HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-05-24, Page 3I
vV14104 only 4 tither Can appreciate. wawlfs gr NVJF4101u.
+ *+ Sweetwater respected tits anguish and
he burst out; A 91, DIVE
peace both more YIctories than 014ife.
for a moment W48 elleat himself. Then
Gratitude is the rosemary of the t_ 1W
"I Illia- r4tber never have, llvc4 to see heart,
I> > this (lay than be the cause of sliame or Suspicion is bQru either of envy or.
�6 suffering to you. Tell me what to do.
The Mystei*y of Agantha Webb, 00'4�'tempt. WAS THF CONINTIllN OF X=
Shall I be deaf, 4umb"—
Uere Mr. Sutherland found voice.. TO be loved is pleasing but to be boa- OILLIS FOR 11ORT YFARS,
"You inalte too much of what you ore4lo.rarer. r.
By Annd Katharine Green. saw," said be, "My boy has faults and It is not. our poverty as often m our
Author of OThe T4eavenworth 04se," $(Lost ban's Tiane,F1 "Hand am.4 Ainlr;'R -TAU,., Zte. THE DEET DOCTORS' AND HOSPITAL TIt1t4T-
e`� pride that hurN.
if Practice costs no more than precept : XZNT FAIL131) TO VICLP =4, AXP S=
Copyright, 1909, by Anna Katharine Green.to live Were cheap. aA.D A
TXOST LOFT 1101% OF 19't'ItIt, BRIX%
To borrow is no harm; the clic acs
lies in forgetting you did.
I 0=14 SU1iF14HR1:S.
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It beard a sound of repressed sobbing for me, I must ave the Widow Jovos." and be ineirry A sunny natare has he. before noon. who. can eat.. One of the most coalmou, at 00 mm
,Ieltolnent of the inottient Will contrive froto some spot not very far away, and Till- driver, awed both by till- ovea- time one of the most to be dreaded, 4-
-to. elude you. Catch her alone. Ur, ,loved by some undefinable Impulse slon fill(] the 1I It had called Up to
menta which afflicts the People, of this
,ougor than lits will. be pushed open Nit,. Stitberlatid. did 014 ho was bld and laughter and mirth. country is 4oryous debility. The causes
tCourtney; catch her alone, and If she stt There is a vast hiatus oftimes between
,has a secret, you of all men will one- the gate and entered the sacred pro- drove away. Nit-. SutherInud, with a leading to the trouble are various, over-
ver.-,ceed 16 surprIsing It." Clacts. glnri�-Q back at tbe read he had Just, Whining has a habit of defeating its
Qr1ror worry being altiong, the most
alked own, object, Sorrow and pain are still, w
Ile had noted that the rest were too Instantly the, wierdness and desoliv. �trnvorsvd, w, painfully up the promil t. But whatever the cause
.,,procccu pled to observe that Frederick tion or the spot
struck him, He wish• path to airs, Jones' door, In order to, couquer Hope, Time as to
the afilictioll is one that makes life w
had reached the limit of his strength od, yet dreaded, to aqvitue(l. Some- A Laottiouts cotivermttion with the
I , 1, N cover her wAh many feet of earth. burden, Such a sufferer for years was
rand could not be trusted to preserve thing in the grief of the inourner woman who answered Ills summons
his composure any longer under this If we have any object in life the petty. Miss Margaret
whose sobs he hall heard had seized proved the 4river's supposition to be
Gillis, of Whim Roast,
searching oxnalluation into the con, upon tits heartstrings, and yet as he corl-ect. Philemon had passed away. jealousies and gnat bites will pass till- Cross, P. . I. Her life was one of alp
�duct of a woman from whom he had so hesitated, the sounds came again, and, alts bad never rallied from tile ithock lie noticed. most incessant misery, and she had come
Itlately detached himself. forgetting that his Intruslou might not had reeelved. He had joined his belov- boy's manners reflect his mother's to look upon her condition its inourable"
prove altogether welcome, be pressed ed Agatha on the day of her burial, andl-
CCHAPTERXIX. teaching, evell, as his morals, do his an- when -Dr. Williams' last Pink Pills were.
forward till be came within a few feet the long tragedy of their mutual life cestors'li I brought to her notice, and to this li.ge-
A 'AIPATIJETIC FRIEND, Crew the spot from vilig. Living, nerve restoring �-) medicine, site
ST tit which the sobs Is- was over.
It is more creditable to speak a saving
The next day was the day of Aga- sued- "It Is a mercy that no Inheritor of now owes hearth and bappluess, Miss
He had moved quietly, feeling the -,York at the right instant than to do
Alia's funeral. their misfortune remains," quoth the Gillis tells of her illness and care as fol -
She was to be burled In Porchester, awe of tjie place, and when he paused good wonian as she saw the afflictlon"tYi charitable acts that ring through a
r1by the side of her six child lows: "For the past eight years my life
ren. and, as It was with a sensation of dread not to her tidings caused to this ai�ich rever. city.
e has been one of constant misery. Xy
the (lily was One, the whole town, as, be entirely explained by the sad and ed fri.nd. I'Yoit. have aright to command me.", A little maiden "Playing house" giv.
.f,by common consent, assembled In the dismal surroundings. Dark as It was, rbe assent Mr. Sutherland gave was has llvpd anything but a satisfactory nervous system was shattered, and I was
;road along inhich the humble cortege he discerned the outline of a form. ly- mechanical. He was anxiously study- life,.but he Is not as bad as your real ; es a photogrgph of her mothers domestic reduced to a mere physical wreck. X3r
,was to make Its way to the spot indl- Ing stretched In speechless misery Ing the road leading toward Porches. Would show. lie could never have methods.
trouble began in one of the ailments
cated. across a grave, but when Impelled by ter. taken life. That would be incredible, that so frequently affliqt my sox. I war.
From the windows of farmhouses, an ,latest Irresistible compassion he Suddenly he stepped hastily in. monstrous, In outs brought, up as b(- has Iractis aml rftureu. irritable and discouraged all the timej
Prom between the trees of the few strove to speak, lois tongue clove to the 'rag
Will you be so good as to let me sit been. ResIdvs. If lie were so far goes' Ontario produced 30,186,000 bushels of and life did not seem worth living. For
scattered thickets along the way, sad• roof of Ills mouth and be only drew down In your parlor for a few min- Ili evil a.� to be willing to attempt NVbeat last year..
dened and curious faces looked. forth, back further Into the shadow. utes?" be asked. "I would like to rest . crimo, tic- had no inotive to do no;
seven years I was. under treatment bi.
1till Sweetwater, who walked as near He had recognized the mourner and there for an Instant alone. This final Sweetwater. he hall no motive. A few There are estimated to be 4,500,000 doctors, I even went to Boston au&
as lie dared to the Immediate friends the grave. The inourner was Fred- blow has upset me," linudrod dollars,! But these he could farms in the United States. entered a hospital where I remaided for
of the deceased, felt the Impossibility erick and the grave that of Agatha The good woman bowed. Mr. Suttier• have gnt trot from lit(-. and (lid. but*'- A third of the population of the Uu_ some time. While there the treatment
'of remembering them all and gave up Webb• land's word was law In that town. Site Why did the wrlIrelled father stop? ited States live in, towns of over 8,000 temporarily benefited me, but soon m3r
tile task In despair. A few minutes later Mr. Sutherland did not even dare to protest against Did tic- recall the elrellinstauves untler inhabitants. condition was worse thea Over. Finally'
Before one house, about a mile out reappeared,at the door of the Inn and the -alone" which he had so pointedly which Frederick lind obtained these my nervous trouble took the form of
•of town, the pr6cesslon paused, and at asked for a gig and driver to take him emphasized, but left blot after making last hundreds front Iflin? They were Canada imported last year 4,7J8,6911lis
spasms w suffering
sp which caused more
gesture fron) the minister every one him. as she said.' comfortable, and not ordinary eircutustnuce%. add Fred- of coffee; the United States imported than words can tell. When thus attack-
within,sigilt took off their hats, amid it went back to her duties In the room Oriel:had boeu In no ordImary strait. 4288,922,251 lbs.
,bush which made almost painfully ap Mr. Sutherland could not but acktiovd- ed I felt as though I was literal-, being
parent the twittering of birds and the above, edge to himself that there was sorue- During the last 80 years more than 2.- torn apart. I would frequently- become,
otber sounds of animate and Inani- I It was fortunate she was so ame- thing In that whole matter which (,oil- 000,000 Germans have emigrated to the unconscious and sometimes would ra-
mate nature which are inseparable nable to his wishes, for no sooner had tradicted tit(, very plea lie was making United States.
main ill that condition for half au hour"
her steps ceased to be board than All.. 0,
and not being able to establish the con. The gross earnings of Canadian rail- I have sometimes had as many as six
`from a country road. They had reach n. Sutherland rose from the easy chair Ili
-ed Widow Jones' cottage, in Which,- viction of Ills .4011's Innoeenve In Ills no
All. which he had been seated and, putting was too houoruble to try ways last year were $70,740,270. The of these spasams in a week, and no o
Philemon was then staying. oNvit mind lit net earnings were $23,040,47% who has not similarly suffered can it& -
I The front door was closed and so out the lamp Widow Jones had Insist- to establish It In another. Ills nett
,were the lower windows, but ln*one of ed on lighting• passed directly to the Words showed the struggle he was Miller's Worm Powders are the best agine, the tired, wornout, depressed feel.
`the tipper casements a movement was window, through which he began to laboring under. 111sativemedicine for children; iticeas Ing which followed. Doctors seemad
!perceptible, and lit another ....... peer with looks of the deepest anxiety. -It Is that girl who bag ruined hini. sugar. Sold by A. L. Hamilton, utterly unable do auyt4ing for me,
-there came Into view a woman and a A mail was willing up the road. a Sweetwater. During the last four years $17,000,000 and those years of misery can never be
1. young inan-Frederick. As 'Air. Suth- He lovus her, but lit-
sInan, suppoiting between them the Im- doubts W.I., us iv eutild lit -11) doing have been spent, on Capital account on forgotten. Then I began tatting Dr.
passible formofAgatha's husband. erlaud recognized him he leaned for- after the story she told its (lay lit-lory the Intercolonial R. R. Williams' Pink Pills and in a short -while,
Ward with Increased anxiety till at the I'd
tord.ly. lulletil It. lltl.,i (10,11),
Molding, him up In plain sight of the in 1806 the population of what is now found them helping me. Then another
I PS apiwarauce of his son in front Ills scru- evvr sillee'thit fatill 1111,11t, lind It III,
:almost breathless throng below, the grow so strained and penetrating
woman pointed to where his darling I tiny , this which bit-; hrc,ken 'lits Ontario was 70,178, and the population doctor told me he could cure ibe. I'stop
ti at It sceirfed to exercise a intignetIc
.1 that
lay and appeared to say something to not -not"- Agnin the old getitleman of what is now Quebec 250,000. pod taking the pills, and like the dog
y. ea influence upon the passerby, foi- when
fill. "Better out than in' 1—that humorflaut
b panned; agaln he ret-ovt-red limist-It', fable, while grasping at the shadow 1:
opposite the wln(IoN-,, Frederick tills till1j, tviih u oIII.b of I'll, (119 you notice. To be sure it's out and all lost. th
Then there was to be seen' a strange Ira from
111S e substance. I was soon in as
Involuntarily roused ab%trac- "Li,ava• itie!" out take Hood's Sarsaparilla, wretched condition as ever. The pills
,sight. The old man., with his thin tIon und looked up. The glance he gave lit, eriml us: Nol libig I but yon
,k7s fluttering In the breeze, OF the house wits but momentary, but In - 1867 were the only things that had ever help -
white IOL At the time of Confederation in
leaned forward, with a smile, and, Imvv 81-vil has vscapt�(l 10t.. Lim om Ili
that glance the father saw all that lietorp"t-Wriolis of It 111,11, (II(Tvi. I ,,1,tthere were 2,278 miles of railway in 'ed me and I determined to begin theta
-holding out his arms. cried In a faint 1110111y , - continued to take them for
11,11i 1171'r Canada.- In the year 1900 'there were again. I co
but joyful tone, "Agatha!" Then, as if but] secret! dreaded. As his son's eye w,lt,-I1% )%*(,I- my moii front this bour, and.
renlizln- for the first time that It was fell on that fluttering bit of crape, tes- 4t to 111,y Vigilalleo." 17,657 utiles of railway. nearly nine months, the trouble gradual- -
ron 11111v trust
tifying to another death In this already Swtw1,WA*VV I)OWN). ly but surely leaving me, until I am ncivr
-death he looked upon and that the In 1851 the total exports or manufac-
Much beren ved -coin ninnity, he stagger- "You have at right to votilmal"Iitistures from the sections of British North in almost perfect health and fully re-
ecrowd below was ,funeral procession,. oil wildly. then Ili , -I pause of doubt guild It(.. Votl 11my havt. foil, America now included in the Dominion leased from what I at once -ftnic thought;
his race altered, and he fell back, with drew nonrer and nearer till tits lingers I bgvj- lot. tit.11 I owt. iii.v I irt. to �'011.
of Canada -were valued at $56,648. L,,Lst would prove a life of constant ini,4ery. X
"a low, heartbroken moan, Into the arms A moment's conmrsattonprowdthe driv- grasped this symbol of mourning andporyoll 111111 rel -no it: it
lot those who supported him. ev's supposition to be correct. citing, there. Next moment he was far ar they were valued eb $13,692,000. cannot praise Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
was at the Blaelt pond - I Was pwng ye
As his white head disappeared from back to SutherlaDdtown. He said in down.the road, plunging toward home down for the thlrd ti ilt.. and lily aloth• too highly, nor uan I too strongly urge,
sight the procession moved on, and excuse for tits indecision that lie had In it state, of great mental disorder. IT %V118nrrt.amhtill Serres nn the' Inulk. those who are ailing to test their wonder-
-from only one pair of lips went,up that undertaken to walk, but bad found tits With sinklu.- heart Mr. 'Sutherland yon -yon i" )llulgted NI and - I,% IIIII. r-- 'ul health restoring virtues."
groan of sorrow with which every stre.ugth Inadequate to the exertion. lot Ills eyes drop from this flying; figure g1r. qJ!oII( things art. Ilevi'l, 1,01-got"'.'11.
He was looking very pale and trembled ("ME rztT 0 R I A -In thousands and thousands of cases it
heart seemed surcharged -one groan. to varell for 'the man whom a little and. as I said before, you linvo I)IIIV to has been proved that Dr. Williams' Pink
lips did It come? Sweet- so that the landlord, who took his or- While before he had seen following Im- c.-ou-mand me." 11v turned to Pills are toren blood builder and
,water endeavored to find out, but was der, asked him if he were M. But Mr, modintely behind lit,.; son. He was 1`01- suddenly carne back. There wort- sh-1111S Por Infants and Chilftsn. nerve restorer medical- science has yet
not able, nor could any one Inform Sutherland Insisted that he was quite lowing -him still and hastened by the of intsutaA eoullilot Ili tits rit.t. nild Villet. Tho fail. discovered. The pills act' speedily and,
'him unless It was Mr. Sutherland, well, only In a hurry, and showed the house just. its, Mr. Sutherland'q glance Ilso. �tjlltjlorlalld. I am il(.t a ensile C2
I greatest'impatience till lie was again 01patull M27 directly upon the blood and the nerves
.Whom he dared not approach. fell' on Lim. so that whatever was talkative fr I trust your vl.,I. 44. wippa.
�This gentleman was oil foot like the started upon the road strange or pitiful Ili the foregoing scene lake(-, Foil tilay trust lily (Ilserotiou• and thus reach the root of the trouble,
rest, with his arm fast linked In that For the first half mile he sat perfect- 4nust'have had this inan for a, witness. ()lily I tamm have your word that you effecting thorough andpormanont cures.
,of his son Frederick. He had meant ly silent. The moon was now up and A half hour afterward Mr. Sather- will convey no vnirnlilg to your Poll, The Srnall.Vox Scare. Other medicines merely act upon the
ito ride, for the distaupe was long for the road stretched before tbein flooded land renched home. Ile bad not over- that you will not even lot him son be ins, and when the patient ceases
'men past 60; but, finding the latter Ire- with light. As IoL,,, as no one was to taken Frederick again or even Ills ac- 114It under any susittelon. Ionst, of all XothiLg-could have given better proofs eymtIto
.-solved to walk, he had consented to do he seen on this road or on ille path couipanying shadow'. Ascertaining at your own." of the effecuive methods of modern using them they soon relapse into a con-
�the same rather than be separated t an the dition as bad as before. ' There It no,
rtmillng beside it Mr. Sutherland held big own door that hIq son had not yet Mr. Sutht,riand nindo an lndptlnable science to deal with epidemics It
-from his son. himself erect. his wd- tl.%.ed before. coal(- Ili, but had beelt seen going far- gesture, and Sweetwater again distill. holding in check of the outbreak of trouble due to poor blood or wealt nerves
He had fears for Frederick -he could, 11im in an attitude of anxious inquiry, tber tip the bill, he turned back again postred, this time hot to return, As for smallpox during the past few months. which these pills will not cure. Those,
Illardly have told why -and as the cer- but as soon' as any sound carne to into the road and proceeded aftpr him 51'r. Stitherland, lie remained standing The disease was not allowed to spread Who are sick, or ailing tire urged to give
-emony proceeded and Agatha was sol- break the silence or there appeared In on foot. before Mr. Elulllday',s door. IVIII had to any extent. It was taken in hand at this medicine a fair trial, and are cau.
emilly laid awqy'ln the place prepared the distance ahead of them the least Tho next place to his own was occu• the young intin meant by this oniphati(I once, and every place it appeared It Was, tioued against the numeks imitations:
,for bar his sympathies grew upon him af)pearance of it plodding wayfarer he pied by Mr: Halliday. As he approach. repotItion of tits former suggestion? anc, which some dealers 021or. 'Tile genuine
4o such an extent that he found It dif- drew back and kid himself In the re. ed it lie caught sight of a man stand That Ile would be (itilot also and not so to speak, pounced upon at once pills always bear the fall name, "Di,
41calt to quit the,young man for a me* ceases of the vehicle. This happened In, half In and half out of the honey. RPeftic Of what lie had that night se(Inlr stanipedout. Tenor fifteen years ago Williams' Pink Zlls for Pale People" on
!.rnefit or even to turn his dyes away several suckle porch, whout lit, at first thought Cry. then- B times. Then his whole man- ut to the holitI, thusthusgl.v. an outbreak of this dread disease would
ifrom the face he bad never seemed to ner changed. They had just passed to be Frederick. But he soon saw that ?n this honest livaitc,t] gentleman would have soon become a serious affair, and the wrapperI around I every I box.
ilknoNy till )tow. But .as a friend And F rederick,'Walking; with bowed head, it was
-stranger were now rapidly leaving the . the follow who had been follow, yield no quarter, and, seeing it duty Ili- I the dead list would soon have mounted Norvoitsuess alter Nerve.
toward SutherlandtoWn. Ing his act! all the way from Porches. fore him, a duty he dare not shirk. lit, I up into the hundreds and perhaps evert The more nervous a mail is the less•
yard lie controlled himself ai�td, assum- But he was not the only person on ter; and; controllhir, his first movement - 61*0119btlls , (tT OV ON9., v 'Olt, nt OQ' "'c'y into the thousands. With modern sani- nerves he has. That sounds paradoxical
Ing a more natural demeanor, asked his the road at this time. A few minutes of dislike. be stely:ied up"to litin and 'wore, Into complete and absolutt- sub tory arrangements, and modern treat. —but it isn't; for nerve is stamina.
;son if he were note ready to ride back. previously they had passed another quietly said: jection and, opening M-. 111alliday** moot the danger of a widespread epi- Hood's Sarsaparilla gives nerve. It
tones the whole system, perfets diges-
nuent, Frederick re- man walking in the same direction, As *18weetwah'r. is f any kind is reditced. to mini- tion
ant, to his astonIsL this youl doo., entered the house. They were
,plied that be did not Intend to returnaIr. Sutherland mused over this he The young mitu foll baek and showvd old relghbors. and ceremony was Ig. dean 0 assimilation, and is therefore
to Sutberlandtown at, present, that he main, The emallpox still lingers in the best modicine a licrvous person can
Porchester and that found himself peering through the M most extraordinary agitation, quickly noted between them. some sections, but there has been no take.
had business In Pot small window at the back of the bag- suppressed, however. Finding the hall empty and the par -
he was doubtful as to when he would gy, striving to catch another glimpse "Yes. sir; it 14 no one else, Do you for door open, he walked immediately panie of any kind, thopublic feeling con- If you get tired easily, mentally or
:be ready to go home. As the old gen- of the two men plodding behind him. know what I am doing Iters?" Into the latter room. The sight that fident of the ability of the guardians of Physically, take it—it will db 'YOU good.
Aleman did not Wish to raise a contro- Ile could see them both, his son's form 11 fear I do. You have been to Por- mot his eyes never left his memory, the public health to guard against any The Canadian Hangelceeper,
versy, he said nothing, but as soon as throwing Its long shadow over thechoster. You have seen my son"- Agnes, Ills little Agnes, whom he had spread of the disease. It is a very 9'Ati- The Canadian housekeeper for tfity-
-he saw Fredetick, disapear up the 111061111t road, followed only too closely Sweetwater tuade a hunted, almost always loved and Whom lie bad vainly
road he sent back the Cftrpl?iage he had by that other, wbose ungainly stop he tin entreatlim, gcqturo� longed to call by tile endearing name Eying positioii to be in, and all credit is opens up witil tL charming Picture of I -Lr
her face due to the medical profession, and to the P4,xcellejacy, Ludy 21 into, from her latest
•orderodj saying that be would return feared to acknowledge too himself was "Nover min'd that. Nit,. Sutherland. E of daughter, sat with toward
m regulations which 90vcm Public photo. 8xcellwitartielos. arc col;tribat-
In a Porchester gig as seen as he had groNving only too familiar In his eyes. laid rather you wouldn't Say :111,Ything him, lookin.w up at Prederick. That
esettled Sot-ae affairs Of his Own, which Failing Into a troubled reverie, lit, by about that. I am as much brokell ul) v r
.o n to conducton such occasions.—Vxioliange. ed on "Domestio Sciouvo and A t b
might and might not detain him there bold the well known houses and the young gentleman had just spoke
1,3! what I have seen its you are. I uov- her, or she had just r".el ved something Mrs. A. Iloodless, Ilamilton, taid, Dr.
till evening. great trees under whose shadow be or inispected him, sle-, only the girl to from his hand, for !ter own was helm
Then be proceeded to a little Inn, d it has cost in legal expenses 0,000 to Jennie G. Decimal), St. IThonias. Tlwa
had grown from 'youth to manhood flit whom lie has so unfortunately attach, out, and her expression was one of settle the question of the ownership of -follows an axtieloon ""recd -where he hired a room with Windows by him like ilillantolus In ft dream. nut
that looked out on the highroad. In Ill 11111ISelf. 13Ut 'after Seeing 111111 gratitude, and aCC0ptancC. She W-18 a mare worth $W. The ease arose In. by Golieviovo 31enderson. "Food for
suddenly one house and dt5it Phic" abandoned to grief In that place, over not a beautiful girl, but she bad a
-one of these windows he sat all duyl drew Ills attention with a force that that grdvOo Willit Am I to tlllDk*? WhRt beautiful look, Anol it this -moment It the County of Oxford. The present Babies" is the topic of Ah -s. Span Soy,
Watching for V rederick, Who had 90118 started him again Into An et (e atti- , proprietor of the mare declared that he Household 8 ditor, Whose contributions.
glu I to do? I honor you-, I would not Was 6xalted I)y I! feelltlal* the old 9011-
rurtiter up the road. tulle, and, seizing vrltb one hand the grieve yon, but -but -oh. sit. perhaps tlelitan had once longed, but now liftabredit. The claimant inaintaine(I are always popular. 1-11ableTopies,"by,
But no'Froderiek appeared, and With arm of the driver, he pointed with the toll, on
Vague 1hIsgIVIng0, fog` which as yet he you can help in#, out of the maze Into droaded' InexpressIbly, to see there, that it had been stolen from him, and mrs-uttry C. itadiey, anniii c -
other at the door of the e6ttftRe theywhich I have Stumbled! 'perhaps you III'liat could it mean? Why did $11) that he knew it because it WTies its tail tains many seasonsible receipts and use -
,had no name, he left the Window and sere passing, saying in choked taI nit assure ine that Mr. Proderick did allow Interest, devotion. passion Al- to the left, is true ia Harness, eats sugar, fill directions to thogo eligagell Ill cullill.
dful IlaU C,
set out on foot for, 110111M I'SeL% see! Something olven not leave the hall at the time she (lid, luost. at this especial Illoment, of her
it was now dark, but a. silvery gleam happened since we V Ssed I y bepo thl arid. stops on the top Of a hill with a, loa& Airy work. ',Tile Sociological Woman"
'IneL A Y s I missed him from among the dancers, life, when in all tbiD years that had between 12 and 3, but baTho mare seems to have incilzrod habits is a new departitiont diaoussing coonim-
on the horizon gave promise of the morning. That Is erspe, Samuel. -entpei I dISI not see hill)
speedy rising of a full Moon. Other- hanging from the doorpost yonds-10" goine y, Arad when"It Was the dearest common to the class. But it Was tint ics for a 1voman's standpoint Ili a war
the dL perhaps von did, and -and"- wicill of his heart to see those two
C, he would not have Attellipted to ,Yes, it is crape," answered rIv- Ilts voice broke. Ile was almost as nutted, she bad never betrayed in 411 Worth all that it cast to claim it. Both that must prove to be very helpful.
Walk over a road proverbially dark et, jumping out and isunning tip the profoundly ngitifted no Mr. Sintherbillid- their Intercourse anything but distrust, sides coul,). have saved money by settling ,Tile World of ,,vt,,,, .
and dignial. path to look. "rhilemou must be (lend. As for the latter, who found himself if not all Ittkeasy dlalllzo? It Avila one the fitilt Out of court. story of P�•Jgt and Cbnling 0_VcAtA 1)tQJeht-
Tile elinrchyardt lift Which they had the good libilemon." unable to redssnre ths, Other On 01118 of the contradictions of -our mystekloust ed In it condeased readable form. TI*
ALM laid AW ay Agatha, lily In his Itore Was a fresh blow. Air. SuthOr- Nory vital point, MI no renio.m.
,course. As tic$ aPPrOaCII0d he felt his linninn nature, Afid at this COSIS add Iii '1124902'aO coutn'll!"nally original iuua_
laud bowed before It for ft inonivilt, prance himself of litiving tooll this moment
Of Mcertj
.t )heartbrcak. and WANTSIll-TRMTWORTRY � IMI ARb
hpillit fall. Itpd Stepping a biontont dt wotnelt to travol. tird advott I (MAI). trsttionq. 0110 t1ollar a year. bolil, Ir
11 Then be, rose hurriedly and stepped' crick among his guests during above nitserablo doubt It Made the old genfle� licbed hoilm of folld finhwiftl fitancling. salat�,
stone wall that 400fat6d It fr6M r ff"(1 exporism, ull �plyabln in Iensli. wkwaaeallera At 10 00110 per ChT7. OAX-
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down into the road beside the driver. fatal hours, he stood speechless. win abrink, with his fitat feeling of ye",
the highroad, be leaned (191111118t tbL' "eget In agftlnly mal(I be, "and, drIV. In ab:rmsoq. the depth died btolrroll til' ac,,nal ile Ir. fttalmd mivololm Ad-
Imnk Of a huge Qlnl that guarded the I
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