HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-05-24, Page 6�THE[i 11\�.y. �1� TIM'�8 ;ls l7F � r NO ' 'tr 1 of havl4g. txco? Do o feel il ow, a� resting the �,cAst y- at Xtra, e, Xxtiolls are the citizens q humanity,. Rusielt Sages inApiworlows. Thu the'Saturday E Y There axb many dirty- 1gteCl&. earl life,' � � � v°t" yonc lintl;3 f -d heavy? Il t> a yoga pains #1i , but, if yen tts:i your jlitignieut, you will gas iadivitluals are tho citizona of the iil9 Post, presents solue of the best ad - the Igen a iia+� zdru a.ixzinas;, ? IIav4 you a►. ahvll s be able to find 14 clean erossiia �" tired a°. ,gi ,1 easel 1 ft in the regions of the ' 9.,'-'- n,atious,--•XAZZ'lni, vice tha6 has. ever been given to young t ksdne,s ? Any and all of these indicate kid. heaven#tli. Half rile falilures i1i life spino faolxa rasa xegnxding the llandil#ug ,of theirF aaev tr.ui.>ta a SotahAmerican Mclney Curs , Most I+eorle wenn to tlliuk that life is pulling in One's horse as he is loaping.-- atony. In the Course of the fardole hat is u liqui, I i.:dl,•e:v specifxo and works won. LN tit r£ul cttrvs is tat nt Golrtplicaited CaxSeRs.- 9¢ a great grab bag into which they sliqulck ,7', C, gore, sa�•s , gold by A. r4.11amiitou. thrust their hands and take out as maelt Whilat we are Considering -wbeu lye No ,natter how fast a loan may make as possible, without putting in anything, are to begin, it is often too late tea 40t. -'mousy, laQ gives it to society as well As t'ahtea a t <ilfdtt, `l'llaxe could at be et greater mistake, T to himself to be economical. i Quinti-ifin, ssAutr young man who will live up to Befow t•riwsng for 4uropp,, Andrew for w shall tfud that lit) get outlye of life Surmounted diiilculties not only teach. the following set of rules will get more Carnegie arruligpil to give awal* utl,- just what Sv@put Into it, If we put iii but hearten us in our future struggles. genuine happiness oat of Wo than his 000,000. Tisis i,itc .odes -T•i.000,000 for misspent hours, Wood opportunities, •-•Sharpe, 'Asighbor who violates theta, the old and tlisablotl a•anployed+s of the slipshod work, botched wnterial, we mIn prayer it is better to bove A� heart x`Out of every dollar earned save 25o. Carne :itt AWA c-ourin ? ', $1,000,000 for slia.l be id in Bind. No. matter without words than words. withgttt a Save , 5c if you. Qan, but Heyer less tbau the libi•lrios <+r ti+:nr T. > ittst)u:g, what we give the world, it pays us back r,�•,a,ORR,- heart.-->Auuy:ru, a5o, 000 with which to endow a great terlltti- itt our own coin. It we give it of our , 44 Get Honest, t'ttiGltftll wore., how- rpho reason soave nisei ottn t lmke both . Get up at regular hours every morn - St. Lo itato, y 1 0OO,0Cl0 for ,a library ill ever humble it may be-- we shall receive ends lueet is because they are too busily iug, tinct work. until tetra things before St. Louis, ata ;R,a, ..:0,000 for a public g you axe fialished, Don't drop what you library of X. T, city. ur, Carnegie leas, our js st ruwartl, ETzt, if rye tri: tq grasp making purl @lea drink, ftlread; given away more money than all the good things and give nothing in We cannot all be rich, yet we can have in hand, because it is five o'clock. any titer+^r Thiols awe ever lived. some the will be compelled to swallow' have a good name. We etre told that t`Be honest; always have the courage some very bitterpotions. We shall find, sta good, liamo is rather to be chosen to tgZl the truth, w--. .•p. .w« ••--n..�-�»�.-.�'**- -��«, „ "Don't depend oat others, Even if --.. --- who?ll top Tato, that wo have squeezed than great riyhes. __ _ ._._... _.___ , __..._ _.• our orange d1r�*, Ancl .that nothing but yghoTi a roan dies the world anise, you Have a rich father strike. out fox AT •� the rind is left. --Success for May. "What has he left behind?"' but the yourself. ,Fi Cv t, r ['Cultivate independence at the very j angels ask, What food deeds has he Alu7utit vonswraption, outset, sent before hint?" --Oriental psroverU. a'l;earn the value of money, Realizet Mx, J. J. Dodds, of Pleasant �S ve, y Deer Park, Qin., writes; -I hteve suffer- Man dwells apart, though not alone, . that it stands, when honestly made as ed in my head and throat and all over He walks among his peers unread; the monument to Sour values as a j Nec • I he pully since last summer Froin a very The best of thoughts which Ire !lath citizen. k' heavy cold, lL blah I coned not get rid ox, known have tried several . what are consider- "Be jealous of your civic rights. TakeE ed good remedies, but none seemed to be For lack of listeners are not said, A wholesome interest In public affairs, - of nny avail, I began to think that lay --dean. Ingelow, but do not let polities or anything else .Anyone Who has ever been cold was develq int into consumption. tis rely many have to my knowledge. I There never was a day that did not interfere �vitli the rigid adininistiation troubled with boils can S m� brin its own o ortunit for doing o� our i y tarn thankful now to say tllatDr. Chiane's g pp y S private duties. pathize with poor' old Job.. Syrup of LinsQed and Turpentine has good, that Clever could have been done "The state is made up of individuals. worked. a complete cure, as I am now before, and never can be again. -W. $: "Be clean and decent.. Don't do any - Isere was no Burdock Blood entirely free of the cold." Bitters in those days, so Jab Burleigh. thing that you would be ashamed to had to Suffer In Sill'!1(;e. job Reads Lilco R01ratuce. When you have done a kindness, Arid discuss with your mother. There was wTitteu on the Hotel Grand your neighbor is the bettor for it, why - ,Beeli', circumspect a -clays no one need endure the registrar in a plain matter-of-fact hated: need you be so foolish as to look any "eircunlspect fu your amusements. misery of boils. M. tontine, St. Joseph, Ont., that geu- further, and gape for reputation and "In connection with amusements, I All they have to do is tape tleman being a guest at that popular requital, --Marcus Aurelius. have been able to understand why the B.B.B. when their blood will hostelry, said Saturday's Gait Reporter. Ile wko, when goodness is impressively young men of to -day deem the theatre be Cleansed of all impurities The story of M. Contine's life reads lixe put .before hila, exhibits an illstiltetive all absolute essential in seeking diversion. a and ever boil will quickly div- a romance. He is of French-Canadiaan loyalty to it, starts forward to take its An evening with a good book is, or y q y parentage and was raised in a settle- side, trusts himself to it -such a man ought to be snore satisfying to the young appear. hent of French-Canadians, half farmers, has faith, and the root of the matter is mail of brains than all evening in a hall Miss Lydia Moody, Ruseom, Essex Co., half tinkers, on the shores of make in such a man, -Sir J. Seeley. where a lot of make-believe characters Qnt., sends the following statement of her Huron in the southern part of the coun- are strutting up and clown the stage case: " Some time ago my blood got so tared ony of Huron. The settlement has long Itchinir PilIes•-*Dr.Agnew's Ointment like children .at a masquerrde. When out of my bodyaer that a�nd prevented )ne boils having any borne the flame of Tinkerville. From is proof against the torments of Itching the human race reaches its highest men - rest. I had nine on my neelc at different here Contine set out when a lad to seek Piles, Thousands of testimonials of cures tal development there will probably be times, and quite a number of small ones his fortune. He came ba( l: a few years effected by its use, No case too aggravat- no theatres." came on my shoulders and arms. "Our next door neighbor, seeing the ago, if not a wealthy man, at least one ins; or too long standing for it to soothe, A Terrible Accident, condition I was in, told me to take B.n.B. controlling great wealth He returned enmfort and cure. It cures in from 3 to 6 , for my blood, and I did so. a man with an idea. His idea was to nl,,hts.' 35 cents. -.93 One of the most distressing accidents z,+ &` `After I had finished the first bottle I build a city where his old home hadgold L. l3arailton. - that has oeburred of late around here. by A. found that some of the boils had disap- been. was that which happened to Andrew tt peared and all the rest were getting much We senile at the ignorance of the Taylor of town on Wednesday night.` smaller. I then got two more bottleb, He made large purchases of land. savage who cuts down the tree in order It appears he was returning home, ' and by the time I had these nearly all Saw mills were erected, forests cleared, g gone there was not a boil to be seen.n and hewed, slid to reach its fruits; 'but the fact is that a driving, along the concession known as a, Besides this, headache,timbers saw from which I , brickblunder of this description is made by. John's and vas near the railroad cross- ?; suffered greatly, left me, and I improved building material brought in aud the so mush in health that I am now a strong, gigantic work began. To -day, the place every person who is over eager and int- ing when the 10.15 train hove in sight. robust girl." riseilit would be seen, like mist from patient in the pursuit of pleasure.-- Mr. Taylor's hearing and sight is not. of the earth, has immense brick buildings, Chanuiug, the best and perhaps he did not even see Qiy or hear it, The horse became frightened More warehouses, stores, factories and an All great !nen have a curious and@r e. ' and unmanthe b unmanageable; e uggy was hotel, and work has been heguu t;n a sense of powerlessness, feeling that rile at1; �1KF w' that will be necessary before many greatness is not in them, that they could wheeled suddenly around throwing him thaTw', on the track just • as tete train reached Moons. This metroplois in embryo was not do, or be anything else than God him Ina moment he wras under the named by its founder, St. Joseph, made them. And they see something a What M. Contilie means no one knows. divine aud God• made in eve; other man engine, the wheals passing over and one crushing off both feet at the ankles. It / Some characterize hitt as a foolish they meet. --Ruskin. J was a narrow escape ;that he was not t; WomanOillat dreamer, others as a wary capitalist. He 'Tis weary watching wave by wave, killed outright and is a miracle it did' pursues his path with uue.rinl: constancy And yet the tide heaves onward; not happen so unhappily enough as it is Q Who has been cured of backache and kidney but he will always be blessed by his own We climb, like corals, grave by grave, to lose both feet. s trouble by the use of Doan's Pills hag written people, for lie seems to have infused That pave a pathway sunward; The horse and rig arrived in town i< us as follows: them with his owls enorgyand vigor,an8 We are driven base;. for our next fray alright but it was fortunate that the �G Mrs. Wm. Bishop, Palmyra, Out.y,vrites: I as he gives thele work, and the obliga• ,A, newer strength to borrow, Messrs. Layton and Townsend were have usedDoan's Pills for lame back and know tions of pay day are regularly of a grand And whore the vanguard camps,today aloe who brow ' - g gilt him to too doctors. 11 they are an excellent pill, as two boxes Com- idea, wbether true or false. The rear shall rest tomorrow 1 Ilad he remained long without attention t pletely cured ate. . -Gerald Alatssey. he would not have survived: It is a Mrs. J. T. Dagenais, Montreal, Que.,writes: Ho ¢►w Dr. Van Sticir's f inoa pple vel sad affair and his relatives feel it Tablets GiVe @hist ant Keleelf -- � �ij Out year ago I suffered terribly with kidney y y keenly, In the Ontario Accident Col, trouble. I consulted several physicians and They're hand to carry—take one attar eat. Grovesenat, pat. S a used their prescriptions without phi success. I ing-or whenever you feel stomach distress DrAn Sms,-I am glace to be able to of which D', L. Mepherso�l. fs agent, 110 ,� coming on -sufferers have proved it the only tell you that Dean's Kidney Pills proved was insured. for $6000 and he is a mem- SER-4 T11-11AT THE" SIGNATUR --©jj Promotes'l�iga�stion,Gle+�rful� Hess audRest,Coatal as neither amiNorplainO norMuleral, IS ON TH4 WRAP"P ,a�Smd� R«kcussaTa- or EVERY ,Truro 44. t =Seed . yfbvn Seed BOTTIM OV Aperfect Remedy forConstipa- tion, Sour stomach,Aiarrhoea, Worms,Convulsions,Feverish mess and Loss OF SI,Imm. Tac sitnite Signature of T NEW VORK. Oastoria is pet up in one•sizo bottles only, It is not sold is bulk. Don't alloy anyono to sell you anything elan on the plea or promise that It 1 is't jt:st as good,, and "will answer every pur- 2020,11 •ti"' Sao that yon got 044 -T -O -R -I -A. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER eSmSlo to Gn Ypa;- �,,:�� �r�atsr r9s.-:;,�,;a� , , , t;.t��1, ty- >a+w '+•��sir,�tp1�''�a�1r��w41 i:. KEN N EDY & KERGM4 -No other Medical Firm in the world has the established reputation for staring Mcaa zxadt that Drs. S. tic S. ea3oy. Their Now lxtethod Trout- =erxs, discovered and perfected by those 'k,manent Specialists, has brought bappanesu and comfort to thousands of homes, With ie. years experience in ti. i treattueut of these diseases they can guarantee to Caere oa• 3,940 Nay-1Emanla- aicxrace> •roaua Y)obiiity, tsyphtlie, draricoccte, tatrtictura, Gloat, �cearec YDratitax7, tani1ssoteney, ra bo-cu�} and Mental weicacne, Kid-.,� xsorr t5 tt$ t 8t:d dcr; ]iAisonsoc. Theis guarantees are backad by Bank Bonds. L um BLOVAd You ma;.+have a secret drain through the tarine—thak's the reason you feel tired .ort in the tnorn:KG'. you are not rested, your kidneys ache, you feel despondent nd Lave rm autbitloa. Dou't let yottr Life Blood be draiued away. Drs. K. guararntee to aura or. uo Fay. Bill 0 0 D 2013^N: Syphilis is'tue rcourgeaf mankind.. It•may not be crime to have it, for it may + be inherited. but it is a crime to anew it to Remain in the evatem. Like father— like gen. BCware of Mercury and Potash treatment, Ars, X. & X. positively cure the v�ritrat cases or ,tio ,Pay, ; Up'& �& 5TR7`gTURZ The i i'.p 1bggtbod TV,oAttmaamu cures these diseases safely and surely. No pain—nosufferina•-no detention froulbusiness. Don It risic operation and ruin yonr sexual organs. The stricture tleaueitt absorbed and can nevcr return, Dro. M.4 Z. guarantco Cures. K '7 du I d- te.. Dou't nerricet your Iriducvo. Your aching back tells the tale. Don't let Doctors ,e cperi,uer_t on Ion. Drs. X. & B. can euro you if you are not beyond human aid. , They guarantee to lure or No Pay. 01VU0. S CLJsARA1C•ICOB13. Jq0 CUttr, NO TPAY. Cosaataltatalon Error.:, Pc'ooSrm ncnt lFa car (sealed.) write for Question lalank for Oomo 'Texan-amont.} gtr�'.vexrything Con€idoutial. ET DP%S.' aaENivL,®Up& KERG,��''l, a4E3 aFlel.�i°C DETROIT. MI'Cia �1. saw Doan's Pills advertised, so procured a box remedy known that will give instant relief and permanent cure --no lou tedious treat- an excellent remedy for lame back and her of several societies of town. The and they made a complete cure. p g kidney troubles, from which I suffered. meats with questionable results -best for towels people were indeed greatly stir- A all sorts of stomach troubles. 35 cents. -•-9G I took one boar and the entirely cured n t roti. ]a�,g Il, SMIxa, prised to hear of the sad event and glad Mrs. J. F. GrSf",tth, Slantague Bridge, P.B.I., Pir i Boit.7 by A. L. Hamilton. to barn it did not prove fatal. Every- J (r) n g writes: About ata months ago I suffered Lilly Rice, the last of the old-time one hopes lie may speedilyrecover from terribly with weak and lame back. I took one minstrels, is dying in a London hospital. the shock. -Clinton New Era. box'of peon's Pills and.am thankful to tray. Dressmakers are about as much abused , that they cured me and I have not had any He is delirious and stricken with as newspaper men. In this progressing afire a business firm cannot afford to use sign of my +rouble since.. erysipelas SLfnging Chilb1nins. P `+ �i- "' `""`•""`"` -•'" �"'" """"" As distressing and annoying- as aro poor pr'1 nting. The quality of its stationery i5 the index to its chilblains they can be immeditktely re- Worth. Customers and the public. generally warp no better '' ,- lieved by the application of Dr. Chase's �'�y1�y pl? sin than neat and attractive rintin THE TIMES «<iy Yd r ,dry d M ointment. Tb stinging when you have reort � printing: edwithspen itching, ess i rest and a expect Presses are prepared to Tarnish just what is wanted ire to spend a sleepless night ill suffering. l convince you that as a ��```'' Snell lcure for Chilbiains Dr Chase's Ointment ''a. is the standard of excellence. It is. the 3. " •` " y a ;1" Nvorkd's greatest cure for all itching of l va' 't .. the slain. Letter e�c�il�llS` • a"S >,S?F"STrt F �5.�'a*'�1•,y-..,,,•. ' ytir'. . `'P... Ono Page one %eRr. j ( (�p Memorandums (rte pZp ✓ JOhn C6wit11 1 ll Heads i0f�sp1113#�1lllltiiliS >+ , W, ,maker had abontra j� f�[� j (�1{7 t. .. l.w�j . y ; 1`�il$l•�,8"A�#.rr -- m, 'Philadelphia_. page i Notal Heads Envellopli.'l, t c st +rt file R@cord fo iilaort a St vtme-$,09, advertisement every day but Sunda tn S .v �e i t John deNS not a(lvertise On r�Und LjY$j}(� ` Q „r E�X{gag ,, r ' N all Off* e Supplies. t,F >rFz �,Y��w� ix e *ra 4�,}.`' ty� fortclticil he aid �w57,500, dG11e11 the [....'.. ....._._ . .. v p a nt _ . �4{4 ;,,r�,,,,,;ixa��`�1., �7 �r .r . •' -• �,�,,�;..• contract wax about to aspire the Record people demanded for renewal an increase Vi the price of $25,000, or $112,500 year. d,: 3 "re rirr" ` 1 Walnnamiiker declined to a think- a s w l'a ing no other firm wonld take the page e6,� vacated by llitn at any such figure, ]:ie. was mistakon. One of the progressive is trot always thebest kited to get; but if you get goad printing, and at 1 .� t•, �Jtl !� 9 Ui 11\\ itl ' 1 4 retail iustitations of Philadelphia,iscomm moderate price, yon will there have the best. We have every facility for posed of two bright, energotio, pleasant turning oat good work in the shortest time. The office is equippefl with at Y"•; �; 1+7' •re 5emlo of buritles c 1111' tho tivill atlinitof. J. Falconer, Palmorston, who will young men. whose Arm name is Lit Bros. fast jobbers, card aml paper cutters, stapiifilv moebine and all modern :.l:lIlt'l:t of tx,t If fartncrs will decide nal the amount promptly return certificates for the They were offered the page at the price coiiveklierlces. i' rIc Factory au they intend subscribing before they are amount. mentioned, ar,d they die not hesitateane P1t111„•t r. lr'.t t,„fllri it ilei t4sirry to called oil by the solicitors it 'SOBS facili- Farmers wishing to amange for meet- d i t it ens^c;: ' ..11. 4.. 1.,. ,,a lr,rlt,tt,.111tt.e= +.:tit, ate the work. The ahnrr.s taro x10100 lags 9houlcT ttcicltess OIi.I:t. Belaen,Moles• second n Ile aeceptanee, l�iow Wena• to Ceelt.j.1. l•t ::,. st.1:.t,; of str:t•lt, 1w i4 each, the 1tta;;ority of farmers taking worth, who will bopleased to 111e0 those maker is sorry, for the page is the IF ne- AINNIT eutimr:::c' 1 .f : :: ir•• )11dr1..rr AMA7 oac•ai from two to five ibares, paving cash, or interested ill this very important in. cord's last pago, and thalre Uonly ono �✓ I7 anti a?lt;'af l:i il; rl.:,:t 10 a+. XC A clue k for iti three, Hix or rifim w6nibs' time, It d ustry, Aiould 1t@ widerstcod that. no 'person le ' It may be well to add that farmers, in last page to any noW4paper. pro ralAnIes Wadding Suationer rile d', _.' - � � y uin� . ,41,::1 int 1)Ta rs have s111r ovibod Iiablg for rrlares thtlu 310 sttbscril)htl, the the vicinity of aiidtgr3townr have in rile 1J ;rets tr ,< ".11 t caro llow On rehold- Co. being a limited one. The building past month subscribed *5,000, 'claiming Catalogues Busincss Notices t l t, .s e't,. , t ,Y its d ry f lrllivr 1., :,1117. and plant linve ecet 450,000, all of whiell that distance Is no detriment as fill that 1�a /101: vocal# Vh6o��ar�,et lm) r riltc ,1r• t. yi 1,, r; .. d'u:t ttSYur�i.� Ii wuuldl etas bpell seised. s1)luluber e.4 farmers is desired is A faotory alonglrlg purely 1%6 dreat ha gosh lumtrmv. Caletldars or Auction -1-3 ills w t It t<,: ,'. s b :'.t .1::I1 fvvi,r s o:' ;wgm 'A 'Arty enough nn noto4 to do business-'- to the farntbrx, � OF cold and reoommeided by ail j, cn.i , r ► is l,I t .,.:; f: r tr, Tt�,rr th7: ~ 1 a,+• this r@quit t s 1 att,OROM and, tlloso who now It well known that ?iallisll bacon bbie to diol e div ove ed rO tr' S 13CALL. yt _ • ' 71-t-, ; + •ie jwt fnt• •at -,i. 1 parvo sharets feel thaw tboic brother farm• briligs ttlord? ill England tha u Canadian ' Il.:,+:: a :.:1 i ct r'tT: • ' t•r:z shorlit contribute this attionnt whiph whish i!: t ittAtral try farnia3xS 11tatlufaetur• ferias o s Is �ttaranteecf to ours lilt erns !Vet' ttgss all ri4feets of 'abuse e -i, id? '•.. a;f: • <'. ': • 'i•t 111111(wt 7ldlthillit Celtilared with the 3n(, Ht1tt hnlidling their oa�fi', ikons lnrlit• br6itooss, brniltal wort irr i x llgtve rlt�t7f7ro• a, 1ho rite, t•, ,.•ar:.•:;1bd+uefltdeflived. in tlhen,moreGterestedinproducingt �°'ajetreplmakstide faext �4 troil olttytaac r .- : ,:•• tl lx S.:ltt • ! ttTTi i 7'ITn+ldt tills Tare lit t Ca:tte?d ern easy sc 11x1 good! article. Let farmers see to it that Mrs retie e, p�tnphlets free to nn adore s.THE TIMES 71110 ;i.11'ati.�,t if -u '', t ' fbeir mbseri rtious to the !liana er W. the re;seut opportunity Isnot Inst. ;ad wYnoti rJ•iiaalia+ay, wi>idenr, tat. `° t+. • t .7: , a 1 �yey� ,Kyr ire 11 Ila y t Cot -operative .L, V rR7r Tti✓ "��'' + it Wnoti'w pi1A�rhid illy , anise in iV iri lirirn by iV i 'P L R �1 . OUT Cahn /.1 Gympb2li, A. A. Morrow, J. .Devitt, + p �+ rpt � • OUT. 14. L.]']rintlton,aJrmBRiats. M9i. f.7F•R.W) s�►1 Tn '::i•J. ..z� ;�'•...?•. .:r S�Y,..t: r ....l :P!S� J�', 'rC �'tiur:..1•!',.,:I�She;.a-tdt . _ Ait k Va