HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-05-17, Page 5THE 1WING11AN TIMES* f[AY 174 19,01, "J, 1i 11opq '.. ,4;tr • " � ,,M1Yr,Rev. D. Rogers, chfliritlatl oY the, Oil Wednesday, May $til, at four p.m, nr ,.• �'� t r' Winghatn I)lskiit+t will preside at rile a ivodrliu attended b a large nttttlbei " Jewellery annual convention of the Womon's Mis- of guestsstook place at the home of the A'.S siollery Societies of tiro Wingliam bride, when Rev. Mr, Kennedy, of I �" "� � '"' THE NEW STORE ISA ! „ District which opens in Brussels on .May Auburn, performed the ceremony, which Watches, Geld and Siiv111 L 21st, joined the hearts and hands of Joseph - ,4 � f @'r, Quite a liuuib3r attended -I3rools'S brit Xillough and Miss Annie McDowell, i Ll E A��%.� Ta16111g 021 Tuesday. = Rev. Thynne and- Miss Barbara, *Orli DE Westfield. A very pleasant time : LADIES' TIES and COLLARS in all the latest styles. See our special - line of Silk Ties at 25c. � elai able absence.GREAT was spent after a sumptuous re. « Hit the Na it r . Souris, late of Souris Marl. re visiting then' > g past had been partalton,oP, A beautiful On the Mead. �s are attending the Provincial Convention of the W. eM. S. Toronto. Mr. Myles, of Walkerton, is spending Hair Clasps -� sister,Mrs. Bailey in the village. Mrs. James Anderson, of Turnberry,is array of presents was received by the bride, Mr, and Mrs, Killough will take Ifyou have eruptions, pains in the CORSET COVERS in great varlet all well made and nicely trimmed, sizes 32 to 40 at 150, 20c, 100, Sac, • sings . very ill at present. Rev. D, Rogerswas in Tiverton,last up their home near Westfield, amidst the wishes of their many friends fora ing friends in Elora. 5Uc And 75c, WRITE SKIRTS, all sizes. Special value, Frites re 750, $1,00, $1,25, i .brooches A Judge Style :. Tuesday. The farmers' meeting which was to happy and prosperous wedded life. On Sunday last Rev. J. Kennedy ular value 35e. Your choice for 25c. $2,00, $2,50, NIGHT GOWNS—Nice range at 75o $1,.00, 1.25, $ �.l� �a.dge Of Belt Buckles have been held in Bluevale on the 17th preached a special sermon on baptism, white and Colored BLOUSES, a large stock to choose from, thoroughly np- will at once detect the Super- will be held in Witt hale instead on the g after which the rite of baptism was ad- p 650, 75c, 90c, $1.00, $1,25, $1,50, $1.95,to-date , style, Prices range. thus • line $1,95, $2,2G, $2,5U. See our special lino at 75c. f our made•to-Order (Sterling Silver Novelties. kART 21st. Enough snow fell on. Sunday to make � ministered to a number. Arrangements are bein made for the annual S, S, Master George French, who got hurt LADIES' WRAPPERS in all sizes,. well made and trimmed, fast colors, $1.00,$1,25, $1.04. 1 TAILORING ' Cut Glass. snowballs, Will Bailey has recovered from his anniversary to be held on May 24th, 25e, 35e, 50c. See our leader at 25e. LADIES' PARASOLS --A larg stook to select from.; nice variety of handles, steel rod, prices a� 50c, 76c, 90% $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, is our specialty, We f t the illness and has begun un world again. Nothing Hunts out Corns $2.00 2,25 $2,50, Al ood Yalue, Please ask to see them, $ g .. man of abnormal as well as he v� Wm. Patton's silo was blown over by the high wind on Sunday, Like tight boots, Nothing removes corns with such certainty as Putnam's feel like a new woman." c%lrs. Robert LADIES' UNDERWEAR, all sizes, at 50, 10c, 15G, 200, 25e, 35G, 50c. See of normal she and our p e' Miss Ma Maggie Robertson, of Wroxeter, Painless Corn Extractor. Beware of _ our special line at 25c. . Dyes tested without charge. Repairing prices suit all. nently done, Don't be afraid to come iu. was visiting in Bluevale this week; poisonous substitutes, Ask for and get Putnam's Painless Cord Extractor at LADIES' HOSE in Cotton, Lisle and Cashmere. Prices are; 10c, 1234c, 15c, 26c, 350, 45c, 50c. Ask to see our loader at 250, It beats them all. Come alongand et 011e Of tiYe are always pleased to allow goods. g The old stand itt Mason Block. the newest Albert Porter, of Wingham, spent Saturday last in Bluevale. druggists, For if you get it—you've got a dead sure thin g, All druggists sell it, ,SUMMER CORSETS—We handle the best makes. Our values are right, 26c, 35c, 50o 75c. novelties In Suits, C+vet'coatS and Pants. � Mr, J. Patterson,cheesemaker of ty five centts. posN. aid on C. Poisone&pt of King- Co,,, and _, LADIES' GLOVES in Taffeta, Lisle, Silk and Kid, See our special line y0Ur5 truly, H r H ■ H I S H 0 L Molesworth, visited at Walter Patter- on's on Sunday. b Ston, Ont. at 25c, worth Mo. Jeweller and O tic u 0��Optician. Maxwell On Monday evening while visiting at Cleghorn's on the Bluevale Roay Miss �vxoxLT� n. Rev. Mr. Anderson intends leaving in I LADIES' BELTS in the very latest style, You can get any kind of a belt A here. We are always to the front with something now, Fresh ar- rivals this week, See the new Belt buckle. Prices ° , with spring are _ Mabel Oliver fell off a chair and Yiad the Julie for Scotland, where be will spend 1 15c, 25c, 35c, 50o, 75c, $1.00. - misfortune to dislocate her shoulder. .,,�,,.�..� , ,µ• ,,,, - +, , the holidays. Rev. Mr. Grey, of To- will occupy the pulpit during his p g : LADIES' TIES and COLLARS in all the latest styles. See our special - line of Silk Ties at 25c. • able absence.GREAT N � « Hit the Na it Mrs. Robert Miller and Mrs. Brown �,,s�i�cata s�o'd,u ia� ls�<, 6•,::i uy, w.i) !iu..0 i;,! r n t'�_.. , a.!, ,.��� .!,;a!inl� On the Mead. �s are attending the Provincial Convention of the W. eM. S. Toronto. Mr. Myles, of Walkerton, is spending ®' 7 W e r en Ifyou have eruptions, pains in the a few days with his sou in town. Mrs. Ed. Black and children are visit - head or kidneys, stomach trouble and feelings of weariness, "Hit the nail on ing friends in Elora. \ MEN'S SILK TIES=We have just received a fine assortment of Ties, reg - the head." Hood's Sarsaparilla is the Mrs. W. B. Smale and child have re- ular value 35e. Your choice for 25c. hammer to use. It will purify your blood. turned home from Montreal. Richard Rann has improved the ap- MEN'S COLLARS in all the latest styles and best makes. Special line, 2 for 25c. r7iamasses pole bodpraise it for doing this and making Mcwhole healthy. pearauce of his shoe shop by giving it a MEN'S UNDERWEAR—A large stock to choose from. Prices thus: 25c, fresh coat of paint. 35e, 40c, 50e, 65e, 75c, $1.00. Sick Headache—"I was troubled with sick headaches: I took Hood's Sar- Master George French, who got hurt MEN'S SOX in Cotton, Lisle, Cashmere, Wool, etc., at 10c, 121 c, 15c, 20c, some time ago is not improving as quick- 25e, 35e, 50c. See our leader at 25e. saparilla, my husband hawing been cured ly as his friends would wish. MEN'S REGATTA SHIRTS, all kinds, late styles. Prices are 50c, 60c, of salt rheum by it, and soon it made me Mrs. Mahood and family of Detroit 750,$1.00,$1.25. Having purchased the stock of Dry Goods feel like a new woman." c%lrs. Robert are visiting their mother, Mrs. Robert MEN'S STRAW HATS in great variety, latest styles. All prices. See Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Etc., of R. cWcAfee, Deerhurst, Ont. � Gibson. John Hupher has gone to Sault Ste our trade winner at 50e. � MEN'S AND BOYS CLOTHING in the BASEMENT—The stock is large G. GORDON at a remarkable low prise we are Marie where he has securest a situation and complete. We are showing a fine range of Men's Summer Coats 1 as blacksmith with Mr. Rowman, who and Boys' Washable Suits at 60c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25. going to open up in the old stand, at one time resided in Wroxeter. - Will Reid, of Brussels, has taken a _ .. .... ... . ���®�®�• LONDESDORC. One of the o'.dest residents of this situation in George Lackie's tailor shop. Mrs. John Harris' mother, Mrs. Rob - 18AW%W,* 0 village passed away to the great beyond, ertsoii, had the misfortune to fall off a p p on Saturday last, in the person of Arthur step the other clay and break her wrist. �, Woodman, aged 68 years. Mr. Wood - 3 y t= shad been a sufferer for a number of A Sick stomach = yearwith a trouble in one of his knees is always relieved, and its unpleasant averted by taking 1 '' and about five mouths ago his leg was consequences g thirty Saturday ' dj U amputated in the hope that he would drops of Poison's Nerviline to a little sweetened water. It instantly relieves get relief. He had been a resident of the nausea and by its soothing and this village for 40 years and during that stimulating powers, calms the stomach time lead conducted a tailor shop. He and enables it to complete the process of With the greatest C p rice sale ever known to was well-known in this section and was digestion. Nerviline has been proved more than a million times the best the citizens of Wingham and surrounding conn_ a man held in very high esteem by a remedy for stomach and bowel troubles. large circle of acquaintances. He was a Nerviline will cure you. 25c. try, when there will be member of the Methodist church and was one of the most earnest workers in GREY. L I ��A D S 0 F D A H G A I N S the �rturch. He leaves behind to mourn There died ' the residence of his his death, Mrs. Woodman and one daughter, Mrs. B, Payne,ou the 2nd con, ° daughter; Mrs. Roberts, of Harriston; on Sunday morning, May 6th, John B. also two b •rothers who are residents of Smith,who had almost reached the four - the village. The funeral to the Union core years alloted to men of strength. CYCLONES 0 E ATTRACTIONS ° cemetery on Tuesday afternoon was Recessed was a Canadian, being born in very largely attended. The members of the township of South Gore, in Grenville H I R L'I N DS 0 F �V0 N D E RS the Canadian Foresters, L. 0. L. and county. He moved to Morris township r S. 0. E., all of which orders deceased nearly 45 years ago, and resided there was a member attended the funeral -in a until about four years ago, when he Which will strike terror to the merchants and be a boon and body. A service was held in the Meth- came to Grey. He leaves a family of odist church, where a splendid sermon four sons and two daughters. The sons moue}• saver to the wage earners of Wingham and surround- ing country. was preached by Rev. Z. B. Coupland. aro James, at Winthrop; Thomas and John, at Corinne, Mich„ and Frank in Aff9Store opens Saturday morning next, May I$th, .igoi, �Turnberry. The daughters are Mrs. 3LELGRA at g o'clock. E. Payne and Mrs. Baines, both living in William Watson was in Hensall on Grey. Mrs. Smith died about three This is a genuine clearing sale and the stock must be Tuesday, shipping rollers. years ago. Mr. Smith was a member of cleaned out entirely in the next 6o days regardless of price. Rev. Mr. McNeil occupied the pulpit the Methodist church and a strong Con - Come one, Come all. Everybody welcome. in the Presbyterian church last Sabbath. servative in politics. The funeral ser - Rev. Mr. Crauson will occupy it next vice was conducted by Rev. R. Paul. OWDL Sunday. James Smith, Toronto, a brother of pry p The masons are busy at Mpr. William deceased, was present at the funeral,and R16,11119 ° Watson's house this week. three other brothers still reside in Gren- Geo. Morrison is painting and paper- Ville. We are in the Button Block. ing at Wm. Geddes' this week. Quitea, number from here attended — The Cheap Cash Store. Opp. Bank of Hamilton. EAST WAIVANOSir. A number of people from the 10th at- tended the barn raising at John Brook's on Tuesday. They report having had a very pleasant time. The road grader recently purchased by the Township Council from the Sawyer - Massey Co., of Hamilton, was tested on Tuesday of this week. The Walkerville Match works were damaged by fire to the extent of $110,- 000. Parry Sound ratepayers have passed a by-law to purchase the electric light plant for $27,000. Special from Newcastle, Ont. Newcastle May 14,Thos. Hays is again a well man, and says, "As one who for ten years suffered from Asthma, I recommend Catarrhozone as a positively sure cure; three bottles cured me perfectly." Catarrhozone has never yet failed. Even cases of twenty years standing that baffled the skill of special- ists have been cured by Catarrhozone. It cures by inhalation, pleasant to use, no clanger or risk. The worst cases of Asthma can be cured by Catarrhozone in two to five weeks. Instant relief and ultimate cure guaranteed if Catarrh - ozone is used. Give it a trial. Price CUURCH NOTES. Quarterly meeting services were held in the Methodist church on Sunday last. The Methodists of Clinton will go on with the building of their new church this summer. Rev R. Hobbs will deliver his lecture, "The Triangular Man," in the Ennis- killen Methodist church this (Friday) evening. Crossley and Hunter have just closed a successful series of evangelistic ser- vices at Mt. Forest. They are now holding services at Orangeville. The Salvation Army are expecting a good time at the lantern services next Monday and Tuesday, May 20 and 21. Ensign Haddinott, the G. B. agent, is to be in charge of these meetings. Don't miss this treat. The contracts for the erection of the now Presbyterian church at kordwich have been signed by the various con- tractors. It is proposed to .lay the cor. - ner stone, with the usual ceremonies, on the 12th of July. From May 26th to June 1st is self - denial week with the Salvation Army. This method of raising funds was started $1.00; small size 23c. Druggists or 13 years ago. The amount raised the Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont. first year tiyas $24,110, the total amount last year was over 23 million dollars. the funeral of the We John Morrison, _ of Wingham, on Tuesday. ! :� ± Clegg &Armstrong shipped a car of "M mll hogs to Toronto Ott Tuesday.aw -d Mrs. Hole, of Wingham, was visiting45 le r o s + W_� ®U U her mother, Mrs. Tufts, in the village 4 t'. _ this tiyeek, T. A. Mills.� .headquarters.. ...... ... �,��' �•j�%][rjG• ° Win. Phillips has started his rounds StopIt with SCOTT'S with the butcher wagon this week.'" s for all kinds of EMULSION of Cod Liver Special` Prices for 6® Days aADIESTow:v. Oil, Field and Garden Seeds. .gust received a A 'p'g 'j {, Cool weather. A little coughing is nothing �-y In Upholstered Uered Goods. It takes our farmers to hustle in their =the tickllilg, that 111a7.e5 yOtl �� { Si � � %S E E D C 0 RINI Parlor Suites that were - -47A0 now $37.00 seeding, couch once is some dust • not Parlor Suites that were - - - 45.00 now 35.00 Will Duff and Will Bailey, of Blue- the least llarlll, You scratch 'eonsieting of all the diff•;rent kinds known to the trade, Tile celebrated vale, were down calling on Jas. Wallace Silo Corn (Redo}) included. No fancy prices asked. Also a full stock of Parlor Suites that were - - 35 00 now 27.00 an ,itch: and forget it. This Buckwheat on hand the Japanese and silver hull. Parlor Suites that were - 25,00 now 15,50 one day last week. I ' Mrs. widow Shan to has bought the cough is scratching an itch. • Itug Saites that were - (special) 47.00 now 35.00 ) p C L Y Couches that were - - 16.00 now 12.50 100 acre farm belonging to John, Grain- But the cough, that llallgs "1 1 lir e1, Carrot olid 'I' rnip Seeds,. Couches that were - - 12 00 now 10.00 ger at tit© price of $5,000. on and comes b;tck, is a sign I halve selected the very best seeds in those lines k=nown to the trade ' Couches that were - - - - 9.00 now 6,75 Will Wright returned last Saturday to of an itch that hane-s on and Many of theta= tested at the Ontario Agricultural College. Couches that were - - - 7,00 now 4,75 John McNaughton's where he is ongag- comes back. There is some- Renn;e's Mammoth Interwodia.te and Steele Briggs Seed Co. Select Lounges, good Velure covering, were - - 3.00 now 6,50 ed with Garniss Bros. after being laid thin- that makes that itch. Wilhite' Del„ian Long lied Attringhaln Carrots, Giant, Ye110w, Half Long Lounges, " ,1 " • (special) 6,OO now 4,40 ttP a fowclaysbeforewithSob'sComfort- Golden Tank:t -d Selected fllatninoth Long Red i t Saw E,;t \Zammoth g ' a r ers, They are not very pleasant, are Inflamation : a gerlll ; its lied Intermedio ut, t Mattresse., the best, wero 6,15 now 4.00 Mattresses, " " - 4.50 now 3,25 they Will? alive ; like a seed in moist warm IN TURNIP SE+.EMS I have the -, tory best and the largest yielders Mattresses, " - 3.50 now 3,00 1�ilss Jem%nta McBrieit is staying with ground ; it will grow if you let that have been grown. laebroom Suites as low as *8.25. Sideboards from 8,75 lip, iter friends, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Jewitt, it, even in children. DUTCH Sl"MPS whnk'sale cti• re „il, All above prices wo will try and carry through Ajay and June and 'Fake SCOTT'S EMUL- . BI&GLIStl AIULTIPI. rMS and POTATO OXION. ";cep up tho stock, se none of our customers will go away disappointed. SION of Cod Liver Oil, aildFor anythingin the recd line edl rind got quotation-;.jhe above prices are for easb. Don't be misled and buy any upholstered the germ will clic. 1 A few barrels of seed pntatocs for snip. ;nods till you have seen ours. Yf vgott have act tried it, seucl for a free' Thio sl nataro is on over box of tho gonuite sem ie its agreeable taste will sur rise ou, A.Y, it It Bio . BUTTON, Laxative Bromo-Q�t1iflifle Tabletr0 SCOTT&$OWNX chemist,, pror bio. ) Leading Undertakers, Wingham, tho remedy that citta* w oe;id in ona day Sac. and $i,00;all druggists. I y As, M I LL" �. +i , .. •-'--�^. ��...LL .Jolt.':.c''!..u,.Ys_•..Y.IIL..A L-.., L: JR4\.-.."i•.d �:L1 fIY1��� —..�r� _�—' M�YP� E