HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-05-10, Page 4r,
T11F, WIN IIA TIMES. MAY 11), 1901,
J, W. Anderson, son of "Irs, 4,.Flour per 100Jbs ........ 125 to 2 5.0
inoJas, H. Kerr.
"eople's Popular St"we,
SOAP 1 Awlersou, Glenalmau, and who former- Fall Wheat D " to 0 65'0
Spring 0 00 to 0 Do ,
'ly resided in Wing1lam, has been trans- oat.s,___ '0 to 0 31
1k�rred as O -P-11, a- itt, from Pontypool P1,
. ..... ........ 0 40 to 0 4`1,4
....... .... . I ... 0 wi to 0 64 ......
3 Cakes for toe. to xyrtle. The following commuuica- Turkeys, drawn ...... .... 0 439 to 0 10
tion frout Pontypool will sbow the high Geese, 41 ............ 0 05 to 0 061:
This L;O,-,p 'has a fe-ut but excellentestceni inThr 0 ead the list of Table Delicacbes
4 Mrs -s, per paL . ......... 0 -10, to 0 60
Anderson DueL 0 15 to 0 14
vverehtldby the pevple, of Pontypool. Butter . . . .% ....
a former Wing- B§MS i�r,&z ::::,. ... � _ . 0 09 to, 0 10, Dry
Mrs. Anderson is also Waocl gel cord .......... .290 to 1) 25' we oVer this week, Call and see our New Spring and Summe
ham lady:— Ila ton.. 1) 00 to 10 00: 0pw 0=14% Fis-h ftods,, Ilooks, Lines, Sinkers, Floato, &c.
,Oy Per ton..
ta s per bushel 0 20 to 0 95, ID
Rubber Goods, fat until Thursday, April 11th, &4 w per lb ............
Mr. Anderson receive word in the form a 004 to 0 05
1 0 13 to 0 43 0
FaU11ta;u Svnuges au(1 Hot Water I of a glorious surprise of his promotion .. ...... ........ 0 04 to 0 04 0
Dried Apples per lb .......
mottles. ;,�TeWstoie4at to Xyrtle station on account of his ex- Wool•
...... 0 17 to 020 0 0 Gents' Furn fighl"Irgs Puddine Pow'der
eat serviee in the interest of the per cwt ....... G 50 to 0 50 0 6-
Lctle'l9nor, ............... 0 30 to 0 40 Our Spring goods are the very newest styles. A choice and delicious Dinner Dessert. In 0
following flavors; Vanilla, Raspberry, Chocolate,
compa� 0 Large stock to select from.
Win A. Cam bells I The ople were -very sorry to learn Of Lemon, Strawberry, Pineapple,' Ormige, Cherry •
P Itheir_ removal, still that sorrow. was Hard and Soft Hats, ilew shapes and colors..
DRL74G STORE. . uterbalanced when word arrived at FOR SALE White and Colored Shirts, also Blk Sateen. and Banana.
his promotion. Mr. Anderson was a 0 rill -wool Serge. Suits from $7.50 to 1�10.00, A desert for 10 persons for loc,
grnaf� worker in the OdAfallowl-- Society 2 Tweed Suits at your own price.
TO ADVERTISERS. lof this place, he having been the chief A Valuable House FroperlY 0 Large White Handkerehiefs, 3 for 25e. Cocoa & Chocolate
i ha:i� Medium White Handkerchiefs, 6 for 25c.
I promotor of the erection of the grand in the best part of the town of Wing Baker's, Bensdorp's, Webb's and Imperial
W-otice of changes must be left at this LO.O.F, hall built last year which is a has been placed in my hands for im., Flow end Ties, regular 50e for 35e.
office not later than Saturday noon. mediate sale. New Shapes in Straw Hats. Cocoa at loc to 30ecper pkge,
The copy jar changes must be left great credit to our town. He alsowus Forms bouzht and sold, Cowan's and Fry's Chocolotes, sweetened and
not later than Tuesday evening I
r- lamember of the Chosen Friends. Both, unsweetened at 5e to 20c. 1
Casual advertisements accepted up lie and his wife Were st;Runch members 0!
•Ordered Clothing
t:) nQQU Thursday of each week. of the Presbyterian church, being al- ABNER GOSEN 10 low
ways ready to help along any good Loan and Insumnee Agent., Icing Powder
movement for the benefit of all concern- Corner Minnie and Patrick Sts. Did yon see the Nobby Wool Twedds we are For Cakes. Readv fbr use. Pat up in the
ZSTA]3T,C,HED ISU. 10 offering at $10.00 a Suit, made to order. Good following Ilavors-, Lemon, Orange, Strawberry,
ed. In social circles they -sill be great- •
Atbome Friday afternoon and Saturday.
ly missed, having always been prom- Trimmings. Chocolate and Cocoanut. loc. w.
Alt Fool Sergp Suits, Black and Navy, made
Tu WiNaAn 'dims. ineptly associated with the different 10
TAve Stock Xarlcets. 40 to order, $12,0%'615.00, $16.00-
amusements and games for young and Jelly Powder
]I. p, ELLIOTT, PrMaSHER AND PROPUT ! SIOR old. On the evening of Friday, April Toronto, May 7.—At the Western eat- 0 Na one else can touch these prices. A delicate and refreshing dessert. A pure
F'ItIDA y,0
tie ands this morning we had a total of a
:,_TAy 10. Item) :12th, Mr. and. Mrs, Anderson and family So carloads of live stock, comprising 00 wholesome dainty, made in two minutes. Pat
wereiavited to participate in the amuse- 1,621 cattle, 5711 hogs, 153 sheep and 0 Corsets up in all flavors,
ments of a social gathering to be held in a
d 20 mil
300 lose on caves, anch.
TS A—ND C0'_NMZST8- the town hall. Ofi all assembling the lambs, cWe carry the largest and best assorted stock
I,aStwe ss Dr. COWS. f corsets in this seetion. lKnox" Gelatine
& W4,1 OTeeoe4ed mention that following address was read by
Trade was unusually brisk - - prices 0 Sparkling Calves Foot Gelatine. Dissolves in
Beck- for the Lapp:— A splendid Corset, good quality. Well made.
the nomination Of Major X Mr were not quotably ebanged,but stronger, 4) two minutes. One pkge will make two quarts of
for 50a. We have them cheaper, We have them
"Waturp bad ueeu ratified at the an Y. s. Jas. Anderson; and everything was cleared oif before Jelly. Price 1.5c.
Inual meeting of the West Huron C -)u- Whereas yon and your family are better. Ask for our $1.00 Corset -with shoulder
I gnifth's about, to leave US and take up your noon,
e, Asozir tntry con- straps. We have a splendid Corset in large sizes,
servativ .1ou held at. I abode in another locality, we feel that Though -prices in the old Oar Plymouth Rock Gelatine
Hill, on April;'Ot 6'. 19 very comfortable and durable.
our -loss will be the gain" to those tinue poor, the export trade here was 0 Requires no Lemons. No cooking. No strain- 1�
The annual meeti= of the East Huron with Whom your daily life Will bring active, and more cattle would have found 0
ro ing. A most economical and convenient gelatine of
1 in contact. a ready sale had they beenhere. Therea- 0
Xilberal association will bobAd at Bros- 7on ' W ew 'urtains to use. Price 15c.
We, your brother Oddfellowrs and IV Ulm
cels onTa,esday,_Y1ay2Sfh Acandidate friends wish You to accept this purse/ son, probably,is that space on the steam- 0
bemamdu_ mot jok:-its intijusic, -value, but as a Slight era having been contracted for, must be 0 n
for the O�k 0 New YOU Will want something new 1 Lace Instantaneous Tapioca
s token of the esteem and friendship we filled. 0 r'
r.ted at this meeting. The probablWe feel towards yourself and family. 49 Curtains, Scrim, Art Muslin, Art Sateen or Cre- Requires no soaking. Is especially prepared
ear -,a be that the present well-known Following is the rangy of quotations: 0 tonnes. We carry a large stock. New Goods. and easily digested. Per pkgo., loc.
;appear I We trust yon.,%vill always be faithful a
-.=ember, A. His -10P, will receive the to the Performance of duty in whatever CATTLE. 0 New Patterns, New Colorings. ;See our goods and
munnimous nomination. sphere of life your lot may be cast., and Shippers, per cwt ...... $4-90- $ 525jo get our prices. Imperial Maple Syrup
so merit the good will and freudsb1P of I Butcher, choice do..... 3 75 450 Is guaranteed pare. Your money
refunded if
Han. John Dryden says that Ontario those with whom spa
. ou. may associate. Butcher, -ordinary to not satisfactory. Quart tins, 30c.
, Way kind Providence watch over you I good... 3 50 3 75
should be able -with Proper factories- to 40 Fancy Silks 0
of sugar and -yours is the wish of those -whose Butcher, lii�oi 2 75 325 0 0.
]produce 10D.000,000 pounds names are here attached. Stockers, per cwt. .... 0, 87� 3 Pancake Flour 0
evert year. Nearly all theW
from beets eve sl Signed on behalf of the Committee, Export bulls, per cwt.. 375 4.29,19 W, a are showing the prettiest Silks, Union Buckwheat and Pancake Flour in 15e pkgs.,
�Soil in the Western part of Ontario I - 11 *C@ G,)ods and Mercerized Sateens (for waists) ever reduced to loc for one week only, Just a few
believed to be suitable fm the cultivA JAS_ U. McROBEPT,
T. J. RYA -N. rmportewes, er cwt.. 3 50 4 00' .a offered in Wingham, and the prices are low. pkgs. left.
xion of beets, and if Canada can Manu- 1 Export -p! each ... 200 450 -0
1 Mr. Anderson Lambs (graic, fed). per --------
facture its own Sugar it will do a good on replied in a most snit
thing both in the way Of helping the able manner being placed inanawkward 1 cwt .... ............. 503 600"0
the position Of feeling joyous over his pro- Do. (barnyard) per
farmers who grow
the beets and ........... 100 4.5010 ho. Jas. P.. Kerr. MACDONALD BLOOft, WINCHAM. ho. & Jas. Ii. Kerr.
, Ontario , motion and -sorrowful over hit departure Do. (spring), -each. - 200 5 00J 0
I)eople -who use the sugar. Th (0
-where he and his wife Bucks ............ .... 3 'DO 3 50:
Goverminentis doing what' it can to en-: from Pontypool
courage the erection of the factories. have made a host of friends. The 11EMEMIRS AND CALVES.
rs, each ............ 2000 45 00
Hon i present consisted of a purse containing col 800,
_ T. T. Garraw, X. C., has been" about thirty dollars, After the pro- calves, each.. ......... 1 00 i
renominated by the West Huron gramme was over a luncheon was Pro- TOGS. BULL FOR SERVICE.
liberals, and the bye -election there is Choice hogs, o t - Wroxeter, con-
-the ladies present and a most 'Ohoi t boa 'r V7 Rev. Mr. Anderson, of
vided by Ingh t. Goo 6 37i,
ospected. at an early date, Probably in enjoyable evening spent. Mr. and Ms. Heavy hoggs, pe'r cwt 600 6 p
.;711 templates a bolidaY -vist to his old home The Undersigned will'keep for sereicemLot- tes i an Wells
,Tune. 'fir_ Carrow is a representative Anderson and family -will leay. e here by sows .................. 3 75 4 00 in Scotland this summer. .94, Con. 11-1, R"t Wawanosh, the thoroughbred
Shorthorn bull "Lord Roberts,"
Shat any riding might feel proud of, 2 00, Terms—$1.50.,
a. end of the present mouth for Myrtle Stags .......... ....... 000 Rev. A. XacNab, M. A., was induct- JOHN REID.
,man of the highest integrity and a I wishesfrom. all- 1 The. undersigned have purchased all
I with best; ed as pastor of Duff's church at
lawyer of such ability that his name has —The first annual militia camp Of in- the necessary machinery for drilling
been frequently mentioned in connectionstraction for No. 1 military district, !ion Tuesday of this week. Artesian Wells and are prepared to da'
Iall hind of work in that line.
with a Seat On the high court bench- No! VOICES OF THE PEOPLE. will. Commence at Carling's Heights ati Rev. Thos. 'Webster, D. D., one of the
,difficulty should be experienced by, the I London, on June 4, and the second,, oldest and best krimm Methodist n Any person wanting work done in our
not hold himself responsible _ i asters died at Newbury last weelt, aged line will leave word at W. Gannet's Im-
lAberals in re-electing, him.—Stratford expressed by eorrespond-, Camp On June IS. The Editor does on 93 years. . Al plement, --hop.
feokrtFthe*0or dqoesheal-,va--rs'holdtbL�same�
Meacon. views as expressed by correspondents. . Dr.' Scudding, the author and W. A. CURRIE.
The Commissioner of -Crown Lands Wingham, May S,1901. Fa-v-
�i 141 4 antiquary, is dead, He was the first WM. DAVIDSOX.
leas arranged with the Canadian Pacific To The Editor of The Tnt Rn ,
-head boy" of Upper Canada College 71
Railway and Lumsden Steamboat Co., Having leased the Wingham. Flax
DFun Sm,—I heard a man. on the,1,
sent years ago -
to ran a 15 day excursion to Tendskam-1 street the other day say that our pre Afill, I am prepared to furnish seed
ing. The excursion which is in the in- town council has good 'horse sense." rtevr- Wm. Pocock and wife and to all parties who are desirous of In
if you have it, You
the growing flax. A supply of seed terests of the colonization Of Our north- -I wondered -what that might mean so I :-t Higgins conducted I has
ors- 'ers hall, been left at T. A. Mills' store, where D�ot C0 1
cern territory begins on Tuesday, May asked Doe. Wilson. He says a h know It Y04
services in the Christian. Works n d o es
the 28ffi, when excursionists may take can only get one idea in his head at on Victoria Street, on Sunday last.. the same will b- delivered -
any C. P R. train. Greatly reduced I about the I will pay $10 per ton for first -
a time. Probably he is right, and per- H. C-argili, M. P.,bas subscribed $M 31alf-soled as low as front 25 to 45 cents a pair
travellingrates may be had upon the haps the :man who spoke of the Council envy f e e 11 n g, towof an Anglican
to -Yards the erection class flax delivered at the mill.
at the oldest established shopin town. Farther,.
i Thos. having, good horse sense was right.
the Stomach, the -year he gave Parties having good sod land to parties not curing for a walk can have their
-presentationota certificate from churchat Cargill. Last boots carried home free of charge,
Southworth, director of colonization, Our Council made a good strike to get communicate with
Parliament buildings,, TOTOUtO. The i , forniation of gas, the $200towardsthe pxesbyte:Lian Century rent will please communi This is the ehenp(st ever heard of.
the National Iron Works lot Wingham, nausea, eick headache, Fund. the undersigned. A few step -9 west of SivarW Hotel, viotoria
-return fare from Wingham. via C. P. R.
and -W,- a were all shouting, "In3re POWETI and general weakness of -errca was held in the R. 0. church AMOS TIPLlNG, street.
is $9�35; Glenannan, $3.25; Teeswater, 1, a your e1bo-.,7," hoping that the good 1 the whole body. , "o
I n Sunday w1ugham.
e9m; Wroxeter, $9.15. in each case work -would be contimued, but instead il List. Theparishl1riest, Rev.
YoUcan'thaveitaweek Father Hanlon conducted the services. THOMAS ABRAHAM.
V2,00 must be added for return tripoulof that nothing furti� is belug� vathout yAour blood Service vral be held in the church every
boat from Temiskaming to Thornioe. attempted. being impuric and _YMr! thjrd!Sn4J1da3.
ry,:m hart. a hen, 31r. Editor, that OMW
hed egg iu the nerves all extra steel, Rev. W. Lawe, mector of St. Paul's,
TO CUBS A CoV0 IN OXE DAT would lay a double ytal I
'lay. Tie is ar
for you TTIUfty ch=llou :Surif
S10 Stga e d s
Take I of the; There's justone remedy ed pulpit
waffre Bren:o QaL-unq Tab AM rest hweii, Wmgbam,,occupi the p t
1, ls refund the =on ,i;�,.,jsprmg,andtherL spent th,
llw%rove's siz=ture 25e- J summer hatching it, .5vu wozarl not foe ,giblaspoaber, ond gave an excellent Seed
'think her a -very proatable bird. Y-
S_-Tmou on the Text, W.e walk by Lu
would be apt to s?11 ber for a rr.=
=d not bykglito 1; 11 Cor. V ehap. and
AOk g -%,e chicken in the fall.
,1%WCL1 If our Council does ust kw.)v,,- what t9
do next, a few smT.A. Wills is. headquarters :for all kinds of
Oaasstivzs =y wt be ', i -on, U1,1 His Lar -bip, 1he B103op Of Iur
amus. 5s. N�e want a bettoer kept 3521n Jla SeTvices in St, Paul's' Field and Garden Seeds.
iStrast. zawe lights =a bEtter f�r* ;TO- Vhvr2h on Xntsriay aftp-moon. The
I have a complete stock of
t"tIon On olar ba 1, stteets, ond more
le ,5 -,Tag larg&.1y attended and a
S I Red Clover, Mammoth, Alsvke, Crimson, Alfalfa and White Clovers,
than all some selteme be dP_T1sVA Thcre's nofhiug new
i �ftt=ber of -viewtig clergymeu were
to a' encourage rmr ho=e 4bout -it Your grandd- prescnt, T.Lv,> congrOVtion of St, Orchard Gras, Meadow Vesque, Red Top, Xentneky 13luo Grass, I have
tris ebeapes( and best quality in the county.
Japanese Ohine6 I ty 0 19' 0 d ` v n '2 taws, P'arents -took it. Irvas paars church are to be oongratulatth
who votild Lo dvabt *_emrge their 'thprop-��y •free of Seeds.
I an id d Sarsaparilla before on having tjl�Ar 0hur, Mangel, Carrot and TurniD
present VAzits =2 re�p'ky =tze =en if I
cups and Somers to the trade
.otber sarsaparillas were &bt, The Bithop also preached in the I have selected the very beat seeds in those lines known
any iudtwement -were loffered to the=. kpo=. Itm9detheword Many of them tested at theOntario Agricultural College.
'Vases Then -there are cC= =en -with. oapA4 8 Intermediate and' Steel;: Briggs Seed Co. Select
mho should be, In-lus-ad, if jxcmble, to Sarsaparille " famou 'T Rennie's Mammoth
LIS year 'West JjUrOWS teachers White Belgian Long Red Attringliam Carrots, Giant, Yellow Half Long
33on-bong, Etc. �Istart -up InflUetties inctir t,:Mn 07tr the V1*1401"Orldw Wr . in Breter, two Golden -Tankard, Selected Mammoth Long Red cr Saw Log Mammoth,
with an dap, res-lAct to the vw�hwg Tbere's no other io1 -
'ele"ytj ly"If"Tr; day, the dates ReA Intermediate,
euetgetle 'We may be Able tf) get 14 itVe gid to 1%fAy vwl and &4. IX TUX NIP SEEDS I have the cry beat and the largest y1elders
u( -w litgistrar of that have been grown.
from. outsMe t9 lowta in 0= town, we
1 to oure ies `The:"
MUSICAL COODS, =-t should, remaml*t, th,� old Sotifth =axLmt 1vader -of �tbom all,"
-Wag cu Tuesday evening
Braoe jr-winly, DUT01t BETTS wholesale or retail.
that—%,Theie Are ziao *Zk 1�.g fyjr iit s A V -00'a mile, Al *OZ006
vt!�F;mtwA A01114�,gded caiia and ENGLISH UULTIPLIE RS and POTATO ONION$,
folk, aull—'rhe &11y -s hen 3S U�aer'• Aytrls PHIS �outowftstipgfiozk 4 1,raqu-t by his friends its A- CAR of the BEST SHE I) CORN for thIs part of the Country, all
than the deal ye� no, hen.", fulr-'r;rr, urfiDly T,* 0OP SLID.
expressly kept for seed. NO MD, VATO11 CORN SOLD 11ME I . SL
Guitars Haltom Barley, Bug Prool" Peas, and the new tigowo, White Oats.
of thio Huron
,iL,vewioat. I would advi" sopw
-a out of Also a, new'graln 11 Splitz 11 best described as a, aombinatim of Wheat, RYO ,
(,un., a, 1�gvin
SheOt Ylusie. 19to, r6rtyaaarsxtr _g Inovc 1 have to and Barley ,yields enormously and is a better food for Cattle, parses, Pigs
"Wenty.four Atf tumtivv "Wer einz*., IWW* tu &Fbign to F4montiville, VA
"Ounty Council andllebs thin tiny, other article now known. havyielded 80t0100
b1.6 f/At ;ft 610 C
-96 906dA flb- -
SW,e are bound to e10% 01.1t the tvielic Ab %t *Z4 J60,J0,10 btishels per acre, and it makes a good substitute for bay.
*a& will ytcU them very, yetyvhea.3y. brom-Nal trotitlm All VruggivtM AftPIr CW, jvw� For anything in the seed line call olid get quotatious.
If you lwro "r=u
—Andrew Palton"Dite of the Coir 4*""*"*b6VW 1*n°fix , I I A few barrels of seed potatoes for WN
M WAN 0 --IM" , I r MEN ANY)
'tIATsIA., fix old t*t6b.
LIS v P�AR K: of *`ro�'totev O'ba vho, 9%'re th,5 tuft Im
HA1 c �t wne, ay,4� wu for u%,aryet" its ;"t• -
I - I A
4%f.rxt. r►sre
MacdongW Block, Wing1larn. i died st Prwott on April *Xh. As MIL 0