HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-05-17, Page 3Tf 377 THE WIN+(TI`IAN TIMES, MAY 17, 1901. _rMten'Ryttx.ntt.eanske. ELECTRIC RAILWAY$ IN CAN- THIALSI A woman named Mrs. Louis Grcndiu, ADA• { [ARMIR'S The hair of the hoedwas evidentlyin•who lives on stony Ieland,ucarAmherst- - _ i tended by noturo as a protection to the t delicate brain substance, an it would eylon ' berg, wtAs bit au by a Lugo rattlesnake Statewnent sF $noir lvarnirer, .►ltien{re and . �.,_ - ] ]ast Tuesday ud has skuce chest froin no doubt allsSSGr this purpolo ac.u.nably Other 2nxerinutten.• � A SUFI'RRRR Folt TRARS, THE Ria• if it were given the opportunity, as wo V16 efrects of the poison. Mrs. Grondin From returns received from the 35 SULT OF A FALL, see it perversely does in the case of 'UREEN OR BLACK was picking up chips in her yard when electric railways of Canada, Mr. George _ Johnson, the Dominion statistician,. xN iiis wr,,&xvNry coNPrrxoN "GRIPPE need such protection little.DONT FORGET THE ` the rattler, who lead been lying coiled y savages, football players and Gthgrs wise up unobserved nearby,. suddenly sprang snakes up the following statement: ""At other, inflicting three distinct bites on the end of December, W00, the electric 1 Asx>anrD x�sElvs' l x'oly xunx, AND It is generally supposed that baldness," { the left Band, Medical aid was not At Irl;G.UGUT 1119 xi,AR TAXQUAyE. }lie gray Bair, is a necessary accolmpani. railways in Canada increased to 681 Ment of advaucin age, ge, but this is only rltkSllriawn Lust is ulli:olorcl x11:1 cleanly, It IS machine ]laud, and the old Iadiau remedy for mikes, Or 49 miles over the number in Mr, Witham Silver is a well known because the older a mains themore time rolled allot contains no <itlultt~ra1]ts.Titllt:r !I'r tier snake bites was resorted to, The hand 1899. farmer living near Iiomfoxd, IV, S. + , . J And arnl was thickly encased in blue "The he has had to neglect and abuse Eris hair, C N teas possess ' ' The 85 electric railways in Canada During his life lie has passed through possess tllesv. Gl1'tracte sties, clay, while big closes of whiskey was and so the more til;sly he is to have lost � administered internally, Several hours carried 11$,1x9,862 passengers in 1900,au much sickitosa, but now, thanks to Dr. it, " increase of 13,097,208. This is equal to Williams' fink Fills, he is ugain enjoy.. ' - elapsed before a doctor could be proour. yin every man woman and child in in vi orous health, To a reporter who. Some mon are more prone to baldness carrying g g than others' because of thinness, of the cc A 9�t;yloll �'f•ts are sold in sealed lead >' 4, ud,and meanwhile the arm, had swolleia the country 21 times. recently interviewed him Mr, Silver 'seal which interferes with the pie al, " " A � aCl`eCS ctrl ., alelrer in bulk. Black, io almost twice its natural size, In spite "The car' mileage run was "a 924,855 titre: -"I am;no�v;in my 62nd year, and ' p' , p p Y of all that could be done, the patient was miles an increase of 1,229,508 miles ever I may date. the begianivg of my trouble .blood -supply to itis hair roots, this is Mixed or tlncolOred Ceylon �ik'et;n. Sample on flppli^alt1QY1. L unable to rally from Ilio sneak and died, often a family %Rivg; but in such cases cc 18V9, to my sixteenth, year when Iwas thrown ba dness might , Toronto, Tb.e snake, which was killed was one of g t bo prevented for many . + c"The mileage rtiu and the passengers item a horde's back and had my spine 1 the largest seen in the neighborhood for , years ll care. In a sow instances the l Address SA .A oro _. _ .:..•:_:...�:,:..�.... ' e tarried show that for each mile run the sotnowhat injured. This was always a salt of some special ars, and possessed 9 rattles. electrics carried 3,8 passengers, against weak spot and it seemed to leaye' me disease, a It for the To 0a,4Ch the B e hair falls. out as'a re c ,. , e groat majority of . l many y _ - ^' g 5 in 1809, more suseeptible to other troubles, as it c"The amount of paid-up capital invest- grew worse as I advanced in years. As n i s absolutely no reason why, if t as long s the cl,. the hair should not •�,� A 8 S 0 IL U Plp E ed in electrics on Dec. Sl, 1900,was 9120,- a farmer I always had to work hard, last as ton As the man. and tli�i Mind ' 633,000, and the bonded debt was $12,- and often to expose myself to inclement . The chief cause of baldness is pressure 619,42% weather. My back trouble was finally by the fiat; which constricts the blood - S E The number of cars in active oorvice aggravated by indigestion, and as this vessels and. so interferes with the nutri- { U R I �® in 1900. was 1,642, an increase of 98 over affected my appetite, I was very much g �j thep�,.�''�, r tion of the hair bulbs. It is probable, V the previous year, .Elie employes num- run down. finally a few years ago I also that the shutting off o4 light and bared 4,498, showing an increase of 164 was attacked with la grippe, which de -air over 1899. veloped into pneumonia: My family by the list helps the mischief.An, ® unhealthy condition of the scalp results, C elf9 0>D i n e J ""The total receipts for the year were doctor succeeded in conquering this ilia sign of which is a plentiful amount is the art in advertising. This Ad. illustrates hoc' true thle � $5,422,540, and . the total expenses $3,- trouble, but for six months I was not of dandruff, saying is, especially to those wishing pleasant find proatable 268,001, able to leave the house and, all that he °� ' + There are many Pasts which go to employment. "Canada's Sons on I�opje and "Veldt," the only I The steam railways carried 17,122,• could do for me did not bring back my prove the truth. of this opinion. In the book dealing exclusive) with the Canadian Contingents, is the ft r 193 passengers in 1900. So that total strength. finally I consulted another g y g ' ' trans transported b rail was135 doctor, but with no' better result. first place, woman rarely become bald. book to ' handle, Oalcial Authentic Chea stills on sight to 0 o m passengers p Y '- ' They wear hats, is is true, but their hats ' p' €' Little Liver .iver Pill se 252,058. Between thein the steam and fact before I stopped doctoring I had g y everybody, and anybody ran sell it. Capital. or experience not el, .t>a+l ZI n are not air -tight castings,nor do they electric railways carried the whole pop- tried four different physicians and all make pressure around the head like a necessary. Send for free outfit and make money. ulation of Canada 25 times in the year, the time instead of getting better I was , Mint Semi SiEnat are of mans hat. Then baldness is almost un- and the proportion was over 8'1 by eleo- growing weaker. Some eighteen months known among savages, who wear no - 4"' tricand a little under 18 by steam in had now elapsed since my attack of la ��� � �® ��' u Qat:T+3� �•, Limited, hats, and is comparatively uncommon every 100 persons carried, grippe,, and during that time I was not with wren in the tropics, where very � BRBNTI'OF„D, ONT. "Since 1897 the number of passengers able to do any work. My whole system light hats aro worn. See Fac-Sta,ile Wrnpper Below. carried by the electrics inereasei from seemed • exhausted, and my nerves Laborers are less prove to baldness �-^�� �� • �°"'� 83,881,000 to 118,130,000, an increase of . shattered. On. fine days I would go out Very Bm--U and as c than professional and business men. 34,819,000,whreh is equal to 41 per cent., for while, but often I would become so . •• ,• ., „� ..,y �++•.-,+•�-� „ = 4a $alit, a� s�g.ar. This liar led to the belief that brainwork while those carried by steam using rail- weak and but that I could scarcely get favors baldness by withdrawing blood ��Lp��y�"�a FOR SLA"DAOIIE., ways increased from 13,742,454 to 17,- back to. the house. One day a neighbor from the scalp;, but this ix only self , B`8 �1 S FOR DIZZINESS. 122,198, an increase o£ 25 per cent. asked me why 1 did not try Dr• flattery on the part of those who advance A 41W � FOR SILiOURESs. "The expenses from about 67.50 per Williams' Pink Pills. I thought the the theory.' Laborers generally wear FOR TORPID LIVER. cent. of the gross earnings of the steam advice might be worth taking and I sent soft felt hats or caps, ]vWch are apt to f -FOR CONSTIPATION. using railways and about 50.27 per cent. for a half dozen boxes of the pills, Be- t -, 0 � � �" n �. ,, be pushed to the bdcL- o£ the head, so o • • • o ��� 3 r FOR .,!ALLOW SKIN. of the gross earning of the electric rail- fore they were gone there was no doubt that the scalp gets plenty of light and 1 � EWIi�nP�N FOR THECORIFLEXION ways. I had found a medicine that was helping air. c g hsNVim= MUa7nx .�,ep.. - Prise ynpl me and I got a further supply. I con - 2s ccrRs� Purely vegetaba©. evcG ' As fnAlier proof, we find that the bald- ;. In the Morning tinned' taking the pills for about three est mei usually have sufficient hair at CURE SICK HEADACHE. You feel better of your sick headache or months, and before I quit using them I the back and on the sides of the heart a bilious spell if you have taken a Lasa- ]vas feelin and stronger than I below the hat line. i. I Liver'Pill the night befhad done for years. Eve ore. These little g batter The inference is plain -wear a soft D.�octors fin K fellows work while you sleep without en symptom of hat or none at all. If custom forbids the ]veakuess that had followed la e [ACE TO FACE grips or pain. pp this,, then the best a city snap can do is � was gone and m back which lead + Y to `year his hat as little as possible, and 1 ltiisoonary aaceting• bothered me for so many years was a1- never to keep it on in the house or office. A' The annual convention of the W M. most as strong as in boyhood. 'I have '�• , Don't Frigltteu Cliildren. I E�CT� S. of the Methodist church of the Wing- since done many a hard days work, and p WITH a It is the custom of many grown u f) ham District, will open iu the Bruasola beau exposed to• bad weather, but with- relicts to paralyze the nervous systems o£ I Methodist church on Tuesday evening, out any evil effects, and I can truly say A LAPAE, A WEAK, babies' as follows: l May 21st, when addresses will beaeliver- Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have restored The bib IAPB ACHING BACK ed by Rev. G. Swan, of Ripley, Rev. R. me to vigorous manhood." y sits in his carriage, fu a sortl'�w ® �� INDICATES KIDIsEY E. , of philosophical doze, thinking of his iI 1 •�� l Garbutt, of Gorrie, and Miss E. Jeau Dr. Williams Pink rills cure such #t' TROUBLES '° misty past duel his limitless future. g t � .� �., Scott, Superiniendant of the Deaconess cases as the one noted ab xve because they The .. -c ,- = YI/fiBiCH DOAEd'S KIDNEY PILLS 'Pori grown up idiot Appreaclits on tip- 'Pori ABSOLUTELY CURE. Home, to. Rov.. D. Rogers, create new, rioh, red blood, thus ' Chairman, will preside, Music will be • streugthing weak anyl shattered nerves. toe pets a huge, foolish face near the ' TESTIMONY- PI'LOr MOUND, Man., Oct. 4th, 1900- furnished by the Brussels choir. Wed- They do not .purge and weaken like- neadav-Morning session, fl.15,-Devot- other medicines, but strengthen frombrlaaor&ilfll� baby's small countenance and ser fm l - yells "Boo!" or makes some other i til- ish . Doan Kidney Pill Co., Toronto. ional services, led by District Organizer; the first dose to the last. Sold by all noise. ', 1. Dear Sirs, -1 suffered for some time nomination of Secretary; roll call and odefllerS In meClltilie GT tent p0at paid at The babp snervous system isdamaged, from kidney troubles. M back was so Y Y b d h t h o , imports • election of District Or anizer • 50 cents a box or six boxes for $� 50 by duel in this way the foundation is often • a t at to stoop over or s ra,g ten up a + 1% laid for convulsions alittle later. after stooping caused terrible pain. singing; adobe§s of welcome, Mrs. J. J. addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Adults shout. • I had to get up several times during the d )mow better than to Gilpin, Brussels; reply, Mrs.' (Dr,) Gil- Co., Brockville, Out. fright to urinate. My urine was highly startle babies or little boys and girls in ' ;'en for see cents at Druggists Grocers, Restaurants, colored contained a thick sediment and lies, Teeswater; paper, "Women who + + an way. Saloons, News -Stands, General Stores and Barbers caused a burning sensation. influenced the 19th Century," Mrs. S. S. The Care of Eyes. Y Y shops. They banish pain, tpduce sleep, and prolong life. I tried numerous remedies, but none did Cole, Ethel; discussion paper, "Our The changes which come to the eyes , Boys who aro so font) of frightening f, do gives rehefl No matter what's the matter, one esti. me an good until I of Doan's Pills., I ' p p ' g Y their younger brothers and sisters b do you good. Ten samples and one thousand testi. ; g institutions," Mrs: Cunningham, gin- as a result of age are beyond the power Y g Y '•! nwn,als sent by wait to any address on receipt of price, took four boxes, the pain in my back has standing in dark places and jumping at !: by the Ripans Chemical Co., so!Spruce St., New York City. entirely disappeared, my urine is as clear sardine; questions; Consecration service of individual to remedy. It is true that as water, does not burn, is without sedi- led by Mrs. F. J. Oaten, Ashfield. the time for the wearing of glasses may them should be compelled to give up the ment, and I can recommend Doan's Pills Afternoon session, 145 -Devotional ex- be hastened by abuse of the, eyes; but practice. to all sufferers. If only parents could be made to take Tfio�fns Prurr�--•-T, ercises, led by Mrs, Lawrie, .Gerrie; with all possible care that one array take , reading of minutes; greetings from the eye that hitherto has been normal as good care of the inside of a young �H �� , �,,-•�„�,� -� „�ap�„ �,,,r� �;,,,;., , Sister Societies; paper, "Our duty' to will need shortly before, or it may be child's head as they do of the, inside of a Tailor's the Twentieth Century," Miss Lizzie shortly after, the age of forty-five, the watch, much suffering would be avoid- , ed -Chicago America. Wellwood, Whitechurch; discussion; aid of glasses. So universal is this that �tia:�"��`� .:,u �fFlr� .'• •s �M+b+t*. �• work of tho W. C. T. U., Mrs. Bryan, an oculist, in his examinations of the Balmoral Bulletin. Lucknow; solo, Miss Belle Smith, Brus- refraction of the eye of his patient, can Sms,-•-�I was suffering terribly withru ® ° cels; lessons from the life of our late determine very, accurately the number I pains across the small of my back, and I L alk Queen, Mrs. Harvey Ham, Brussels; of his years. The responsibility of much am pleased to say that after taking one u ht box of Doan's Pills 106M cured. round table conference on work among eye trouble however, can be bro' 2 . SANDERS, would be useless unless young people, led by Mrs. field, Tees- directly Home to the individual. It is M. �� water; round table on practical Auxili- due to the reckless expenditure of the Balmoral, Ont: Did you ever have boils on your g it neck ? Not very nice, eh ? tl7e fit, style and Unlit try work; led by. Mrs. Cunningham, eyesight. The service of the eye is de- Giving 7ior age.', Y Y Your blood's out of order. It s gincardiue; collection; closing remarks. maildod in any and every light. The It is not an ordinary man who can • were. apparent to back Up Delegates requiring billets will please eyes are most tried by reading find print, overcome a woman's reluctance to toll t bound to be this time of the year. You every statement. We notify Miss E. L'', Kerr, Brussels, before or doing the fine stitches of sewing or her agg. Here is a record of one of the require something that will purify that May 15th. embroidery, If the print is on glossy many failures in this line of effort:- function. Now, don't weaken yourself don't talk volumes, but paper, whose emooth surface reflects 'And what is your age, madam9' was with cathartics. Have common sense A Toiao for mothers, mirror.like, the light, the effect is vary the attorney's question. Y e and purify the blood, OUT Suits talk for us, and The happiness that comes to a Noma bad upon tho eyes, If thoembroidery'is 'My own,' she answered promptly. �� `� Powlcy's Liquified Ozone will do with baby's advent is to frequently our prices will suit you, shadowed by the ill -health or weakness td be done on satin, or utTon canvas, I understand that, madam, but how that. The condensed oxygen acts of the mother. To restore the,mother's with its bewildering maze of meshes, the old are you? i directly on the system. It is Nature's 11 strength, to bring back vigor and energy, strain is soon shown in the redness and 'I ani not old, sir' with indignation. rent' purifying a eat. A bottle of Leave your oder for and to sustain her during the nursing the we of the eyes. Women's I beg your pnrton, madnnt. I meals t' g P y+ g g th t Ylv period, Dr. Chases Nerve Pood is un- Pow.ey s Liquified Ozone will Cure doubtedly the most effective preparation eyes suffer greatly from the tax of veils, how many years have ;yon passed? your boils, obtainable. It makes the blood rich, It only shows the great adaptability 'All.' I novel, heard of them stop- 611' and $1, a bottle, at all druggists. FALL SUIT OR revitalizes the nerves, and has a wonder- which the eyes share with every other ping, j NVrite the Ozone Co., of Toronto, Lim- ful restorative influence on the whole art of the bed that the veils with 43 Colborne St., ' system. •.50 cents a box,. all dialers. p body, , Madam, you must answer my goes- � .ted, Toronto. OVERCOAT their intricate meshes and numerous tion, I want to know your age. ' A man named Brown is suing 1 -Jamil. dots of embroidery''n.id chenille, do not ' '•I c'lou't know that the acquaintance p ton city for $10;000 for the loss of Iyer ' occasion moro trouble with the eyes is desired by the other side. E. " A.. the result of an injury, from fireworks than they do. The first thing to do in "'I don't see wily you insist on iefus- used in the Laurior,'domonatration there selecting a veil, if one has mercy upon int# me to answer my question," said the _ Y Stand next Griffin's Grocery, last Noveruber, they eyes, is to test Its offeet, upon the attorney, coaxingly, "I am sure I sight, to see that the wo0b is not con- would tell how old I w,as if I were asked. ��t' MILK Boug. ht V etstefusing and that the clots do not come But nobody would ask you, for every- Sold by A. L. Hamilton, Druggist, NVing•han. Ont. rday-Cured toe Broadway, the te eyes. body knoNvs you nro old h to know d enoug • deny -Mrs. 'O C. Burt, of 2G _.-•�.•_•---• _.--- .. _.--:-----:.._.. ..... _- .•---.-r- r New York, says: , I am surprised and de. hotter than. to be asking a tie'oman her OF HV—z; lighted at the change for the better in my U ;jl case in one day from the usb tf Dr, Agnew's What's thA Tlroulbie 4 --Is It Sick Vie, so $trete. o Catarrhal Powder. It worked like magic.-• 1•Teadache ? Is it Biliousness P is it Slug- �fud the atttrney passed to the ..ext 1�^ U H Q LST E I �® AIRY there's no excuse for a person ltuffering pain glsh Liver ? Is your skin sallow? Do you question. Ind„�r with this remedy within roach, so cents, feel more dead than alive? Mout systemneod' a. is pure and Cold and �;ola by A. T.,, Yintuflto:t, wo k9 Dotonn't resort tostrong drugs -13f. -�• Wer isn't doing its hd a Bait re finds permanent elielRheumatfo f iuth t TO ANY `�'D��" IU11 SS TILL GOSCs.., ...... + • + • • .--.---»- .Agnew'sLittleiyills, ro cents for 4c doses, such a meritorious medic n ''1tI?1BE Cl FITS A $fJAI"'L', The Nuke of Cornwall and York will work Nvondersfor you �••$5 canl2heuatatioCure,hoivgladheisotellit, ? �� t �,f for o sited tits new Ails Parlkament C,W,16layhew,ofThamosville,Ont.,couldn't p f d himself for rtlonths four years t1, walk• or ei PbY��rt G00� Itlb$S Sold by A. L, Ranyiltul,, gg 0 A0141 • him�ntt a `dirt since gatretuedynured at l�Pilbeurne, a c three bottles of,tltks gr . T1ii City of Tor *onto has spent over p isn't that encouP• r+ may be secured by orate] Igo pills,eiolcel by Al.A 2ainil. 3 , 00 so far this year 1n firs faro aF its . agemelrt ter rhaumxtin suffernre ? •�3x out std Address, p 1 4 t tH9 PATEN$ i119CO D, 4. ton, Smallpox pationts. S01d by A. �. ltnini.ton. r • , M:y�k�+.r'i...,..ar�tt.... ,-�.tisa tt,:.. ... .y. __ .. i ''� �'• �: • •�l