HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-05-24, Page 51.119 g 11 I GAIN r1I .E89 MAY !r 24 • 1:701#
Boob and Shoes Artesian Wells'.''''-
' A czar of hogs was ihipped ft'oln the RE ..:
�, 8 P � /�� ' = atatlop oti 141o1iday, The price paid was _ � ��•,�
31ulf-soled as low nrf from 25 to 4v cents n pull lige undersi ued have purchased all G � �'.I! $6.85 per Cwt. T � TME OR A?
at the oldest established shop the necessary inaeldnex for drilling + , _ ATORE, p ,� �( ARD ,% oa STORE,
l y G R. (x. LasGznCro leas baso Buying, lioxses
Psi tie:+ not caring Poi' a walk can have their Artesian Wells and are prepared to do „ for Pritish .41rmy purposes during the a ,
Loots carried home free of charge. all Iduds of work in that line.
This is the cheapo4 over heard of. Any Person waisting work clone in our�J :past few weeks. 'Clio horses were inspect- s
t' A few stop:a went of hwarts• i;otel, •Viotoria lisle will leave word at W. Gannet's Im- �Y atches, Gold and Sillier. = of net Listowel, on Tuesday.
street. plemeut shop. Mrs. John Gardiner is heir ill at pre, rs p �i W. A. CURRIE. ��� soot. Her grand daughter Miss Mary
- .: .. _... - _....
Thornton of W gam, is btaying; with
ru on in 11
I -lair QTS s her. a TRADE ,, . ,.. ; ;�,
17 Yes, we have lots of RADE 1?1• INNEi..0---they are luva,iur,
® Miss Smilie, of Walton lean; been visit- illi in all departments and are making and brino1wr neve custom -
Rings ilex; in Iiluovalo and vicinity for a short era every day. We're afterBIG BUSINESS and depend, upon It
Brooches The weather during the past few large and thoroughly UP-TO-DATE, stock, at Cl'aOSJi) C1TT
weeks has been all that could be desired PRICT;S to do it:•
u a Belt Buckles and the fanners have taken, advantage
t 1 ! of it in getting a lot of work deco. The goods are all marked in plain figures at easy -selling andbuying
buying; prices. We have just passed into stock anotner shiplllent
Sterling silver Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McGee, of
the Typewriter. the World .was siting For. Novelties. dWa�igliam, visited in the village on Sun, of Summer Goods. Come in and examine the stock. No trouble
to allow you the goods.
This is PROVED b the ac hat t Mr, noel PrIrs: Burgess, of Mitchell,
spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs, Please read the fullo',vin g list of trade winuern :
y he -BUSINESS in- _.._... -.._.
p��A� 9 . , . ... .. i Lewis this weak. While here Mr.
habitants of the world USE it. i Burgess made frequent use of his camera
Now manufactured in three of the, great countres, viz : Lryos tested without ohtugo. Repairing , 8i1)y Rice gave a free show (for one Dress Goods Groceries
35c black figured Lustre for ....2oc Clothe pins, per dor. , ..... , ......1c
Canada, United States and Germany, Wear always
Don't be afraid to come In. ; nicht only) in front of the hotel on 85cblack and whitecheck ......25c 4lbs. prunes for,- .............. 25o
y ; We aro always pleased to show goods. ; Monday evening. Ho uses his show to 25c wide fancy plaid for .. , , ....190 Al quality cheese for...... , .... Me
The Canadian Pacific Railway have over 200 in Use 1 The old stand in Mason Block. help the sale of various articles for toilet 65c Ladies cloth for ............50c 6 lbs rice for .... . .........
The liriOW a GOOD thin = 6Uo black •wool serge for ........Boo 1 Sardines per tin ......:.......... Be
They , g• itucl medicinal purposes. One of his g P
H. o' I ®� :specialties is a soap, ono application of 60e black cashmere for..... • , . Boo ; 3 cakes toilet soap for .... .. 50
SOME OF XTS ADVANTAG ES : $1.25 nay or black serge for ..$1.00 7 lbs, tap figs for .... . .. . ......250
: which lasts a week. It should be eager- 75c black figured lustre ... 600 ! Tapioca, per lb .................. Be
Visible writing start to Snish. Portailiility, weighs only 15 pounds. Jeweller and Optician. ly taken up by tramps.
a ' Manifolding, beats them all, Align,nent, positive and permanent.
]Durability, hardexed steel parts. Sim1410ty, OW parts as against 14001 `- ' ' ' ' ' " ' - ' Mr, Aildrew Scott and Mr. Dodds of Washable Materials j Hosiery and. Gloves
WARRANTED by a well-known Canadian Company here to back It up. Seaforth visited Mr. Scott's Brother in 20c fancy pique for . . ...........150 '15c seamless hose (fast color) '.12,1 o
TEAMING the village last week. They also atten- 12,12'c prints (fast colors) for ..... 106 � 35c black cashmere hose for ... ,25c
dud the Teachers' Convection held in 8G prints (fast colors) for ......... 6c 1 45c black caslimere hose for ..... 0o
6 ® 20c Chambray for ..............15c ! 35c lisle Moves for .............. 25o
The undersigned is now prepared Win ham on Friday' and Saturday of u z
k • g P P g y y lsc Dress Muslin for..........1ti?� G 4uc sills loves far ..............35G
_ do all kinds of work in the way of gen- last week.
eral teaming.
YOU WASTE that much if you BUY any OTHER, and _von DO Garden Plowing; and other work will The advertising car of the Pan-Ameri- Staple Dept. Carpets
TOT GET SO GOOD a machine! receive prompt attention. can Circus passed through here on Sat- 7c Gingham (fast color) for ......5c r Boo Tapestry carpe£ for ..... , ...25c
All orders left at Lott & Sturdy's urday morning. The circus will show 35c table linen for ..............25c ! 50c Tapestry carpet for , , .......400
THE WILLIAMS IV1�'G . Co., Limited peer pstabie, or at my house will receive in Listowel, 7c pink flannelettes for ......... Be a Goo Tapestry carpet for ...... , ..500
r0m t attention. 121. a shirting for ...............10o i 35G Union Carpet for ...... . ...250
JWW_ - L, P. Q. W. G. GRAY. W. J. Duff took a horse to Listowel 12y2o wrapperette for...........100 14oc Union ca et for............35c
rete to -da
t: y ........ MOIdTREA s y for inspection the ar ... . ....... . .
.. 1'P ,
last,Tue da ' by my IOc crotonnesfor. 8c 60c Union carpet for........ , ...50c
-` ---- "'' b ers, lOc flannelette for ... Sc , 75G Wool carpet for ...... , .....65c
} 350 linen towels per pair ........25c ! 50C Linoleum for ...............45c
• ® ® bile working at Peacock's st Thurs-
ay, Win. Haney had the ml rtune ft - Cents' $furnishings Clothing
clone n d"cut his knee with an adge. The accident
I 60c t cotton sox for ............ We $60c3. boys' cotton suits for....... •500
will keepAhim from work for a sliort -` 60c top shirts for ................ 50c Q�3. B0 boys' tet*asci suits for , , , , y2.90
time. y 45c underwear for .............. 35c $2.25 boys' serge suits for .... 1.90
Big P�°e"�..ti®The Christian Endeavor Societ of $1.00 black shirts for............90c 3,00 boys' suits for........... 2.50
y �3Gc silk ties for ................ 25c 5.00 men's suits for .,..,...., 3.75
s f otshe Presbyterian church intend holding , ZOc bleak sos for ...............15c 7.00 men's tweed suits for,. 5.00
p . Sl LSS a pienic on the 24th of May.
Goin d-- ®� j� a Purely Personal. A ,bargains in other Departments.
1 j �J 3� YY � 9 - lv-® Goderich, May 24. -Rev. Mr. McNay � 2 C0 Lace Curtains for ..�1.G0. Fringed Q r
has recovered from a severe attack of ged Rugs, price Boo for 35o
We've bought
��� Throat irritation. e c course everybody 2 160 TapestryTable
900 Si, $1.50
^py.�� r $1.OU 90c Blouses for 7Go. 9 le Covers
�Iid V �a•LoQJk Q�� R. Ol' 75G
er s
knows Catalmhozone cured him and Mr.
- G. McKay says Catal'rhozouo is an excellent
2D Parasols fo
Table Covers or...
Gordon, sol a e r �- iris f
33utton Block, opposite Hamilton's DrugStore, � Brollcy. For Ministers Sore Throat,
at a very low rate on the Broucliitis, Lung Trouble and Catarrh, - Highest market price always paid for Butter and Eggs,
j Dollar, and the stock must be cleared out at once regardless of Price but cures issnnothing in the worldto-day that a
quickly and permanently as o
do you know though silent he is the .best salesman we have, catarrhGZGne. It cures by inhalation,
without danger or risk, and is most
We've made big preparations for business, and have such a seasonable agreeable to use. Two months treat -
list of goods at such exceptional half prices that we expect to be busy from or po son Co.all�ing ton, Ont. no Fie 18;%RD (5 V J Wingham's Brightest Store. Opp. Bank of Hamilton,
8 a. m. until closing time. These columns fairly bubble over with good
bargain news. Even if you ,live twenty miles from Wingham you'll be JA VIESTOWN. -=
well rewarded by making -A big effort, to get here early. So far as we Mrs. Sutherland, of London, has been --- mala] IS. t���,
know the buying public of .Huron County never before h such a chance visiting her friend, Mrs. Jas. Stinson. VOn Tuesday evening, May 7th, Thomas tlt�' Invitations are out for the Marriage of
to secure Blizzards of Bargains, Cyclones of Attracti,o and Whirlwinds A number of young men in this viten- D. Farquharson of the 9th con., Morris, Mr. Malcolm C. 11IcCtissy, of Cincinnati,
of Wonders as mentioned below. ity left for Muskoka last Tuesday. was kicked by a horse, from the effects to Miss Marie A. Horstman, ,of that city,
The frost last Tuesday- morning; done of which lie died the following Sunday on June 5th. Mr. McCassy is an old
SHo'�9 B p 'p'�f some slight injury to the small fruits. afternoon. It seems that he was haul- Belgrave boy, having left here in 1882,
.�d D.L�1'j�� �.�,®. Gents' Miss Elsie Strachan is lying very ill at ing manure, using two wagons and one and has resided in Cincinnati ever since.
a DEP/� '�p present w;th brain fever. Wesoon liope team as is a very common practice. He is engaged in the manufacture of
,6�. T � D.lc.1�T. �U 7Y•1�1Sr� 1i'1 D��r•y.{. to hear of her recovery. While changing the team from one wag- show cases, and has built up a large and
Dept Ireland Bros.,with their assistant, Jas. on to the other, walking close behind lucrative business. His many old friends
$ I.6D Shoes for 4�c. 25c Dress Goods, I Oc $2.75 bats ,2;t Rolston, have started to build the found- the horses and carrying the whiftietrees, in Belgrave will extend to him the
at_on for Mr. Jas. Simpsons barn. he touched one of the horses to maJse it very best wishes for a happy futurerl�
67 pairs women's and men's 72 yds nice summer weight 83 mens soft and stiff felt A bee will be held on Wednesday of step over the tongue. It ]ito m with
Oxford Ties in black and tan, dress goods, regular 25C yard, hats in all the latest colors and this week to raise the frame for the one foot, striking him in the abdomen. 131i�T{
reg. prices from $I.00 to$I.6o, whirlwind prlce,'a yard loc. shapes, Gordon's price, $2.00, victoria Hall. He was just the right distance behind Mr. Ales.' Butler; who -has been an
$2.. 5 t0 $3.00 each CrOW= George Bines Sundayed under the the horse to P y
� get the full force of the invalid for the past three ears, died on
your choice for 49t•.. 35c Lustre 20c parental roof. blow, and though everything possible S turday of progressive muscular par-
der'sprice, $I.2C). was done for him the injury proved fatal. s. Interment wasninae'in the Ro-
�}I yards black figured Lt1S- . The funeral took place to Brussels ceme- man Catholic 'cemetery,. 1�lprris, on
$2,50 Shoes for 75c tre, a snap at 35c, sale price. 60c Underwear 33c 16 Ar�tery. Much sympathy' is expressed for Monday. He leaves a widow and five
I suits men's of summer the bereaved family. small children.
63 pairs women's buttoned Zoc. 5 This signature is on every box of the genuine
and laced shoes some of the shirts and drawers, reg. price' Laxative Bromo•Quinine Tablets From the assessor's roll we take the
warts Alnt Pretty, following particulars regarding; Blyth:
' 30e Dress Goods `I 5c suit 6oc, while they last, your the remedy that curse a cold in one nay Why do you hang on to yours? Don't Real property, ;197,785; personal pro -
best makes, Gordon's prices 221 yards dress goods in choice per suit 33c. ST. HELENS. know how to cure them. Why Put- perty, $21,375; taxable income, ,1,:300;
from $1- 50 to $2.6o, Crowder's plaids, stripes and small The Lord Bishop of Huron laid the "sora Painless Corn Extractor does the total assessment, $220,460; children be -
corner stone of the New English Church work in short order -you just try it;. tween the ages of five and twenty-one,
price and your Choice, 75c. cheques, 42 inch goods and $ I.75 Hats 75e Guess your Druggist has it all right -
here ontThursday, May 23rd. ass: him. 256; between the ages of five and six -
natty stuff, Gordons price 30c, 77 mens soft felt hats in, The English church people are busy i teen, 181; population, 862; dumber of
!' $1.75 Shoes for 75c. Crowder's price 15c. latest colons and shapes, reg. 'hauling stone, gravel and sand for the EAST \VANVANOSH. acres, 429:'
t 47 pairs men's and youth's $1.75, choice for 75c, erection of their new building. Mr. James and Miss Lizzie Menzies The Pain of .Sore 1•eet.
$4.00 Suitings $2.50 St. Helens is beginning to loot: up a were at Bayfield on Saturday and Sun -
shoes, real good wearers, Gor- Just about the most tantalizing of all
15 only, choice dress lengths, 25c Ties 7c bit' v day visiting their cousin, Miss Emma pains comes from sore feet. To get re -
don's price $ T 25 t0 $ I.75, y p , = lief bathe the feet in warm water and
Switzer, who is very ill.
6 yards each, In up-to-date 3 doz. mens ties all shapes rhe„ rub them with Polsoil's Nerviline.
Crowder's price per pair and colors, reg. $4.00 suit, choice and colors, also washable tees ��t �'� The congregations of Knox church, . It pouetrates through the Pores of the
f Belgrave, and Calvin church, gave a call skin, takes out the soreness, redaces
Your choice, 75c. at the snap price of $2.50, while they last 4 ties for 25C. to Rev. J. D. Hastie, a graduate of swellings, itivigorates the tired muscles,
- ---
Clio,,: College. We understand Mr, tones up the circulation naid prevents
_ Haigie has accepted. the fctt t'ronl becoming:; sore again.
CLOTI�-T �T f t Nervili'M is a protection and a safe-
C LI G DEPT• Food. In health, yoi; want Mr. Strome is drilling a -well for Gee.' g;ua; d ag;aiust the patios and n.clies of the
7c PRINTS 5e Robertson this week. ' entire family and e eros rheumatism,
$2.75 SUITS $ I.75 nothing but food; and your Tho now road nitwhine has been doing nouralgia, toothache, &(,. 25 cents.
o yards American prints,.real good wash- d some good work oil the 9th line. It
55 Y p g baby wants nothing but food. b S%. Joints, the capital of Nazvfonnd-
ers, a genuine at 7c, our price a yard 5c. 17 boys' suits in nice Canadian tweed, up- t. i will improve our roads greatly if proper= hind, lifts a population of 30,090, and is a
p But, Wheal not quite, Drell, you ly used. Mr. Will Patton is going; to run pUtce of lt,�g;u commercial iiupartanee,
to -date styles, Gordon's price $2.75, Ui owcler s f
rA f� want to ,het baC>r� �o Where it this summer. with one of the best harbors in the
Sc -GINGHA IMS A•c pi ice $I.75. .ever. Edgar Patterson, of the 12th, who
127 yards plaid ginghams, nice colors, and _.___,_.._ .. _.. _._ .. food is enough. i weld.
a• _ � _•� _ ,�y gins been seriously ill for the past number _ Mot
Tile most delicate food of weeks is slowly improving. Deride dVOt An y
good boilers, 2, inches wide, Gordon's price, $7.00 SUITS $3.95 Mr. Westbrook's saw -mill at Mnrnocli �`
8c, our price per yard 4c. that is hi0�' n tc man,, is caught fire :ast Saturday after he had t r � s!
. 12 youths' suits, real good wearers, up -to- SCOTT'S Et�OCJI.SIoI'�f of Cod g b plans In ftt'mttteS.
one Home to Dnn ain on. Consider- FLANNELETTES 4c date cut, old price $7.00, your choice of a suit Liver Oil. abledatnagewasdone,butcanberepair, 2'elfhim, rather,l:owtogetrtdofMenu
ed without nt
229 yards- flannelettes in nice pink and for $3,95, ucli outlay. 113ost Infirmities Come froth bad Moodand
gular 7e yard, usual food is a blir� Mrs.MichaelRobertsot., ofbiarnoGh, are cared F3ood's Sarsaparilla. tv2ty
white stripes, 25 inch wide, re
. _.. __ Cleo, it Feeds Oil eiitlil h t0 spoilt a few days with her friends ill person +whb has scrofula, salt rheum,
Cyclone rice c. y 3 Asbfielcl this week. � p p
y p 4 � humors, catarrri, s e sra bf rhetrmatfsm
� � -
TAILORED QTS restore your stomach; baby Miss Maggio and Mr. will McBuriiey, should ai once began ',slung this medfdne
250 GOTTONADES 16c ; the same of Morris, spent Sunday at their uiirlo's that the infirmity may L.• removed.
117 yards nice dark colored cottonades ill ' Young men will find scope for taste in the , . Mr, Peter Ding's. Weakness-" I have given hood`s
The body-builder is food; sty Barry McGeelost it valuable horse Sarsapartlla fo my boy twhose bgatuf #nuns
stripes and plain, heaviest weight evade, reg. � range of tweeds at the great cut prices which the body -restorer is last week. poor. He +was very weak, couldnotheep
25C yard, Blizzard price 16c. I Crowder is offering, ° 1vliss l3oall spent last Friday andSat. -warm, and suf fired from pains fie hit
/>®09+�7����®� urday at Mr, John Agnow's, of Wing- stomach. Hood's Sarsaparilla made Mn
Butter and Eggs taken as Cash. hnlll• slrotng tsid+aterl." 61%v, W. Cin Stratton,
Groceries at reduced prices. . Alen Porterfield is driving a new blipp ' j T 4o»tas St., ,Deseronio, CY.
_ of hod Lives• til. ,
Button. Block, it you have not tried it, send ror free sample, this sun allor. � f
ills a re@:,bte tastt tvi11 sur rise roe.
o . Hamilton ovally � BO o ro, herniate,
H. CR1L)1.;VD.�y{pp �v� � '�ICse~i Har�vey xreastlrir for tht, toit'n•DrAl,iz Store.Sod. Tad$t.00; all druggists,,
ship of lima, disci ell l�fonday.