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The Wingham Times, 1901-05-10, Page 6
sP Y the rlgat word for the right place. Mr. tcrial pruning. This is a rase quality , .space between the clusters filled in with Office—Meyer Btoek, winglulnl. No batter Twills was ever made on Gibson s matter will always. be found I " Earth or furnished to the Canadian in a political speech. The intention of rows of baby ribbon. a RTHUR J, IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. P P with consideration for itshard sense and �� � Farmer than has been supplied you by -the Government to do a little spell -bind- In man light or thin gowns there is a akers�• this our own Company. If we were- 3m- this summer is a -vise one- Many committee to et through an amazing lace yoke to the skirt, and the lower Dental College and Licentiate of the Ro ah not an intense element of protection to. g e g Con of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. OS%e you as Farmers there would be no op - people irf Ontario have been entertained amount of work, the Attorney -General Part of the bodice is of lace. The waist over Post Office, Wiugnam, Position whatever pitted against us. Office closed every Wednesday afternoon P P o by the Premiers eloquence in the cause is without a peer. Mr. Davis the Min- usually pounces a little in front and is during Tune, July and August. Remember the Salt Deal. ,of temperance, moral reform,, Canadian istex of Crown Lands, has always been straight in the back. In some few Don't waste time wrestling with the liistaiy, and the political issues of the owns it ouches both back and front. T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., L.D.S. question any -longer, Look it straight known as a fluent speaker, with a busi- g P T''® P�,�,'�, �. day. Still, there are many who have Now method for'painless extraction. in the face and identify yourselves with nesslike force and trenchancy. A stri]silu skirt of black and white No Cocaine. us as shareholders. Buy 'your Twine .never heard him, Consequently it is a has solid stripes an inch or more wide, Special attention to the care and regulation, from this Mother Company with :its good idea to send the Premier into some A Medicine Chest is the name a - one of the deepest of the flounces made c� ��o�r of children's teeth. Moderate rices, and all splendid past record of years and you P P work carefully and skilfully performed. Office Of the fighting constituencies. It is a propriately applied to Hagyard's Yellow of the material, the stripes running in Beaver Brook, Wingham. will have occasion to be proud of your foregone conclusion that the Ross Gov- OiL It can be used externally or taken Office closed every Wednesday 'afternoolt action and loyalty later on. -ernment will gain many new friends by internally. Cares cuts, barns, braises, mound the skirt bayadere fashion. The during June, July and August. If you use but a particle of judgment Com- -the Premier's clover exposition of the contracted cords, stili joints, painful lower part of this flounce is edged. with JOHN RITOil1E, - you will see at a glance that other Com - swellings, quinsy, sore throat, pain the A ruching of black. panies going into existence are simply questions of the day, stomach, kidney complaint, etc. Price GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, trading on our grand reputation, and o - .; sto, Ff�! -d BS 1L IER & Mil that in malty of these oases you will be Mr Harcourt, the Minister of Educa- Wingham, ont. exceedingly disappointed. We have (queen's Block. loaded for eight ears for yon to coma tion, i3 the head of the department Canned Sweet potatoes. a DEANS, Jit. P g Y p Protru, P. inchtheground fiche and je o hands whieh,call for high .activities of mind The great American Food Specialty,` LICENSED AUCTIONEER with this old established Twine orgauiz- ding, and speech. The subject of education the sweet Potato, is now canned and sold for the County of Huron, Salos attended in ation. Buy our Red Star 10 cent Twins. p P , to Holes >.t+ i any part of the County. Charges moderate. and you will make aro mistake. 3s as wide fie the civilized .world, and a along with the other tinned goods at the •,�' ,tcompreh ,nsion of it is, of necessity, an grocers. While this is a comparatively Itchin ` -_ 'fi JOHN CURRIE,'tvz GX", OWN Joseph Stratford, enlarging influence. To manage the new industry, it bids fair 'to become a . ! LICENSED AUCTIONEER. General Manager. educational system of Ontario effectively ► large one. According to official infer- P.ev. S. A. Duprau, Methodist Min- n , , Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Implements a et, it mation several lots of canned sweet inter, statConges Prince Edward County,with specialty. The Best Hair Tonic. Mr. H'scourt mu , ave not only a Grit., states : I was troubled with All orders left at Tire sonans office promptly L'avcats conducted o rli4 ohtain,%T and all carnal attended to. Berms reasonable, It is said that frequent sun baths are thorough Itreiovslvdge of Ontario, but also ,potatoes have been shipped t0 the army Etching and bleeding piles for years, business conducted fat hi(lllEli.lTr, irFL+H. M q c in tits Phili Ines. The Su1ill tubers and they ultimately attained'to a verydfictisintlieimtnediatevicinity ofthePatento!Tice the beat known tOniCa fora WOxtIail's neaxttparl'tiuelluavxludgeofsystemsand pP violent form. Large lumps or fib- and my facilities for stewingpatentsareunsurpassta SOCIETY MEETINGS. ` metllocis r f d in oGh a eoalltries, It is are preferred for canning, being Put up seesses formed, so that it was with Send model, sketch or t4,otograph of Invention %vita hair. The Greek mahlens of old who alta¢ tarn much to n ;,r tzfcg �,ir, Harcourt ` in three pound tins, which are packed in great diflioulty and considerable pain description and statement as toadvantages claimed,• ryry Camp Caledonia, No. 40, meets p that I was able to stool, At this se- ZirIvo chat Ce is made for on sp�nion as to �• yRJ. . the first and third Monday in sat on the walls of the city and combed tt .» 3 ' cases Bolding two dozen each. The gore crisis I purchased a box of Dr. app;Gnat on�twElt r 0 5o titled jrsr srniii ehe brrethreniweico a in SOD. STnlltvoeR% Chfel. f Visiting their hlAir owed the beauty of their as aiy:iilte�cc,. LI1PaL tGi Of Ii4luCatrSn, and tt: at kra bas fmlt7 ahs,-,rehended his chief market for rho canned product is Chase's Ointment, but Thad little or paten., ', crttntvaaz. °'IN% -Tint TOX.' rvrntr� 1 con. Elliott, Rea: Sec, tresses to the sun's rays. When the in lumber and raining camps, and other no faith in it, as I had tried various twining full information seta free. All ViRmuni• Bair is washed, sit beside a lowered, remedies before and to no purpose. , talions 00nslilered 43 8trrclly f;Onfldentfat. TOB PRINTING, -- -- I looalities where fresh supplies are hard &' ow, Imagine how great and jbyouo ' p H. .. • ;t U window, as the sun shines' stronger yl? �l• )OUGIti includbigg Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bili to gat. %'or marry pears sweet potatoes was my surprise to And that just the Vs r, gWA'3vLlf'dD'Z'dn.TMt,.:b. d!- Heads, Cirouinrs, &a., &a., executed in rho best through glass, and allow the Bair to d1,•y srrtve been dried for family- use, zuu0h its one box cured me, so that the lumps style of the art, at moderate prioes, and on ... , .t disappeared, and also the external short notice, as it is being brushed. NO bleAah has .. .d MY ,.,c , e, lrsi9 �....."- ..--., 7..t..d L...a� _ - s�.e.t� .......-,...4 «., __. _..,..-. 7 0.,.., 1tua n .itfP^rn f Saha BooRISTtP1as,7O,-Wonro pleasedtOannounce bean found so SUCCeasful as rho sun, that any Books or Magazines left with w for Binding, will have out prompt attention which strengthen$ and beautifles genex-. Prices or Binding ill any style will be given 4n ally, says the Detroit l ree Press, application to THE TIMES OFFICE, Winithaatt, When the hair Shows a tendencyri t fall out, the very best thing to Stop its RAILWAY TIME TABLES. Coming out and promote its growth iS RAND'I"RVNR RAILWAY SYSTEX the abundant use of genuine olive oil. -�- Saturate the hair thoughly and keep it Palmerston . xnArNs .... 5sru m.. ,. 8.55a,m. saturated for a: week until the dry '•scalp London r... ........ ... 0.50 aim,,,, 8.250au, 8.25 p -m .. 8.08p.m, has absorbed all it Will, then wash with Itinearclino..1110 a.»t. Altltivs FROM pure soap and, water, If this operation ?Iineardino . , 6.40 a.m.. 8.55 aim . • 8.25 p,m London....... .., .11.10 x.14 .. 7,55 p,m is rop0ated every twb Or three months, Palnrcretorl............ . 2.45 p.m 8.88 p,in tiro elYoot is Said t0 be marvelous. °T.1i,'GORbog, Agent, Winghaln. t'iANADIAId PAORP10 RAILWAT, All Nerves. TRAMS�.t�fn�Toronto and Eas....inn.... 8.00 P.M. Mally lreeple say they aro "all nerves", Teeswater .. 1.02 p.ln ,,.10.40 p.m, easily startled or upset, ea$ily, worried AItI ivo richt aria irritated. ltlilbltrn,s $east and ?reeswator... e54a.M., ..8 P.M. Nerve Pills aro just this remedy Bach Toronto and East 192 p.m ...10.48 n,m. .• gent, Winghara. peopie require. They restore perfect J. H B)t itxER, A _ y }aarinony of the 'nervecontras and give 'l1e�v nerve force to shattered norwou$ IT PAYSsystems. Pria,otioal rwisdorn consists its myllig TO the obvious thing nit tbo right time. True eourago cousists in doing the IN THE Obvious thing in all "'wergeney.-•- r,Guesses at Tfnth." l,h'lrne House of ill tidy woman find : 1 as vwm h0 tib , r li TRE WI1.`1l7fRAN TIRES. 1tA.AY 10, Mi,. ° 1b,», duticsand the workitlgs of bila depart- THF 8BST YEAR. PITT. LS'x Ai3 �,[SEt�+�1 lBi'�, 11J<itstftt Gutitel I3olieap<i Amon FIVAPTAIIr.t'WD luent. Ilia iutiluate aequairitaance with -1R 1t>„lW11 ,UIRMOEM Tim i ]�f �,` 7 TRIES' Glut of the queer use of a, it t detail -was showil several times during 3 uronruyittg > tt+114rt pf lire O.A.Ll.fOr 3flOq, BAPTIST 0=1109 -Sabbath services At HE HAm Trus. 11 7 Sunday School } `ow crontare regarded as most patent ill old• there came the most aur. y ,�l`i the last session of the Legislasnre, when VUOX*A1 According to the talinual report just it in and p� in. At issued, tbta 1,900 was the most Sao- 2-80 p In, general prayer meeting is PUIiLT81111 A tiino meilioine rising slid nearly the most iw tortant of' U.1 .BLLIOTT. Punt tsar -a A%o ~Tort the department was lander Scull) Stress year from the opposition. The etlumtioiaGil cessful in the bist0 Of the Ontario oil Wednesday epastor. W, J. - hapman,,+S S, FuEftY FRIDAY MORNING �Ivoutions, t�u� school -boy icnolvs that 1i Il] 1Y. MAY 10. 10011 systeul of Ontario is a -rely couciiluate ricultural Collego. The number of Superintendent. it explanations of it might Students in the regular course was 2x8, XVWrXIODIST0XIU lazy -Sabbath The Times' Q�Ge, Beaver Zook teach can cause warts or make the caw give bloocly mill;:, but not everybody !� luachine, and easily become tedious if they were not which is, 3;1 more than the largest attend- at It a in and 7 p in, Sunday School at in,plvGonerLeagueMon - WING -RAN, ONTARIO. knows that toads are also powerfully fact, Martin Luther, ONTARIO CABINET. well couched. Mr, Harcourt t uceveded ^--- - not only in keepiug the outline distinct, anee in any previous year, and We fty a ing ell � �ayex �t Meeting ` TaAus op cvnsoltxx+a zax--slice per annum in number in tllo dairy couxsa vas 83, marl- ori Wednesday evenings, Rev, Riellard advance $1.50 if )lot No paid. No paper discos says medicinal, ext zs u 80, hese are his very words, Although I.Olitics are apractical affair, � but also in makillg thta details interest- iaig a total of a4% Of this number 286, - Hobbs, pastor. Dr. Towler, S. S. Sup- option of the parrears ""' noxa, incept rlt thtz <tE�perieuco has proved that recti to be a politician would be in a bwl way it lie lug. He eXI)Ouuded tliegeneralprinciple or 83 3.5 per cent. (nearly till farrilOrs' orintentleut, Pli=yTgnTArl OUIMOFI-� abbath Ser- Auvttnr16=4 RAWFfi. — Legal and other casuitl advertIsonents 8c Want)urieluilb for endowed with valuable qualities, If could new presezat his case skiifailly. The that the edP,GatioIial systNlu iS CUnti'iveil s0r1s), Cane frglli Ontilriq, 7 0*10 per vices at 11 a in and 7 p in. Sunday por first insertion, Be per lino for each subsequent you run A stick through three toads, Aird of Cilitarlq will presently, have A peopley to .confer tho greatest good oil the great- cent. from other Provinces of the Do- School At 2:30 p m. 'General prayer insertion. in lacAl columns are charged after having dried thein in the sou, .chance to judge what the Cabinet est number, anti that in these days the million, 4 7.8 per cout,from. other British meeting on Wednesday evenings, Rev, 10cti per line for first insertion, and o cents apply tlle>� to icily pestilent humor, alley Xinisters can do ill the way of talking., greatest number the interested iu bAv- possessions unci ;3 4.5 per cent. from for- D. Perris, pastor and S. S, Superlutell- these latter- doST. nor l) c for each, sabsogueirt insertion, Fara is for Sale or to ReLost, it, and gI. of draw out the poison, and the malady disappear." Pope Adrian and they will have no reason tube disap- ing a practical education That will fit eian countries - most of PAUL'S C I-rUlto$, BPISCOnArr--Sob• ssiWiar firstmonth and 50 cents for each subsequent will iaiwaya pointed. Talk is cheap, to be sure, but theut from eaxiiiug a livelihood with the (seven iu liulalbex) braving been sent lay bAth services at 11 a m and. 7 p ui, Sail• carried a bag about his neok containing in legislative assemblies it is the surface greatest economy of time. Mr, Har- the Government of the Agentine Repub- clay School at 2:301im, General prayor iueeting on Wedliesday evening. R.ev' CONT1tAc'i RAT.VS—%%Ofollowipstable shows o soi tti+ripcis��l insertion pP advertisemonta dried toad, pearl, coral, gum tragacanth, It index of ability to think well acid Cleat•• court will doubtless have something to lie in South America, The President, Wm. Lowe, incumbent. F, Shore, S. S.'n specified smaraged and oilier articles of junk. q ,and, generally, man who can y y say to the public About the Department Dr. Mills pails Attention to the very Con- Superintendent, 6YAON„ 1 yu, omo, $ me. l loo Ono Coluiun.,...... x85.00 $15,00 i6 ra chid hila a power of good he said, It .aperk most forcibly is the Inas who Call of Education. He well explain tb'e Sys- sidorable increase in rile attendance, and CONQRE(}ATIONAL liiiUliO$,--Sabbath ,.$00.00 Half Column... , , , , . , 8$,00 18.00 10,00 4,u0 was all that ice t hits up. And lest Olt la �' a)•et with most decision. The thought . tem, and will prove that a great dotal of lies behind the word Riad elle deed in =aha Criticism is irresponsible, after coin- says it is absolutely necessary to increase services at 11 a m and 7 p in. Sunday the accommodation or ref use Admission $allool at 12 m. Midweek meetrug•on Gavin Quarter Column .... 18.00 lo.00 0,00 2,09 will be ince t sl till without u bid ariln char diaccord- think they Only did that hundreds of yearsago, I lvalit to sa hero ,hitt when y gent of it. Thin explains why file W- from people who kliow little about Wednesdry evenings at 8 O'clock. to some wito apply AMong otherueeds Wilson, S,S, Supt, ; A. E. Prior, pastor. ingl , Transient udver•tiseni nts must be aid for in advance. n ray father was A' boy and suffered from, ,Cabinet of any Government usually it, or who are more sept at tearing it ho mentions dormitory accommodation ROMAN CATHOLIC CHUROH --Every Tan -Tont Dx5?AltTarRiiT is stocked with an quinsy, they used to rho live frogs about comprises its test speakers, It is im- down than at ;praoticai suggestions for for 50 more students, and new laborator- third Sunday. Mass at 10:30 am, ser- mon and benediction at 7 p m, Rev. �. GritellsifPveasisortmentfacilities lege utesftoor print, turning his threat. Tile frogs nearly clawed the portant that the acts of a GOVernnlelat building up. Mr. Harcourt will tell the ies, which, it may be mentioned, are A Hanlon, P. P. P. O, Address, St. d0alt countyfor out first class work. Large type and a��ropriate puts -for all styles of Post- bide off. They did not cure the quinsy, - , .shall be clearly translated to the public. public these things in crisp, lucid Bng- now being provided for by the Augustipe, Ont. ors, Hand Bilis, etc., and the latost styles of choice fancy type for the finer - bat that's a detail. The Ontario Cabinet is pretty well equip- fish, which will clear away many mis- meat; library find alumni hail, now be- SALVATION ARay—Serviee at 7 and 11 classes of print ing' 0 Ted with eloquence. By many Premier understandings. Ross is considered the most effective tr ,x t: ing built by the H. A. Massey estate; a m and 3 and 8 p m on Sunday, and also a number of smaller stock buildings, every evening during the week at 8 H, B. ELLIOTT Provrietor and RVisher15-Inder 11 Twine., o clock the barracks. English orator in Canada. He is not t Agriculture, Mr, Dry- b As Minister of t�.pr , y he is in and more commodious officos, During g CHrzsTIANAND MISSIONARYALLIArcR. T between 25,000 and as follows : S. S. At 2.30 p, BAN a of HAMILTON only a political speaker, but den is pretty well known to the brawn the summer of 1900 —Meetings ""' "' ' ` ' great request at banquets and functions and sinew of Ontario, the farming coin- for his humor and wide He in daily 50,000 persons visited tile college under M. Fellowship at 4 p, m., and evall, Sunday ill the the Farmers' Institutes. �t W I N G H A M . , a FAM51;IERSGO-OPERATIVE sof all sorts easy munity. is eloquent schools, Nothing of human interest farmeas'iustitutes, auspices of 1 io's HallpVictox a SG The financial expenditure shows a net POST OFFIOE---In Macdonald Block. o Capital. $2,000,000. Rost, $1,234,120 COMPANY, Lll�i' outlook. agricnitiral collages, seems to be foreign to the Premier's and other things which have helped to that he covers in this expenditure of $59,511. Office hours from 8 a m to 6:30 p M. The includes statements from Peter Fisher, postmaster.BRANTFORD Vico1P osiden� NAS G Ra�tsnY. aniiid, and on all subjects develop agriculture province. report MmnANIds' INSTITUTE—Library and, DIRECTCR:S lies speaks with the cath ri of a know- P People will remember his last speech in the various departments of the College free reading room in the Town Hall, John Proctor, Geo. Roach, Wm. Gibson, X.P. � ledge culled at first hand. He has A the Legislature was in support of a gen- and farm, and contains much informs --will be open eve afternoon from 2 to A. T. wood, M. P., A. B. Lee (Toronto), P, ices for the t ger`. so n. ©f Scotchman's predilection for facts and erous grant to the beet sugar industry— tion valuable to farmers. 6:45 o'clock and every evening from 7 to 9:50 o'clock. Mics Millie Robertson, Cashier—J. TURNBULL. an orator's dexterity in adorning them, a grant which llacl in iniad not only the librarian. Roans 10 to 8;' Saturday, to Savings oAts ,1 Deposits find 19 ` snaking them palatable, and yet not manufacturer, but also the farmer who Towx Covxcm-Wm. Cleg , Mayor; g " for 33 of of aria onwards received in a interest allowed, sacrificing their good effect- It may be does the growing. Mr. D'ryden's is a a matter of disposition or training; it department which hardly demands im- Bought my Life Wm, Holmes, Thos. Bell, Robt. Me- G811:S."-'•This ,vas one man's way of Indoo, G. A. Newton, John A. MoLean, rates of interest. al site also received at current Red Star, GOO ft ...... T p I � C.. Ina be that the practical questions y q passioned oratory, but it does demand a putting it when he had been renounced p g p Geo. McKenzie, Councillors; J. B. Fer- incurable from chronic dyspepsia. It was Clerk and Treasurer; Samuel Drafts on {x"1Rat Britain and the United states Bought and sold, Red Star, 5 50 ft .. , ... 10 C -- -which the Ontario Government haste wise head and a practical bent. How- guson, a living death tome until I tried Dr. Von Youhill, Assessor; Wm. Robertson, Col- Travellers are notified that theBankof Ham Special Manilla, 500 ft. 9 z s c.. deal with --at any rate the most eager ever, when the Cabinet goes on the Stan's Pineapple Tablets. Thanks to them lector, Board meets first Monday even. � to -day I am well, and I tell m friends I , mg in eaT h mouth at 8 o'clock. innton and its Branches issue Ciicualar Rates o National.Pi•ovinclal Bink of England, Limited . . Sisal, Old ... S C,.: ' seeker for information Ilan never gone sway hungry from a speech by Premier m ry from stem Mr. Dr •den will su rise man p J surprise Y by his fluency. Just him a bought my life for 35 cents,' 6o in a bo=, -8o ScHo , BOARD.—C. N. Griffin, (cliahr- Mhfoll can bo cashed without c barge or troll- ble in any part oftho worl(l. Sisal, standard .... ; ... i c. Hess. un aspeech words withman), people give Subject P Thos. Abraham, J, J. Elliott, J. J. sold by A. L. IIanuiroil• uth > > , m. W,'CORBOULD Agent E' L. 'y solicitor. The latter ( of our Own make.) n�'~ a s rinkling of statistics that well P a y adjectives the tIle bests of Be711 Bit ton ro' s r$err Ball, ror gy are -svorth di eatL; , but which may be tak- S tliemer " Robertson, Treasurer J. B. con. The Glass of Fashion. Meetings second Tuesday evbmng in each T P. KENNEDY M.M1C. P. S. t1 + (Member of the British Medical Assocla CANADIAN FARMERS, en away without marring the speech as a whole, This is one reason why the „ Mr- Stratton, the provincial caecal Secretary Flounces of chiffon on outer skirts are .In th' Pumw SOHOOL TEAmmi ns.—A. H. tion.) Gold Medallist in Medicine. Spec"" attention paid to diseases of women and Child ren. office hours -1 to 4 p. m.: 7 to 9 P. m. We have just a word to say to you. This the first and only truly co-operative Premier's addresses are so acceptable to will be a strong card in the tour. It trimmed almost solidly with rows of Musgrave, Principal, Miss Robertson, - company in America, 1s offering you to- ad classes. In this respect he is some- 'thing will not take Ontario audiexces long to baby Abbon. Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Coinyn, Miss Vanstone, Miss Matheson R. MACDONALD, ry day its stock in small holdings, one rid two shares at par. It is also ph ' its of a contrast to Sir Wilfrid ' understand his good comradeship, his Artificial Sowers are used in bows or d M1Sa Reid, 'BOARD s, Centro Street 't splendid twine with you for til csolnno Maurier, another great orator, who beartiness and his breezy candor. The ' y rosettes of ribbon worn at the left side of IiRALTnt--Mayor Clegg, Harvest, at prices raw ma al cannot tloesn t altvay condescend to figures, Provincial Secretary is, above all things, r of the waist of thin gowns. a (chairman), C. J. Reading, rhos Greg- Wingham, Ontario. now be bought for. Y ' Loyalty and Premier Ross remembers that Oilrio is a man of affairs—the more affairs ha g ory, Dr. Kennedy J. B. Ferguson, See- Flouhces on undershirts are grownint, ' vANSTONE, retary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald,, Medical g f sin existence; our scepindifferonae will. Intelligencepej . a practical rovince and leis who rib- P province, P lie career seems to be an avoidance of can tackle the better ria likes it—cud he has the reputation of being one of the peeper and deeper. Point d'esprit Health Officer. mokes pretty, $uii y looking ruffiea for BARRr.STER, SOLICITOR, ETC. drive us frnce, which means a death-blowture co-oporstion of W—amlet's criticism. "Words, mere -words." The Premier's in workers that ever hada1OffiCB Ii ht ettiCoats. g P ��J 0 Private and Company fonds )i lags at lowesthardest -Tato ofirlterest. No comnussiolr charged. Mort- safes, town and farm provert�yy bought and Farmers aurely bring one I'e- suit, a Gigautic '-Twine Combine, from skill conden- in Queen's Park. Pretty little boas, collars or whatever • - so Office, Beaver Bloc r, WhMam. the influences of •which you will be abs0- - Sint;on anti precise expression may be P P down to his early experience as a Mr. Latchford, Minister of Public they may be called come in chiffon with lutely helpless to help yourselves. put 7xewspaper editor. It was then he learn- Works, has an easy, genial manner, and being a lawyer, he can present a case rows of plaitings, edged xiuchings aizd _ fastened in the front AT � X (Dg J A. MORTON, BARRISTER, &a., You have your option—pay your • money and take your choice. Stand by ed to "boil down," to think: closely, and clearly and succinctly. Mr. Gibson, thethis sprays of Sowers and running the length of thorn. Wingham, Ont. greatest and most perfect co -opera - tine movement in the world and so bring to do neat literary joinery. Itisprobab- ly for this reason that his speeches never Attorney -General, makes no claim to eloquence, As one critic says, he suf- A pretty skirt which has a flounce of P Y L. DIOKBNSON, a continuation of relief through its an- questionable influence as a twine rice q P slop over, never show say perfervid rhe- fern from an embarrassment of riches, heavynet has a inked ruching. of silk P g the head and clusters of inked BARRISTER,, ETC. regulator. Desert us or treat our agents ;with Toxic or extemporaneous padding. Such —1— alwa s read well `without edi- and sometimes he hesitates as he chooses at p 9 ruffies running around the flounce, the wo Co at Solicitor to Bankof Hamilton: Moneyto loan, indifference and you have only to • wait for results. i sP Y the rlgat word for the right place. Mr. tcrial pruning. This is a rase quality , .space between the clusters filled in with Office—Meyer Btoek, winglulnl. No batter Twills was ever made on Gibson s matter will always. be found I " Earth or furnished to the Canadian in a political speech. The intention of rows of baby ribbon. a RTHUR J, IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. P P with consideration for itshard sense and �� � Farmer than has been supplied you by -the Government to do a little spell -bind- In man light or thin gowns there is a akers�• this our own Company. If we were- 3m- this summer is a -vise one- Many committee to et through an amazing lace yoke to the skirt, and the lower Dental College and Licentiate of the Ro ah not an intense element of protection to. g e g Con of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. OS%e you as Farmers there would be no op - people irf Ontario have been entertained amount of work, the Attorney -General Part of the bodice is of lace. The waist over Post Office, Wiugnam, Position whatever pitted against us. Office closed every Wednesday afternoon P P o by the Premiers eloquence in the cause is without a peer. Mr. Davis the Min- usually pounces a little in front and is during Tune, July and August. Remember the Salt Deal. ,of temperance, moral reform,, Canadian istex of Crown Lands, has always been straight in the back. In some few Don't waste time wrestling with the liistaiy, and the political issues of the owns it ouches both back and front. T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., L.D.S. question any -longer, Look it straight known as a fluent speaker, with a busi- g P T''® P�,�,'�, �. day. Still, there are many who have Now method for'painless extraction. in the face and identify yourselves with nesslike force and trenchancy. A stri]silu skirt of black and white No Cocaine. us as shareholders. Buy 'your Twine .never heard him, Consequently it is a has solid stripes an inch or more wide, Special attention to the care and regulation, from this Mother Company with :its good idea to send the Premier into some A Medicine Chest is the name a - one of the deepest of the flounces made c� ��o�r of children's teeth. Moderate rices, and all splendid past record of years and you P P work carefully and skilfully performed. Office Of the fighting constituencies. It is a propriately applied to Hagyard's Yellow of the material, the stripes running in Beaver Brook, Wingham. will have occasion to be proud of your foregone conclusion that the Ross Gov- OiL It can be used externally or taken Office closed every Wednesday 'afternoolt action and loyalty later on. -ernment will gain many new friends by internally. Cares cuts, barns, braises, mound the skirt bayadere fashion. The during June, July and August. If you use but a particle of judgment Com- -the Premier's clover exposition of the contracted cords, stili joints, painful lower part of this flounce is edged. with JOHN RITOil1E, - you will see at a glance that other Com - swellings, quinsy, sore throat, pain the A ruching of black. panies going into existence are simply questions of the day, stomach, kidney complaint, etc. Price GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, trading on our grand reputation, and o - .; sto, Ff�! -d BS 1L IER & Mil that in malty of these oases you will be Mr Harcourt, the Minister of Educa- Wingham, ont. exceedingly disappointed. We have (queen's Block. loaded for eight ears for yon to coma tion, i3 the head of the department Canned Sweet potatoes. a DEANS, Jit. P g Y p Protru, P. inchtheground fiche and je o hands whieh,call for high .activities of mind The great American Food Specialty,` LICENSED AUCTIONEER with this old established Twine orgauiz- ding, and speech. The subject of education the sweet Potato, is now canned and sold for the County of Huron, Salos attended in ation. Buy our Red Star 10 cent Twins. p P , to Holes >.t+ i any part of the County. Charges moderate. and you will make aro mistake. 3s as wide fie the civilized .world, and a along with the other tinned goods at the •,�' ,tcompreh ,nsion of it is, of necessity, an grocers. While this is a comparatively Itchin ` -_ 'fi JOHN CURRIE,'tvz GX", OWN Joseph Stratford, enlarging influence. To manage the new industry, it bids fair 'to become a . ! LICENSED AUCTIONEER. General Manager. educational system of Ontario effectively ► large one. According to official infer- P.ev. S. A. Duprau, Methodist Min- n , , Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Implements a et, it mation several lots of canned sweet inter, statConges Prince Edward County,with specialty. The Best Hair Tonic. Mr. H'scourt mu , ave not only a Grit., states : I was troubled with All orders left at Tire sonans office promptly L'avcats conducted o rli4 ohtain,%T and all carnal attended to. Berms reasonable, It is said that frequent sun baths are thorough Itreiovslvdge of Ontario, but also ,potatoes have been shipped t0 the army Etching and bleeding piles for years, business conducted fat hi(lllEli.lTr, irFL+H. M q c in tits Phili Ines. The Su1ill tubers and they ultimately attained'to a verydfictisintlieimtnediatevicinity ofthePatento!Tice the beat known tOniCa fora WOxtIail's neaxttparl'tiuelluavxludgeofsystemsand pP violent form. Large lumps or fib- and my facilities for stewingpatentsareunsurpassta SOCIETY MEETINGS. ` metllocis r f d in oGh a eoalltries, It is are preferred for canning, being Put up seesses formed, so that it was with Send model, sketch or t4,otograph of Invention %vita hair. The Greek mahlens of old who alta¢ tarn much to n ;,r tzfcg �,ir, Harcourt ` in three pound tins, which are packed in great diflioulty and considerable pain description and statement as toadvantages claimed,• ryry Camp Caledonia, No. 40, meets p that I was able to stool, At this se- ZirIvo chat Ce is made for on sp�nion as to �• yRJ. . the first and third Monday in sat on the walls of the city and combed tt .» 3 ' cases Bolding two dozen each. The gore crisis I purchased a box of Dr. app;Gnat on�twElt r 0 5o titled jrsr srniii ehe brrethreniweico a in SOD. STnlltvoeR% Chfel. f Visiting their hlAir owed the beauty of their as aiy:iilte�cc,. LI1PaL tGi Of Ii4luCatrSn, and tt: at kra bas fmlt7 ahs,-,rehended his chief market for rho canned product is Chase's Ointment, but Thad little or paten., ', crttntvaaz. °'IN% -Tint TOX.' rvrntr� 1 con. Elliott, Rea: Sec, tresses to the sun's rays. When the in lumber and raining camps, and other no faith in it, as I had tried various twining full information seta free. All ViRmuni• Bair is washed, sit beside a lowered, remedies before and to no purpose. , talions 00nslilered 43 8trrclly f;Onfldentfat. TOB PRINTING, -- -- I looalities where fresh supplies are hard &' ow, Imagine how great and jbyouo ' p H. .. • ;t U window, as the sun shines' stronger yl? �l• )OUGIti includbigg Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bili to gat. %'or marry pears sweet potatoes was my surprise to And that just the Vs r, gWA'3vLlf'dD'Z'dn.TMt,.:b. d!- Heads, Cirouinrs, &a., &a., executed in rho best through glass, and allow the Bair to d1,•y srrtve been dried for family- use, zuu0h its one box cured me, so that the lumps style of the art, at moderate prioes, and on ... , .t disappeared, and also the external short notice, as it is being brushed. NO bleAah has .. .d MY ,.,c , e, lrsi9 �....."- ..--., 7..t..d L...a� _ - s�.e.t� .......-,...4 «., __. _..,..-. 7 0.,.., 1tua n .itfP^rn f Saha BooRISTtP1as,7O,-Wonro pleasedtOannounce bean found so SUCCeasful as rho sun, that any Books or Magazines left with w for Binding, will have out prompt attention which strengthen$ and beautifles genex-. Prices or Binding ill any style will be given 4n ally, says the Detroit l ree Press, application to THE TIMES OFFICE, Winithaatt, When the hair Shows a tendencyri t fall out, the very best thing to Stop its RAILWAY TIME TABLES. Coming out and promote its growth iS RAND'I"RVNR RAILWAY SYSTEX the abundant use of genuine olive oil. -�- Saturate the hair thoughly and keep it Palmerston . xnArNs .... 5sru m.. ,. 8.55a,m. saturated for a: week until the dry '•scalp London r... ........ ... 0.50 aim,,,, 8.250au, 8.25 p -m .. 8.08p.m, has absorbed all it Will, then wash with Itinearclino..1110 a.»t. Altltivs FROM pure soap and, water, If this operation ?Iineardino . , 6.40 a.m.. 8.55 aim . • 8.25 p,m London....... .., .11.10 x.14 .. 7,55 p,m is rop0ated every twb Or three months, Palnrcretorl............ . 2.45 p.m 8.88 p,in tiro elYoot is Said t0 be marvelous. °T.1i,'GORbog, Agent, Winghaln. t'iANADIAId PAORP10 RAILWAT, All Nerves. TRAMS�.t�fn�Toronto and Eas....inn.... 8.00 P.M. Mally lreeple say they aro "all nerves", Teeswater .. 1.02 p.ln ,,.10.40 p.m, easily startled or upset, ea$ily, worried AItI ivo richt aria irritated. ltlilbltrn,s $east and ?reeswator... e54a.M., ..8 P.M. Nerve Pills aro just this remedy Bach Toronto and East 192 p.m ...10.48 n,m. .• gent, Winghara. peopie require. They restore perfect J. H B)t itxER, A _ y }aarinony of the 'nervecontras and give 'l1e�v nerve force to shattered norwou$ IT PAYSsystems. Pria,otioal rwisdorn consists its myllig TO the obvious thing nit tbo right time. True eourago cousists in doing the IN THE Obvious thing in all "'wergeney.-•- r,Guesses at Tfnth." l,h'lrne House of ill tidy woman find : 1 as vwm h0 tib , r li