HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-05-24, Page 4s `.SIM, WINCxII.t1N TIM 8, 11IAY 24, 1901. \, MINOR *?GALS. Wixcrx�rx �xauic<T It�i«ITs.ILETCampbell's Headache Wafers gatxan-tiinliatn, May -0, 1001, � MfA01AA®AA(A4r0s 810eARAAAO➢0?�OOAAOiQi/OwAAQtAA�0Ast/ABfQSf9�0AA�Q9m®1@1Om00®09Ai®4Ar dASQr�Bt 9 9Q80 It! SOAP!teed tcure hedaco. Vi lour per 10lb...,. 25 to 2 50 —Ixs. A. Wilson is xecovctiuftexa l+allWeat , U Jno&Ji Kerr. 's Jao, R Jas. 61, Kerr.......,.. UQOtq UOThe p pP�1 r0r 1.very seriousrilxwss. pats ...................... 0 30 to 0 31 ; Ballo ..... , .. 0 40 to 0 43 _ .. ... ,. —Dominion Day will be celebrated in y ... • . , .. • 3 Cakes for IOC, Peas ,.,.,.., 0 6:3 to 0 W, a Wroxeter a d Tees�vatki - .Cttil ey s, 0 00 to 0 lU This soap has a faint but excellent •--Many Wiughaluites will spend the Gekso, 0 05 to 000 fragrance, and is a splendid toilet article. 124th of any in Lucknow. Ducks, per pair , ....... , .. 0 40 to 0 60 of --The 12th of July will be celebrated Batter r do ... ........ 0 13 to 0 14 10 '° ■ �--- Ergs per co ............. 0 1U to 0 14 tut Lucl:ito�v and :Brussels, Wood poi• cord .... , , ..... 2 OU to 2 26 O N o t h '10 n Rubber Goods But arg Thp population of Eieusall is E25. Po tiay toes per 'bustell hel .... 0 00 to 9 00 0 1 n 0 to U 20 00,•�• 'g'7' 'g' �7^ The total assessment is :;;21b,45G• Tallow pkr lb ... , , , , , . , , 0 05 to 0 05 o READ THE LIST CAREFULLY. LL 3 , Fountain Syringes Seel Mot Water Iluron County Council will ni . at C'axcl • • ,. 0 13 to 0 113 A Goclerich on Tuesday, Juno 4th. Dried 1k. ples i lb... • •.. 0 MAW 0 04 '�li:one saved, is money made. We ca Si ■ Mottles. New stool::tt ,� � 1 PE • +• . Wool .................... 0 14 -to 0 14 y y �,Ve you big rnaney. I* --W. P. Grierson has , o 7 00 A pnxchas. kl t�so Livo Ilorns aD Colin; , q0 40 building lots from D. McKinley, P _ -- — Hogs, c.i cwt. ,...,, 7 0 Chickens ....... , , .. p . • Q 30 t A, —Part of Josephine street was given BARGAINS IN BARGAINS IN BARGAINS IN w another good scraping on Tncsday. 6 Ij P��r STORE. I or fine job printing at reasonable -__' k,.iccs tl e Tzat>✓s caianot be surpassed, Groceries FRUIT Dry Goods TO ADVERTISERS. �—Weddiug stationery printed neatly - A vfilntabie House' Property 11 Tomato Catsup ! Cooling Figs J Parasols and at moderate prices at the Tlarns of- inhe tbest part of the town of Wingliam ® el bottles for ....... 25c ! Good quality, 7 lbs for 25c at 50c, 75c, $1.00 to y; 3.00 Notice of changes must be left at this fice. has been placed in my hands for im- a French Sardines i french Prunes, j Ladies' Belts O office not later than Saturday noon. mediate sale. 09 �� The copy for changes must be left —The assessor's returns gives Brussels „ re 5e tin for ....15c i Bright Fruit, nit 4 lbs for 25e reg � Farms bou.,ht and sold: � g' ' g r � �, 20c to ..5c f'or ....100 y population 0 02 lower than Domestic Sardines Seeded Raisins Ladies' Hose— Splendid Cotton not ala than Tuesday evening. l o elation of 1106 being o �� m 6 tins for ........... 25c is packages , ..... , ..100 Bose, strong thread, fast Casual advertisements accepted up last year. si'' to noon Thursday of each week,BN Fresh Herring Selected Raisins black at.. 15c Ittfants too young to take medicine may be O r • • • • • • • • • • • in tall tins 10e Lar S cured of croup, whooping cough and colds by Loan and Insurance Agent, ........, Large clean fruit,per lb, 10e Cashmere Hose. -Plain ribbed and 41 TILBLISHED 1872. using Vapo-Cresolene—they breathe it.COriler Minnie and Patrick Sts. Canned Salmor 1 Cluster Raisins good Value at.... 25e t0 50e o WINORAN At home Friday afternoon and Saturday. u 10c, 130, 15C For table use, per lb ..15c `: New Prints—A splendid assort- ThIE Tl q s —Several car loads of salt have been a Buckwheat Flour Recleaned Currants went of Print, Duck and e R. ELLIOTT, PuWASHER AND PROPRIETOR this week- the WillghaIll Salt block Airs. Wei. Watson i ® reg. The pkge for.. .10c 2 lbs for ............25c Denim at low prices. m died at her home a pancake Flour � New Lemons ` dt #t• O '' White Goods —Corset Covers, —Marks Bios, Comedy Co. will play n Hallett on Thursday morning last, 0 reg. 15c pkge for. ..1Oc Bright fruit, per doz..20c ! fancy, at 25e, 30c and 35c, 0 !i]DAY. -- in the opera house to -night and MAY 24, 1901 to- She was a great sufferer during the Fa Royal Salad Dressing' Seedling Orabges ! Night Robes — Good material, 1\oTa;s AND C01if11YE1� morrow night. past year fromrh6umatism, Ahusband a at half price. Sweet fruit, per doz. ..15c Embroidery and Insertion and five small children are left to mourn 0 Canned Plums California Oranges Ts. Advertisers have a good share of the g Trimming, . her loss. ee per tin .. , .........10c Choice, per doz ...... 30c A g io Government is about to in- space in the Thins this *eel:. Read the 0: p The Ontario A team of horses belonging to Mr. a Flaked Peas and Beans Banannas ' advts carefully. — g g Men's Club Ties au urate its anneal spring campaign y Kirkland from beyond Teeswater ran eP reg. 15c pkge. for ..10e per doz. 20c to.......25c Silk re "50 now ....5e 44 :against the trampz .that roam about in —Tbe Wingham. band and baseball g , theprovince. Sisdetectiveswillbe sent club have been engaged to go to Wrox- away from Clegg a storehouse at the O Breakfast Coffee Men's Flow End Ties P- G.T. R. on Wednesday afternoon. The a 1 lb. in dinner pail c5c I Reo 50c, now 33e a �pnt this week to arrest all tramps as star on July 1st. team ran from the storehouse to Me- ® Ammonia Washing Powder - I! Men's Ties,. Puffs rants. The policy in the past has re- r BARGAINS IN , 3 p _ P —Don't run down your town. If you Lean's mill yard and when they were IV 1 pkge. equal to 1 gallon of Reg. 50c, now........ 38c Ad salted in a decrease of burglaries. ! don't like the location move. You caught it was learned that nothing had Ol liquid ammonia ....... ,10c Men's Ties Puffs i The members of the House of Com- I won't be missed. been broken. a Corn Starch School �00kS• ' Reg. 25c, now , ... , .1St a -mons and the Senate are to have their —Money order offices have been es- ® 5 pkge:, for .......25c Alen's Overalls indemnity increased from $1,000 to $1,- tablished at Farquhar and Jamestown Live Steele Markets. f9 Ginger Snaps First Reader, reg. 100 for .... Se q g P Re 40e, now .........30c q .500, beginning with the. present session. in Huron county. Toronto, May 21:—At the western 0 7c lb or 4 lbs for.. .95e 2nd part Reader, reg. 15e for 12e , g' se o Men's Bicyle Ho.. 1Xhis step has been determined upon as a cattle yards this morning we had a total ® Tea Biscuits Third Reader, reg. 30c for.. .2.3c —Mr. McCracken of the Bluevale road 0 , mix. Reg. 50c, now . ,...... 38c 14 result of communications between both of 100 carloads of live stock, including a 0 Fourth Reader, reg. 40e for..30c i s Having building material placed on a 10c or a lbs for .. , , 25c ' Alen's Cotton Ilose e arties. 1,960 cattle, 600 hogs, 163 sheep and H. S. Reader, reg, 60c for ...45e I C P his lot on Frances St. d) Canned Vegetables ,. , i Blk and Cold, 10c, 15c,25c 4 The Tnm.s agrees with the Guelph lambs 75 calves and a dozen milch ® P. S. Grammar, reg. 2oc, for .19c a Tomatoes, Corn, Peas and , . Men's Hose Cashmere —Itis understood that the excursion cows. P. S. Arithmatie reg 25e for 19c � Herald when it speaks as follows regard- from this district to the Model Farm at a Beans, best brand, 3 for 25c ' Spliced IIeels red Toes, 25c 1 There was an excellent market; prices Copy Books reg. 7c for ... ..5c 4 ing the increased sessional indemnity to Guelph will be run on June 20th, keep firm, and everything was about a Laundry Starch Drawing Books, reg. 5c for....3c Men's Fine Wool Hose 4 senators and members of the House of ®, Do not use common cheap Bik and Col'd 20c 25c 50e 1 „ —E. C. Clarke has elected Finan- sold out by 10 o'clock. • Euclid & Algebra,leg.25c for 19e ' ' ' 4 Commons:— The Herald does not be- starch. We have No. 1 � Men's Hats and Caps, 4 tier of the Wingham. Lodge, A. 0. U.W. Following is the range of quotations:— ® P. S. Physiology, reg. 25c for 19c t Sieve that any or all of the reasons g g q White in large crystals, Plain and Fancy Shirts and justifies members taking $500 extra each in place of H. 0. Bell, who resigned. CATTLE• !a o t 3 lbs. for ..5c. All School Books Underwear � or a total of $150,000 every session. The —A number of our townspeople at- Shippers, per cwt ...... $ 4 25 $ 5 25 a tended the funeral of Mrs. Anson Butcher, choice do..... 3 75 4 75 cost. t close prices, i money is not theirs.. It is the people's. • The people sent members to Parliament Spotton at Gorrie on Sunday afternoon. 'Butcher, ordinary to e a P P good ................ 3 50 4 00 ® ...... . , .... .......... _ ... t on the understanding that they would re- —Clinton council has let the contract Butcher, inferior ...... 2 75 3 25 ® p e •ceive $1000 each per session. If the mem- for granolithicwalksto P. L. Morden & Stockers, per cwt...... 3 00 3 60 O Jno. Ot Jas. H. Kerr. MACO®NALD BLOCK �IINCHAM ho. 8c Jas. N Kerr. ; dpers•were not content with that Sulu it Co., of London, at 10 3-4 cents a square Export bulla, per cwt.. 3 76 4 25 0 , SIMDP AND LAMBS. was their privilege to refuse nomination. foot. Export ewes, per cwt.. 3 50 4 00 SAA'®®A®AAA®AOAOAAAOAAOAAAAAAQd�+A@®A0®©09®Oe0At10A®®f3A®®AAAA@OAA®AA®ONA®OAVAB®A®A i Having been elected to serve the people fed), per for o ht this indemnity, m mbe s should votit does ottseem hogs o Toronto on Monday. $7 peraowt Lambs cw (grainsa nva........ 4 50 5 25 �A�T� Mo gis the rice now aid for hogs b the (barnyard) per AGENTS womenn a n d p P g y D Menu d5— local buyers. cwt ............. • .. 4 00 4 50 selpes an additional $500. We believe (spring), each.. 2 50 5 00 )none-malcimg position; Do.y gposition; with Mr. Jabel Robinson, that the people —The HnTOA County Old Boys' Bucks ............ .... 2 50 3 00 no books, insurance or farce be eme; every should have been consulted." 11IILSERS AND CALVES. house a customer. Particulars free. writs Association of Toronto has decided to today. 0y00 0 LBSE run an excursion to Clinton, on Satur- Cows, each............ 20 00 45 00 THE F. E. KARN CO. Calves, each • .......... 1 00 8 00 15..' Victoria Street. Toronto, Canada. A BOOK FOR MOTHERS. day, July 6. . HOGS. —The rain of this week has brightened Choice hogs, per cwt... G 75 7 25 WOOL' ��� a o cainin�, 1♦Incli Information as to trio up everything. Pasture was never Light hogs, per cwt.... 6 50 6 75 BULL FOR i� SERVICE. Care AN EU of Children, and the Treatment of Heavy hogs, per cwt... 6 35 6 50 Ills that Commonly Afflict Little une6— better and crop prospects are good thug Sows .................. 3 76 4 00 The undersigned will keep for service on Lot Given Free. far this spring. stags.... .. • .. . 34, Con. 1'w, East Wawanosh, the thoroughbred highest price in cash or trade will be paid. 0 00 2 00 s for which the hi he Shorthorn ball, `Lord Roberts.' , "Baby's Battles; A Mage for, —The Grand Camp of the Sons of Terms—:11.50. Mothers" is the title of a v ybtdsome Scotland will meet in Toronto on June JOHN REID. 3ittle pamphlet just issn by the Dr. 25th. D. Stewart is the delegate from ®µ Williams'Medicine Co pany. It is de- Camp Caledonia. "noted entirely to the a of infants and —Wingham Court of Revision on small children an lls the mother how Tuesday evening next and Turnberry . to aid her little o es m the emergencies Court of Revision meets at Bluevale on Ever have them P of every day life. It describes the ills Monday afternoon next.' Thwe cant ; i3'iat commonly afflict children and tells --A number of Winghamites hada will make the season of 1001, as follows: MONDAY.—Will leave his own stable, Swart:' you any - tell you how to treat them. This little book is m very enjoyable time last Thursday even- for niggh�t. _ thing about one that should in every home where ung at the home of Hugh Gillies in them You - there are infants or small children. All mothers who send their names and ad- Culross. See Culross news. . know how dark -dress on a post card to the Dr. Williams —C. H. Conary, of Guelph, brother of everything looks , Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., will re- John Conary, of town, has secured the and how you are about cceite a co of this book free of charge, copy g contract of laying the walks ready to give up. Some - Mention thlp Tnms when writing. per in Tees.vater at 10�c. per foot. how, you can't throw off .' d' Children Cry for }� the terrible depression. WANTED.—Capable, reliable a every county to represent large companyny of solid mp prices stmt all, Mattressea, is " Are things really SO , dinaucialreputation $93Gsnlary eryear, pny' moble weekly $0 per clay absolutely sure and all CAST® 'a� space Isn'tityournerves, expenses sraight, bona-Ilde, definite sahiry mo commission ;salary paid each Saturday enc{ —J. B. Nixon, Grand Organizer for , after all P That s where cuxpense money advancedeaeh week. STAND- :Al{D HOUSE, 334 DEABORN aT., CHICAGO. the A. O. U. W., was in town do Friday the trouble is. Your and Saturday last. He will probably be 4 nerves are being poisoned in town next week in the interests of the from the impurities in • local lodge. +3. your blood. Clearing —F. Patterson has been appointed superintendent over the laying of grano- �. lithic walks in Lucknow for this season. Work on the walks will be commencedSal e about the 1st of June. —Live hogs touched the high water AWR..� Ila mark on the Toronto market on Tuesday, Japanese China the highest price paid being 57.25 per cwt. This is the highest price hogs , purifies the blood and Cups and Saucers have reached in many years. gives power and stability Vases Children Cry for to the nerves. It makes Bon -bons, Etc. CASTO R I A. • health and strength, activ- ity ; and "Ayer —"The Young Lsdies' T"ortnightly s whau"Aye ' This is what 's Club" will hold the last meeting of the will do for you. Its the MUSICAL GOODS season on Monday evening, May 27th, at, the home oldest Sarsaparilla in the land, the kind that was of Miss Macdonald. The club will resume work on the first Monday in - old before other Sars3- ' Violins October, parillas were known. I3. J. Cameron, of Lucknow, has This also accounts for , Guitars been appointed bailiff of the Eleventh the saying)."One bottle Sheet Music, Elie. Division Court of Bruce County, and J. Lee, of Ayer's is worth three ' of Walkerton, has been appointed bottles of the ordinary Cleric of the First Division Cottrt of hind.): w UWe, are bound to eloee otrt•them goods) :lard will sell them very, very cheap. Brace County. $1.00 a bottta. All dtiitlidt. _.,,Nichol Robson, of Clinton, has been wweno the 1ldefor''. r ]� 1 A /.r R � H ICY I 't' Y PARK in town tot, Several days. endeavoring to Organize a local lodge of the r�0118 0�" iC 6ri th f�nj'.00tnalaintw606You ♦nd.�6elr6ths>,6s+mbdiaal A0106 You 66n "811bit rett61T6,,*dt6 th6 doctor liwatr, Thu *01 red6lrb a yrCmgt �tb• ■■ ll / ► M+. I a \ England. Itis likelythat a meetin ply, w thegt{t ,Add "#, rdr . AYSR LOM011r ii1111K. ; aWwald Block, 'Wingham. will lie held in alio Boar fntuve with view to organise a lodge. -'Ya=�A1er 3ros. & 3utton ARE GIFTING Special Prices for 60 Dai In Upholstered Goods. " Parlor Suites that were - - - 847,00 now $37.00 Parlor Suites that were - - - - 45.00 now 35.00 A JudS OAR OF SEED CORN •BRED IMPORTED CLYDESDALE PUStallion,RE• 27,00 PRINCE OF KELTON, for sale comprising the following kinds: - 25.00 now BAILEY'S EARLY. Don't forget it. will make the season of 1001, as follows: MONDAY.—Will leave his own stable, Swart:' 's Ear!ton Crom p .>r• Saltzer's North Dakota. hotel and proceed to John Casemore's, Con., Morris, for noon; thencetoBelgrave White Flint Variety. Butler's Early. for niggh�t. Huron Dsnt, 90 Day Leaning. Mammoth Cuban Surprise. _ TUESDAY.—Win roceeed to Geo. Robert- son's, Con. 10 East Wawanosh for noon ; ' White Ca Dent, which has no superior as a silo corn. p p tri 0 to *m. Beecroft's, Con. 12, for night WEDNESDAY: Will to his own stable Extra Early IC.ing Philip, the Earliest of all. Ripen's well in 90 days. In turnip Seed I have the best known kinds, such a3 Steel Briggs Co. proceed where lie will remain until Thursday morn- Select, Elephant, Simmer's Prize, Rennie's Own, as well as all the old THURSDAY.—Will proceed to Bluevale for Standard Varieties. noon; thence to Wancer House, Wroxeter, for night. Also Mangers, Sugar Beets, Millet and Hungarian Seed. FRIDAY.—Will proceed to Albert then a via Gemmill's Corners, for noon; thence vin Sun Flower and Pumpkin S eds. I am headquarters for seeds of all Ii � q 0th Con. Turnberry, to his own stable for kinds, and no fancy prices asked. night. SATURDAY.—All day at his own stable. T. H. HASSARD, D. MCPHERSON, Prop., Milbroolc. planager, Wingham.T.- Am M I LLSw 4,40 4.50 ofnormal shape, and our. -'Ya=�A1er 3ros. & 3utton ARE GIFTING Special Prices for 60 Dai In Upholstered Goods. " Parlor Suites that were - - - 847,00 now $37.00 Parlor Suites that were - - - - 45.00 now 35.00 A JudS Parlor Suites that were - - 35 00 now 27,00 a Cl U�r� a g J Parlor Suites that were - - - - 25.00 now 15,50 will at once detect the super- Rug Suites that were - (special) 47.00 now 35.00 iority of our made-to-order Couches that were - Couches that .were 16.00 now 12.00 now 12.50 10.00 garments. g Couches that were - - - 9.00 now 6,75 HIGH ART TAILORING Couches that were - - - 7,00 now 4,75 is our specialty. We tit the - Lounges, good Velure covering, were . • 8.00 now • 6,50 man of abnormal as well as he Lounges, " •' Mattresses, the best, were (speeal) 6.00 now - 6.25 nog►. 4,40 4.50 ofnormal shape, and our. Mattresses, 1$ 11- - 4.50 now 3,25 prices stmt all, Mattressea, is " 3.50 now 3,00 Come along and get one of Bebroom Suites as low as $8.25. Sideboards from 8.75 up, the newest novelties in Stlits, All above prices we will try and carry through May and dune and Overcoats and pants keep tip the stock, so none of our customers will go away disappointed. �Y',ours truly, ►+h0 above prices are for cash, Don't•be misled said buy any upholstered goods till you; have seem ouro, 2,1obt. C 11► M11 r .L1.,I:1.Llr xw WALBROS, W B I.J.1. J, OlV o LeAding Undertakers, 'i1G•ingham, Ct I