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The Wingham Times, 1901-05-17, Page 4
. i TRE W1,NGl11AN '1'1( E48. 1[AY 1 7, 1901. BASEBALL LEAGUE„ rwx,tcXlrAltx DlAlix E 1tx/I llb+ooaaaaooBP �aoaaaaooaassaooaaoin•aoa�t�0000a®a0000aaoo L.t� � ' ` 'AILTFi, ooaaOwl�aaaew4i�P9®a0ai11�1bid��G ------ Wiugbani, May 10, 1901. Wingham baseballboys are getting in Flour per 100 lbs .. 1 25 to 2 50T w r t SOAP ," Fall Wheat 0 G•1 to 0 65 � The Pee leN Popudar Store gcodshapefoi the opening�atnesiutil© ..• W ono & JoS 'li Korrsine, Jas H. Kerr, recently formed l.agite, and baseball Ser, Wheat , , , ..... , , .. 0 00 to 0 00 a. , � should boons in Wingklam this. ,year, Btatrle , • , .. . ' ... • ' ... • • 0 40 to 0 31 � Barley .....,,, 0 40 to 0 42 t .., .. 3 Cakes for 1 Oc. Messrs. Skeates slid Doyle will do the Peas . 0 62 to 0 62 ba i pitching and Messrs. Lookerid e and `turkeys, drawn .... , ..... 0 09 to 0 10 O This. soap has a faint but excellent P g g Geese, " ............ 0 05 to 0 06 Burrow will do the work behind the bat Ducks per '•#'ragrance, and is a splendid toilet article. , p .pair .. , .... , .. 0 40 to 0 GQ m91L V for the local team. L. Rammond, who Butter...... ......... , 0 13 to 0 14 BY W B t a played a few games last year will be Eggs perdaz 0 10 to 0 12 0 A short stop. Alderson will likely liold Wood per cord ... , . , , , , , . 2 00 to 2 25 O - t ower � e r u � � a s clown 2nd bag, dill uu ;3rd, and Link- I of pot telt... , . , , , ..... , 9 2 to 10 00 e Potatoes per bush..` .... 0 20 to 0 20 READ THE LIST CARTFULLY. 6' litter, Barrow and GP•ahaw, in the !icier. Tallow per lb . , , ^ . , , . , , • 0 05 to 0 05 a O t Fountain Syringes and I -lot Water The following are the dates. on which Lard , , , , , , , .. , 0 13 to 0 13 Mottles. New stock at the games will be played:-- Dried Apples per lb..,,.. , 0 036to 0 04 • Mone a I3arristou at Din ton June G, Wool , , , , , .. • . , . , , . 0 14 to 0 14 saved 9 S money made. We can save you bid mosey. y , Live Hogs, per cwt.. , . ; .. 6 75 to G 75 ss. Wingham. at. Palmerston, June 13, Chickens . ..... . . . . . . . w . ____ _.. (� �j Drayton at Harriston, June 20, s U �11 ! CaMpbel,,S 0 BARGAINS IN � BARGAINS IN I BA$QAINS IN � Palmerston at Drayton, June 25, DRUG STORE. Harriston at Wingham, June 27, FOR SALE _ Drayton at Palmerston, July 5. c • Groceries FRUIT Dry Goods Palmerston at Harriston, July 11 Wingham at Drayton, July 18, A Valuable Nouse Property , a d TO ADVERTISERS, = Tomato Catsup Cooking Figs Parasols Harriston at Palmerston, July 25. . in the best part of the town of Wingham O " 4 bottles for ....... 25c Good quality,, 7 lbs for 25c at 50c, 75c, $1,00 to $3,00' tNotice of changes must be left at this Drayton at Wingham, July 26. has been placed in my hands for im,- a French Sardines French Prunes, Ladies' Belts office not later than Saturday noon. Palmerston at Wnlgham, Aug. S, mediate sale• a reg. ?5c tin for ....15c Bright Fruit, 4 lbs for 25c reg 20c to `�5e for..... lee = The copy for changes must be left Farms bought and spld, not later than Tuesday evening. Wingham at Harriston. Aug. 14. = Domestic Sardines Seeded Raisins Ladies' Hose=- Splendid Cotton 0 Casual advertisements accepted up Drayton being the smallest town, the AR N ER COSENS O 6 tins for .......... 25c in packages . , .......10c (lose, strong thread, fast •' to noon Thursdav of each -week. league will allow ihem to sign abattery. fresh Herring i Selected .raisins + black, at..............150 All players must be signed not later than Loan and Insurance Agent, in tall tins ........10C Large clean fruit,per ib, 10c Cashmere Hose. -Plain ribbed and ESTABLISHED 197'4. June 1st; players signedafter that date Corner Minnie and Patrick Sts, O Canned-Salmoc ! Cluster Raisins good value at.... 25c to 50C must be subject to approval of Secretary At home Friday afternoon and Saturday. s 10c, 130, 150 f For table use, per lb. .15e New Prints -A splendid assort- T WI�T� II 1� 5. and Committee. Players from other Buckwheat Flour Recleaned Currants ment of. Print, Duck and w• lL\\ leagues cannoc be signed in this league BORN• a reg. 15e pkge for...10c 2 lbs for ............25c Denim at low prices. A H.R.ELLIOTT, Pri msu'BR Aim PROPRIETOR and vices versa. A fee of 30c must PiPRR.-In Wingham, on May 18th, the wife p Pancake Flour New Lemons White Goods - Corset Covers, r° accompany the name of each player to of Mr. Stephen Piper, of a son. o reg, 15c pkge for. ..10e Bright fruit, per doz.. 200 fancy, at 25c, 30c and 35c. IiARRIED 0 v p FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1901, pay, the expenses of the Secretary of O Royal Salad Dressing r Seedling Oranges Night Robes - Good material, WALKER-SLOAN.-At the residence of the r dear e, bride's parents, Morri,,, on May 15tH, by Rev. 0 at half price. ; Sweet fruit, per doz. ..15c Embroidery and Insertion ° * -Toronto's Wm. Penhall, Wesley Wanter, of Wingham, to 0 Canned Plums " ` **Nils Margaret Williamson, youngest daughter California Oranges Trimming, PremierRosshas announced that he G teurteam-s will play an eslAbitiou ggame of A. W. Sloan, Esq. ® per tin ............10e ! Choice, per doz ...... 30e _. NOTES AAD coM�E.�TS. �; V:ar;�ty one or best oma- `"fill short. visit England On airlp,COlit- I at Wingham ou June 6th- a DIED. 0 Flaked Peas and Beans � BanannaS Men's Club Ties m, i 311LTzXA,_I_• Wingham, on May 11th, 5 f ! J.iining bltsiness with pleasure. This'1f ; James Millman, aged ~,u years, y 0 reg. 1 c pkge. or ..10c per doz. 20e to....... 25e Silk, reg. 25c, now .... 5c 0 GOR1:I1 . 1 J. R. Williams started his sawmi113,asti P1 ocrrison,z ed n 4 years, i sbOroy months ane s Breakfast Coffee 1 Men's Flow red Ties w. that ;statements made Query now and then week. This gives us two sawmills. \est day_. g , o May nth, Ammonia WashingPowder 25c� BARGAINS IN Ro^• 5Uc, now ...... ,38e 0' announcement disposes effectually the! y w John n nner summer, era. election well be held this Arthur woodman, a ed i 5 years. .hen's Ties, Puha 0 a big factory. PnixToR,-LnLuN_cnew, on May 2nd, Robt. ® 1 pkge. equal to 1 gallon of ; Reg. 50c, now........ 38c �: Prom -or, aged 56years, 4 months and a days. t a a gen Rev. A. B. Farney apologized. to his ° _ s Y O li •_ o ScSchool 'Books. i :. Drrsso,m.-ln Howie.„ on May 1�6, Mar quid ammonia ........10e iAlen'sIVien's Ties, Puffs EAST HURON LIBERALS. congregation Here on Sunday for beim, , Drum_.]: ^d, relict of the late Joan Drummond, Corn StarchReg. 25c, noir ....'.18c a The East Huron Liberal Association P P gYy q 5 pkges, for .......25c Alen'sOveralls O will hold its anneal meeting for the First Reader, reg. 10c for ....8e 0' from his OstOn Sundt the 5thinst. t Live Stock alar:sets, ® Ginger Snaps 1 2nd part Reader, reg. 15c for 12c Reg. 40c, now .........30c seems that the ole was not required election of officers and receiving reports the congregation knew well that 'the, sy 7c Ib or 4 lbs for...25e r ., Alen's Bic le Hose g P g TerzLto '_liar 14, -The receipts is at the Tea Biscuits mix. ! Third header, reg. 30c .or...2a Rey o0c now 38e Rev. gentleman had earned a much lon- P ® r Wthe Town Hall, Brussels, o' Tuesday, ger rest for the hard work of four we -tern cattle yards this morning am- e ' 9 ; Fourth Reader, reg, 40c for.`. 30e , g' x ' • • ' 0 Way "Sth commencing at 1 o'clock m. ' ,� r 10c or a lbs for .... 5c n Alen's Cotton Lose y , b P• punted to 933cads,includin„ 1,875 cattle, a H. S. Reader, re,, 60e for ...45c , ®. different parishes, very few ministers ® Canned Vegetables Blk and Cold 10c 15c 26c Associated with this gathering will be could do Half the work. It was im- 593 ho's,S93 si e; -p and himbs,110 calves, ® a P. S. Grammar, reg. 25c for ,19c , +- 0, laeld a Nominating Convention for the and a dozen mLcu cows Tomatoes Corn Peas and I I Alen's Bose Cashmere �' ' •P. S. Arithmetic re 25c for 19c � O Midinm in connection with the Provincial portant business kept him away, and he a Beans best brand 3 for 25c g Sliced Heels End Toes 25c �^ fibsm et n_ood one -for cattle' i Copy Books reg 7c for ......5c p Legislature. Five delegates are allowed did not get much rest. 9 @ Laundry Starch Men's Fine Wool Hose Z g The English church Sunday School especially; pz± k,�zr arm, and all the i ® Do not use common cheap ! Drawing Books, reg. 5c for....3e � Blk and Cold 20c o5e 50c 0 from ax eaxpecte from division, Address- cattle here Sol'-' a p ! Euclid & algebra, reg,25c for'19c ' �" > intend holding their annual picnic much ! ® stared, We have No. 1 c Men's Hats and Caps, es axe expected from A. Hislop, M.P.P., Followi.�isxher�eo;'ruotacons:- � ai ( P. S. Physiology, re 25c for i,�c Mr. Macdonald, Deputy Speaker of the earlier that in former years. CA=W, p '"'bite in large crystals, g' + Plain and Fancy Shirts.and Commons; Hon. G. W. Ross, Premier of J. W. Walker was in Wingham on O 3 lbs. for 25c. Monday on business in connection with Shippers, per evi-t_.___. s 2.i $ 5213,0 11_1 School Books 1 Underwear • Ontario and Hon. J. T. Garrow. The Butcher, choice do... . _ v .5 s 65 6 at cost• at close prices. A 31S1111icipal Chairmen will receive the the township. Butcher, ordinyl•_v so © s Thomas Braddnock the well-known good.,.... . .... ........ _ 3 tie 3 75!1 necessary blank credentials for their stack dealer has purchased from a man Butcher, infeaicr ..____ � ;a 325"G.. ; '- •- •• • -_..... ._ -. .._...... .... ..........._..... respective municipalities. .Stockers, per csvi.. _._. 3 � 3 60 � • o near Harristonafancydriver• # -xs Jno. & Jas. H. Derr. MACDONALD BLOCK WINGHAM Jno &Jas. N Kerr. Export bulls, per cwt _ 3 ;5 Y ..a . • Geo. Brown has had a new style ' • SCHOOL L'(DARD, SHEEP A'_CDD T 4, S. balcony erected to his residence together Export owes, per cwt.. 400 •1 75 00"6660060 Games a Regular monthly meeting of the with the new fence very much improves Lambs (grains fed), per School Board was held on Tuesday even- the same. Improvements are the order owt....... ......... 5 00 6 00 . ,__, ... _ _ .. ,. _........ _._.,. ,•,.... _ .,, ,_ . ing. Members present -Chairman; Kerr of the day, backyards are being cleaned Do. (barnyard) per and Messrs. Homuth, Griffin, Moore and up and everybody is ready for the health cwt ...... , .. , each.. 2 00 .. 4 5 00 .Abraham. Do. (spring), each.. a" 00Notice inspector any time. Bucks.. , ..... , ... 3 00 3.54 Minutes of last meeting were read and Annie Ardell is confined to the house XMKERS AND CALVES, to FarmleWs approved. from an attach of bronchitis. Cows, each ............ 20 00 45 00 The Principal's report for April was Mr. and Mrs. ' Chas. Wendt of Mild- Calves, each , , , , ....... 1 00 8 00 r, , read and adopted, may were in town the guest of friends HOGS., A communication was read from J. -last week. Choice hogs, per cwt... 6 75 7 00 Gregg re hasiug Chairman of the Board Light hogs, per cwt.... .G 25 G 50 Geo. Curle, jr., of Mildmay was in Heavy hogs, per cwt... G 35 G 50 sign a memorial to Government, asking town on Friday on his way to Harriston Sows .................. 3 75 4 00 :For a larger grant to Public Schools that to play football with the star team of Stags :................ 0 00 2 00 Make up High School work. Mildmay. Griffin-Homuth-That the corn- John Wendt and George Calder of munication be received and that the . Wroxeter Sundayed in town,E t chairman be instructed to sign the Mrs. A. A. Doupe is visiting relatives ® e/ mP emorial to Government, issued by the near Ripley this week. 1 .., 10� LISToWEL. �. committee appointed at the last meeting - AR, - i l l ' of the Ontario Teachers Association.- _ �*���, ,. �• ' • � "" probable k Y It is quite robable that `the Supreme You 911 = �1 'Carried. P _ Orange Lode of British America will . Accounts were read as follows: -S. C. g g 'about itThe ' Kerslake, wheelbarrow, $3.75; D. M. hold its annual meeting in Listowel this rush, the , rt rj�r�jnGordon, supplies, $3.13; Sara Farquhar- year. The Town Council have already worry,, theThe a Co-Opefative 01ae l01 , Palm U1 s�U11son, teaching, $2.50; W. Taylor, work, to contribute to the fund to entertain the e Xhausti0n.50c. The anuivers services of Christ with s.0 great . __• .. _-._...._..__..___._____._� ____._._. _. ___-_._� a delegates. g out Homuth-Moore-That the accounts anniversary WING to pressure of business at the 'will admit of. J. Falconer, Palmerston, who will weight resting upon o as read be paid. -Carried. church tivill be hold on Sunday next. ' Factory the management of the If farmers will decide on the amount promptly return certificates for the L Very Rev, Archdeacon Davis o£ London you. You Cant throw Farmers' Co -Operative Pork Factory at they intend subscribing before they are amount. Griffin -Abraham -That the teachers r3' 0 this feeling. 'You u Palmerston have found it necessary to called onby the solicitors it will facili- Farmers wishingto arrange for meet - and officers salaries for April be paid.- will preach at both morning and evening g engage Mr. W, R. Belden,of Molesworth, ate the work. The shares are $10.00 ings should addresW. R. Belden,Moles- are aslave to our work. services. A special effort is being made y Carried. P g Sleep fails, and you are to complete the taking of stock. He is each, the majority of farmers taking worth, who will be pleased to meet those Principal Musgrove, on behalf of the to raise as large an offertory on this ac- Ori the verge Of nervous authorized ne a o nt os. agentsto solicit monies as ock for in three, ossa of shares, paying o t months' as , or It interested Wit ted in this very important.in- teachers, invited the members of the cession as possible. o. gshould be understood that no person is It may be well to add that farmers, in exhaustion. the Co. The Bell Telephone Company's bill What is t0 be dolls hoard to attend the "at home" in the Since April farmers have subscribed liable for more than he subscribed, the the vle -vicinity of Ridgetown, have in the council chamber on Friday night. before the Senate has been withdrawn. Take ' freely and those who are now sharehold- Co. being a limited one. The building past month subscribed $5,000, claiming Board then adjourned. iera of the Co. ask every farmer to sub- and plant have cost $50,000, all of which that distance is no detriment as all that Governor Cameron, of the Woodstock scribe just what he can afford. It would bas been raised. A number of farmers is desired is a factory belonging purely - --- gaol, has held office for over 34 years. y be well for each and all feeders of hogs carry enough on notes to do business- to the farmers. ® He was born in Nissouri seventy-sik to consider his profits now, and that pre- this requires $50,000, and those who now It is well known that Danish bacon vious to the building of the new factories. have shares feel that their brother farm- brings more in England than Canadian years Ago, and for a man of his years he o In this factory we have almost 900 farm- era should contribute this amount which which is caused by farmers manufaetur- is exceedingly well preserved. era and 1,000•more should be added. We is almost nothing compared with the ing and handling their own, thus mak- S1r3 I I ,, will then have for the time to comp a benefit derived. ing them more interested in producing a C h i ld reii Cry for means of�procuring the full value of our Those who are not called on may send good article. Let farmers see to it that hogs, or at least all the English market their subscriptions to the Manager, W. the present opportunity is not lost. Salt; A STO IAFor fifty years it has been lifting up the dis- Farmers Co-operative fork Factory- PALMEIRSTON ONT. Geo. Vanstone, jeweler, St. Marys, couraged, giving rest to ' has just completed repairs on a watch the overworked, and . _ _ _.. �..�........................ Japanese China which was sent to him from China, The brie in refreshin sloe ' URE BRMI IMPORTED CLYDESDALE _owner is now with'the British army g g g p Geae�l y Stallion, TENDERS WA ED to the depressed. (� jj 1 Cups and Saucers there, and the watch will leave on its PR I N GE 0 KELT M Plans and App ationA oP water tanit will No other Sarsaparilla I I be at my i4hop insp ion on and after long return journey in a few days. approaches it. In age -- Tuesday, May 14th, Vases <c s >> • � will malce tho season of 1 as follows: Ten aerA for the eree of the tank (either John L. Wilson, of the Ninth Con- and is cures, Ayers is r Thr t3scdenr gT,Ed have purchased all ' wood or steer will re ved by the under- BOri-bons, Etre. cession of Howiek, who is a stock raiser "the leader Of them all." t1,Q .,secs r machin for drzllinl MONDAY, -Win leave his vn stable, BwaLts' signed up to Maud , May, err g hotel, 11214 ln•o .ed John Caselnoro•s Cho lowest or n ender tecessar}ty, of the first-class sort, liar thoroughbred It was Old before other Artt.Wmu 17G ,Rs and are preliared to do Con. 2, Norris, f 1 on; thence toBelgra`e accepted. alk ldf aa4 G9 Fr6rk in that line. for ni ht. WM. HOLMES, York sow, one year old, which raised sarsaparillas were born. r T•UESDAglt.--win ,proeeeed to Geo. Robert- t Chairman Waterworks Com. thirteen pigs, for which he received the $600 a bottle. All drugtists. , Az,7 F'v:v�Y, e�'�+y"anting work done in our son's, Con. 10 Fant Wawanosh for noon, US, iA L GOODS ' 1nR¢ tVt ill lF;? f. S�i'GTF� rKt W. Gannet's im- thence to Win. Boecroft'A, Con. 12, for fancy sum of ($159,72, when they, were Ayers Pills aid the ae. IM&i 'h Triow thence WANTED seven months old, tion of A er s Sorsa a- WEDNI�SDAY,-Will proceed tollisownstablo (+ Rubber i'ountain Pon. Send 10 y p W. A, CSURRIE. whero he will remain until Thursday morn- AGENTS E��S cents silver or stamps for Aample. rilla. They cure bilious- in �� HUNTER & Co. 012W.icifthst.Cincinnati,.O. Violins About $1;325,000 has been subscribed WM. DAVIDSON. THURSDAY• --Win__ ,)roceed to skiers.., for for the Prestyterian Century Fund, Of Hess. 25 cts. n hoz, noon • thence to Walker House Wroxeter ->_ __ • this $Ob, � '' I have used Ayer's modiciued for - -- -. _- _ -`--- --- . -� for night. Guitars $ 000 is for „lie debt department more than 40 years atsd have said VRIDAY.-will proceed to Albert Gallagher's, TEAMING r r Prom the ro� start that ou. made Gemmili's Corners for noon; thence via of the Fund. .Che Common li and de• yy tttyyy n q� the best modieinos in the world. I �� �� Shoes Otla Gon, Turllborry, to his .tire stub.. Por She�� l' tXS1C, �i',io,, Partment falls $75,000 short. A special am taro your Sarea rills caved my night. lift when I !fret took it 40 years aro, 0 SATUItDAv.---aril day at his own stable. appeal is to be made for that amount I am now past 7o and am never 7'lie undersigned is now prepared without ytlur mediaineel' t T. i1. IiASSAItri, D. McPHiLItt30N, yA We are bound to Close out these goods and the time for receiving contributions F RA:rtc Tdfolne, r. M., Iialf•E olcd aA InW aA from 7v to 4 i ccntA n pair Prop„ Milbrook, Manager, Wingham, do all kinds of work in the way of gen � will hell them fiery, very cheap. 3s extended to the last Sunday in May, Jas.. 24, 3800._....., ... Enos, Kansas, at tiaa oldest established Ahop in town. X�'arthor, "'--- a" oral teaming. Write the Z0010r, partiaA not caring for ar a tvallc esti ]lave their ry� p p Garden Plowing sirel other work will WAN''i'Rl) -Capin>leEY PARK,reliableprrsonineverr Ity�ouhaveclycom9rlwintrvllntever lwotgcarriedhonlofreeofcharge. D�L �0i1 S OIVIGE prompt c g / county to re "em targe company of Aolid Mud desire the beet Inc ical adviet qoa , receive attelltiAn. Ll \` financial repuiation $990 sainry er year, Y,ay. °tri eY"teu willexoeAtyd a� gromric a 7lnis :s the eheallest over..card of. A11 orders left at Lott & Sturd 'd 1111 V able weekly • $9 per ray abrohtte y� surf and nal piyr�tthl,oat cast, Addreee, A favi stets wast of I3Warte Hotel, Victoria Tho undc•rAignrd will kcap for AervlrA on Dot livery stable, or at my house will roeoive eexpewi(% ^ n might, bonaa•11de, �dAflnitn salary. Lk. J, C. A.ifER, Lowell, Mikolo. 94, Con. 12, East Wawan,wh, the thorougltbrcd no� pM�AMI felon ; nAlary paid mth Saturda unci Street. .. n prompt attention. ` e)tt Shorthorn 1,111, Lorc112obertA, r P r Coedorald Block, Wingham.. AIiD HOUSE,,y884MAT1oi S a� , CAI ��D �" '' "�"�", � THOMAS AEIRAHAMe erma•=-$1.M1. JORN 991D, Wo Go GRAY* r� k