of the and athousand rounds of m�* monoy, a word,. the desire to °` tit a hit" at Accompanied b headache and musti- Y ' i J old school now so nearly obsolete. He tee 1 someone or something . A uotivspaper apaagotimes it's just adull ache or rvealc thing Of tilt past. is saifl to bo hautlsomo and exceedingly You don't say, so I W ht', I thought is dependent ou the;' neral public for a feeling.��«w� «-.«,�i� �""v` "��`""` "'''�""- " �"n• - well prePervocl for his age. IIs comes of he was exactly the follow you were large part of of tb ' ufofmation whichit You can't sit easy, cannot rest, a distingui-lied South Carolina family, looking fort obtain$, QUI a pro} pltion of the Back all the time calling; for i^upport.SALb /fi kk;' r �9 Ceylon T( -as are sold in Sc:tEic'ti lead axe some of Nature's Kicltll:Y ,I`'�, M packets Olil , never ill gull... Li1ack, and is well known throughout the So lie is, was the emphatic reply—so events that it cards oannot.pomo under dap er signals that tiie track of lrt;altlxY � Palmetto State. 130 has a sots, Gladsen, he is, the porsouc bservatiou'of motubers of is not cleiir. These symptoms are the Mixed or uncoloi'tA Ceylon Green. .9ilinjill Earl aj31}ii 11t1t�E1. wit], Buffalo Bill's Wild. West Show. its staff it trusts to the reliability of .forerunners of sorious Icidnoy trouble . dc1re,s "SAIADA," '. oron4{l. „ pound nt Lttist, those o claim to be in a ositi' to and you need the "Great- Kidnoy Medi - •'I have been married -once before, said A liver ill that is small and sure, that p cino," Dr. Pitcher's Baclmolie Kidney the doctor benmingl , wlxexi asked for p lti]ow the facts of any particular case'At0 , n y rots gently, quicklycuff thoroughly, Tablets, because it deals directly ,with �^ .� �-�-�^�^"-^^�•-'-�•••«.•�'°^-°�^••-•,�y.-•�a�*�* y' gi them correctly. But how man anti remove the cause, :Fault hiduoy information about himself, "My first that floes not limps. Laxa-Liver Pills y a 4A °� wife was Julia Anthony, daughter of the possess these qualities, and are a sure people there are who show anxiety , action and its results. To ' ,�1 cure for Liver Complaint, Constipation, "load u " the newspaper with vaor 1 is Mr. D. Rush,Josephine St.,'�1inallam, founder of the Georgia Medical College. Sick Headache, etc, p p says; --"Some time .ago I was told of the I was the first honor graduate o the not only incorrect but calculatedo oocl effects of Dr. Pitcher's Backache . 9 harm to others is surprising. '1'eat- �, JL e .9��,:�� d South Carolina Medical College of the Sugar Isee.s. p g dnoy l?ablets and got a bottle for use a class of 134. "I ani not wealthy; but In the Farming World is . an article est care has to be exeroked x, , nudiing in my family, Two of the household every item that seines into a ofrzoe, but were snfYering from backaeho and head - have a modest oompeteuco. The which contains much valuable informs- wore due to kidney trouble, and took resent Mrs, Couturier is not the sweet- tion concerning the sug'arbeet, Amongst even serer this an nein sometimes thein with good effects. We diduot use 't S Time. lP a ears which is inofl'���sive on its face''' hewn of my youth. I became acquaint- other interacting items aro the pp �" the entire bottle but from the rapid easy ed with her only two years ago, and we followiugt— but which injures so�ebody. A news- effect obtained can recommend them to others." had been engaged but a short time." Over 72, per cent. of all the sugar proper that is prop�ely fulfilling its funs- If yon are convinced Dr,. Pitcher's manufactured in the world is made from tion xxever will�;n'gly Publishesvi hat is Backache Kidney Tablets are what you Sudden c0eatth ;<, on the in- n calculated tq�'�vrongfuliy damage the. want you• call purchase them from drug- is the art in wflVQCtialIi This Ad. i, 1>zstrates bow true this sugar beets. crease.—People apparently well and , reputatio .16 anyone. This is some'* gists at 50 cents a box or sent by snail on saying' is, e:�peeially t:] those wishir g pleasant ;md profitable The difference between cane sugar happy to -day, tomorrow are stziken down, -thing it readers should always bear in receipt of price. The Dr, Zizia Pitcher employment. " Canada's Sons on 1`;Opje and Veldt," the: only and in ninety-nine cases out of every hand, and beet sugar tail be detected only by Co„ Toronto, Ont, mind. sed .the heart is the cause. 'The king of an expert, and what little difference book dealing e�:ciusively with tlrQ Conilclian Contingents, is tl}e 7xeart'remedies, Dr. Agnew's Cute for the The T= rs always refrains from lmow^ Common School iEcinoat3ou. ' heart, m within reachof all. It relieves there is, is in favor of the beet sugar. book to handle. Official, Authentic, Cheap, sells on eight pa all in 30 minutes, and cures most chronic You are using beet sugar every day if r feared toly state that ishing such xoxusabledstaff of should be abwe are Every le to: girl that is educated ug everybody, and anybody (can sell it, Capital ox experience not cases. -9x you are using any granulated sugar at correspondents seldom indulge in these Writo a good legible hand, necessary, Send for Free Outfit at;d snake inoncy. Sold by A. L. Hamuron. all. A Nero York paper says the biggest B©et• sugar. is :absolutely pure white harmful "bits" at others. Spell all the words in ordinax,f use. Know how to use these; words. Tho � �9 1 Gl � i P �•; 0q� industry in that state is the public° sugar: Left a Legacy. Speak and write good English, [ L ` st,L� �.: l! m'.r , ad" A2 Jtr,,Limited, school system, with 1,209,674 pupils A beet sugar factory cannot mauu- Last winter left a legacy of impure Add a colnxnn of figures rapidly. and 34,000 teachers. facture any brown or yellow sugar. blood to many people, causing tired, feel- BsZr Tl TFORD, ONT. E ah man woman' and child in the ings, lack of energy, indigestion,eon- Make out an ordinary account. , -o Miller's Bich, red blood is pxoducedby � stlpation, biliousness, eta. Burdock: Receipt it when paid. Compound Iron Pills. Sold by A. L. United States consume on an average of Blood Bitters never fails to cure any of Write an advertisement for a local rr Hamilton, (l5 pounds of -sugar in a year. the foregoing diseases by unlocking the a �S i r r'FF;�s al,Y yI y.}E .4 n� paper. ,. , f _ a�},• �� t..a' �s5� �'`i{,�,«/,r i �•, a��L�.#k���' b a ' When cutting or paring' your toe The inhabitants of the United States seerethtions and removing allimpureities Write s notice or report of a public mail, out a notch in the middle of the spend more money for sugar than they from the system. • • •• meeting. nail. The disposition to close the notch do for flour. draws the nail«ap from the sides. Keep- It requires $500,000 to build and equip lista-S3osoc Leader. Write an ordinary promis cry note. e ing the foot in hot water for a few the average beet sugar refinery. It is well, when public speakers em- Reckon the interest=,or discount on it ,� Kral nd ' winntes will soften the nail for cutting. One tau of wheat per acre is a large phasize, as did Col. Mudfor days, months, and gears.. ie, M. P. P., at ' �. r � yield. Sugar beets often yield twenty Guelph, the other day, Draw an ordinary bank check. the difference - - Take it to the proper lace in a bank., Because you eat and drink tons per acre. between the two leaders in the Provincial p p 1? r y 4 qq t0 '*et It cashed. � d " One acre of laud planted to' sugar Legislature. The colonel said: b I < too much you require a pre - One Toll the number of yards of carpet beets will yield about one and a half "We have a Government to -day that � - •, � �„ `� paration that will clean out is progressive in its legislation.,, we have required for the parlor, . e k . tons of sugar in a season. p ' g ,3 Atthepresent rate of increase in con- abroad -minded and liberal leader in the Tell the largest ulunbor of bushels of ! �: a �8 the blood of humours and put wheat in the largest bin and the value at o i % the stomach richt. Powl 's sumption of sugar in the U. S., it will Hou. George W. Ross, who has for Lia g' a ey CLI RITy current rates. Li uined Ozone w ll do that.� require the building of at least 14 modern colleagues men who rote well' up fu their i bent sugar refineries each .year to take fleparwments, who are not only. w credit dell somethingabout the laws of q ` 1 care of the increase alone. Cd themselves but s credit to the health and what to do in case of Gm - care The condensed oxygen is na- The operating season of a sugar re- 'People whom they represent. What ergeuey. tare's greatest purifying ele- fed tl el NA ted ® „ Know how to behave in public and , 1 hent, It won't sicken or weak - finery is known in the business as the h we ill the Opposition led �; Scampaign" and lasts from 100 to .160 by Mi , J. P. Whitney? We have society. — � en your stomach. It makes ; +, Be able to give the great general `�' days of 24hours, stopping only in the a party that is shattered and divided the blood and tissues healthy. case of breakdowns or an occasional among themselves. We find an e.-, principles of religion. clean up. A 1000 ton beet sugar factory leader, Mr. Mater, breaking away from Have a fair knowledge of the Bible. Leo an(] St,00 at all l; dru:.sts. write the axone Co„ of u o Have some acquaintance with the Toronto, LLnited, 48 Colborne S teat, Toronto. in a campaign of 150 days requires as his party and supporting the Govern- ". Li fitly^ Liver 1911-1 follows:--160,000 tons of beets, 22,900 meat on two very important matters three great kingdoms of natura. onge sufficient common sense to get tons of coal, 2,600 tons of coke, 9,000 'during the last session. What do we PFlletat Eier �irs3ntuvo tat tons of limestone, 120,000 barrels or a find the leader of the Opposition doing along in the world. d. himself? A year ago we found him o s like capacity in sacks, and miscellaneous p .0 materials to the value of $15,000. It posing concessions to the Algoma Central �n a es s n a t i sus — �� G� a t' t Es © employs 300 men, and pays out $125,000 Railway, the details of which lAr. Mut- Cause?—M'lt�cre'� the Cus e'2—The sco irn� �Sierllc 5i'�apgr-r �e:ott. for salaries and labor. It pays to the ria minutely described. At the last nes- active irritating cause of this most painful01 I'll . F,, , - .. - I. -- , - -- -- dipoisonous uric acid in the blood. / ° �� � ,n °'°'° • - - •- • •• farmers over $e00,000 for sugar beets, ' sion. they found him supporting canoes- diseases is P 'pert' r3nnu ansa as 13:2sy and the pulp produced during the cam- signs less favorable, to the Manitoulin South American Rheumatic -Cure neutra- to talo Su'-Zr. paign is worth in actual value as food and North Shore Railway.' lizes the acid poison. Relieves in 6 hours g F0191 HEADACHE.. for live stock at least $100,000. and cures in i to 3 days.—go CAMMIRS FN fISInuiss. Run Do�v,x. ° 1t would require 30 beet sugar factor- Sold by A. L. Hamilton. ,! [Ivy �� FOP, RiLIO SHESS. ies capable of slicing 500 tons of beets "I *,vias run flown and nervous, so trot a •� f' F913 TORPID LIVER. p g box of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, The population of the county of Bruce 1 "�every 24 hours to supply the people of and they, roved of reat benefit to me. Relo- PA • ,B. m•1 i'OR CONSTIPATION. Canada with sugar. My mother also wishes to say that they as a xe.gnit of the census will in ail 4� t:�w i5d PI LLQ` FOIL SALLOW!, SKIN. The natural conditions of Canada for were of groatvalue°to her."—P.HiLLirg, probability turn out to be about 65,000. FOR THE COMPLEXION. growing• sugar beet and the manufactur- London,, John McPherson, formerly of Tiger- " �` z;rm """ RAY `yy'""T u"`' in of beet su ar exceed an county on ton, accidentally shot and killed him - >ea c`oo,rol> 'ipo�eta�so•/s�zE'*s" g g y y A Good memory. self on 22nd of March. He was up in earth. CURE SICK 14EADACHE. The Ontario farmers are the most Memory is found in all healthy states the Klondike district. ivactors fiRd successful growers of root crops in the of the brain, and consists of a revival in -----` . . . . . . . PILLS" Those who have used Laxa-Liver Pills world. At four dollars per ton, the farmer can make five times as much per acre from sugar beets as from the average farm cropt. . ' The pulp from the refinery makes a splendid food for all kinds of live stock. Is I'd rather bo (lead than suffer again the tortures of insomnia, palpitation and nervous twitching of my muscles in- duced by simple neglect of a little indiges- tion." These are the forceful and warning words of a lady who proclaims that her cure by South American Nervine when everything else had failed was a modern the mind of a past condition or act. It is not enough`that the original impres- sion be renewed on the brain and com- prehended; it must be registered, so as to produce a permanent modification of brain structure or action, otherwise it' passes from the mind and can only be vaguely recalled. A good memory de- pends on various considerations; one is healthy brain 'structure, another is nutrition, and a third is training and culture. The younger remember more easily that the old: Their brains are na- tive, and there is an enormous mount of new health blood coursin' , w . t�r�. e , IWO 3tic U e say they have no equal for relieving and miracle. A few doses gives relief 92 a ' y g 'curing Conatipation, Sieh mead- throug1l them at a . rapid rate, and nut- ;1 Sold by A. 7f. Hamilton. rition is active. Fatigue is fatal to good ache, Biliousness, Dyspepsia,, �1LE Coated Tongue, Foul Breath, Poultry in the Garden. memory—It is then that nutrition lap- E Heart Burri, Water Brash or It is customary io regard all kinds of guages; but rest restores a healthful any disease or disorder of the stomach, poultry a's enemies of garden crops, but condition, ant! then the power of mem- R e'en for five cent., at Dm aroclra, Restaurants, liver or bowels. it is becoming known that the best mode• ory comes back again. As old age comes SURE CURE slop.-%.loonhe banish p Hera{ Stores and Barbee. Mrs. George Williams, Fairfield Plains, P Shopm. The banish pain, induce sleep, and prolong life. flnt., writes as follows : "As there are s, of protecting orchards and crops is to on, nutrition is less perfect, and the cells � one Rives rel eft No matter what's the matter, one will *Y give the fowls free range. Hens will of the brain' in which memor takes do yon geed. Ten samples and one receipt oa testy nxany other medicines offered for sale in g y FOR by the s cent by mall al any address St receipt of price, substitution for Laxa-Liver Pills i am par- seateh a newly planted bed to get the place become filled with debris Of decay, 4; by the Ripans Chemical Co., tolSpruae 9t., New York City. ticular to get the genuine, as they far sur- seeds and worms, but as soon as the become yellow and actually lose their Nervousness, SleeplessnesS, Ner- pass anything else for regulatingthe bowels plants organized and aro nolon er. And correcting stomach disorders." P g ' „ g vows Prostration, Loss of Energy, Laxa,Uver Pills are purely vegetable; among them, if grass and young shoots capable of action. BralnFag, Faint andDizzySpells, neither gripe, weaken nor sicken, are easy of weeds are plentiful. 'Usually, if hensLOSS of Xemory, RlelanehOlfa, nriatt +�.,m.> a >rM Ort., to take and prompt to act. scratch in the garden it is to secure �► goon To (lycxists, Listlessness, After Eifeets of La 4. bugs and worms. The guinea and the A bottle of Hagyard's Yellow t Oil Grippe, Palpitation of the Heart, a turkey perform great serbice as insect- should be in everyoyclist's kit, as it is Anvemia, General Debility, and Sold by A. L. liaui:ltmi, Druggist, i inghaln Ont. THIN MILK - destroyers, as they are active foragers, the► most effective remedy • for 'Sprains, all troubles arising from a IM11- and diligently search everywhere. A Bruises, Cuts, Stiff Joints, a Epgs,oto, g ��, �,H�,� of the Muscles, Cramps in the Legs, oto. (iorli►n system. flock of turkeys, allowed free ran in a A petition has been resented in the tobacco•field, will keep the plants clear p They will build you up, malts rich' i p N'.W.T, Assembly praying for a ple ted blood and give you vim and HOIL -1TE�N DAIRY of the green worms, and all kiiicls of biseite on the liquor trafifo, aceta , - .c.1,> +. Tr. r•,,, .._..,._r. ....,. .,nnt.;nt i•.n n•,•abfihnnnttra. ay is pure a costs.... - TBBBB CENT t