HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-05-24, Page 1v THE WINCiHAIVi TIMES: r W�NGHAM, ONTARIO , 1001. A YEAR IN ADVANCE OL. XXTX.—N0. 1 J•l8. ` A ,. —Use Ball. Bros. -folded carpet paper, PASSED Wz'rx H xoRs The result of I Boys shirts in laundre and unlanud- o � Boy WANTED,—A good smart boy, the semi-alninAl xaminations at the !rod. from 2Gc tip. S sal Oxford shirt at 25c, Spring ' in p with fair education,; wanted to learn the .Ontario - College f Pharmacy were s all now, HANNA & Co. % Now is the Season for printing business. Apply at TIMES handed out on onday. We are office. pleased to nolo th Oiir young towns ! MARKS BROS. Cr, -••-The Marks Bros, SPrsous trouble to UCC1ir mall, J. Walter M Kibbon has ssed To TILE DEAr.—A rich lady, cured of Comedy Cpm ani ATA t0 lay lu the y p P opera house to With the lungs. rltlld lip r' his examinations W .h honors. heT Deafness and Noises in lite Head by r i Dr. Nicholson's 'Ci zlrEltAxCE L RE. — W. -P ght and to -morrow night. The compcaly is a good one and the, system and strength- Y the lungs Artificial Ear Drums, :CTL have always had giotlhousosonprevious en with gave 25040 dollars to his Institute, so that 'Buchanan, of Wi wipeg,'formerly of visits to Winghan_ Ii,rseiwed seats are deaf people unable to procure the Bar ;Hamilton was in toy_ n last week and ole- on sale at Douglas •' drug store. �r D�.g�`G�rw�lS Drums may have them free. Address, livered a temperai✓e lecture in, the Methodist church % Friday evening.THE The Nicholson Instituto, 780 Eighth y c BUILDING oom.—Thomas ,Arm- irJ Palatable Avenue, New York. There was a a very ; -ood attendance and strop has conn need work on the g Mr. Buchanan gave 1 good talk on tem- MiLLTIA ORDERS.— a following pro- , builing of a dwell' g opposite the found- ry on Victoria st •eet. Nparl twenty y Emulsion motions and retire- its in, the 33rd peranco aeric' 'announced- y now dwellings are now in course of con- �.9. Of Co Liver Huron Ziegiment wele" on Pott SALE.—I offer for sale my house Saturday last:—To and five acres of land, situate on struction in Wing lam and work on as Oil with be Lieutenant Second Lieutenant C. McPhail vice J, Josephine street. ' many more has no yet been commenced, There be •rT�O��lO A CIIAs, GrLLEsrIi; . will a lar_�e sum of money spent �j j it,es Pollock; retired. To b second lieutenant, ACcmExT ox Gi T. R.—A G. T. R. T. J kson, vice B, De in Wingham this •t✓ason on new build- ings and other i-lfrovements, It is fresh P. Grant, promoted. train iu charge oP (inductor J. Law, of of and the beat on the market. Sarnia, tunnel, for-aerly of Wingham, Its a pleasnre to se on uslins and PUACIIASED FAS ^ HortsE.—On Satur- day last Messrs. B Bros while going at a pretty fast clip broke giughams at loo and c per yard. iattie purchased The old Williams stand. •. near Lucan on Mor da at the 20th car HANNA & Co. � y a green trottiu Horse from P. Mc - g from the engine, an the drawbar TEAormRs' MEE'rr G. -=The anilual in Devitt, of L' nckno We understand that the horse is �. A. p 0 U G ,fall- on the track der fled seven cars five meeting of the Eas Huron Teachers' a good one and can do .ASS of which were empt s and two loaded Assopiation was held in Wingham, on with merchandise. Luckily no person better than 2.30 and has only been in training,for a f w weeks. We are mop Friday and Saturday of last,week. We was hurt. , told that the pric paid was $850. Al. G. N, W. Office. understand that the eeting was one of yOUxG PEOPLE'S • ETING.—The next the beat ever held the Association. Proctor will tak charge of the horse monthly meeting of a Young People's and we may exp t to hear of pod re - Over 100 teachers ere in attendance. Society Of the Presb Brian church will snits before the axon closes A report of the nice 'ng will a found in, ANNOUNCEMENT. behold, on Friday vening, June 7th. DEATII or MR . SPOTTON. Ord waw another column. ; The programme for t evening will be received in tow on Friday last of the We talce pleasure in announcing that our DEATII OF MRs. SniITH. The death alleryis now furnished with a single slant in the nature of a de are on the subject, death of Jennie rear, beloved wife of Fight: You cannot afford to ass our occurred at her he a in the W. T. Plot, "Resolved that Grea Men make eat Anson S ottou barrister at Harriston. 'This style of lightis the most up -0 -date, and p p > is adopted by the lending photographers in file 'Tailoring Establishment without on Wednesday me ing of this week of events, rather than eat events make Deceased was a ester of W. J. Greer, of United States and Canada and by the Illinois, :seeing what we can offer you. Our GEORGE 11IOliENZIE, W.ittgham. Mrs. Gilmore Sm• h in her 54th year. great men." Dr. A. J, Irwin and John this town and ad onlj been ill from College of aPhotography. hs; ight we consulted the Has for sale, cheap, 7 lots on north Bide of. Deceased had bee sick for some time Ritchie are the U O ' leading a tllorities in the holographic art, =stock is unsurpassed in town, and Aa Bristle Terrace; also 1 lot Ott east side Edward pp g Captains and an Sunday, May 1 $, to Friday with per- and took dins to ousnro it construction oa to the malting, we guarantee neatly- st. and other properties. with to and on Wednesday interesting evening' entertainment may tionitis. oat th--t medical aid and care- exact scientific principles, wo now claim that: was stricken wit L paralysis. Deceased our facilities for portrait taking are second to made, well -fitting and fine-looking p y be expected. fully nursing cold do was done for her, none outside the city. -results. Then in had been a residcmt in Pis vicinity for a FORMEr. WzNGaA �.—Mr. W. C. Deceased had been enjoying splendid We have also added a view camera to our Y g P eguipment and will in future be prepared to number of years a funeral takes ' Kelley, a former res dent of Wingham, p fill orders for any outside work. p health tior to 1 er• fatal illness. ` She place to -morrow ;Sa rday) afternoon at Duplicate.S at reduced rates. EnlarCements arrived in town f om Winnipeg on had only been mlarried three years and made in Crayons, &c., at prices as low as is. ,Gents Furnishings. GENERAL LOCAL NEAvs.' 2 o'clock for the Wingham cemetery. Saturday night, r. $alley has just leaves her husbuid, one child, mother, consistent with tale best art`. completed T. MMTION GRAHAM, Five excellent buildinglots for sale, p eted his third ear examination in brother and otiler relatives to mourn her • Star Photo Studio, Beaver Block Wingham. We lead the trade. Come to us for See Halsev Park's advertisement. on corner of Patrick and Francis streets. Arts at Wesley C liege, in which he I loss,�o will have the sympathy of 'latest styles in Hats Ties, Collars WINGHAu RACE,• —Posters have been Apply to R. Vanstone, Wingham. -' • y � captured the first S holarship of X120.00 man friends in Their bereavement. The �p Shirts, and every article in this line. issued this week lid sent to all the PROPERTY CaAw SEs,—Last week J. in Philosophy. his makes the fourth remains were cc�aveyed to the home of t d �� V 'It is also of interest to surrounding tov� s, advertising the E. Swarts sold his, hotel property and scholarship he h won in his under- deceased's moth x in Gorrie on Saturday Wingham. races f June 26th and 27th, business to James B oadway, of Toronto. graduate course, laioh is further proof 'afternoon and t.e funeral took plata on �New horses are mmenciug to arrive The new proprietor is to tape possession that Winghambo s are able to give a Sunday afterl.00n to the Gorrie ,'Your Docket and everything p nts to a very success- on the 1st of July. Mr. Swarts has good account of emselves in, all lines cemetery. ful race meeting ' Wingham this year, made a good eitiz_n and has made a of competition. Mr. Kelley, who has Neat door to Advance Office. That you examine our natty, stock To LET.—Two furnished rooms at good landlord. ,3r.. Swarts has since not seen Wingh m for ten years, is NErONLS. Confectionery of a '=finds. of Fine Shoes for Ladies, Gents, reasonable rates. Apply at this office. purchased T. E. 3owels property on naturally surpris d and pleased at the Biscuits. Fruit in seaso 'Misses and Children. We have a BA=, Bust Ess CxANGE. — J. Diagonal street all will remove there. great progress Ingham has made in we shall be gla contributions toLU L "� LL' EiQidsiit7large stook of the best snakes. Johnston who h been ro rietor of to when he gives^ _p posseasioli o> the that tiino. He vel spend the summer this column from readers. If you tp p have visitors or png away ;ourself, atpricestoshit. themarketbakery for some time, has hotel. Mr. Swart will nova have more in this vicinity, preseii The Bing dropi land'te1Lusits a not to that Teo Cream in season. time to devote to t e greatly" increasing ciiect. Bread for sale. this week sold his business to Messrs. Zn Y g Richardson Co., Toro A call solicited. Scott & Laughee, , of the north end carriage business f Messrs. Swarts & A BAD ACOiD NT,', very bad ac- Robt. Mainprimn, of Brussels, was in J. W. SHELL. Dore. I town on Frida 1•st. H0,Muth & sores bakery. The n w proprietors have cident happened t Thos. Deans of this Y f taken possession. a have not learned We, the undersigned dentists of town on Wedne: ay afternoon. Mr. Ivon Crooks Lad Herb. QVightman " ' - _----- — h 1 CT UR NOTES WINGHAM, whether Mr. Joh ton/intendsving Wing am, agree to c ose our offices Deans was gather g eggs for Charles spent Sunday in I russels.town, every Wednesday afternoon during the Gillespie and iu oming down a hill Miss Date Be dux Rev. N. S. Buriv sh preached in the months of June, July and August. , of Listo 1is Baptist church otl,•,anday last, morninWANTED. —Good eneral o W. T. HOLLOWAY, near Riversdale 11 dropped his whip..visiting with Mrs. Abner Coseu11Iarriage Licenses housework. Apply of, the A. J. IRwIN. He stopped his hore-s at the foot of the s and evening. Tau MERCHANT HARD Row.—The hill and went back r the whip. In the Miss Nellie Ros was visite with herI9sued by FRANK pATl,ilaox, NO. 2II YiCtOr1A 27th. 1F2xa: C M, WAIst. t a ComRttltlioll cAT'1C0 NS'ill be, 11014 in Mn. BRooxs In ltovzNG.—We are merchant has abo; as hard a row as meautfine the horse. had got somewhat I friends in Walke ton this week. the Wiu„Ilam Pr sbyterian church on tract, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required. g Mrs. John Lott f Brussels, was visit- Sancta. 2 pleased to learn the J. J. Brooks, who any body on earth says an exchange, off the road and Mr. Deans was steady- y, June .0 iug with Wingha friends last week. has been seriously i l for the past two and he has got to Ir-jk pleasant and hang. iug one side or the rig, when Thursday of los week was Ascension i+++...i••t•,i•.i,o,..g.�..y.,i.et..i,.y..i..i..i..g..g.g..{.,i..�r ' months is improvin Dr. Agnew, his onto the hoe haMlekno matter what the wagon upset, pil gthe egg boxes on W E• Binning, rchitect, of Listowel, day a11c1 service s hold in St. Paul's physician, informs 1 that Miss Taylor, happens. If a pas1wr's salary is a little top of him. The res It was that one of was in town a con le of clays last week. I church at "r.30 p. "Business Enowledge" and "Everlast- + of London, the nurs put in attendance short the business - tan must fix it. If his legs was broken d he was other- Russel Irwin, o Ripley, has taken a The Wingham istrict meeting of the ing Push' win by the Canadian Fo esters will be able Bugg & Son, tin- .� John Jones loses zt horse he must help wise bruised. Had the horses started situation with Jo $u Methodist church vas held at Brussels 'tel• to leave this week. We are pleased to get another. If a celebration is going after the rig turn over Mr. Deana smiths. on Tuesda • am •:• note that Mr. Br oks is now on the on he must dig ups;ome. If a beggar would probably ave been killed. 3 - W�duesday of this; .; Wm. D. Agnew, late baggageman at weep. 3• road. to recovery as he has had very comes along he is the first lean lie lay on the sid of the road for the G. T. R. slat' u hero has •I• �.eG�'/ critical illness. tackled. If he res fonds to every call he nearly an hour beft re any person ar- gone to The regular m(�tinr of the Fresbyter� A. Detroit to reside. Of Maitland Was . Ield in the Wingham 8 Watch out Shoes fo Saturda goes broke. If he °efuses he is counted rived to give slim �sistance. He was It has paid others to attend the �' - Meu's size G incl 7 Wer �p2.25, 2.A0, a ho Still some eo le who "hold u then driven home, a distance of 18 mi James Cochrane is visiting with re. Presbyterian, churnh on Tuesday of this •+l• $1,50, Men's, We and Children's g• ,t p p and leis le latives and old fri ds in, Homburg for week. Arelie t of .the meeting tvi1L the merchants gill send aw for g was pro' lerly set and• s + �enfiral 'BUSineSS G01'lege + at equally low prices r Saturday. doiil as well as can be expected.' lie a couple of weeks. appear in our s1e: t issue, IiAxxA & Co. goods_ occasionally g p accident happened a_ a very bard tills for Mr. and Mrs. Ja , Lounit left for their At the last s..eoting of the offic.al .l. Stratford, Ont. �. VOLUNTEERS.—NO. 2 C ., 33 Huron pp MEETING roR RnIERs.—Tho meet Regt. will go into cam on June 4th. Mr. Deans as he wil2_ be laid up for at new home in Bat le Crack, Mich, on board of Thedfo d circuit, the present and it will pay you. our students are ,t, ing held in the ouncil Chamber ou Recruits and all of bers will please least two months in the busiest season. Tuesday mornittn pastor, Rsv. J. V. Pring, formerly of re dingy e ly successful ssfusituations. c u ie grafi i * Tuesday afternoo to discilss matters in report to Sargt. S an, Oaretalcer Of Mr. Gillespie will have a heavy loss with Mrs. C. b2, all:er Aud 1liiss M. Nile and Bluev .lo Methodist circuits, in your selection of a school. Ex -stud- ,1, connection with, c operative pork pack- Armory, or to S rgt. Carrack, White- eggs was nuanimousl.- invited to return for ant,, of other business colleges are nowlse large number of 0,,,,6 that were Walker aro visit' g with relatives and in attendance at our school, Come to ing was not very I trgeiy attended. The Ch11rC11. CAPT. JOIINSTON' ' No. 2 Co.,Cdamaged. friends in In erso another year, a 1(1 4450 additional was this college and we will guarantee to farmers are ver 'kis a 33 Regt. e g thorough l prepare you for business y y t this season and voted to his salami. 1' life, Weill in genuine business edln• .p no doubt this ac�ouuted for the small THE CORNER STo F.s. he corner l + Thos. Strachan of Brussels, Census cation; we have nothing to do with the .1. stones of the new Me lodist church will Stops the cozng;li Commissioner fol East Huron, was iu ( The members •f the Seafortli Metho- "I' sham article. attendance. W R. Belden, of Moles - 1' Write for otlr catalogue. - + be laid to -da Fricla Tile ceremon diad works off the Cold. town on Wednesd y. dist church have extended an invitation 'I' tttudents admitted at any tilpe• worth, was preset, in the interest of the y f )• y I to Rev. I. B. Wthvin, of Leamington •+i• Palmerston of, • Packin Co. and is -to commence at 2 o'clock. The Laxative B'romo-QninineTablets cure a cold in Miss Nellie Matlouald returned lloule a -D' g Twentieth Century tone will be laid b oneday. Wo Care, no Pay. Price Zo cents. on, Saturday, afte several weeks visit at' formerly of Bhl ale, to be their pastor W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. .'fg, solicited stock fro parties present,Reeve y y ( i for the coming ufereslce term and he dr John T. Cuxxi has been ' a s elated Chester D. Massey, of Toronto, Hader Ottawa and Ower Sound. ................. 'appointed has accepted, s1 1'ect to the approval Iloval of agent for Eat Wa�vanosh for the, the auspices of the rust Board of the t� t t Mrs. C. N. %Bake incl child, of g t1 t� @9��8 conference. 1 11 ' Palmerston col pony and is authorized sehureh and Wm. essaut on behalf of Toronto, aro visit+ ng at the borne of her, ... •� .,._ ., ..... ,., ,- , to receive mon s and notes and to solict the Board will pre ut Mr, Massey with parents, Mr. and Ars. H. Davis. p ,• p FOR SALE -A good house and two stock for the c an 1 a silver trowel. rossley and Hunter Next door to Post Gftice. Charlie Deaus,nf Palmerston, who is i+nUl�ll 5 �P�lllpSh G� Store, lots in a good locality is of -eyed for sale. p y' Will la a stone n dor the aus ices of House in good condition. Also good WANTED. -Eggs 12c, due ton $utter y p now working o the G. T. R., spent barn, fruit trees, hard and sof vater. weekly. We have all kinds of corn, the Quarterly Ofiic al Board and will be Sunday with his arents in town. Int Apply at Tmns office. from Comptons Early down. We aro presented with a si-ver trowel by John, LL ✓ ^� Ed. Howard, Clinton, was in town an" � 'tr �� HovsE WITHOU TONGUEVA horse sole agents for the poses it Bailey Cooper. Mrs. Goo Davey, of der the % EYE:,- �I last week. He is on a wheelie tri yt Corn. �� "For silo purposes it leas sic will la � g p 'belonging to Wm. air, of Turnberl equal, so says John McMillan & Sons, y the thir� stone under the \` from Clinton to Ilrkersburg, Ohio. � near Wingham, noticed on Sun- the largest corn producers of Canada, auspices of the Li .dies Aid Society; 1r day last to be not op ,ing his food. Noth- G. E. XiNG. Mrs. Chas. Lloyd w Il snake the presents- �� CHILDHOODRegister.I hl ing was Bono uiiki Monday morning Co-orEttnxzox FAR3rEItS.—Tho tion of the trowel. The fourth stone Sar 9 whop the horse wet^ driven to Wingham. + will be laid by Mi s May Gordon, of Saturday, Ma 2G.—Auction sale of ', `° g Farmers' Co-opora Ivo Binder Twine S161S b I 1 11tCCi and John Wilson, V. S., examined it, Company of Brantf rd, Limited, Jose oodstock, under to auspices of the farm and farm s-ock, at north half of .and to his surprise lie found the horse Stratford, Genera Manager, are st Epworth League and Miss Jonnio ""IAMTIO` many lives lots 1 and 2, Cor- 1, Kinloss. Good list was minus its ton e. 't? On returning Robb will mftke the iesentation of elle EYES of stock. Fa- m contains 100 acres. p g now placing some o Choir Stec c i small because fits the foot anti makes it home Mx. Adair found the' animal's holdings with the f rmers of ada,'ai trowel. The fifth st ie is to be laid by EIiAMINEG Wm. Rendall, prop.; John Purvis, coulfortallle. N o s t i ft tongue in the food in front of where per. This rather daces st cin other John Wilford, of lythe under the rp ac Ile palm cause auctioneer. place, -•-no 1mrsh r;u•ve.g. the horse was sta hug. It is supposed so-called co-oper vo binder twine auspices of the Sunda SChool,'and Miss 1'f14� therebyIt's a slice far nose ti wear and will look that the animal had got his tongue'. corL.panies, that ar reaching to got into : _Mttie Reich will mak the presentation From the dai)v press the learn that p I \ve11:It the Soule ti171t?• It� existence, at quite c sconnt, Tho �rOdllCe9 Rev. Dr. 113ac1t oauglit in a, knot I oho and in, endeavor- li y' of the trowel. Tho Cao eco will be tai;en ►y, who has spent the is foolish to look elso- ing to free itself piled its tongue out. will not untlet ail circumstance how in charge by Rev. "CCs'. Henderson, an aversion to past thirty years as a missionary in For. where ivlleii sold from The horse had to be shot and o loss alter deviate from leer rule of trno co- President Of the Lo don Uonference; , moss is in a crit_ -al state of health, ow- . will be heavy Mr. A as the operation --•-one sh to of tett dollars for Rov. D. Rogers, lair nan of the St��y' ing to an affeoti� a of the threat, and at $11M to $3.00" animal was a gee one. overy hundred nor a or part of ahundred. District, assisted by C, ester D, Massey, Tho backward child too oftail present his life is dcsliirired, of. Mr. IMME -•-We sew i�rve-n11 rips in shoeia MONEY rO LoArT. � Mo 'ey to loan on 'Their "lied Star' 10c twine, is allowed Revs, Crossley and 1I Ikter and resident . beebMav the Unsuccessful man. Mackay has bee 1 in, Wiilghllut ttiicl is 11011g'.1t of ua. notes, aticl riOtas discounted at reason- y ninnstort3. Offorin s ill be laid on the known by many four renders. 'iI 3IIiCH an(i � ili4t"1 el_�.^.p. by exports this r to be the heat all- g r+�, able rates. Money Rdvailml On mort• round value in. t o world. stoues in aid cf tl builcliug fund. J r E ► V %� l/ 1 �7 y % r c gages, anli privilege ege of paying gg fit the Any eyeless for salDinner es loft at the Tlrti l its the old churOh 110 cults A COLD. IN t)Nn JUAY Y ii �. J4 1 1 E E ,I.1 ectad. yOfyiiOO--#Ieav©r Block, Wing- oliieo will receive prompt attention. J', before the lceremonyt 'nd ten vile also be d UGOiS"P AND OPTICIAN, Tale t axative Brnnlo Qiuiuine Thblets. All SOLE LOCAL AGIrN rS 1rOA Mllharts, 'S,olrT. McTIr600.g J. Curtly, auctioneer, p served after the service. W I N G H A druitgivtq refund the ttsoney it it fails to Burn rig 1±„ . tirovo's signature is em Bich bos. Mk•. �i ��, 0